Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 14, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    Monday, September 14, 19S3
Local Paragraph.
Camsra Club U Meet The
Salem Camera club will meet
tonight at the Albany city hall
at 8. The meeting U la conjunc
tion with the Albany Camera
Blood Drawbif Canceled
The military blood drawing
that was ached uled by the Red
Croia for Thursday of this
week ass been canceled. The
regular drawing will be held
October 1.
Teacher Training The
state boards of education and
higher education will meet
here jointly at 2 p. m. Wed-
nesday to discuss teacher
training. The board of higher
education also will meet on
Wednesday morning In Port
land. Interim Meeting The Leg
islative Interim Tax Commit
tee, which Is studying' t h
property tax system, will hold
an all-day meeting , Tuesday
at the state office building in
Thief Gets 30 Days Nets
Ivan ChrL-topheraon, one of
five youths charged with the
theft of several turkeys re
cently from a ranch in the
Mission Bottom area, was
sentenced to 30 days in the
Aunty jail Monday for his
part in the affair. The four
yiunger youths have been cer
tified to the Marion county
juvenile court.
Medal Winner Mary Jane
Wait, Rickreall, won the first
division medal in the "Clinic
in the Sky" baton contest at
Wriglitwood, Calif., Septem
ber 5. She was competing
with 18 other girls in the Jun
ior division. She also won a
baton and two other medals
in speed contests. Raymond
Carl, Leslie Junior High
school bsnd teacher, is her
Brace Knapp
Heads Council
Dr. Brace Knapp was elect
ed president of the Salem
Church council at a meeting at
the First Methodist church
Sundsy afternoon. He will re
placed Winston Taylor, who
has gone to San Francisco.
The council voted to con
gratulate the governor on his
decision to ban the sale of beer
at the state fair.
Other business before the
council was plans for the forth
coming talk on October 2 by
Floyd Schmoe, who is repre
senting the Houses for Korea
hospital in aid assistance,
organization. The council is al
so working to assist in obser
vation of United Nations week
and to further the council's
work as volunteers at the state
Chief of Police
(Continued from Pae 1)
The proprietors, Mr. and
Mrs. John W. Jones, were
aroused by the noise and ob
served that a checker-shirted
youth was apparently tamper
ing with the gas tank on the
car. Jones told officers he
turned on lights in their home
and the boys fled in their car
up the mountain road.
Attempted to Stop Car
Tharp, Lewis County Sher
iff Earl Hilton and Deputies
Amundsen and Ed Stanich set
up a road block in the vicinity
of the hotel. Hilton drove up
the mountain road In search of
the youths.
There are no side roads off
the park road, so the officers
knew the boys would have to
return the way they went in.
Hilton sDotted their car and at
tempted to stop it before they
got out of the park on their re
turn trip.
Mr Out of Control
Confronted by the roadblock,
the automobile veered into the
motel's parking area in an si
iemnt to bvnass the barricade
aaid James. The officers
oDened fire.
The car went out of control
and plunged over an embank
ment, crashing onto the road
bed about 25 feet below.
The driver and his compan
ion were not hurt. Young Nel
son had been shot by a Win
chester rifle. Dr. James said.
Nelson was alive but died the
moment he was brought up to
the road.
Hints - To Mr. and Sir ;
ni. it, in Mem at. a iuu
Scot, it.
BAl.tal'atlcZBAf. BOSMTAL
km I. Cleremoal, n""
055-3. Mr. .04 MM. ."
rurr. iua Beet Aft.. a cor. ft,1-;
rturaon. m Boone - dwmm
burgersto . tad v.". ,?
Burteee. startoa. a ' -DRAPSLA
To Mr. awl VTU
Drip, It, J Hi Berry ' ,i
tiKtert, JU. I, o
opt, II
George Maaoa Berne George
Mason of Rickreall, whe was
injured in an accident with a
load of lumber seven weeks
ago and who has sine been in
a Dallas hospital, la now con
valescing at his borne.
