"I. 'y v w .'.. -.4 - '4 .- - -.l!'f-r -t t r- w r,et.e p re, K 1- Cj w !j or rli j loi 'ff in 5. h ; d :. rlc ; iii : ; b. V : mi 3 ! Mi ' or; in' ot let wl 1 sic an ? al i trl ' v cat . -rl ' lc f it " .li 'a ; r . io i i ' - i ,,; 1 I J tk el id B I G sii ihi nd iaa : Tl lue ?ss ioU latt Tl hur lyk In. lri. last Ft 'on dsic tri; pon omi ) C( on h l R ; ere . th isf ; ;r t et i M : Z imi in r etc - es, , It Mil ' " it C n in : ! . - - ;? i I I. ' - rd r- : : ih , J I I -t - - , n -v,: - I .. Pace 14 , FOR SALE HOUSES FO' SAL, or trMi. Beautiful reach type U I bedroan ton. ivt S.W.I fecw. Phone 111 ESIiBOOM, 1 bathe. I flreplaeee, dej. bie unit play room. tliw. wm trade or rc.-t.tno teudenco. t-tltt. elt diu. or uemi wm option ' l-bwb-on- bom. I year, old. Ixe iu Shroaoo.t. tio.oot. email down permon ALLEN A JOKM. Reeltor til . Huh a. i-ttst, in, i-mi ATTRACTIVE 3-cdrorc dwll!x. Hi.rd wood floora. WeUta-wal carpeting In 11 Tin room sad ' we. oil h,e. Lot Kill. Neatly see Kit La Breach Ave. Oall Pioneer Truet Co. 1-1131. Solan, on. for details ot itie. 1330( m VERY WICI I room homo. raneed yard. Outdoor fireplace, oprlnkllng antcm. Work bop. I extra lota. V blck to out. Boaf down payraenta ond monthly. Price U.POO. Kono 4-lSe. elll " Y OWNER Modern 3-bedroom home, Loill dielrlcL 13300. I'M B. Capitol. - ""' " jhso-BXDBOOM HOME located ahadr la Weodbura. Fun price loioa. or Ian dona, fnooa 4131 Wood bum. ' 3 'J HO DOWK, Stianea t40 at W Bontli for auto 1 Xadrooa " Brown Rd. Attached aarair. to acre Mitlial aoiuU. Tti. JJ7H.JS"'. ajlt 4 BEDROOM " CompltUIf rfurblihd. thl m tin a i ideal for ft lara famllr. J Br. UMtaln and t BR down. Uri llvlDK UVd dlnlBf TOO OM. Ill ntrcn kitcbtn. lull bfvMmtnt, oil furrc. doublt tftrat. Located on North 4th at., ntir c.tr duj. nooi too twrta. Owntr trtvaifmttt. Must iU tww, 19.M0 00. ABRAMS, BOURLAND . & SKINNEK 41V MMonle BulWinr IUa) Zitit Iniuranca Loam Offlc J-931T JCve.J J-?0 I-7JM rfOWNE. Ptlrmount Hill houat. J . bloeki (rom Baktr choo). I koOroom .df arictd deo. M'llM' lot. Oil : furnoe. Outaida fir?plae". Newir doco- ; tM. Slop ana act j . - toraw X Lincoln and ralrmount, "I WANT AN OFFER ubarbaa 3-badroom, ranch bont. ' Doubla Dlumblnc, doubla taraia, Jwo fif.Bie.Ma and BtrtJ room. Darlttht niir new achool. cltT watr. f Vitw Soraeon u going to mako a ood bur. Cat a. uaia or wrma, i-u. a230 BIDSOOM Inula wood hoint, dlnlnt room, fireplace. baacmODt, lawdiut haat. Phona 30541. " NOT ORDINARY . rrr btfferent Thla charmlnr t Mrm. boma with ltrlnc Tin., Dutch heat-e-lator Jlraplaca, lovely dlnlni rm., kltchtn (toort than enouth built ; lna, aclact oak ilra , olct utility rtn., ttachad taraca. Tha lawn, ilowt.ttSt ahrubi reallr tiara tha loom. Beat of . you can mora in tor aiouo aown if you an tha rht party, act hii OtlMbea - Bva. ph. M37I. BY oWNr.Batarter home, located 3618 . Middle Orore Dr. J. X. Main. am TATB O. 1. loan on thla well built I rear old home. Lot 100 I IW. Cloee to ehool and bua. Forced air ou lurnace. Llvlns room, kitchen with dinette. 3 bedroom,. 4313 Haier ). 11.300. Owner learlnt etate. Fhona 4-M13. a331 BY OWNER. BtnLDKR . aj, A jdiooin bane Oood loealioa. Near eehool. leap Laraeat Are. Juat outn of Slleerton Kd. 0331 HERE IT IS . i"OB ano down. Thla S-bdrm. home with hdwd. lira., fire alarm aratam. cute kitchen d nook, utility room, bata. water aratem. ako larce aarava. Lot hi over 300 leet deep. Total price $330. Cloia la euburbaa aaat Juat off Caster on Morgan Ave. are Ben Colbath, Realtor It Court St. Dial 449e Ire. J(J! alii FOR SALE LOTS lABOB LOT. Inquire 9333 ao. Blah. Near bug and 1 aehoela. aa233 BUMNr.ns CORNXR, lth and nidloo tooaloo. Phone 3-33. Walt Bocolotaky. 1 . Raal Batata. aa220M lom fob ALB tn South Village brl owner, saautliul yiew. looxlts aouth- oaat eorner of Bwald and Huuey. S-4031 1 ea.lt 1 Thai 44m S Ull' 2 REAL tSTAT't NELSON West Salem - 3 Bdrms. Well-baUft pltitered home, lole at atorata apace, nicely Undacaped yard, well located for echooU, Own-r leav ing town. Oood buy. Price I70M. Call1 aire, wootteo. Desirable Manbrin Gardens BDRMS 110.300 $1131 plua about 0300 aoata will make thla eolendld houaa tn lovely floral eettlntr roura. The living rm. li 1) sioine rm. to x li. with trench SIZLa9? i!mu"Iul - - ar thU mervaloug opportunity. Call Al. WIIU. g-7ZfiS. : NELSON & NELSON SPECULtZINO REALTORS foi B. Hian st. Ph. l-ttee 4318" $300 DOWN Rand? man needed to do a little Completion work on this 3bedroom home on 4 acre of land. AUo larte chkken home. Plenty of eitre room M raue thouaanda of bird. $1000 DOWN t-bedrrom home, ell en one float Meal for a larte family. Lane llvlna room, large dlnlnt room, Kitra lane Utility, sa' duet turnare. Larse eor nt lot. rJnae tn Jr. htah and hleh achool. Paved atreeta and bua atop ei door. Only $8780. Would Uede for s emeu oonee. ST. VINCENT 4-bedTftoTB, only 1740. All Hrte rooms and an etpeclally nice kitchen to accommodate n a rowing familv Iarea corner lot trtlh a a or led fruit wee. Cloae to bua line. REIMANN REAIsj ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCK mi south Utah S. ct Phone l-eitil Phone errninaa Sunder: 41811, 3-3333, 4-1381, 4-3313, 1-S314, I IITI C310' FOR SALE Pirat mte. to dlacount 1. Payable In about 13 yeara, Al laaak At Co., Realtora, 3031 Portland M Ph 43111. cJll- tl.A.