Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 11, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Friday, September 11. MM
Peg in Washington
Wuhinfton, D. C., Sept T
Dui Mmriam: .
Secretary and Mr. Donilas
' McKay apent the Labor Day
wees: end at Williamsburg,
They have planned a trip to
the historic reconstructed Vir
ginia town aver line they
moved east, but hava had to
postpone it until now. They
made their headquarters at the
entrancing Williamsburg Inr.
but visited Jamestown and
Yorktown and the Colonial Na
tional Park area generally.
Since the administration ot the
park is under the interior, the
secretary visited with its super
intendent and Inspected the
various buildings and sites and
parkways that are included
in the national recreational
area. The McKays attended the
pageant, "The Common Glory,'
which is given during the ram
mer months in an amphitheatre
on the James river between
1 Williamsburg and Jamestown
A deluge on Saturday night
stopped the performance after
the first act ana iney were
drenched. Undaunted, they re
turned on Sunday evening for
the second act
Another historic spot visited
recently by the couple was
Stratford, the birthplace of
one given by Secretary el Stats
Dulles and the other by the
Japanese Ambassador. The lat
ter dinner will be followed at
10:30 by a reception at the Jap
anese Embassy, to which the
ladies have been invited, and
Mrs. McKay will loin the sec
retary there. The 18-year-old
heir of the Emperor of Japan
is not here as an official repre
sentative of his country, but he
is being accorded full visiting
honors as a part of the program
to foster continued good will
between the two nations.
During the recent two weeks
of ninety to a hundred degree
temperatures, entertaining has
been at a minimum, but airs.
McKsy wss the honor guest one
day at a bridge luncheon at
which Mrs. Clareace Davis,
wife of the solicitor of the In
terior Department entertained
at ner apartment at the Shera
ton Park. This hss been a per
iod when air-conditioning has
been truly a boon, as the night
time temneratures remain in
the high seventies which makes
sleep difficult without some
cooling system. The heat was
broken by torrential rains over
the week-end and today has,
been sunny with a cool 80 de
W. W. Nuekels, of the Mac-
fiuarsl Robert K. Lee,
stormed there daring the week- Laren School for Boys at Wood'
end trin to Irviniton. Virginia, burn, was here last week but
just a week prior to the Wil
liamsburg trip. The estate, for-
: merly 6000 acres in size. Is now
under the custody of the Na
tional Society of Colonial
Dames of America. The huge
mansion has four huge chim
neys serving sixteen fireplaces.
The McKays reported that an
excellent job had been done In
preserving the beauty of the
original rooms. In a nearby
town, they attended church
services Sunday morning at
Christ Church, built In 1878.
Typical of colonial churches
were the small high-walled
pews with their narrow ben
ches. The visit of Japan's Crown
Prince to Washington
this week Is bringing a round
of entertaining in embassy and
State Department circles. Sec
retary McKay has been invited
to the two "white tie" dinners.
missed his Intended visit with
the secretary. Two Portland-
erf, C. H. Gueffroy and Ward
Cook, who have been here for
some time on gas company
hearings, are returning to Ore-
ion this week with sirhs of re
lief, we hear. A new Washing-
tonian soon to return to Oregon
is Miss Sally Scott who will be
back at Oregon State college
for her sophomore year. She
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Scott former Baker
residents, who are living at
Brad-lee Towers across from
the Potomac from the District
Since their arrival here in June,
Miss Sally and her sister, Miss
Patty, have been enjoying the
swimming pool facilities in
their vicinity. Patty wiU at
tend high school at nearby
Sincerely, Peg.
Miss Upjohn,
Mr. Dudley
Tell Troth
Of special Interest In roman
tic news today is announce
ment of the engagement of
Miss Barbara Upjohn, young'
est daughter of Mrs. Donald H.
Upjohn and the late Mr. Up
john, to Harold C. ' Dudley,
Santa Boss, Calif., son of Mr.
and Mrs. H. K. Dudley of Fill
more. Calif.
The news was revealed to
the family and close friends
earlier this week when Miss
Upjohn and Mr. Dudley were
here to visit with her mother
over the Labor Day weekend.
No date is announced for
the wedding.
The bride-to-be is a graduate
of University of California at
Los Angeles where she Li a
member of Delta Delta Delta
ororitT. and later received her
master of arts degree in retail
lna at New York university.
