THB CAPITAL JOURNAL. SaJem. Orefoa Monday, September 14, 1953 C 1Y Can Clinch Pennant by Win Over Tribe Today By JOI UICHLtK , tmiriatis mm utm writer, Monday b V-dsy for Man ager Caiey Stengel and bit New zone Ysnxees. V aland for five, the record umber of consecutive ren Bants Stengel and the Ysnkees are certain of, winning, a feat ' never accomplished before by club or manager. The world champions re duced their "magic number" to . two Sunday by defeating the Cleveland Indians 6-3 on the amazing Johnny M tie's pinch Alt home rim with two mates aboard in the eighth inning. The triumph boosted the Yank teed over tha Tribe to 12 games. Two is the combination num ber of Yankee victories end-or Indian defeats needed if gain Mew York's fifth .traigL ' pen nant As the Yankees and In dians were to clash again Mon day afternoon, a New York vie tory would eliminate the Tribe from any mathematical poatl- bility of overtaking the Yan kees. . Incidentally, for the depart ment of file-and-foreet. the Chi cago White Sex officially fade . out of the pennant race Sunday losing 7-6 to the Red Sox of Boston. -In other American League games, Detroit solidified its hold on sixth place, sweeping both ends of a doubleheader . from Washington 10-4 and 6-4 while the St Louis Browns and Philadelphia Athletics divided their doubleheader. The Browi spoiled rookie right hander Bob Trice's major league debut, defeating the Philade'ohia Negro 0-2 in the opener. The A s won the second X4 - Chicago's seventh place Cubs extended their winning streak to nine straight, defeating the National League champion Brooklyn Dodgers 3-2 in 10 In nings. The St Louis Cardinals rolled up 19 hits crushing the Phllaedlphia Phillies 17-3 for Harvey Haddix' 18th triumph The victory strengthened the Cards' third place lead over the Phils to 2 games. Warren Spahn won his 20th as Milwaukee split a double header with the New York Giants. Joe Adcock'e 18th hom er with a man on base enabled Spahn to win a 2-1 hurling duel from Larry Jansen in the open er. Five unearned runs in the fourth inning game Marv Grin son and the Giants a 7-4 tri umph over Johnny AntonelK. After Pittsburgh's Pa-ii Le palme pitched a seven-hit 5-4 triumph in the opener, Cincin nati came dbck io win me aee ond game 8-6 and hand the Pi rates' Murray Dickson his 19th defeat. Rookie Jim Greengrass hit his 19th homer for the Red- legs. Frank Thomas hit his 23rd four-bagger for Pittsburgh and teammate Preston Ward ham mered two in the nightcap. Old John Mize was the Yan kee hero. The 401year-old pinch hitter de luxe strode out of the dugout with runners on first and second, one out in the tenth, the score tied it 3-3 and whacked Mike Garcia' first Pitch into the right field stands for a three-run homer. It was his third pinch hit homer of the season, his mm as a anicee and the sixth of Ml long career. It also was is 19th. pinch hit of tha season, one short of the . league record. Garcia and the Indians had a S-2 lead going Into the last half of the eighth. Two mighty hom ers by Larry Doby and Al Ros en's run-scoring single had put the Yankees' Vic Raschl be hind. II II - II II . ' ' . T: . i - II nu-w ' -' M 2 ; 1 Baffy Tug-of-War Clevtlsni third kasemaa Al Rosea (left) and Washington first baseman Mickey Vernon iuy, at a baseball bat as they come face-to-face in Washington, D.C., in their battle for the American Leagae batting crown. Vernon retained his i point lead after the game u each got an for three. Vernon's average I .331 and Bosea'a .3X7. (UP Telepheto) Portland Sweeps Double Bill, 4-3, 5-4 in South San Diego