-lltllD ADVEBTISINO Pay Ward. S ttaeoe .lot Pet Word 4, Per Word, 1 4lmee 10. Per Word. 1 a..',tb 00. No Rvfxnde Mlnieam It Word. BEADEBS la LmoI Newe Cel.mo Only, Pry reed .. I. Mieimim II Warda T. Plac A4 In Samp Itaj l riper, Pheint t-t4M Bcfora it us- REAL ESTATE i r-?j pi II .iiJ, I WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WB BITD T.ir.IXOA: Bomea, Fa'"". Acreaaaa, Bialaew Motor Couru. Tavema, Out aavo rout Desirable Location & Roomy i Ivdreom houae ta alle'od. Owner w.il trade lor a -kroor. lt d oaow but it a o bur. la eood condition. Urge work ahop. Dtlhtr room, iaveial Irult treea. The price la oalr 33304. Owner Wants Larger House o wb don't peu tiadet TbU la alee. Onlr4'a r. old. Aoaelouo rooM. i?..ft nook. Lar,e lot lor gardea. Cloao la Att. farae. Price la 3l.3- T.OOK AT ME Than etop paring "''' "J J I have aaprl. 10M H. "or apace. .n.iA. hMlrooma. aep. Utuur io. to br 300 let with good aotl. 3-car Jaraaa. lnaulated. Cleae ta. My owner "anu to trade ne lor an ecr.aee Son , IB or a large home. What nave '"'MIGHTY GOOD VALUE Bhlny aaw, ta aew diet. I "l"' . ... .ii h..t ln.ulaud. 3 Ella. zrzrrzr ; or u.. m.ide ..l4 k. ul.al U rou don want to make too large an Invaatment and need room, run e-'- MR. BUSINESS MAN Here', ono you hear about but eeldom aee. Atito Salea. laulpment At T V. Largo ai:op. Tool ahed. Modera ahew htH altt alaaa front. Approl. 1300 M re im bid. Owner wli! accept a nodera home up to 330.003 aa part payment, run price aw.vwv. GROUND LEASE a war Mlrabla lot OB one of lem'a beat atreeta. suitable for any type of bualneaa aueh aa aarrleo ela tion, appliance, drug atera. or what have rou. Leaia available ier aim oat aa IfMia aa dealrao. Income $120 Per Month On thla dulrabl suunaaa otcv. w noit nw. t-yiar Itaaa. WaU aitablUh d tenant. 100 ao. (t. floor apaca. Off a treat parkiot. run pnet mur m,wv. This la a raal rood buy. . MR. MECHANIC Here i your draam. Thla propartr U locatad In an unuaually proa par otu community. Concrete btdf. Complete ly remodeled modern home. Iara a lot. Off at. parklrtf. Gai pumpa. Xverythlni foea for 131.100. Owner will accept an other property vp Io $10,000 at part payment. 25 ACRES No bWrt., but thla land haa aaveral good aitea. Cloee to Aalem. 30 Acraa under cultivation. Vary bant of aoil. Pull prlca only 1700. Wall located for aeJiool. Pavad road. Mr. Farmer, Don't Look Farther Hera'a a buy for you. 43a A. of very ood toll. Located In a choice farmlni area. Not too far from Salem. New modern ranch type houie. 40 by 0 barn. silo. Qood aheen barn. Oaraee. (0 A. tilled. Only ts.ooo down will handle. PuU prlca 31,000. Batter bur- 34 ACRES Very cloia to. "Won't be loot until thla la eub-dlvlaloQ property. Haa been a Otada A dairy. Oood pvd. rda. 3 lart barna. ont With 19 atanchtona. Modern duplex with t bathroom, S car laraxe. Condition of all bldaa. la vary food. Full price only 31,Tft0. For Bualneaa Opportunltlai and Bomaa all tor: MR. CRAWFORD (Mr; 4I-I0M) iJIAT ORIMMETT tMn. 9-770 BAN ISA AS (SVe. '103t) For Farna only call for: MR. LCAVXNS (Kve. J 1 73 St IS no aaewer call 4-3341 F.H.A. dtv CO rfVBNTTONAL 14TO. 30 Ter Maturity Llcenied Alio la Waih. k Idaho Al Isaak & Co., Realtor - Off. Phonal 4-3311 or 3-7190 S.0.: 3-4736, 4-3533, 4-5030, 3-7071 If no anawer, call 4-3341 e31l $emit$ $oiitiitii$ aiMtiuat BUY "tSittSum "ST IHlllltMIUtlUttM $ecmit4 el ttttuttal . leeeiitt it $auua$ x $!$ 44 $44411 $ $$ SULLIVAN CAPE COD Thla fine home haa two bdrme. with 3rd bdrm. In the full baaemrnt. Fire place, Mi. (loora and dhl. plumbtne. Cloee to Knelewnnd achool. $13,000. Mr. Rice, evaa. 1 $1,000 DOWN Three-year-old twe-bedTonm. eloae to arnooi. Ownt-r ta moving and muit cell NOWl Oil heat and a lane lot with wonderful aoil. iT.ttO, and only let S month. ii THREE-FOURTHS ACRE a Acroaa the road from Haaal Oreen achool. Three bdrm. In thta remodeled home. Owner will trade equity PLUS CASH for a money-tnaklr.c tavern $7,00. Ed. Btlatol, ?s. 3-8814. NINE ACRES Property Ilea between two county road, aouth. Ideal for aubdlvtston. Owner will take amaller acreage In trade. $8,108. Call MacParland. evtv 4 -131. . $35,000 Biiht e part men La and three firat fioor buaiuaaa out lata in concrete bidi. located In Nlvuton. call Bob Sulli van for Information en thli real in vestment. Evm. 4-1177. 181 N. Hlih Street Phone 4-PMl rill $9200. A real bur. Nice ..lean home Waved eVoae to Lean .. Full baimt . dining rm. rirepl.. 3 drma. (one la real It. Pr In top eond. Eve. call Lyie Fare. 3-5S47. $8950 REAL cloae tn Hoover eth. Cute aa can be. One bMrm. down, room up for 3 more, beautiful variety of flower ahruba. late, cardan fine water a vat em, cjulet etreet. Bra. call Ed 3-1 TO. $0500 CLOSE to Enalewood. -r a Senior hleh orhoote. H(H.te It wry neni. 1 ."iJU'-J'.'HS: Sve. call Ray Cavlt 4-1311. $10,750 Perfect TV reception, borne U brand new. haa 3 bdrme. 