Friday. September 11, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Saka. Oreeoti j Tele-Views Radio-Television Br DATI Giselle Mackenzie, young singing headliner, will join Dorothy Co 11 in a, Snooky Lanson and Russell Arms as the star vocalist of "Your Hit Parade," when the mu ical extravaganza returns for the fall season, after a summer vacation, Satur day, September 12 (NBC TV. KPTV). The fast-paced half hour how will continue to pre sent aong-and-dance inter pretations of the nation's top seven tunes of the week as ascertained by a com prehensive nationwide sur vey as well as the colorful "extras" culled from the hita of yesteryear. Raymond Scott and his orchestra will head the mu sical troupe. Returning also will be the Hit Parade danc ers, including Virginia Con well, Nanon Millis, Lenny Claret, Bob Herget and Tom Hanson, as well as the ver satile choristers known as. the Hit Parade singers. Trader Louie has a beautiful looking exhibit at the State Fair this year. Louie is displaying television and appliances in the floral building. . . . Featured in the dis play is a washer perched atop four drinking glasses. TOURS FOR TELE-VIEWING FRIDAY Mitinee Theatre, 2. "Shanghai Cobra" with Sidney Toler and Mantan Moreland. The Toymaker, 3:45. The old German Toymaker brings 'hit tales of toys to delight the young of heart on this live chil dren's show. " Northwest News Digest, 8:45, Features Norman Wallace, newscaster, with Bill Stout as sports reporter and commenta tor. Cross-country news and weather round-up by Wallace. Newspaper of the Air, 5:55. Features Bill Clayton with local news and news photographs local and live. Fights, I. Danny Womber of New York vs. Carmine Fiore ef Brooklyn in a lOround welterweight bout at St. Nicholas arena. Yon Asked For It, 7:3. Bela Lugosl makes his tele vision debut in his new role of the "Master Illusionist." In his vampire bat Illusion he turns a beautiful girl into a hideous bat. The Big Story, I. Surrender of a public enemy to news man Walter WincheU. Stars Geo. Petrie as Winchell and Rus sell Hardy as J. Edgar Hoover. The Goldbergs, S:S0. Jake decides he wants to change lobs with his business partner, Mendel. Wrestling, 10. Local, live Portland Armory. Nlte Owl Theatre, 11:15. Warren Hull. . YOURS FOR TELE-VIEWING - Dog Tales, 9. Local, live s The Toymaker and His Friends, S:15, Approximately five youngsters wm appear on each show. , ., Major Lmi Baseball, :6S. Chicago Whit Bex rm. Philadelphia Athletics at Philadelphia. Ed MeCennell, 1:. "Puddle, and tha Sea of Less Pud dles, a little dog, cornea to the rescue of his mistress when she is Injured in a freak accident. Johnny Jop!'.er, 4:00. Ernest P. Suckweather,' television studio janitor, acidentally contacts planet Juoiter whose in habitants compare Earth's culture with their own. gopennan, 4:30. "Night of Terror" Phyllis Coates in the role ef Lois Lane is captured by a pair of desperate gunmen while vacationing on the Canadian border. Sammy Kaye Show, 7:30. Closing program of the series. The HuUtoppers are xeaiurea guests. Your Show of Shows, t. Ninety minute of variety-entertainment starring Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca. Playhouse of Stars, 0:30. "Lost and Found" stars Idward Arnold as the target of revenge when a former employee (Pwey Helton) gets out of prison and seeks vengence. Premier Theatre, 10:30. "Interrupted Journey" with Val eria Hobton, Richard Todd, Chisyne Nordon and Tom Walls. Story telle of John North whose wife, Carol, has no faith in ambition to be an author. John decides to run awsy with Susan, and wife of Jerves Wilding. A train wreck and a murder add to the complications of the plot. (A British Lion release. Sunnyside Sunnyside The Red Hills Agricultural elub will hold its annual fair at the Sunnyside choolhouse Tuesday evening, Sept. 15. . Committees heading the dif ferent divisions follow: Garden Products Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Beckley and Vern Wikoff. Canning Mrs. Albert SCHAEFER'S NERVE TONIC F e r functional disturb ances, narveut headaches, nervous, irritability, excita bility, sleeplessness. '1.00-M.75 SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dally. 