THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Raka, Oragoa DENNIS the MENACE By Kttrhnm AUTOMOIIUS AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOtUS TILTED STREET Batttrday, September 1Z, 15J I - - twifffffm I Some "BARGAINS" are baFil to drivel BUT NONE OF THESE LISTED BELOW ARE. THEY RUN SMOOTHLY, BEAUTIFULLY. THESE DEALERS DO NT DRIVE BARGAINS" EITHER THEY SELL THEM AND GUARANTEE THEM TO YOU. SEE FOR YOURSELF THIS WEEKEND. BRING THE FAMILY AND PICK YOUR ."BARGAIN" NOW WHILE PRICES ARE LOW! ! AND WE CAM PRtTEMO THIS IS OUR HOUSE IF OU PONT WIMP A FEW FIE-. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HABOOANT dlotna UbK HtiT skirt, mirror see bench. Cherry dlnlnt ml eeeatlonsl tsblss, plctaras. brsskfsst eat. fll MlSlloa. Bill' WOsaiNQ ucimi, Besr Spuvdriar . Rorsci smell refrlsersfcor, a chrome choirs. Fhone a-ni. naao WEUB BAST carries clsr pea. huh chair, Terlea Tot. child's nolle New aad desh. All like saw. Vi tnmtili. Fhone 1-HM. aaif fob tsxE Fnttt Jan. wr Re, Xth. sill' VE1T GOOD Westlnchoose Laundromat with water eerer. Bt. 3, Bos at. Monmouth. Fh. tail. Mia1 QUALITY HEATING I Choca our Forlmeter Heatlns Bretem villi warm air unit. Heats economically. Bur now end asvs. Montgomery Ward' Fh. l-lltl 1H Bo. Liberty salt atONTKBAY UMNO, room and dinette Ht Blond bedroom suite. See between 1 e.m.-f p.m. ll no. cnuren. azis- I.E.L. FOWBB SAW. A-l condition. inch bar. Ktw to-lnch chain. New df-la. bar. CompltU, au. Ph. J4I4 or Mil Dallas. lot Academy. n-M RRAO BIFLR. Sea H. V. Doc. liW Sll- -erton Bd. or Ph. 4ISM. aiao- -M BIFLS. 1 Box shells. Brawn Bd. before noon. BOAT, TBA1UB, J 0-10 winchwtar car- Mna. Ocean City Salmon real (newt. 1-aotT. ItU M. Liberty. DIM aTOYIHQ Wlih to aell houaebold fur nlturo and cflloa equipment. aM B Rek H1U. Phone aatia. njlt tTDO-THEBat beater with fan 111. See at lata Brooke at. naao OCT-OF-TOWR client will aacrUlce to Belereat cemetery lets at I each. Betular price la Bee Mr. Worbeea with Denton ex Deolea. Phone laces, naat TOP SOIL tret nut and tin din. From pi Brerr. Ftwna t-m. a- P.TJ.C. LOCAL CABTAQE permit. Make atfer. FBone 1-1104. MONTAO WOOD BEATEB 1201 0. 13th, seoalais. Phone 34044. nail1 BOCITTal bid lor eale et rent. B. IV atlrt Furniture Ce. phone S-tia. a- MALL lzstbb PIANO, like new. Ill jwioTue alter a p.m. o. u Brown nan BOTPOWT STOVE, Olbeon refrtkerator and ether waiters, isoe Tree, eisoi nan' LABOR OIL ClBCrjLATOB Like 1 PH. Rosedale dlitrlct, lotrrth koute aouth of Batai read. nan JIBD COIt. BCDIPBINO, W.M. Bros.' Used Store. Ill a. Com'l. Boss Dill AID IIMOEB Sawlnc Mschlne, llt.ll Hoes Bros.' used store, 111 a. com i. r.111 VIED DAVKNO, Store, lai s. 139. Host Bros.' Deed com'l. nail' CHID COTTON FELT mattress, till Beet Bros.' Osed Store, 111 S. Com'l nie FABK OIL CIBCULATOE. foldlm Pins pons hosrd .omplsle, bike bssket. 