33x38 fully piaa- terr-j eitat'utxi caran, 8t)x314 lot with the lawn In. hem to beat for the price. Eve. ceil Wie Foite J-408T. 50050 Pur a L-.hed. 81000 down, immediate toeseaton. I bdrme., two bathe, baamt. w eavdiiat furn. 3-car gar. Eve. call Ray Davie 4-M1T. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor tt if. nioh , ph. t orn j REAL ESTATE YOU'LL LIKE THIS! .....I koai. aa North I4tk Btraot. Bztra largo Hvlnp room. r-i two largo badrooma. baouUful kllokea, 4oublo aaraaa. Iwdaail.t-0lfU.I''t CROISAN CREEK wa 1 too aauare feet of living area. Located aaaoaf other fine Borneo V7 daalrable dlatrlat. Largo living room with fireplace. lnlng 1 ,Kalloa reoaa. two bodroowat, tile bath, lore, air cU u,l"tl. Tarau. Call 3f. Parawta. LIKE TREES? eku liraillve. p.arlr aew heme la ahaded or large walnut traaa. 7. biichea U oolataadlu with elrch kuUl-lma a ad ooraer Unit, Ic. rocm! vary nice living tooaa. 1 bodrooma. both oa4 atUIty rooaa. w. Vao. thig will plaaeo m at only Hl.f. Tir-a. ENGLEWOOD SPECIAL ware ta a dandy twe-bedrooat home, economically priced, pet adoouala fni o email family. It haa a living room, kitchen with tuning area. J bodrooma, ptliur room and geraga. only tog. T.rma. Call Mr. XHne. ' C. V. KENT & CO, REALTORS Uortiaia Loaaa Coaitractle-a Plaaaelac aaa Martb Church PhOtta 4-3M3 and suaOay; Kaeaa t-N7(L Faraoaa 1-lMa, Asdaraos 1-1744 ; CLOSE It sal afUs thai we ! thla klad of property for aala. Walktat dia tanca ta alty center, 1 larce bad ' rooDia. flreplact, fall dry bajeneat, cloaa ta bui. cood term a, too, Call Ralph Middy, , Ohmart . JUST LISTED 5960 BUYS IT A aom for table 3 -bedroom bent AV ChuTch St. Full lot M 00. Haa dlnlno room, plua Book is kitchen. $1M0 djflva movaa you la. ATTRACTIVE HOME ON COLUMBIA STREET a bedroom. S hatha, a tea lltlni room with aeparata diolnv room, lata of built-lm la bandy kitchen with Book, fall baaement and '! ' furnace. A OOOD noma, well located, for $13,000. Aak Henry Torvend 1 to ahow row thru. NEW 3 BEDROOMS ' Here'a a home Juat built br dot of alalem'a flnaat buildere. There'! a 14aVa x 30 llvinc room, It z 14 dining room, beautiful kitchen with nook lota of corieoue birch woodwork and a large doubla garage. It'a llated at 111.000 to help atari a aaw development. Better have a look; it'a a beauty. Juat call for Tad MonUon. IN BUSINESS ZONE ON STATE STREET cvoae In, $0' frontage, t toed res tala room for txpanslos. Call Louie Lorem for full detail. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 4TT Court St. Phone 34111 - 34114 Kve.: Lou la Lor.na t333e Ralph Maddr 13433 H.n-y Torvend 13331 Ted Morrlaon 3M43 C330' ' "OUT A LITTLE WAY" t Acre, l-rr.-old 1-bdrm. home, fireplace, auto, oil (urn. Secluded, ahadr yard, view. A good buy for 330. T.rmi. "A LITTLE CLOSER IN" Three-fourth acre. Hew 1-bdrm. home on pavement, tnildo utility. Very good at 33T30. Term,. 4 "CLOSER IN" Larte lot. Nice garden apace. 1-bdrm. home with unftnlahett unelalra. Very xood at I1P30. "TWO OF THESE" New S-badrootn homat. Pull kaaexaat. Rlealy located la new dlitrlet, Choice for 314,000. Oood ttrme. A.A.LARSEN, Realtor Ml S. High ltn' A. B. Beckett, ph. 14331! A. Welle. Ph. 13133! A. Halvoraen, ph. 17131 GRABENHORST SPECIALS . - , ..- VIBW OVBR CITT Pirat time offered) for eala sad searing com pie- -ties a yariatios of the famous 'Trade aecreta" home, I nice bdrme., llv. rm., din. rm., fireplace, hdwd. flra dble car port, auto. oil heat, ell automatic kitchen with fan, Oeneral Klectrlc elnk with dishwaaher, Ol, waahar and dryer. Complete la every reapect. Pineit location Is Salem. The beat buy wo have at $14,000. CAIaL ROT FXRRia FARM. 100 ACRES IAST Win eell all or lubdlvtde to ault your seeda. Completely fenced with woven wire and croea-fenced. Tear 'round ctrcem run length of property. Oood bars, machine heda and a apacloua 4-bdrm. home. Dble. plbg., hdwd. fire., aicelleot .condition throughout, A very good, cloae-ts location, offering eomc excellent bldg. altea, Mem eehool dUtrlct. FOR APPOnmoNT CALL H. K. LAYMON ROM! WITH IN COM Lovely S bdrnu., llv. rm., din. rm,. klcthen. bath and utility rm. plua 1 bdrm.. llv. rm., kitchen, dinette s bath. Lea. dble --aa wUh utUlty for emaUer home. Been br appt. only. CALL J. S. LAW LOVKLT BRICK HOUR All on aa floor, t bdrma., lovely bath. lee. utility, radiant hot water haat, flreplaca, lie. llv. rm., oak floora throughuut. laat Moreland'a only ail-brick home in fineat location. Cwne out at tows and waste to eell. CALL ROY . Fxrrib Mcrrfu HIOHWAY $$aeven unite plua room for four additional vxuju Completely furnlahed. Owner'a auartera. Cloae in to town and ipiatauranta. Will conalder trade for Income ar residential property. CAIaL H. K. LAYMON A LOYALY 3 -BDRM. SUBURBAN BOMB Convenient to echoole 4k tranaportatloa and ahopplng. Beautiful II a 33 ft. llv. rm. with fire place, convenient kitchen ft nook. Pull bath. Auto, oil heat. A good bur at ISOOO. CALL J. B. LAW GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS tit a. Liberty at. Ph. I-Jtll Bvonlngo gi aundayg call R. K Larmon 3-3133 Roy Parrla 1-3010 1 B. lw 1-3113 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE: U rout property te for eaie. rent at eaehanga, Uat tt wltb as We have all kinda ol eaab buyere TATB FINANCE CO. lUw<OSJ 113 S- iiiga St aa WANTED A S-bedroom home with-in 4 or & block of Hollywood. In aerth Salem. 