1M avss. - S SJ. Stmdara, 0 sjb, - 4 rm 135 N. Commerciol affiED a BUCUn ' V 4 A nciDioi huh old iae ur, wearing nil famoui tat tered professor'! costume and Imogene Coca with her equally famoui plxey-lsh expression, will return to NDC-TV on KPTV Saturday night September 12, on the 90 minute musical extrav aganza, "Your Show of Shows." wrestling originating from the "Paradise Isle" with Movlta and . SATURDAY ' . children's program. . Brownlee, Mrs. Norman Alex ander, Mrs. Reuben Nichols. Baking Mrs. Grant Teeter, Mrs. Forrest Cammack, Mrs. Guy Williams. Flowers Mrs. Floyd Bates, Mrs. Ed Drager, Mrs. Irving Bunie. Fancy Work Mrs. Ray mond Dutoit, Mrs. Earl Stuart Dairy and Poultry Products Floyd Bates, Norman Alex ander, Grant Teeter. Small Grains Georse Dor- an, Forrest Cammack, Ed Dra ger, Guy Williams. " Nuts and Fruit Hugh Har ris, Lloyd McCain, Reuben Nichols. Forestry Mr. and Mrs. Vern Priller. . j Curios, Antique end Hob- Ibies Mrs. Ernest Neuensch Iwsnder, Mrs. George Doran. The Sunnyside Community club meeting has been post poned this month. Mr. and Mrs. Stringer and family are moving to Roseburg where Mr. Stringer la em ployed. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Tsylor are on a vacation trip to Okla homa and Nebraska where they will visit relatives and friends. rirfTX On Television KPTV (Channel 27) T mmnmm iitiimi to miwi YilleyTelevisiea Center UeiFtfrfrteafcli. Hit!! M V Man In Mmr (to Boat Ooal la bn B iMt hurttf rami I m. ToyniaittTi . ! on nirhouao P- "TOWI at All Tlict far Inn i k-oiiim. at aporti. p.o Hawa Carofia .' O m Antry raw Tra AalaO X It -BttliT Doorwas PPUTho ooMkam 1:41 it f:ll S:M I ao IN la t:M III IH Srtt : 10:11 II :M I ft Ufatfai P.M. Wraatllu PJa. Tulao ol Clip MARR RADIO & TELEVISION Sale - Service - Installation Lithami TV Open free smn. to t a .as. Ph. l-Ull tiM g. CwoL Salem's First TeleTislsn Store ITFIDaT S:M Am. X0 Talta S:lt km. Tovm.k.r 1C-.S0 AmsAmtrle.a Loans aaaahalL. l:oe daw wita judr 1:M p.pu amlltni Id Mccoanall 3:M p.m. Lout Rancor 1 p.m. Sky Klu. I ll p nL-Bul u Clock :0o paJonnr Jupllar 4:10 p.m. Suptnnan I:M p.m VotlatT HouM. S:00 p m. how of Showa. 9:00 p.m. Amataur Hour 1:10 p.maammr aro 10 pa-fnuouii ot atari 10:00 P.OL Mr. and lira. North 1 1:J p.m. Framlir Thaatar MITCHELL'S : Faetory Trtlatt Bentee and Installation UN State St, . Phene I-75TI SUNDAY :S0 o.m. PYontlara or Faith 11:1 a.m. Thlt la Ufa. U:M boos What'a Tour Trooblo. IS: is p.m. Hour or DwlikHu 11:44 p.m. w.ddlnt BtlU 1:00 p.m-Tho Big Pleturo S:14 p.av Xxarctao Marlnar. 1:10 p.m. Llto Sofiu At M. 1:11 p.m. Roy Rotera 1:40 p.ak Jaek Braor. . 4:00 p.m. Bla Parorr 1:00 . 0 TOaatar 1 S:IO p.aaArft Zanklatlar. i 1:40 p.aa-Zndoalrr parado. :O0 p.Bk Suodap PJarlaw. : vta.r, 11, Llnat ' 0 9 mt. Aumm.r Tb.ator S:0O p.sw TV Plaphooaa 1:00 P.PL Wothlu But the an 1:10 p.mTh Wak 10:M I B. N,w, Rnlav 10:44 p.mPlaoa tha Paoa 11:11 p.m. Kra Star Plarliotuo TV TROUBLES? Technicians ea Dnty Till :30 pjn. DaUy TELtVISION SERVICE Co. 1410 8.12th Ph. 45513 MONDAY a.m. What cooklaif a.m. l parotr Anu Walooma Troralari ia-4i Tour Account p.m. Lodlaa Choice, pa. Double or Mothlas POL etrlko II Rich P kv Matloao Thaator p.m. Saaroh Tomorrov 10 11:00 11:10 11:00 11:10 1:00 1:10 1:00 111 Jobless Under 1000 Level Unemployment dropped be low the 1000 mark in the Marion-Polk county area during August for the first time this year, reports the Salem office of the state employment serv ice. It was estimated that 000 persons were seeking work at the close of the month, com pared to 2000 30 davs ago and 750 in August, 1952. The peak of the harvest sea son was reached at the end of the month with an estimated 10,000 persons engaged In this activity. Approximately (000 others were working in food processing plants of the area. Rain during the latter half of the month impeded harvest activity, but the response ot townsfolk to the emergency was of material assistance, the report states. The end of September if ex pected to see a decline in sea sonal employment as most ma jor crops will have been har vested and processed. Dog interbreed fairly read ily with wolves. ANNOUNCING, oars: t-12; 1-8 Ivealag ky Appelntmeat DR. JOHN C. TARR CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Phone t-f 171 2117 Falrgreand Rd., Salem, Oregon la