Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 12, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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Saturday, September 11, 19U
Wedding Today
-f i! 0 beautiful
STlT,? mornln (Saturday) when
0wld Sika and the Ute Mr. Sika, wu
named to Robert Lawson Compton,
on el Mr. end Mn. L. Miles Compton
of Salem.
The Bey. Hildebrand Melcholr. OSB.
officiated arthe 11 o'clock double ring
ceremony la the pretence el a large
gathering of friend and relative!.
Basket of gladioluses in pastel
hade were used in ihe church decora
tions, and similar flowers adorned the
altars. Miss Rosalie Harpole and Miss
Louise Schlndler sang for the service,
accompanied by Miss Helen Keber at
the organ.
Nylon. Tulle Dress
The brunette bride wore an exquisite
Wedding dress of frothy whit nylon
tulle. The Empire styled bodice wu
accented with a band trim of whit silk,
and the portrait collar of nylon tulle
framed the (hallow V-neckllne extend
ing over the shoulders to form cap
leeve. Layers of tiered bouffant tulle
. formed the floor length hooped skirt
A satin Dutch boy cap trimmed with
' rhinestonea and pearls held the double
fingertip veil of Imported illusion, which
wu trimmed with rosepolnt lace. The
bride wore a string of pearls, and her
flowers wu a cascade bouquet of whit
rose with streamers, centered with a
corsage of white baby roses. Mr. Comp
ton gave the bride (n marriage.
Attending the bride were her two
sisters, who wore frocks of frothy nylon
tulle identical in style to the bride's
wedding dress. Mis Infrld Sika wu
' In baby blue, and Miss Marilyn Sika .
wore light pink. They carried nosegsyi
of carnations In pastel shades, and wore
wreath of matching carnations in their
. hair.
Ken Harding, Salem, was best man,
and groomsman wu Ray Jablonn, of
Medford. Ushering the guest wa Jick '
Tarrel of McMInnviUe.
The bride' mother chose a brown
(Ilk two-piece dress for her daughter's
nuptials. With the dress she wore beige
accessoriM and her corsage was yellow
rosebuds. Mrs. Compton attended her
son's wedding in a navy blue dress with
white accessories, and her corsage was
of pink rosebuds. . -
Mr. and Mrs. . Smith of Corvallls,
grandparent of th bridegroom, were
present for the nuptial. Mtc. Smith
wore a blue ensemble and a corsage of
pink rosebud.
Luncheon and Reception
After the church ceremonies, guest
adjourned to the country home of the
bride' mother, west of town, for a buf
fet luncheon and reception. The pastel
color theme again was used in the dec
oration, with gladioluses and aster
providing the decor. Tables were set in
the garden. A white tablecloth with
handmade lace and fitted squsrta of
linen cutwork, covered the bride' table.
A four-tiered latticed wedding cake,
baked in the (hap of a cross and dee
orated with pastel roses, centered the
table. Forming the background for the
cake was a ceven-candl hand carved
copped candelabrum. Pastel flowers en
circled the cake, and arrangement of
blooms and lighted taper war used en
each side. The bride's mother secured
the tablecloth and candelabrum la
China and the Philippine Islands when
she lived there befor th wsr.
Cutting th cake was Mrs. A. Finer
son of Corvallis, and Mrs. Owen C.
GivlUim of Junction City, aunt of th
bridegroom, presided at the urn. In
charge of th gift tabl wer Miss Vi
vian Keith of Estacada, th bride'
roommate at Oregon Stat college, and
Miss Carolina Einerson of Corvallls.
Miss Betty Looney of Brooks, circulated
th guest book.
for traveling, th wide wor a wa
termelon red knit suit and matching hat,
and her accessories were black. Her
corsage was the white baby roses from
her wedding bouquet,
Ventura will be the couple's first
heme, where the bridegroom is with the
Shell Oil company as a mechanical en
gineer. Later they will live at Bakers-
Out-of-town guests cam from Cali
fornia, with many present from th vsl
lty cities, ss well si Portlsnd, Corvsllls
and LaGrande.
neth Hall of Oawego; Mrs. Manley
Treece of Portland; Dr. sad Mrs. Hoyt
saues irriucwm ueium ana Mr. ana Ml.