14111. nljl eCVLLOCB CBADI lArTS, Ml Edie water. West Salens Salem Leflslnfl Sup Mr Fh 4-IS41 Wonted MISCELLAN EOUS Logs Wanted Top price on todays msrkot lor ions of short second irewth Mr loss. For prices, phone SUM dsrs, 41114 ores- lass. West Sslem Lumber Co, 11M Wsllsce M . Salem. nalir WANTED by crowlns Sunday scnool, used piano or eraaa. Phone IU1I. nsai QUART A PINT (rull n. Small mouth Must bo reasonable, rnone eesos. naail wnnnaT wante pianos Phone a-sue aa ELECTRIC a-iuo BANnES. Waodrrs t eeeeeeee'i AUTOMOBILES DEWEY'S '82 r.y. Cran. San. It's loaded 1 owner 'SI Ply. Cran. Sdn. Twetone trey, a dsndy 'SI Neish Rambler Orel I tot the works, plus t ssllts per ssllen el food. '4J. Mercury Sedan Two-teas brown, era c'drlra. '48 Dodge Club Coupe '41 Chev. Clab Coup Bauth, but I'm OK. '21 Model A Sedan BUYS LIT- THESE ON1T AT DEWEY'S ISM MARKET FH I4MI NEVER OLOSI ell BEAL BUT-IPM Poatlae I aireamlioer. 4-drtre. Hrdramstle. rsdlo, healer, sun leor. alleese II.eM. II, 1H. Phone 1.1011. W BtAtTirlL French Orsy ! Dedte eeanrtime. RadM, heater, white side wells. Nice condltloa. Cea ks llnaneeil SIS. CSU I-ISSS. IIU FOB EOLTTT tl Ford 4 -dr. Cue. tam. a., b.. o.i. clean, rn. ease, sec atinlrUle. IP41 ETl'DEBAKEB Commander coupe. Radio, healer, rerdil'e. Eicelleat aaeiiMtion. laeuire 111 Cress at. elU BARCAIN 1PI1 Aaua Plrmoeth Deluxe 4-door. Clean. Ons owner. II. ao. Pnoae Mali. tin' AUTOMOIILES SIGH dgst'duvs 11 OLDS, M BBDAM tltM Radio, heater, eleor, whltewalle. covers, lt.iaa miles. If BtncK BDPBB BBDAM I11M Dnarlow, radlct heater, white vales, line care. l u smcr snpnt oonvbrt. t m Bow top, whltewaua. radio, heat or, elee. windows, flood. ALSO OTHER PREMIUM QUALITY LATE MODELS AND THBSZ CHBAPm I 41 DeSolo Sedan 41 Olds. Sedanet '4a Bulck Super Sedan .1111 140 ,. in OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY OREGON'S NUMBER DEALER ONE Mill el!!1 Com. at Center $$ FOR $ $ You Can't. Beat Our Cars FOR VALUE! P0NTIAC 11 REDAN. t SFDAN. ' ailMN. 'd AEDAN. '41 SEDAN. Rrdra.. Hrdrs., H-Urs. Brdra., BAR RArR , RAtH , RAM BAjB , ..Iitai .. HIS .. till CADILLAC 41 SEDAN (Leaded CHEVROLET 'II SEDAN. RAH ... 41 CLUB CPE RAtH 'tt SEDAN. RAtH ... I1SIS . 1WS . Ml FORD 4T SEDAN. 'II SEDAN. RAH RAH BEST FOR LESS 41 BU1CK. CPE Jl DO DOE CPE II PLYMOUTH SEDAN ' PLYMOUTH He men rpa iftna awnerl Ml in in fthsrpl Alwayi the Beit lor Le AT KELLY OWENS CO. 660 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-4113 aiir $ $ CASH $ $ FOR YOUR CAR ALL MAK'A AND MODELS TO CHOOSE PROM Western Motors 111! Brosdwsy Pheat l-Mli IS41 CHEV. Cuitomlsed, Itis. ruber Rd. mi ajotor Kill' eat nios con. .ruble. Must bs cold SP.CU. due se. See II end wiske alter at Feur Paakrsta, last "d St et ir f HIV. nood eondtllsa. Fheae lain 1441 Wallace Rd. - iiATion fob cellsse. Hare teed III: Oldemohlle. Fh. a-KIt o?t Journal Want Ads Poy SO OLDSMOBILE "88" . .ITT Lev satloeso, rally eeurppetA WsTs An tb the ear erer 4. SOS aules aad KNOW It s psrlectl 31 BUICK SPL. DLX. . $2085 4-dr. l-cvaer, 11, col actual aallea. full Balek Mulpaseat laeludlas eru. BZI-ilars. aad spare aerar wed. '48 FRAZER ...