She is a department executive
in a San Francisco store.
Mr. Dudley wss graduated
from University ot California
in agriculture economy and is
a member of Theta Chi fratern
ity there. Be was in sgrlculture
extension service for a time
and is now in business for him
self in a seed and feed concern
in Santa Boss.
Capital Women
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Married September 4 Mr. end Mrs. Daniel Eugene
Barham (Betty Setter), above, were married September
4. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Batter and Mr. Barham is the son ot Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A.
Barham. (McEwan studio picture.)
Club Entertained
Mrs. Robert Morrow wss
welcomed as a new member
to the Salem Toastmistress
club at the first dinner nuet
inc of the fall at the Golden
Pheasant on Thursday night
Miss Amanda Anderson .was
in charge of table topics. Mrs.
Dsn Madsen was the tosstmis
tress and speakers were Mrs.
J. M. Hartley, Miss Ada Boss,
Mrs. George Beane, Miss Con
stance Weinman, and Mrs.
Margaret Hampton. Miss
Ross won the oscar for the
evening. Mrs. Ethel Niles was
timekeeper and Mrs. . Marion
Wooden the hostess.
Guests were Miss Margaret
Maddox, Mrs. Eugene Blush
and Mrs. Eugene Javens.
At Golf Day
Winners for the day's play
at Oak KnoU Ladies' Golf club
day. Wednesday, incldded Mrs.
Leland Flank and Mrs. Arthur
May for class A; Mrs. Jsmes
Van Keulen ana mrs. J. v.
Campbell for class B. Match
vlay on the Marge ruignam
cup is on now, and members
are asked to be on hand to
tee off at a.m. next Wednes
Visitors Here
Mrs. Clara Norton has been
entertaining out-of-town guests.
Mrs. A. L. Eversoll of Grand
Island, Neb., is visiting Mrs.
Norton and with other rela
tives in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Wiggins
and son, Donald, Portland, also
were visitors here at the home
ot Mrs. Norton and took in the
state fair. Mr. Wiggins is a
brother of Mrs. Norton.
Plan Trip
Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Bouf-
fleur are leaving Portland
Monday night for Flint Mich.
There they will pick up a new
car and will go on an extensive
tour of the east and middle
west, eprnute home to travel
through the Dakotas to Rush,
more park, and to stop at Pike's
Peak, Denver, Salt Lake City,
Sacramento and other places.
They will be gone six weeks to
two months.
Miss Mix .
To Be Wed
A wedding for next Sundoy
will be that of Miss Margaret
A. Mix of Independence and
Ronald Clark Bartley of Can
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Mix of In
dependence and Mr. Bartley is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
C. Bartley of Canyonville.
The ceremony will be at 4
p.m. Sunday In the Presby
terian church at Independence,
the reception following in the
Woman s club.
Mrs. Larry Walker of Cor
vallis is to be matron of honor
for the bride. Miss Ann Swall
of Tularie, Calif., and Miss
Nancy Maxwell of Portland,
the bridesmaids.
The young couple will be in
Corvallis this winter, Mr. Bart
ley to work for his master's
degree. Both were graduated
in Jun eat Oregon State col
lege, the bride being a mem
ber of Alpha Xi Delta soror
ity. Mr. Bartley a member of
Dinner Tonight
Hosts for an Informal din
ner Friday evening will be Mr.
and Mrs. William J. Braun and
Mr. and Mrs. T. Harold Tomlln
son, entertaining at the Braun
The party will be In the gar
dens and about 80 will be in
the group. J
! t
Event Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Frank I. Towle
are entertaining a group this
evening at their apartment in
the Lee, the affair being in the
nature of a housewarming.
Guests will include officials in
the state highway department
and their wives.
In the group will be Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Baldock, Mr. and
Mrs. W.' C. Williams, Mr. and
Mrs. W. W Stiffler, Mr. and
Mrs. H. B. Glaisyer, Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Query, Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. jEofield, Mr. and Mrs.
R. L. May, Mr. and Mrs. L. I.
Lindes, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. G.
Wyckoff, Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Hester, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. War-
field, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Maison
and the Towles.
SALEM friends WiU be in
terested to learn Chief Lloyd
L. Hunter, USN. and Mrs. Hun
ter and their son, Robert, are
now at home at 777 Alamldos
avenue. Long Beach, Calif.
