Monday, September 11, 1953 ' THE CAPrTAL JOURNAL, fcW, OretM Paft 17 DENNIS tht MENACE By Ketcham MARKET QUOTATIONS fwiun mecB tin e.timiai -ruaiw mwi ta wo mm oaaage: Premium eeetitr. auk am .1 el oee per mi acidity ee Hewed ta MW ee-71e lk.i tint geaa nr. N me, Mcond guaittr. 43 -44c trailer wertee aad eeuuuy natal, i mii km. Swine Whoioaaea tu Mik iiimi h Whelaiale. tredee A A. n HK age: A ereao, n tear, a, M eeera. tie: e. N eoere, tog. uan stteet etrlcur miu4 41-tie; STOCKS tee it . aiici-'Wuthe mtm cfwvmt wmomwm- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MALL KTirnio upright bench, 1TS.X. Til. 4-10M. AUTOMOBILES IMS champion studebAker, its. ioom, mi ltd. Wul Belem. ))! FIANO ACCOBDIAN, 4-1444. U but. 16.00. Tel. Bill aUPOtsEge.ioNi 1 Ju.t ilk. new. 1 pe. hi trad, chroma dinette aet, only pc. bedroom eulte contlatint of bed. cheat, vanity, bench, nlle etand, box aprlng. inneriprtog mattreaa vanity Hmp. Bleeeh oak. Sold new Juit under , IM.M. Take the wofka lor tllt.M At ' real deal It ou Act sown oienn Woodry'o Mew Deed Furniture, HOI If. Summer. B310 ISM HASLET m Like sew. wladehleld. eitraa. Below market, l-twll, atlll- Wanted MISCELLANEOUS Logs Wanted Tew prlae as todan mariat for lone gr there eecood growth to low, Por " ewlawA, hoe MM dare, 41714 im ton. Wax Alaa Lumber Co, sin Wallace Rd., Balem. nell. woodbx tun piaaoa. Phono mit! am UCTBIO KAJffUaL wroadra.. PS 3-iuo. a' SPORTING EQUIPMENT atF KINGTON GAMEMASTEB Sea. model 7M, repeatlni rule, nearly new. Haa recoil pad, aae. plua ltt boiee ahella. 1100. 104 M. 14th. Phone 4-1111 after P m. nelll PERSONAL I WILL NOT bo reeponelbla for our debt, other than my own After Sep tember Hth. Herman Holaworth. PJJ1 904 AUTOMOBILES lire ros IQCrrr tl word 4-dr. Cue- tem. B . K.. O.O. AlaAA. Fb. Asia. aCc MlnnrUle. aj Twf UH OLDS "M". Clean body, food Mit coTtrt BDd Una. Ravdlo, betur. IU. Must MU. Phut 4-1631, 1074 ft. Ubcrty. M BUICK RiTitrn, radio, htr, hydTO matlCt t coven, wonder tal eoDdltloo la and out. I14H. BanK ttrou, no tradfi. Owner SU If. 24ih. Ql MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS IN HA P. LIT it Boodr. aolo aaata. Xx- tTAa. OnlT 4.MT BUltA. HN. J0 H. 17th St. gallO FARM EQUIPMENT If. l-WBUL TBACTOB With 10" plow, dlaea, et. a.1341. 4b4 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BAVIN Q EADIATOK TBOCBLBt Valler Motor CO. asparta wul aolvo yotir prob- jema ana aarp rou money. Free is, lea, apeedr aervlca. Canter at 1 rty. FINANCIAL ATTTO LOAHB WTLLAiarrTB ciudr CO. in aovtk emmh FarkloB A'Pleoty . 1-JUl Uo. No Af-IHL aVIM LOANS UP TO $1500 on Alt nature, Purnttara, Cr AT PERSONAL it's "tu" promptly tmplorod mui or wovtn. Urt) 1MB . . phon first Tarn wlet bMl parmcol tatt - Bfttwttn pardtf lotvot. Pbont, writ or come In TODAY. Personal Finance Co. im a. high rr., salku mti LtcanM Hot. fl-in. M-1U LooiM ovtr t300 to IU00 tod up to 30 ajontbi to ttpar mad by Ptnonsl nnaneo Co. of Marlon county under n loductrlol Lofta Compuiw Act or Orcton. j333 Uo. and U-m ad ROT B. 8IMMON8 INSITRANCS AND LOANS Hoar "Top Trodei" U:M Dally KALU 1310 K OBNBKAL FINANCB CO. LOANS IM So. ConuoaralaJ tn. Tat JMltl SIGN DGGTDUV3 H OLDS. U SEDAN dm Radio, heater, elior, whltewalU, covert, la.iat nilea. eA