THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. UUm, Oregon Friday, .?aptaaBbar 11. Wt Silvcrtcn Church Activities Resumed After Vacations Silverton Church epectal: ; :t,H also by Rev. Cooper, at lor Sunday, Sept Is, and the auoceemng weera activities in duow for the Methodist church the 11 o'clock worship aermon tharne: Tents and Palace," by the Rev. Douglas JIarrell, fol lowing the church ichool class- M beginning at 9:49 s.m. Jir. and Mr. Milt Baum, youth cousellors, will direct the Junior and senior groups separate rooms at T o'clock the evening. "Sunday School and . the Church Biulding." Is the man topic for the Rev. Joseph , Cooper for the Christisn and Missionary Alliance morning hour. The evening theme will be: "The Seven-Sealed Book and the One Worthy to Open Johnsons Leave Commissioning services for Thomas Johnson of 43 76 Hager street, Salem, as a mlsslonery to New Guinea for the Ameri. can Lutheran church, will be held at Central Lutheran church, Gaines and North Cap itol streets, t 7:45 Sunday night The services will be con ducted by Rev. S. C. Siefkes, D.D.. nresldent of the north western district ef the board of foreign missions of the denorn irwtion. The sermon will be preached by Bev. T. M. Gebbard, psstor of Christ iiutneran cnurcn. Rev. G. B. Rundstrom, psstor of Central Lutheran, WIU ex tend greetings. 7:43 pjn. following the 6:45 youth meeting. "No Vscant Chairs," Moody Bible Institute sound film will be shown wed- nesdsy, Sept. 16, at the church at 7:45 p.m., the series of film showing en Wednesday eve nings is to continue for eight weeks. Immanuel Lutheran rally day is observed with classes called for 10 o'clock after the summer vacation of six weeks hi the Sunday school, the pu pile meeting in the sanctuary and promotion to new classes taking place. Miss iiannan Olson Is superintendent "Why Are You Anxious?" will be the sermon tonic of the Rev. Arn old W. Nelson at the morning worship hour. At this service, Miss Hattie Olson, pastor as sistant worker in the congre gation, will be formally install ed in the ceremonial to her new position. The senior choir will begin the cnurcn year s rehearsals Wednesdsy evening i st 8 o'clock. Mrs. Tom Ander son, director. Men's club meets Tuesday evening, WMF meets Thursday afternoon and confir mation classes are calico xor senior at 6:30 a.m. and Junior at 10:30 a.m. Saturday. The Defenie of the Gospel," Phil. 1:7, will be the sermon topic for the Rev. Arthur Chsrles Bates, Sunday, Sept IS. at First Christian ebjrch. The Christian Endeavor young folk nlan to return from their Nelseott retreat at tne coast in time, early Sundsy evening for the regular devotional service preceding the B p.m. sermon hour. Added to the church mem. INTERIM PASTOR I 1 II I: -II I t ,. 1 IE . II ; i II V X 31 V ? Vv II V- II II II II II II II II II I I I I I - I 1 Salem dliurcked bUsmi Truth Ctat -341 OsflsMktU. uiMter school, 10 tv a. fn1e ll Topic: Tblnft t Thlak about. Ouort sptftkor. Clifford FtrrusoB, Sal, Oro ton. JUT. Otlrt atrns, yutor. rtrst Cfc.Nl. ft ChrlsH, .WUatWiV rtr in4 Chtmc-ittft Bit. stus4s school t 11 , m. Morning swrvlco 11, Lm-oB-SorsaoA subject: "ubstftttet. Bvt anil sorriro t t, Ituonttmm jhsv Joel; "SubaHsjie.' tt UUtrti Chared (MO Irs- o Mia and A tu. H. W. Oress pu tor. Sorrlets ot :M and 1100. SuntUj snoat ana isa sisw at im.m. New Woodburn Minister Will Take Pulpit Sunday Woodburn Rev. Robert I Sept SO. Slrat Saimaallat Char.B 100 jr. Cot- Uc. Clrela and haallna aarrlea al M, Saraon at T JO. Spaakar, IUT. Hut 0t- SB. Saraalh-Dar Sdraotlaa Summtr at Mood. aaobalh achook X