Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 11, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday, September 11, .953
Local Paragraph
Life Underwriter! Form
The Salens Association of life
Underwriters have filed rtl.
cleg of incorporation with the
Marion county clerk. Sien
' ing the incorporation papers
were James M. Burbrldge. L.
Irl Robinson, Robert W. Stre
bi(, John A. Goffrier, Carroll
- a.. aamuels and Edward J.
Bumside. All arc from Sa
lem. District 8 e a t Meeting
Three subject will be taken
up during a Cherry City dis
trict Boy Scout .meeting and
round table to be held at the
First Methodist church at 7:30
p.m. Wednesday, September
.16. The subjects to be con
sidered, according to Wei
Goodrich, district chairman
will be: How to use the pro
gram note book and planning
chart; the fall round-up, and
information concerning the
scouting in action fair pro
gram. The latter ia scheduled
for Bush Pasture, October
' Couldn't Wait Salem's new
parking fine collection boxes
are scheduled to go into oper
ation Friday but apparently
some overtime parkers Just
can't wai'. the city police de
partment reported .Thursday.
In checking over the SO boxes
that are already installed of
ncers louna mat 10 persons
had' removed the wrappings
around the. ooxes to deposit
iMit tickets eight of tbem
with their SO cent fines and
two signed by doctors that
they were delayed in' their ot
fieei. 1 Day Proclaimed Mayor
Al Loucks has issued a precis
mation locally setting apart
; Thursday, Sept 17 for the ob
servation of Constitution Day in
Salem, the date being the 166th
anniversary of the signing of
the national Constitution. Clti
lens of Salem are asked to dis
" play flags on that day.
Daughter Born Salem
friends have received word of
the birth of a daughter, Ruth
Ann, September 8, to Mr. and
Mrs. Zrnest Qualey of Tilla
mook, formerly of Salem. Also
welcoming the baby Is a
brother, David. X. M. Rhyne
of Silverton is the paternal
grandfather and Mrs. 'Anna
Qualey of Silverton is the ma
ternal grandmother. The Qua
ley family will be returning to
Salem in October.
Guesta at Fair Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Morrell, 380 North
14th, have had guests on two
days at the State Fair in their
box seats at. the grandstand.
Last Sunday their guests were
Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Joyce (Na
dis Morrell) and Jimmy of
Hilliboro. and Mr. and Mrs.
'Herbert Swears of Portland.
Thursday their guests were Mr.
and Mrs. C 1 e o d'Autery of
Portland and Russell I. Mor
rell, son of the J. C. Morrells,
also of Portland.
' Vandals Raid Cemetery
Vandals have been breaking
arid damaging tombstones in
Santa Barbara cemetery on re
cent nights, city police report
ed Thursday. They are investi
gating the incidents.
' TJnskirted Someone took
two fender skirts from his car
Sunday night while K was
parked st the fairgrounds it
was reported to city police
Thursday by Fred Feller, Tur- Prices Drop Egg prices
dropped from 1 to 2 cents on
most grades here Friday morn
ing. In the new listing buying
prices are quoted at: AA, 66
cents; large A, 64-67 cents;
medium AA, 48 cents; medium
A, 46-54 cents; smalls, 30-32
cents. In the wholesale list,
grade A are down to 73 cents;
mediums to 60 cents.
Building Permits H. V. Ly
tic to erect a one-story sales
office 2305 North Commer
cial $1600. Russel Whitehurst,
to alter a one-story dwelling,
875 Highland, siuuu.
Friday. September 11
' Stabee Reserve, at Naval and
Marine Corps Reserve training
center. j
galurdav and Sunday. Kept.
Orftaniied Naval Rf.rve squad
ronAAU 892 at Salem Naval Air
Facility. '
Mnndav, September 14
company A. 162nd infantry
reglmerTt, and headquiure de
tach men t, Oregon National
Guard, at Salem armory.
Oregon mobilization designation
deuchment No. 1. at USAR ar-
"orianked Marine Corps re
w wilt at Naval and Marine
Coroa Reserve training center.
MMIhVAR at USAR armory.
Sinpany S. 4IWh ianw regi
ment. Army Reserves, at USAR
FUchola. 1011 Terrere Dr, a oor, eert.