1 have a buver tor aueh a property. P. H. WEIR, REALTOR 1341 S. Com'L - Phone S-otil caaao WE ARB la need of good bouaee te eell. is or sear aeiem. u reu wies to Uat your property for sale, eee ORABaENHOReBT BROS.. REALTORS lie S LlBerty Pb. 3-3471 a HA 1 BUYER for 4 -bedroom, baaement ' .or a up ta $31,000. Prefer Leallo dla.rkt, or may conalder Englewood dUri-tft, call for Mr. CTawfoTA, eve. ph. 4-8071. Al Xaaak, IteaJter. 3l Port'ar.i Rd. Ph. 4-3111. ca331 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE 1 homea. new, modern, coot town near Aria. for valley apt. hone or motel. Ceo ecu el to Oil.OOO aa need, a nod income, write B, C. RUtWKLL AGENCY REALTOR PO. Boa Uil, WARRENTON. ORE. cbsai BY OWNER, West SUem trade wanted S acre on hlwar sear city UmiU. Dtp;, all el: trie, hardwood floora. s. celt furntahed. A!se alder type houee nV"-"" : -A. Full price $14,000. Houae to ji.OM in weat Salem ae down pa men l or $78V flown. Balance 14 year eoatrict at 4 u desired, '.a J Jt7i Cbll." IIUSI N ESS OPPORTUNITIES NEIGHRORROOn STOBB, horn.. 0 JO- la. aict-ieaa. Might uede. rnea, 4-tvt4 cdSSl. AJOf. OIL COMPANY Mrvlce ttatMn for lea,,e, ethal locetlea. Comm.rrial A Vvth. Phonr 3-3IM. rd.) a! ' INCOME PROPEftTIES. 1 Real Nice Duplex with I berreoeni is eeeb eld. Located in eouu pan of town. I believe you mlf be proud to own property like this. I til- home to Uvg la and good monthly income. F. II. WEIR, REALTOR 1141 a. Com L - Float 144 fllT To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 TUB CAPITAL JUtKNAL, Balem. Oregon REAL ESTATE IN Jtudy Calaba FURNITURE FOR SALE COMPLETE 3 BEDROOM house of fur- nianinia. inciuaint 1B&3 Friainalra. iu. toteatle waaher and dryer. All priced newniBii. mono x-goet. o310 TRADER IaODlC OPBN FRIDAY b MONDAY BVBNINOS sate1 WANTED FURNITURE AUCTIONS AUCTION Or FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TUESDAY EVENINGS 4141 CENTER ST.. SALEM ddlll' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK WHITE FACE FFEDEB oalraa, Salem Meal Co., 1333 a. nth. poena 1-4388. LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCBEB BEEF White fiee Hereford. 34a. Locker peck 44. Rethtaff down, f atoa. ta pay. t7Uatom guilnt. Traucr leaned me. aaioai Meat . nit a 38th. Ph 3-4tnl ... PETS PARAREETS. Choir, young blrda, Verle- tr oi eoiort. jigt Llvlniaton. 1-1343 etlir FMB BITTENS, boblaued and moth- erieeKignway Ave. at otrict, eclu KILLTWOOD AQlRllM-iy5-u7coT one black eett of N. Capitol. IVi blerka north of Madlaon. Ph. 3-1X31. orlri- CHAMPION BRED BOXES pupplea. ev ery pup potential champion. Moore Tropical Fleh. Parakeeta. Turtlea, au. pllra. 1 milee from Lane eater ,n MrCltay read, t-llll. Cloeed W.dnea der ec0 FOR SALE POULTRY Wl ARB hatching New Hampshire Oatd- f Bread im Arbor Acrea White Reck, evert week. Special priceg ta year srntisd fryer trewtra. pna'a Hatdbtry. ;M) aio si Pbeea -40w. LA PRODUCl rtTELOtO CTJKKf treeh dally yrara oar farm ihio run e. ev.... vhmwui grow potetoea. red or white. Peachao new on market. PhUUna area. Perm ' Merkeu 33e4 Porilaad B4 Salem Phone 34313. , tf 3loT VAB1BTY of peaanee la aoaooa Woraa Ireo Oravonatela.. IVa aaUe from brtdee aa Wallace ltd, L. B. Wendt. grower. "313 PITITE PBONM now ready. 37 a If. Riv er Bd. Ph. 3-3300. fflipe CANNIMO PEAC3BS 3033 Puhey Bd. 0-PICK B1A3II, 3o pound. Clear Lake Parma. Rt. 3. Box 114. Phone 4-ltlt. worth of K.laer. ff33Q PICK YOBB OWN PKACHIB Due to conditlona. we will turn our orchard over to the public for h errant. IMFROVID BLBERTAB . windfalla 31 00 per bog Pie-pleaed 33.00 par box Heavy Crop Bring your owa Boaee or Contalnere. 13 Mtlej North on River Road. - Watch for Alan. '- PRO) V1E8KO Oooae Lake Perm Ph. Salem 43913 fflM' FOB SALI arevenetela apple.. Phona 1-4334. 1I3 PEACHES Tmprovad Blbertaa sow ready at Bd Kiaiinakl Orchard. 