Mday, September 11, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea, Orafoa COMING TO CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER AT r t ' f i . .:i (:-.v ife i Deimond, the magician, a famoui conjurer, will ap pear at the Capitol Shopping Center's ichoo) days drawing next Monday evening, Sept. 14 at nine o'clock. Uilng much audience participation, Desmond performi unusual feats with live baby chicks and animals which he gives to children in the audience at the close oi the performance. He also does "close up" magic, with many surprises. The drawing will be the last of the current aeries Chief prize to be awarded will be a TV set, with many (Other prises. The grand drawing which will close the School Days event will be held Saturday, Sept. 19 at 6 p.m. A Hillman-Minx auto and several other prizes will be awarded at thia time. Hard Work Gets Blind Man Through Exams Portland W George Ho weiler, 42, blind since his sight suddenly failed him in a Wash ington state high school class room, Is eligible to open a law office with his wife as part ner. 'Ti.e two were among those listed Wednesday as passing the Oregon State bar examination. They studied for the tests in night classes at Northwestern College of Law here while both held full-time Jobs. Howeiler Is supervisor of social and edu cational services for the Ore gon Commission for the Blind. Mis wife teaches at a Portland high school. "She had to read to ma for four years so I could get through the course," he said, "It took lot of nights and week-ends but we think it was worth it." .-- . ' A reader helped Howeiler McKay Dates Chicago Talk Secretary of the Interior Douglas McKay will be among speakers at the conference for mid-western and southern Re publican women In Chicago on September 18 and 19, it Is learned by Salem friends. Miss Bertha Adkins, assist-! nt to the Republican national chairman, has announced the program' with McKay one of the speakers. The conference is one of four regional ones being conducted through the country for Re publican women leaders. Post master General Arthur Sum merfield, Leonard Hall, Repub lican national committee chair man; and U- S. Senator Everett Dirksen of Illinois, chairman of the Republican national senatorial campaign commit tee, all are on the program for talks at Chicago, too. with the state bar tests but he typed the answers himself. The Howeilers met while at tending Eastern Washington College of Education at Cheney in the mid-1930s. After gradu ation they became school teachers and were married. Howeiler took post-graduate work at Columbia University in New York. Howeiler's sight began to fail during the six years he taught in Canogan, Wash., county! schools. Finally, after several1 operations, total blindness i came one day in 1945 while he was conducting a high school class at Molson, Wash. The couple moved here, took their present Jobs and began their law studies. v , Howeiler said Thursday they plan to open a law office, prob ably here, when his wife com pletes her teaching contract. Aid Asked by Polio Chapter The Marlon County chapter of the National Foundation for ; Infantile Paralysis has out standing bills totaling 8,- 628.68 and has nothing in the1 treasury with which to meet them. This was disclosed during a conference of chapter officials held Thursday night at the Senator. Application has been made! to the National Foundation to tide the local chapter over the emergency. Mrs. Fae Lefor, superin tendent of nurses at Salem Memorial hospital, and Dr. I Robert F. Anderson, physician and surgeon, will be sent to a Los Angeles clinic October 21 29 to view the latest methods of treating polio patients. Upon their return it Is expect ed a training program for vol unteer workers will be con ducted. Much of the volunteer work j will probably take place in the homes of polio victims rather than in hospitals. The local chapter is heeded by Elmer Church as president and Mrs. Albert C. Gragg as secretary. Boy Plays With Gun; Dies in Hospital Belvedere, Calif. OP) Peter Lamont, 10, found the .38 cal ibre revolver of n'j stepfather, Deputy Sheriff Sherry Gray wood. Then he found a bullet, in serted it, and pointed the gun at his face. A playmate warned, "Don't do that, Peter! It might go off." It did. Peter was rushed to a hospi tal where he died last night , AMERICA'S MtilModmlHcsM CAPITAL Of I ivui tfirtyPitlT 181 N. High SALEM VENETIAN BLINDS UMAIUUDUDWEKYSHO MO J. 21st St, NMM2M39 WHY SUFFER? USE Schaefer's CORN . REMEDY C No relief, AelC No pay. SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Oaea Daily 1:M AM.