$6tS sedaa with BStH, OD. 1 ewasr. lew raUeaca aad atetcr scmpleuly ereer Baulee. WESTERN MOTORS taaa Broadway 82 CHRYSLER 82188 do eettpe. Windsor model vita ra dio, heater. Low aaUeoae. This eaa as really alee and at a lev Price I 81 DODGE 11485 werlarer 1-aoc sedaa, fresh ' air Hester, custom seat car en. leas than M.eea miles. A smart, sharp hay at this price. '48 DE SOTO .........$1295 4-dosr asdsa It's s Sal axe model RAH. low mllease, extra cleaa aad arlstnal paint. Salem Automobile Co. ( IS Every safety-tested used car is checked in five ways, en gine, steering, brakes, tires, electrical system. Completely reconditioned, in side and 'out, by Oldsmobile mechanics. The very best of trade-ins on new Oldsmobiles a wide selection of low mileage, top quality cars. 456 Center St., Salem HEAVE HO! OUT THEY GO! LOAD YOURSELF INTO A BETTER O USED CAR O Itil FORD DE LUXE SEDAN. R., H., A BUY!. 1J45 1952 FORD 101 HP. VALVE-IN-HEAD 'e".. 1485 1990 FORD CUSTOM SDN. A STEAL!. 1950 FORD CUSTOM SDN. FULL PRICE 1950 FORD ECONOMY A BUY! 1950 PACKARD CLB. CPE. R., H , A DANDY!. 1950 WILLYS STA. WON. R4tH, O.D MART MORI MAFBf AND MODUS TO CROC4M FROM MAKE YOUR OWN DEAL THE BOSS MIGHT TAKE IT! ALL OUR CARS ARE GUARANTEED MO. MILES IN Valley Motor A - phone 33147 center at high salem 'SB BUICK ............ $115 Super ceayertlble. A RCdrwT that has eeerythiac yea weal few pleeeeat me- vsrlH. SI CHEVROLET $11M Deluxe Flee time 44eer sedan. BAVB. ery sleaa. 'S3 DESOTO .........$AVE! Hare's a Fireaeme t thai Is leaded with owytbiai aad aaa-Uful at a rerr sahetaaUa! dlesewntl Barm SAM'S MOTOR CO. "OaSereoTer Bat Bom Dndmalt psi N. Oh etch 81 PLYMOUTH $1288 Oamertdse I dear eedaa. a-taaa palat sod many, msay extra. 'SO DODGE $1248 cereaet -tim eedaa. with crreasaua. heater, aad Tory aharpl 80 CHEVROLET ....... $885 Saeclal Fleetllne tader sedia. It's a It u c last at tarn pcicei Laceueas Ta asm ran Saattyi , eeo Bealh Bltb' til Caeassksta ail Pertlaad Bd. Stan Baker Motors BUY' WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A REPUTABLE ASSOCIATION DEALER . Remember , NO SUNDAY SALES! Tht Week-End Specials and Mtssogt Abov Am Brought to You So You Con Look Leisurely Than Buy Lottr 5 REASONS WHY SAFETY TESTED USED-CAR YOUR BEST BUY! CODER BROS. 995 R., H., W.S. TIRES. 945 " SDN. O.D. WHAT 1045 945 900 9000 WRITING l Used Car Mart '47 CHEVROLET 54S aMaa eewpe with BAvH. seed rab er, metoc aad aelat aad a tanatal 81 FORD $128 eastern t deer eedaa, BAtS." eleaa. lav all ease. Ill a steel at this price I 52 NASH ....