a. a. Praaah ina aarrlca, ll a. m. rattor a. o. achaffnar. LakLa Caaaaanr Ch.rah B. M. Brooaa, . D.i paator. Stindar aehool It m. PraacbUf at ll. TMaia. "a-aui Aftar nta ApBrahanaloo." Juoiora Baal at 1. TT Social? lad br Bag BaaoU. Fraaehloj and pralaa al 1:W. Rev. Donald Payne who has been named interim pas tor of the First Christian church. Payne Interim Church Pastor slat Psal's BaiMoaal Chawh Church and ChomektU St. Rv. ooorfs n. Swift, B. D.t rtctor. Rolr Communion, : and T:3d a. . Nuritry school In oarUh hsll. 11:00 a. at. Twr Mrvleo and strmon. 11:00 a. m. n..h of Imrnmm ChrM at Lattor Day gfl.i ( sstarBSSi ) ALB SfMI jVsVdlfOD BU John B. SalUbuiT, blihon. Frtsathood nsottlsr t.00 a. Sundar school 10:30 a. m., stocramsBt asrvica 7;0 n. . rkrliUaa aa Mlaalauir Alltaaaa Cb.-.k N. ilh Oalnaa, AaT. Paul W. Ountcar. paalar. Sundar aehool. t:al a. ai. aitaalonarr naiaaaa: Don Glbbona. mlialODaiT racruit la Nav Gulnaa. 11:00 . n. Alliuea Yauu fvuovuup, Jv p.. m. 7 30 p. tn., aarnon by paitw." "MabamlaH BuUda a Wall." . Tan of Glendale, Calif., wui be in Woodborn next week and will deliver his first ser mon as pastor of the Wood- burn and Bethel Presbyterian churches Sunday, Sept. 20. Dr. David Ferguson, who has been serving as temporary psstor of the two churches during the summer, will preach his finsl sermon next Sunday, Sept. 13. His topic will be "The Foolish Virgins.' Services st the Bethel church are at 10 a.m. and at the Woodburn church at 11 a.m. Sunday school at Wood burn meets at 9:43 a.m. snd at Bethel follows the morning service. Prsyer meeting Wed nesdsys at 7 pjn. st the Wood burn church. "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God" will be the 11 a.m. tonic of Rev. J. William Carl son st the Immsnuel Lutheran church Sundsy, Sept. 13. Sun dsy school is at 10 a.m. Teach ers of the Sundsy school will meet Wednesday, Sept 10. in the psriib hall in preparation for a Sunday school rally on pint Malkadlat Chink Btata Bad MioKh atraati. S.M and 11:00 B. Xdantleal worahlp sarrjeaa. aarraoa. 'Yeu'ra Cat Tour OWBI":W B. m.. BUO dap acboo) tbrouoh tha Junior Dapaxt- nanl. 11:00 a. miMU tcooot lar an dapartmanta. Mission' Festival Scheduled Sunday Rev. Donald Psyne has been selected as interim minister. The announcement has been made by Glen Weaver, chair. man of the pulpit committee of the First Christisn church, that oraaa utkara. ckarak ttun-tma- ... t-.u r v.. i ' "S " " - Dlrln. vorshlp. 1:00 P. laltbar Laatua. L. W. Holta, paator, na sxcun... - . - cjund.v Sent Jtev. jvuaiey eirain. Mr. rayne Johnson served wee n I tl. .T. K.Ati.m waal will csrry on the ministerial t.v Tnii.n sooruiora ouues for the church half years as airplane pilot and instructor In tne racuic during World War II and eight months in the Korean war. ait wife and two children, Joel and Timothy, will accompany him to his mission field, Rev. Barber Opens Unitarian Series On September IS, tha Rev. Ralph S. Barber, assistant pas tor of the Church of Our rath er, Unitarian, Portland, will conduct tha first of this years series of meetings to be given by tha Salem Unitarian Fel lowship. The service will be held at the Women's club, lo cated at 480 North Cottage St, and will begin at 10:45 a.m. The Rev. Barber has many friends in Salem, being a raduata of Willamette uni versity. This will be his first appearance in Salem as an or- . . j i. m. a. J .a aameiz anmwapr. xjiot aujuc va his sermon, "Because It's There," will introduce the theme of this years program aeries, "The Application of Re ligious Principles to Living." Beginning at 10:10 ajn. tha church