Sports Meet Indoor Sports
club will have a corn-on-tha
cob dinner ana meetinc at 1
o'clock Sunday at the home of
Mrs. Grace Webber. 4175 Port.
land Road. It will be an out
door dinner, weather permit
Car Ransacked Someone
broke the window wing on
tne car of Mrs. Sophia Han'
nan, 891 Bellvue street. Sal
urday evening, while it was
parked In the 400 block of
Mill street city police reoort
ed. The car was ransacked but
apparently nothing was taken,
iney said.
Larceny of Wood Three
youths drove to his woodlot
Sunday morning, loaded their
trailer with wood after asking
the price, and then drove off
without paying for it, Harley
Robinson, 2214 North Front
street, reported to city police.
Freeier Robbed One tur
key and several chickens were
taken from a deep freeze in
her garage Sunday evening,
Mrs. Victor Vermeuler, 1243
North 18th street, reported to
city police.
Cars Bump Cars driven by
George Robinson Clipfell,
Route 1, Lyons, and Charles
Ellis Hanson, Portland, col
lided Sunday morning at the
intersection of Center and
Church streets, with minor
damage to each car, city police
reports said.
Sisters Youth Jailed A 17-
year-old Sisters youth was ar
rested by city police on three
separate charges Sundsy eve
ning after he was stopped on
a traffic violation. The youth
was lodged in the city Jail
until court Monday morning
when fines of $5 each were
paid for having switched car
license year tabs and expired
license plates. A charge of
carrying a concealed weapon
was dismissed. Police said a
.22 caliber revolver was found
In a holster in the car.
Bar Certificates The 112
men who successfully passed
the Oregon state bar examine
tlons In July will be here
Tuesday afternoon to receive
their certificates and hear ad
dresses by members of the Su
preme Court.
Nursery School Articles of
incorporation were filed here
today for the Happytime nurs
ery school, with headquarters
in the First Christian church
of Salem. They were signed
by Cella' P. Butler, Ruth E.
KnaDO. Shirley Frances Ma
ler and Elizabeth A. Skinner.
At Rotary Club The Salem
Rotary club plans to snow a
film entitled "Behind the Tro-
ohv" at its Wednesday noon
luncheon at the Marion hotel.
The film will be presented by
R. C. Holloway, chief of tne
department of information and
education of the Oregon uiaie
game commission.
Buildinc Permit Fred
Puulus, to reroof a two-story
dwelling at 1556 North Church,
$500. Marvin Lewis, to alter a
rest room at 490 South Liberty,
$1000. Union Security com
pany, to alter a carport at 196
South Commercial, $250. Wil
liam Ooland. to build a one-
story dwelling and garage at
2360 Claude, $8500. Haipn i
Metz. to alter a garage at 2485
East Nob Hill, to $50. J. W.
Nash, to reroof a one-story
dweling at 565 Howard, $200.
W. D. Edwards, to reroof a one
Summer, $75. Frank Young, to
repair a one-story dwelling at
35 Thompson, $3U.
. .At Golf Event In Eugene
this week for the annual Ore
gon Women's golf association
tournament are several mem
bers of the Salem Women's golf
association. Those playing In
the tournament include Mrs.
Kenneth Potts, Mrs. Glenn Wil
hur. Mrs. Frank Fish, Mrs.
Morris Crothers, Mrs. Ivan
Marble and Mrs. John R. Wood
r.nt nlav will continue all
Driver Cited Paul Sengs-
tr Jr.. 2855 Evergreen avenue,
was cited to muncipsi coon
Sunday evening by city police
on a recKiess orivui i.-uic
after he struck another car on
13th street as he was rounding
the corner off of Leslie street
Minor damage was done to the
t.ri.. lutrmmnt waves.
U UD 1 f '
machine or machineless $3.00
ud 250 S. toiiage. s-none
3-4C44. '
Sale. Beaver Hall
over Greenbaums, Sept 16.
n . i th slamorizinC
Treasure Tones. See our out
standing wsllpsper selection.
. r- C XT T iK
ChucK Ciarae .,
Fresh killed younl turkeys
to bake or fry. 39e pound. Or
wlL's Market. 3975 Sllverton
L ""Sir-K i.