the Bellyweed Dbtrlrt ' HIS FIRST TRIP TO FAIR Cricket's Wee Mite, two-month-old Shetland pony colt, stole the show from his stable mates at the Oregon State Fair. The colt, still wearing his baby hair,' had a friendly nip for everyone. Photo shows the colt's mother, Mabel Spot, little Julie Mayer ot Eugene, and Cricket's Wee Mite? The stable of nine Shetlands is exhibited by Lewis Pleifer of Oswego. ' Joe Simeral For Many Things at Fair By MARGARET MAGEE Since 1037 Oregon has had a night revue and ever since it started the same man has been in charge of that show. That man, Joe Simeral, Is re sponsible for seeing that the scenery is in place, the stage properly set, that the stage moves forward or backward. the lights go on at the proper time, that the proper lights go on and for having the amplify ing system in perfect order, Joe, who for about 23 years has been the projectionist at the Grand theater, each year takes time off from- that job to aee that the night show goes on at the State Fair. Even before he came to work at the State Fair Simeral was no stranger to the fairgrounds. He recalls that when he was a child it was a great event to come to the fairgrounds and camp there with his grandpar ents in the tent city, and he came no matter where he lived The grandfather. W. L. Sim eral. was in the group exhibit ing at the first Oregon State Fair. He first brought Devon cattle hers, in fact at that time played tha fair circuit with the catue. Later W. L. Simeral compel ed against A. C. Ruby with his Belgian Horses and Joe reel Hi that as a child he used to show big stallion for his granda ther. And speaking of recollec tions, Joe Simeral rode a horse in the first horse show given at the Oregon State Fair. That was back when the horse show was held in a tent where the sta dium is now located. In those early days when Joe used to come to the fair with his grandparents, the race horse barns were located where the machine sheds are now found, At that time W. L. Simeral was fairgrounds chief of police. A daughter now has his gold life membership for the Oregon State Fair. Going back to those days the old agriculture building was in the spot where the carnival is now found and just to the west of the agriculture building was a big building where all the automobiles were exhibited and there were lots of them. Another event of those days was the Jitnery dance held in a tent located just back of the au tomobile building. Playing for that dance was Cole McElroy and his orchestra. The grandfather and Joe are not the only ones of the family connected with the fair. Some years back when Ella Wilson was with the State Fair she showed Simeral where his fa ther, the late L. G. Simeral, who for years was with the Portland General Electric com. pany, had won a prize at the State Fair. Simeral has followed the show business for many years first working at the Grand, which was then the Helig, as a stagehand. Joe was In Portland for a time as chief electrician with Paramount Publics. . When the Elsinore theater opened here in 102S he was stage manager and it was while he was there he first met Helene Hughes, who is producing this year's revue at the fair and pro duced the first State Fair revue. Helene at that time was with Fsncon and Marco, who played the Elsinore. Responsible It was not just the night re vue that brought Simeral to the lair. He was with it before that. operating the spotlight at the night horse show, a job that he took over in 1032. From that Job he went to the night show ana fias been with it ever since. In 1947 another Job was add ed to Simeral's night revue lob. that of having charge of tick ets for the fair. The latter In cludes all ot the tickets races, xevue, roaeo ana gates. REVUE Joe Simeral, who since the night revue at the State Fair started back in 1037 ha been in charge of that part of the fair. In 1847 he also took over ti. 