I II 3 " ft :-p - ARRANGE PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN'S TEA UuteB-MUMr stadia picture) 'All Nations'- Event Monday . Women of ill nations and their in terested iriendi are Invited to attend the program and Informal "all natloni" tea to be given by Salem unit of the Oregon Federation of Republican Worn n on Monday afternoon at the Worn an'i club. The meeting is slated for 1 'Clock. , : The women from other countries, wives of members of the state board of control, and wives of supreme court Justices are to be honored at the event. Mrs. Winifred Pettyjohn is general chairman for the arrangements. Some 60 women from foreign eoun : tries now living In Salem are to be among the guests. Displays of articles from other coun tries will feature the tea. For the in formal program, Mayor A. W. Louckj is to give the welcome and Governor Paul I Patterson will give a short talk. The responses will be given by Mrs. Joseph DeLoretto and Miss Mary Nollet. Mrs. Harry V. Collins , is to present the prayer and Boy Scouts will lead the flag salute. Mrs. X Donald Jessop Is to present a Polish dance and Hungarian dance, both in costume. For the displsys. Miss Marianne Low will show articles broug' ' from Burma; Mrs. George Schroeher will show ar ticles from Japan; Mrs. Donald J. Madi son will show things she brought from South American countries and Mrs. Pettyjohn will display articles brought from the Holy Land, Egypt and Italy. Mrs. Clark C. McCall is president of the unit and will assist in greeting the guests. On the hostess committee are Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, Mrs. Chules A. Sprague. Mrs. B. W. Stacey Mrs. C. A. Kells, Miss Dorathea Steusloff, Mrs. Abner K. Kline, Mrs. Harry V. Collins, Mrs. E. F. Kirkwood. , Pouring at the tea hour will be Mrs. Paul L.' Patterson, wife of the gover nor, and Mrs. A. W. Loucks, wife of Salem's mayor. ;., , Rainbow Silver Tea September 20 An event of Interest to large group of the high school misses will be the ailver tea of Chadwick assembly. Order of Rainbow for Girls, on Sunday, Sep tember JO. The affair will be at the Cascade drive homo of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Quie ted, between 1:30 and 5 p.m. Members of all neighboring Rainbow assemblies, all interested Masons and Eastern Sta? members and the general public interested are invited. Proceecas will go to the grand worthy adviser's project, purchase of medical dispensary cabinet for the Masonic and Eastern Star home at Forest Grove. . Pouring will be Mia Leila Johnson, Mrs. Dave Pugh, Mrs. Charles Pratt, Mrs. Ira Darby, Mrs. Albert Smith, Mrs. David Wright, all at the coffee urns, nd at the punch bowl will bo 'past worthy advisers of Chadwick assembly. Miss Carole Warren is chairman of the entertainment committee and others of the Rainbow membership assisting will be Misses Eleanor Mleziva, Pstty Johnson, LoAnne Mundinger, Margaret Hildreth. AMONO COMMITTEE members workinr on plans for the fall tea planned by the Presbyterian Women's association next Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O. Berg are these three abe-e. Left ' to Hint, Mrs, Carl 1. WeneH, Mrs. Berg and Mrs. Bnssel E. Pratt. , Presbyterian Association's Tea On Wednesday at Berg Residence One of the larger affairs on the new . week's calendar will be the annual fall tea to be given by the Women's asso ciation of the First Presbyterian church en next Wednesday, September 10. ' The affair will be at the Elmer O. Berg home, -730 North Summer, hours for the affair being between 2 and 6 o'clock, invitation being extended to 11 association members and friends to attend. .. ' The general committee in charge of the affair includes Mrs. C. S. McCollam, Mrs. Mark Astrup, co-chairman; Mrs. Russel E. Pratt and Mrs. Carl J. Wendt.' Welcoming at the door will be Mrs. William Bush and Mrs. James Morgan. Introducing to the line will be Mrs. Ethan A.vCoUler and Mrs. L. V. Ben son. In the receiving line will be Mrs. Ei sner O. Berg, Mrs. Robert Stutzman, Mrs. Paul Newton Poling; Mrs. Bernard J. Holland, Mrs. E. W. Warrington. Assisting about the living rooms will be Mrs. J. J. Fitzsimons, Mrs. Leo C. Dean, Mrs. Leo V. Reed, Mrs. Wil liam Hartley, Mrs. Leon E. Barrick, Mrs. Willard S. Batlett, Mrs. Robert Hutcheon, Mrs. Charles O. Wilson. Inviting guests to the dining room will be Mrs. Edward Majek and Mrs. Robert Howells. Pouring will be Mrs. Tinkham Gil bert, Mrs. A. W. Loucks, Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague. The group assisting in the dining room will Include Mrs. Harold A. Rose