TV Actress Lucille Ball and her husband, Desi Aram,
far newsmen at their suburban home in Hollywood to
tell how Miss Ball signed an affidavit in 1936 registering
herself to vote on the Communist ticket. She said she did
not vote the Communist ticket and added she registered
that way only to please her grandfather, now dead. (AP
Mrs. Edwards
Dies Suddenly
Mrs. Mary Jane Edwards,
late resident of il80 Waller
street and wife of Arthur J.
Edwards, died early Monday
morning at a local convales
cent home after suffering a
heart attack.
Mrs. Edwards, who is the
mother of Cecil L. Edwards,
Aloha, Oregon, state racing
Stewart, suffered a broken
hip there three weeks ago and
had been in the convalescent
home since. She was thought
be recovering and the heart
attack was unexpected.
A native of Salem, Mrs,
Edwards was born here July
20, 1881, and was the daugh
ter of Jack Greene and El
len Crowley Green, early res
idents here. She was married
to Arthur J. Edwards in Sa
lem August 20, 1902. Ed
wards for almost a century
prior to his retirement was
pressman for the Oregon
Surviving besides the hus
band and the son are a daugh
ter, Mrs. Russell Mefford of
Salem; and two granddaugh
ten, Mary Jane and Judy
Mefford, both of Salem.
Announcement of funeral
services will be made later
by the W. T. Rigdon company
Machines Bobbed A gum
machine at the Bligh restau.
rant was taken into the alley
and broken open by thieves
Saturday night, city police re
ported. About 20 cents was
taken by the thieves and about
$12 worth of merchandise was
ruined. An attempt was made
to break into the soft drink
machine at the Richfield aery.
ice station, 876 South Commer
cial street Sunday night, but it
failed, police said.
Vandals Break Windows
Vandals have broken out the
windows recently in a vacant
house at 1775 North Church
street, city police reports said
Circuit Court
atou or orctoa oi rw aorut . utter i-
rn TO Ben P. Doorkoca and B. X. Tim
mormon, mottoe. kr Ben P. Poorkton to
horo boll Todueoe. Ordoro4 aoU roducod
Uom sua to liot.
Betty Jcon Ruolell To Loror Buoooll,
demurrer tiled br deferment.
Probate Court
Bitot of A. J. ahumeker, ordered vie:
October It, :! a.m., bo appoint oar
tor aettiemoat f oetoto.
Alleo Andereon, tuerdlan t minor, pe
tition for autnorltr to compromlae
cloim reoultlns from tnjurr t minor
Frederick and Bruno zueniie, averro
Herri appointed tuerdlan f the octet.
Sitito of A. B. Condon. Crlitena O
Covden dlorharaed M admrautrotru.
eut eottled.
t.i.l. f Horrv A. jjohnaon. order ap-
proTlnf (lal K count decreo l die-
la octet of Crete O. Weftver, Wllbert
D. Wrer UiorUed t oil rttbt. title,
end tntereat.
tot f Anton Von Handel,
order, eseeatrts dloehartod and
melon S. Hemllton. tnberttanee til
declared e to I1IU.1I plot uteroot.
rronklla Tucker, ardor confirm tne
f rl aropertr.
Orderod that Ann Blackburn Taunt
i eooolnted tvordlen of two minor
ehlldrea t CHIr and nclea Cotter.
District Court
Bel Iron Chrutaphema. larcon at
nottltrr, JS dre In countr is 11.
Wllllem Arthur Stemet. Portland, at.
talnlnt money ay role bt. huh wore.
preltminory ireorint. aouna orer a
triad )rr. aeM la lieu al Ileal kail.
Municipal Court
Pred burton Moon, MUveuklo. drlr
int whil iatoa1id. Jelled ra lie al
I3M line.
Paul oa:ettr Jr. atl Brart reoa art-
an. roeklet drtTtaa. cited ta eeerL
Richard T. Heanoa. all Rorta Had
street, reeklcee drlrlat. pat IH fine.
t. w. Moraaa. 111 Rut otroel su.
orderly soadwet, pelt Hot flat.
Otea Ceroid Dltlt, ttl South Cipltel
leeull tnd ktttory .municipal asurt
SouSh Likely to
(Continued from Page 1)
Former President Truman
began a day of party confer
ences after a brisk early morn
ing walk through Chicago's
downtown district.