U.F The Port land Beavers swept the wind- up POL doubleheader with San Diego by scores of 4-3 and 3-4 and cinched fourth place before a season-record crowd of 7,109. Between game Earl Rapp was honored as the Padre s most valuable player. In the second frame of the nightcap, Rapp clouted his 23rd homer of the season, tying him with teamate Tom Alston. But an other round tripper in the sixth with - Alston on base gavn Rapp the Padre home run crown. Milt Smith 'also homered in the second, making it 2-0. Portland tied the score in the third as Frankle Austin homered with Glenn Elliott on with a walk. Major Standings Br The Auocleted Frew) AMBBJCAN 11401)1 W L Pet. O B .... M 41 .174 .... 14 N .MT II .... tl .171 14 .... Tl U .141 17 tt .... 73 71 .Ml H .... 17 M JM 44 M to .in a II S4 .1U 44 New York . Cleveland Chlceto Beaton ..... wuhinitoa Dlrolt Philadelphia St. LouU ... Saalar'a neealta: New Tori I. Cleveland S. Boston T. Chlcato I. at. LouU (-0, Philadelphia 1-1. Detroit 10-, Waanlutos 4-4. Satardarw aUeallat New York It, Detroit 4. Bwton 1. at. Louie 111 Innlnti). Chleeio I. Mltladelphta I. Wathlnttoa, 4. cllTelud I. Brooklyn UUwauaoa ., St. LouU .... Philadelphia New York ... ClneloneU Chlcaeo ..... FltUDurib . NATIOKAL LttQUI w L Fet. The Beaver (cored three times in the sixth. Herm Reich doubled and Bob Mar quis ran for him. Bill Thorn- ason replaced Lloyd Dickey, starting Padre pitcher, and walked Hank . Arft and Don Eggert. Jim Glad hit to Smith at third and be bobbled the ball to let Marquis score. Eddie Basinikl singled in Arft. and Eggert. EUlutt got his . 12th win against 14 losses. Portland scored in the sec ond in the opener when Eg gert and Baslnskl doubled. Tha Beavers picked up an other in the third and batted starter Willie Luna to the showers when Herm Reich trippled and Granville Glad- atone singled. Bob Malloy took over the mound for the Padres. Portland tallied twice In the fourth on hits by Baainskl and Austin, a sacrifice-fielder's choice by Royce Lint and fly balls by Marquis and Jim Russell. Milt Smith homered for the Padres in the third. Lint got his third win of the week. It was the seventh time this season he beat the Padres. His record was 22-10. The Box Scores 4 Salem Women Playing in Oregon Golf Tournament Fear local lae. weanea are BartleiaatiBg aa the Weaaea'a gelf meat at Ea I eaa this week apaaaarad kv tha Oregon Women's GoU Assoc iatiwa. Tha Salem aolfer era Mrs. Morris Crothen, Mrs. Ivaa Marble, Mrs. Esnaeta Fett. and Mrs. jofaa K. Wood. Today tha ' women were ta slay li holes ta de cide the seeding and pair ings. Tha tourney will last tfcroagb Friday with tha championship match being played aver 3 holes. All other matches are 13 hole. Seals End in . Glory Blaze San Francisco UA The Pa cific Coast league, knee deep in red ink, closed -the books on SO years of operation today with little to cheer about other than the heart warming per formance of ptt.her Tony Ponce. Ponce is the knuckle ball stylist who was dredged up by the San Frsnclsco Seals late last month after he had taken 20 shellackings with last place Ventura of the Class C Cali fornia league. Yesterday, Ponce won his seventh sod straight FAN FARE ly Walt Dttxen 'LJ 'BATHING BOOTY' 3 PCL Standings ' (Br Tho AiMeiated Freie) Ftanl SUawlan W L Frt. O.B. Hollywood 10 74 .lit Keattle u .t4 S Loo Anient n 17 .air 11 Portland 13 Si .111 14 San FranelKO M 1 San Dine U n .41 It Oaklana 77 in .431 M Sauament 7 lot .417 11 Santar'e Boeattet San FraneUco 4-1, Loa Anielei 1-a. Oakland S-4. Hollywood 7-1. Sacramento t-t, Seattle t-I (lit tame 10 Inolntil. Portland 4-1. San Dleto 1-4. Satardar'e Beaaltei Bacramento , Seattle 1. Ban Prandeco t. Loi Angelai S. Ban Dleto 1. Portland 1. . Oakland . HoUrwood a. i V t- U.iJi',- ' I i waanaaaaaawaaj Maria English (above), San Diego, Calif., has won so many cups, trophies and cash prizes in bathing beauty contests that her friends at Paramount studio, where she's a movie starlet, call her "Miss Bathing Booty." Well, that's what the pub licity man said. ((Wire-photo) , 7t a , 74 H . ee i , 41 tl . U S3 . 