school under the direc tion of Mrs. Xugene Hanne man will resume weekly meet ings also. Evangelist at Assembly of God Xvangclist Fred Versotenka will be coming to Central As sembly of God to begin revival sneetlngs Tuesday, Sept IB. Evangelist Vezsolenka known to many as a Bible preacher. There will be services every night except Monday and Sat ' vrday. Mrs. LaVern Totlan. Sponsors were Mr. Totland snd Mrs. El mer Pslmquiit. Gilbert Jensen became affiliated with the lo cal church by the rite of eon firmatlon. For Sunday, Sept. IS, the 15th Sunday after Trinity, Trinity Lutheran worship hour wlU festure the Children's Hour in the theme: "You Be long to God." the pastor, Rev. Joseph A. Luthro, speaking. This follows Sunday school rally day and class promotion at 10 a.m. Sunday scnool Stan will assist in serving tha no- host early afternoon fellowship dinner. Barbara Arrell is to present the 7:S0 p.m. Luther League topic: "Godparents tor God's Children." Confirmation seniors meet at 6:30 and Jun iors at 10:45 o'clock Saturday forenoon. Sept la. On Tues day, Sept 15, Mr. and Mrs. Olsus Moen Trill open their home, route 1, box JS, Sublim ity, in an S o'clock evening meeting of the Sunday school staff and assistants. Junior choir at 7:15. and senior, 8 pjn. Wednesday evening, Sept 16, will resume regular recharsala after several weeks vacation. On Sept 20, at the morning worship hour, the aVinday school staff and stimulus wui be installed. . The Mirage of Tomorrow," the Sunday sermon theme for Rev. A. L. Hokonson, Cal vary Lutheran. Innermlsslon me Una at 1 p.m. Missionary consecration at Salem Central at 7:45 pin. Brotherhood meets Monday p.m. and Ladies Aid Wedneiday 1 p.m. at tne church. Mrs. Joseph Stanton, leader, and hostess. Bible study at p.m. at the parsonage. Confirmation class Saturday at 10 a.m. at the church. until new minister is secured, Rev. Payne has been serving First Church for nearly two years as the minister of Christ isn education. Before coming to Salem, he served as pastor of the Christian church in Cor- vallis for three and one-half years. Mr. Payne received his bach elor of arts degree from Texas Christian university in 1944, and his bachelor of divinity de gree from Yale divinity school in 1947. Rev. Dudley Strain, former well known minister of the First Christian church, left early this week for Lubbock, Texas, where he will serve as minister of the First Christian church of that city. Christ Lutheran Choir Director Uo Mmorta! Mothodlsl Charon of Jsrrtrton ana winw bh. Kraut Preiton Oouldtr. mtnUtor. mr- 1m worship Mrvleos at 11:00 a. at. 0or noa subjoet, "Tha Plontor of Iu. Church sobool at t:4l a, sn. Amity Churches taatM (Svpplr pastor). Bnnda asAoola 10 a. sb. Morning warship, 11 . a. itididi asrnea, p. m. Charsk at Christ (tupplT, BlbU. cbool, 10 a. m. Uornlnt worship, 11 a. sn. Christian Badoarer. 0:10 s. otrontns Hrtica, 1:M p. m. Choir prattles. : p. m. MsthodUt ur. Bros MeCouoll. nta bur. luiidar aehool. 10 a. m. ftfornina worsnip, ii ft. m. touu rsuowonip. ov Irttoa MoCas- U. Bloisior. BlorosM worship, 0;U a.m. unday achooie :a a,M. Am Ht at OJad Ktr. Prank K. Maaao. jastor. vmday athaoL i u a. sb. Mom- ton worihlp, 11 a, k. on tne sottIcs. t. p. a. 7H CVbttn I lsiwMry Calvary Baptist laymen's Retreat Mrs. Ruth Hauntz, formerly of Ontario, has been appointed choir director of Christ Lu theran church and will open the aessons rehearsal program on September 17 at 7:49 p.m. for the senior choir. Mrs. Hauntz will alio conduct the children's choir and they will begin rehearsals on September 19 at 11 a.m. meeting every