The action disapproving the
proposal for a 1954 party con
vention was interpreted widely
as a move by leaders to avoid
dissension within the ranks
over such Issues as states rights
and civil rights which have
brought open breaks in the
party in the past.
Harmony Songht
Sen. McClellan (D., Ark.)
said ne regarded ue aecmon
as a "victory for the party,"
however, rather than a victory
for iU Dixie members.
"The less unnecessary fric
tion we have, the better it will
be for the party." he said.
A mid - term convention
would be suve to produce that
The 1954 convention - pro
posal was made by Paul But
ler, Indiana national commit
teeman, who told the confer
ence committee that he 'be
lieved such a meeting would
focus national attention on the
Democrats which otherwise
might be denied to them in
the course of next year's con
gressional campaign. -
Loyalty Oath Sidetracked
The controversial so-called
"loyalty oath" subject cropped
up at a meeting of state chair
men, but It was temporarily
L. Marion Cressette, South
Carolina state chairman, rec
ommended that the state chair
man go on record in favor of
repealing the pledge adopted
at last year's national conven
tion. The pledge required dele
gates to use every honorable
means to get the convention's
nominees on state ticket under
Democrsttc Party leading.
Gressette offered the mo
tion, but withdrew it when
State Chairman James A.
Ronan of Illinois said that he
didn't believe the meeting
should take any action on It
because "this Is Just an in
formal gathering."
Ronan was referring to the I
meeting of state chairmen.
e t
Bear Battles
For 3 Reindeer
Fort St John, B. C. U.B A
Reindeer herder from Texas
and his 13-year-old son, lost
three of their charges Sunday,
in a midnight battle with a
400-pound bear on the Alaska
Grady Carothers of Goldth-
waite, Texas, and his son Jack,
were trucking the reindeer
from Alaska to Texas when the
battle erupted where they had
bedded down for the night
south of Fort Nelson.
The best reindeer in the herd.
a fleet-footed male planned for
lead reindeer on the Santa
Claus entrance into Chicago,
was singled out by the bear
as his first victim.
After slashing the animal, it
attacked two others.
Carothers f o u g h t his way
through the milling, horn-tossing
animals and fire shot after
shot into the bear. Then he and
Jack loaded the 10 remaining
animals into the trailer and
drove the 300 miles south along
the Alaska Highway to Fort
St. John after first aid applied
to the reindeer by an RCAF
doctor at Fort Nelson.
DIAL 3-8853
Wally's Print Shop
Masonic Bldg. Stats a High
Sheriff's Deputy
Shoots Indian
Klamath Falls ) The
sheriffs office her reported
Sundsy that Ernost Decker,
a 10-year-old Indian, had
been shot fatally by sher
iff's deputy.
The deputy, Dale B. Smith,
ssld Decker charged at him
armed with hunting knife.
Ida deputy said the man
refused to come out of the
home of Decker's niece near
Bly, and threatened to kill
the deputy if he tried to go
into the house after Decker.
omitn ssid he later saw
Decker in a pickup truck in
Bly, and started walking to
ward him. He said Decker
jumped out, snd began flash.
ing witn a knife, cutting a
flap off the deputy's shirt
Smith said he shot Decker
then.- Sheriff Murray Brit
ton said it was obvious Smith
hs shot in self defense.
The district attorney: Frank
Alderaon, said the case would
go before the grand Jury when
it convenes Sept. 28.
Attendance at
(Continued from Page 1)
Pari-mutuel was ahead of the
previous year. In 1953 the
weekly total was $744,063 ar.d
in 1952 it was $647,268.
Also showing an increase this
year were the carnival re-
ceipts, including the adult rides,
luoay una ana the other at
tractions on the midway. It
was estimated t'at the carnival
area was about 11 uer cent
above list year.
Race attendance stood at 21..
379 this year and a year ago
3 Ring
Ideal for School
Or Offic
14c White
25c Gala
5 Cards fli
of 90 !& a
For Quick Relief
T!ll A
1 ",!i
.1 . at AAJ J ok.