4t n .U7 .Ml .111 .4U .41t .411 417 O.B. 11 11 lit, u il Plret samel reftlana It) Sandav'e Beealtet Chleato 1, Brooklyn 1 (11 rnnlntei. Bt. LouU 17. rnuadilorila I. Milwaukee 1-1. New Tork 1-1 (Ind tamo S lnntnte derkneut. Plltiburth t-t. Claclnnau 41. Satardar'e Beialti: Chlcaio 1, New Tork 1. Brooklin a, atllwaukoe 1. PiiUDunh t, at. LouU 7 111 tnnlnu) Cincinnati 1. pnnadel. Ha 1. Ruaioll.U Reach, yf a-Mroe,cf Btert.I 01add.e Baenekl.1 Unl.a X O A 1 1 tPdrolt.l 1 a Patran.a t t Rapp.rf t 1 t 1 1 Murray.! 1 I UltUl.1 1 1 Luna.p Ualloy.n 1 Pannln.p 1 k-Menn 1 -Thmen S d-Smmrt 1 1 41 111 i a it (t) San Bleia H O A 111 WILLAMETTE REGISTERS. 355 FRESHMEN I - : ... I . a . ' , -T, Robbe.ll 4 ' . i '15 Wl A a-traa.el 1 fi 4 ( TlL. xt-" I .' 1 t S 'V - ' S i .'it y r ' Btewt.ik a 1-J 1 lJ J . J I Oladd.e 1 lyii,- ... 'tT'i tiiMtt, i ' a'. M- .St' ' i ward.p TeliU II S 17 14 Totalt n in a Piled out tor Reich In 4th. a Alntled for Fannin In ith. Ran ley Meraon la Ith. d Piled out lot Murray In Ith. Portland Ill IN KW-4 HIU Ill 104 400-t an Dleee 441 tot 1341 HIU 401 tu 0344 Hither: If Al R 1 n lino Lint ....... I IS I I a 1 I Luna m 11 I a 1 I a Malloy , 4 l l 3 I 4 Benloa .... 1 1 I I I I 1 Pannln .... t II 1 4 I I W Lint. L Luna. It Reich, Itierl, Bealnikt. Lint, reterion. Bmltn, Thoma eon. LOB Portland 4, Ban Dleeo 4. IB tviert. Baiinikt. in neten. hh amitn. BH Kolloway, Unt. RBI Eailnikl. oledetone, Smith, Rutiell, Harqule 1. DP Petereon, Federoff and Aliten; Smith. Pederolt and Anion. R 3 10. -J Sonera. Stole. CarluecL Second larat: rwrtlaad (I) games for the Seals by pitch ing them to a double header triumph over Los Angeles. Tony won the opener 4-2 and the finale 1-0. Most of his downer balls were hit back Into the dirt by the powerful Angel sluggtm at he wound up the season with an 8-0 mark and earned run average of 1.30. Portland Takes Fourth The twin triumph wasn't enough to keep Portland from nailing down fourth plaee in the final standing!. The Bevos cuffed San Diego 4-3 in the opener and won the nightcap 3-4 before 7109 fans, the larg est of the season at Lane Field. George O'Donnell finally got his 20th triumph for Hotly wood after five attempts. Man ager Bobby Bragan let him pith the entire first game against the Oakland uaks, even after the revived Acorns (tarn- neded for eight runs in the third innings. After aU that, the Oaks barely squeaked home, 8-7. George' then went Into the nightcap after Holly wood had settled down to an 8-4 lead. This time ht made it. 8-6. Sacramento cinched the cel lar spot two games below Oak land by taking a 6-5 licking from Seattle in the first game. George Schmees Juiced up his batting average with five hits for Seattle in that one. Then the Solons laughed their way to a S-2 win in the finale with pitcher Herm Herm Besse play ing first base and coach Vin nie Smith hurling. Yesterday's Stars (Br Ilia Auoctatod Preei) Bettlnc Johnny Mlta, Tankeoe, bleat ed a plnehhlt hnrae run wlm two uataa aboard to break a 1-1 tie and lira the Yankeee a t-I victory over the Cleveland Indiana. meainr-Harrr Bird. Athletlct. tnap