Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 12, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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. ,LEAVINO three-month trip U North
Campus Reception
Freshmen and new students at Wil
lamette university will be honor guests
for the annual president's reception
planned for Monday evening at Uni
versity House, home of Dr. G. Herbert
Smith, unversity president, and Mrs.
The affair is arranged between a and
10 o'clock. -
In the receiving line with Dr. and
Mrs. Smith will be Dr. and Mrs. Robert
W. Fenlx, Dean and Mrs. Robert C.
Etokts club is meeting on Tuesday,
dessert to be at 1:15 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. Mason Bishop, 1841 6outh
Church. Mrs. J. Ray Pemberton and
Mrs. E. J. Donnell art to be assisting
hostesses, i
First fall meeting for Sigma Kappa
alumnae will be next Thursday evening
at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. B. W.
Stacey, 1630 North 19th. All Sigma
Kappa alumnae in Salem and vicinity
re Invited.
. Miss Margaret Smith, younger daugh
ter of Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith,
Is arriving Friday from Portland to be
here the next three months to continue
her psychiatric rotation work in nurs
ing, with the state hospital here. She
has been in nurses training in Portland
the past two years.
St Mary's guild, St. Paul's Episcopal
church, is meeting on Monday at 1 p.m.
at the country home of Mrs. Carlton J.
McLcod out of Gervals, Mrs. Scth P.
Smith assisting. '
Rotana club's meeting is to be Mon
day evening at the home of Mrs. Jack
Brown, 1870 B street, at 8 o'clock, Mrs.
Grant Farris assisting. Cards will be
played during the evening.
Several special dates are on the cal
. endar for Governor and Mrs. Psul L.
Pstterson next week. They will return
this Sunday from a Jaunt Into eastern
Oregon attending the Pendleton Round
up and the Sherman county fair.
On Monday, Mrs. Patterson will go
to the Oregon Caves to pick up her
daughter, Miss Virginia Patterson, who
fcs been working there for the sum
mer. Miss Carol Hardie of Salem is
returning with them. Later in the
month. Miss Patterson will return to
Stanford university.
On Wednesday, Mrs. Patterson will
be attending a joint meeting of board
et education, of which she is a mem
ber, and the state board of higher edu
cation. On Wednesday evening, Governor
and Mrs. Patterson will be In Portland
to attend the dinner and reception of
the Advertising club.
Mrs. Patterson will attend a meeting
of the state board of education here
on Thursday ir.orning and that after
noon will accompany the governor to
Eugene for the Lane county fair.
On Friday, Mrs. Patterson will be In
Portland, Governor Patterson going on
to Carhart to address luncheon at
the Stat Bar meeting there.
Wuten-Vlller ilwllo picture)
Ireland and Scotland later this month
Monday Eve
Gregg, Dean and Mrs. Melvln H. Gelst,
Dean Regina Ewalt, Dean Mark O.
Hatfield, Dean and Mrs. Seward Reese
and James Hltchman, student body
Pouring during the first hour wiU be
Mrs. Thomss Watson and Mrs. Dorothy
Johnson, and during the second hour,
Mrs.; Pearl Ramaker and Mrs. W. C.
Dyer, Sr.
Upperclassmen will assist In greeting
the guests and in serving.
The YWCA Tuesday Luncheon club
will meet at noon at the YW. Mrs.
Psul Heath will talk on fall floral ar
rangements. BEING WKLCOMKD back
the children, Sally and Sammy,
Hospital Auxiliary Meets Monday
Salem Memorial Hospital auxiliary
plana lta first meeting of the tall for
Monday morning at 10 o'clock in the
hospital annex.
Plana to fumis h the father loun je In
tfa maternity department of the hot-,
pitaL and for the benefit show, "High
(Enntrom photo, Lewliton.Idaho)
THE BETROTHAL of Hiss Donna. Comitock. above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Donald E. Comitock of Lewiiton, Idaho, to Robert Paul Boblnson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul E. Boblnson of Salem, was told this week.
SPINSTERS club is meeting Mon
day evening at the Hubbell Young
home with Mrs. Ralph Underwood,
Miss Lois Mulcahy, Mrs. Howard Mader
and Mrs. William Byers as hostesses,
the meeting to be at 8 o'clock.
Plans for the rummage sale and other
fall activities will be discussed.
Evening social meeting for Salem
Soroptimist club will be next Wednes
day at the home of Mrs. William H.