'ob of having charge of tickets for both the fair and all the events con nected with it. Bafeson Appointed dvisory Member Cornelius Bateson ef Salem has been, appointed on the ad visory committee o(,the Na tional Democratic Central Committee. Three other Oregonians were appointed on the commlitee, namely, Dan P. McLoughlln, The Dalles: Ken Dinke, Port land; and Sidney Leiken. Rose. burg. The appointments, made by Chairman Stephen A. Mitchell, were announced in Oregon by Miss Margaret CIsrke, execu tive secretary of t h e Demo cratic party in Oregon. THE SMART SHO? FOR VANITY PAIR LINGERIE IIS N. Liberty MAN tv' s ' :r -v H J I 1 , M l- Y . V--- V I i . -r ' J : Ft a ha a,aiaaiaaitfii,.Aaa n.i.aiii-iifc 4j Help Wanted We are now registering help, both men end women for our prune pack. Please apply in person. STARR FOODS INC. Church and Mill Meihodisfs Plan Two Services . The First, Methodist church will begin operating on a two worship service basis btwin. ning Sunday morning. The change has been brought about by greatly in creased attend- The first service will be held at 0:30 and the second at 11 ajn. They will be identical and the pastor, Rev. Brooks Moore, will preach on the sub ject "You're On Your Own." An elevator for the use of persons who would like to en ter the second floor sanctuary without climbing the stairs has been installed off the Cfaurch street entrance. The coffee hour will follow the. 11 o'clock service. Keizer Keizer Mr. and Mrs. Le Rud and daughter Phyllis of 300 Chemawa Rd., returned Saturday from a three weeks vacation trip. They drove more than 4000 miles visiting Yel lowstone National Park and relatives and friends In North Dakota, Minnesota, and Sask atchewan, Canada. Snnday, Aug. 30. a family reunion was held at the home of Mrs. Le Ruds mother in Rowan, Minn., with 28 in attendance. Guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Onas S. Olson over Labor Day week-end was Reber Mur phy of St. Helens. Mr. and Mr. Robert Casteel and son, Jim, of 9120 Newberg Dr., have arrives home from visiting Mrs. Casteel son and grandchildren, the Walter Row lands ot Redding, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Crow ley and son Dennis of Long- view, Wash., have been visiting his sister Mrs, Charles Ross at 1060 DieU Ave. - Mr. and Mrs. Ted Slttier of Chemawa Rd., have been on a motor trip the past week stopping one evening at Wall owa Lake and then touring the southern part of the state. The Paul Geisl have moved into their new home at 1030 Linda Ave. The house is rustic style and was built by BiU Davies. The Well Child Clinic will be held at the Keizer Community Church Tuesday, Sept 19 from one to 4 p.m. Dr. W. J. Stone and Mrs. Edith Haulman, physi cian and nurse from the Mar ion County Health Dept. will be in charge. Those wlahlng appointment call 3-0208. Ben Wagner, who lias been in the cabinet making business for the oast 12 years, has open ed a new business in Keizer. has built a store room at place of basin ess at 1108 Chem awa Rd., and will open a health I rood store .tnere in about week. Spending a two week vaca tion at DeLake have been Mrs, Willard Andregg and child, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bowden and three children, Mrs. Larry Morman, Mrs. Allen Johnson and her two boys. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffin and son Rex spent the Labor Day week-end at Camina Island 960 miles from Seattle with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs, Sloan. They spent some time fishing and Rex caught a five pound silver salmon and others caught cod. Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne San ford, 9380 N. River Rd., left Wednesday for Spokane, Wash., where they will visit friends and relatives. New Hearing TUB MKDICAL AccotTerncsUt in- BTRUMXNT COM PANT t MnnMt tl, 4M 9t Itaf ltrttit ant 4MMt aanuttttartri f tntcUrOa ftratUmtv Otrt bimI toMrlnc Ini tram to hi. offm re tho IttMt ! vtJotRDpnU la th eorrcctloa f r-ur httrtflf 1plltaB. FtrmftDtnt ff t with full foveiUMu Wtr4 located la tteltm Ft trial Mrnlttad on krSBla f aamlaatitm antl prtvloai iportanot with tatarlnt aids, cltn tult) be. ring Uti ttvtn la hom or offka, without oit. Ma4 aonftii.oEt liro exactly- what hi available to help with your hearing problem tnd tha reeulta you can oKpeet. NothltuT U a barttla If rou are art a tufted. Writ for free booklet as "What amy bearliui h1 aer ahonid knew," or phoa far lafomaUom. aTUytl BtsnneU Maiea Vrmring gerrte af tales 8utr Hotel Bldg. (Permanetit Offlra aa Meaianlna Plaar) Offka boa re IN1N 4Uir aieept Thnra. aatt FrWar. Rome aaooiBtaiaBta avallablt at aar tlaia. Can aleai Mm Salem, Ore. BaanaH Bids Opsnsd on ' New Fire Hydrcr.fs , Bids were opened Thurs day in the office of City Man ager J. L. Frames ea fire hydrants, some to be added and others to replace eld hy drants. , Identici bids were submit ted by Waterworks Supply of Portland and Western Utili ties Supply ef Seattle. On 30 4-inch hydrant ef the Muel ler make their bids were each $100. 