pabiiie Uveitis W-l Playoff WStla Z-Run 9th Inning Rally! 4 - fflta IHii-e 16 Golfers Up in Men's Tourney At Salem Golf Club Sixteen (oilers advanced into the weond round of the annual fall championship ol the Salem Men'i Golf Club in matches Sunday at the Salem golf club. Bob Frail, who is a high school senior this year, carded one-up win over Bill Good win. Jimmy Sheldon showed the best golf of the day as he bounced Glen Lengren 4 and , 3. He was five under par wheni the match ended. In other championship flight matches Bob Burns beat George Hencken, Jim Hunt topped Frank Fisk, Jack Brande edged Dusty Woods, Del Gwynn mov ed past Jack Owens, Bob Pow ell defeated Leo Estey, Cliff Ellis topped Bob Stephenson, and Frank Albrich beat Pat Miklia. Other championship match results were Dan Callaghan over Bert Victor, Harold Olin- . ger over Henry Moon, Ralph Mapes over Harvey Quistad, Kent Meyers over Andy Ander son, Bob Burrell - over Bill Schafer, and Dave Moon over ' Lawrence Alley. SmmmI: Baxter arer Llppart: Kcilb Star Aaaersoa; Bscaoa arer Xlmrael: LaasdBf ever McCrarr: Carson arer aquqmo: LadM arer nllaii Tbosnaaon aver Drari Dearmond bra. Pourth: Wlttenberset avar eHcrtreea: yiib. avar Spect; Nichols avar oambttt; afclfullen bre; Peksr avar Ward: Ouerla avar Pelts; ouatalaoa ovar CuUarl Gales bve. Slith: Osllsihrr avar rttelnbock; Wlek lund aver McCslUster; Dick HeMtrli over Don neoarie: nuniveiintr ovw Lowrir ovar Howard; Johnion over atet f rnonu: Phillips avar Remolds; McDsrltt J; aver Chase. W. r.k,h' n.HHi, Aver f-hembersl ftor- ' eon ovar Deveri; amltn ovar enensrovei . .. j . ..... i.h.ui! narri Aver Peters: . 7 Aottvh ovar CoheD: RevnoMa avar Har- i cer; Lanee aver Arhnell. Tenlb: Ahaanmaeher over Williams; .' :lark bre: Orar ovar Hill; Clark bve: 4 . v.....,, ..... n..k..k.Hi ii hre: Ianaa I k.. .. ......... av.v Ui.UIIIK VVVI MVIK. Does It; to Play Tonight Spokane evened op the 1 Western International Leatnr championship series at twa speaaaa s wins apiece here Sunday after- Muri,,.tf wim i a- win over ine i jooneoa.s s w The Box Scores Cemand.1 raira.rl llefer.lf Dnkralr.t aneeta.e Pranka.p Bush, lb III OA B t a Dere rr a 1 4 TrualUa Peraa.3b 4 Eslsrd.l 4 iwthrap.r 4 I tuao.ll s SN.Uui.S 4 ICoUlai. Borat.p S a Hnaola.p 4 a-Ueuan I Salem Senators before t,(tl fans. The fifth game of the se ries will be played tonight at Waters Field with Salem man ager Bngh Luby sending his aee hurler Jn Nicholas against spnna.p RalDh Romero. The came will -"cib. .... . Warlb, a. w. The Senators captured the third game of the vital play-off with the second half cham pions Saturday night when they tallied eight runs in the last two innings to win 12-11. At one time in the game the home-town Indians held a 11-4 lead.- Sunday a two run rally in the top of tha ninth netted Spo kane the win. The rally spoiled young Larry Borst'a bid for his second win in less than 20 hours. In both games he came in as a relief hurler. : After pinch hitter Bruce Mc- U Intosb had grounded out to dQien. WOlTien S Salaaa a o a i 7 1 7 4 5 Tatala 14 It tr Touts 14 I 11 ) I Oraundcd eat for A print In I to. aPlleA out far Roenin'e In ath. apakana Hem Ml 4 11 Baler DOS 410 tin 4 t J Winner Baring. Loser 7Jorat. Pitcher: IP AB I n ton aranka .... Ta ll 4 4 4 4 a "Print S 1 4 4 a 4 4 worm i 1444:4 Calllna . .... v I I I 4 1 Bom 1 ?4 I 1 l s Raensble .. S 1 4) VP Borat. LOB Spokane a, Aalea i. B Murphy. Jahn.100. Hatr. Wltbar- spoon. 