jW Pan THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregon Friday, September 11. 1953 m n t sufii sj lriinia ivjmflVWwmmmiiM In The Valley Edited by HIKE FORBES Detroit Dayton Dayton - Mr. Neil Trim mail waa hostess to tba Chris tian Fellowship guild recent- ly. Mn. Robert Coburn, pres ident presided over the meet lag. Mrs, Kenneth Pomeroy led the devotloni and Mn.- Carl Xasaka hed the lesson study. Mra. Robert Mulkejr became new member. Eddie Clow, Stanley Borgin, Hale Hendrtekton and John Becker of Balem enjoyed the week-end at the Malheur Cave meeting of Masonic lodgei at Burnt. Xarle Coburn Joined the party of huckleberry picken, Mr. and Mr.i. Ernett Budke and font Paul and Jimmy, and Mra. Walter Hough and tom Mike and Jimmy. The group left Sunday evening for High Rock and returned Monday ev ening. The got a lot of large berriee at their reward. M-Sgt and Mra. Ruisell Had ley and three children, of Spo kane, Wath., arrived last week, being called here by the terloui Illness of hie father, UHer Had' ley. .... - Mr. and Mn. Harry Sherman had aa overnight guetti Tue. day evening, hia eeiuin, Donald Hundred oftnterettipfl and educational exhibit Ww MJ aW w AW 2 f WW llAf -am reman.!- Scemmon, and a friend, Cbarlet Simmermsn, of Loi Angeles. They had been on a Canadian tour and were on their way back to California. - George Orndorff left last week for Boise, Idaho, to spend the winter. His wife and three children will remain here with her sister, Mrs. Neva Robinson. Mrs. Orndorff Is an operator for the telephone company1 in McMinnville. Bill Sherman arrived home from Ketchikan, Alaska, Sun day, after a few weeks of em plrymest there. Harry Reeder, who has been with Bill, will come home next week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fogard of Klamath rails visited In the Earle Coburn home Saturday. Mrs. Fogard Is a stepdaughter of Mrs. CUretta Donaldson. Miss Bsrbee Sherman left Monday for her new position as third grade teacher In the For est Orove grade school. Several couples attended the wedding of Miss Joan Frink and Robert Hughes Sunday af ternoon in McMinnville. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mra. Virgil Frink. Mr. Frink was a druggist here many years ago. The first fall meeting of El ecta chapter No. it, O.E.S., was held Tuesday evening, Sept. 8, with Mr. and Mrs. Iddle ciow. W.M. and WP., presiding. VhM. ...... .. tf.MM Sheridan chapter. Amity chap ter, as a group, could not come, but hopes to be present In the neer future. Eleetra chapter hes been In' vited to Amity en Sept. 81 as guests. 1 A degree was given to the members of Sheridan chapter by the Star points. Refreshments were served, after which group, singing was enjoyed. BED BOSSES SCORED Berlin, (V-The West Berlin Teleiraf said Thursday East German Communist Party boss Welter Ulbricht and Secret Police Chief Ernst Frledrlch Wollweber have received a Russian tongue lashing regard ing the defeat of the Reds in West Germany's election. All newborn babies' eyes are blue. I MN.MM.SOV 'MTIfttWSf DAYS SNITCS JEAN HOFFMAN Pianist Extraordinary IZIiattuc'jJ Detroit Holiday activities for many Detroit residents cen tered around the state fair at Salem. Among those attending from this section of the North Santiam canyon were Mr. and Mrs. Starr Reed and children, Douglas and Allison, who, with Salem friends, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Jacobson and son, Tim. my, made the rounds of the grounds Saturday. Sunday found Mrs. Rose Mermlllion, Mrs. Jim Glebeler and Mrs. Guy Moore part of the fair crowd. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cook, the Alvin Coopers and children. Sandy and Peggy, of Mill City, and Mr. and Mrs. Floy Canas ter (Mra. Cook's niece), of Cor- vallls, attended the exhibit Monday. The Canasters were house guests of the Cooks Sun day night Monday was fair day for the Frank Moore family and their guest, Mrs. Melanle Bertkua, of Bakersfleld, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. John Meals were visitors at the state fair last week-end. - Mr. and Mrs. Glen Nemcheck were In Hood River the past week-end, where they visited Mr. Nemcheck's daughter. Guests at the Idanha home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P.' Howard last week - were Mrs. Howard' nephew. Charles Scrlbner, of Cheyenne, wvo.. and ner sister, Mrs. Olive Pedro of peruana The group