Pft s THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SaJea. Oref M Saturday, September 12, 195 In The Valley till by (OKI FORBES Woodburn Wood burn Mr. and Mrs, Walter Miller ipent the weak ens: in HlUsboro where they attended the funeral of a ne phew, James Lawrence, who wai killed while working in the woods. Mr. and Mn. Tom DeAr mond, Sally and Tommy, ac companied by Mrs. DeAr mond'i niece, Miss Harriet Coulson of Tulelake, Calif., left Thursday morning to at tend the Pendleton Bound-up. They will be guests of friends and will return Sunday.. George Timm returned re- Detroit Marlene White, of Detroit, was the speaker for the missionary study group of the Mill City First Christian rhnrrh Thursday evenlne. Her eently from Kalispel, Mont, f ,ubJect wl, the work of the Dayton their son, Pvt. Arthur C. Nel son who is stationed at Camp Crowder, Mo. They saw the Will Rogers' Memorial at Clare more, Okla.. and visited rela tives near Chicago, 111., Worth tngton, Minn., and In South Dakota. They attended the Black Hills passion play at Spearflsh, S.D, and on their return visited Yellowstone park. Detroit Jeaa Gould; study group, Mrs. Merry Mason. Guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hatha way were Mr. and Mrs. Don Nelson and Shelly from KUm ath, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hathaway and children ' from Redding; Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Swan and two daugh ters from Salem. - Among those leaving for col lege this faU are three MiU City high school graduates, all outstanding athletes who ob tained athletics grants: Bob Baltimore, transferring to Wil lamette from University of Oregon; Dick Kanoff and Lyle Fleetwood, who will enter for their first year at Oregon In stitute of Technology, Klamath Falls. Wiilamina where he attended the funeral of an uncle, Ed Timm, and while there visited relatives at ' Billings and Cutbank. At Kal ispel he took a trip to see Hun. gry Horse dam. Mrs. Molly Hunt, Mrs. John Connell and Johnny, took a short vacation trip in their car during the week to the Oregon Caves and other scenic spots. They are to return Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Chit wood are leaving Sunday in their car for Lone Prairie, Minn., their old home, to visit relatives and friends. They will be absent until Oct. 1. Sat urday they took their daughter, Miss Marjorle Chltwood, to McMinnville where she will enter Linfleld college for her freshman year. She graduated from Woodburn high school in June. Guest of Mrs. Helen Gulss Saturday were her sons. Dr. and Mrs. Russell Gulss and children of Salem, and Dr, John M. Guiss of Portland, In observance of the . birthday anniversary of Mrs. Russell Gulss who was the honored guest at dinner. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Jones were Mr. and Mrs. Carl White, Lu cille and Meredith of Minnea polis, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Zlbler of Pullman, Wash. Additional guests for Sunday dinner in the yard were Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Brachmann knd family of Canby, Mr. and Mrs. Garth Rouse of Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ness and family of Philomath and Roy Rouse of Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Nelson have returned from an extend ed vacation trip through 13 states. Leaving here August 11 they visited points of inter est at Salt Lake City, Utah; Denver, Colo.; and at Neosho, Mo., where they visited with California Council of Home Missions with the children of migrant laborers at Mendotta, Calif., a program in which she participated this summer. Miss White is visiting at the Detroit home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. White. She will re turn to California, Sept. 20th, where she will do social work until June. Weekend guests at the home of the Larry Petrles were their son and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Petrie, Jr., Larry III, Michael, and Jannice, of Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sophy and their sons, Richard, Russell and Ray. Jr.. spent Wednesday evening in Salem, where they attended the state fair. They were accompanied by Jules Hill." Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Arne F. Willson and Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Perry of McMinnville visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Perry and family at Sweet Home. Sunday morning they attended the Baptist church where Mrs. Willson's nephew is the pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Lester French and family of Corvallis. spent the weekend here with his mother, Mrs. Bert French. They did some painting about the mother s home, which im proved the place very much. Mr. and -Mrs. Vernon Foster hsd as Wednesday dinner guests a nephew, Gil Reikis of Portland, and her sister, Mrs. Bessie Murphy of Beaver- ton. Leaving the Foster home on Wednesday morning were their houscguests and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Henry of Illinois and Mr. and Mrs. Will Desver of Wisconsin, who are on their way to California and Texas enroute home. A transaction was made re cently, whereby Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Swing and family and Mr. ma mini ainmu... i .,,. Ih. ... Sheridan are me parent . s a ss and daughter have traded, , . . , ,l,0n. born Sept. 6, at the Mc- HahAWAII Wiilamina Fl club 11A met Sept at the home of Mia. Bob Boundy, with Mrs. Orley Brock co-hostess. Alter tne ousuiess meeting, secret pals for the past yesr were revealed and new names drawn for the coming yesr. a him wss enjoyed, with Mrs. Bill Hurl winning first prise and Mrs. Newlin Neely consolation. Mrs. Don Tatom won the special prize, and Mrs. Chet Canby won the raffle. Th hostesses ' served re freshments to Mrs. Hurl. Mrs. Neely, Mrs. Tatom, Mrs. Canby, 1r . W. T. Stone, Mrs. Bill ronton. Mrs. Jim Monaco, Mrs. Gordon SUk, Mrs. Jack Sisk, during the Labor Day holidays. Homer Goodrich and family went to a place near Seaside on a fishing trip Sunday and enjoyed a picnic at a C C.C. park near the same place. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Teal were borne from their. mill at Lake side over the week-end. Mrs. Anna Mae Van Allen of Myrtle Creek and two of her daughters spent the week-end In Falls City with her parents, the Otto Teals, and her sister Mrs. Clifford Reeves. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Baker (Arleta Teal) and two children of Auburn. Wash., visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mn. Otto Teal and her o'f Sheridan and Horace Ed wards and sons, Ray and Eddie, of Toledo, and Wednesday eve ning, Mr. and Mrs. George Crackle of Charring Cross, On tario, Canada, and George and Art Lane, spent the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Loop. The Crackles are sister and brother-in-law of the Lanes. ' Sheridan w! iMmram Rlaekwell. Mrs. GaesU last week at the home nh,rt Wise. Mrs. Jack Shet- of Mrs. Harry Mason were her , son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buschman from Roulder, Colo., where Mr. Buschman is on the university faculty. They also visited at the home of her sister, Mrs, DeLcs Ho-tye. The Presbyterian Women s association held Its The October meeting will have Mrs. Denton and Mrs. Ta tom iashosteMer Sheridan Sheridan Robert Hall of Portland has purchased the Sheridan Gear and Machine Works from Wayne Zumwalt, and will move to Sheridan in the near future. Zumwalt haa nwrwil ihm firm sister. Mrs. Clifford Reeves and for the past four years, and will had the opportunity of visiting her eldest sister, Mrs. Van Al len of Myrtle Creek while in town. move to Tucson, Ariz. Hall was recently a salesman for the General Tool Co., and during