Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 14, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    Monday, September 14, 1953
Capital Women
Van Horn-Johns Ceremony
At Presbyterian Church
The Tint Prihvtri.n
church mi the scene for a pret
ty wedding Sundiy afternoon
when Milt Beverly June Johns,
daughter ol Mr. end Mr C. B.
Johm, wis mirried to Billy
Joe Van Horn, ton of Mr. ind
Mn. E. . Van Horn of Cin
yonviUe. Dr. Piul N. Poling
officiated t the 4:30 o'clock
Yellow ind oringe glad
ioluses md csndelibrums with
lighted tiperi decorated the
church for the lervice. Mn.
Derald Knittle ind Mlti Pat
ricia McBeth were the candle
lighters. both wearina ioui.
ballerina-length frocks. For the
muilc, Ronald Craven ting,
Mrs. Ralph Dobbs playing the
Mr. Johns give his daughter
in marriage. She wore a dress
of nylon net and lice, the bod
ice ind sleeves of the lice
which also was used in apron
effect over the pleated net
and her flowers were oringe
nd yellow blooms.
Miss Rem Vin Horn, sister
of the bridegroom, ind Miss
Bsrbira Seeber were the
bridesmslds. They wore iqua
colored taffeta dresses and
their flowers ilso were oringe
ind yellow gladioluses.
Kay Van Horn, sister of the
bridegroom, was flower girl,
wearing an aqua frock.
Neil Daugherty was best
man. Ushers were Ddrence
Notboom and Stanley stem
dorf. 1 .
For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Johns wore blue suit
with blick iccessories ind
corsige of red roses. The
bridegroom's mother wort
griy suit with blue iccessories
and corsage of pink roses.
Reception Follows
The reception following else
wsi at the church. Miss Lena
Belle Tartar cut the cake. Mrs.
Walter Larson poured. Assist-
Miss Katka
Wed Here
skirt. The fingertip veil wis ling were Miss Una Mae Gray-
arranged from a small esp of less, Mrs. Linsey Duval, Mrs.
satin covered with lice - ind
trimmed with pearls. The bride
carried white Bible on which
wis a lavender orchid, white
blossoms caught in the stream
Sister Attends
Mrs. John Dixon of New
York City wis matron of honor
for her sister. She wore a sal-1st Salem at 2S89 North
mon-colored dress' of taffeta street after September 20.
BUI WoodalL Miss Jackie
When the couple left on
their weddin trip, the bride
wis wearing a tray suit of tiny
black and white squire cnecK
with blick accessories cd cor
sace of orchids.
The couple will bi at nome
5 th
Miss Dyke
Is Bride
A wedding of Saturday even
ing was that of Miss Dorothy
Dyke and Walton H. Reeve,
the ceremony being solemnized
at 8 o'clock in the First Chris
tian church with the Rev. Don
ald Payne officiating.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Dyke
and Mr. Reeve Is the ion of Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Reeve.
Blue delphiniums ind white
gladioluses decorated the
church for the service. Light
ing the tapers were Miss Betty
Davenport and Miss Jean Hart
shorn of Portland. For the mu
sic, Betty Hagen sang, Mrs. J.
M. Cracroft pliying the organ.
The bride wore a dress of
satin and lace, the bodice of
. lace; and an overskirt of net
with tiers of lace extending
into a train. The fingertip veil,
lace edged, wai held in place
by a Juliet cap. The bride car
ried a bouquet of red roses.
The bride's sister, Mrs. D. E.
Dulworth of Temple City,
Calif., was matron of honor.
She was in mist blue taffeta
with matching Jacket, and car
ried a fan bouquet ot blue del
phiniums and gladioluses.
Mrs. James Stewart and Miss
Kay Perrin were bridesmaids,
both wearing blue but In deep
er shade, and carrying bou
quets ot blue delphiniums and
Best man was Jack Bolen
ot Portland.
Groomsmen were Robert
Reul and Robert Luther, and
usnering were Richard Eng
land, Portland, and David
Masses. ,
ine nnaes mother wore a
blue lace dress with pink ac
cessories and the bridegroom's
mother wore a beige suit with
matching accessories.
, The reception was in the
church parlors. Mrs. Cordon
Dyke of Duarte, Calif., and
Mrs. Delbert Kurtz poured.