1BH Brown. Jehaaen, Ballard, ftp I Jehnaan. Broam. Cotnraand. auieata. Dero, Ballard. Boras. Ale. Prank. Cora aaand. Bssaatan. DP lvrs ta Lobr to Ballard: Tax sell! ta Luba to Ballard. Time 3:41. Umplraa Va Kuvrva and Jaeoba. am. s.sai. Okla. Cowboy Wins, Roundup . Pwndleton U9 Eddy Ak ridge, 25-y ear-old Beavw, OUa., eowtooy, was looking for new fields to conquer to day after he waa named top all-around cowboy at the con clusion of the , annual three day Pendleton Round-Up Sat urday night , . Bano the title, Akridge won the new Oregon .pouroai troDhv. emblematic of the Round-Uo championship, and collected $3100 fit-st prize mon ey in the bareback bronc rid ing contest. Shoat Webster, four-time champion cowboy, waa dethroned. The other top Saturday night winner was still another Oklahoman, 60-year-old Ike Rude of Wetumka, who pocket ed $5400 In the steer roping contest. The veteran Rude won the same event in 1931 and eame back 22 years later for a repeat victory. j Cards Come From Behind to Tie 49ers San Francisco J Coach Joe Stydahar of the Chicago Cardinals said today he was "not satisfield" with the 14-14 tie his team had to settle for in yesterday'a exhibition game with the San Francisco Forty Miners. "I wasn't too pleased with our performance," Stydahar said. "I think both teams suffered a letdown after winning good games. However, I think we are an improved team over last year." Stydahar said Johnny Olsze , wski, former University of : California star and now first I string fullback in his rookie ; year for the Cardinals, "is going ? to be great." "In fact," he added, "I think i he'll be rookie of the year." i i nr arainus nu vumc uuu. Ay behina'in the fourth quarter to score weir huu1u" start off the top of the ninth Eddie Murphy, an oldtimer to this league, singled to left Wilbur Johnson followed with a single to right which Les Witherspoon failed to field cleanly and Murphy scored and Johnson ended on third. . Jim Command broke the 4-4 tie with a single to left scor ing Johnson. Gene Roenspie came in to pitch and forced Stan Palys to ground into a double play and end the in ning. Don Osborn's Indians took a 3-0 lead In the second frame when Bob Donkersley and Bill Sheets both singled and Jimmy Brown and Johnson both con tributed doubles.' Lefty Bob Collins was shelled out in the three run uprising with young Borst coming in. The local nine went score less until the fifth when sin gles by Witherspoon, Bob Nel son, and Borst and fly by Jim Deyo combined for two tallies.. Hugh Luby them fiied to Murphy In center who made great raining cetch em e sure double or triple. ' Another two runs gave Sa leu the lead for the first time in the ball game 4-3 in the bot tom of the eighth. Gene Tan- selll started it off with a line shot Into right end Connie Peres followed him up with a hloon hit to short right. Jerry Ballard doubled home Tanselll and on the same play Prez scored when left fielder Will Hafey failed to come up with the well hit ball and the fast Cuban scored. The rally ended with Ballard on second. Johnson and Brown were the big guns In the Spokane hitting attack, each with three hits Including a double. With erspoon bad two hits for the Senators. Jack Spring gains the win and Borst the loss. Spring pitched a portion of the eighth inning. . All the remaining games in the four of seven series will be played at Waters Field. The play-off will have