Monday, September 14, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oreron PfS NAVAJO BOYS BEAN HARVESTERS - l '.'' : '.: - v -. ' V -St - tf rrtnT f-r in k.. a i H TOTJNG CHIANG IN V. 8. San Francisco W) Lt. Gen. Chiang Chin-kuo,. ton of Na tionalist Chinese President Chiang Kai-shek and comman der of the Nationalist Air Force, arriced by plane early today. Chiang will leave Wednesday for Washington. COMMANDANT ' : -.- , - ' a l; v...; Flaying an Important part in the Marion County bean harvest were fourth and fifth year boys from Chemawa Indian School. At left, 'Mrs. Wood and Earl Hunt, Wer Jine ranch employes, check a sack of beans as John Thomp son and Tom Woody, Navajo students, look on. Right, David Mark, Dan Anderson, Francis Nex and unidentified boys in the background labor on, unaware of having their pictures taken. " Lt. Col Norman W. Todd, who has been appointed pro fessor of air science and tac tics at Willamette University. Lt. Col. Todd At Willamette Lt. Col. Norman W. Todd has been appointed professor of air science and tactics at Willam ette university, lt was disclosed today by Pres. G. Herbert Smith. j Colonel Todd reports to Wil lamette following two years ac tive duty at Northeast Air . Command headquarters in Newfoundland where he was director of management anal ysis. He replaces Lt. Col. Norman W. Campion, currently as signed to the Air Command and Staff school, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. The new AFROTC comman dant holds B.S. and M.S. de rrm from North Dakota Agri cultural college- He also earned master's degree in public ad ministration at the University of Minnesota. Colonel Todd was in the in fantry reserve from 1932 to ra937. He served as a reserve officer in field artillery from 1937 t'j 1941. During World War II he was liaison officer with the 3rd battalion field ar tillery, 38tb Chineso Division, under Gen. Joseph Stilwtll in India and J!nrma. Colonel Todd transferred to the Air Force Reserve in 1948. i. orarfimtp of the field artillery school. He completed the strategic intelligence course in 1948 and the USAF comp troller course at Air University In 101(1 The AFROTC aam -'isirau" was assistant city manager in San Rafael, California, for five years prior to his recall to serv ice in 1950. He Is married and has three children, Lorene, James and Marsha. Report Plan for More Newsprint Washington () A House judiciary subcommittee has recommended a. broad pro gram under government spon sorship designed to brighten what it calls "far from reassur ing" prospects for future news print supplies. Stress would be placed on the development of new sources for newsprint raw materials, such as sugar cane waste 'ba gasse, hardwoods and used newsprint which has had the ink removed from lt. "We must plan now to fore stall a repetition of newsprint shortages which have continu ally plagued our newspapers especially our smaller news papersfor the greater part of a decade," Rep. Reed (R., 111.), said Sunday in making public the subcommittee's report on its three-year study. Reed heads the Judiciary committee. The group's report said, tnai while supplies appear to be adequate for U. S. newspapers this year, consumption may rise from the present 6 mil lions In a year to 6,900,000 by 195S, 7,500,000 by I960 and 8,700,000 by 1975. Bennett Speaks At Sweet Home Judge Updegralf Dies at The Dalles The Dalles UJD George G. Ujdegraff. 94, an attorney here since 1946 and former circuit judge of the 11th judicial dis trict In northeastern Oregon, died here early yesterday fol lowing a seart attack. Before moving to The Dalles, Undegraff had practiced law in Mora anH still maintain. an office there. Early in 1944 1 ne resigned as circuit judge for the 11th judicial district, com prising Gilliam, Grant, Sher man and Wheeler counties. He was appointed to that position in 1942. Sawyer Raps Traffic Plan Robert W. Sawyer, chairman of the Capitol Planning Com mission is opposed to any di rectional change of traffic on East and West Summer streets, as his been proposed. Sawyer; in signed state ment, declares that the routing of traffic as provided in a pro posed city ordinance and in stallation of poles and traffic lights on East Summer at Court street would "detract from rather than enhance and pre serve the beauty and dignity of the capltol area. The ordinance would reverse the flow of traffic on the two streets making East Summer a south rather than a north bound street and West Summer a north ' instead of a south bound street. The State Highway Commis sion at a recent meeting en dorsed the change with the stipulation that such change of traffic would continue only until the capitol mall Is de veloped further north. . Such development, it was pointed out, will not be made for some time. Judge Sawyer in his state ment urges that the two short streets be not included in the traffic grid. The City Council Monday night will consider a one-way grid ordinance covering the downtown area, as well as the two streets in the capitol mall. UNUSUAL CHARGE London (U.R) Richard Dav les, 88, was fined $5.60 for driving his motorized wheel chair while under the Influence of liquor. Davies told police he and a 71-year-old friend who was found riding in a basket at tached to the chair were "out on a little spree." Two Men Injured When Plane Crashes ShawKenneth Ramsey, IS, Gervais, and Fred Gilbert, 86, Aumsville, Rt 1. suffered lacerations about the face when a small airplane piloted by Ramsey stalled and crash landed In wheat field cm the Vernon Jetties farm Sat urday. The men were treated for minor facial injuries at the Salem General hospital. The plane was badly damaged.