1UW1 lIBMrr a , v m uw
The rodeo figure for the en
tire week was 26,522 compared
to 30,1 1 for the week in 1952.
Shew Dew a Bit
Figures for the week for the
night revue, which this year
had a Hawaiian theme, were
28,568. A year ago the week
ly figure was 29.005. 1
nt tub ciRcorT coubt op Tars
aaxrrAUPT. autkaaa and wile.
' . .
bio vile, H any. All l th unkava
Dertoeee and All of the aaaaava Belro
of B. T. Sodea.
hit alio. If en 7, All of th on know
Dovleee tad All f th aaaava Heirs
t Thcuue Slmo,
cRBmm mbihictb tad jab so
MEWSCKB. kit Ue, If aay. All of
the anknowa DrrBeee nd All of th
unknown Helre f Ch otter Meraeek.
Th Truetaot al tald Ortatt tad Taalr
DNEHOWM. alolmlnt aay rttbt, title,
oetoto. Ilea or lattreoo ea th rol area
erty soecrlaeel a true Cwapltlnt,
To B. T odaa and J too Do aodoa.
hit wife. All of the unknown Derlaeee,
tod All f ta anknowa Heir af B. T.
Sodea. Thorn Stmt, and Jana Do
Slme, hit wife. All f th unknown
Devbooe, and tU af the unknown aoira
of Thomat Slme. Cheettr Metnlcko tad
tint Do Melntckt, hie wife, AU of the
unknown Dcvleeeo tnd All or too un
known Helrjt f Cneeter Melnlcke, Butt-
elU Orftnte H. 14, tnd the Truotoet
of cold Oront tnd their Succeeeore,
Muriel tnd All other aeroon
or parUet unknown, clelmlne any rllht.
title, telttt. Hen. or interact la tht
retl property deoerlbod a If Cl
T. ' . ( n I n.f..ri..t..
OR SOON, - You ere hereby required to
ppeor tnd tnewer the Oomplelnt filed
actlnet you la in above ontluod autt,
within ten dtra from tome af that
aummrat upon you. If ttrvod w'.lhle
thlo County, or U terrod wllhla aay
other County of thlt Mtto, then vlthla
twenty dtyt frota the dot of earvlc
of thlt Summon apoa yu.,nd If you
feu to to eniwer, for wtutfsaereox the
pltlntlffe will apply to th Court for
the relief preyed for la tbelr Complaint,
which It tuhottatltllr ta follow.
Thtt the doleadtate and cb of taam
be required to act fortu the true na
ture of their cltlmt In tnd t tht retl
property doeerlbed fa tbelr aomplalat,
Botlnntnf at the meet southerly tar-
-Prices Good
Box of 16 Colors
Regular 15i lex
Limit 2 Boxes
per customers
From Headaches
iocs 62
24 , 21
,r, 13
Juit th right size for your
home medicine cabinet or pun.
fred MeyG7 QmSS
s-o rserttr mttki W mm
148 N.
Attendance figure snd other
figures for Saturday, the final
day of the fair, (omparad with
a year agn at the State Fair
were: paid attendance, 1953,
Il.UBT 1832, 1J,B43; races,
1953. 2.1981952. $.030: oari.
mutual, 1951, $146,0001952,
$145,855: rodeo, 1933, 1,518
1953, 2,946; revue, 1933, 1,317
19J, 1,91.
aor of Block oa (1) a ahova kr th
recorded ton Plat al Butamli. Mar
lea County, orotoa Otoe Velum 1,
Pat a, accord f Tew Plata Mr aald
couaur aaa aute), theao Berth
Wett alona the Southerly una f
loe , (it, hi eoatlaulat Honh
St Weal ta th aotandor llao af th
rttai aana of in, wmemetl rtlrer;
thence Mortaaaetarty alani aald aae.
adr line af the WUlamoll Hirer to
aad clout th Woetorlr line at Block
On (11, PIT lil end ail (), f
cld Ton of HuttoTlllo aad toaUauot
thereon aloat aald metader line la the
moot w color Ir eom-r af th tracl af
lead Marorod to the ButUrUle Par--r
Warthoute Aieoclatloa ay Deed
roBrdoa July t, utl. la Toluau 41,
Pat KB, Mtrloa Ceuatr Deed Rec-
rde: theae South T ir Sael alone
tht StulBerly Unoof laid tree sat
fool are re ar leee, to the Wettorly llao
Mtla B tree t, u kaova at tht
county Road la told Ton af Butte
TlUo, thence South W Wotl lont
mm weeurly iua I la auot at be
d that an aerrerta tltlma af the da-
rtndaato a BaurmMM by a decree tf
Uiu Court.