World War n he was a pilot Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnes" i th air i- i , of San Louis Obispo, Calif, Pacific ' are visiting at the home of Mr. Hlgh school principal Frank and Mrs. W. Cummings. lW. Smith h. ,n,mm h. Mr. and Mrs. William Snow of Spokane, Wash., were holi day visitlors at the home of her home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Vernon. Arnold is a graduate of San Jose Bible College and is looking for pastorate in Oregon. : . . The Sweet Home Chapter of the WCTU will have it's next meeting Sept. IS at the Church of Christ, 18th and L St. The meeting time will be 2 p. m. Light is required for vision and night prowling animals cannot see in toUl darkness. seas e-eaai Dallas Dallas C. W. Henkle trans acted business in Salem Wed nesday. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Bennett. Salem Road are Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burgess of Gear hart. Ore. Mrs. Burgess is be ing treated for rheumatism with which she has been suffering for severs Iweeks. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Rsndall and daughter. Pamela, and Mrs. Roy Donahue motored to Sa lem Thursday. Recent vlslstors of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Bates were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pendergraft of Wichita, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Pendergraft resided In Salem in 1842 and had the misfortune o lose two small sons by aar FOB HNE FOOD Vj Chinese and American COMI TO MT FLACI Chinese Tea Garden stlfht Dawa fewa . HIH Ne. CemnwreW tatwaea a. lata Caurt 8L rowning in the Willamette iver. Mr. and Mrs. Xd Hayward nd children of Albany were Tiursday evening guests at the I. A. Peterson home. Vacationing at the beach the ast two weeks were Mr. and An. Bill Wood. Mr. Wood is mployed in the office of the Willamette Valley Lumber Co. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dunn and on, Don, spent several days the past week at Neskowln. Golf vas their main diversion while t the beach. homes. The Ewlngs are now at home on the Neck Road on the place usually known as the D. C. Clark farm. The Mcin tosh family is residing in the flirt home on Flower Lane west of Dayton. Mrs. Mae Barnard it house mother at Grover Hall on the Llnfield campus this coming school year. Mrs. Delia U'Ren was an overnight guest of Mrs. Barnard recently. Mrs. Anna Woodward had a "silk party" at her home Wed nesday evening. A picnic dinner was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Woodward in Sheridan last Sunday. The occasion was honoring his sister. Mrs. Fay Henderson of Wymore, Neb. otner reia tives Included in the party were Mrs. Henderson s son, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hender son and family of Seattle, Wash.; two sons of Mr. Wood ward, Mr. and Mrs. Derral Woodward and family of Sa lem; Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Woodward of Corvallis; cous ins. Mr. and Mrs. BiU Wright and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ackerman of Dayton. . Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Tem ple and children and Linda Veach spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. C. F. Cox at Maupln. Miss Mary Taylor was tak en to the General Hospital in McMinnville Tuesday evening She was suffering with pneu monia and asthma. Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Lyle ..i.riDent of Sheridan are the par- .... r.1 a inn horn Sent. 3. at zsr." :lv": rMui. 1.0.1. i nw. m. p.ui COx .nd f.. ship hill. Mrs. James Swanj Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Tuck oflil nrealdin at the business see- anenuan r - - - sion. Mrs. Floyd Jones was in charge of devotions and Mrs. teachers for the school year be ginning Sept 14. They will be; Mrs. Fern Eberhart, English, parents, ir. ana -Mrs. a. o. speech, girls health. P.E.. sen. oss ana au partoox 01 a sun- ior chua arivw- viu i . . n ' ;Vl uennl. English, library, soph. Herbert Schroeder led the pro gram "Home Missions." Pres ent were Mesdames Lester Hathaway. James Swan, John Swan, Herbert Schroeder, Floyd Jones, Charles Sullivan, Noble Streeter, Otto Witt, Ar thur Catherwood, Cora Good man, Ida Geddes, W. E. Ep person and Miss Daisy Geddes. Sublimity Unionvale JEAN HOFFMAN Pianist extraordinary Igkattuc'.i N. Commercial Yaa walking up " one palm stare & S3:' Biri HeUo Friends and Peoples: SUte Fait Is almost over and many friendly people are in town. Lou of Uiem come to my sstabllahment to eat bast Chi nese food in the world and Am- ricen food .00. Some say people stall them to come hare others say they read my talk in adver tisement like which you are now read. I announce that my place Is open Sunday at t Pin. so you and friends can eoma here for Sunday evening meal ol (rest reputation. You will Use every thing 1 am sure, especially check at end of meal which Is the smallest thine we serve.. Conlu iAtia nnt maka tin mv savins t make up my seU "Bit loU of food for tiny portion of money." You coma up, you see. YII SING (that's my name sure) Picture not of me this my cousin Frank Unionvale Walter Strewn of Tulso, Okla., and his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gill Madinger, and son, Walter, of Los Angeles, Calif., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Strawn from Tuesday until Saturday. Then they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Strawn at Hub bard for several days. Walter Strawn is a brother of George and John Strawn. M. and Mrs. George Strawn of Unionvale and Bernard Trunk of Dundee finished on Tuesday picking 18 acres of pole beans grown on George Strawn't farm here this season. Sublimity Rev. R. P. O'Hara and 30 young football fans attended Monday night's pro grid exhibition between the Los Angeles Rams and Chi cago Cardinals in Multnomah stadium. A big improvement has been made in the town of Sublimity by having all of the streets oiled, for which the townspeo ple are very grateful. The immunization clinic will be held at the Women's club house at Stayton on Monday, Sept. 14, 1 to 4 p.m. The well child clinic will be Monday, Sept. 21, 9:30 to 2:30 p.m. For appointments, call Mrs. E. A. Ditter 7F42 or Mrs. Phillip Bogstad 4005. . Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Kinti (Joanne Lulay) are the par ents of a 8 lb. 10 Vi oz. daugh ter, Angela Marie, born Friday, Sept 4 at a Silverton hospi tal. Mr. and Mrs. William Lulay and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kintz are the grandparents. Miss Gerl Hartman and Miss Darlene Kintz left Monday for San Francisco where they will enroll in- a dental nurses school. Minnvllle hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamp ton of Grand Ronde are the parents of a daughter, born Sept. 7 at the McMinnville hos pital. James F. Rose, principal of the Chapman and Faulconer grade schools in Sheridan has released the list of teachers at the two grade schools for the iosa-54 school year. They are: First grade, Mrs. Ann Mat thews, Mrs. Emma Seth, Mrs. Alta Bradley; second grade, Mrs. Alma Schroeder, Mrs. Ma rie Majors, Mrs. Myma Sund land; third grade, Mrs. Isabelle Armitage, Mrs. Thelma Burdg, Mrs. Hazel Butler. Fourth grade. Miss Inez Row ell, Mrs. Frances O'Dwyer, Mrs. Gladys Kilmer; fifth grade, Mrs. Marvel Frack, Mrs. Doro thy White, Don Sundland; Sixth grade, Mrs. Alma Ot ting, Mrs. Dorothy Ivie; sev enth grade, Mrs. Alice Hen thorn, Mrs. Bernice Cody, Wll liam Tedd: eighth grade, Mrs. Paula Whitenfield, Henry Brown. - Mrs. Ivie will be part time librarian, Mrs. Cody will be in charge of girls' physical educa tion, and Tedd will be in charge of boys' physical education. Falls City Falls City Recent visitors at the Charles Joslin home were Mrs. Joslin's sister Mrs. Fred Cummins and her son Fred Cummins and wife of; class Tuesday evening the Hope. well Missionary Society met at the home of the president, Mrs, S. C. Waller. Mrs. Ron Rogers was the leader of the lesson, with Mrs. Kusti Setala assist ing. Mrs. N. O. Pears and Mrs. Marvel Brown served refresh ments. The prayer meeting wss held at the noma of Mr. and Mrs, John Kotka. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geisler were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stohr of Portland and Mrs. Anne Libbey : and - son Charles of Centralla, Wash. Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Gene Jaenlcke of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. John Hargar of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. John Fuqua were birthday dinner guests in honor of Mrs. Gelsler's birth day. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Parvin are enjoying a week's vacation at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooper of Tacoma, Wash., were Mon day night guests of Mr. and ) Mrs. Ross Rogers. Ed Loop showed seven 01 nis registered Milking Shorthorn cattle at the Oregon State Fair, and Iff the judging Wednesday his bull, Mldwood Masterpiece, a yearling, received second prize; Elma's Lavron Lady, a calf, third; Elma's Princess, Sr., second; Rose's Janet, Sr., yearling, fifth; Ember's Sweet Sue, Sr., cow, second; and she received second in best udder Elma's Lavron Acres, omore rla iHvi.A.. w. 4An. t 1 . , .. . ' "cm, mainemaucs, sci ence, advisor to freshman class; Miss Ester Young, home econo mics; Miss Nancy Leake, typ ing, shorthand, bookkeeping; Gordon Pratt, choral music, band, English; John Blaser, so cial economics, biology, health, boys P.E., and track and foot ball; Ramon Pointer, social studies, basketball and base ball; and Norbert Vandehey, vocational agriculture and shop. Fred Bozeman, co-owner of the Valley Motors, DeSoto and Plymouth dealers In Sheridan, has sold his Interest to his part ner, E. E. DeLarm. Bozeman has purchased the Dairy Queen, which was established here this spring by W. H. Aldrich of Mc Two officers of the Sheridan Masonic lodge, Royce N. Coan of Wilalmina and Ralph Hansen of Grand Ronde, received the fourth degree of York Rite Masonry, which is the seventh Masonic degree, at a ceremony given by the McMinnville Ma sonlc lodge this wee-It. via .i m, i. second, register 01 merit ior lln's nephew and wife, Marvin dry cows, and Santiam Rose and Nietzie Joslin of Los rf' ." Bethel Mill City Bethel Mr. and Mrs. George Sherman of Mt. Angel have purchased the R. I. Al lenby farm on East State St. road and have taken posses sion. They plan to operate a dairy and sell whole milk. The Shermans have a daughter. Patricia, who will enter third grade at Bethel school, and Robert and Charles of pre school age. R. L. Allenby is engaged in logging at Brookings, and Mrs. I Allenby, Helen and George are' remaining in Salem for the present. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bolz of Sheboygan, Wis., have bought the 84 acre dairy farm of Mr. , and Mrs. O. B. Chapman front-: Ing on East State St. road, Anseles. Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Allen of the Allen Grocery Company made a trip to Longvlew, Wash., over the week-end for a visit with Mrs. Allen's mother, Mrs. Cas sie Preville, of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gwalt- ney are .the parents of a son born Thursday, Sept. 4. He Is their fourth son. Larry Rice, who is stationed at Treasure Island Naval Base, visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith and sister, Mrs. Homer Goodrich class. Guests at the Ed Loop home Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Chamberlain of Eartham, Iowa, Milking Short horn breeders. Sunday after noon guests were Mrs. William Dennis and Miss Viola Dennis GATES OPEN :41 SHOW AT 