braugh, Mrs. Jay Reeves, Mrs. P. H. Brydon, Mrs. Harry L. Miller, Mrs. George LaBorde, Mrs. Earl McGlau flin. In charge of the guest book, will be Mrs. A. r. Marcus and Mrs. Jessie Singleton. . ' THE hospitality and friendship ' committee will be in charge of the first business meeting of the Salem Junior Woman's club, on Monday night at the Woman'a club house." The board of directors will meet at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Kathcrine Hughes will .be the speaker for the program, and her topic will be silver and, china. Mrs. George W. Dewey, Jr., is in charge of the pro gram and Mrs. Clinton S. Ault . is in charge of refreshments. Hal Hibbard auxiliary, United Span ish War Veterans, will meet for a no host luncheon on Thursday at 12:80 p.m. t the Woman's club house. The men will also meet for the luncheon. A busi ness meeting will follow at I o'clock. Christian Women's fellowship of the First Christian church will meet on Thursday, September 17 at 11 a.m. in the chapel. Mrs. Lena R. Smithson, superintendent of Hillcreit school for girls, will be the speaker. A nursery will be provided. v. - :7 .- : : i A 1 1.1 LJ MR. AND MRS. ROBERT E. WIPER Membership committee of the Salem unit of the League of "Women Voters is meeting Monday at the home of the chairman, Mrs. George Swartsley, 1049 . South Summer. Opening event of the fall for the league will be the membership lunch eon on Wednesday, September 23, at the Marion hotel. Miss Eloise Ebert is president of the Salem unit this year. t:-x,. " ...-My 4 1 .. j ' - if Chadwick chapter. Order of Eastern Star, will observe friendship night Tues day at the monthly business meeting of the group at the Masonic temple. Groups invited for the evening are . Meridian chaptert Evangeline chapter and Blue River chapter, all of Eugene; Evergreen chapter, Woodburn, Marilyn chapter, Mill City, Gervais chapter, Ger Marion Lela Norris Wesleyan Service guild of the First Methodist church will meet Monday, September 14, at 7:30, p.m. at the home of Mrs. J. M. Hart ley, 1040 Beach street Mrs. Norma Shaw will have charge of the devotions and the topic is "Jesus' Ministry to Village People." The hostesses for the evening are ' Mrs. J. M. Hartley, Mrs. Charles Ander son, Mrs. H. B. Jory and Mrs. Adelaide ; Froman. . r! I' i- . J " i -j agflelfcA WwtW'OTUr sMM satSaii) MISS BETTY SCHREDER - ANNOUNCED this wwk was the engagement el Mas Betty gMhieier, ah see. daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Besueaor, to aUaaeta, . Alan Lsnao. seat ef Mr. maA Mrs. Albert O. Lanns e( sUtrerton. ' Chi Omega alumnae plan their first meeting of the fall for Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Dale Pence at o'clock. Fall projects will be discussed. ' All Chi Omegas in Salem and vicinity are invited. . . The Circles of the Woman'a Society of Christian Service of the First Meth odist church will meet on September 16 at 1:13 p.m. except for Circle I which will meet at 12 o'clock and Cir cle 7 which meets at 8 o'clock. Dessert luncheon will be served at the other meetings. The meetings are as follows: Circle 1, Mrs. Herbert Ostlind, 300 E. Lefelle street, a no-host luncheon at 12 o'clock. Circle 2, Mrs. Mary EUis, 165 North '24th street, assisting, Mrs. E. H. Eggena and Mrs. Pearl Upson. Circle t, Mrs. John Harper, 1363 Court street, Mrs. Fanny Bard and Mrs. M. C. Wood, assisting hostesses. Circle 3, Mrs. Ross Clarke, route 8, box 628, Mrs. George Bell assisting. Circle 6, Mrs. Zella Roggy, 332 North High street, assisting hostesses, Mrs. Pearl Blackerby end Mrs. J. A. Gray. Circle 7, Mrs. Norman Wlnslow. 840 Gaines atreet at 8 p.m., Mrs. Scott E. Foster, Jr., and Mrs. Everett Meier as sisting and Mrs. Harry Jacobsen to lead the devotions. Meeting of Circle 4 was earlier this month. Salem chapter of the American Gold Star Mothers will meet for a social on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Walter. Bechtol, 4123 Auburn road. ' Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. George Hsnsen and Mrs. Helen Taylor. Woman's auxiliary of St. Paul's Epis copal church is meeting Friday at 1:30 for the first event of the fall, the meet ing to be at the parish house. Mrs. Dean Brooks, who spent several weeks at the diocesan summer school at Gearhart, will be speaker. Mrs. Alfred D. Brown and Mrs. Carl B. Hansen will be co hostesses for the tea. " 'Alnsworth chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will meet Wednesday night, Sep tember 18 at the Scottish Rite teirjile. In the absence of Mrs. H. E. Smedley, worthy matron, Mrs. Robert Stutsman, associate matron, will preside at the meetings for the balance of the year. A school of instruction will be part of the scheduled business of the eve ning and refreshments will be .served during the social hour following the meeting. Dean and Mrs. Seward P. Reese are to be hosts for a reception Sunday after noon at their home, 335 South High, guests to include the Willamette law school faculty members and their wives and first-year law students and their wives. Guests are invited to call between 2:30 and S o'clock. The 91st wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marr will be observed with open house on Sunday, September . 