BtncK BOTIR SEDAN IH Dm allow. rAdlo beater, white wala), flno eara. 4 BTJICr, UPXR CONVERT. I TH Haw top, whltawAlla, radio, heal-or,- olae, wlndVwf, good. ALSO OTHER PREMIUM QUALITY LATE MODELS AND THK61 CBBAFIES 41 Desoto Sedan ; '41 OMa. aodanat 0 41 Bulek Siipar aedAs VfcoabarWUlV tatajtktMler OTTO J. - WILSON COMPANY OREGON'S NUMBER ONE DEALER M -'-L tW-' ' y'a'Ji'iu.l; I wanted s 18,000. win pay 1 mur- ct. aicuent aHcari.y. wnw bok 333, Capital Journal. T330 TRAILERS to WHEEL UTTLTTT TBAILEB, MO. Kx- totvtloa totuui, looa ooay. i-.- HOUSE TRAILERS FOB BALE or cichanst for houat. Royal BparianctM PB Il.t corapww wiin oour. it 4. Air conditioned. Oaroaia dUpoaal. autcmatto boot. KsctUrat condition. $1.10 for 14,111 equity. Art at an No. LaneaM-T or. mv Com'l at Center Phono l-SM! 331' $$CASH$$ FOR YOUR CAR ALL MAKER AND MODEL . TO CHOOSE FROM Western Motors INI Broodwar Phono I-MII leaa ni.nA ceeieertlble. Muat be .old. a e n a,,. aaM. Sea It and toalti offer it Fetar Fankrau, 1IH rd St. wholeaaiara. Oraaaa aualea. Oraaaa t lb. Wal. U-HWa aaa wnaeaoai aaaitAUas so kna. aaaaa tai4ed ta-b. Fartlasd A trada laraa, atootte: A md. aaadlaaa, We-Htai A irade aaaall, tiH-aiSc: B trade larae, aa-alwa. ewrttaa Bain larae. ' Btrllar . Frloa u retaajaro- era. AA prut, tin A oanoa. Qai A pnaka, lit: artoa, Dai B prmtA ta. Baa. to wraSawara Candled L o. a. Portland: Dnaraded ItrtA, -aae dee ; trada AA Una, ate doe.; A larae. tic dot.: AA medium tea doe.: A trade aaadlaaa. 14a doa.i A trada aeaallt aoaal nau ao-Jac Baca to Batarlait ejiada AA. lArta Tta: A larae. la-lie: VA medium. M-tlt, A mediajA, u-4e; A amAU. 41-taa. Car ton. oanta addltloral. Cbmi Filaa to raullata, Fwrtlaad. Oratati alniln 4ltt-4le: lb. loaeaa, ll-MVae: trtpleSe. I'io laaa than aln- tlaa. preaamm braoda alntlea btvaai lb. (or alnele wbaala mho, proeaaaad Aaa- erlcan eheaaa, i-lb, loarea to retail. AtVh 4H lb. Poolin Uv, ckiotewaiHo. I onaltty. f.e a. planu): Frrera, m l Iba. Me: 1-4 lba. lac: roaetera. 44 lb... and .ear. 29c: heavy hena. aU welahta. M-iac Haht hena, all walthta, lac: old rooat. era, 1,-iac. Dreeeed CbMeaoNo. I draued to retallera, Pryera, broilera, 44-4f lb.; roaatera. aU wta.. 44.4te: liaht nana, 10-llc: bpAvy bana, ll-34c: cut-up fry era, all wta. tl-tle Ib.s wbolt draws II. Ha lb. Babblte Avar am to trow era: lira w hi tea. 4-1 lba. U-Uc: l-d lba. la-IJo lb.: old dora. U-Uc. few hither. Froth draated fryara to ratallara, ll-alc: cut up 01-tle. Coutry Bfllad Meaaa Veal Top quality, ll-llfl tb.l youth beavlaa, 10-Ue. Hate Lean blockera, tl-ll lb.: aowa, lltht. 11-ltc. Lamba But, ll-llo Ib.l yaarllnta, M-lle lb. Malten Beet, M-Uw B) l ouU-aUUly. 1-ac. Beaf-Otuity dowa, 13-Me lb.: eanaar enttere, 17-lla; ahella daws to lie. rraab Draaaad Haata wboUealera to rataQarm fSollAra par ewt.t Beet BtMra. choice. 404-100 lba., 41- 141.10: aood. 115.00-41.00: commercial, 137-11; utility, 121-10; commercial aowa. 121-21; utility, 1.1-14; easnar-rattara. ait-ii. Beat aoto Choleo ateeraliind u ar te ra. ISJJ-I7; rounda, SM-H; fuU lolna, trimmed. 110-11: trianilaa, tll-tl: fora auartara, all-it: chudu, an-M; rlaa. lea-aa. Vaal and Caleaa ' Oood-choln, nil welahta. alfi-ll: conmerclAL 134-10. la cnolea-prime, ar-eo; toou. 111-17: aorlnt lamba. eholea-prima. 