'".f-HtlKlDra-Tn Mr. anil aire.
acHNiiu i woodbura,
Schneider, m- "- -
HOT. Sent. If rwnald
bok i ' t -
Helicopter Steps Stopping
In Salem overnight Thursday
waa a helicopter, which has
been sUtioned at Whidbey Is
land, Wash. The 'copter, a HO
3S, was piloted by Chief R. P.
Granger and was en route
south, for overhaul. It left Sa
lem for the south Friday mor
Go to Portland A number
oi women from the Salem
Women's Golf association were
in Portland Friday for golf
and luncheon at Riverside Golf
ana country club. Those going
Included Mrs. Ivan Marble,
ran. ivennem rotls, Mrs. Rich'
ard Chase,' Mrs. Fred Anun.
sen, Mrs. Orville Lama. Mrs.
Charles Musser, Mrs. Thomas
Watson.' Mrs. Hans Nichola
Mrs. Millard. Pekar, Mrs. Don-
aid Mccarger.
Firemen Meet The month.
ly meeting of the Marion
uounty Fire Fighters assocla.
tion will be held Wednesday
evening at tne main fire sta
tion in aaiem, it was announc
ed Friday.
Boy Injured Lyle Ohoaa. S.
645 South 19th street, suffered
bruises and abrasions Friday
morning when his bike collid
ed with a car near his home.
First aidmen treated the Inju
ries. ,
Auto Recovered An auto
stolen from John B. Lukens.
Portland, was recovered by Sa
lem police early Friday mom
ing from a state iairgrounds
parking lot, they . reported.
- Examination Booked He re
Al J. Crose, real estate com
missioner, has announced that
an examination for real estate
brokers and salesmen will be
held in Salem, September 21.
The Salem examination is one
of a series of examinations
being conducted throughout
western Oregon in which ap
proximately 170 salesmen and
30 brokers are eligible to ap
pear. . -.'!.
Cars Hit Cars driven by
Matilda M. Swenson, Portland,
and Elizabeth Scharjer. 4381
Bailey road, collided Thursday
afternoon as the Swenson car
was coming Out of a parking
space in the 1500 block of Cen
ter street, city police reported.
Both cars suffered suffered
considerable damage but
one was reported injured.
Fire Chief Back Fire Chief
and Mrs. Ellsworth Smith re
turned to Salem Thursday
evening from Tacoma where
he atended a three-day meet
ing of the Pacific Coast-Inter
mountain Association of Fire
Chief Fallon Home Chief
Robert G. Fallon, 864 Manbrin
drive, who underwent an opera
tion at the Veterans Adminis
tration hospital returned to his
home fully recovered. Chief
Fallon is a retired navy officer.
Tax Committee to Meet
The next meeting of the inter
im tax study committee set up
by the 1953 legislature will be
held Monday in Room S79,
Portland office building, begin
ning at 10 a.m. Senator Howard
C. Belton of Csnby, chairman,
will preside.
Fractured Nose William
Paulus, 30, 125 North 23rd
street, suffered a fractured
nose and minor injuries when
his car left the road near South
12th street and Vista avenue
Thursday morning. He was ex
pected to be released from Sa- j
lem General hospital Friday!
Bad Cheeks Charged
George D. Knight, Seattle, waa
arrested by city detectives
Friday morning on a charge of
obtaining money under false
pretenses. He is charged with
passing several bad checks in
Salem. He is being held in lieu
of $2500 bail.
Court at Meeting Members
of the Marion county court
were at Agate Beach Friday at
tending the district meeting of
the Association of Oregon
ThomDsonville. Conn. UR
Aspirin resulted in a headache
for the parents of Lewis E.
Wilbert. Jr.. 2. and his 16-
month-old brother, James. The
boys swallowed 100 tablets be
tween them. They recovered.
Wool t kirts, 11.50 and up,
V. W. C. A. Budget Shop. 182
So. Commercial. Open Fri. and
Mondays, 10 to S 217'
Paint with ilamorizing
Treasure Tones. See our out
standing wallpaper selection.
Chuck Clarke Co., 255 N. Lib
erty. ' 2""
in.- 1natiti available for
competent Dealer Representa
tives. Please contact Watkins
Products Distributor, 1135 So.
