.1 c : , :---- 7" -' 'I di ; j J M yc 0( rii lo) lit ch D ric JiJ b mi ' Mi on THK CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salea. Orerw PRESBYTERIAN JUNIOR CHOIR Or' 1 1,' 00 FFA Winners Get Awards Award for contest winner! among T.T.A. boys at the State Fait' were distributed Saturday. The champion dairy judging team from Sherwood chapter . and the Harriaburg team which placed highest in beet, sheep ana swine juaging were intro duced at the afternoon racing program. Ralph Wilcox of Albany won the trophy for overall cham pion ahowman for all livestock. Youths awarded banners for ' Best Exhibitor included: Robin These young voices were heard for the first time in chorus Sunday at the First Presbyterian church. The Junior choir is directed by Mrs. Don Gleckler and Marilyn Spark Is accompanist . Final Preparations Being Made for N. Marion Fair Woodburn Preparations for the 18S3 North Marion county . -ee fair, to be held at Woodburn Sept. 24, Z3 and zs, got Into full swing this week following the close of the state fair. Arrangements have been practically completed for the wide variety of farm, home and garden entries in the "old fash ioned country style" show and If cKinlev. Woodburn. for final plans are being made for swine; Eldon Powell, Junction two of the annual features of City for beef; Boy Arnett, Ore gon City, dairy; Bob Banick, Gervals, sheep; and Jim Mag' Bess, Newberg, poultry. Oregon City chapter won first place banner for txu.1 lence in herdsmanship of the stock they cared for at the fair. Second place went to Can by, third to Perrydale. For the first time this year the lads who held livestock for inspection during the morning long Judging contest were recognized. Carl James of Marshfleld wu g'ven first prize for best dairy animal holder. Harvest Workers Still Being Sought ouvervon workers wu needed in the bean, blackberry ana cucumber fields, was re ported from -the Salem and local xarm labor offices, as schools beginning within the past week and Monday has lessened student labor. . Workers are being sent through the efforts of the Sa lem office for the Silverton area with the local office being closed Saturday. There were about 100,000 ci gar stora Indians in the United Stats in 1900 but only about 9,000 are lett fays the Nation al Geographic society. the event, the Saturday kiddies parade and the three-night free entertainment program. "Spirit of the Early West" has been selected as the theme for the kiddies parade. Many Two Woodburn Cows Make High Records Two registered Jersey cows in the Endee Farm herd, owned by Newton Davis, Rt, 1, Wood- burn, Ore., have received spec ial recognition for their out standing production records made on herd improvement registry test. Foster's Volunteer Bell pro duced 9,849 lbs. milk contain ing 568 lbs. butterfat at the age ot 8 years and 4 months, and Endee Midget's Lou produced 10,850 lbs. milk containing S77 lbs. butterfat at the age ot 4 years and 3 months. FINE HUB CAP THIEF Albany Larry Lee entered a plea of guilty in the Linn county district court Friday to a charge of petty larceny and was wined $50 by Judge Wen dell Tompkins. In default of payment he was committed to the county Jail. Lee was charged with stealing hub caps from cars in Cascadla. He was arrested in Sweet Home. Completion of Street Work At Sweet Home Announced prizes will be awarded and the divisions will conform to those of past years, according to Phil Branson, chairman. Invitations are being sent to high schools at St. Paul, North Marion, Gervais and Wood' burn, to enter floats In compe tition tor the trophy and cash awards offered in this division. Floats representing commercial firms and business establish ments also are expected to com pose a large section of the parade. The Jaycee-Ettes will jgain handle the kiddies' sec tion. Amr.gements are now be ink made to obtain high . school bands and marching groups for we paraae. The event will start promptly at 2 p.m. Sat urday, sept. 26. The Jnycee-Ettes 'with Mrs. Joe Walker, Jr., as chairman, will nave charge of the talent show planned for 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept 24, at the Set tlemier park Softball field. Anyone desiring to compete should contact Mrs. Walker. The "Young Oregonians" from Portland will be featured on the second night, Friday, Sept 25, at 8 o'clock. Profes sional entertainment is being arranged for the final evening's entertainment Admission to all entertainment is free. The fair buildings, the arm ory and the North Marion Fruit Co. warehouse, will be open for receiving entries at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, Sept 23. AJ entries except livestock must be In place and completed by 11 ajn. Thursday, Sept 24. Space 1 still available for garden clubs. Granges and Farmers' Union booths. Livestock entries are to be in by 9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 26 ttequests lor livestock, space should be In the hands of the fair board by Sept. 18. Mrs. Edward H. Baldwin was recently appointed super intendent of the textile depart ment She will be assisted by oan. Frank uiapeiie. Sweet Home Completion of I street improvement projects was announced at the regular meeting of the council, and or dinances were read for assess ment ox improved properties. The assessments receivable for Street Improvement dis tricts through 11 total $35. 972.74. The councilman authorized payments ot $17,056.04 and $2.