Chief Hunter recently returned
from duty in Korean waters
and will be in the south for a
ume. urn. nunter and son
were in Salem with her mother,
Mrs. Donald H. Upjohn, during
nis aosence.
planning two Informal coffees
next Tuesday to honor Mrs.
Donald Fisher, who has re
turned to Salem to reside after
two years away. Guests are be
ing invited to call between
10:30 and 12:30 o'clock and
between 2:30 and 4:30 o'clock,
Mr. Fisher has been in the
navy and was recently dis
charged. The couple is building
a new nome off Wallace Road.
IN THE EA8T for a month
are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willi.
They left on Wednesday night
and plan to tour the eastern
Date for
Wedding Set
Mrs -Delia Schoneboom an
nounces the engagement ana
anDroachinc marriage of Mr
daughter. Miss Willa Jean
Schoneboom, to ueimar ner
man. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Herman.
Th wedding is to be Septem
ber 18. at 7 o'clock at the First
Baptist church, Dr. Lloyd I.
Anderson officiating.
Miss Schoneboom will have
as her attendant her sister, Mrs.
Clyde Kahlert of St Louis, Mo.
Edward Herman, Jr., brother
of Mr. Herman, will be his at
tendant The couple are em
ployed at the Western Psper &
Converting Company. After a
brief honeymoon they will be
at borne on Highland Avenue.
State Fair Theme
Features Decorations
The State Fair theme feat
ured the party for the Salem
Sojourners club Thursday af
ternoon, at Salem Woman's
club house. Dessert was served.
card games following. Minia
ture rodeo figures were at the
individual tables, and brightly
colored leis were given out to
all attending.
Guests were Mrs. Robert
Schroeder and Mrs. Arthur
Calllson. Mrs. A. B. Davie was
introduced as a new member.
Honors at bridge went to
Mrs. C. E. Thomas, Mrs. Ro
bert Schroeder, Mrs. Don Rich
ardson, Mrs. Allen Ferris, and
at canasta, to Mrs. Frank
Hostesses for the afternoon
were Mrs. Willard Christo
pher, Mrs. Laura Fletcher,
Mrs. P. J. Edkins, Mrs. Edith
Cunningham, Mrs. Keith
Rhode. v
her daughter, Mrs. Fred Mat
thieu and the letter's children,
Ann and Jim, have returned
from Magna, Utah, where they
attended the wedding of a cous
in. Miss Nadine Taylor, who
was married on September S to
Tony Mastronardl. Mrs. Mat
thieu was matron of honor for
her cousin and Ann Matthieu
was the ring bearer.
The bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert Taylor, were one
time Salem residents.
..4 . 1
Are Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Billy W. Suggs (Louisa
Jane Spalding), above, were married September 8. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Spalding
of Chemawa and Mr. Suggs is the son of Mrs. Effie Suggs
of Spur, Texas. (McEwan studio picture.)
RETURNING last evening
from a week in San Mateo and
Oakland, Calif., was Miss Mar-
jorle Becke. This week-end
she will be leaving for Eugene
to complete her senior work at
University of Oregon.
Sunday in
Of Interest to Salem friends
la the wedding In Portland next
Sunday when Miss Betty Jean
Muliin and Tbomaa Paul
Joseph, Jr. will be married.
The ceremony will bo sol
emnized at 4 o'clock in the
Westminster Presbyterian
church, the reception following
also to be at the church:
Among those expecting to go
from Salem for the wedding
are Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Williams.
Mr. Joseph is a nephew of Mrs.
The bride-elect is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl P.
Mullln of Portland and Mr.
Joseph Is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. T. P. Joseph of Weiser,
Idaho. The young couple will be
living in Salens this year, Mr.
Joseph to continue his work In
the Willamette law school, the
bride to be counsellor of ad
missions at Willamette.
GUESTS of Justice and Mrs.
Walter Too re this 'week-end
will be Mr. and Mrs. Graham
Killara of Portland. They will
take In the State Fair together
on Saturday, ' the T oozes and
Killams to be guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Williams in their
box at the races.
Knees Guaranteed for
life of garment
Capitol Shopping Center
817 S. High Ph. 457S1
A PICNIC followed by children
baseball and old tmt dancing i
is scheduled by the Co-Rec
club of the YWCA on Friday
at 8:30 p.m. Those attending
will meet at the YWCA build
ing and then go to Paradise
Island park. Eddie Wulft and
Miss ftcella Ballan are the co
chairmen for the affair.