1:U ENDS TONITEI (Sot.) Tony Curtis Janet Leigh In Technicolor "HOUDINI" Also Rory Calhoun Corinne Calvet "Powder River" "startssunday" . If Cary Grant ' Deborah Kerr "Dream Wife Also Edmund O'Brien Helen Westeott "Cow Country" Sweet Home , Sweet Home Police Chief and Mrs. Roy Clover left for a five day vacation at Astoria and other coastal cities where they plan to fish. Sergeant Karel Hyer will be acting chief dur ing Clover's absence. Circuit court has been post poned until Monday, Sept. 14. Sheridan Arnold was a vis itor in Stayton this week at the DANCE OVER WESTERN AUTO Adm. (Oe Tax Inc. Dick Johnson's Oreh. T59 Conrt St MOMS S.S7SO Robert Tartar Ava Gardner ' The Beauty and tha Oatiaw "RIDE VAQUERO" in Tethnli-olar Audrey Repbara la "SECRET PEOPLE" DRIVE-IN THEATH1 won inn UflSH UIDIHt, HI8HWAY ft GATES OPEN : , SHOW AT 7:15 ENDS TONITEf (Sat.) Abbott 4 Costello "Go To Mars" Lloyd Brldre "THE TAU TEXAN" Also "A DAY IN THE COUNTRY' STARTS SUNDAY "The Beast from 20,000 Falfiomj DAN DAILY JUNE HAVER "THE GIRL NEXT DOOR" In Technicolor " 2 Mill City Enrollment at the MIU City schools is slightly less than last year, according to Vernon S. Todd, superinten dent. However, it Is JPlThey are staying t a Salem L' , ,; . "" I, "".: motel until they receive pos students still are on Mntmer , of tn. lafm later tnl, Jobs. The grade school reg s er-1 h Th fe M ,h farm 7 "3 equipped with the herd of time last year; the high school! J . .. Thelr girls are all under school age. The Chapmans plans are in definite for the present. Ilnda Chapman will stay with her mother's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bahnaen, and continue In Bethel school. INDIANAPOLIS TYPE BIG CAR AUTO RACES DONT MISS THI ONLY 1951 SALEM APPEARANCE OF THE BIG CARS! SUNDAY, SEPT. 13 TIME TRIALS 1:30 P.M. LONE OAK RACE TRACK MOl rAlSGKOUKDS SA1EH i has 99 enrolled, compared to 1 110 last year. All standing committees for the current PTA year 'have been appointed, according to A. E. Nesbitt, president. The first , executive board meeting will i be Oct. 14. ProaTam committee Mr. and Mrs. Arey Podrabsky; music, Mrs. Harry Mason; kln- derarten, Mrs. Roy Kiersey; International dlr.ner. Mr. and i Mrs. , Kenneth Crosier; mem bership, Mr. and Mr. Roger Nelson; hospitality, .Robert Thorpe; ways and means, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Venness; re freshments, Mrs. C. W. Stewart Mrs. Jess Lee; budget, Mrs. K'tineth Crosier; legislative, Mrt Vernon Todd; safety, Don Jenkins: Junior teens. Mrs. Area- Podrabsky; parllmentar ian, Howard Means; publicity, Mrs. Vernon Todd; telephone. SCNNYSIDE SCHOOL Sur.nyside The Sunnyslde school will open for the fall term at 9 a.m. Monday, Sept 14. SQUARE DANCE To the Music of The Wagon Wheelers TONIGHT STATE FAIR 50c Admission Ends Today! Open (:0I "THE DESERT SONG "THE VANQUISHED" 8tarts Tomorrow ConU 1:43 U BvlheJJ UgntofTTre, iSitveiyjJj iiQon: MU fcltaMTR9KLsUt Actio C-Hit "Tim 53LH3S r China Citif y OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK DAILY 4:30 P.M. TO 2 A.M. SAT. 4:30 P.M. TO 3 A.M. SUN. 2 P.M. TO 11 P.M. Speciolliinf In Chines eni American Food Orders to Go... Phone 2-21)7 LARGE PARKING AREA S. COMMERCIAL STARTS Tomorrow! LAST DAY! "FRANCIS COVERS THE IIG TOWN" and "GIRLS OF PLEASURE ISLAND" J M Will JjJJiaE VJITCH a vhi H a M. m f 3 . waits tisTasr a J nm aaa ana nil Murder and Romance to Thrill You! "BLUE GARDENIA" With Anne Baxter - Richard Conte 1 SUNDAY DINNER il Ihi Speedway Restaurant FRIED CHICKEN $1.00 Virginia Baked Ham With Roisln Sauce ond Candied Sweet Potatoes Cole Slow With Sour Cream Drouinf Hot liKuiti and luttor BW FRIED SHRIMP 7Sc 1170 CENTER ST. ATTMUPrraopnftrorra TOMORROW! LAST DAYI I 3-DIMENSION "CHARGE AT FEATHER RIVER" Aha " WHITE GODDESS" 4 jtyjf am h fJSXt cat AJ V r s ' ; A hVfr - ! I Mb lottiCn&fjrl 'lUELTX JEANNE MICHAEl CRAIH REMHIE CROSSING