David Kealii (Napua) and Mr. Elena
Trancoia (nana) au or u Angeles
Charles Mauu (Prince Mauul
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larsen of Silver-'
ton, Miss uiaire Barge of Oakland,
Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crawford
Lee SplUbart, Mrs. Velma Farmer, Mr!
and Mrs. Ac Eoff, of Salem, and Mr,
and Mrs. Eddie Ahrcru and Miss Pa.
tricia Ahrena, and the host end their
on Joan, of Turner.
Meeting Monday evening for th first
time tnis lau wm oe Deinol No. 41, Job'
Daughters. The group will meet at the
Scottish Rite temple at 7: JO o'clock. Re
ports worn tne recent supreme session
in Portland wiu be given.
The social meeting for the American
War Mothera will be next Tuesday at
tne nome oi Mrs. sen Randall, 1840
West nod nui, eacn attending to take
her own table service for the no-host
Two new members announced for the
chapter here are Mrs. Lura E. Tsndy
ana Airs, norenc u. noevei.
Court Capital city, Catholic Daugh
ters of America, will meet on Wednes
day night at the Catholic Center with
Mrs. Wesley Goodrich, grand regent,
presiding. This is the first fall meet
ing for th group.
Two circle of th Woman's Society
of Christian Ser-lce of th Lesll Meth
odist church will meet at 1:10 Wednes
day afternoon.
Edna Holder circle meets with Mrs.
T. O. Adams, SOS South Liberty with
Mr. Harold Allan assisting hostess.
Mr. C. L. Blodgett will lead in the
worship rvlc and Mrs. W. S. Ankney
will present the missionary prgoram.
Th Evelyn DeVrles circle will meet
with Mrs. Joe Wood, 1089 South High
strut, with Mrs. Anna Brown assisting.
Mrs. Mason Bishop is worship- leader,
with Mrs. Everett McRae arranging the
Th Young Matrons group will have
Willi Caldwell as speaker oO Wednes
day evening at th monthly meeting of
the group planned at Mayflower halt
Mr. Caldwell also will show films on
South America.
Serving on the committee will be
Mrs. Delmar Aleshlre, Mrs. 'Serena
Nettar and Mr. Jack Bartelt. ,
Centralia temple, No. 11, Pythian
Sisters, plans 'to meet on Wednesday
alght at Beaver hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ahrens enter
tained Friday noon at a buffet luncheon
at their country home near Turner in
compliment to Mis Helen Hughe,
producer of th night revue at the Ore
gon State Fair.
Luncheon wa served at small tables
on the patio and before the picture
windows looking out over the valley.
Attending were Helene Hughes of
San Francisco; Dr. and Mrs. Earl B.
Stewart of Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
Past Matron association, Order of
Eutrn Star, is meeting next Friday
evening, September 18, for dinner at
8:30 o clock in the Golden Pheuant.
On the committee are Mrs. Earle E.
Wiper, Mrs. Belle N. Brown, Mrs. Rex
A. Turner, Mrs. Ruisel Beutler, Mrs,
J. E. Van Wyngarden, Mr. D. M. Eby,
Mr. Ralph Allen.
m o .4
Teddy Lee Berg, 14, of Eugene. Or., displays many
picture he took In Sweden during vacation. The youth,
who arrived Sept. S aboard the liner Grlpsholm, Mid he
talked with King Gustav Adolf VI of Sweden for about
three minutes and took 10 photographs of htm last Jun 27
at th monsreh's estate at Varmland. Teddy, oldest of a
family of five children of Mr.' and Mrs. William Berg,
traveled to Europe alone on money saved from raising
pigs and calves and selling Portland newspapers. (AP Wire
photo) ...
A business meeting is scheduled on
Friday st 2 p.m. for the Dsughters of
Union Veterans of the Civil War at the
Veterans of Foreign War.
Pledge Lists
Gould as hostess. Mrs. A. Del-
bert Rice wu th guest speak
er. Her topie wu China. Mrs.
Rice spent several years in pre
war China with her parents
who were In Mission work
there. The hoiteaa served rips.
At the end of four days oilsert refreshments to Mrs. Rice.
routing pledge lists lor the four Mrs. George VanLeeuwen. Mrs.
...mono university iraterni-
ties were tirade nubile Fridav
No more rushing will be per.
muiea oy ue university au-
uioriues xor two weeks, but af
ter mat pledges may be secured
by open rushing.