41.a0. Bf.ttas. ocad eheloe, w-u ip, ae-ae. Park Cote Lolna He. t. l-tl ,be ilT-dl: ahouldera. It lbe-T tn-41; apara- riba, B2-IA; Iraen Bama, la-la ioa.. tea- pork carcaaaee, cnoaoa, uo-tra taa., IM.aa-40. Smaked Bama Bklnnad, aaa-oa ioa. fined lard In drama. Ile-1I.M; alab bac on, pu-73. Pertland Mlmnaanao Onloaa 00 lb. aack Calif. Bad Olobe. mod.. 1.7-:.t9; white tlobe. l.U-1.00: Waah. jellowi, mea. 1.7I-1M; lane ' Patatece Loeal Trlumpha, luta, l.M l.TI: Boardman lent whltei. No. 1A 13.11- l.M; No. 3 bO lb. aack, 00-lec; Orel cm ftiuaett No. 1. 3.B0-3.74: 10 lb. mesh, to- 13c. local Rueaata. No. 1A. 3.11-1.31; Calif, lane wnttaa. No. 1A. le-t.oe: rair. 1 SO-l-lt. Name brand, to 1.1. Waah. RutMta. I3.N-I.N; Waah. low white. No. 1 1.00-3 It. ay 0. S. No. 1 wrteta alfalfa, do llrered ear loU t a b. Portland sat Se oul.. 21-M. pTaol Oraaaa baala, Willamette Val ley medium ll-ftae lb.l Eaatarn Oreton fine and half-blood. aa-t2e; Willamette Valley lamb wool, tlu U-mocth wool. tt-Ma akatrU-ra lb. on 11-maaOi craw. tb rah country ahloplna 000118. Hideo Produeera parlna pried f.o.b. Portland calf aklna, 19-31a lb., aecord- mt to condition; treen klpa, 19-17e lb.: treen cow bldea, l-10a lb. aecordlnt to jreleht and duality: bull htdee, 4-ao la.T tiua niaea. ev per oea. eww prtow tor above eleuee. Fllberla Whole.ala aelllnt price. No. I medium B.rc.lonaa, al-lta B. thou, ad. 40-lla lb. Walaata Wbaltaala aelltnt prlcea. flral auaUkf taria Franauettea. la-loc lb.i eh.Ued. Ilcht amber halvee, 7a-71o lb.l utht saivea, 7a-ate pa, tBy Too Aaaoclaud Preeaj Admiral corporttios Allied Chemical AlllA CbAlmera ... Amerlcaai Alrllsaa AmerlcAO Power A Americas Tel. Si TeL American Tobacco ,. Anaconda Copper Atchlaoa BallroAd Bethlehem Steal Boeing Airptetso Co- Berg Warner Burrowa Addlag Macsla.... California Packing . Canadian Pdclfle Caterpillar Tractor .... ... Calaneaa Corporatleei ...... enrreier Corporation ... Ctuee Sorvlco Conaolldated Boraoa ... ... Coaeolldaied Vultaa Crown Bellerbacb Curtlee Wrlabt Douaiaa Aircraft Du Pont oa Here our. ... Baatmas Kodak Bmeraas Aadlo ..i Oeaeral XI ec trio t.... Oeaeral Pooda .....v Oeneral etotora Oeonia Pic. Pirwooal Ooodrear Tin Homaataka Mlalag Ca. ... International Rarveetgf ... Interne Uonal Paper Johna WaaTllle Kalaar Aluminum K.naeeott ooppor . . ,. Llbby McNen Lockheed Alreraft Looweo Incorporated .., ,. Long Bell Montgomery Ward Naab Kelrlnator New York Central Northers Paelfle Paclfla American Pub .... Paelfle Oaa At Elacttla .... Paclfla Tel. At Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney, J. C Penmylvanla B. X. .... ,. Fcptl Cola Co. Phileo Radio Radio Corporatlos ........ Rayonler Incerp i . . Rayonlar Inoerp. Pfd. .... Republla Steal .. Rernolda M.laU Richfield Oil Safeway Storea, Inc. Scott Paper Co. . Scare nebuek a. Co. Socony Vacuum Oil Southern Paclfla Standard Oil Calif Blandard Oil N. 1 Studeba-et Corp. Sunehlne Mining Swill A, Oa. Tranaamarlea Carp. Twentieth Century Fog Union Oil Company Onion Paclfla Doited Alrllnea United Alreraft United Cerporatlon : , United State. Plywood ,.. United Btatea Steal ...... Warner Plcturee Weatera Union Tel. Waiting haute Air Brake.. Weotlngheuoo Elaetrra . .. Woalwortk , S4w , 4IH , 11 . 