Mrs. Cody Evans cut the cake,
Mason Cnappelle assisting,
For going away, the bride
wore a gray auit with red ac
cessories. The couple left on
a trip for the Oregon coast and
upon their return will be at
home in Corvallis, Mr. Reeve
to continue his studies at Ore
gon State college.
Chapter Reports
On Summer Events
.Reports of summer activities
were given on Saturday night
t the first business meeting of
me laii tor saiem chapter, Or
der of Eastern Stir. The group
met it the Masonic temple,
Mrs. F. North reported on the
rummage sale; John Graybill
. on the picnic and Mrs. Norman
Fletcher, Job s Daughters sctlv.
It wis announced t h t
"luncheon is served" will be
put on by Salem chapter lunch
eon club, October 21. Mrs. Joe
Griffin is general chairman for
the affair.
Serving on the refreshment
committee Saturday night were
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Earlywine,
chairmen; assisted by Mr end
Mrs. T. W. Leisure, George Ed
wards, Kenneth Morris, F. E.
Graham and Melvin Gallaspy.
Salem chapter luncheon club
will gather on Wednesday at
noon at the Masonle temple.
Miss Helen Fletcher will be
chairman assisted by Mrs. Sidle
Grant, Mrs. Marjorle Woods,
Mrs. A. L. Willie and Mrs.
Sari Burch.
Miss Sunderlin
Wed Recently
Mill Patricia Sunderlin,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Z. C,
Sunderlin, and Ramsay E. Mil
ler, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ramsay E. Miller, were mar
ried Saturday, September 6, at
a service In the First Christian
church, the Rev. Dudley Strain
The bride wore a dress of
white satin with in overskirt of
net on which were appllqued
white velvet flowers. The
three-quarters length veil was
arranged from a velvet crown.
For her flowers the bride car
ried a bouquet ot orchids end
Miss Joan Juul was maid ot
honor. She wore a pink net
over latin dress, ballerina
length, with matching hat, and
carried a bouquet of white
gladioluses. (
Misse Diane Stewart and Ar-
lene Werner were bridesmaids,
both wearing ballerina length
frocks of blue embossed organ
dy with matching hats, and car
rying bouqueta of pink gladio
luses. Cheryl Lynn Kindle was
flower girl, wearing a pink
frock with matching hat.
Greg Shrike ind Divid
Snook were 'he two triln bear
Delton Miller was best man
for his brother. Ushering were
Thomas Walden. Eugene Le-
bold, William Beckett, John
M. Rex and Lawrence A,
Scheelar, Jr.
The reception following was
at the church. Mrs. Harold
Snook and Mrs. M. H. Drake
poured. Cutting the cake were
Mrs. C. O. Glllmlng, aunt of
the bride, and Mrs. Norris Stev
ens cut the cake. Msr. Warren
Shrake was in charge of the gift
For going away the bride
wore a black and white dress
with Jacket, trimmed in black
velvet, black velvet hat and
The couple will be at home
in Salem.
Classes Starting
For YW Schedule
The fall series of classes it
the YWCA is starting.
Tuesdiy evening oil paint
ing, taught by Cirl Hall from
Willamette university, will be
a "family night" with men
and children, as well as worn
en Invited to attend.
A millinery class will be dl-
rected by Miss Marie Baker,
from Miller a millinery depart'
ment. Registration for the class
is limited. Two classes In Eng
lish, beginning and advanced
will begin October 8. Two be
ginners bridge classes will be
taught on Thursday, one in the
morning one in the evening,
Bunny Mason, professional
golfer, will give lessons on
Thursday and Saturday morn-
i n g, beginning October 8
Creative courses in copper and
textile painting will begin
Sept. 21.
Children's crafts will be of
fered on Saturday mornings.
A special United Nations study
group will start meeting In
ROME AFTER attending the
Pendleton Round-Up list week
ire Cmdr. ind Mrs. Sam Mai
licoit, children. Silly ind
Simmy ind Gill Brown.
A bride Siturdiy evening
wis Miss Margaret Ann Kitka,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arvo
W. Katka, her marriage to
Thomas Theodore Dodd, son ot
Wilbur E. Dodd, Sr., of Nels
cott, Ore., being solemnized at
8 o'clock In Halbert Memorial
Baptist church.
Bsskets ot yellow, orchid and
white gladioluses and asters
decorated the church, candela-
brums also being used-md
whiet, aisle runner. The Rev.
Robert Sanders officiated at the
rites. For the music, Miss Vel
va Clark sang preceding the
service, Mrs. Robert Sanders
claying the accompaniment,
the Rev. Mr. Sanders sang The
Lord's Prayer.