$1888 Bambter eeateruble. taUy ceaipped. lev ssuesaa. I avaer. this ae ewoed ta tali ear. sales arte. MARION. MOTORS Cesasssretal at Cea lee '82 CHEVROLET $1695 d-deer delaxa sedaa. RAjB. eeat ear en, turn alnels. windshield wseh era. Baa pewsrtude. It's lasmacalsut STATION WGNS (2) TIT 1PU Peatles, a-aasseassr. : 1SSS Pwatlat with hydramatla. 'SO CADILLAC ........ $2388 "41" serlea eenpe CompleW Cadillac aceesscrlee. plus rear seat speeker A eeat ccrers. 1 owner. Bers'd a classy value. ... . ( DOUGLAS McKAY. , tlHSVAOUrT CO. - lit B. eaasaertlsl at. Pheac l-llll JL 4. Backed by your Oldsmobil dealer's written warranty and his long-standing reputation for .fair dealing. 5. Clearly marked by the seal of used car dependability Oldsmobile' s famous Safety-tested Seal! Phone 2-7973 Oil COMPLETELY CUSTOMISED Bollywood Itet Ford. Bxeslleai ccaaitiea. a-eaee er a-itn. a' 1P4I OS SOTO c-doer. Radle heater. cutraatced aerreet. tmtiaai awaer. His. Alee ltu Plymouth aoharbaa. Fheae I-1H4. a MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS Ufa BABLIT 1IA Like aew, windshield. extras. Below mtrlol p-tesi. essai- teat BARLf T II Buddy, solo sssu. Bs- trts. only 4.S41 muss. mi. aois n. nth at. esi- AUTOMOTIVt REPAIR ATTNO RADIATOR TBOVBLEt Teller Meter Ce exsarU will soles your proo lemi and sees yea money. Free eell mstes, speedy semes, center at Lib ert. BOATS 9 cncmrt ut. rmr nei- ltBl MoSjt.M. Runniai ittni. rtnot oalrU aifMriw htl. -Ma Klat 'H, 11 h . ir. AeisUitrr wm Unit. viterprtMr UrMuliai. B.iM)ir. Tubular U-M I'ftUtf IUl lfih ftt-4 JIkU. All for MM. P!.ni l4Ut Krt'.l FINANCIAL AOTO tVOANS BTIUJtMrrTB CREDIT CO. Ill aeatk Charek FarRaaa a-Pleatp . a-Mil Lie. Be M-iet. a-isd LOANS UP TO $1500 ea Mtastare Farnlrars, Csr AT PERSONAL It's "res" prampllr I oaxpleyod men er women. 1-flsll laaa . . . pnoae nrrl Tea select test pine eel data 9 Bstweea payday Ictas. Pnaac write at cotat at TODATI Personal Finance Co. 1M at RIOR ST. SALEM Blaie Lleeaea Wax a-'.ra. M-llt Lesns ever ties ep ta lleot and ap ta at mcathe ta reper mode by Persoaet Flnsnre Co. ef Martoa cewelp ander the Inda-trlai Laaa Ccaipaaiss Act of Orecea. I SALEM MARKETS Oeesallea trees reaeeta at Saleel liaises fee the awldaase et unetal Jiarasi reedere. (aerrned dally.) Bakatl PeUees 114 tkMa. act) (ise-le. has). Rsw hlaib 11.04-441. Dai re Feed aa.4A-l.ea IM-lh. hull 1 11-4 St (1M wLll ptsturt mis. SI M (ltd wl.l. Pwaitry Barrat Frlsse Colored tryera. lee: old rooeure. Isc; colored lewl. Ids; lee bora iowl m; rwastera, sec. Reset Berne Frlees SW1S aassc; larse -tie; medium AA. tec; medium 14c; smsu. aa-aac. waeiesele Prteee sat wbeteeaJe prteee teaeraur b-la auaer Uaa the artsas aba. a Larxe arada a aeaeraUr aaeted i tac: medium, ate Batte-fal Burma prUei Frairaai. Te lle; No 1. tl-etet Re. a. Ma. it si Wholesale araat a waresmaat. Tie Bm retail, las, Tha Automobile Club A New York advises at least ona car . length separation lor every 10 mllei an hour of peed. 1 FINANCIAL uc a-taa ana M-na aad 1 rot a aixunsta OlaURANCB AMD LOAPSB Bsc? -Ton