Burghardt, dessert to be at 7:30 o'clock.
On the committee with Mrs. Burg
hardt are Mrs. Helen Bailey, Mrs. Wal
ter A. Barsch, Mrs. Marjorie Charbon
eau, Miss Hattle BratzeL
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Worth and
daughters. Misses Louise and Nancy
Owens, leave the first of the week for
California for a few days. Miss Louise
Owens to enter Mills college.
to Rurm art CumV j u- .
are sOttnV obT' rZi, w ?. Mj,lkt
woT- MaUicoat bj fearing
Fever Follies," to be presented on No
vember 20, will be discussed.
Officers of the auxiliary are to -be
hostesses for the Monday meeting, in
cluding Mrs. Kenneth Sherman, presi
dent; Mrs. C. Ronald Hudkins, vice
president; Mrs. George Swartsley, sec
retary; Mrs. E. F. Kirkwood, treasurer.
Honoring Mrs. Ray Stommell, who
recently moved to Salem from Boise,
Idaho, Mrs. William J. Cook is enter
taining Tuesday evening at an informal
supper and bridge party at her home.
In the group will be Mrs. Stom
mell, Mrs. James White, Mrs. Jack
Schimberg, Mrs. Gordon Krueger, Mrs.
Hillary Etzel, Mrs. Walter Bauchman of
Corvallis, Mrs. Vern Gleaves, Mrs. P.
Dixon VanAusdell, Jr., Miss Ruth Skin
ner, Mrs. W. E. Ritchie, Mrs. Warren
Ling, Mrs. D. V. Gemmell, Mrs. Jack
- McNeill, Mrs. Clarence Gilmer and
the hostess.
On Sunday afternoon, Mrs. G. F.
'Chambers and Miss Dorathea Steusloff
will entertain at their home in honor
of Mrs. Grace Gillette of Cincinnati,
Ohio. Guests will include a group of
Mrs. Gillette's Alpha Chi Omega sor
ority sisters who were together at Ore
gon State collge. Mrs. Gillttte is now
in Seattle but will fly to Salem Sunday'
especially for the party.
IJuua-MiiM Homo pleura)
and chudrrn. Mrs. MaUcmt and
mis Btenth for erenea duty.
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, OfcKwaa itudlo tcture)
A WEDDING of last Saturday was that of Mr. and Mrs. August C. Gterinr (Era
Marie McMuuVn), shore, the ceremony being at the first Congregational church, the
reception in the gardens at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vera D.
McMullen. Mr, Giering Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. August Glering of Portland.
the social calendar for tomor
row (Sunday) is the at home for
which Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Utter
re to entertain at their residence.
A large group of friends has been In
vited to call between 8:30 and o'clock.
First meeting of the fall for Salem
downtown Lions club auxiliary will be
next Thursday evening. September 17,
at the home of Mrs. Walter Dry, 700
South Church, at 8 o'clock.
The program will feature pictures
taken in Hawaii by Mrs. LeRoy J.
Hostesses for the meeting are Mrs.
Everett Wilcox, Mrs. Lee Ohmart, Mrs.
Gordon Skinner, Mrs. Carl Steelham
mer, Mrs. John Seitz, Mrs. George A.
Chapter G of P.E.O. Sisterhood starts
Its new year next Thursday, Septem
ber 17, a no-host luncheon being plan
neld at the home of Mrs. Silsi Gaiser,
the group to meet at 12:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Harry B. Johnson is president of
the chapter this year.
'Eta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Is to
meet on Wednesday evening at the home".
of Mrs. Joseph Kitzke. -
United Commercial Travelers auxil
iary is meeting on Wednesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Ray Strong, 1929
Fairmount, salad luncheon to be at 1
Laurel guild of Knight Memorial
church is to meet next Tuesday, Sep
tember 15, at the home of Mrs. Roy Har
land, 4152 Rivercrest Drive, at 8 o'clock.
Assisting will be Mrs. B. Shanks, Mrs.
C. L. Picrpont and Mrs. E. J. Halley.
Peg in Washington
Washington, D.C., September 8.