444 ... MS, ... OA ... Ill .1. V ... 11 ... 41 ... u '." n ... ti ... ItH ... St ... I . SI ... ... 41 ... 10 ... wave . Illi , II ... tb ... H ... ta ... It ... tan ... ... us ... 10H !'.'. at ... 11 ... ioe ... tl ... ... 11 ... 4tt ... 01 ... Il'-e ... U ... 31. ... 11 ... II tit ... lite ... 44, ... 4ita ... 444 ... Mti ... tot. ... at ... 10 .... 11 ... to .... 47 .... iv. 1 .... 13 li .... to ....loon .... 13 It 4 .... 11 Vt , .... 11 .... 41 .... 13 .... 30 .... ei Steak Market New York (Ax s lateral dwcllso car. Med the atock market moderauly lower Monday after a timid rally failed. The market iter tad lower, awuss ahead alightly, and than prlcea gava war all around m a general retreat. Loaeeo went to between I and t polnta at the ouulde with only few leauea trading unchanged or a anode nlihtr. Buttneaa wee at a pace of around two million aharee for the entire day. Fri day, total waa 1.0U.0M aharee. Thla la the oecond atralght awulon that the market haa probed Into new low territory for the year. Frtdar'a fall car ried the Aaeoclated Preae average clows to s 1MI low. Trip Awarded i To Kansas City Youthful exhibitor Bt the State Fair kept their activ ities going until the end, with several of their final cfntsst held Saturday, ; the final day. . Future Farmer Saturday selected their 'ip judging team and their top Individ ual men In Judging. Getting the individual tro phies were Dick Good in, Pen dleton, in livestock; and Jesse . Moore, Eitacada, dairy. The Harrisburg livestock judging team took top honor for teams and will make the trip to Kansas City to repre aent Oregon and attend the American Royal Livestock Show in mid-October. Mem bers of that team are Efwin Coat,' Jimmy Gate and Nor man Burfeii. , Member of the Sherwood dairy judging team were tope in division and will go to Waterloo, Iowa, for the National Diiry Show In early October. Members of that team are Verne Schneider, Paul Schlichting and Ken neth Chancy. It was the Albany, poultry team that took top honors in that judging contest. ' How ever, the top Individual mem berg are the ones who will represent Oregon at Kama City. These boy are first, Mike Long, west L inn; sec ond Dennis Busby, Indepen dence - Monmouth Central high school; third, jeffery Jackets, Mewberg; and first alternate, Bert Yungen, Hills- boro. i The FTA judging team from this area - were among the other placing In judging contest. In third place in livestock was the Independence-Monmouth Central high school team and In sixth 'a dairy waa the Gervals high school FFA team. SALEM MARKETS grain prlcea Ceraplled from reperta af Salem deaien for the galdaaee or capital Jearaai readere. (Bevlaad dally.) Feed Frieaai Babbit Pellele II -At (10-lb. sag) 10- 00 (100-lb. bail. Sag Maab aa.ti-a.ia. Dairy Feed 11 (oO-D). bag): l ot-t ea not paatura mix., M il 1100 wt.) rowttry Baring fileoa colored irrara. He: aid roootere. lie; colored foarL lie; legnora fowl, lac; roaxtara, 34c great Boring Prlcea la la AAtet: larte A. 14 -4 1c; medium AA, 4ac; medium A. 4t-t!c; amau. 10-13c. Wheleaale Prion Bag wboieeere wnoaa gwoorally t-le Ala bar than tho nrtaoa nbava. Lana grade a generally gnated at 1e: medium, fdc. awtterlat Buying prleai premlara. TO- 11c. No . ll-OMi No I. Me. Better Wboleeele grade a erehmeat. Tig lb.l MAIL ISO fl RECTORY ADDINO MACHINCI AU makai uted naehlnaa told, rtnttd, rmalrad Roan. 4M Court Ph 1-0T71. O BULLDOZING Lot I inf. road butldlni, clearlnt. Oeortt wiptK. ltMfl Candlawood. PbOM 4-33S3. 