- 668.21 to Warren Northwest Inc., ot Portland and to Dun can Sanders, of Sweet Home for basing, paving and concrete work on various street improve ment districts. The first step was taken in purchases for the 12th Ave. bridge crossing Ames Creek which was authorized by Sweet Home voters last November. The council allocated $3,881 09 for the purchase of an Armco Aiumpiate prefabricated cul vert. After the tire chief and the volunteer committee viewed the proposed floor plan for the addition to the city's tire hall, they found a need for revision and submitted to the council the floor plan drafted to fit weir needs. It was accepted and the council will direct Archi tect Lyle Bartholomew of the need to construct the fire hall addition before construction begins on the city hall build lng. The ordinance accepting a bid m me rw sweet Home Bank tor purchase of the $79,000 city hall bond issue was passed for uira ana xinai reading. Among other business ot the ciiy councu, included an auth orization for the dog catcher to retain a $2 fee from dog own- Double J Cafe Reported Sold Silverton Renorted firmed Saturday morning was the sale ct the business of th Double J cafe, managed lor the past several years by Mr. ana Mrs. Jim Chan, serving Chinese and American foods to the Silverton public. Buyers are said to be Mr. and Mrs. Victor Holman. nro- prietors of George's Place at the time of the fire which re cently destroyed the business building and contents. The future plans of the Chans has not been officially announced. The Holm ana have remained in Silverton since being burned out, making their residence in the McClain St Towe Apartments. Sfayton Court Takes $402 in Penalties Stayton Four hundred and two dollars in tines were col lected in justice court the past two weeks. In the sports field, one person was fined for angl- hunting with the aid of a car, ! and one for hunting with an! unplugged shotgun. Vehicle and traffic violations were: Inadequate muffler, 2; no muffler, 1; no tall light, 1; no operator s license, 5; no vehicle license, 4; driving on a revoked license, 1; driving while oper ator's license suspended, 1; al "owlng unlicensed person to op erate motor vehicle, 1; viola tion of basic rule, 4; failure to stop at intersection. 1: nassinc with insufficient clearance, 1; ituck speeding, l; hauling un branded logs, 1; combine over load, 1: overwidth overlord. 1: group axle overload, 1; tandem axle overload. Iran lies largely on a hot, wind-swept tableland averag ing 4,000 feet above sea level. AMAZOM M2Q Am TA RELI2VC PAIN or MMHi FILES INSTANTLY J" t of mc pfca irtr. to. nl "0" mams. Mwa m). ers tor destroying and dispos ing oi dogs alter obtaining writ ten permission; authorization of installation of a street light at ine intersection of First Place and O Street; authorization ot Installation ot a two-hour nark ing sign on 15th Ave.; granting building permits to E. C. Banke tor construction of an extend ed car port at the Banke's Su. per Market for convenience of the store's patrons; grunting sunning permit to u Be K Pon tiac Co. of Lebanon for con. struction of used car lot office building on M St., west of 18th Ave.; authorization of installs tlon of a 12 minute narkinc me. ter in front ot the state liquor store on 10th Ave:; acceptance of the police department report lor the month; authorization of $100 payment to City Attorney John Galey for fees. VERA STROM CHIEF CLERK Silverton At the Wednes day evening meeting ot the Sil verton school board of direc tors, Dr. E. L. Henkel, chair man, presiding, Mrs. Vera Strom wu elected head ot the cleridan department of the senior high school, and Harvey Hallett was re-hired to super vise the bus transportation of pupils from the adjacent dls trlcts. Winter's Coming . , Better SEE RADIANT GLASSHEAT . 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 4-6263 f REE ESTIMATES On Kitchen Remodeling Old or New CAPITAL 8 TORE 11 N. High Ph. 4-5431 Free Book on Arthritis And Rheumatism NOW TO AVOID (Ik P1IHS DEFOKMITIB An amaxlng newly enlarged 44 page book entitled "Rheumatism" will be sent fret to anyone who wiu wnie i or iu It reveals why drugs and medi cines give only temporary relief ana Iu to remove Ui causes of the trouble; explains a specialised non-euralcel, non-medical treat ment which has proven successful ior we put u years. You incur no obligation in send in lor this lru true tin imt ti may oe u means of saving you years of untold misery. Write to day to Toe Ball Clinic, Dept 3811. DjjruiBi, Missouri. LOOK GIRLS! SALEM, OREGON Dr. BekoU'i Zl. MdaaM emir ro. Hm Mia to m lffr...r.aoT. IfU mmm ml Am r w I l GENUINE (ORDE SLACKIE BAGS Exceptional v a I u for Bock-to-School and at luch an unbelieveobly low prlet. You'll wont ont of toch color to go with your new school out fit. Brown, block or ad miral blue. M98 ... Monday, September 14, 195S ,J I -...! ,1'',1111,,aa111'11,,11111111,a11a SALEM, OREGON &) FasiiTiT) V ,' 1 Ne,,(NA 15 1 i Pi 1 ; aura I I VJ;- BACK-TO-SCHOOL 3 Pmv dFALLS FINEST FASHIONS ! f ''- (j EXPENSIVE 100KING... ' ' V7 FIGURE FLATTERING... ' f Jf w0l KNITS j a I CHOOSE FROM LO ) K 1 I SEVERAL J J U CZ STYLES ( a Knits with a big, big Inside story. Carefully mode suits of the best yarn, . . . Knit to rigid specifications in attractive dio. mond top", fluted skirt patterns. See these to appreciate the quality of this terrific buy. Choose from several colors. PENNEY'S FASHION FLOOR (SECOND) tmmt wav. knon to wrltwl mJmmm In, -I - OTHIR STUB 2.98 MAIN FLOOR r 7- I r 1 ,'"' 11. j. .... . . I II -j wr yy