DAR Event
Lebanon Santiam chapter.
Daughters of the American
Revolution, will be the host
group to a meeting of District
2, on September 18 at the Pres
byterian church.
The stecsion opens at 10 a.m.,
and luncheon will be served in
the church dining room at 12:30
Twenty-five guests are ex
pected. They will represent
Chemeketa, Coos Bay, Oregon,
Linn and Lewis and Clark
"HOME from a vscstion in
California are Mr. and Mrs. T.
Harold Tomlinson and daugh
ter and son, Kaye and Sande,
and Mrs. Tomllnaon't father, J.
C Sande. They were at Berke
ley. Mrs. Tomlinson and the
news of the birth ot a daugh
ter, Lori Lee, to Captain and
Mrs.. Lloyd Chapman. The
went south on the baby is their second child, a
train, Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. I little boy being Jcott. Captain
Sande joining them there and Chapman is stationed with the
the enure family driving home. I engineers on Okinawa. Grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Virgil
LEAVING Thursday for the
state convention of the Amer
ican Gold Star Mothers in Med
ford were Mrs. J, D. White,
Mrs. Lucy Lichty, Mrs. Helen
Taylor, Mrs. Perry Sylves and
Mr. and Mrs. George Pro. The
convention is September 11 and
12. Yesterday, pre-convention
delegates were taken on tour
of Camp White and entertained
there at dinner in the evening.
MT. ANGEL The members
ot Court Marlon No. 718, Cath
olic Daughters ot America,
will meet Monday evening,
September 14, at 8 o'clock in
the meeting room of St Mary's
school. Hostesses for the soc
ial hour are Mrs. Edward G.
Unger and Mrs. George Vsch-ter.
Avery of Corvallis and Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Forbis ot Salem.
Great grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. B. F. Brookshtre of Ridge
field. Wash.
Throw Your Watch Away
We Fix Them Whea
Others Can't
441 State St. Stka
Announces the Opening ef Practice
In Optometry
With efficet located In tha
Llvesley IMf., Salem, Orefen
Serurdeys 9 a.m. re 5 p.m.
Ho! Come to the Fair"
Performed by CAROLE LONG,
ether outstanding students
af the
Entertaining at the Free Way Show
Two Performances Daily
Classes art now
forming for Ballet,
Toe, Character, Ac
robatic, Top end
Ballroom dancing.
FREE enrollment
with the greatest
fall offer ever mode.
Come In er telephone tlSii Salem efflre mornings.
Its 8e. Liberty
jfc A 99
AnCTV tfie bed.
Yhita swede er leothed
Ifxea 3ft to 10, AAAA-O
. Yxi et more tor your money
at America's tersest ftshiM
shot retailer! For snmpt,
this rubber-soled saddle
txford with whits tennis sol.
Seed abo with coral sole. WM value!
i i
xiw'ii ' Tin i li mliisj iA.m
v. ,i '
MMnag mm nn iirtMilt iiii
I Ist&aan iiijii-i- i nr- ?i itai.fci
FOAM CREPt SOLES tend yov back
to Klwd wallunt an sir ttw atsy ty!
Quality ued4 ia Mick er piy, alio,
is nw burtsmiit r
...... I I., .i... v
una, ia giv.v
CLASSIC M0C trimly som4, tkea
shtrstned with fmftd sell Anliqus
sreM htthtr IM torn tmoorMf sf
is school t Vitus jprnn
slat funis ia
lHkN,AA,l. J
aWrbtyW eVCWrl Ifltthlf ! A ICh00l-triTl
more? A sturdy moc
SsAei'll a mmA J
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1 ' " ' ' it mm a I ntsais Lm - T- .nt
Mack moot suHinad vilk bawkdias
srnsoll lestherl A sowty ftjhiea
"'ri i mort-for
)l)sjr-Rrt)rf vtlvt
-mwwj rsjinraass
A 80W at yssr ftttr FaMta bei
sm ! Block astdt or Mtck snoot
imam sat sue mm ciSM i
mslrioarlNMStipi tr
est sftor iik. bt
8NE-STRAf ikn IM m si suck
fer roe . . . bksi rot to dM by arr,
ctttt at Kht! Is rod, Mot, Mick,
118 N. Liberty
For Mil Orders M 25c CO.Dv charges coHtd