to go aix games and probably will go the full seven. I. 17' w; 11 I leal' iL Hero of Flatbush Pitcher Krsklne (right) whe pitch ed the Brooklyn Dodgers te a l-t victory ever the Braves at Milwaukee and clinched the 1S51 National League pennant, gets a big hog In the dress ing room from Manager Chuck Dressen. (AP Wlrephoto) Golf Handicap to Start Wednesday The Salem Women's Fall Golf Handicap will get under way Wednesday with 22 matches slated in the first round. Play will be at the Sa lem Golf club. Pairings in the champion ship flight put Mrs. Morris Crothers vs. Mrs. Howard Eis- man, Mrs. John R. Wood vs. Mrs. Howard Wicklund, Mrs. Frank Fisk vs. Mrs. Kenneth Potts, Mrs. Fred Bernard! vs. Thomas Hill Jr.,' Mrs. Charles McDevitt vs. Mrs. Harold din ger, Mrs. George Hoffman vs. Mrs.. Henry Simmons, Mrs. John Lewis vs. Mrs. Brue Wil liams, and -Mrs. James Ha- worth vs. Mrs. Glenn Steven son. Second flight - Mrs. Richard Chase vs. Mrs. Rex AJolph, Mrs. R. I. Mac Leughlin vs. Mrs. Robert Jo seph, Mrs. Leon Ferry vs. Mrs. Robert Cannon, Mrs. Werner Brown vs. Mrs- Ivan Marble, Mrs. Glenn Stevens vs. Mrs. Chester Loe, Mrs. Glenn Wil bur vi. Mrs. Kenneth Vollmar, Mrs. Roecoc Wilson vs. Mrs. T. W. Lowery end; Mr. Fred Anunseu vs. Mrs. Orval Lana. Pairings in tha fourth flight are Mrs. Thomas Watson vs. Mrs. John- Johnson, Mrs. Gil bert Groff vs. Mrs. Ed Roth, Mrs. Eugene Kokko vs. Mrs. Robert DeArmond, Mrs. Frank Ward vs. Mrs. Coburn Graben horst, Mrs. Charles Musser vs. Mrs. Clay Dyer, and Mrs. Ron Coppuck vs. Mrs. Seth Smith. Mrs. Hans Nichols and Mrs. Woodson Bennett both drew byes in the fourth flight. V. S.WINS DAVIS CUP Montreal U") The United States won the American Zone Davis Cup finsl Saturday when its doubles team of Tony Tra bert and Vic Seixas defeated Canada's Lome Main and Paul Willey, 3-6, 6-2, 0-3, 6-3, 6-2 "B" Grid Teams to Be In Woodburn Jamboree Woodburn burn Athletic field will be the scene of the first Marion county "B" league football jamboree . Wednesday night The Wood-1 with teams playing both 11- football Scores Br Tha Aaaoetated Press) OREGON pair poor BALL Toledo M. Central Onion 1. Oakrldca 14, Columbia Prep ptrt.r 11. Ontario IT. Baker 1. Xelaa (Wash.! 11. Benson (Port.) f.' Klamath Palla 11, Orant (Port.) 1. XPI. EXHIBITIONS Sararaay RsaaHa " New Vork Otanu 14, BalUmora Cotta S. Philadelphia Baalaa 31, Loa Ansalaa Rasas 17. Fittakufah ataalara S4, Qtaea Bap racaara is. Saadap Beaalta Detroit liana 11, Waablaslom aalna 11. Cfeleaae Caadkaala .14, AaaPaaaelaee ' aaera la. (Trgal LOCaxI UNITED HPS ASSOCIATED HISS NIWI AND HATIHO Salem. Oregon Mondmy. September 14, 1953 Pge 11 Fair Getting Marks Set; Sutton Wins Auto Event A jack rabbit can run as t . ...). n tn AS .15 till UUtailltllR , u f - miles an hour. John Day Man Captures $100 Hat at Fair Rodeo Sonny Tureman today to wearing a hundred-dollar cowboy hat after being de clared the all-around cham pion cowpoke of the State Fair rodeo which finished on Saturday night at the fair grounds palicion. The puncher from ' John Day also took home more than $1000 In prise money and. his sixth leg on the large Christensen Brothers trophy vslued st $500. The runner up, pushing Turemsn closely, Major League Leaders turn aoottlfrfl mULr IBt The AjMated Press) NATIONAL LEAH'S Ralllnf Purlllo. Brooklrn. .144: achoeMlrnll. St. Laula. .140: Irvin. New York. .Ill: Mueller. e Torn. .Ill: am- Hr arAftklvn. .111. Bane Batud la Campsnella. Brnak lvn. lis; Mathewm. Milwaukee. 