Saturday. She will be assisted in the choir work by the mu sio committee of the church, Mr. Maxine Martin, Mrs. Evelyn Bolmeier, Mrs. Agnes Palmer and Don Torgeson. Organist appointed for the church is Mrs. Ronald Craven, well-known organist in the community, who will preside at tha console for the services beglnnnlg October 1. Anyone Interested in the choral work as an adult or child should feel free to attend the open- ing rehearsals and meet the members of the music depart- mnt then. St. Jaaapk'a Catkalla Ckmk TliaBak- ata at Wlntar. Bar. jompo .boot back, paator. Sunday mauaa: I, V. S. 0:10, lfl-M and 11:41. CoDfaaalona Baturdar: 1:30 to : and 1:10 to I. Krai Clunk af OaaVCOHatO Si Hood ata. H. J. alelntlra, nlnlaur. eanoKr mornlnf. "Cbrlitlan Brothaibood Hour." Radio Station KUON. W0 ke. endar acbool, 10:00-11:00; MornlM vorabip, ll ooT-A BartTBl WlUihi." TP atrrlea, I w p. m. sanias XTauaUttlo aarrlca. T:J0 p. m. M.lkadlat Ckarak Markat at K. Wlntar. SI. C. Millar, mlalalar. B:4S a. m., SndsT oabool. 11:00 a. MorelM worahlp, oublaat, "Doaa rrwar cfcaaia ThlngaT" S:U p. m., Toum rauovaow. f :30 p. Bl., Ironing atrrlea. fjnliarlaa Fallavaip 10:M a, aw MO Xorth Cottua etraat. vk. a.ih-1 KaBtiat cknrek Borth Cottaio at "D" Btraat. RaT. Rudolph Woyka, paator. woranip Barrio, a .i.vw a. b. Soiad-Uono 111m at 1:00 p. ra. Bra- nlni Qoapal hour Ba l:oo o cioea. mi Ckrlatlan Ckarak Mario, and Couaoa. Church aehool, 1:41 a. m. aforn hic vorabip and oommunloa, 10:41 a. m. ann. "Criala KaHHon," br Donald Paroa. Blbli otodr troupi, 0:10 p. m. Toutb BTOUPO. 0:30 p. m. Branlnf wor ihlp larrlea, 1:10 p. m. Barmen, 'Ood NoodI Tou." Donald Fajna. The annual Mission Festival Service will be held at Christ Luthersn church this Sunday at both the morning services, 8:49 and 11 a.m,, conducted by the pastor, Rev. T. M. Geb hard. truest speaker for the occasion will be the Rev. C. Siefkes, D.D., president of the Northwestern District of the American Lutheran church. He will deliver the sermon for the services on the church's program of Mission Advance throughout the Am. erican and Foreign Mission Program. The Sunday school will con. duct a special Mission . Service at 10 a.m. at which time Thom as Johnson will be the guet. Mr. Johnson will leave soon for the New Guinea Mission Field as pilot of the planes sta tioned a Madang. The course of Christian in struction for preparing Junior for confirmation will begin Sept. 19 for all . children in the Seventh grade and over. Parents interested should en roll their child with the pas tor, T. M. Gebhard, who will conduct the course. Classes wilyl be held every Saturday from 9-11 a.m. throughout the fall and winter months. Tha sermon topic of Rev. George Springer at the Wood- bum Christian cnurcn ounciay at 11 ajn. will be "The Duties snd Privileges of Worship." For the S p.m. service his topic will be "The Wsy of Cain.'' Sundsy school is at 10 a.m. and Christian Endeavor at 7 pjn. Prayer meeting Thursdays at I P m. , Evangelistic services will be conducted for a week at the Bible Baotist church, begin- nins- Sunday. Sent IS. by Dr. Sidney Cox, evangelist, Bible tMt-her and Bvmn writer. Services will be Sunday at 11 a.m. ana escn mgni inrougu Sept 20, starting at 7:49 o'clock and including Satur day. A nursery will be pro vided for the children. Rev. R. Brendler is the pastor. I The . aoecial evangelistic services' at the Assembly of God church will close follow- tns the Sundity evening serv ice. Friday evening there will be special prayer for the sick. No services are held on. Sat urday night. Sunday school is at 9:49 