0334 Biilldoclna. roadi. clearlnt With. Vtrtil Huaktyt 101 Pairtltw, phone 1-S14H. DBESSMAKINO AlUratlona. h mi tit r hint, knttoni. bueklos eoverto. duomdoois. n. U. Allgndcr, l-Mll. BXCATATINQ Ben Otjen Son, ezcavatlnt and iradlBt. Land clearlnt. ra. -o- o!43 Iniutatlon, woatherttrlpa. aluntnum atreena. Pret oeUvatoa. T. PvUlaaan. Phone Vim-MATTBEMES Capita)) Beddtni. noeiitm. PmU e BattrMiea Ph. -400 OPPICE PCBNITUBE TJPPLTKE ai r-ttwv nA AAtdltLon. Phone 23701. 1400 Wallace Bd. LEAVING POB olle. Haf food l43 Oldinioblle. Pn. COMPUTELT CfTOS417yr HrtTood 1041 Pord. Excellent coodiUoa.. 3-411 or I-7I7I. , 3 Desk ebAlrt. fUea. nilno euppllet, aafaa. duplicators, uppnea, o- lampt, wpt; vrlter eunoa. woen. ao -oin. ftfcPTIC TANKS 1M1 DE KOTO e-door. radio, heeUT, cuaraateed pfrteet. Or.tlnal owner. 7M. Alio. ltM rifmouii. iViburban. Phono 3-7704. , IM0 INTtBNATlONAL TBCCK. 1040 Prifer, Iw-faoi trailer houw. we a.t A-rco cattM torch complete. All tn pood ahape. CaU 3-010. J-e Jot Tatro at aVftrS Dmnla Are.. Balem. 921 JMI Bl'ICB BIVIEB4 l-door, Hfar. ra . jio new Ur Sct buy in town. .m. No trade. Call tl dar.. ' -44M eeatnta, 3" Hamel'i aeptie tantu cleaned, line wreirdi. Qjtra?ttd WOTst. Pr."T! t.7404 3-0774. OMI Ckleairo Grain Cblcato On Llautdatlogi Alt and aoybean piU Monday and were tutwtantiilly lower. Feari trtmt Canada nay lower lti wheat export price cauied aelllni in wheat. and prlCdto were off more than two oanU h buthel at ttmea. Trade belief that tho Banrejt win tet Into full awing thlt week cauead lloulda- tian rn ooybeana. weaknaaa In corn waa due partly to heary recelpta of 441 can. Lard futures jontlnged atreno. reach- Iny new aeaaonal hit he. BaaU TOduc tton la a bullish Influence. Wheat closed 2 to 34 cental lower. Bepfe. 11.17-H; corn was down to 114. Sept. I1.S9M.-V4, oat i were to lower. Sept. 12: rye was J4 to 4k lower. Sept. tl .04 MiA ; eoybeaM were down 34 to 4V. cei. La, Sept. $!. and lam waa 40 cenu a hundred Muntia hither to S eenU lower, eVpt. 030.71. Portland Pradeao Portland 1P5 Prkes sVdvanced tor poUtoeo, peachea, pear, oantaloupee and top ouallty tomattjc. on the whoieaaie oroduco marRot nero Monoay. Tho potatoo advance wu at to to centi hundredwelihL ThO oeneral ranee in wholualers' quotation to re tailers was u.efVM. One Boardman pro ducer sold a part load of No. 1-A White Boae potatoes at 03.75. Moat pcacnaa ano pears eoia eiTotiter. Taktina and Wenatchoo Halw sold tc re. taller at t 30-40 for a sr'-pojnd box with alaco-packed Bbertes it 03 . The best lT-pouno n. oi iocai io- ma tors Drouth t producers 1.S0. Califor nia stems ectd tv retailor! at 3-M for a lt. Portland LlTeateek Portland tun For price were as much ae 30 cents hither on the Portland livMlack market today. . cattia 3.400; market aetiro. ateaoy to atront, jpou n-OOo hither; load choice not-lo. lea steers ; ioso e id., aood led steers 33M-34: food craat eteers lOM-lO.M); supplementary feds 31: oommereisl steers 10-11. 