Trades" U N Dairy rjui laN Be. omaua. fin arcs oo. 1M ae. Ceeamaralal aa. Tel. l-lltl f esaeepssi TRAILERS EXCSIXAXT e-waBEUS little. Ult htoLeod Laaa. aerth on caemawa Bead. mile vest at Oretoa Siecirie tracks. - HOUSE TRAILERS OOrNO UNTINQ OB llshlntl. Wibroot ia-ieot aiute -u-auer. ocas Siste Sec at Oft ae lath, srsaiaas. hens aeaet. .siu- DIRECTORY ADDTNS laAOanrlBS All makee ased meetrtne toM. mice, m aired. Beea. tsd Coart, Ph. I-T77). BULLDOZING Lectins, road build 1ns, clear Ins. Osortl wirtn, lose crsnoiswooa. j-none e-sjsx. cM Bulldodns, roads, dssrlnc teetb. Tlrsll Busksy, ltlt Falrrlew, phone l-lltl. aaas- DREfSMABINO AHerstlone hsmetltehint, h a 1 1 e B A buckles eorsred. aaltaaheles. Mre B. U. AUsndsr. J-ltll. aaat EXCATATXNO Ben OtJea at Boa. caoavatlnt aad cranial. Land slesrtnt. Ph. a-loto. olll Insolation, wealhsrstrtpe aluminum ecreens. Free cellmates. T. Fullraan. Phons l-splt. olia MATTREftES Capital Btddlae. ran orates. Fall una aev aitreasee Pa. I iSH . e OPTICS FUBNITUBB A fYTTtJtt Deck ehelra, flies, mint soppUea. safee dupllcetorA cupplles, desk lampc, type v.lter sunde Rcea. 4M Court e fEPTIO TANBS Rsmsl't ssptlc tanks cleaaed. line semes. Ousraatesd work. Fhons 1-1404, l-tllt. aan Mike's aeatls acrrlce Teaks slsaesd. D' rooter slsaas tcwert, dralae Phone I-M4I. Sllf Bswsr, septic tanks, drains oleoaed. Rc bt-Roclar Sewer eMrrlee Fhaaa 1-4111. a BABPEN1NQ REPAIR Lawa mowira aava ale lath at IX Fh. a-4411. Free pickup. e TIFEWBITEBf amltn. Cereae Beaslnttoa. Rcral Da- Ssrvoed aertahlee. atachlase Rspalrt eh Court. 1-1111. WINDOW CLEARTNO Acme Window Clean era. indastrlal floor waxins. aomsceleaniaa, Fhoac a-aall. 141 Court C LEGALS tXKCUTOII'0 NOTICE NOTICI 11 HIRE-BY OIVsTH that WILUAkl J. UN FOOT bu br rdrr of th Circuit Court tt tha Stttt f Onioa for Marlon County, optMinted tutor of tht Mtoto ef J EMU AALTalB MARR1TT, .Hftid. Any nr- ha-ini clotmt aiairut mm .. oro ruitod to rwint thm. will, orootr vouchtri, to i-rd tioeutor ot lit) Plonoor Trust BulMlnr. Molttn, Oft tan, within in month Irom tht tUto of ttiia not let. Dotta urn mm tr or aoiuii. usi. WILLUftf 4. UN1-OOT. fctrnter of tht Uttto of Jtttto AtJtJt girritt, elect MtMl. KKOTTN, BMOTaFW mrOUFTnA, Ptonttr Trott giltint. Atlttm, Ort- lto. Attorntyt for ntcutor WTTAT1 OP ROT R. AnniONS W0r, Moqts, aootnor A. fHpoullnff ni rorroit w. mm men Attorntn tt Law lot. oor of Trttt BolMlM Portt(-a, Onwen NOTICE TO CRroiTOR. I Ho. HMti tn tht Coort of Iht Rtoto Of Ortoon for tht Couty of Mar loo, Fro- ottt mMrtottrnt: Nottoo to btrtoy ttvrn that wit nnoov- ilinAtJ Aovo ootn OMolntocl co-oiocotort of tht otuto of Roo h. mn.ii.ont. o etavivtbtl, by Tht CUflat Court of tht oHoto of OrHOR for M trior Ctooty, ontt 1 hto tutiifi4. An ptriont having tiaiott aitlntt oom tla to rt btrtby nttliM U nrtttnt tho Mao, 4ly vtrtfiott t by It rtoutrod to tht tnut ffltptrtintnt, of Tht