- . aondays AM. - 4 TM. 115 N. Commercial rhene 1-51S7 . v Msj.mssesniBSissiaiBs X 1 SJSSSSSM Dl?NTMlr7VfQ 1WN. lrWtSt.,Selem,Orea.osi I ' JCwSISJmJU3 Open at 9 a.m. During Fair Week t ' JV i i ii ... irr& i I L00X, FELLAS! EXTRA r 7- o o ! HEAVY HOCKMEYER !f-rV ; VTA ; CREAM 5'CORDS" r Genuine ouede Leathers MtiwHr . " " . VTTJ. "V:"."! 7 5!A r. -v :r- i sryieo witn connnuout woisr - I 0 S V ban 4 , reversed pleats, I f) I dropped bolt loops, xlpper ' J front. Bott of oil they're V completely wathoblt. ' ' MAIN FLOOR i :., ' ' i 11 i i witn lustroat rayon saun a II rLil I linings, have snug knitted I l I I . , fT ; 1 enfft, collar and wtist- I I I I V. I bands. CkooM your favor. j II I I ' J(f I iu shade at Penney'a now. I II III' IV I " ' ' 1 - Siit36U46. . I I II W I ii tTDPr PABir-iKi rnv niiff riicrniLirDC i nasi Wm -w w r sr asr r s sc rll . SHOPPER'S CAR PARK f") I S. High mt Perry t (Wl f v MARION CAR PARK I S. Commercial and Ferry I Aalr ... uIhumu Sa MlUato wauv mmrkimm tfhatlc fr I H I hour free I FALL TERM OPEMS HONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 NIGHT SCHOOL SEPTEMBER 14 COURSES OFFERED,: Aocountinr stfnojrsphle Bu.iinm Adv. v.vniiv Sprrftarial 8KUrial Offire MwhinM i.t 'h-iiah . tin coursM for quick employment ... t.hM nnnntH lor na rir-iiw""" yoing men. Free Placement Service i- . .hnrtJlf mere u "n"" - of well-trained office person nel Our Placement Depart ment receive many more at tractive one flrms than can be filled. Gov ernment offices W. urgently need stenographer and sc- counuinu. WHO ATTENDS? . . 1 ..iiaa fpfsTTI HISm JKrOOl RliUS.. mrl iWUrfsl eUld COTH- mfrcial eounw. . . College - women, who need to acquire butnes lt.1Us-.. ,. k -i.h jinplovea vn-pic jo change to businea careers or to earn pruunw . Married women, widowa and 4-w h uhriitnlin Snbuslnew skills and return to otnee wora. H h Time 1e Realtter To make sure of a place, to get part-time wm living accommodation. It Is advuaom w - lnfrm"n and recitation. HERITT DAYS SCHOOl OF COMMERCE -.. Fhene 11415 gWExgFair Week FEATURE! SHOE PEUIIEY'S HAS WHITE POPLIU JACKETS Taw scardr Jaeketo are built to take pint? W reug-fc '" ... ami tmr era washable, -That aaeans savlaijr om ! -lug bills! TrMtesf so jwelet ahewera ... hmrm mnmf ablr red elastie as sldea, side tip per pockets, asid pleated backs enow irviu moMim SUIT7. MAIN FLOOR Look Fellas! Genuine Shell Cordovan Heavy Sole Oxfords Specially crafted for comfort and long-wearing value! Made of the finest quality shell cor dovan leather, all-leather eoa struetion. Dursble double thick leather sole. Sanitised, gisee 11, B-C-D. H375 Many Other Styles, Too! DOWNSTAIRS STORI GENUINE HORSEHIDE FLIGHT JACKETS Soft, supple Jackets of geno ine horsehtde, rayon lined te resist any kind of weather! Penney's has them In rich , brown and deep cordovan! Two-way pockets. Slses 16- ts. MAIN FLOOR 75 Combed Cotton ARGYLE SOCKS w Wear Penney's colorful, fine oualltr argvles for comfort, good looks, lent service. Big sasortment of new fall colors. Sites 10-13. MAIN FLOOR Jrever "rj 1 Warm I Jackets L(o) OnlyVU Sizes 3646 100 reprocessed' weel en e idol Water repellent twill en the ettierl Almost tike hsving lu jsckeU tn onel w est-it with the smooth wool meltoe side out ... it's wsrm ss tosst! Wesr it till .ill out .. . it's shower repellent! Sivled wilh.smsrt rsglsn sleeves, knitted cuffs, collsr, wsistbsnd, has practical snap front! Maroon, royal, kelly, nsvy, blsck melton with eon rsiting color twilf! Sises J646, MAIN FLOOR " 81 B"' I 'f 1 V (Over the Man sl"!i