00. utility- commercial heifers 10-10; lead chole rmirwi 7M-lb. heifert 33; eaaner-catter cows wrsitty TH-IMi few 0; utility mostly 10-11. so; lew oommerctai cows 13. some held hither; commercial bulls mostly 11-11. M; neary we it ft is to 14, some hrtd hither. Calves 400; market slow tn dereloplnt miAv with law laot week: sellers ask lti atront to 1.00 hither: few tood-chotc yealert 11-30 above It lb. sood-ehoice calves 11-17. . Hots 000; market aelfVa, atront to Ste rit.hrr: choice 100-330 lb. 37-37.00: 140- 300 lb. Sft.30.Mi choic OdC Vtoo lb. sows 21-34. jthB 1.700: market act It, around 0c hither than late last week: chole-prime spring lamo nw-ie: amau ioa ib.w; tvwi chole 10-17: cood-eholee fft lb. rante feeder law 0.Mi tood-choVte alauthttr twes S..-S-4 r-0; ooiod ewet to I. ir. ecptle ts.v, ffrains eieanea. no-U-Boetr Sewer Serrlo Phono 1-4427 Mlks'e Septic Service. Tank cleaned D rooter Caeaae sewers, drain. Phone l-04o. ; BHAlflNlNO A BEPAfB Itown mowers, saws. et. Ifttb D Ph. t-OfllO Pre plekup. tTWWBtTEEt nmith corona, to mint-too. Her si On- derwood norUble. All !'- nied vachlaaa. Repairs rant Bos 4M Covt. I-77I. DIRECTORY WKDOW" CLEANISO" PAVING STARTS ON RIVERSIDE DRIVE I ' ' t : ttaawiag, oi i Highway aulhoritl?, determined to have the new reconstructed and realigned Center street bridge open for traffic about October 1, are expediting paving of River side drive through West Salem by the Warren-Northwest company. Shown is equipment spreading asphalt tacking on the new bridge approach drive. 'Mid Willamette Obituaries DEATHS Chleate Uvaeteek Chlcato UPH-Hog trading aettlad at atront to to eente higher prlcea Monday la a fairly aetln ebanea ka ownenhip. Cattle, however, wen eteodr to 40 oenta lower on the heavieet run In five apuntha. Lamba lumped tl.00 ta lt nlgbea while ewea held atcady. Moat butcher weight hoe. gold trom 131.00 to with the top eetebllahed at aowa took to ws. oood to prime eteen utuaur aold from 131.00 to 431.7S but around A doaen loada went Into a price bracket of IM.M tn 15 and s htah. prime load topped at Thla waa saw bleb jmog mld- juiv. Oood to prime Belfan ranged rreaa 111.00 to 131.00 one load elapped out In front to 421 eg. Cewa topped at bum at 014.00, and choice vealarl at lll.oo. At their new levela good to prima native coring lembe nached 030.00 123.00 thua recovering practically all the around loet during the recent heat wave. Ewea aold downward Iron M ao. Receipt. Includrd an eetlmated I OO0 ealable hoaa, 11,000 cattle, 000 calvee and 1,000 abeep. Jamea W. Ltndaey, at tho ntrdenee. 1400 a. Commercial St., Sept. II. Surviv ed by wife, Mra. MUdred Llndaer: chil dren, Patricia Lynn Lindeey, Cnrleton rrencle unoaer. Jemee H. undeer. Jr. all of Solera. Announcement of aervleea of earvloaa later by the Villi! T. Golden Co. Mary lane Bdweria Marr Jane Bdwardg. late TeaVgewt of list waller St.. Sept. 11.- At the age of paara. Burvived or nttabaod. A. g. Edwards, Balem: danghtar, Mra. W. B. M. fiord. Salem; go. Cecil L Xdwarda. Aloha, Oragaoi. AnneuBcament of aervtaaa later br the w. T. sugdaa Co. Bruce E. Trickey . I Albany Bruce X. Trickey, 6, died at hi home at 1208 X. First Ave., Monday. Arrange ment for the funeral are being made at the Fortmiller-Freder- icksen Funeral home and will be announced. Mr. Trickey was born in Ipava, l.L. Nov. 11, 1886 and had teen ta resident of Albany since 1928. He mar ried Sadie Grewell in Ipava, 111., on May 12. 