ajn. morning serv ice at 11 a.m. and evening service at 7:45. Holy comminlon will be held at 7:30 Sunday. Sept 13, at St. Mary's Episcopal church in Woodburn. Morning pray er and address by the vicar, Rev. T. M. Baxter, at 9:30 a.m. "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning" will be the topic of Rev. Arthur Goble at the Woodburn Foursquare com munity church Sunday at 11 g.m. For the evening service at 8 his topic will be "An Eve ning Event." , Sunday school is at 9:49 a.m. and services for young people are at 8:30 p.m. "Living Hope" will be the sermon topic of Rev. Edward Baldwin at the Church of God Sunday at 11 a.m. For the evening service at 8 his topic will be "Judicial Justifica tion." Sunday school is at 10 a.m., youth meeting at 7 p.m., prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. 175 to Study for Priesthood At Mount Angel Seminary Caari Itrtot Christian Chorea Court Strsot at 11th. W. HsroW Lyman and Philip nurOe nmiiHn. siidio enow asstmblr. 1:30 MornlM worsnip, 10 :W o'clock. Atermoa sabloet, "Foisots lnt Our FoisoBsions." Youth hour, 0:10 p. m. Kvtiunc worsnip, ociw. mx mon by W. Harold Lyman. Xatiht Haas art at Controiatlanal rrh..,.h 1A1 Bnnth lsth trttt, Louis Whits, minuter. 0:4 a. m. Sunday school. t.ueri if AMMtifi. sutwrlntondoDt. KOV, S. c. altar xoacnss wm w a la 11-IHI . 1YI Saloai-TUaTB WUI" ship. Sermon br tha mlnUtar, 'Tloaosids I cordUn and guitar. Hainaows.- Uarkot strost. I. H. Camp, minis tr. t:U a. m.i Blow sonooi 11:00 a. it., woisum ana Lord's Buppsr. Strmotn. "Tho Work ol tho Cbureb." i:w p m.. nmiM mtt U. aermon. flrho Warning BatMr." Englewood Plans Repeat Effort Pilgrims Slate Revival Meetings The fall revival of the Pil grim Holiness church will begin Wednesday night. Sept 16, at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. and Mrs. Jack Hysel of Kentucky are the workers. They are young peo ple who have had experience in both pastoral and evangel istic work and are good singers and musicians, playing the ae cordian and guitar. The church is located at 2289 Carlton Way, Oartaa BaaS Ckriatlaa Charah 4M two and One-half blocks Cast of the San Shop. Between 20 and 25 men from the Calvary Baptiit church will be attending the annual Laymen s Retreat this weekend at Camp Arrahl The Inglewodo Evangelical 9:45 ajn. Sunday School 11:99 Lin Mr, Dob Gib bons, Mlaalenary re cruit farewelling for New Guinea. ! p.m. A. T. Fellow ship. 7:19 r. M. "Nehesalah Ballds Wall." Wanna near Mt. Hood. Some 200 Oregon Baptist men are expected to share the spirit ual , program that has been prepared. Chief speakers in clude Worth Wright of Idaho, Evangelist Em 11 Gaverluk, Pastor Henry Rahn of Olym pla. Wash. In tha time alloted for rec reation, major feature is the annual golf tournament which the Calvary men have won for the two past years. A victory this time will ensbla them to permanently possess the tro phy. Sunday morning, Pastor Omar N. Berth speaks on the subject "Forgiven and Forgiving." At the 7:10 p.m. service he will continue the brief series on the Prominent People and Places of Palestine, giving I mesisge entitled "At Beth sny." United Brethren church has decided to try again in the 19S3 National Christian Life Sunday aehool contest begin ning October 11 and extending through six consecutive Sun. days. Approximately 1800 Sunday schools across the na tlon will be competing for the grand prize of an all expense tour to the Holy Land for the pastor or Sunday school tu perintendent. Also numerous lesser prizes will be given for running-up winners in the va rious attendance divisions. Tha