Sororities will announce
pledge lists Saturday night.
Fraternity pledges are:
11 Din Tan own Metier, Dwa
efcaama. star tialtkr. wane Olbbeaa.
Jaek Blihep, rt Lartont end Jm lar
ent, ill ft Salami oeerte auditor, Bin
MnI u 11U Turlep, U af FortluSi
CUrk Boppert SM Harold mUui. both
of Altar.,! ask Wlthere. rail Xdvarda
d WUlard Thompeoa. all af Weodburnl
Oarr Bunt,, ahorldaai Km Wkkitrom.
Upland. Callf.i KaniMUi Renihew, Belle
ue. Weeh.i Jim Jeneo. San arm. OalM.i
Richard Reu. nki. . w,m.
Xonaodr. vadfard: Wame Herrte, sag
Matao, Cam.: Jam Xletolaea. The
Dalle,! Joan (klrrln. Henlibursi John
j"ia. Dalle,: Roban Altoa. Walla
Walla. Wain.-, jainaa Oaddaa, (aauia,
Wa,h l Jin Itaata, Belmont, Calif, ana
Donald LMuallin. Adaau. Or.
llama Alalia taallm-Boli Ulnar and
rrank Barnall. balk af aalam: oaoria
ljrtioa and Charlaa Murahl. kotk of
Band, and Art ChrJatlanian and Datld
Antbarry, both of Radmond.
Slraa CM-Datld H,lni. LTla Shaphard
Jr.. pick Aria. Bob joatph and rrad
Xaoftnan. all af n.l.m t.
Richard Bauman, Don Rou and Daitar
Rank,, all of Partlaadi Jwn n.nuk
Bill Carlo and Oordo aulMorf, all
of San alalaa. Calif. 1
Jlarear and Jlnt Rarnbaratr, all of Bur.
I niama. callf.i Can rallar. Turn,ri wiu
Jlam Whaat, Ullloti-rraawatari Robart U
B,ar, Bultaa. Waab.t r.i.i. u..
Tlllamooki troll MalUand. Burn,: Dick
Rrockwar. rp carlo,, Callf.i Ron Whlta,
Radwaod OUT, Callf.i Donald A. r,tar,on.
OrMhami John Mill.., Or,ioa Cltr. and
Robart Whlta, Tltard.
Bala Tbcta ri-rrad Boh and Oarr
rarkar. both af BaUrat Doualaa HouHr,
Bob Bda and Dala DaRarport. au af
Portland: O,or,a Chambara and John
...Knm.n. nam ai nowport acach. callf.i
Rodna, Adama. Oarv Manlr.i uui ,...
T.iompaon. all af Band: Den will., .nrf
Dire Float, bo'h af roroit Orate: Kant
Hotalini. tuiana: Mall cauibla, Alban,:
Bob Mrrleb. Athland: David franco.
Rlamalb rami staple, Burnett, Bellaaae,
Waeh : Faul Sbafler. Medford: Ted
rnmroee. Oladilonoi Larr, Thompson,
Roeuiam. Wath I Nuah Arm.lrnn.
bar: Oar? SAoaarta, Olrmpla. Waih.l
Darld Banao. rlnda. Callf.i Ted Jam,.
aon. Loa lunaa. N. and oarr
Four Corners
Four Corner Th MUslon
ary group of th Baptist church
met in the W. R. Gould horn
Tuesdsy afternoon with Mrs
Ernest Hausfeld. Mrs. Victor
Loucks, Mrs. Ella jair?t9n,
Mrs. Dewltt Wsrren, Mrs. Oli
ver Rlckmsn.
Gsrnet Thayer observed her
10th birthday anniversary
Wednesday when her mother,
Mrs. Roy Thayer, wss hostess
for a luncheon honoring her
daughter. Covert, were placed
for Sussn Wing, Joyc Meyer,
Lata Thayer, Aaron and Robin
Miss Ruth Chrisman, who Is
on the faculty this year of the
John Gumm elementary school
of St. Helens, left last week
end to begin her school on
Monday, Sept. 7. She will
teach the second grade. Miss
Chrisman was a leader in a
children's camp at Lopes,
Wash., the past summer.
Visitors in the C. R. Osbom
home were their former neigh
bors, Mr. and Mrs. H. B.