Dear Marian:
An audience that was a bit of a cross-
section of Washington assembled in the
ballroom of the Mayflower last Wednes-,
oay noon tor a luncneon oi ic
National Press club. Originally scnea
uled for a smaller dining room, the in
crease in reservations to some 325 made
the larger room necessary. The occa
sion?. The first speaking appearance of
D". Klnsey since the fanfare of pub
licity of his newest volume. Among
those In attendance were wives of sev
eral ambassadors, Mrs. Gordon Moore,
siMer of Mrs. Eisenhower, Cornelia Otto
Skinner and Constance Bennett from
theatrical circles, the head of the Dis
trict Bar Association, an official of the
Mental Health Institute, two well
known New York newspaper men, two
or three of the publishers and chief ed
itors of Washington papers, radio, tele
vision, and magazine executives, the
head of the federal children's bureau,
and Washington reporters. As an in
vited guest, I had gone with the hope
of hearing the Washington newspaper
women fir fast questions at the speak
er, but the luncheon was too lengthy
and I had to scuttle oack to the office
before the question ana answer period.
I went with definite prejudices and
none of them was lifted by the discourse
of the speaker. One Indication of the
publicity phase was the several refer
ences to the publication date of the book
by the speaker and also the remark
"Read Chapter Number So-and-so" as
he terminated discussion of one point.
At any rate, I met several interesting
people at our table, several of whom
contributed cynically witty remarks
that nearly convulsed our remote cor
ner of the room, and the luncheon Itself
was tempting. Buel Markel, president
, aw: -t- .
Among hostesses of the new week
will be Mrs. George T. Bunn, who is
entertaining at two Informal coffee par
ties on Tuesday to welcome Mrs. Donald
Fisher, who -has returned o Salem to
make her home after two years ab
sence. Guests are invited between 10:30 and
12:30 o'clock, and between 2:30 and
4:30 o'clock.
At the' morning party, Mrs. Berkley
DeVaul la to pour and at the afternoon,
one, Mrs. Wallace S. Wharton. Mrs.
Buel Ward Is assisting the host mi.
Mt. Angel Announcing plans for
her wedding this month is Miss Donna
Mae Fredeek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Predeek, who will wed Alculn
Annen on Saturday morning, Septem
ber 26. Mr. Annen is the son of William
Annen and the late Mrs. Annen.
The ceremony will be a 8:30 o'clock
a.m. nuptial high mass in St. Mary's
Catholic church. The Rev. Lawrence
Saalfeld, Portland, uncle of the bridegroom-elect,
will officiate.
A wedding breakfast for the bridal
party will be af the home of Mr. ana
Mrs. Alvin Saalfeld, uncle and aunt,
and also godfather of Mr. Annen.
The wedding dinner will be served
at noon in the dining room of the Mt.
V "-i w with Tovers placed for tho
w'i5 Sobers of the two
bridal party, and members
Immediate famw.
The dining room of St. Mary's school
will be the scene of he afternoon re
ception. Honoring Miss Genevive Ashford and
John S. Topping, who are to be mar
ried on September 20, Miss Ashford's
brother-in-law an'd sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank J. Dye, will entertain at a buf
fet dinner next Friday evening. The
affair follows the wedding rehearsal
and will be given at the Dye home.
of the Women's National Press club, and
former Oregonian, presided most cap
ably in her introduction of special
guests and the speaker. Incidentally,
Mrs. Markel has 13 television and radio
shows a week, with her own program.
- -
Visitors at the Department of the In
terior this morning were Mr. and Mrs.
David C. Duniway and their daughters,
Melissa and Sancha. The Secretary had
a staff meeting underway but had an
opportunity for a quick greeting to the
Salem residents. They drove east to
North Carolina, Mrs. Duniway's former
home state, and were going on from
there to Detroit for an archivists' meet
ing. The Dunlways were married in
Washington and Melissa was born here,
consequently, they were recalling many
memories of their years here.
Ralph Chambers, brother of Ted and
Joe Chambers of Salem, was a visitor
at the McKay apartment this week.
Since the McKays had seen members of
the Chambers family during their vaca
tion in Oregon, the trio had much of
mutual interest to discuss.
Secretary McKay is devoting some
noon hours this week and next to Com
munity Chest luncheons since he serves
as chairman of the governmental section
of the campaign. Groups of 25 workers
in the federal agencies will meet with
the Secretary each of four days in the
interest of the drive o get under way
next month. ,
Someone who was in mentioned the
Pendleton Round-Up and it made all dl
us Oregonian wish that we could be
home this week-end. That is one of the
penalties of this 3000 mi'.e distance from
familiar sights and events at home. I
must admit theTe are compensations,
however, in the life acre.
Sincerely, Peg.