Englewood church re celved an honorable mention in its attempt to win the 19S2 contest. Several members of the con gregation have been named to various committees to promote the contest. The average depth of the world's oceans Is about two miles. Hoor W. H. MARSHALL OP LOUISIANA last Betarned From Preaching Tour of Europe Ministered Neat t the Iron Cartala SATURDAY NIGHT, 8 P.M. Sunday Evangelistic, 8 P.M. Bandar School 1:41 ajn. Saaday Warship 11 ajn. FAITH TABERNACLE flSaelai Wjiihgarftg. Chanh (ALC atSta strait .vL lith. Tha Hoy. T. 11. Otbhard, pastor, aunday worsnip atrricss, ana li m. m. Bitmon or ur. . , tiaa. prosMtnt of tha Morthwastorn uu trttt or tho Amine Ba isuuisran tenure n. un day school, 10 a. u. Commlasioalnc atrr lea for Lay Missionary Thomas Johnson, Csntrai Latnsran cnoren, i:w p. at. Hirk'i fjsitharon Chareh 343 W. Church at, Bunday school, I JO a. m. Dl Tino sarrloa. 11 s m tha sormon by tha pastor, tho Rot. John L. Caublt. Lnthor Loaauo mtsU at t:30 p. m. Visitors and stxanitra al tha alty Inrltad. Capital Baptist 1000 Lanslni Art. Jamii B. Frost, pastor, sjunasr. nspvsm- btr 13: 0:U a. m., aunday school Xor ail atft. 11:00 a. m., Morning worship, pas tor's strmon: ros uirins uratr m ui. .M p. in Training union lor all ana. 1:41 p. nv. Krening worsnip, pianor s str mon: Tha Way at BoUnass. I.Oi p. san Youth rtiiows&ip. aariutaol Charch cat Jmbo Christ al Lattor Dar ftalats soTontotnth and Chs- mckstah ats. Osorca w. Bpced, pastor. Church school, 0:4; worship isrrlct. 11; Ildsr Los Landon, spsaksr. iTWlni wor ship. I: aidar Don Landon. ausionary apaakar. Bethel Baptist Youth Will Present Picture The young people will pre sent the film, "A Boy and His Prayer " at the 7 o'clock: serv. ice Sunday evening. The story presented by the firm is a stir ring human drama. An accl dental injury results in a man' inability to provide for his fsmily, and his subsequent loss of faith leading to a despair which tempts this man to for sake the right At the suspense- ful eleventh hour, a boy's faith in prayer averts an irreparable wrong. The public is invited to at tend. The 'church is located on the corner of North Cottage street and "D." Tbb Oaalral Ltkara Ckirak Berth Capitol and oamaa sta. o. n. Huna. atrem, paator. cantraj uttoeraa Broao. aait. KOCO. I M. Bandar aehool aarr. lea. .:4a. alernlno worablo. 11:00. Com mlaalonlno aarrlca tor Mr. and lira. Themaa Jvboaaa, with Vr. J. Baaika, al rtclauni. Presbyterian Aid Meeting 'Woodburn The Septem- mMtina of the Presbyter ian Aid society was Wednes day afternoon, Sept. $, in the church socisl room. On ac count of illness, Mrs. Alfred Moon, president, and Mrs. Earl Allison, vice-president, were both absent ana Mrs. v. Povton nresided over me mtinBT. Mrs. H. r. Butterfield led the devotional service, reading tbe story of the lau 01 tne walls of Jericho and also sn article on the walls of today, followed by prayer. Mrs. W. B. Dunn was at the piano dur ing the group singing. Reports of the secretary and treasurer were read and ac cented. Mrs. Peyton reported that 90 cupa had been purchased for the kitchen and it was vot ed to buy additional dishes to replace those cracked and chipped. Mrs. A. C. Oouglas was in charge of the program and gave an interesting talk on "Pioneer Women," reading an article on the topic by Ito wena R. Farrar. Refreshments were served by Mrs. R. L. Anderson assist ed by Mrs. Butterfield. For the next meeting, Oct. 14, Mrs. E. C. Peyton will lesd the devotional service, Mrs. W. B. Dunn will be in charge of the program and hostesses will be Mrs. Roy Faulconer, Mrs. Harry