20, at 3410 Abrams avenue. 1 Friends of the couple are invited . through the press to call between 2 and 9 o'clock that afternoon. ' The Marrs have lived here some 40 years. There are four children in their family. 111 of Salem, Mrs. Ed Burgess, . Mrs. John Wheeler, Mrs. Kenneth Palm er and Alvin Marr. The family is plan ning the reception. AAUW Meeting First meeting of the tall for Salem branch, American Association of Univer sity Women, will be next Saturday, the luncheon to be at I o'clock at the Marlon - hotel. :: . Mrs. Winifred Pettyjohn Is to be speak, er to tell of her trip abroad last winter. Mrs. George Moorehead will introduce the speaker. Hostesses are to be Mrs. Douglas Free burn, Mrs. J. A. Jelderks, Mrs. Frank Parcher, Mrs. Charles Derthick, Mrs. -Dennis Patch. Mrs. James Watson is chsirman for decorations. Retervstions should be in by Thursday evening, telephoned to either Mrs. Der thick, 2-7552, or Mrs. Freeburn, 2-2739. AAUW membership is open to all women graduates of accredited colleges and universities. Mr. Arthur P. Sprague is president of the local unit this year. Marion auxiliary of the Veteran of Foreign Wars will conduct it monthly business meeting Monday night at the VFW hall. Refreshment will be served later in the evening. Mrs. Charles Jory Is to be hostess to her bridge club for luncheon and card on Monday. Delta Gamma alumnae have set their first meeting of the fall for Tuesday eve ning at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. S. C. Stenerodden, 1360 Franklin. Mrs. Leon, Perry and Mrs. Robert Hynd are co-hostesses. Invitation is extended to all new Delta Gamma alumnae in the city to attend. A housewarmlng for Frank I. Towle, who lives at the Lee apartments, was given Friday evening, those attending including officials of the state highway department and their wives. In the group were: Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Baldock, Mr. and Mra. W. C. Wil liams, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stiffler, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Glaisyer, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Query, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. En field, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. May, Mr. snd Mrs. L. I. Lindes, Mr. and Mrs. 1'. W. G. Wyckoff, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hester, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Warfield, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Maison and Mr. Towle. v.- i I I WED LAST Sunday ermine -re Mr. snd Mn. Robert E. Wiper (Patricia Alice Moll) aboTe. The bride h the daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. Jowph Clyde Boyle, 8r, ef Hood Caaai, Wash Mr. Wiper the sea ef Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Wiper ef I a Ires, "A Christmas party" for the benefit of the Mary Johnson hospital in the Philippine Islands is planned for the meeting of Sunshine circle, West Salem Methodist church, when the group meets at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday. Mrs. William Ensinger will be host ess to the group and Mrs. James Bests will lead the devotions. A book re view, "Church Around the World" will be given by Mrs. Norman Shaw. The Insurance Women's association of Salem will have a dinner meeting on Thursday at 6:30 o'clock at the Marion hotel followed by a mavie on education. Sedgwick chapter. No.. 1, Woman's Relief Corps, will vote on new mem bers at the business meeting on Fridsy at 2 o'clock at tha Veteran of Foreign War hall. 1 I -iJ ft aV . t -V ' v-v ij'fiv !',' V 0 v jsv iv i 1 v vv 1 li r ka. OwtM-snntr itodw atctart) PLAN FOR RAINBOW TEA THE FIVE Him officers elan nine far the ailrer tea to be three b rhadvlrk oamhl IM mt e.i.K. I i uirw, mrm piciarca Bovrw, imii v nfni: muses ivm warren, Jaa uuieaate. TAt Uhaaan. Karlea TrrnlaS aaa 1 tm Meal. The tee wul ke eaday. eptamter M, at the kease ef MrVaad lUoartViitsTW It i i ? 'A tv! fir Si T-CV Tt"