Thtt ay aald cam ft thtU be aw
tltrtd aad adladted thai th defend-
aau aad aaeh tf thea be to a la tercel
or aetata whetcerer tot tha aboro do-
ecrlbed pnmleoe or aay pari thereof, and
net too cue coo ptainuiio to 01
ebor dtacrlbod promlooi be doeroad to
to toed aafi rolld.
Thtt the deteadontt and taeh of them
aad ell acroooi whom soever llmlBt by.
throiuh oi under them or either f
them b fererer enlolneu. Tetrlnd Bad
berre. from teeertlni nr allm whet-
eoevcr la or to th Mid one re do
crld prtmUtl or iny part Ibtrtaf
adrere ta th plelnUflt.
Thtt tht pltlntlffe b t rented tuoh
ether tad furthiir relief at mty ta tat
Court atom moot aad Just
Thlt Bummoai It publlthed br order
of tha Honored oeo. H. Dene en,
Judt of the above entitled Court. md
end entered ta Iho 11 day af Aucuet,
1IU. dlroeUat publleotloa f tale Sum
mona toK Mth weak for four oonieo
uuva nat la tht Ctplttl JixirnoL a
aenepaper of aoneral clrculatloa, pua
llehod at Mtrloa Couaty, Orotoa.
Dot at rtrtt putUcaUoa Autuel K
Dal af Mat anblleetloa. Betoeeber
t, Itll. 1
auteaa . Dowuaa
. Alloray for Plalatlrft
P.O. Addreet lt Potttl Bide ,
SIB . Ird Stb, PorUtnd, Orotoa
Aaa. K 11, Seat. t. It, tlr IMS
Thru Wed.-
Reg. $3.99
Garden Uose
5-Yr. Guarantee
50-ff. Length
Brass Hose Nozzle 31c
Rflar $i
Genuine leather.
Plastic compart
menti for pic
turet and identi
I $2.49 Plastic I Values to $4.95
Lawn Sun
Sprinkler Gfasses
20 fl89 Your fTflfiV
Fool A Choice SSV
Variety Toiletry '
10c Skippy
No. 1
Tall Tin
Pagt I
Dig 3 Consult
' (OontlniMd from Pate 1)
.Borba, official organ of Ti
tos Communist rime,
charged that Pella had revived
th old plebiscite proposal only
to disguise Italy's, ambition
for territorial expansion.
The Yugoslavs ar well
aware that Italy would have)
th advantage in such a vote,
since about 70 per cent of the
territory's 380,000 people are
Italian. Th Yugoslavs long
have charged that Mussolini
shoved out more thsn 100,000
Slovenes and replaced them
with Italians in program of
Pella proposed a free plebis
cite of sll people in the divid
ed territory part of which is
occupied by Yugoslav troops .
snd the other pert, including
the port city of Trieste, try
American and British troops
to . determine whether the
whole area should be-handed
over to Italy or Yugilavia.
Realtors Advised on
Slum Clearance
Newport, Ore. () A Los
Angeles realtor advised Ore
gon cities Monday to do th-lr
own slum clearance without
federal aid. '
"Cities nd property own
ers can do the job much bet
ter, and at profit, if they
don't count on federal subsidies
through which the government
collects brokerage fee for
hsndling your own money,"
said Fritz B. Burns,' hesd of
the national relators' slum
clearance study group.
He spoke at the Or:gor As
sociation of Real Estate Board
convention here. The conven
tion will close Tuesday.
25c Jumbo
... Variety
We Reserve the
Right to limit
Quantities .
LT In - 1. Mr. aa4 Mr. Aiaert
Kd. Phone. 4-5742.
wanna), potted ate kao. 1