Ticknor and Mrs. Ruby Gilbert. Gibbons Speak af C& MA Church Mr. and Mrs. Don Gibbons are are scheduled to sail soon for mysterious "Shangrl La," in the wilds of New Guinea, will speak during the 9:45 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday serv ice of Christian and Mission ary Alliance church. At the 7:30 p.m. service, Rev. Paul W. Gunther, pastor, will preach on tbe topic "Ne hemiah Builds a Wall." Kev. Gunther is in New York this week attending the quarterly meeting of the CMA board of managers but will return in time to fill his preaching en gagement. Baptist Choir To Have Party ' The summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Teague, on Mill creek, will be the scene of a party for the choir of the First Baptist church. An out door dinner will be served at 8:30 p.m.. Sept 17, and will be followed by a time of various games. A short rehearaal will dc neia at tne close oi tha eve ning. Guests will include Dr. and Mrs. Anderson, pastor; hus bands and wives of choir mem.' bers, and anyone interested in singing in the . choir. Rev. Thornton Jansma, assistant pas tor, is director of the choir and Mrs. John Schmidt, Jr., serves as organist. Misses Lavurne Gammon and Bonnie Bishop are co-chairmen for the eve ning's events. Dr. Lloyd Anderson will h speaking at both services of tha church on Sunday, at 11 a.m on the subject " Faith"; at the 7:80 hour on tha Book of Genesis. Installation for Church Officers en. Tooth roaaUnBa, 1:11 p. . Branlnt Ooapel aarrlca, 1:30. raar CarBara Baotlei Charah atalo BM BUi atraato. Bar. Victor L. Laaria, paator. Bundar acbool, 1:41 a. a., with elaaiaa for all aaaa. Mornln, werahla. 11:00 o'clock, paator apaaklna. Toum raoua-a uatoa, : . at. Branlni Ooa. Ml aarrlca, T:M o'clock. Mt. Angel One hundred and seventy-five young men will study for the priesthood at Mt. Angel Seminary this year. Classes began Wednes day morning, Sept. 8, with an enrollment of 85 students in tha high school department and 80 students in the college classes. V' The theology classes will be gin Sept. 34, with an enroll ment of approximately 30 young men. Tha main opening mass for tha seminary will be said on Sept. 34 in the Mt. Angel ab bey chapel, with all the semi narians and faculty present. The Very Rev. Bernard Sander, OSB, will again be rector of the seminary, assist, ed by the Rev. Ambrose Zen- ner, OSB as vice-rector, and the Rev. Louis Charwt, OSB, prefect of discipline. The, Rev. Leander Maffia. OSB. was granted a leave of absence from the faculty staff to secure his doctorate in edu cation at the University of Oregon. Two other future members of the faculty, the Rev. Frater Athanasius Buch holz, OSB, and the Rev. Frater Kieran McBri&e, OSB, are piesently studying at the In ternational Benedictine college in Rome for their doctorate in theology and philosophy. Tha Rev. Frater Athanasius spent the summer at Engel- berg, Switzerland, the mother- house of Mt. Angel abbey, and the Rev. Frater Kieran was at the Spanish monestary, "Mone seratte." Spain, for the sum mer. The Rev. Damian Jent- ges, OSB, abbot of Mt Angel abbey, who la presently In Rome, will also visit the local Fraters at the college In Rome. Enrolled at the seminary are young men from all west ern states. To take care of the many others who wish to study st the seminary, a second building will be constructed to be completed In time for the 1954 school term. Students at the seminary from Mt. Angel and neighbor ing cities include, Andrew Fischer, Bernrad Kropp, Thomas Lovcik. Frank Lebold, John O'Brien, James Ken nedy, Frater Cyprian Cooney and