1812. Mr. Trickey was retired Southern Pacific Railway clerk. Surviv ing beaide his widow are a son, James Trickey, Spring, field; daughter, Mrs. Char lotte Kennedy, Pocatello, Ida ho; a brother, Harry Trickey, Oakridgfi and seven grandchildren. No. I bulk, delivered aoaat: oft White 1.31; White (excluding Bos) 1-14; White Club 1.11. Hard Red winter: Ordinary l.m U per cent l-ll. Herd White Start: Ordruerr S IS. Monday'a car ncr'sle: Wheat M; par lay 11; flow 111 tor I; oats 11 BID feed a. Samuel W. Webb Albsny Samuel W. Webb, 8, of A!Uny died at a local hos pital Friday, following long iilnes. Graveside service.. In car of the Fisher Funeral home were held Monday at Waverly Memorial cemetery. 1 Mr. Webb, a native of Missouri. had lived at walilport for many years, then in Toledo for two year before eoming to Albany year ago. Portland out Northweet potato prlcea were up 14-aOc a hundredweight ea wholeealo produce market trading today. . nflacttng higher ehtpptng polnta llat- lage; rirat Willamette valley .pear melong a toted at 1.10 a atandar orate la the Eaolitdo Perm ere marketi lettuce prices wen SJg-l.Tt a crate is woleeaien: Yakane and Wenat-anoa Bala peachea . aold eft tcrbher-g tleen at l.W-144 a M lb. kogi weal 1Mb. flats local teealton treotnt procaaera i to. Detroit, the oldest major city west of the' Appalachians, was founded July 21, 1701, by Antoin de la Mothe Cadillac. Cnieage oiJo aoppliag moderate, mead aaoderata. market ateaoy. . Track aalaa M lba.): U. a. I waleaa etatedi aotnlth s-laeh and inner. Call. fornla ISO. Idaho; Colorado White spanlen, late Baterday l-lnch aad lanar. aUo 1 to l-rach l.W: trucklot aalaa delivered lobblag etreet baala. Y.U D0 FALSE TEETH Rock, Slide or Slip? Lea C.liaa tPaSlekar Lea Celine Fudlekar. at a local hog. pltai; Sept. II. Lite reeldent ol 1140 a. Summer St. Survived by aonA, Clement P. Holgata, Bal.m; Daniel a. Boliata, Walker Livingstone Sllverton Local relatlvea and friends received word Sat urday of the death In Seattle of Walker Livingstone, 63, ' The late Mrs. Herman Nse gell of Sllverton was a lister of Mr. Livingstone who was un married. He died of cancer of the lungs. His former home was in Fate-dale, N. D. Nieces and nephew of Salem and Silver- Portland, and chartee PwdiekAr. Bar toe,-1 attending? funeral serv danghter. Mlaa Irene Pudlckar. Boring: I Km Lro AMawnuin; Aunwrau gerv- auter. 1. kf. B-.Beraey. Walla WaLa. Jceg early this Week. Wath.: brother. Clement Reymond. of I .. ir i.i, ... lour oranocfliHirvr,. I Servtea wll lbe held In the Carroll I Puoeral noma at Oreeham. Tuaaday. I Sept. 10. at It a.m. under direction of the VInil T. Oolden Compear. Interment will be et soutiaa cemetery, Troutdale. Albert William tldlke Albert William Ltdtke. at a local hoe- pltai. Sept. 11. Leta reeldent of Route t, Bog 470, Solera. Survived br wife, Mre. Ataaeta Lldtke, Salem: daughten. Mice Lola Ltdtke, Salem, Mra. Ruth Powell, Loo Angrlee, Calif.: aona, William Lldtke, Salem, Vernon Udtae. Riddle, Ore.; ela- ure, MU. Lena Lldtke. Selem, M.