7 and $117.90 for dif Wf GREEN STAMPS ON XLL PURCHASES FBBB DELIVERY I,'. ourrUiiwsrai . 140 Caadalaria Blvd. APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAIR C02SS N. LIBERTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances and All Small Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on Itsti Royse and Walt Claus. Owner ARCHERY antVckleng Ph.2-4226 f HARRY H0IS0N 6250 PORTLAND RD. Located on Highway 00 Next to Totem Pole (Chemawa) ' Custom-Mad Bows, Arrows, Fishing Pole . And Other Archery and Fishing Tackle SEE OUR BOOTH AT THE OREGON STATE FAIR CHINESE FOODS CHINA CAFE 2035 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specializing in Chinese at American Foods '" Featuring "Good Food Well prepared" - Bring the Family Can for Reservation for Plnuer and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC MORTARLIS3llX)CKCO.-r14tKe.LHOYT ' Approved - Reinforced Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks Manufacturers of Mortar Blocu Interlocks g Blocks In Pumice or Concret. - Alio Chimney Blocks Equipntsnt Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 ' HOWSIR BROS Garden Tillers Power Mower Faint Sprayer Air Cons pressors Bandar . Plumbing Tool Power and Hand Mower Sharpening .Repairs on An Small Gas Engines . an FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-575 He . CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong 4 Conavleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber Tile bis r ' jtssjaenuai, uammerciaj jrurauauon rtufs ana UArpeu , f ' Estimates Gladly Given? 1 ' ' IRRIGATWH -PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO 18 10 LA NA AVE. ' Water Systems Deep WeU Turbines i . Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe at. ' Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment - - a I MOVING I STORAGE Ph. 3-81 11 RED STAR TRANSFER SAL EM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT . "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1120 N. Liberty ' Whae. 8Bft 8. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Typewriter, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., S3I COURT R. W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN ROAD 1174 Edgewater St OR 3-5749 OILING WEST SALEM ROAD TWEEDIE FUELS OILS " onjNG STANDARD OIL DEALER PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON IROS. PLUMIING a HEATING Repairing ISSChemeketa Contracting Residential Commercial , Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS We give Penny Saver Stamp THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES ISO I UeoTtj )0 (earl Dtwhlm 2440 In 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Sally 1:00 A. M. to 11:00 P.M. MO I. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P.M. and 6:00 PM. to :00 PM. AU Sundays and Holiday Radiant Glassheat Phone 4-6263 Radiant Glassheat of Salem 1 S40 Fairgrounds Rd. Learn about the Miracle ot Glassheat before you buy any heating system at any price See Continental Glassheat No Chimney No Maintenance FHA Terms Easy Term Year Guarantee Radio Repair W s. Ph. 3-577 MITCHBU'Sadie.Tevhie)fv--1880Steto Motorola Dealers for General Electrlg Pick up and Delivery TElEVISIOM,.lRlkc., Ph. aJ&i'S.i VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER . 230S Fairgrounds Rd. In Woodburn at 171 Orsnt St. Featuring MOTOROLA . RCA VICTOR - HOFFMAN DUMONT TELEVISION SETS ferent grade. ' On five five Inch hydrant the tow bid wal $128.33 and $143.23.' H. D. Fowler eothpany of Seattle made a bid of $133, '7 on the four-inch and $164.79 on the five-inch hydrant. . , . e . ii -. ' Cheaapeaae Bay is 10S miles long and at place 30 mile wide. I lawaa; 4-1451 195S.(csrcid Ph.2-6596 TANXS Ph. 37324 11t3S.Ur.ST. - Ph. 3-5584 Ph.2-4151 24 H0U1 hi via Ph. 3-9123 Ph. 3-3157 Medka) Unrti -i if? , a.'.."' 1 X' . "'i-.-i . C ..s- r. T