Commercial St., 'phone 3-5395,
after Monday September 14th.
Store closed this week only for
annual vacation. 217
r .,,. nrire on all locker
AJVTtl.-. f
and home freezer meats. See
Vista Lockers Deiore you vuy.
Phone 25632. '
Fresh killed young turkeys
to bake or iry. jc puunu
wl.'s Market. 3975 Silverton
Rd. Phone, ai-
Last Day
(Continued from Pat 1)
of 1V52. The 1B53 fieur at
11 a.m. waa 1,766 and a year
before that figure waa 1.600
at tne same time. -
The revue en Thursday top
ped attendance figures for the
aama day last yen with the
1953 figure being 1.781 and
that for 1S53, 3,703.
Out ahead Thursday the
same aa it has been all week
waa the pari mutuel take,
which waa $85,507. Last year
It waa $74,507.. The atten
dance figure for the races was
2.198 this year and laat year
was 2,373.
The rodeo attendance for
Thursday night waa 1,976 and
that same figure a year ago
war 2,220.
More Awards Made '
Thursday Barbara Horning,
North Bend, waa announced
aa the winner of the cham
pionship ribbon In the 4-H
apecial jam and jelly exhibit
contest and a $100 college
scholarship. First alternate
to the college scholarship ia
Dorothy Ann Quint! - of Stan
field and the second alternate
is Frances Pughson of Al
bany. The awarda are made
by the General Foods Corp.
Also announced Thursday
were the winners in 4-H club
forestry, with Gerald Martin,
St. Paul, forestry I and Betty
Jones, Salem, forestry II, get
ting the top blue ribbon
awards and school scholar
Circuit Court
Don kid R. Patm. . Clirne T. OU4
in, prteon rdn: fttiuo writ f
bftbcw eorpu filed.
William ntoB Ptni . Jou ftulh
Fumr. Dtrorc eomplatat, sUlMtni rl
iimi innuman trtMmtnL Usrrltd at Hood
Hirer, Jua 3. 1949.
Adellnt Ksm va Norman LouL. aCina:
Dlvorca 4rert warU plalDtltt cm tod
at two minor h.Wrtn, tit monthly up
port and approvat propartr atttlfmwt.
lona Miw.U va. William P. MtMU: TM-
T9rc complaint, hartlu rutl and In
human treatment. Mart 14 at Horwalk,
CUir, Mot, li, tt.
Jorc B. Hobla n. Jtrima F. Mobli:
OtvoK, complaint, allri'oc rul atfd
Inhuman trtatmiat. Atka euitaor f
thrM minor,, lac monthlr aunnort aad
KUuitmaat of proptrtr llaku. tUcriM
at aalra, Jim 11, Mta,
Clarwca WUllam autton va. atau la.
auaMal Accident Commlaaien: Order rt-
larrina piainwra claim aaek t th 4
rtn4ant eommlaalon which la 4trattc4 to
award alalntlft componaatlon (or total
dliabllitr at tho rata botlnntat Dob. S.
, ono nun Mar 11. itu. eommla
alon olao dlroeud to award latntlff
cDmviniiim jor pormanent partial
dloabllltr ooual to 10 par oont tea
uao of an arm.
Charlaa aavoao wa. lowatta Ha a.
aio: Ordar modlfnaa doeroo roduelaa
nun in, r parmonia rroat aarat at Ilea
atato VI. Solo Konnath Bltak aa4 Iftk,
br Aar atlUwall. Walntf trond lurr
Indictment on charta ot httralarr not
la a ewelllnt. Zltak atntanoed to raara
In panltenUarr and atlllw.u referred
id same eoera roe ra-aentanoo mvaatL.
atato va. Sdmound Btlaer: Ileum to
uuub smim eaaina reieaee from eue-
toccr aa a material wltnaaa.
atato ve. Bdward Varum Jaffrlaa
Judcment ordar hekUnt defendant euiltr
or crime of lareenr end eeatenclnt him
to S jeera In auto arlaon.
Joiaph A. Hopfar va. Lea Ancelea.
aaatle Motor Sxproaa. ot al: Ordar al.
lowtne- motion for eitenatoo of time ac
aaaea or deiendant Motor jmproM.
atato Vnemplorment Conwenaatlsn
CommleRlon va. Jeaale Waaaman. dba
Woodburn Murtlna Roma: comelalnt
aaaklna Judcment of SSM.ft allatedlr due
m unpaid contribution.