Flrat Nation ! Ban- of fortltM Ortton). Rtitm Branch, saitm, ortten. witbtn tit aioatbo from tht tfttt h trttt. DATED t4 flrit MbiUhttl, AUItttt tl. 1" Bortbn If. tatmon. Co-oywutor THE rTNJT NATION Al BANK OP PORTIaAND (OREOORr. ftoltttt Bruih. Co-oxoeator $ WUbur, Uonto. tteothor 4 EytuvcliBfl iftA PMrroyt W. atmaona AtM. 11. M, BtOt. I, II, It. The only known specirs of fresh water sharks are found la Lake Nicaragua. Firemen and pollca try to right a car turned aver by ewet' axploaion in Cleveland, Ohio. On right man standi on the pavement slab which were tilted for about a mile. Witnesses said the street, West 117th, opened during the blast then fettled back. It lopkid something Ilk long barn root. (AP Wlrephoto) MAR K E T QUOTATIONS a portlar rauvucB UST Battarfas-wiwasatrea, eawest ta SMdlate ahansa: pramrem aaauty, ataal- mum Jl el one per coal acidity de Itrered la PomanS aa-lle Ih.l ftrst aaal. Ity. 44-SSa. eeooad ausllty, a-Mc Teller reutee aad eeuntrw aetata. I eeaia ices. Belter Wholesale MA wabk etiaee le ahelcsale. trades AA, M see. a, tie; A arada aa acora eaci at at scare, esc; sa score, tee. A core arteet strmuy smlaaL caeeea BeHlnd arwa ta Pwnlaad vhelsselers. Oresoa slnslss, daw-AMI Orecea s lb. leel. cJv-scvke. Eire ta waeessassra -- caadiea cealalalas aa Mas, sacet Included l.e. Portland A arada lsrae. tSM-StlAs: trade medium. IIM-Mltei A trsde emeu. 41ta-4S4; B ITSds isrtc, sp-es-ee. waruaac ssanra maeawe aetur rrlce ta retanerai oraoe u print, llet A eartea. net a smalt. Iltl tartoa. net e anata, was. Rxea ta n-edaeece Oaadled L a. PWtland: nneraded larse. ttMc dot. trade AA larse. Nc doe. I A larse, die Ana., aa aaacuum. ana aoe.i a areas medium. 14c doc.i A crsde ssssUs aeml- nai. n-atc Bate ta BleBmt tlratl AA. aute. Me: A lares. 1t-lls: AA medium, fie; A medium, sac: a email, do-tec Car tons a cents eddllleacl. aw Price ta retanart. r Ctreaon slaslSA 4IS4-4lcl a le. loayes. tl-UVaCl triplets, Vtt Mas than sln- alaa. Prsaslam araaas smtira, eevsei ba. lee ehseta vReem tt-Aa. Plllimtl Asa- ervsaa aheeet, -lb, laana ta retaU, data see la. Un Oklikies We I axalttr. ttCa.lai... local Resects, Be 1A, i.le-a.lei t.ntai, mvM. iiA.a ina.. aaei Tnalles, Mcl Maste-s. 41 lee, cam Baaae hraadsie fje Wsjh. teaiu w . ,.tew la-ia !-. -. w..- w. a,nttx Ma. Uht boas, aU watehla, Mai aia tcatt reteuere Fryerx, kreUert, 44-4ta. n.; roe tars, ell vte. 4-4aet uaai aeae ta-ltei aeary acne, ea-xaat wu.-uv air ere all vie, ft-tie Tfe.i whale drawa tl as IS BabMIs Arttttc la arevtrti Un vhitoA 4-1 lbs. ao-aici l-t its. it-aas . .ia -l. ,a-ie htahav. Pyaah drilled ttysr't ta retailers, fl-Wsl Mid Willamette Obituaries Alvan Cain Sheridan Funeral aervlcea were held at tha Sheridan Fu neral homo this week for Alvin James Cain, who wag killed in Trident, Mont., while at work. Services were also held in Mon tana for the young man. Inter ment wai in