1 mile eaat of Totem Pole. Phone 1-1717. ffJJO BROCCOLI FOR freeatng. Kentucky Wondere (freete ar can), Cucumber for pickling. Mebama Oardana. $ ml. B Stayton on eld hlway. ff33o CLEAN WHEAT 0TB AW, wire baled. Monroe Ciine, Phona 36P3. Rt, L, Independence, ff320 CANNING tomatoea, U-plek. $1.00 buahel. Holman'a, 13 mllaa aouth of Salem or $ mUea North of Jcfferaon os OLD MB. ff333 ILL GROWN PEACHE Improved Bl bertaa, J. H. Hale. Mulr. Rollln Beaver. Dp Olen Creek Rd. Phone 47P3. If310 D-P1CK evrayed Bar tie tt pear. $1.00, Phore 4-3671. ff330a SWEET CANNING tomatoea. Lett ol Roberta eehool, Ird home. L. H. Zlelke. ff330 IMPROVED BLEERTA PBACHEB From one of Miaul on Bottom fineat orchard. Bxtra full buiheia. Oet them sow while you have a large quenlty to eeleel from. Alao, pickling cukee. eort ad ar field run. Preah dally. Order taken for canning beau and apple. Bartlett peara and blackberrlec. Phil lips Broc Farm Market, 560 Portland Road, ftaiem. Phone 3-4013. tt CTJCTJMBXSS for diua. $3 buahel. ff330 Phone 4-100$. SALBM PIBMC MARKET i Parmer-1 opes Wedneadaya and Saturday, g:ao a.m. 1340 X. Rural. Begat Inlt and vecetables. If 321 PEACHES J. H. Hale and Improved Bl bertaa. Italian prune, ah irom ma Dalle. Orecon. Puritan Cider Works, 701 Ida ewe ten Weat Salem. Phone 1-7614. Lajt load Tueaday. II330" C-PICK CUCUMBERS, 3c. Phone 4-3047, Louie Adami, Clear Lake. inn1 HELP WANTED CUCUMBER PICKEBS urgently needed at Phiilipa Broa. rarm. rn. 3oai. g- KITCHEN HELP San Shop, 3400 Port land Rd. S" KITCHEN HELP Apply In peraon. Speedway Reataurant, ino center st. BEAN PICKERS needed bed!?. Every day Including Sunday. 3c good piecing. mile aet of Keller on Dearbcrn Ave. Joaeph A. Herbar. 483 Claxter Rd. gllf BBAN PICKERS Wearr croo. late field close in. Park' lng. Oak Creat Farm, 1 milee Mo. of Weat Salem on Wallace Rd. g319' PEAR PICKERS, heavy crop, late Pick ing. Oak Creat Farm, 3 mllaa ?o. of Weit Salem on Wallace Rd. g319 BLACKBERRY PICKERS wanted. Oood ben.ea, 33 acre of irritated Thornleea Bverrreeni. North on eB to Criemewa- Sllverton Rd., east 1 mile to flrak four corner, leit on vancieave no. 74 mue Alvln J. VanCleave. phone 41813 after 41 p.m. erai1 HELP WANTED MALE BOYS 10 yre. Clean all winter Job. BAB BowL 1088 Portland Rd. galir EXPERIENCED, STEADY, wool praaaer. Ofve referencea and experience, write Box 318, Capital Journal. gaaw DIM PLAY MAN with aome .experience. Salary open. Interview at Roberta Broa. 177 N. Liberty, Tueeday, loth. talis LOGGING TRUCKS wanted, large type, heavy duty. 4 hour trip, 311.00 per m. Report to Wlllamlna Lumber Co., WU lamina, Oreion. Phone 3383. ge330" BELLHOP, over 31. Apply between 3-7 p.m. See Mr. Bailer, Senator Hotel. ga330 HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITRESS Woodrofta'a Sen Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phone oalla. CALLER For home portrait photograph ar. Will train. Call alter f p.m. et 483 8. Cottage. gbiai WANTED Reliable baby altler, pert or full time. Phone 3-0403, gbaiB' BABY SITTER wanted to live In. Will conalder hlchachool girl or woman with ono child. Fhofl. 1-S013 between 3:13 p.m.-4 p.m. gbiso1 WOMAN FOR houtework. Live In or by day. Phone 3-8013. ab30- CAR nop Woodroffe'e Sao Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phone ealla. gb' WANTED-aperltnced houeekeeper. Live In. Local referencea required. Muat like children. 1100 month. Write Box 310. Capital Journal. gb.21' WANTED, EXPERIENCED Waltraea, 40 to 30 years of age. Olaeg Front cafe. 3-3481. .bill' SALERLADIE8 FOR chlldren'e apcrta wear and lingerie depart men ta, expe rience preferred but not necesaary. Oood ealary pleaaant worktnt condi tlona. Sea Mr. Bchlup, Anita Shop. Sb331 CHtliftTMAS TIME our earnlnt time. Avon Product haa several openings for women who wish to earn. Make a Mer rier Christmas for yourself and family. For Interview, write. Irene Stewart. P. O. Boa 3711. Portland 3, Oreton. 10321 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES YOUR JOB? F Pile clerk. It. type rt-38 $188 F Cannier hoateM It. ofc. work ,330 P Cashier cap, 38-41 .....1331 P Oen. etc. It. ahthd. ,.8200 F-Recept. PRX -18 Hm PSatfa (aaveral 18-48 to oiryi P Typist I da. 10 w orn lias P Oen. etc. knowledta bkkpt..$l75 PBkkpt. machine opr. $ day. .1178 P Bookkeeper 1335 F Steuoa. ueveralt to 137 M Trainee tefc. mgr.) eol. pref. 31-30 or-:. M Bookkeeper 1380 COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 481 Stata St, (Oregon Bldg.) 4-UM gfll$ Journal Want Ads Pay JOE PALOOKA WANTED SALESMAN ODTIIDK SALESMAN to aaH plumb ing, beating and building a-orlel-Salary guaranteed, plna liberal aoei aaiaeloa. Bxperlenee preferretg. plua ambittos and latearlty. Sea air. ior fesaea. MONTGOMERY WARD 4b CO. ggWO Sales Representative Paei grow lac National manufacturer of lacandeaeesl bulha vsd fluoreacenl lubea alao s auahty Ui of flaturee and eiclualve llchtiag vroducta aa pentng Is the Salem arav calling os Indueuial. Commercial. Isatltutiomal sad GoverE-aBoatal aocounU. protected territory, group laauraaee. boa pi talis a ttoa. bosue, other boaeflte. Lifetime future with aarnisaa unit ml ted. Car seccaeary. For Interview, contact Mr. 1 Caraos, Bote! Maries, Wad., Sept. 18. Check with hotel deafc. 10 a m. to 4 10. ga331 WANTED POSITIONS LIOBT CBAWLBB doalng. dirt level ing, trading. Phon, 1-3333. h.sa- PBAY PADcriMU, Haiph AUmea, Ph. 4-3303 3-1331. h313 NEW LAWNlPreparad and aeeded. Botary ho. leg. puaao Wokott, 1-3131. nit VBTXBAB, If, aiamad, 1 child, college graduate, f month, direct ealaa, 4V. yeara retail experience, dealrea re eponalble retell or direct aalec po altlon. Ref.raneae furnlahed. Write Box 313. capital Journal. h31B 1XPEBT BOTABY TILLING for lawn preparation. 