k amv iveoi. -1 li N I,: J! ?! ) i ! t; it s u Put II ROE CAPITAL JOURNAL, eWom, Ortfon Saturday. September li, 1933 r THE STRAIN WAS TOO MUCH FOR HER u, J TV -A GOP Women Hear Mrs. Priest - Yellowstone Park, Wyo. () Republican women from 12 western state were told by the United States treasurer Friday their big job next year Is to convince the people that Pri Jdent Eisenhower needs a Con gress controlled by his own party. Mr. Ivy Baker Priest said the President needs such con trol "if he is to bring about the change which they, the people, so ardently demanded in 1952." In a speech prepared lor a luncheon of the Western Re gional Conference of Republi can Women here at Old Faith ful Inn, Mrs. Priest added: "Unless we make the people understand that one simple fact, they will be in danger of taxing the things they asked for last fall." "If we hold the ' women's vote in 1854," she predicted, "the Congress which convenes in January, 1955, will be over whelmingly Republican." Radio Editor Sfain in Desert Wlckenburg, Arlx. W The bullet-riddled body of Roger A. Chase, night news editor for radio station KPHO in Phoe nix, was found sprawled in the middle of U.S. 60-70-89 two miles east of Morrlstown early Friday. He bad been shot four timet. Highway Patrolman Hobart Smith, who was summoned to the scene, said the dead man's wife, Jean, sobbing and hyster ical, was sitting In their par d car nearby. A .23 caliber automatic pit- V1 was on the floor boards be side her feet, Smith said. It had been fired. Unable to answer question!, the was sent to the Wlcken burg hospital and given a sedative. The officers said they could not comment on the possibility of filing charges until the in' veetigation it complete. Mrs. John Antonis of Ssn Francisco collapses in the arms of her husband after her son, Ffc Nick Antonis (left), repatriated prisoner of war, had Just disembarked from Navy transport John Pope at San Francisco's Fort Mason Sept. 8. The ex-POW was one of the 428 repatriates aboard the ship. (AP Wlrephoto) I Love Lucy" TV Star Cleared by Probers Hollywood V-Lucille Ball, television's top comedienne. never was a communist, says the House Un-American Activi ties Committee, even though she registered as one 17 years sgo. The wide-eyed star of the popular "I Love Lucy" show freely admitted to committee investigator William Wheeler that she registered March 10, 1938, to vote for the communist ticket "because Grandpa want ed all of us to." But she emphatically denied ever being a party member or voting for party candidates. NEVER A RED t v: - r t . r- - . r Lucille BaU, television star, who was cleared by a Congressional committee of Communist rumors. Stage Hands Praised For Work at Revue Much of the smooth oper ation of the night show at the 1953 or any other State Fair It because of the etficlent work of the stage hands, sayt a reminder from a fair staff member. This year a crew of seven keeps watchful eyes on the show, each with a special Job assigned to him. The boyt are identified only by their tint names. They are known as Darrell, Pete, Gill, Pat, George, Harry and Rod. They work under Joe Simeral. Former Resident Passes in Alberta Loyal H. Ekin, who formerly lived in Salem, died in Mam. vllle, Alberta, Canada Septenv ber 8. Ekin was 76. Born January 23, 1877, at Shirley Hill, HI., he married Eatclla Crow In 1904. The cou pie lived in Salem in 1918 for short period of time. Ekin in latter yeart was a wheat farm' er in Canada. Surviving him it hit wife, one daughter, Mrt. Verneena Ayrct, Stockton, Calif.; a lis ter, Mrt. Ettella HaysUp. Che- noe, lil.; and three brothers, Harry Ekin, Idaho Falls, Idaho; John Ekin, Manchester, Mich., and Floy Ekin, East Miline, 111. Services will be at the Clough Barrick Chapel Mon day at 1:30 p m. 1715 Bo. Commercial Ph. 4-4311 "There is no evidence that Miss Ball is or ever was a party member," Rep. Donald L. Jack son (R-Calif.