114 Hod set. Brooklrn. la): Bnlder. Braokln. Ill: Innlt. Philadelphia. III. aaa Baaa Mathews. Milwaukee. 41: Campanula, Brook Ira and Ktusaewskl. Cincinnati. 4a: antder, Brooklrn. U. rtner, chlraao, 11. Pltrhloa Burdetta, Milwaukee. 14-4. 771; Brsklna. Brooklrn, ll-l. .740: Spahn. Miraaukee, 10-7. .141: Merer. Brooklrn 14-t, .717; BaddU, At. Loull. 114, .M AMSBICAN LIAOrS Battlnr Vernon. Wuhiniton. .117; Boieo. Oleveland, -l; ssiaoso. cmcaso. 111: ooooman. aoiHii mttwuu, ..., na Baaa Bellas la Boaea. CUveland. Ill; Varaen, Washtajton. 1": Boons Detroit. 104: Berra. e Tors. 141. Boblnaoa. Philadelphia. 41 Baaa Boaas. Cleveland. 44 lernial. Phlladarphla. II: Barra. Ba York. 14: Dabr, Cliraland. SI; Boom, Detroit. 11. piiaiaa Looat. "ev Tark. ll-l 111: Pord. Bew Tork. 17-4. .771; BaathL Mew Tark. 11-4, .711; Parnell. Bootos, IH, .741: Sala, Bew Tork. Mi. was Ross Dollarhide of Lake view, Ore. A crowd of 2S18 saw the final rodeo performance by the Christensen Brothers stock, after which the first four places In each event for the entire week were an nounced. Bull ndlnt averaaea Dave Maeon. Loa Oatoa. Call!.: Jack Mlddlaton. Ked dlnt. Calif.: Jark Bpurltns. Portland; Tuffr Paderer, Cnerenne. Wro. Bulldnaslng Lai coonerlr. Clovle. Calif.: Bhaiman Buluns. Ban Dleso; BUI MoaPharaOB, chaawelL Ore.; PhU Baw 11ns. Calf roptnr Lev Boushner; Budr Doueatta; Boas Pallarhlda; Bhartaaa Aul Usa. Saddla brotie rldlna Oena Pruatt. Oaark, Ark.; Boae Dollarhide: Kaia LawU; Oeo.-aa Menkemlrr. Burns, Ore. Bareback rldlns Aonar TurCman: Jack Ukldleton. Reddlns. Csltf.; Jack apurllns, rortland, Jim Madlaad. Porl-laod. Black's Improvement Heartens Brook Club Chicago . AMD Brooklyn's ehauwes to sack thai American League monopoly on the World Series ' were brighter today, Manager Charlie Dressen be lieved, because relief pitcher Joe Black apparently has come back. Black started against the Chicago Cabs yesterday, the Dodgers' first game since clinching the pennant and gave up only two hits before he was removed for a pinch-hitter af ter six innings. '.'He had good stuff," Ores sen said, "and good control. He was putting the ball where he wanted it and control was his trouble this year. U. 5. to Use Trabert, Seixas in Net Finals . . Montreal U.The United States will definitely use its two top stars, Tony Trabert and Vic Seixas, in the interxone Davis Cup final as well as in the challenge round against Australia, tennia official Law rence Baker announced today. Trabert, the U.S. champion from Cincinnati, O., and Seix as, the Wimbledon champion from Philadelphia, were the key men on the U.S. squad which annihilated Canada's team, 5-0. in the American zone finals which ended yesterdsy. man and six-man football. Schools taking part in the 11-man variety will be Che- mawa. Mill City, Jefferson, Sublimity, Gervais and Scio, new league member. Playing six-msn football will be the Oregon School of the Deaf, Detroit and St. Paul. St. Paul will field two six-man teams for the even ing to make an even number of teams. The Jamboree will get un derway at 8 o'clock. Gervais Union high school will add lie bleachers to the new ones purchased by Woodburn high scnooi 10 Mine the seating capacity to more than 1100 for the evening. ' , Friday night at the Wood- burn acid a game between the North Marlon Huskies end Nestucca was won by North Marion 12 to 6. The Gervais Cougars