Viva arathta Ta. Ttlomaa Leonard
anathen: rjlvorce complaint, alleclne
cruet and Inhamaa treatment. Married
in aaiem Oct. 17. lata. P atnttff Make
cuatodr of two minora, llae monthlir
aupport and requirement that delendant
par all ouutandlnc obllcatlont.
Harriet and Stern a r Morler va. Irene
Rltchan, at al: Ordar claarlnt title to
real propertr.
Katrine H. atchaff va. Jack O. aehaff:
Order of de'auH aatared aaalart da.
Juno A. Taake va. Martin Alel Taate:
DlroTco decree to plaintiff.
atato va. Karrr aucene McFaddan: Or.
der denying motion for revocation of
pronation oi oeiendaat.
Probata Court
Certificate of chance of aama from
Gloria Jean Anderaoa to Olorla Jran
Tt jtnblr.
Julia Oulllck actete: aatate valued at
mu.ii ,
C. Philip Waeka cuardlanahrp: Order
approvlnc acreement between cuardlen
and Marlon Countr Public Welfare Com
Walur R. atantoa aetata: Pinal ordar.
Louie Vllatta aetata: Pinal decree.
Wanda Mar, Clifford and Wi
nona Powera cnardlanthlp: Order au
thorlxlne cuardlan to par doctor'a bill,
purchaeo a blercla and erhool clothlnc
for Clifford Orval Powera.
aiTO Maude Miller cuardlamfalo: Or
der authorlalnc cuardraa to enter Into
laaelnr acreement.
District Court
Lao Ketcham. Salem, aon-iupport. caao
Dale Tltek. Turner, two rhereee of
rnbberv not In a dwclllnc. dlemlaeed en
dlatrtct attornai'a motion.
Bnbbr atllwen. Turner, two eharcea
of biirclarr not hi a dwelllnc. dUmlaied
on dlatrlct attoroey'c motion.
Municipal Court
Clifford Dunn, nan ijOrenao. California,
irlrtnt while lntotlcated, IS5S fine paid.
Howard Pant ehermer, ISeo South Com
mercial atreat, cfcivlnt while tntoxlcatod,
caao taken under advliement antll later
date br Judce Doaclaa Har.
Stobert trio Zcno. Ptouto 1, Indepen-
denre. drtvlnc while Intoxicated arreat,
pleaded Innocent, trial act for October M.
Raid In Ilea of I1M balk
Marriage) License
Albanv Jemea L. Prokop. II. P. TO S,
cio ana 40 Ana atuace. Aioanr.
fra L. aK'odleiton. SI. ronatrnrtlnn
worker. lutene, ano Serena M. Hlr-
nan. . aecrotarv. It! ratlerioa St, aa-
Peter MarelS Meaork. It. ml'l worker. I
at. 1. Oervaia. ana Helen Irene Moore,
11. at home, Rt. 1, Brooke.
Arlen HolmRUat. It. cennerr worker.
at. t, and afariaret Lota. 11, aannerr
worker, 3JS Weet Browning Ave., aaiem.
meal John niter, II. student, at, 1.
Dallaa. and Olorla Jeaa Booklna, SO,
rlere, at. a. Salem.
DoaalS k aaUwar, St, aaS guana B.
President Eisenhower walks with Vice President Nixon
(right) and is escorted by James P. Berkeley (left), the
cathedral verger, as he arrives at Washington Cathedral'
to attend a funeral service for Chief Justice Fred M.
Vinson who died Sept. 8 of a heart attack. (AP Wire-'
photo) , v
2 Escaped Inmates Back
In State Institution
Two escaped inmates were
returned to the Oregon State
hospital . Thursday one of
them less than an hour after
hia escape and the other after
two days of freedom.