a nine-tame loelnt atreak wllh a five hit 1-4 victory over the Browne after St. LouU had taken tha flrat I'ama f-3. BRITON TO FIGHT New York U.B Wallace Bud Smith of Cincinnati was fa vored to defeat British Empire lightweight champion Arthur King of St. Catherine's, Ont., tonight in the featured 10 round bout at Brooklyn's East ern Parkway arena. OIL MAN SEEKS TITLE Oklahoma City U.R) Former champion Charlie Coe, the Oklahoma city oilman who hopes to strike another golf gusher here on his home course, set out with 143 other links stars today to try and take the national amateur title away from Congressman Jack West-land. (41 Sai OA B 4 1 redraft! I SPetren.e 4 I t Rapp.rl I I I I 1 Mantua S IAumera.a 1 IDIekey.p I STtiman.p 4 S Luna.p t e-Moray l Dleta BOA I 1 a Plret tame: Bacramento 401 411 100 t I 11 Seattl Ill 111 lit 11 II Plerelll. Yemen ill and Rltchey; Humphrcye and Ortelt. Becond tame: Sacramento 130 031 o I t Beattle 304 too I 1 t Smith. Kimball (41, Johmon (7) and Montalvoi Roberta and Chrutlo. Plret tame-. Loa Anielei tot too loo 1 It Ban FraneUco 404 303 0C 4 7 Hetten, Oumpert (7) and Evana; Ponce and Tlaelera. - second tame: Loi Am, l Mt tot 44 7 San Praacteet 414 444 1 1 Splcor and svane: ronct and Tteiiera. 4 I Total! 17 I II I TMiU II I II II a Ran for Reich ta ttk. t Walked lor Kolloway la Ith. 4 oraaaded 4ut far Laaa hi 7th. Portland , Ml Ml a a Rile Ill 111 t-t San Dteta lit Ml t 4 Mlta ill 111 t a Pitcher: TP AB a X BR BB so ... t 14 4 4 4 4 4 Ward I I t I I 1 t Dickey .... 114 M 1 S I I 1 Thomaaaw. . 4 I 1 1 I 1 Luna I 1 I I I W B1MU. LOtckey. R-Ainu. Mir. aula, Kolloway, Batart, Sllleu, AUtaa, Shown here art some of tha 355 new students at Willam ette university registering for freshman courses. Freih ' am registration so far is comparable with that of 1952. ' CAR t TRUCK RENTALS JM North Church PhonaJ-TaOO Fit. fm: Oftkland tM 000-t 11 HoUrwood I 1M 1001 U Pfrri.rM. Murphy i ond N) O'Donnrll tird Br Mia, Malono (. fltKoivti tftmt: Otkltnd vt) jjo HoUywood 4W0 M . t BroHto. Wftltui (I. nd CviltU; Smith. O'DOHD.U ftOd asHtOBt. Hews Guild Out, Portland. Me. Portland, Maine JPi A strike of CIO employes of the Guy Gannett Publishing Co. cur tailed production of Monday's Portland Press Herald from a normal four editions to one and was expected to involve the evening's Express. About 100 workers in the editorial, maintenance, proof reading and mailing depart ments did not report Sunday night in a dispute stemming from a deadlock in contract ne gotiations between the company ana i,ocai izh, American news paper Guild. - , The Guild said in a state- ment that employes of the Press Herald, Evening Express and Sunday Telegnm now gener ally are paid SIS to 140 a week below a national wage average for their classifications in the newspaper Industry and that management offered a raise of $1 to $3 that would affect only two-thirds of tha local mem bership. General Manager Laurence H. Stubbs said wage scales paid to guildsmen are the industry's highest in Maine. He said raises up to $6.25 a week were of fered in recent negotiations. Current wage scales were not disclosed. Infonnuion ajid adtieatka at tha Anci Form Information tMicjl Oa Eacwrt Contra! Vaaaal Far Eajit David t. MIL radar, man third data, USN, aon of Mr and -Mrs. Btvyn N. Bill of lot Saginaw street. Salem. Oregon, ia aervinc aboard the Use escort control TKupl s9S, which la hi the Far Hill attended tha Oregon Oolleg of Education prior toenterinc the Mary January 7, Aboard UBS Uoaa Far Eajrt Aboard the fleet tu TJ68 Linen, hern ta rw.u 77 Van