(, committee mem ber, told a news conference last night 1 It was the most hectic day of her life for Lucille BaU but as TVs Lucy, she was never fun- nier. Before the show got under way. husband oesl Arnax ad dressed the studio audience of 300: I wi.nt to talk to you about something serious ... Lucy has never been a communist not now and never will be." I was kicked out of Cuba," Arnaz continued, "because of communism. We despise every- thing about it Lucy it as American as Barney Baruch and Ike Eisenhower. By the way. we both voted for Eisenhower to ladles and gentlemen, don't Judge too soon reaa lor yourselves. Read her story. Don't believe every piece of bunk you read In some oaoeri." Then Arnax Introduced bis wife as "my favorite redhead. That's the only thing red about Lucy and even that is not legi timate." Services Monday for Miss Lydia L. Hunt Funeral services will be held Monday for Lydia L. Hunt who has been a reident el bbo aa- cllff drive. The Virgil T. Gol den chapel will be the place of the services, scheduled for 2 n.m. Miss Hunt was born uarcn 14, 1893, at Huntsvllle, Wash., town which was named xor her grandfather. She was a charter member of Good Shep herd Lutheran church in Salem where she taught Sunday school classes. Surviving Miss Hunt are three sisters, Mrt. Ann Abbey, Marrna, Calif., Mrs. W. F. Cur ry. Clarkson. Wash., and Mrs. Floy Hulsey, Prineville; and one brother, E. G. Hunt, Sa lem. The Rev. Harold I. Hamilton will officiate. Friends have been requested to donate to the building fund of the Good Shepherd Lutheran church instead of sending flowers. Swim Class at Wood burn Ends Wood bum A total of 27 be ginners. 22 of them from Mt, Angel, passed their Red Cross swimming tests at the close of the third period of instruction at the Woodburn war memor ial swimming pool. Ten passed their intermediate test and one each for swimmer and advanc ed swimmer. Beginners earning certifl cates were Janice Hart, Beth Paulson, Sheila Doerfler, Pat sy Cornwall and Anthony Dummer of Woodburn; Don' aid Wavra, James Schaecher, Arlene Schmitz, Harriet Pur dey, Arlene Fessner, Cbsrlet Wavra, Jcanetta Wachier, Bob Mueken. Bob Biem, Joe Schmidt. Jim Unger, . Steve Rider, Joe SchaUberger, Billie Worley, John SchaUberger, Al ice Terhaar, Joan Fisher, Mary Bokelman, Mike Penner, Tim Butich. Louis Jauraoro and Clifford Schmidt, all of Mt Angel. Intermediates earning cer tificates were Annette Davis and Tamtra Tweed, Wood hum- Ralnh Schmltt. Jim Pen ner, Dennis Bean, Mary Jean Schmltt Karen Simon, Ronald Wachter, Donny Schmltt and Patricia Schmitz, Mt Angel, The swimmer test wss pass ed by Josn Idnscott of Wood hum and Tommy Miller of Woodburn earned an advanced swimmer certificate. . The Instructions for the Mt Angel group were financed by the city of Mt Angel. Airman's Body found in Snake Ontario (U.B The body of a man found gagged and mur dered in the Snake river north of here was identified today as that of Richard David 6pel cher, 21, an airman stationed at Mountain Home, Ida, Air FoTce Base. Malheur County Coroner George Beechler said Identi fication was made through fin gerprints. The Air Force said Speleher'f home town was En glewood, Colo. The body was louno iiws- dsy. Beechler said deatn was due to "mechanical strangula tion" and that the body had been In the water two or three Civil authorities sale, xney understood from Mountain Home officials that Speicher had gone fishing last week end. ' ' ' . An autoosv report showed that Speicher had been struck over both eyes "sometime dur ing life" and thrown in xne river. State police and county of ficers were pressing a search for the murderer. 3000 Homeless In Cyprus Quake Nicosia, Cyprus, (Ph-Relief workers, aided by British troops, put up tents for the homeless and distributed food supplies in quake stricken southwestern Cyprus Friday. Officials estimate 3,000 people are homeless. The quake killed 40 persons and injured more than 100 en this eastern Mediterranean it land Thursday. The village of Stroumbi, worst hit of all by the tremor, is a total loss and will have to be rebuilt. Ktina, another bad ly hit village. Is not to exten sively damaged as wat feared, but 100 houses are uninhabit able. . . Probe Cause of Prison Fire .Walla Walla ( The de structive metals plant fire and subsequent inmate disorders of Wednesday evening reached the "Wodunit" and "What are we going to do about it" stages Fri day and there appeared to be no easy or Immediate answer. Prison officials, aided by state and local investigators, ap parently had succeeded in counting the number of license plates destroyed in the fire; were Inclined to view the fire as incendiary, and set the dam age at approximately a half million dollars. - ,' The problem appeared to be how to restore the burned out pUnt and get license plate pro duction restored in nmo meet the demand due to start I. llu n.vt fmm months. Denutr State Fire Marshal Leonard L. Burgunder of Spo kane, working with other oMi oii tnirf Harold D. Van Eaton, state director of institutions, he believed the fire -very proo ly was set by an inmate or in mates." .. Warden John Cranoer said every effort will be made to find the guilty party or parties. THFATER KISSING BAN Manila C The Angeles City council has banned kiss ing in