Cowles of Valley, Neb. It had
been 45 years since the fami
lies had both lived there.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Revelllec
and sons, Robert and John of
Louisville, Nev., also were old
friends. They had not seen the
Otborns for 20 years. Accom
panylng th Revelllec on their
trip to Oregon were Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Elsman of Mur
dock. Neb. 1
Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Bernard
of Los Angeles, Calif., also
visited In the Osbom home.
Dr. E. A. Thlstlewalte was in
charge of the Well Child Con
ference Sept 9 In the Four
Corners Community hall. At
latins nurses were Mrs. Mur
iel Sweringen and Miss Ruth
Ingram. Sixteen children were
examined and received lmtnu
nizatlons. Mrs. Loren Rlchey,
chairman of the conference,
and Mrs. Paul Gilmer of Au
burn assisted.
Lebanon Waifs
School Monday
Lebanon Vacation end for
approximately 2,000 Lebanon
student when summoned to
class, Monday morning, Sept.
14. An increased enrollment
is expected. A record-breaking
first grade will Invade the
city' four elementary school,
Supt Jamrs W. King uid Fri
day. Registration for high and
grade schools will be completed
this week and regular classes
will be held all day Monday.
This week teachers attended
in-service sessions, workshops,
orientation classes and a ban
quet High school students begin
the fall term with a 0 a.m. as
sembly Monday, Principal
Lawrence Page announced, fol
lowed by dally classroom at
tendance. Already registered
st the high school are 72S stu
dents. Monday's attendance is
expected to reach 8S0. . -
Contrary to popular belief
th camel's hump Is used to
tor food, not wster.
Buy Direct From the Manufacturer at Cash
and Carry Wholesale Prices
Special Prices to Builders
Willamette Builders
Supply Co;
Aumtvill, Or.
Phono 304
Lebanon Advances
Fall Opening Date
Lebanon To avoid conflict
with th Lebanon-Albany toot
ball game on Sept. 18, th retail
merchants commute announce
a change in their plan tor the
forthcoming fall opening.
unaer the revised program
the opening will be held on
Thursday evening, Sept. 17,
and open store night on Friday
will be canceled.
Fall fashions and styles will
be the main attraction, but no
contests will be planned this
A high school rally for the
football gem will be held in
th downtown section Thursday
Detroit Th roster of
teachers for th Detroit School
h been filled with the selec
tion of one whs will teach
commercial subjects, home
I economics, and physlcsl edu
cation. She Is Mrs, Francis
Elizabeth Cummlngs, who with
her family, will reside in De
troit. Mrs. Cummlngs is th
, mother of a 13-year-old daughter.
Police Auction
Lebanon Used ear prices
here bit a new low this week
when a mi sedan brought
only .l at a police auction.
Th car wa abandoned sev
eral months age on city
streets and was cold to pay
torag costs. t
Folic Chief Ben Scheel
handled the auctioneering,
and bidding opened at SI. At
the IT mark bidder began
making SO cent raises, and
dropped to SS cents when the
SS mark was reached. The
ear was then run np from
SS.SI to S-l en ten cent
The car had good tires, a
rebuilt motor and a near per
fect bod r, lacking only one
glass which wss broken dur
ing Its storag period.
Jaycees Name
Siiverton Man
SUverton At th Bend. Ore.,
Jaycee meetln last wcuknH
of the executive board of the
organization, Bob Edgerton was
appointed to the state chair
manship of the Tulsa Plaque
Edgerton's supervision will
be to see to the construction of
the plsque planned to be made
of myrtlewood. as a commem.
oratlve gesture in memory of
Oregon Jayceei who made the
supreme sscriflce during their
service in World War II.
Harlan Roth was named as
state vice-president by unani
mous choice, to succeed Tlnn.M
RelUer of Salem, who resigned
io accept a national director
Roth's duties Include an .
tensive visitation progrsm to
other clubs In the state. He re
cently attended the national
Jaycee convention in Minne
Legion Opens
all Season
Woodburn A pot-luck
supper st 6:30, served by the
Woodburn auxiliary of tne
American Legion at the Le
gion hall Wednesday, Sept. 9,
opened the season (pr the Le
gion and auxiliary. About 90
attended and the committee in
charge Included Mrs. Gerald
Smith. Mrs. J. F. Lacey, Mrs.