Cleave, seaman, USN, son of Mrt. Doris Van Cleave of Rout 2. Box 4S4. Salem. Oret-on mant, Army armory. Ream-vet, at U8AR t and P. Schawl Fort Blocum, NX Airman aecood Class James L. Gorman, aon of Mr. and Mra. T. C. Oor- man urnrihiirn fVrffcm ra cerUy began a tlx-weeltii course in I FUEL OIL GEOORGE CADWELL " SERVICE STATION 251 and Slit SI. rbsat 2-7431 I or DELiJiDLB rmnol Accidents Kill 3 Over Week-End (By The AuoclaUd mat) Three persons died in acci dents in Oregon over the weekend. A transient was decapitated when he fell between two 'jrains in the Southern Pacific railroad yards at Klamath Falls. He was identified by papers on hi body as Leamon Henry Cannon. Pete Hickey, 50, a farm hand from the Klamath Fall area, was klllea outright Sunday night when he fell from a mov ing truck in which he was riding. Otto Mcrtensen, 87, of Rose burg, died Sunday from injur ies suffered Saturday night, when a car in which he and his wife were riding ran out of con trol and overturned. The acci dent occurred on Highway 89 about 10 miles north of Rose- burg His wife, Ruth Mortensen, was hospitalized with non-critical injuries. APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAIR CO. 255 N. LIBERTY Authorlied Repair on All Major Appliances and All Smali Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and &Uver on Ivan Royi ree ADDlisnma i and Walt Claus. Owners ARCHERY . ..-"TaST Ph.2-4226 HARRY HOBSON-A250 PORTLAND RD. . Located on Highway S9 Next to Totom Pole (Chemawai ' Custom-Made Bows, Arrows, Fishing Pole And Other Archery and Fishing Tackle SEE OUR BOOTH AT THE OREGON STATE FAIR V CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 CHINA CAFE 2055 FAIRGROUNDS RD. , Specialiiing in Chinese & American Foods f Featuring "Good Foods Well prepared" - Bring the Family Call for Reservations for Diniiers and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 37324 MORTARLESS BLOCK CO 14th & E. H0YT Approved . Reinforced Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks v Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks Interlocking Blocks In Pumice or Concrete - Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSERBROS 1 185 S. 12rh ST. ? Garden Tiller Power Mower - Paint Snraver - Air Corm pressor Sander - Plumbing Tools - Power and Hand Mower ! Sharpening Repairs on All Small Gas Engines j FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 4 a A aaVITAI afl sAB t Atf PM Ikltwi ast's ....a,,. fi V CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstronu V Congoleum-Nairn-Asphslt and Rubber Tila Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets Estimates Gladly Given! IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUP?LY CO 1810 LANA AVE. Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING - - Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment PORTLAND FLORISTS WIN Portland WP) Betty Evans Grayson hurled a three-hitter last night as Portland's Erv Llnd Florists defeated Seattle Air-Flytes 3-0 and moved into the finals of the Women's World Softball tournament MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS TIDE TABLE Tier! far Tart. Oretew Septeeeber. IIS (Cewplled by V. I Ceaet ar.4 Oeedetla .array, reniaaa. ura.. Sept. It Hit b Watere Time Hflibl 4 14 am. 1:37 p.m. I:3t a.n.. 4:1ft p.m. roa a.m. I II P i ' I It a m. 1:3ft p.m. 110 a.m. 1 to p.m. I 51 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 10:U a.m. 10:03 p.m. 11 04 a.m. 11:04 ia. 11 It am. 11 :U P.a Low Watera Time Heum Pheasants were first liberat ed on the North American con tinent at Wolfeboro, N. H., when Colonial Gov. Benning Wentworth tried to establish them on his simmer estate. 