Frater Benedict Suing, all of Salem; Eugene Heidt, Allan Miller and Gerald Smith, all of Woodburn; Allan English and Gordon Zastopll both of Silverton; James Spink, Leba non; Jerry Scbindler, Gervais; Eugene Van Beveren, Hills boro and Ray Heuberger, Sub limity, From Mt Angel are Frater Gerard Marx, Frater Eugene Each, Frater Placidius Zack, Bede Annen, Raymond Pre deek, Wayne Eaumgartner, Joseph Hauth, William Clark, William Park, Robert Fronk, Elmer Davis, Cletus Duerr, Joseph Schallberger, Daniel Hackett, Ronald Brlnkman and David Park. Installation services for Sun day school teachers and offic ers will be held at Grace Luth eran church Sunday. Classes in the Sunday school win t.. re-organized and new mater ials issued. SunerintMri.4. sre Mrs. Peter Olson and Mrs. I. G. Lermon. Oscar Enger will serve as secretary replac ing aiiuiiiu mommsen who will be song leader for tha year. .Sixteen classes will reach each aee Broun ham four years old and up. The pastor, L. W. Holte, will con duct the Bible class. Wesleyan Service Guild Meeting The Wesleyan Service Guild of Jason Lee Methodist church will meet at 8 o'clock next Monday night A feature of the program will be the showing oi a morion picture in color of the Good Will Industries. The committee in charge in cludes Mrs. Dayle Jory, jjri Paul Silke and Mrs. Wayne Kuhl. Mrs. Marie Putnam will lead the devotions. All Jason Lee WSCS mem bers and friends will be.wel- First Presbyterian Church ChemekeU at Winter "A TIME FOR YOUTH" By Dr. Paul Newton Poling Two Services: 9:45 end 11 A.M. KOCO, 10:00 A.M. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Down Town The Tall White Spire and the Chimes 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. IDENTICAL WORSHIP SERVICES Sermon "YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN!" ; . Broadeatt KSLM 1 1 :30-l 2:00 (noon) t:S ajn. Sunday S'trttE?!? D'pt 11:01 ajn. Sunday School for All Departments Brooks H. Moore Minister Carrara Baartlaa Ckarak Sonth Uaartr at atul.r m. Omar B. garth, paator. I U, Blbla aehool. 11:00, Tortlrao aat For Itrlnl ' Broadtail rar BOAS, 10M ke. 0:90, BaMUt Tooth ranowahlB. t:M, "At Bathanj." Slrat BrauaUaal Carta. BcalhrBB Cat Bar Mario and Swnmar . Star. A. o. Jan tacan. mlautar. t:U. SunOay aehool. 10:M. Blarntai worahl. Same: "Srmotoma af Carnalltr- JO, Tooth FaUewablo. 1:M. Braolnt worahta. aarraoa: "Charch Anamo. Swat Baotlat Charah-MarlM Bad tA- artr. Dr. Llortl T. ABdaraoh. paator. Bar. Tbomtaai Jaaaraa. aiiUl.Qt paatar. In ter oehool. a, aa. with alaaaaa for all aaaa. Heroin, worahlp, 11:00 o'alack. "Basponatro Faith, Paator Uord Andar- SALEM FIRST CHURCH OF THE MAZAREKE Canter art Thirteenth Sun., Sept. 13 A 1:45 Charch School lt:S "They Need Net - GeAway" Tenth Meeting T.SI -Mrrty Unlimited" ItiMkMM wnusj f. tin, mb, The (butch ol the Open Bible WELCOMES YOU "Where Hi Visiter Is Never a Strenjer" Sunday School :45 For Everybody Training Union (:3e Far Everybody WORSHIP 11:00 A.M. 7:4S P.M. PUTT MUCMNfc WORK AND IX-Ts. Dhls Order LHt rrWIteWntlMhra r-)W0RSHIP WITH apit& A ff'V mMismhuteh mvm$m thi word op in tSS5SSs!Sag8& 'sjnes Frost, Ceencratinr tn World Missions through the SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION "THERE'S A DOCTRINAL DIFFERENCE COME AND SEE NOW... BEWAL mm BROTHERS Evangelistic Campaign . 1 Mile North af Albany an 99C Acrest From Worerly Lake with George & Lawrence Brunk NOTED EVANGELISTS FROM DENBEIGH, VIRGINIA Holding Tent Meetings Nightly (CAPACITY SEATING 5000) Preaching and Singing Full Gospel Messages thawing yeu how to lose your sin and fine! your Saviour