3 4-Inch Howard. 4-1301. hill CABPtNTCB Repair and remodel cab- In. I. and garegea. amall J 001 wel eome. Phone 4-4330. hllg WOULD like to bid oa your palatine. Phone 3-4343. , ha.3 CARPENTRB want repair Joke of any kind. Phono 33331. bill MIMXOGKArniNO M typing, duality work, reaaenablo ratea. Mra. Poe. 143 N. 11th. Phone lltts. hl34- BOTOTILLINO Mlddl, Orove Nuraarr. 4330 Sllverton Rd. Phone 4-4133. rr LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller work. Service Center. Phone 4-331. n- WIBMAL'I DAT NCBSEBY Llcenaed and etato Inepoeted. Phono 1-1013. hl)3 TBXB WOBB Topping, trimming, re moving. Ineured. John Payne, phone 3-0333. , h333 PAINTING, PAPIB hanging, day or contract, amall Joba welcom,. Phone 1-1M3. 1341 MlCKlNHAVra DAY NDRSIRY State Uoeneed and tnopeeted. Phone 1-1331. hUT BKLIABLB BABY 1ITTIB Will fo daya or nlghu. Phone s-foet. h3io" GAB9BN WORK by the day, experienced. Phone 31338 evenlnga. h234 LET VB DO your fall yard and flower bed cleen up: alco, new lawne put la. Ph. 1-4031 or 1-1401 after 1:30 p. m. h33l EDUCATION CANDALABIA B1NDEBGABTEN M0 Henaen Ave. Open Sept. 31, 1 mornlnga a week. 4 and 1 yeara. Reglater now. Ph. 34833. hh332 ALICE ARNOLD TEACHER OF PIANO BEGINNERS ADVANCED 1111 3ND ST., W. SALBM PH. 3-4484 hh3i HIGH SCHOOL for. diploma at home. write American scnooi. wh rt. inter state. Portland 3. Ore. hh334 FOR RENT OFFICE SPACB Inaulro at lot S Blah Phone 1-1114. 1' LARGB wireouae enaeo lor rent ar leaae. Cement floora, brlok bulldim Down town. Inoulre H. I Stiff Fur niture Co. Phone l-tltt. )' FOB LEASE 180 to 303 feet frontaio on Bdgewater at. Weat aalera. Ira J. Pitta ph 38403 I WANTED TO RENT GOVERNMENT employee w label to leaae 3 or S-bedroom home with fireplace. baaemeat. Option to ouy. Fhone 4-Boax. , Ja330 ROOM & BOARD BOABD AND BOOM for children (8-18 rra.i In atate certified home. Complete care, achool bua by door. $87.80 mo. Mra. Long. Rt. 3. Bo 30. Phone 3307. Sheridan, Oregon. JJ333 HOMf COCKING, pack lunches, clean. culet. Man. 1$ week. 1WS No. 8th. JJ334 FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING rooma with cooking facDItlet. Refrigerator aiid prlvata entrance. 180 N. Commercial. Ikaif NICE LIOHT houaekeeplng room. Lady. tsa N. Church. 11330- ATTRACTIVE ROOM doll to atete bulldlnge. 831 N. Winter. Ik33 PI.EASANT BOOM with bath, cloae In. Gentleman. Ph. 3-4111. Jkjoi- FOR RENT HOUSES ROOM A garage. Reer. Wired ranee. 180 N. Oottaxa St. Jm330 S-ROOM HOUSE 843.30. Water fur nlahed. Adult, only. F. H. WEIR, REALTOR 134? Com'L phone 1-0411 jm-tr 3 BEDROOM modern home on onw acre of eround. Immediate poueealoa, IM month. Call $-7007. ' im' CLEAN t-REDROOM modern wi'-h ga- race. In Brook. M8. Phone 41937. Im31$ SMALL, ATTRACTIVE cottace, 1-bed room, earata attached. Fhona I-noni. lm-301 t-RED ROOM HOCSfc on the cdte of downtown buslneaa district. Phone 3-4114. Jm323 ONE BEDROOM hou?e. With lota of rlo set apace. Steve, refrlcerator, tftrace. Some utilities. Inquire 180$ N. :9th Jm3lt' AVAILABLE KEPT, It Clean 4-bcdroom, clone to Hlihlgnd St.. Vincent achool. See It now at 3107 Haael St or till spruce. Jml21 SMALL, NEAT, 3 bedroom houa $M month. Inonlr 1888 N. 8th. jm vdPdwld dVa4P 4 S4'9 BUSJNESS RENTALS ns' I Cb FLOCiB of o, it.'ta.epece "X' rent. Call at lltu Market " ro FOR RENT APA tTMEHTS NEWLY DECOB'..r Hl.ely fuml.hed. 1-badrorui ,-.:tm-'it, Olrla preferred. 43X n. wint'i 'p.ie' BEAUTIFULLY FI'RNISHEE .".-bad room duplex. Lara., .hadr lot. Clove te bua. Rer.t tit. 1.11 .-dgreater Fhora x-8109. eventnaa 3-38lt. :o?33 3-ROOK FUBNiVhF-D court apartmeni ree.oneble. 1Mb Madlaon. 44T84. 1P333 N'.tit yrxM.nrn apartment with verge apd larrtrernor. Prlvata bath. Waahlng fav.'.ea. 848 rncludlng utll tlea. Cloae to rf,.tel bulldlnge. 4-341. jpai. CLEAN, FURNISHED apartment. Range, refrigerator, laundry. Utllltlee paid. 831.30. Ph. 1-80M. 1341 Haael Ave. Iplll FOR RENT APAkTMENTS t-BOOM taratehod and ''JmiatU anartaaaaa. taaa4ia.fl 'fl' KujvLWi rCBNlIBEB apartaeeau. am- oeeeador Apu. eno -a 1-BOOM I'PITAIBS apartment, wall fuj aleid, 130. Laundry facllltlaa. lie. Maple Ave. Phone 11113, call oxontbua. I-BEDBOOH nnfuraUhed apartment. Adulte. No peta. Reap ahopUM eeatu PnOOO 3-0B7C. 1 AND I BOO Ml. AdulU. fit Be UTCh. Phono 43431. 1P'" OAaniN court. 1 room, anfuraUhed with bath, refrigerator, rena.. eu"- aialla waahar. orauad floor, trr no. lllh. Phono 43313. "'' NICELY FUBNIBHED I roome, aeaT Leallo achool. waehlnr laellltlae. 1-01. FUBNIBHED l-rotm apartment Ier 1 edulu. No peta. Phone 3-3313. IP333' 1-BEDBOOM nnfurnUhed apt. atove, refrlggrator and water furnlahed. jn- ulre 1131 So. 13th St. "m 1 LARGE, CLEAN roome, private bath. 331 So. 11. Ph. 31113; "" LOVELY, CLOSE IN, llrat floor apart ment, lou of eteem heal and hot water. See at 311 Oak etreet. 1 BOOM furnlahed apt. Electrlo range, private bath, low . Liberty. I-"". 