-a. Anna Orrruh. Springfield, . D, Mr,. Lulu Koehn, Avon, . D., Mn. Ruth Schulta, Howard, B. D.; and three grand children. Service! will be held Wednee- day, Bept. It, at 11:10 a.m. ta tht Virgil T. Ooloea tiap.i tri.A tba Rev. rrank Harder officiating and Bttermoat at pratum - cemetery. Ide 1. Bekleoa Ida J. Bohlaen. la thla city, it. Late reeldent of Route 0, Balem. Survived br five dauehtera, Mra. Bd Wanner, Woodburn; Mre. Abble Wanner, Balem; Mra. Fred A. campe, Tllton, Neb.i vara. Oeone Lundy, North Hollywood, Calif.: Mr,. John Collell, Roaevllle, Calif., three brothere. two allien and eta grand children. Announcement of tereteee later br the W. T. Rlfdoa Co. FtaTra-aTTm. am Improved wewea be atrrlwbled em anwar halda fain teeth men nrmlr ta piaea. Do net allde. tllp or reek. Ba samara, gooey, peaty tet to at faeltag. fab 1 AJ, 1 B la aarafdao (noa-ocldl. Doaa ae Cheete "Plata odor- (dentun o-TirSialS 'UV 0 PASTBBTB . Ml Oral lavrraer ml iBhtaTfAwa 1 let. Illtnntti 1 awB I street sales too lbi.v. RpanUh i-tneh and larger. Colorado and California, i.oo- i.t, soma cs-uiornia i.: xooaivtw Tei- low O4obts, Midwest 1.10-l.M; Mow York t.ioi wntit oiabo. cauiornia, a7oioraooi ana Washington s-tnch arvti larger 1.71- l.Wi, I to 0-lnch i.Ti-i.i-. 1 -. ' - i ' i t : : 1 't t'l" ' El J Ml I Pertland Qratw Portland UP) Cearso nam, bo bids or Oilers. Wheat (bid) to ortlo market, btvata Woman Tortured On Main Street ETUT.Jnaj a-alltS . od fmsrti bout It what, snowy medicated fee-Mint with oootlaln. lanolin doojs euch crajad loo. starts wiu awltvT speaf comfortlnar job, starts with ejr'"? to -oftens tAlnr mrm sad mUoMmm.Bc AFTER QUAKE Acme Window Cleonera. Indaetrlal fleer wratng bariaar;eaer.g Ptne t-llXI 141 Court J I J iM IIISIIiaaajaaraaaaaaWM I'lWl'.u'l W IW'W' JUJJ f-v I ' !' h p, ' FU001i j.T - '-'1fe--t.-iW--' B-r -4V-'.- 47a 1 AH v. -, -Air rS rKwV PERSOHM ira. f 1 . I I . , f 1 11 U3 kre. I. T. Lam. BJX De. fa. Caaa. BJ I f 1 DRS. CHAM . . . LAM I 1 I CHINESE N ATtJROP ATHI I I Una tain. 141 North Liaerw I . - 1 Jl'llomoe open Saturday only it am I y 1 to 1 PJW. g w l pm. txaunuiaiioa, ' .fi 1 blew proeaun aad earlne teaea an I I me af aaaiwa. Praail otneo 111 I I f:; 1 1 1 I "M do a VHAli cf a icb! LODGE Salem Lodge No. 4, A.F. cV A. M.. Wed., Sept. 1 Pot luck dinner 6 30. For Mason and their ladies. T C degree, 7:30. 21 A woman makes her way through narrow rubble-strewn street between damaged and crumbling houses in Stro umbl, Cyprus, sfter sn esrthquake rocked the Mediter ranean island. The village of Stroumbi was completely wrecked end will hsve to be rebuilt. Quake killed 40 persons and injured more than 100. People from the wretched village hsve msde their wsy to the harbor town of Psphos where they are camping in the main square. (AP Wirephoto) Efficient, effective and really economical . . Want- Ads are as "newsy" as the front page and your key to Action and Profit! If you're a buyer ... a seller, or a swapper, you're sure to agree that a little Want Ad does a whale of a big job in getting results. Say "hello" to good buys . . . services and needs read and use the Want Ads regularly! PHONE 2-2406 for r CapitalAjournal 1 t m (Tt I t .el VC ' i' ? i I.