Green Crest Mem orial park in Sheridan. He la survived by mi wile, Louise, a baby son, Leonard James; hit parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Cain; two brotheri, David and Robert; tlx listen, Lois, afaoml. Zola. Marietta and Glenda of Manhattan, Mont., and Mrs Richard Wise of The Dalles; and an uncle, tirl Wil liamson of Grand Rone. The young Cain family lived in Grand Ronde before moving to Montana this May. Guy Bradley Sheridan Funeral service were held this week for Guy Bradley, 66, wll known bual neaaman, who pasted away at his home following a heart at tack. He retired from the bar ber bufiness this June. His father was also a barber in Sheridan. Bradley was married to Grace Haines, Nov. 19, 1908, in Mullen, Idaho, and they moved to Sheridan again In 1909. He was active in the IOCF lodge, the Elks lodge, and tht Mod ern Woodmen of America, as well as in civic activities. His son is Sheridan's mayor. Survivors are his widow, Grace; s son, Francis G , and a granddaughter, Anne Cath ryn. Mrs. Addie Wugner Dallas Mrs. Addle A. Wag ner, who made her home with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dehaven died Sunday. Sept. 6, after a weeks illness. She would have been 83 on the following day, She was born Sept. 7, 1870 near Peterboro, Ontario, Canada, Funeral services were Thurs day at the Bollman Funeral Chapel at 2 p.m. with Rev. D. Letter Fields, ef Woodburn, of ficiating. Ritualistic services were by Almira Rebskah lodge. Interment was in tha Dallas eemetery. On Oct. 26, 1892, she was married to Fred J. Wagner, who with his brother, Will, had blacksmith shop and later conducted an implement bust nets In Dallas. Mr. and Mr. Wagner were both active in the Methodist church, the WCTU, In the Odd Fellows and Rebekah lodge, tl-ttt. ; i Oeaatrj saiea BMall Tool Tew euAllly. fS-tat B.I IwatB hsselss. at-tee. ece Liana eteexsrs. at-tf ss.i aava. lltht. at-f4e. Lam he Beet. at-SSe t.l pltmilt. aa-ate la. Moiteev Beet, it-iael svi aau-aa-sw. Beat otuity cava at-lee msasri cutters, ll-ltei shcua aewa tt tsc Fresh an avt.1 Bid aiccts. causae, set I41.M: toad,; aai-at: atuitr. ua-Mi tn-at; aunty, ssai iii-aa. fuac Mttas-halBa steera hhai Maw ten, JSI-11: rouads. PM-St: lun Mae. 'rimmed, iTe-iei tneneum, eei-eei cuartsr tl-14g shucks, fat-la- alba. isa-se. Vael end Oaieca Ooed sBstes. aa vslshts. sir-aai sommereiak ssa-sw. Lamas - Che lee-mime, fll-etl teod. . Iia-ai: sprint lambs, chcive-prrsts, 41.N. Matin- tieed ehctee. U-U . M-44. Pee Ceta Lolas. Be L t-ll ns, eAM-U: shcakters. If lbc., as-ssal ...... tw. aa-ax: .... Aaaaa. tfllA lba- f-n-ft'. perk caicaatet, eholea, lat-lTf lbc, sal 14-41. I ameeoa Baaae aBuaMd. eat aba. tlacd lard la drume. I14-U4A; tit aac on, ffe-ll. as AS a, lack OellL Bsd alee mod., a.Tl-l es; white slebc. sei weaa. yai-owa, awn. -.i---, Fwtateet Lccal TrtaMPhA, lata, a-tj. l.TIi Boardmaa Wms vhltec