Lighting the candles were
Miss Linda Benson, weiring a
light green frockl ind Miss
Shirley Katka of Seattle, cous
in of the bride, also In green.
Given In marriage by her
father, the bride wore a dress of
satin and Chantmy lice, me
bodice and sleeves were of the
laca which ' also extended
around the hlpline and into the
court-length train. The yoke
was of nylon net with a wing
collar. The bride carried a
sunburst bouquet of stephan
otli with streamers, a white or
chid in the center with tiny
Mrs. Curtis Martin, cousin of
the bride, was honor attendant
Miss Janice Siddall was brides
maid. The attendants wore or
chid frocks in three shades,
Miss Siddall's being in deeper
shades, Mrs. Martin's in lighter
color, while the flower girl.
Mare! Sue Tibbetti, was
dressed in a frock of pale or-1
chid. The attendants carried
sunburst bouquets of orchid
gladioluses and Talisman roses,
tied with green streamers.
Doran Katka, cousin of the
bride, was ring bearer. -
Wilbur E. Dodd, Jr., was best
man for his brother. Ushering
were Gene Musick, Curtis Mar
tin, George Strozut, rJ,
The bride s mother wai at
tired in a plum colored suit
with black accessories and cor
sage ot orchids. Mrs. Harold
Juhler, aunt of the bridegroom,
wore a beige suit with orchids.
Mrs. Ida Katka and Mrs. Ju
lia Olson, grandmothers ot the
bride, also attended the wed
ding. '
The reception was in the
church socizl room. Mrs. Don
Humphries cut the cake. Mrs,
D. E. Bessick, sister ot the
bridegroom, poured and at the
punch bowl was Mrs. . R.
Rousu, aunt of the bride. Oth
ers assisting were Mrs. Carl
Roseueare, cousin of the bride,
Miss Ethel Faith RobI, Miss
Jeanette Siddall, Miss Sue
Dodd, sister of the bridegroom,
Miss Priscllla Durham, Mrs.
Roy Vibbert, Mrs. W. Z. Dodd,
Jr., Mrs. Robert Stamper and
Jack Benson.
For traveling, the bride wore
a gray suit with red accessories
and corsage ot white orchids.
The couple have gone to
California, the bridegroom be
ing stationed with the U. S.
naval air force.
Some Notations . . .
VISITORS in Salem on Sun
day were Mr. and Mrs. Harley
Dix ot Detroit, Mich., who
visited with an uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Davies.
It was "happy anniversary"
greetings to Dr. and Mrs. Floyd
t'tter, Sunday, the couple ob
serving their 40th wedding an
niversary it the open house for
which they entertained a large
group of friends between 3:30
and 8 o'clock . . . The home was
massed with beautiful flowers,
close friends of the couple who
knew the dste sending meny
bouquets and floral arrange
ments, although the Utters
made no mention of the occa
sion in sending out their invi
tations . . . Mrs. George C. Will
arranged a large bouquet of
pink gladioluses in the hall . . .
The "ruby anniversary," ruby
red featured the decor . . . The
Utters received guests informal
ly before the fireplace, Mrs.
Utter wearing a deep mauve
lace dress and holding a nose
gay of garnet red roses, white
carnations and bouvardia . . .
On the mantel was a long low
arrangement of red gladioluses
and old-fashioned ribbon grass,
a bouquet sent by the Kapna
terians club to which Mrs. Ut
ter belongs ...
In one corner of the den was
a large red anthurium sent over
especially from Hawaii by Miss
Ana Monson who .lived at the
Utter home while in Salem . . .
The punch table was set in
the den . . . It was covered with
floor length gray and pink
embossed nylon cloth, ruby-red
ribbon looped around the table
and caught up at the corners
with bows . . . Floating on top
the ruby-red punch in the large
crystal bowl were rubrum lily
blooms ...
The long table in the dining
room was covered with a floor
length ruby satin cloth . . The
centerpiece was of white roses
with a few rubrum lilies, and
arranged diagonally from the
flowers were silver candela
brums with white tapers . . .
Napkins were lettered with the
years 1913-1953 to reveal the
anniversary . . .