was Joined by Mrs, Pedro a husband Friday, sat- urday and Sunday found them enjoying deep sea fishing at NewDOrt. Mrs. Howard plans to spend the coming week at ner nome In Portland, where the will participate In lodge activities. The Howard Deans enter tained guests over the holiday week-end, when they were joined by Mrs. Dean's parents, Mr. and Mra. E. E. Wirt of Cot tage Grove. Mr. Dean s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Howard, and Mrs. Helen or ris, all of Eugene, were visitors et the Dean horn also. The Howards and Mrs. Norrit left Monday to attend the state fair. While Jn Salem, they planned to apend tome time visiting Mr. Norrls at the tuber culosis hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William Gab riel and infant son, Kim, of Sweet Homo, were week-end guests at the home of Mrt. Gab riel's parents, Mr. . and Mrt. Chick" Mason. . Mrs. Hllmar Dickie has been called to the home of the H. G. Whites at Eugene to .care for Mrs. White, who fractured her shoulder recently. Mr. White is a brother of Mrs. Earl Par ker of Detroit. Otto Ruasell hat commercial fishing is a possible source of income. A California visitor at the home of the Frank Moores, at the Detroit ranger station, la Mrs. Moore a mother, Mrs. Mel anle Bertkau,- of Bakersfleld; who will be their guest for tew weeks. Mrs, Moore's sis ter, Mrs. Ed Champness, will complete the small family gathering when she, her hus band, and daughter, Melanie, arrive next week for a short visit. Falls City Falls City Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Feruson's three-year-old ton fell out of their car, en route to Dallas from Falls City and cracked two verte brae in his neck, but while the X-ray pictures showed the break, the doctor did not think it necessary to put a east on the child. He was in the back seat and opened the door, falling onto the roadway. Hops on the Otis Foster ranch are being picked this week. Arley Holt is yard boss. Mrs. Foster will teach in the Kings Valley school system this term. Her school began on Sept. B She will teach third, fourth, fifth and sixth grsdes. Recent vltitort at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Frink were Robert Farley and wife and daughter, Mrs. Bill Hatch"- er, her husband and three chil dren of Orland, Calif. They came to take their aunt, Mrt. Jessie Hale, home. Mrs. Hale has been visiting her sister, Mrs. ' M. L. Thompson, through the summer. Little Nadine Pierce, who has vacationed at the home of her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrt. Charles Joslin, was taken to Portland Thurs day and put aboard a plane for her return trip to her home in Anchorage, Alaska, This is Nadine'a third trip by plane alone. Mrs. Maude Pizzutl, whe taught the lower grades at Bridgeport last year, and who had been hired to fill the same appointment again this year, resigned and Mrs. John (Glad ys) Doran of Oakhurst will teach in her stead. Mr. and Mrs. John Teal were given' a . trip of nearly 1000 milet by their ton, Orval, in hit new car, over the La bor Day vacation period. They drove to Portland early Saturday morning and met Darlene Lenhert taking her with them to Motet Lake, Wash., where they visited at the home of Mr. and Mra. Clarence Lenhert and drove through the neighboring onion, Aurora Aurora The autumn schedule of services at Christ Lutheran church, Aurora, be gan Sunday, Sept. 6, the pas tor, the Rev. L. C. Llekauf, an nounced. Church school start ed at Hi am. and divine services at 11 a.m. A call was issued for all Lu ther League members to at tend the first fall meeting. The Aurora League la ached uled to entertain the fall rally of Luther Leagues in .October, and plans for this session will be discussed. Membere and friends of Pil grim Holiness church at Aa rora gathered recently to re pair and redecorate the church ceiling. Another redecorating session is scheduled for the near future, '.he Rev. Bruce Chamberlain announced. The church recently was re. roofed as part of a long range program to Improve the Church plant. r China City -i OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK DAILY 4:30 P.M. TO 2 A.M. SAT. 4:30 P.M. 10 3 A.M. SUN. 2 P.M. TO 11 P.M. ' Speelajllttnf In Chinese and American Feed Order to Go... Phone 2-2117 LARGE PARKING AREA S. COMMERCIAL sugar beet and watermelon returned farms. One nelahbor had told I from a trip to Alaska, where