Be 1A asA. Be I H a, taes, aa-ewsi a,,u.i. kl l. axta-x-ia: xa ur " - a-4ie ! ehiie, is larr. l a.oe-a.n. Bey O. B. Re 1 treca eualia. aa. ireered ear lata te e PwrUaad aad Be- attia, xs -so. ley medium I1-41C tb.l Butcrn Oretetl line and halt-blood, se-tac; Wllltmette valley iamb veal, clot u-taaath aval, as-sea aa n-pjanaa arww- cal'tb. loh, country ehlpplnt petals. and other organizations. After their children war grown tht family moved to Delstke. Mr. Wagner died la 1941 while working for tha Mountain States Power Co. In 1946 Mrs. Wagner moved to Dallas where most of her rela tives and old friends reside. - Besides her three children, Vera (Mrs. O. H. Boje), Mary (Mrs. Carl Hofman), and Charles Wagner. aU of Cali fornia, she leaves four grand children and five great-grandchildren: two sisters, Mrs. Con rad Stafrinand, and Mrs. Glen Dehsven, both of Dallas, and one brother, Dr. Bert R. Elliott of Medford, and many nieces aid nephews. DEATHS Dr. O. Jtttvk Vtn Win bit Dr. O. Jwph vtn win kit, 01 weoi hoapltol. 0tPt. 10. Uto rtatdtat of llob orueo Et . Atltm, tlurTlvod by tft. Wr. Otrtrudt Van wink It. Etltm; -Jtnihttrt, Urt. Lrlt Rkllttr. Woodburn. Mro. Henry fthtrlock, Ptrtltnd: ton. RiehMt! P. Von Win tit. Aatorla: aUltr, Urt. V. Poturtoov Portland j 4 trahdchUttreo. Strvlcat vill bt h-m la tho Vlrfll T. , Ootdeo'Chaptl Monday. Ept. U, at 1 1. Dr. Broou Moort ofllcUtini. in ttrmtnt tt City Vltv Ormtttry. Ritualit- ttrnctt by Eoittn Lodot no. A.r. m A.M. Udla L. Boat Lydio L. Hunt, at tht rttrdtnet, M Rttcllffo Dr.. tfeot 10. Rurvlrtd by I .Ultra. Mri. Ann Abbty. Mtrrna. Calif. Un. W. P Curry. ClarUtoo. WmJi., Mti. Ploy Mulatr. PrintHla. Ort.; brothtr, B. O. Hunt. Saitm. RtrTfrtt will bt htld In tlio Vlrill T. Ooldtn Chipti Monday. aot. 14. at I p m 1 ith tht Rtv. Htrold Ha mil tin tificlatinf. Intormtnt at Btl- trMt Mtmorlal Ptrk. In Uttj ef flootrt oontrlbutioiu may bt otnt tht bultd tm fund of tht Oood Antyard an Churcb, Ralta. iantt H. Undity Jamtt R. uodiay. at tht ttirdtaco. Uao a. Comtntreial at.. 6pt. 11. Burviv- od br ift Mri. MMrod Lindtoyt ehiV drtn, Pairtria Lynn Ltndtty. Ctrlttoa Pranrlt Undaty. Jtmti R Lindaty, Jr 1 all of Aoitm. Announcrmtnt of meoa ill bt mavdo later br tat virtu T. Ooidta Co. Urol , Ebla Loyal R Skin, at Mtnavtlle. Alberta. Canada, At, A. aurrjftd br wife, Mrt. bulla Fa. la. auatrtat aaviahttr, Mro. Vtrottna Arrw. atockteta. Calif. 1 alt ttr. Mro. Baste RtyiMa, Cbtooa, TU-I brothtro. John Wtia. Manrhttttr, Mlfh.t Rarer At in, Idaho Palis, Mabo, and Plop Itm of llilaoj. AVrtttot will bo btta Mooday. Avpt. 14. at l it p.m ta fea CkMioh-Barrlck CAaptl. t. T. Urn, BJb, Of tf Ohact B DBS. CHAN LAM CHINKS! N ATTJaVOl-ATBI tBatBtra. Ml Nerth Lwtrtw Ofllee cpaa aatwrdap ealy a a. ta I la. I R I , a CaextrdMBev. blccat prceearc cad artaa wialt are free at charra Fra.tmt ataca tail wrttt tat atttatuea edit. Ba tatloB