Among those greeted during
our call, including several as
sisting, Mrs. Prince W. Byrd,
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Arens, Mr.
and Mrs. R. H. Baldock, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Lockenour, Mr.
and Mrs. George, Alexander,
Congressman and Mrs. Walter
Norblad, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Burlingham, Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert C. Gragg, Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce F. Pickett, Mrs. Frank
H. Spears, Mrs. T. W. Creech,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Y. Thorn
ton, Dr. and Mrs. W. Wells
Baum, Mr. and Mrs. E. Burr
Miller, Mrs. Aureus. Grim, Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Keech, Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Skopil, Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Williams, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles H. Heltzel, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry V. Collins, Mrs.
Harold M. Olinger, Mrs. John
J. Griffith, Mrs. John H. Hann,
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S.
Lamport, Mrs.' A. W. Loucks,
Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Woodman-
see, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. Russel
E, Pratt, Mrs. Ernest Arneson,
Mrs. John Hughes, Dr. and Mrs.
Frank Prime ...
The Utters' son and daughter-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Utter and their sons, Richard,
Douglas and Philip, were here
from Portland for the event, the
other three children of the hosts
being unable to attend . . .
Among other out-of-town
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Merton
DeLong, Mrs. Luella Fruit, Mrs.
By M. L.F.
Charles B. Martin, Mrs. Helen
Hamilton, all of Portland; Mrs.
David M. Graham of Eugene,
State Fair week for about
100 closed with a gala party
Saturday night at the Marion
hotel when Helene Hughes, pro
ducer of the night revue given
durine the fair, entertained
with an Hawaiian luau, assist
ed by members of the cast for
the show . . . Attending were
the show cast, state fair offic-
ials, press representatives and
several Salem friends who have
worked with Miss Hughes our
ina her stay here . . . Originally,
it had been planned to give the
luau on the Fair Grounds, but
the weather being a bit uncer
tain, it was changed to the ho
tel, the pleasant day coming
after the setting had been
chanced ...
Orchids from Hawaii, as well
as other favors typical of the
Islands, were used in decorat
ing, and each guest was pre
sented a vanda orchid . . . The
buffet was set in the marine
room.. . . Featured was a suckl
ing pig roasted with herbs and
seasonings used in the Islands,
but there were many other
dishes featured in Hawaii, in
cluding a special marinated
fish salad, green beans cooked
with almonds and celery, fried
rice the way tne island ioik
like it, and fruit dainties . , .
Princess Luana (Mrs. Hoyt
Miles) and Elana (Mrs. Elana
Francola) and others of the cast
assisted in preparing some of
the food . . . Tables, decked
with ferns and orchids and
bowls of grapes, were arranged
flat on the floor, some of the
guests sitting on the floor to en
joy the feast, although regu
lar small tables were arranged
around the room, too . . . Gene
Sheldon, who was in one of the
star comedy acts in the show
was "in charge ot the punch
bowl, featuring Hawaiian fruit
juices ...
During the evening some of
the cast members 'whipped
out" some of the pineapple
straw hats for the guests . . ,
Several of the cast staged im
promptu dancing and music to
conclude the party ...
Among those at the party
Dr. Earl B. Stewart, Roseburg,
chairman of the state fair
board, and Mrs. Stewart; Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Hall of Os
wego, Russell Brown of Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ah
rens of Turner, the men all
members of the state fair board;
Leo Spltzbart, manager of the
fair; George McMurphey, pub
licity director for the fair;
Charles Ireland, Mrs. Robert
Ebersole. both in the publicity
office; John Kelly of the fair
office; Mrs. Velma Farmer, Mrs.
Karl Beeke, Mr. and Mrs. M. M.
Magee, Mr, and Mrs. Homer
G. Lyon , Jr., Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Rowan, Mr. and Mrs.;
Floyd Scott, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Evans, Leon Margosian,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul All, and rep
resentatives from the various
newspapers covering the fair . .
Miss Mix Wed Sunday
In Independence Church
The Calvary Presbyterian
church in Independence was
the scene for a wedding of in
terest to many friends in the
valley, Sundiy, when Miss
Margaret A. Mix, daughter of
Mr. ind Mrs. Ira h. Mix of
Independence, was married to
Ronald Clark Bartley, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Bartley
of Canyonville. Dr. E. W. War
rington ot Salem First Pres
byterian church read the vows
at4 o'clock for the couple.
Lavender shades featured the
decorative theme. Lavender
chrysanthemums and purple
gladioluses decorated the
church for the wedding. For
the music, Dave Kennedy sang,
Mrs. Homer Grow of Roseburg
playing the organ.