thesters in the audi ence that Is. Violators face the prospect of a fine, im prisonment or both. Start Probe of Gang Warfare w..ttin,tnn OR Gang war fare between organized mobs of teenagert Is a prime item on the agenda of the Senate Judiciary subcommltee's na tionwide inquiry into Juvenile delinquency. Chairman Hendrkkson (B NJ) said In an interview Thurs day: "We hope to have task foreet of local leaders aid us in all large eitlet where there are Juvenile delinquency prob lem!." He taid such units would in clude police, clergymen, wel .m workers and school and Juvenile court officials to each city or area. Hendrickson said the sub committee and its staff prob ably will meet here Monday to outline initial investigations. FINISHES HABVEST Grand Island Charles Ser geant of Grand Island com pleted combining his 100 acres of barley Thursday. He is now assisting his neighbor, L. T. Pomeroy combine his grain. St. Mark's LUTHERAN lU N. Ctarch it Bcr. Jsha L. Canbte, raster JUNDHSaVKa 9:30 AM. Sunday School 11 :00 AM. Divine Service 8:30 PM. Luther League ALL ABB INVITED Journal Want Ads Pay SHERIDAN LEGION Sheridan The American Le gion Pott and Auxiliary will have Installation of officers Monday, Sept. 14, at 8 p.m. when District Commander Fred Lichtenthaler of Dayton and District President Francet Grund of Monmouth will be In stalling officers. Dave Yoder will be installed commander of the Pott for the second year, and Alkie Wiser will be in stalled president of the auxlli ary. FOR SALE Attractive 2-bdroom dwellinf with unfinished upstairs. Hardwood floors and oil hoot. Attached garoga. Largo lot with family fruit trees. See at Sf 10 La Branch Ave. Coll Pioneer Trust Company , 14 J4 for dttails of tola. . Cere, ami Sec. McKay Plans Extended Tour Washington () Interior Secretary McKay Is planning a speaking and Inspection tour into Maine, Pennsylva nia, Louisiana and Texas next month. Included are a talk at a Houston $100-e-plate Repub lican dinner, Oct. 8; a meet ing with the Mid-Continent OH and Gat Association at Houston, Oct. 6; inspection of offshore oil operations at La Fayette, La., Oct 7. FINED FOR THEFT Albany Larry Lee, 18. said by Sheriff George Miller Thursday to have been with the three minor youths who burglarized the M. M. Landon home at Sweet Home Saturday night, was fined $50 in district court Thursday after he plead' e dgullty to a petty larceny charge Involving the theft of automobile hub caps. Camels were found In Amer ica until the Pliocene period, about 16 million years ago. DONT Throw Tour Watch Away We Fix Them When Others Can't THE JEWEL BOX US SUM It. tilaa 1 '-n ratviTiii nil i i hum i i iMtninin f WTi tMt T Mr itmtit YT t T at m Mtll mt MT. CREST ABBEY MAUSOLEUM CREMATORIUM West tad Boyt IL Salens Vault Entombment and Cremation Service Crypn Niehet Urns "Indoor Momorloli In Marble and Bronie" (THE TWO BETTER WATS) Cader Direction Lloyd T. Rigdon, Pres. Don't Be in Doubt CHECK THIS SPOT FOR Salem Business Establishments That Remain OPEN SUNDAYS! Now . . 24 Hour Drug Service! ! , OPEN 8 A.M. T0 11 P.M. AND DUTY PHARMACIST ON (ALL . ii p.m.tosa;m. Jutt Phono 39123 or 42248 QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION STORE 130 So. Liberty Howser Bros. Equipment Sales t Rental Service 1185 So. 12th Phono 3-3644 So lem, Oro. . TRAILERS FOR RENT All Typos Local or Ono Way Rent A Trailer System Salem's Only Exclusively Trailer Rental Lot 1905 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-9457 -OPE SUNDAY SAFEWAY OPEN SUNDAYS 126S Cantor 8-10 2120 Fairgrounds Rd. 9-6 935 S. Coml 9-9 SAME LOW PRICES ALWAYS Pot Your Convenience Our Store Is Open Sundays From 12 Noon to 1 P.M. FOR EMERGENCIES . . Call 38S43 39379 CAPITAL DRUG STORE State and Liberty Tear Prescription Store" LADD'S MARKET 1705 S. 12th OPEN 24 Hours Doily, Inel. Sun. Senator Hotel Coffee Shop We Specialise In SUPER! SUNDAY DINNERS Open Sundays 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Doily, 4:30 a.m. 9 p.m. ttlM , hntai cff S1if Corner Court ft High rhent S 4151 Pay Less Drug Store SERVE YOURSELF and PAY-LESS OPEN SUNDAY 11 A.M. 'til 8 P.M. PAY LESS HAS EVERYTHING Hocker Hardware Ph. 37031 990 South Commercial Woll Paper, Points and Sporting Goods Fcrrill's Nursery Svsti prtparse: far OPEM tOLKJOXMYS Y Ml. East of KEIZER Fhont 2-107 BERGS In the Capitol Shopping Cantor And In tho -Keiier District 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Evtry Day , GOLDEN PHEASANT OPEN It Neen Til l:t SUNDAY SUNDAY DINNERS OUR SPECIALTY 141 North Liberty Phene 3-S733 LADD'S MARKET 1705 S. 12th OPEN 24 Hours Doily, Inel. Sun.