1-BEDBOOM lurnUhed apt. UtlUtla, In- rhulari. lOHfl Uvrtle. FUBNIBHED apartment, cloae In. Avail able to everything. 444 N. Cottage. Jp" SMALL UNFUBN1SHED one - bedroom apt. Oround floor, electric ttove end water. Furnlahed. 3-3003. IP'"' I BED BOOM, larae unfurnlihed. alao 1 bedroom furnlahed. Phone 1-1488 or I BOOM furnlahed apartment. Cleen, warm, walking cuaiaoce. y --, SEVEBAL turulahed apartmena good location. Inoulre H. la Stilt Furniture Phone 3-3183. CLEAN, FURNISHED apartment. Private bath. Phona 4-8518. i""'' COURT APABTMENT Furnlahed, cloae In on N. commercial. 1 roome and sa rage. Phone 1-M43 or I-H44. IP131' NEWLY REMODELED 3 room furnlahed epartment. Private bath. 330 S. 14th. Phone 3-8333. I"334 FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment In cluding utllltlee. 1 or 1 men. Clean, cloaa in. Reaaonable. Ph. 4-8333. Jp331 NICELY FUBNIBHED a part si ant, with range and refrigerator. Private bath, waablng facllltlaa, 348, Including utU ttl.a. Clot, to Capital building. Phone 4-3483. "' FUBNIBHED 1 AND 3 rooma, hatha. Near Capital. 1330 Center. 10331 ENJOY MILL Creek and "Dead End" quletneae, plue Immaculately, clean room, kitchen prlvllete. A real home. 138 S. 14th. Jt3' REDECORATED 1 rooma. ehower. Low rent, water, gerbege paid. 1-3881. 1P314 1 BM. APT., furalehed. Incl. refrlg., cloae to downtown, north. 138.30. See Burt Plcha. 311 N. High St.. 1-4041. Jp311 MISCELLANEOUS BEE-RIVS TRUCKS U-DRIVB MOVE YOURSELF SAVB Vk CAR RENTALS STAKES . VANS TEXACO STATION 11 COURT ST. PHONB 1-1111 PAOB STXVINSON and AL MBFPORD 1ALXM aAND O RAVEL COMPANY contract work oad clearing . Ditch tag aewer and Baaemcat Equipment Rental -Ditching by the Pool Phone Daya 1-1403 Bvaa. 3-4411 or I-14U aalem. Oregon " DENTAL PLATE REPAIR) 3-HR. ftEBVICE IN' MOST OASBB DR. HARRY 8BULER. DENTIST Adolpb Bldg.. State s Commercial St. SALEM PH. 1-3311 LET TJS DO your flah amoklng and flah cannlnr. 3-7008. wiHO BUILDING MATERIALS WINDOWS Lart eat etock la Salem. New w eats- era tripped window, completely aasejs bled, $14.30 up. Large modera laahae and crystal picture windows. 18 Pick your choice et bargain prtcea. PLUMBIKG Hew toilets with aeat 135.80 ?n"xl$" wash baslna, complete .. 17.80 Bath tuba with flttlnga 880 Colored bath aeta Bargain Double laundry tray, complete 30.78 Shower cabinet, complete 43.00 Double kitchen elnka. electrlo water heatera. pipe ... aheap 4" eolld Oreniebrra Pipe ........38c $00 gaL Iteel septic tanks ..... .187.80 OTHER BARGAINS Metal aerate door wltb bdwe $45 New 4x3 plasterboard ..,.$1.40 4x8 waterproof wal'bcard 31.78 Interior and exterior plywood ..cheap Nalla, carload supply ., . 88.75 Overhead garage door hdvre HL Loose insulation, per bag 11.00 Roll blanket insulation bargain 14" "Jap Birch" plywood 38c " "Jap Birch plywood 41c 04 Mali ot any plywood .... 43c Mo. I Cedar ehlni.ee $0.38 No. 3 Cedar ah I ne lee 9.90 No. 3 Cedar ehinrlea 4.00 3-teb rooting Bargain Panel doors, hardwood doora, all types glasa doora lowest prices New fir door Jamb 1 1.1,0 Painted cedar shake $18.78 Un printed cedar ahakea .88.00 New axbestu elding ...tfllH. Exterior white paint $3.08 Shake molding, per fool 10a Cedar fence pasta Cheap C G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-6081 One mile H. of reiser ma BOOKING, INSULATION. Venet 1 a n Blinds, call Western Auto Supply Co for free estimate. 3-7177. ma1 Red Cedar Shingles Beat grade, coast or mountain tim ber. Delivered prices: No. U $8-38, 3a, $6.00: 3rx, $4 .00: 4s, 33 80. COMMON LUMBER Complete mill stock. Shtplap, 3x4i and wider, del., 26- per M. th up TED MULLKR, phone Salem 3-1 181 evenlnts. ma1 REMODEL NOW! Free home Planning eervlce. Let give rou a free estimate on your home remodeling or repairs. Also Installa tion of roofing, eveetroqths, aiding or outer DUiMing material. Montgomery Ward Phona 1-318' . 183 No. Ubarly m.311 NURSERY STOCK FERTILIZER Parmer!, rebuild your land. Rotted menure. 13.10 yerd Delivered to your find. Phon. 1-OTIt. mb3l- To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 OH...HLO..UH, LOOK. BOWEN., I WAS MAO... I DIDNT KNOW WHAT 1 WAS 5AYIN-.I. Mora, September 14, 1953 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS axk LlBBABT table! Up aoaaiuon. ll.H. Woodry. 133 . Sumwer. 311 WASHINO MACBINES. Baay SPlndrlet A, Norae; emaU refrigerator, 3 ahromo chair a. Phoae 1-4811. a3!0; TYPEWBITEB. 18.8.1 metal table, aia; menoaany otiic -J1"' """" tn: elf Ice ohatra. 4.T3. Shop Olena Woodry'a, 1103 M. Bummer, .313 WELSB BABY aarrlaaa. play pea, high .netr. Taytor .an. wwi yocker and daek. AU Ilka BOW. Vary r.a.ooabla. Phono 1-1333. B31P CSED MLBXOaX. 1101 N. Suauae LIS. OVtars Woodry, r. nlll TBBY OOOD Weatlasfoua. latpaxdromal with water save" Rt. a, Boa ta. Monmouta. ra. r ia. n..- O.E. ir FAN, nerfeel. 