will $146,000 Goes As Day Record, $744,000 Week Arlsto-Tex won his third feature race of the Oregon State Fair. Situ; day by. win ning the Aloha Handicap. The final day of racing' baw a total of $148,000 go through the betting windows for a new record for the final day. A new betting record for the week was a bo established with over $744,000 ' bet against $847,000 in 1932. The racing week was the most successful in history of the fair with many new betting records. Ariato-Tex, ridden by Pinky Walker and owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Baze, finished length ahead of Nolito. The other wins for Aristo-Tex were the Inaugural Handicap and the Labor Day Handicap. Jig Smoke took the other feature race Saturday, the Gold Camp Handicap. The big gest quiniela of the day was $158.40 in the fifth race. Pret ty Choice and Mom's Hal com bined to give the large pay-off. Jockey Alvln Sherman was suspended for ten days by the racing commission for a poor ride on Lome Marvel la the second race. Batnrdap Basalts: Plrst Race, a (Walker), 44.44. Ito.a 1.44: blalubla Ross, Pederson, Long Tims Foes, Meet Tuesday Eve Tony Ross and Xrie Peder son, two long time mat rivals, meet in the main event at the Salem armory Tuesday night The last time, the two met was in Portland when tthe match was called no decision. Ross is a favorite here since Pederson Is not so popular with local fans. A tag team match is set for the semi-final with Luther Lindiey nd John Henning meeting Jack O'Relley ana tiea vagnone. Lindiey is a strong Negro and both he and Henning have gained a lot of backers here. Danno McDonald and Frank Fagetty open the night's card at 8:30. Ticketa are on sale lit Barb's Sporting Goods Store. Moore Pushes V Winner in Big Car Competition ; Len Sutton captured the M lap feature auto race at the state fairgrounds Sunday but he waa given a top run for his money by Dave Moore whe was forced out trier II lapa with trouble. A crowd of 1,000 watched thu his? rate rara travel sumuncf the half mile track, which waa used for horse racing during the week. The Class B main event wag won by Lou Thelstad. Moore won the trophy dash and else took the fastest heat race. That second man in the A event waa Bob Gregg with Shorty Temple ton a poor third, There were no serious acci dents but Larry EAstman and Cokie Williams collided send ing both cars on two wheels. Both regained control. 1 OCE Grid Scrimmage Features Long Runs IDar at so host the Estacada Raniera ruth Race. 4 . iu& i ICnalea (Pollard). aiiftiiv m e II- hob'i Sal (Jonas' turn game. First regular I -at"" (anaaourai game tor woodburn High school Bulldogs will be Fri day afternoon at Stayton. The Willamette- Valley league jamboree Is set for September 22 at Estacada and the Bulldogs' first home game is scheduled September ti sgainst 'Xstaesda. Monmouth The Oregon Col-. terman from Salem! rla4 V.M. . rurionas uoaior voobisck as Aauciuon "rvniies inaclc. Hllk ArnAlrl rv.'a..,A ; a. "g rune to defeat the Uetterman from KarmWataavi i. Time. 1.41. ouinieia. us 4a. I-Reds'' 28-7 in an extensive I quarterback Gene Trans, ana vww ... ' , mmm UIHIIBWe, TflATnail aima SSMl-aH Till lArterDumi. BUM. 140. l.aOi Loan - . . " . ' , j ... ameiuaa U arret iB&erraanl. 44. BO. AAA; BooaT I MlUTOay unoer We WattMUl I Horn. run trauaroi, aiAa. Tana, i:aa-sB. ITH ol Coaefl BUI MaAwiiinTl stow sii.t. . . . . . - vicT:. i ."er TntTd Haas. 4 a-wtoasi peniaaa aaaasna I mn ia..ipame). an.iw. a as a ia-irwi i aaBlcrt. I f, J - r i IS 1 a1. . aaaa. naaa. 141.11. akatatlala. BBAAa. 