- , BLAST KILLS Lisbon, Portugal W Twelve persons, including women and children, were killed Monday la w explosion at a fireworks factory in Villa Real, town in northern Portugal. o Copper mining, once import ant In Cornwall, England, has dwindled in recent years. 155 N. Liberty BUSINESS MAN OF THE WEEK ZrtC GREEN STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES FREE DELIVERY CHAMUM DtUt STORE 14 Candalarla Bled. PsrUand's low is Salem's gala in the instant of Clyde O. Binning ef ISM South 13th. This orfetie yeans hasinas sun, barn and raised in the Mf city t the north, found 8alem to hit likinf, and Is bow aa ap-and -Matins' null distributer for Marckx Bakery her. Bora la lKt and daat4 la Portland's Fern wood and Grant schools, Clyde did a three-year hitch la the Marin Corps during World War II, particlpatlBg in the action on Guadal canal aad a bo on the heavy eralstr Brctnertoa. Since thea he has beea employed Vy the C 8. National Bank and the Commercial Bank of Oregon, both ( Portland. Her In Salem he was moo io tod with Western Aluminum Corporation ai office manager before galng bit his own business, that of selling Famous Marckx Bakery Products, . Clyde and Nanette, his wife, have two children i Peter, I, ' and Diana, tX. Another member of the family Is expected round .November I. ";, When Clyde decided to so into owlness for himself, ho , bec&me a retail sale distributor for Marckx Bakery, Now ho k his wa bo, owns all his own eowipment, and finds hi prar- oua Dullness ana managerial xportonc vaiuauie. it neips nua Sly his ens torn en the oxeolleni, esuiteaus erle they enjoy, as well as enabling bias t eporaU his bnainee with the greatest ffldoncy, w ,. . 400 PIECES (5irl dresses, skirts, blouses, suits, ploywear. ' ' f Dresses of many . styles and colors to choose from. Pretty little bock to-scnool blouses In cotton and ny lon, Assorted summer skirts and suits In many styles and colors. Size range in cludes 3 to X and 7 to U. .- Sweet Home Dr. Frank Bennett of the Eastern Ore gon College of Education at La Grande was the principal speaker t the two-day Linn County Teachers Institute held in Sweet Home, September 10 11. His theme was based on present day education. Approximately ouu from both elementary and high schools attended each day's session. The program was handled with a workshop method where after the assembled group heard thcaddress given by Dr. Bennett, they assem bled In groups of 25 with a moderator to discuss high points of the speech that Inter ested or affected them individually. Sen. McCarthy Opens Hearings on Reds New York Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) and his snat investigations subcom mittee open hearings here today on "Communists in the United Nations." , , McCarthv. before leaving Washington yesterday, said he expects to hear most of the 10 or 15 scheduled witnesses be hind rinsed doors. He said he also will examine testimony the U. S. government printing office has printed vast .mminta of U. N- literature without any legal authority to do jo. A water faucet located near the poultry range 1 nose of the poultry range is one of the best ways to save steps when It's chick-watering time. IF YOU TRY YOU WILL BUY OLDSMOBILE 2588" LOCAL PRICES START 1288 r. a rvn itn a n n i n Phono i State St. LI MWILIL 2) 3.6481 Randall's Is the Place to Buy . . . Just Stop in and You'll See Why Nowdays everyone is trying to help ease the strain on the bid budget.' Well, take a tip from me . . . You can afford to EAT MEAT 3 TIMES A DAY when you shop at RANDALL'S . . . For a long time now RANDALL'S has been supplying Salem with' Quality Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef. You housewives know how nice it is to have plenty of good beef in the Deep Freeze or locker. Why not shop at RANDALL'S and see how TERRY RANDALL can save you money . . . He'll give you friendly service and honest weight, plus all cuts double-wrapped for your locker or freezer . . .FREE. Remember, you can buy as much meat as you want one half, quarter or whole- GIRLS' PANTIES III I Dainty little girl panties ef knit royon durably made. Wide, double . crotch, elastic : waist and leg openings. Bright blue, pink . white and yellow, easily laundered. Embroidered in colorful nursery rhvmes fiaures. Chose from sizes 2 to 12. . 1st FLOOR. Fency Eostern Oregon Hereford Beef Roast Arm Cuts Blade Cuts Rumps Baby Beef LIVER aw a 39" AND JUST LOOK AT THESE PRICES Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef Steak T-Bone Fresh Beef -Rib Steaka Tongues .43 a 29 c New Low Prices on locker Beef Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beet .Don't fail to take advantage of wese prices, may be arranged. .Nothing down a full year to pay. .Convenient credit Half of Whole Front Quarter Hind Quarter IB. LB. ROUND STEMS . . . BONELESS NEW YORK CUT . SIRLOIN TIP ROAST OR STEM BEEF TENDER LOIN . . . FRESH BEEF HEARTS COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE GROUND BEEF ib. 59' 53 LB. 89' 29' 29' NYLON HOSE 15 denier, 60 gauge, full fash ioned nylon hose. Finest deluxe sheers, with dark seams. Proportioned for all over fit. Hiaher gauge for longer wear. Size range Includes 82-1 1. BOYS' JEANS "101" Jeans In strong 11 -oz. denlm. Fabric Sanforized shrinks less than 1. Snug fitting western yoke back Reinforced strain points and double stitched main seams. Have five pockets, zipper fly. f 'he 341 tl Monday Night PECIALS 6to9 Only OFF C2 3 f: 1st VLOOR .1: f: Wr49eta. S for ii Reg. 98c lit FLOOR Reg. 2.29 ). 1st FLOOR SHORT RIBS iui BEEF CUBES OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. ; ' LODER BROS. RBI I GROUND ROUND Phone 4-til Tone Olds Dealer 4S5 Center .- e,