Bret Brault, about 25, waa
blamed for several instances
of damage to property in
northeast Salem after hia
escape about 2:30 p.m. Thurs
day. '
He waa apprehended by
city and state police about. 3
o'clock in an orchard near
Hoover school, but in the in
terim was blamed by residents
of ' the area for taking mall
from a mail box in front of
1235 Icel street and tearing it
Tax Levy
(Continued from Page 1)
Total valuation of Marion
county for property tax pur'
poses ia placed at $83,289,638
by Assessor Shelton. This com
pares with $81,139,812 for
1952. ,
The total levy for the coun
ty ia broken down as follows:
county levy, 18. S mills;
schools, 48.3 mills and City of
Salem, 24.1 mills.
The county levy is up 3.01
mills, most of which ia because
of the $250,000 voted by the
people to complete the court
The school levy ia up from
37.1 mills last year to 48 S
mills this year. Salem's mill
age last year waa 23.2 mills aa
compared with 24.1 this year.
The City of Salem's valua
tion has increased from $33,-
583,881 in 1952 to $34,995,450
this year.. The amount to be
raised has advanced from $2,-
528,851. to $3,111,095 during
the same period.'
The tax rate of the various
incorporations for 1952 and
1953 follow:
Aumsville 75.9
Aurora 74.1
Donald 60.2
Gales 44.8
Gervais 104.9
Hubbard 75.7
Idanha 58.7
Jefferson 95.1
Mill City 56.5
Mt. Angel 67
Salem 75.3
Scotts Mills 68.4
Silverton ....... 74 6
Stayton 80.1
St. Paul 68.5
Sublimity ....... 83.3
Turner 91.3
Woodburn 86
$1000 in Jewelry
Filched From Purse
A Salem visitor reported to
police Thursday the theft of
about $1,000 worth of Jewelry
from her-purse while she wss
dancing Wednesday night at 1
local hotel. i
The woman, who asked that
her name be withheld, is visit
ing with a Salem family. She
had left her purse ip the hotel
lounge when she went to dance,
she said.
inursoay morning anw
ticed that the Jewelry was rniss
Ing. She listed-it as a 10-stone
necklace with matching brace
let and ring, valued at $500; a
five-strand pearl necklace val
ued at $300; two pearl pins; a
I nearl hrapelet: a laree stone.
.,uA. ct.auaanlcn
" . .",
1 missing $3 in casn, sne aaia.
Fifty of New Hampshires
blind population of some 900
support themselves snd their
Mudee. 31.
Kobert B.
Davta. Jl
Hlnman. . ind Joan I.
rranran Jonee. II. and ntrerir a. ear
I tea, la, aa of Lebanon.
up, throwing a rock through
a window at 2645 Englewood
avenue and breaking a win
dow from a car with a stick
or club. '
The car of Mrs. W. W. Stif
fier, 2870 Bolton road, was
parked in front of the Albert
Hilke residence, 3183 Moody
avenue. A man came down
the road and swung at the
window with a club, Mra.
Hilke aald, and then ran into
an orchard nearby. .
Authorities seldMt waa hot
definite that Barult was the
person 'who broke the win
dowa, but that it was Quite
definite that he had torn up
the . mail. Postal workers
picked up the mail and turn
ed it over to the owner.
Also returned to the hos
pital was Roy Enberg. 55
Astoria, who waa picked up
by Canby police afte a baker
told them he had given soma
food to a hungry man answer
ing Engberg's description:
Engberg, who escaped Tues
day from ' the tuberculosis
ward of the hospital by Jump
ing down the laundry chute,
told police he had walked
all the way to Canby.
Engberg waa erroneously
reijorted escaping from, the
criminally insane ward in ear
lier atoriea. He la not re
garded aa dangerous, hospital
authorities said.
Army Refutes
(Continued from Page 1)
The Army issued a state
ment which made no direct
mention of McCarthy but was
obviously framed as a reply to
his Wednesday actions.
The statement said the docu
ment entitled "Psychological
and Cultural Traits of Soviet
Siberia" was intended for
limited distribution to intelli
gence offcers "to develop un
derstanding of the Soviet peo
ple which will be militarily
useful in case of war."
At the capitol, McCarthy told
newsmen he had received a
copy of the Army statement
'Neither the Army nor any
other branch of government is
going to hide dishonesty, cor
ruption or communism by put
ting a 'secret' label on it," he
"If they are putting out Com
munist propaganda, they can't
keep it from the public by
stamping It 'secret' or 'restrict
ed' and calling it an indoctrina
tion course."