1 I rrVaVOaatatll BTOBB. VaBBTaTBA aTOansl pwrth Baaa, SVa mini - Boaaal McArthuP aeld that ha wasllaft TjacUe, Bob JolmB, aeaab ca?,,.''"f JfJ- 'i.'.-Sa not with the blocking! omore from CUtAtaue; Vatt 7 a ,.- anil mmA tstaf tk WaIvm aaarll I ..-J nu.ia. F power Ua.liui. 111.. i v. -ikuw. uwMmtm vvinr. QuvnuiR.i.H. . ' ....lipcna tiM wMK Bbarpeniag tnn from Portland; wat. CiMie OREGON CITT WINS Watertown, S. D. (U Ore gon City's Elks had two notches on their baseball guns today following a 7-0 victory over Seattle in a second-round game of the Americsn Basehsll Con- gress play o(fs here. Oregon City won Its opener Saturday, 5-4 over Troy, Mont, oresoa cur 000 ooi 0017 ( Seattl 004 too 404 I 1 Rrda and Stephenson: LaJota, afeslck fli, Moseana fit and Romeo. Would Televise Only One Fight Each Week Milwaukee U- Commis sioner Abe J. Greene 01 ine National Boxing Associatioa proposed at today's opening 01 the N B A. convention that only one fight a week be televised nationally. Such restriction is necessary, he said, to save the sport, "psr ticularly the small clubs, which have been killed off until leu than 20 are now operating reg ularly in the nation." TO TALK DEER SEASON The regular monthly meeting of the local Isaak Walton Lea gut will be held Wednesday at their clubhouse on South Cot tage. It wiU be the last meet ing before the opening of deer season in October. ' The Salem club has been giv ing bitter brush seed to other clubs in this area for distribu tion to the hunters. Dear season will be the main topic Wednes day night. The meeting starts at 8. Minor League Scores (Br The Associated Praas) nandar's Reoalls INTERNATIONAL LEAOCB Montreal 4-1, Buffalo 1-1. Ottawa 14. Toronton 1-1. arracuea 1-1. aprlnafleld 1-1. Baltimore 46, Rochester l-l. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Tolada 4, Columbus I. Minneapolis 1-4, Loulsrllle 4-1. Kansas Cur 1-1. St. Paul 1-4. Charleston 1. Indianapolis 1. WESTERN LEAOVt Omaha 4. Wlchlla 4. Das Moines 4, Pueblo S. -Oanrer 17. Alouz Cttp I. Colorado Sprints II. Llnroln T. TEXAS LBAOUB Port Worth t. Tulsa 4 ITulaa leads beat-of-seven plaroff atrtea 1-1). IHIIas I. Oklahoma Cltr 1 lOklahoma Cltr leads beet-of-serrn series 1-1). SVEK.TEBN INTERNATIONAL Bpokana I. Salem 4 Beet-of-aertB aeries tlad 1-lt. ' Salardar Beaalta INTRANATIONAL LSAOL'I Buffalo 1-4. Montreal 1-4. Toronto 7. Ottawa 1. Hoehesler 1-4, Balttmora 1-S (Sad tana 14 Innlnasl. Bprlnaneld at Srracuae. postponed. AMEBICAN AAAOCIATION Kamaa Cltr 4. St. Paul 4. Mlnnrapolle II, Loulirllla S. Indianapolis 7-4. Chsrlaaton l-l. Tolado 4. Columbus 1. WESTERN LSAOri Denser I, Ltncala I. Colorado fiprlnea 10-T, Pas MMnas T-S Pueblo 4. Omaha 4. 1 Wlcr.ife 4, Bloua Cltr 1. ' TEXAS LEAOIIS PLATOPPS Dtrlaa 7. Oklahoma Cltr t. Tulsa I. Port Worth I. WKaTPRN INTERNATIONAL Salem 11. apokana It. Miami, Fla. l Johnny Cunningham, the clouting gar bage collector who upset world lightweight champion Jimmy Carter on Saturday night was stilt too amazed when he left town to plan how to cash in on I his new-found fame. The lanky father of six chil dren from Baltimore, Md., as tounded the boxing world when he emerged from the ring at Miami Stadium with a split, 10-round decision over Carter, who had entered the ring a prohibitive favorite at 9 to 1. .. . I Walter Johnson