" ; ; ; - i-iiai, juukjiai Baim. Ortgoa fctnrday, Bcploubor It, 1958 SELECTED BIBLE PASSAGES BY SALEM AREA PASTORS MiBlITI UCTCLI ft rOBTBBOP . . formerly Moore lit If, High Ph. 2-3844 BOBKBTS BROS. Drrtment Store Job 1, 21 The Lore) to, ini Hie Lord hot, taken vy; bo tfco mm k Lord. BSTJTLEB-QUTSTAD LBS. C. . "Everything to Build With" 4M Wallace Rd. Ph. 1-8181 SALEM MEAT CO O. W. Green Wholeiale Meatg Custom Killing Curing Cutting Wrapping 1121 So. 13th Ph. I483S r RCS8 PRATT CAPITOL CITY TRANSFER Moving . Protected Storage expert Packing Agent for Mayflower Nationwide Furniture Mover Phone 2-2436 230 So. Front St. CAPrroLomci . . EQUIPMENT GO. Typewriter! . Adding Machine . Accounting Machine Calculator! teeter DeLapp Trantfer-Storar "Local and Nation-wide Moven" Pb.S17M 111 N. Commercial BLECTKfC CLEANERS Ph. 1-4821 B. L. ELFSTROM CO. 260 S. Liberty FEDERAL OREGON AGENCY inaurance All Type . U M. Capitol Ph. 42201 T.T.OOLDEN MORTUARY M S. Commercial Ph.42257 HENRY'S PHOTO SHOP Thing Photographic 4M State St Ph. 24908 HOTEL MARION Coffee Shop Open 7 p.m. pedal I1.S0 Sunday Dinner Noon Till 8 pjn. HOWELL-EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME Aero From Seara 145 N. Capitol HUTCHEON PAINT STOR1 Patat-Varnlahe-Wallpaper Ph. 3-4SI7 MSN. Commercial LUMBER DIVISION OREGON PULP ft PAPER CO. Quality Material Courteovj Service Pfeat ft Ferry Ph. S-I421 MEADOW GROVE DAIRT Freeh Dairy Product Delivered Daily Citywide . Farm Rt. 8 Btal "O" Call Salem M-F-U DICK METER LUMBER CO. On Piece or a Truckload ITU Lena Are, Ph. 3-4S3I Lasw Baby's first step is something more than a parlor sensation! It is her first daring venture in the conquest of her own limitations! . We really begin to live when we first try to overcome our weaknesses. And we cease to live the moment we lose the burning desire for self-improvement. Our most serious limitations are not physical, but spiritual. That is why the Christian Church is indispensable to the life of a child or an adult Christianity helps us under stand those spiritual shortcom ings. Christ teaches the Faith by which alone man overcomes them. And our daily conquest of these spiritual limitations pre pares us for the ultimate goal of living that LIFE WITH OUT LIMITATIONS which we call Heaven! CHURCH FOR ALL Chord, rrt- Without ulve. There ox. n0r "Motion wry petecu 7,, hr mi upport the Church ?! "i0M Oiilarlr .on eak.. ii r Cr. "7 ore: fit f T,T hi. ' US " ' -"a .oke. 3, rZ 2 Tow Bible dally. rcn eatpMr M M.4..v" Tr.I. IMl.k attvei,.., MASTER BREAD Brought to Vou Fresh Dally By Your Grocer and Cherry City Baking Co. MITCHELL'S RADIO AND TELEVISION Complete Television and Radio Sale ft Service "We Give f Green Stampi" Phone I-787T 1180 State MONTGOMERY WARD Department Store T ALLEY PACKING CO. "The Home of Famou Catcado Hmi, Meat, Bacon" I80S Valpak Rd. Ph. 1-4131 MAYFLOWER MILK Phone 1920S LIS NEWMAN'S Men' Wear and Shoe 179 N. Commercial PAY LESS DRUG STORP "Pay Lea Ha Everything" 484 State St Phone 2-3M4 W. T. RIGDON CO. . Funeral Director 199 N. Cottage phono I-I17S B. B. LADD Electric Wiring and Repair Conttruetion-Commercial Residential Phono 4-3543 Rt. 4, Bos SOB BAM ROEBUCK ft CO. Boaator Hotel ft Coffee Shop SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS UNTIL 9 P.M. Court ft High St., Salem Ph. 14151 H. A. SIMMONS FUEL CO MOBILHXAT Metered Delivery , We Give 3MT Green Stampi Phono 3-9317 2197 Portland Rd. SILVER PALLS ELECTRIC Owned ft Operated by L.H. Campbell SAW Bilverton Rd. Ph. 4-188S TWEEDIE FUEL OILS "Oil to Burn" Ph. 2-4161 1174 Edgewator Wet8alo. WILTS EY MUSIC HOTJ8B Koehler ft CampbaU Piano Accordion, Ouitar. Marlmbaa Initruction . Rental Phone 2-718S 1860 SUto THE VISIW MARKET Complete Shopping Center 1048 S. Commercial UNITED THEATRE CORP. Klatnoro Capito Grand Liberty State Drive-la ' ALLEY TRACTOR COMPANY Ford Tractor Sale A Service SI31 Silverton Rd. WALTON-BROWN ELECTRIC CO. Reddenttal . Commercial Industrial Electrical Conitructlon Member of National Electrical Contractor Attn Phone 2-4138 236 State St OTTO J. WILSON CO. Authorized Bulck SbIm Service SSS N. Commercial Ph. 2-3621 THIS SIRIIS OP ADS Kim PUIUSHID EACH WIIK UND1R THI AUSrICU Of THI AMERICAN IIILI SOCIfTY AND IN THI INTIRBT OP ALL SALIM ARIA CHURCHES, AND IS SPONSORED IY THESE PUILIC SPIRITED. vivic MINDED IUSINISS ESTABLISHMENTS M ' r-m j bb ji tr