It said the conclusion, on
pages 74 and 75 of the original
document, declared in part that
the Soviet citizen lives and
works almost like a convict.
These pages were not released
by the senator.
The Army statement quoted
the document as saying:
"As wss noted previously,
such an existence would be in
tolerable to Americans. Amer
ican traditions and beliefs mil-
n.i. . . i . I A..Au faAal nf .nil.
irnment activity in the USSR."
Celilo Indians
(Continued from Page I)
; wi(h 2g large wooden boxes
I full of fish and packed with Ice.
He said SO unfilled boxes were
nearby. I
John C. Veatch, chairman of I
the Oregon Fish Commission,
said, "There has been a good
deal of fish bootlegging in
closed seasons. We decided to
move In on It."
It was not until about 9 p. m.
that the deadlock was broken.
The officials agreed to give up
all the fish to the Indians ex
cept 43 pounds, which police
plan to use as evidence in Row
ley's trial in Justice court here.
With that, the Indians re
moved the road blocks, and po
lice and trucks were allowed to
(Continued from Paaa 1)
Burchett aaid release of the
airmen would have to be ne
gotiated through "diplomatic
channels" but he did not elab
orate. ', " .-. '.','.!
The allied . command ' de
manded Wednesday that the
Reds account for about 3,300
allied troops, 944 of them
Americans, who were known
once to be prisoners, but who
were not released in the re
cent POW exchange.
The communists have Indi
cated they would reject the
demand, but have not said
when they would reply offi
cially. . ... . . . .
S i Regardless of Age, Make or
1 - . 1
Continued from Pao IV
Allan A. Smith, attorney for
tho Pacific Power and Light
company, reviewed what he
termed tho political back
ground of the case and de
clared ' that various moves
made by Sweetland were de
signed to gain publicity and
keep the surcharge issue alive.
"Sweetland failed to take
the stand himself and he pro
duced no witnesses to support
bis charges," Smith declared.
"There ia nothing in the rec
ord to show that any of the
companies had excessive earn
ings available to offset the
emergency steam charges," he
It waa the federal govern
ment, not the power compa
nies, that took the 'calculated
risk' with respect to the re
gion a power supply, Smith as
serted, recalling that large in
dustrial contracts had been
entered into by the govern
ment in face of an uncertain
power situation.
Procedure followed in auth
orization of the surcharge was
well established in regulatory
practice, he aaid, and all testl-
Fischer, who disappeared
last April 7, became one of
the hottest pilots in Korea by
scorning his radar gunslght
and shooting down Red MIG
jets like ducks.
The Red Peiplng radio said
April 9 the. 27-year-old flier
was captured after being shot
down' in a dogfight over Man
churia. Hia wingman last
saw him battling a Red fight
er near the Yalu river boun
dary of Manchuria. .- i
The Reda obviously .were
on a spot in the Fischer case.
they previously had aald they
sent back all allied prisoners
who wanted to go home, yet
their official Peiplng radio
had admitted he was captured
alive. . - , -
j!! iww m
mooy showed that tfc
tion of the compa nier
ty, their practices, ana
expenditures were reasow
and proper.
Summary arguments f o
Portland General Electri
company were ' presented at
the afternoon session by Clar
ence Phillip, counsel for that
firm, to bo followed by Ivan
rebuttal argument, ,....
i, .
Motion Asks
Smith Release
Julius Smith, victim oi a
shooting affray on the Amal
gamated Mining company
property on the Little North
Fork of the Santlam river sev
eral week ago, Friday filed a
motion in Marion county cir
cuit court asking for hi re
lease from custody.
Smith Is being held as a ma
terial witness in the case of .
the a talc versus Edmound
Kizer, who is charged with
assault with a deadly weapon.
Smith was seriously wound
ed by a ahotuun blast but was
placed in jail after be had re
covered. In his motion he
states that he desires to re
turn to work for hia employer,
J. P, Hewitt He state no
charges have been filed against
him. .
Square Dance
-U 4-H ILDO,
ADM. 74c
It fewefl
I oapanwoa eaaef
5 P.M. - 9 P.M.
k - "
. j i.
; ;
3 a
1 .
I . i
1 '
1! ,
lit .
tor, ap. is.
4 -. a".