Oscar Blanchard, Mrs. Karl
Kistnrr, Mrs.-Warren Donner,
Mrs. Robert Renn, Mrs. Fran
cis Gilbert snd Mrs. Arvid Os-trom.
During the supper hour Miss
Dorothy Baxter gave a report
on Girls' State which she at
tended with the auxiliary
sponsoring her.
' Mrs. L. B. Detweiler presid
ed over the business meeting
of the auxiliary which follow
ed the supper. Reports were
given by Mrs. Donald Barrett
and Mrs. Detweiler on the
state convention held at Sea
side in June which they at
tended. Mrs. Adrian Schooler,
chairman of the membership
committee, reported 28 paid
up members. A citation was
presented from th rtt for
work done the past year.
Water flouridation wa dis
The monthly sewing meet
ing will be Sept. 30 at Legion
hall when work will begin on
pillow slips for the hospital
gift shop. Mrs. Fred Frentt
and Mrs. Detweiler will he
The district convention was
announced for October 8 at
Portland, Mrs. Detweiler,
president, and Mrs. Walter
Miller, secretary, will attend.
Woodburn Legion
Seats New Officers
Woodburn Following the
potluck supper served by the
American Legion auxiliary
Wednesday night at the Legion
hall the folloving officers were
installed by post No. 48 of the
Legion with Fred Lucht, past
district commander, as the in
stalling officer:
Raymond Ullies, commander;
Hartley S. LeFebvre, first vice
commander; Charles Cornwall,
second vice commander; Rob
ert Elder, adjutant; Mclvin Bll
yeu, finance officer. Other of
ficers will be installed later.
Reports were given on tne
activities of the summer.
For the next meeting of the
Legion and auxiliary, th Le
gion will serve resettlements
with Adrian Schooler as chir
man of th serving committee.
Charles Cornwell will furnish
the entertainment for the evening.
Grange unit
Gets Big Score
Reports made it th Sep
tember meeting of West Sa
lem Grange revealed that the
Grange Itself and many of its
members took a very active
part In the Polk County fair
held during the last week of
West Salem Grange scored
89 points out of a possible 100
for its community abooth dis
play which won fourth prize
in the fair. Among prizes won
by individual members ' in
free-for-all contests wer the
Mrs. Irene Parsons, first
prize on graham bread; Mrs.
John Boening won first and
sweepstakes on Gold Band
lily, first on fancy apron,
first on Rubrum flower cor
sage, first Ou crochet cor
sage and second on house
dress; Mrs. Herman Xorte
meyer won first prize on lk
dress, second on pansy flow
er arrangement; Mrs. Theo.
G. Nelson, second on Icebox
cookies; Mrs. Harold Bums,
master of West Salem Grange
won one of the prizes for
weed identification in the
Polk county Pomon weed
display booth. George Ran
dal, who had a West Salem
Grange 4-H scholarship to,
the 4-H school at Corvallis
this summer, won first prize
for his milking strain Short
horn heifer. George also won
first at the State Fair In th
Junior heifer division and
grand champion in th all-
class contest and rated 1st In
showmanship in his class.
West Salem Grange an
nual booster night is sched
uled for Tuesday night, Oc
tober 27. September 13 has
been designated as West Sa
lem Grange church day.
Members of the Grange will
participate in the morning
service at the West Salem
Methodist church.
Sheridan Dr. George Rose
berry, superintendent of the
Salem District officiated at the
laying of the cornerstone at the
Sheridan Methodist ehurch this
week. The ceremony followed
the worship service. The cor
nerttone was given In memory
..R!5rmJoni Helder. ne' of
Otto Helder, Jr.
To register now for prune canning. Thirty
day season to start about Sept. 14.
Deg Tale. 9. Local, liv children' program.
' - TV. Tanaakar ud HI Friend. :ll. Approximately tWt
youngstev will appear on each how. - (
Major Leagae Baseball, 9:SS. Chicago White Box vs.
Philadelphia Athletics at Philadelphia.
Ed McConnell, 1:14. "Puddle and th Sea of Legs Pud
dles, a llttl dog, come to th rescu of his mlstrei whar. (ho
i injured in a frk ccident. 1
-v t a.a WfiMt P Duckweather. television
.t...ii. a.ii. ..irfintaiiv rnntarts nlanet Juoiter who in
habitants compare Etrth' culture with -their own.