11.01. OUnn Woodry, 1301 M. Summer. a313 QUALITY HEATING! rjiHi auy Perimeter eollaa BraUm wltb warm air unit. Heat, economically. Buy aew ana neve. Montgomery Ward Ph. 1-1111 111 No. Liberty nlipe I OaUDB BIKE. Ilka saw, 33.30. Wood ry, 1803 M. Summer. n313 I E L. POWEB SAW. A-l condition, 40- Inch Par. new ao-isca caein. n.w 40-la. bar. Complete, 33&1. Ph. 1434 or 3314 Dellaa. 101 Academy. n331 SACBIF1CE n.H kitchen trath burner, white enamel deluxe, 43.30. New ateel heatoro, 8.88 to 10.00. Olenn Woodry, Bargala rumlturo, 1808 N. Sumtrtrr. nllO BRAO RIFLE, see U. V. Doe, 14ft Sll verton Rd. or Ph. 48b3S. nasi" PAINT, 1.33 GAL. Olenn Woodry. n313 M-se BIFLB. I Box ebella, in. 3034 Brown Rd. before .noon. B318 BETTER BUlTS, OUnn Woodrya nllf BOAT, TRAILER, 10-38 Wlaoheater car bine, Or.an City Salmon reel (new). S-avXI. 1138 N. Liberty. ' nlJO BEAL BABGAINt I Beautiful .a tarn ma hogany Inlaid lamp or phone teble. Reg. 43.80, Spc. used price, 18.80. Olenn Woodry, 1814 N. Summer. nlll DUO-THERM heater with faa 111. See at 3833 Brooke St. - a 310 PAINT, 1.31 OAL. Olena Woodry. nllA- OUT-OF-TOWN client will ucrtflc, 1 to 1 Belcreel cemetery lot, at 130 each. Regular price le 113.81. See Mr. Vorheea with Daatoa at Denton. Phono 13883. nlil USED BEDS, deeka, lampa, davanoa, ruga. Salem'e Beat Bargalaa. Olenn Woodry'a. IMS N. Summer. alls TOP SOIL Rlv.r nit and fill dirt. Prompt do. llv.ry. Phoa, 1-1141 n rOBTABLB AIB Coolar, like aew, 43.00, Olenn Woodry'a, 110S N. Summer. Ph. 131 10. n318 P.U.C. LOCAL CABTAGI permit. Make ofler. Phone 1-1304. nils I WANT ueed furniture, ruga. appUancee, suna, toola, antiiuaa. anr'-iilnx of . ralua. Will pay fair, hor.eet aaeh price, arrlnr to Olenn Woodry',, ltn N. Summer or Ph. 33110. nll8 MONT AO WOOD HEATE1 -3308 SO. 13th. nllf evenlnie. Phone 34013. . PAINT, Lit OAL. Olenn Woodry. nll oipital BED for mi or raat. a U Stiff Furniture Co. Phone Mill, a- WOOD RANGE, 10.00. Olena Woodry'a, lliil N. Summer. naie- MaCVILLOCa CHAIN BAVTB, tOS Bdtf water. Weat Salem, sales Lwmnf sup ply Ph. 4-1341 a SET OF Bncydopedlae, 10.00. Olenn nllf Woodry, 1105 N. summer. METAL FENCE Permanent. Bo upkeep. Pre. aetl saatea. ,11 moe. to pay. BORKMAN LSR- HDW. CO. 1413 tsato St. Phono WOl n311 WANTED USED Baby Cribs. Ph. Glenn Woodry'a, 18110 B318' USED IINGCR DROFREAD treadle eew- lng machli-e, A-l cjoadittos. only $10.d. Singer Sewing Centar, 138 H. Com- merclal. a331 OOOD DAVENO'S from 17. 80. (Mann Woodry'a, 1608 N. Summer. D310 VSED ELECTRIC PORTABLE eewlng ma chine, Tound bobbin, g -aranteed. Term. $34.60. Singer Sewllig Center, 130 N. Commercial. n331 SINGER PORTABLE aew machine, 38.80. Olenn Woodry'a, 160$ Hi funmoi. n31H DUO-THERM OIL HEATER Medium else with fan. Like new. And wash basin with future. A bargain at 160. Phone 3-7131. n310 ENCYCLOPEDIA BSITif-JOOOA, 1848, bookcase, $ year book. Hlgheet offer accepted. 43483 Pl DOUBLE HOLLYWOOD BED. box iprlnf At mittreae, dreaalng table, 1 metal beda complete with coll aprlnx At mattieaaea, reaaonable. Phone 31130. n334 USED COTTON FELT mattreoo, 11.31. Hogg Broa. TJied store, 137 s, com i. n331. USED SIMMONS BED, 38.83. Bolt BToa. Paed Store, 137 B. convi. na.i- USED DAVENPORT chair. 338 bo. Hogg Broa. uaed store, ill s. wn i. nail- DAVENPORT a CHAIB aeti. reaaonably priced. See at USED aaxTtcrutnuirm MART, 311 S. Liberty, phone 4-1P71. Terme of Oourae. n318 DAVENOS 314.38 and up. USED MER CHANDISE MART, 370 s. UDenr. phone 4-8371. Terml of Courae, n318" CORONADO RADIO-PHOVO Combina tion, apeclal 848.85. Terme of courae. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 310 S. Liberty, phone 4-181L n318' 4-PC. MODERN bedroom eet, epeclal thla week. 110.00. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 310 S. Liberty, phone 4-8111. Terme ot Courae. n318" WE ARE OVEBBTOCKED em coU aprlnaa. In really eood ah.no, 34.38. USEO MXRCHANTJLSE MART, 110 S. Liberty, phone 4-8311. Terme of Oourie. n318 WE HAVE A NEW Blonde t-pc. Dining Set we want to practically give away. Come In and make an offer and be reedy to teke It home. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 310 S. Liberty, Phone 4-8371. Terme of Courae. n313' USED 8-PlEC'E dining aulte. 381.13. ileag Broe. Uaed Store. 131 S Com'l. nil:" ONE BOX SPRING and mattiete. Dun can Phyfe colfee table, 3 overatuffed ehelra. Phon, 1-1738. nail- OOOD Pill Axmlnlater rug and mat for aalo cheap. See at 1141 No. 14. nil:- HOOVER VACUUM cleaner. Reaaonable. Set of dlahoa. 38M0. 1380 Market. n33l CONN ALTO saxT Oood condition, tut. 1181 No. Hth. Ph. 11333 after 1 nine SIZE ft Ladlee irey ceet with atele. Neerly new. 333. 1133 Nt. 14Lh. Ph. 3Steo after t. n 31 1 " FOR SALE portable enteral Electrlo dlahwaaher. Uaed ono year. Ooet 1171, WIU tik, 1118. Bleekatone dryer u,ad one year. Coat 1130. Will take tin. Phont 3-8133 ifter 1 p.m. a331. till OBIENTAL pattern Blioloa rue. Roar-blue, blue-green and green. Small throw rut to match. Showa no ware. IM. phont 4-1131, 1074 s. Liberty. nine By Ham Fisher & FORGET IT, WALSH... CnAON I MAN..1LI Kirv w I a law LUNCH... YOU MUST HAVE TKS COLUMNS TCO, AT READ a r rrr-C-J in .. 1 z I . ' . a .- v a. vv 4, fc. ti