Lighting the candies were
Miss Marljo Smith, wearing a
mauve taffeta dress, and Steph
en Pfaff.
In Mauve Taffeta '
The bride wore a Rantique
model dress ol soft mauve taf
feta. The bodice was styled in
molded lines with a shell neck
line and a lace bertha collar
over the shoulders. The full
length sleeves were pointed
over the wrists, hands. Tne full
skirt had inverted pleats at the
waistline and extended into a
cotillion train. The- fingertip
veil was of embroidered silk
illusion net brought by the
bride from Venice, Italk. For
her flowers, the bride carried a
bouquet of lavender baby or
chids, with a large white one
in the center. Mr. Mix gave his
daughter in marriage. I
Mrs. Larry Walker of Corval
lis, sister of the bride, was
honor attendant She wore a
floor-length rose mauve taf
feta frock.
Miss Ann .Swell of Tulare,
Calif., and Miss Nancy Max
well of Portland were brides
maids, both wearing dresses
like that of the ' matron of
honor's in rose mauve taffeta.
Howard Kinzey of Elma,
Wash., was best man and ush
ering were Oliver Allen of
Corvallis, John Matthews of
Drain, Roger Giles ot Goble.
The bride's mother wore a
gray-blue taffeta waltz-length
dress with corsage of gardenias.
The bridegroom's mother
wore a green chiffon over taf
feta dress with corsage ot gar
denias. - .' .
Live in Corvallis
The reception was at the In
dependence Woman's club. Cut
ting the cake were Mrs. Hollis
S. Smith of Dallas and Mrs.
Charles F. Morris of Mercer
Island, Wash., aunts of the
bride; Mrs. M. W. Black of Sa
lem, Mrs. J. E. Penman of
Portland, Mrs. J, D. Edwards of
Gridlay, Calif., poured; and
assisting were Miss Janice
Dworak, Mrs. Melvin Stuwe,
Mrs. Powell Morris, Mrs. Don
ald Hlrschy.
For traveling, the bride wore
a forest green suit with sable
brown accessories and the or
chid from her bridal bouquet.
Following a short trip, the
couple will be at home at 23S !
21st street, apartment 2. Cor
Miss Lord Plans r
Trip to East Coast
Miss Elizabeth Lord la leav
ing by plane Wednesday tor thi
east coast for a trip ot six
weeks or so.
She will go first to Washing
ton, D. C, to be with her
nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Lord, ind while there
will ilso call on Secretary of
the Interior and Mrs. Douglas
The Melvin Lords ire leaving
October 14 for Spiin to make
their permanent residence, Mr.
Lord to be in business there.
Following two weeks In
Washington, Miss Lord will go
to Vermont to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Enos Stockbridge. Mr.
Stockbridge is a cousin. Misa
Lord plans then to go on to
New York City in time to see
the Melvin Lords off for
Europe. i
Birthday Event
Nancy Ann Deacon, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Deason, Monmouth, celebrated
her first birthday with a party
at the home of her grandmoth
er, Mrs. Walter Erickson, on
Those feting Nancy included
Mrs. Winnie Hamenn, great
grandmother; Mrs. Harold
Deacon, grandmother, and
daughter, Judy; Mrs. Richard
Allen and Gayle, Mrs. James
Hollis, and Kathy, Mrs. Jerry
Jadin, Mrs. George Lindahl,
Margaret and Tommy of Inde
pendence; Mrs. Wilber Note
boom and Billy, Mrs. Gordon
Greggory and David, Miss Sal
ly Erickson, Mrs. Kenneth Dea
con and the hostess, Mrs, Erick
son. .......
SCIO A bridal shower was
given Friday night for Miss
Marianne Bell, at the home of
Miss Jolly Krossman at West
Miss Bell was wed to Ear
nest Podrabsky of Mill City on
Sunday at the Methodist
church in Lebanon.
A DAUGHTER, their third
child, . was born Friday, Sep
tember 11, at Salem General
hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Ber
tram Sturm. The older chil
dren in the family are John and
Mark. The Sturm family soon
will be moving to Portland,
Mr. Sturm being transferred
there in his business.
Overlund left for Corvallitt
Saturday, to resume her work
of the past few college years
and will live at the home of a
sister, Mrs. Clara Loe. Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Towe accompan
ied Mrs. Overlund to Corvallis
and will remain there for sev
eral days. Mrs. Towi is a sister
of Mrs. Overlund and Mrs.