FBpermaB, :. nigni ox terror rajun
role of Lois Lane is captured by a pair of desperate gunmen
while vacationing on the Canadian border. i
imtnv Sua shew. 1:21. Closing program of the series.
Th Hilltoppers are featured guests.
Your Show of Shows, 8. Ninety minute of variety on-
tertalnment tarring 810 caesar ana unoin '
riayhoss of Star, 9:10. "Lost and Found" tar Edward
Arnold as th target of rvenge when a former employee
e v a. k i a. aa! aaatUal UaaMafaariM
irercy nenonj gcu qui oi jjhiwh uu ,
---- ' lk.d 1 (.eja Tntaimmilif, JnuiTitV ' With VBl.
rrnuu nrni w.erw. Hf... --
eri Hobion, Richard Todd, Christine Nordon and Tom Walla.
Story tells of John North whose wife, Carols has no faith in
.V14I.- 4 I.- . .. ...thn TrtVin 4trMft tn TUB SWS1V With
laiUIUVU W W B4 iUMIW W va WW.-.
Susan, and wife of Jerves Wilding. A train wreck and a
murder add to th complication of th plot. A British Lion
This I Th Life, 11. "Do Unto Other." This eplsod
dramatise Chrietian love In action. Whil th Fisher plan
trip to Yellowstone, they oecam aware oi ine oesperstfl
plight of their neighbor and decide to do something about tr.
Wedding Bell, 18:31. Fashion presentation designed for
brides-to-be. Gen Brendler emcees.
Roy Rogers Show, S. "Outlaw Girl". When an FBI agent
learns a certain girl is withholding Information about a bank
robber, Dal enlists th aid of Roy. .
Jack Benny, i:s. Marilyn monroe maaes ner i v aeons
as guest of Benny.
Theatre. S. "Winner Never Lose" stars Pat O'Brien, Ruth
Hussey and Ward Bond in a hospital comedy. A hospitalized
gambler Is returned to normalcy through a psychotherapeutic
approach to hi case by a nursing sister.
Sunday Revue, t:f "Stunt Pilot" with John Trent? Mar-
jorie Reynolds.
Stndlo One Fiimmef Theatre, 7. "Letter from Carlo, a
drama of romance, adventure, and international Intrigue, will
star Peter Hobbs. Herbert Berghof. Barbara Joyce and John
Raby. Story deals with the mysterious disappearance of in
American abroad after hi wife in New York receives a letter
asking for a divorce.
Television Playhouse. 8. "The Baby" stars EU Wallach
and Peg Hilias with Frederick Tozere In a story of two tu
multuous day in the life of Joey Casale who, through 34
year old, is still treated like a baby.
Nothing Bat The Best, 9. Recording artists Les Paul and
Mary Ford, prima ballerine Maria Tallchief, and comedian
Cliff Norton headline th variety program. Skltch Henderson'
orchestra will be featured by emcee, Eddie Albert. -
The Web, 9:30. "Speak No Evil" stars Mildred Dunnock.
Play tells- the story of a near fatal accident which brings to
light a strange secret which can be disclosed only by one man
a man who cannot speak. Ted Osborne is featured.
Five Star Playhouse, 11:15. "Redhead" with Jun Lang,
Johnny Downs, and Eric Blore.
Matinee Theatre, t. "There Goes Kelly" with Jackie
Moran, Wanda McKay, and Sidney T. Miller.
The Toymaker, 8:43. The old German Tovmaker brins
hi tale of toy to delight the young of heart on thl liv
children' show.
Matinee Theatre, 8. "Up In The Air" with Frankle Irro.
Marjorie Reynolds, and Mantan Moreland.
The Toymaker, 3:45. The old German Toymaker brinis
his tales of toys tp delight the young of heart on this live
children s snow.
Northwest News Digest, 5:45. Features Norman Wallace.
newscaster, with Bill Stout a sports reporter and commenta
tor. Cross-country and weather round-up by Wallace.
News, 5:55, Feature Bill Clayton with local new and
news photographs local and live. v
Western Football. I. Film depicting the highlights of the
1952 Pacific Coast Conference season. In forthcoming weeks.
the Pacific Coast Game of the week will be presented.
On Television
KPTV (Channel 27) sratram. lenaaws ta saML
S: .m Baal the Claak
4:00 p.n. Jonnnr Jupiter
4:10 e.m.eXier Man
I K a.m. verle-7 riejhouee
1:00 a.m. Amateur Haur.