11:14 p m. 1141 am. 11 tl p.m. 1:44 a.m. I B pm. 1 41 am. 1 01 p m. 3 43 a.m. I 4 p m. 4 47 a.m. I 44 pm. I 01 a.m. 4 41 pm. 1.11 a.m. II 4.1 4 1 to 4 1 II I ft 4 1 tl tl II 14 II 4.t 1:11 a.l 11:01 p.m. t:U t.m. Monday, September It comoanv a. itura nuanur regiment, and hetd-iuartera de- lacnmcnt, ureiron nauonai Ouard, at Salem armory. Orecon mooilltation deslKnatlon detachment ho. 1, at USAR ar mory. Organised Marine Caiyt re aenre unit at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. Miaul vah at ubak armory. Company E. 413th infantry regl- MOVING & STORAGE Ph.3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service'' Office 1120 N. Liberty Whse. 290 S. Liberty 11:0a a m. 11:01 a.m. 1:11 a.m. 11:31 p.m. 1:11 a.m. I ll P.m. 1:11 a.m. -4.1 1 11 p.m. 1.9 4:01 a.m. -0 1 4:10 P.m. 1.1 4 47 a.m. -4.1 4 01 p.m. 10 . a ii t.m. o o I II la. 1.1 I 07 a.m. a.l 4 41 p.m. -41 4:44 a.m. 47 1 11 p.m. -a i 1 11 a m. 1.1 a 11 p.m. -41 I 07 a.m. I I t IS p.m. -44 1 11 a.m. 11 11:11 p m. -4.7 to am. II 11:11 p.m. -4 1 lo u a.m. i.i 1111 t.m. 4.1 Ttapp I, Smith. liOE Porllend I. Saa Dleea 4. HR Rarp I, Brails. Auetla. B Bulpikl. Smlta. BH rilctt, DKter. PSBI Rap. 1. Sailta, Aaitln I. Bauaelt I. Olaeu. Drpeiareaa. PMarotf anel Alitea I. T 1:10. C Beata. CarlTMel and Bomee. A 1,104. TERMITES l-TF R 6TJ ARANTEE PRONE t-0711 witsrinlaad mI Coetral Sanrkl t5 SO. tOTH life MAIN A.VE.NI Tany Raaa Ta. I'ri. Pederwaa SEMI-MAtN Johnny Banln( and talher Untbay ra. Jack O'aUley and P.rd Vatnea. OPENER Pann. McDonald vm. Frank Fafefw SALEM ARMORY TUESDAY. 8:30 F.M. lBfiSLlSSl.9 Why Suffer Any Longer arnen attara tall aaa awr cartieet remasiet. Amaalns taccaat for 4044 yeere ta caiaa Ma matur with wtiat allmnsa roa art alflkled, dleordera. ettaaiua, kearl, luet Urar. tMoeya. tua, nnitlpatlew. aleera. Slaketaa, rneumatlim. tall !M aiaddtr Uvea, Ula. feaitla aampltlala. CHARLIE CHAN vniNBsB asaaoa. Ollrea Bewre t ta I Tea. tad Sal enrr M N On mental raawe titaa salul oaa. OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 Typewriter, Adding Machines, Calculator, Accounting Machine SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 COURT R.W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN Ph. 2-4151 ROAD 1174 Edgewater St OR 3-5769 OILING WEST SALEM ROAD TWEEDIE FUEL OILS OILING STANDARD OIL DEALER 4 PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING & HEATING Repairing 359 Chemeketa Contracting Residendal Commercial Industrial INSCRIPTIONS via tht Gross-State Route THRU BEND the shortest fastest route EAST Ph. 3-9123 fix 24 HOUI SBtVKf We give Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. 3-3157 1 lftartf 310 Csart fomlowa 2440 Grair, Mtdkt, In 24-HOUR SERVICE Service ft Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Dally 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 P.M. 130 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 3:00 P.M. and :00 PM. to :00 PJ1 All Sunday and Holiday Radiant Glassheat Phone 4-6263 Radiant Glassheat of Salem 1540 Fairground Rd. Lua-Ti at Mi the Miracle of Glassheat before you buy any Wttem at any price See Continental Glassheat R9Ch.tni.ej No Maintenance FHA Terms Easy Term 6 Year Guarantee Radio Repair -3wr Ph. 3-7577 MITCHELL'S Radio-Tlvitiotv 1880Stot t Motorola Dealers for kW ' General Pick up and Delivery " I B ill I II s ) sassis w . . Iry.ilUN SERVir; Ph. Woodbum3611 YAI ?Y TtLEVISION CENTER ! J303 Fairgrounds Rd. In Woodburn at 171 Grant St. "i Maturing MOTOROLA . RCA VICTOR HOFFMAN DUMONT TELEVISION SETS