Loe. -
RETURNING this week-end
from a weeks trip to Victoria
and Vancouver were Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce F. Pickett.
115 N. Liberty
Today's Menu
company aeserves such a
very special dish as this de
lectable combination of chick
en, ham and mushrooms with
a cheese topping.
Tomato Bouillon
Chicken Eugenie with
Green Peas
Steamed Rice Salad Bowl
Chocolate Cake Beverage
Chicken Eugenie
Ingredients: Vs cup butter, 2
whole chicken breasts (4
halves), 1 tablespoon finely
diced onion, 3 tablespoons
flour, Vi teaspoon salt, V4 tea
spoon paprika, V teaspoon
pepper, 1 cup milk, one 3-ounce
can sliced broiled mushrooms,
lVi cups finely diced cooked
ham, grated cheese, cooked
green peas.
Method: Melt butter in skll
let over moderate heat. Cut
chicken breasts in half and re
move from bone. Brown the
tour fillets ot chicken breast on
both sides in the butter. Re
move to shallow greased bak
ing dish or Individual casse
roles. Add onion to butter in
skillet and cook 1 minute. Stir
in flour, salt, paprika and pep
per. Add contents of can of
mushrooms. Cook and stir con
stantly, until sauce thickens and
boils; add ham. Pour mixture
over chicken breasts. Sprinkle
lightly with grated cheese;
bake in moderate (3S0F) oven
until chicken is tender, about
33 minutes. Serve with but
tered green peas around edge
of dish, Mikes 4 generous servings.
Engagement Told
Announced Friday night was
the engagement ot Miss Jean
Jorgensen, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Jorgensen, to Fred
die Wells, son of Mrs. Chris
tine Wells and the late Norris
E. Wells ot Marion.
The bride-elect is a grad
uate of Salem high and Mr
Wells, a graduate of Cascade
high. Miss Jorgensen works for
the state and Mr. Wells in Al
No date has been set for the
111 I. High Ph. 43751
hi the CiplW Ihepplni (titer
) T0UR I
Shower Given
Four Corners A bridal
shower fis given last week at
the M. L. Hopkins home com pi i
menting their daughter, Miss
Glorea Hopkins, who was mar
ried Sunday to Ernest Ediger,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Sol N. Ed
lger of Dallas.
Guests invited to honor the
bride were her mother, Mrs
M. L. Hopkins, her sister, Miss
Judy Hopkins, Mr. Ediger's
mother, Mrs. Sol N. Edigir, his
sister, Miss Joyce Ediger, and
Mrs. George VanLecuwen.
Mrs. E. Henne, Mrs. Ernest
Hausfield, Mrs. Cecil Snook.
Mrs. E. A. Snook, Mrs. Marion
Fuller, Mrs. Bob Wright, Mrs.
Harold Holler, Mrs. Ella Cars
ten, Mrs. Paul France, Mrs. El
don France, Mrs. S. H. Cable.
Mrs. E. S. Chitttck, Mrs. Oliver
Rickman, and the Misses Helen
Hausfeld, Vivian Allman, Janet
Loucks, Betty Henne, Marilyn
Snook, Doris Chittick, Sharon
Hostesses for the evening
were Mrs. Victor Loucks, Mrs.
Vernon Forest, Mrs. Victor Dus
enberry. '
Quality tad Economy. . .
for limited time only
utof H youthful re
itflct. tat Bfseioui lost
moisturt, tht njtursl Will
KINETICS ikiiikmu
srt UnotovWeneed, sypo
tllersemc tenched witb
Tropicoil, SUPER-RICH)
They art compitiblt with
tlx ntturtl oils el tlx ikia
sihI Km ttn ability Is
penelrstt. to soften, to
soothe, to tatmcili sad
to protect
rum mm
a. a. sir ki
a UK im
SAVE MOST - 200 UBlflS 791
160 North Liberty St.
Salem, Ore. !
STORE HOURS: 9:30 A. M. to SS0 P. M.
Friday Night 'til 9 P.M.
300 Yds. Orion & Wool
55 Orion - 45 Wool
Start whipping It up right now in to wooMook
"seporates" plan to hove a suit in the plaid with
on extra solid color skirt to motch odd a weskit
in the cheek for the plain skirt! Moke slacks, jump
ers ond skirts They'll oil have that million dol.
lar look but not the price. Trust Penney's to see
to thot! 60" wide.