pitched II years in the major leagues, all of them with the Washing-' ton Senators. i S BoTu"a4 hi 1 up and working on timing. Ipt McManus. freshman from Bill Arnolri. who will baioervmur. runrt luara, laRrry aaaccl bb both b fulbaek and al Jaeobson, traahman from Ceav- Vialfrk thia aamann. waa latedltral High: nght Uckle. Ouane the outstanding player in the Heeaer, xresnman rrom r.iam- tussle. He is a two-year let- ath Falls; Tight end, Joe Rob- terman from Hermiston Captain Ray Cummlngs, double leilerman from Salem, sprained an angle and will be out of action for several days, McArthur said. The Whites were composed of the following players: left end, Dennis Garland, freshman from Salem; left tackle Rey Hubbard, two year letterman from Taf t; Paul Riley, one year letterman from Salem; center. Clarence Grassman, one year letterman from Gervais; right guard, Jim Chapman, fresh man from nalnvlew, Texas; right tackle, Doug Harris, one year letterman from Prlne ville; and right end Glesson Eakin, freshman from Plain view, Texas; left halfback, Charles Pinon, three year let terman of Reedsport; fullback, Ray Cummings, two yesr let- 7.14: Trsaa, ui. 14. sMnlaaa, (Masoala). 411.44. S.M, S.S4; Brtthl eiemA (XMaa), 44.14. l.wo; Ijaaaaiar irwi.mi al io. Time. 1:11. Cralntela. 411.44. aevanth Race. 4t4 Furlanka lfannonr V iPollard). 111.10. 1.74. 4.14: Mannara Babr Ifllinonlai. 14.10. 3.10: Aratel (Con lerl. U.IO. Time, 1:11-11. Quiniela, "llshlli Baca. Tha Aloha. 1 114 Mlle- Aruto-Tex iwaltarl, a.jv.; Noma IPollard). 1414, 1.44: Beaatlfal Sua (Dtasi, a.. Thna, 1:41-IA Oul miMtm 111 Bd. Ninth Bsra. I 114 MUes Pass Count (Cooler) 14.40, l.w, l.oo: newaoeas la-o. lard), 140: Bobba Ror (waiaan, 11.70. Time. l:U-l. Oulnlela, 4.40. Tenth Baaa. Oold Camp Handloama. 1 114 Mllea-Jla Brooke (Walker), (JI M. 4 10 I.N; Vain Flower (Dial), sa.oo, 1 ': Santa Tome (Coaler). 41.74. Time, t.lT 41. Qulnjela, 444.10. Garbage Man Upsets Lightweight Tillisl erts, Srn one year letterman of Eugene; left halfback c. B. Smfirt. 1 Jr.. fr-ihman from Lorkney, TezAi; fullback. Wee Lir'itfoot, freshixias from Sal em; right halfback Don wicK- strand, Jr., one year letterman from Portland; quarterback, Charlie Harris, freshman from Plalnview, Texas. ITS SRUN'SSPORTIhttS SHOP FOB... IVINRUDI 1201 80. Commercial 1 b.V.- -JS- w.-v Call SQUARE DEAL LUMBER YARD Uverton, Oregon rtmwwilrSKEAlOOlCl MARION M0T0R5 eouicwev; now Mi lowu. tsraVM 4MA) true ftover r! me fine obKto JIIS6S SPORT SHIRTS MIYOCn MDt. WUI Capitol Rhapprng CeBter T it f,i Mi , I 1 timn no fuss no muss no bother no dirt Prco-to- THE CUAN FUEL lOgO v- CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONE M6i Yi-TfcL! ... bT1 e w-4 . ui 1 11 m Tske a whirl in a new used esr from our lot and you'll ssy it's a dream come true! Late model, quality cart are our specialty. 1(4 Bntek Sedanette Spec ial; Radii, heater, seat cov ers, dynaflo. Ex- tfAOC cellent condition. aIV7af ezAd. Nothing Scotch About Us! We Will Give $1000.00 For Your 1944-47 tt-i, Chevrolet, P I y m a u t Ji , Dodge, Mercury, Oldsme blle, Pentiac, luick or Chry . iter, in geosj shape en trad n a new RtMEt See and Drive This Superlative oores" Group Car. The Rolls Royce" of Lower-Priced Cars 24 M.P.G. 83 M.P.H. BROWN-FOX BRITISH CA& SALES Iroadwey It Market Phone 44021 Service and Part far Jaguar, ' Hillman, Sunbeam aits) M. 0. . I! . t- ; 1 a ! .1 fi n n . . . aJ.i JSN-v4.vV'.VNeJ-a'''rs