1:M p.m. eammr Saa.
:M p.m riernoaie at Man.
10:00 p.m. ur. aa4 Mr,. Herts.
10:11 p.m. rr,mlr theater.
Keizer Th Kelxer Garden
Club will meet Tuesday eve-
nine at 8 o'clock In the recea-
tlon room of th Kizer fir
Th Keizer firemen have n
nounced that th annual ball
will be held at the North Salem
Roller Drome, 3433 N. River
Rd. Saturday, Sept. 19 with
"Ur" Wolfer and hi orchestra"
furnishing the music. Ticket
my b had from any fireman
of the Keizer department
Money from sale of tickets goes
toward equipment needed and
things for their recreation room
in the local fir hall.
Fraler Buchholz
Engleberg Deacon
Mt. Angel Frater Athan
asius Buchholz of Mount
Abbey, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Buchholz of Mt. An
gel, who -is studying at the
International Benedictine Col
lege in Rome, was ordained a
deacon in th ancient abbey of
Engelberg, Switzerland, on
Sept. 8 by Dr. Joseph Meile,
bishop of St. Gsll, Switzer
land. Fr. - Athanaslus, who wa
born In Mount Angel, re
ceiving all hi earlier educa
tion here at St. Mary' grade
school and then Mount Angel
Seminary. He went to Rom
in September, 1993, to spend
a number of year studying in
Europe. '
He has the distinction of
being the first Mount Angel
Seminarian to be ordained a
deacon in the abbey which Is
th motherhou.
Sola - Sorvic Installation
Open from I ui, t ( m.
Ph. 1-1(11 114 8. CemL
Salem's First Television Store
10:41 p.m Cllr Baapltal
ll:is p.m. l"!te star Plarhanw
11:00 e-m. SU raralt
11:10 Weleama TriTelero
II 00 aoaa O Tear AmmbjI
U:la m Laxllee Choice
1:00 p.av Daoua at NetetM
1:10 p.av ttrita It suck
1:00 p.pv Matlriaa Theater
1:10 p.rfe-eeerah Tomorrow
1:10 p.m-&n at LUo
S:eS p.ak Tormaker
:M p.BV WU4 BUI makaaft
4:10!oi!t OaMldT
0:00 Ftehta from Chwaso
0:10 p.atv-pertame Club
0:40 p.rfe Newa Caravan
T:oo p.m. Chorea Theater ,
T I0 a m. Valee at Flreateu
0:0O p.m-Nama That Tuna . .
0:10 p.m. af,tr apatllehl
oe p.m. Robert Montcamerr
10:O0 p.m. Arthur Murrar Oaaaa Traia
1 10:10 p.m. Bl, riaTeaek
1 10:40 p.m. aporta Den
11:00 p.m. mte Owl Theater
0:0O s.m. how at hawt
0 10 a m rrontl.r, of raltk
11:00 a-m. ThU tt Lite
11:00 a.m. What, Tour Trouble
11:10 .mv Haur at Cecities
II 10 p mWeddlnf Belle
1:00 The Bit PKturo
1:10 p.m. Rot Roffere
1:40 p.m Jack Benar.
1 ll p.m. Bit rerotf
1:00 p m. OI Theater
I 10 p m. Roe ta Kepplnoet
0 JO Whar, Mr Liaa,
:00 aummor Tbeata,
0 00 p.m. TV Piertiauee
0 10 p mThe Wet
10:00 p.m. Seort, (cholar
10:10 p m. neaaune rereea
10:10 p.mJleva Ratio
Motsrdi, Dwiwiri, HoHmiii, IU
Valley Television ,
UO)Fib(rNdtll M. Mil J
Sea De Belere laa Bap
Sar Ike Baal Deal la Tawa
taaaarp Trataa TaekaeetaM
Opaa Cat S s av
Bell, Itaapt Satereep
0 at Whale Caoktae
1 a Treedom. Riaej
am Bl, rirofl
a.pi. Weleama TreaelerO
an On Tour Aoeevat
p m Arthur Oootrer
l lr,eeer raatleo
Hellrveea' Real
P Matinee Theetat
To the Music of
The Wagon Wheelers
Admission 50c
Fall Ballet Classes
1SS S. Liberty St.
Tl. 2-7S23
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