he 56 tont of watermelons and had intended to file a home- they couldn't be missed as tney steading claim near cook s in- were still very tmck 'on uie ground. The price was gio.oo let Mr. Russell will make an other trip soon for further in vestigation before filing on a claim. Ha atatet that there it no commercial timber available on homestead lng land on the Kent Peninsula. Besides the territory at Cook's Inlet, land is available at Homer, about J40 miles south of , Anchorage, where WUTERH STYLE DANCING Dince It Ik tank el fat Wish Wktelan evert aajM. Seuert tint inf Jetwari . .Milk so. MurtiTi Tt Ml 4-H lld. State Fair TONIGHT! :;iSSKSL ""ife' ef Beef Roast HAMS ")CfR1BEH! lk23 IS or Whole lk" u.69 Pound 29 : WWr I Short Ribs PICNICS , ' C "15' qo, J GROUND U. taily RFFP U Fraten Park Lain 77-T I n i ROAST Swiss Sttak I yiEt? ... , MirNVVVr a-lk. r.ten SIRLOIN AND CD VCD C Rib Steak S&W COFFEE l'KT tK u35' l, 79c Tf ner ton. The reunion of the Whitlaw family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carson Sundsy. Among things of Interest that were done during the day waa the taking of a five gen erations picture, the subjects were Mrs. Cora Whitlaw, who is 88 year old; Mrs. Mae Whit law Carson, Mrs. wniuaws daughter, Mrs. Carson's son, Clarence Young of Corvallis, , and his daughter, Mrs. Barbara Montgomery 01 uweei numc, and Barbara's little daughter, Debra, who It past . seven months old. Jav and Vera Catteel were transacting business in Falls City Thursday. They are as sistant manners of a 62-unlt motel In Portland. Nadine Pierce wat given a combined birthday and going awav oartv Sent. 2, at the home of her grandmother. Mrt. Charles Joslin, the day being Nadine't 8th birthday. A pink and white cake, bak ' ed for the occasion by the lit tle girl'a aunt, Irene Doner, wat served. Aurora Mrs. Ezra Hurst and Mrs. Hattie Ehlen spent Labor day weekend at the home of Mrs. Hurst's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clsrenee Woodhouse at Sher wood, returning home late Monday evening. Labor day guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wurster were Mr. and Mrs. Otis Nelson and grandchildren, Ronnie and Lonnle Nelson of Longvlew, Wash. Additional house guests at the Wurster home are Mrs. Wurster't sisters, Mrs. Dora Giety of Portland and Mrs. Ida Garrett of Butteville. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Nelson of Longvlew, Wash., recently sold their home in' the Washington city and are planning to re turn to Oregon very shortly, expecting to locate in Salem, where their son, Lloyd, is em ployed. Mrs. Jennie Ziegler and her son, George Ziegler of Barlow, spent Labor Day at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hurst and family. Edmund Snyder of Portland visited his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrt. Jamet Smith. eently for Florence where the will teaeh this year. Mr. and Mra. Royal Tartar have leased the upper floor of the Riha apartmente on Wood son and Oak St, and are moving this week. Steve Meeker and hit sister, Scharett Meeker of Sacra mento. Calif., were recent guests at the home of tneir uncle and family, the P. E. Meekers. They came up for the wedding of their cousin, Kenneth' Meeker and M.ss June Elaine Stone. They also visited In Salem and Wood land, Wash. Webfoot Webfoot Mrs. Susie Mar tens of Dallas, sister of Marion Sitco of Webfoot, it greatly benefited by the recent opera tion for removal of a cataract from her eye. Painting oi the exterior of the Jack Downey farm resi dence in the Webfoot district is in progress. Hit brother, Lex ton Downey of Dayton, it doing the work. Mr. and Mrt. August Swan- son of Sheridan and her aister, Mrs. Ames Holdredge of Web foot district, were Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Roberts. Mrs. Sandy Anderson and ton Fred An derson, of Toledo, were Friday night guests at the same home, Amity Amity Gene Newman left Salem Sunday morning, Sept. 8, for Los Angelet, Calif., where he will regitter at Los Angeles Bible institute for spe cial missionary training. A group - of young people from the Conservative Bap tist church, McMinnville, gave a farewell party recently for Gene. The group drove to DeLake for a beach party. He wat pretented with a pair of copper bookendt. His parents accompanied htm to Salem and spent the dsy and evening there attending serv ices at the First Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Newman attended the wedding of their nephew, Jon Jackman to Jeanine McCormlck in Port Ian drecently at the Mission Crop Harvest To Be Viewed Sllverton Jonas J. Byberg, head of the Sllverton manufac turing firm producing modern industrial machinery lor spe cialized crops, left Thursday evening by plane lor jsoue, Idaho, to remain for several days on a tour of inspection of the results in tne vegetame crop harvesting with his equipment Mr. Byberg It making the business visit to Idaho at this time at the request of a num ber of the larger growers of ir rigated crops, the harvesting of which it now at the peak. These growers are utilizing, many of the Byberg produced machine harvesters of onions and other vegetables for which the Boise area is noted. Stale St. Road Paving .Asked Young Burglars Under Arrest Lebanon Theft of 28 hub caps from, autoa In Lebanon used car lota waa cleared this week through Joint efforts of city police at Lebanon and Sweet Home, state police and the theriff'i office, report Ben Scheele, Lebanon police chief. The ccps were reported stolen Monday morning from Anderson's Oldmobile, U and R Pontiac agency and Wentworth- Naah. All but four caps have been recovered. Police aaid the thefts weredmitted by four boys, all under 18 years of age. They also were cnarged with burglar izing the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Landon in Sweet Home Saturday night. The place was ransacked and $70 waa missing. One of the youths was cap tures at Sacramento, Calif. where he Is being held. The other three boys were picked up in Linn county; all have been formally charged in dis trict court with burglary, and one is now out on f 1000 bail. All four will probably be re manded to Juvenile court Two nave already appeared there. Police report the boys all live in the Sweet Home area. te tiu t ee Beasts O'Ceaaer "FRANCIS COVERS THE RIG TOWN" and Dm Tartar ' "WUlf msm mutr ' Celer by Technical? Bethel At the Monday night meeting of Bethel local of the Farmers Union a move ment was started to ask the Marion County Court to Im prove the East State street road, commonly known as the Pen Road. It was asserted that this road earriea very heavy traffic and is badly in need of widening and resurfacing. Warren Creech was appointed to head a committee on the matter. New members voted into the organisation were Glen A. Ho- ven, James K. Gwynn, Tom R. Burton, all of Salem, Rt. S. Reports on agriculture were pretented. Linda Chapman, who wat sent to Junior State eamp at Camp Adams, under the auspices of Bethel local, told of the activities there. A cooperative report showed 10 per cent Increase in busi ness during the year at the Farmers Union cooperative store. This wat regarded fav orably at It wat ttated that many butinesses are reporting less volume. Entertainment at the meet ing consisted of colored slides shown by 11a Mae and Carl Raetz of Oregon scenes and sports activities. Mr. and Mra. Jamea Lauderback were In charge of serving. Monmouth Monmouth Mr, and Mrt. Harold Briggs and family have moved to Salem where he has employment. Mrs. Blanche Mogul and two children, Mra. Darwin McCar- ty and Darta, returned Mon day from a visit with relatives In Aberdeen, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bennett and Lois are now at home af ter spending several weeks at their ranch near Burnt Woods. Guy Foltz is recovering slowly from Injuries received when he fell at his work at the mill a DaUat. He suffered a fracture of the left arm and head injuries. Mr. and Mrt. Herbert Little, Gilbert and Janice, of Kinzua, tpent the week end with her father, Jasper, Willett. On Sun day they , and Willett attended the wedding of Louite Matter and Marlon Putman at-the First Methodist church in Sa lem. -The bride is a grand daughter of Willett and niece of Mrt.. Little. Gilbert and Janics LitUe will enroll at OCB for the fall term, he for hia senior year and she for her first year. ACORNS PROM THE WITH DEL. MILNE Kindly Not. The Oak Room Visitors at the Pair will be glad to know that here hi the Oak Room (located fat the Marlon note!) we serve the best charcoal barbeejued Prime Rlba au Jua on i coast People tell us our steaks are "out of this world' and the baitequed ham to aomethlne te behold. tS. It you win at the races you will also win by investing some of those winnings m the Oak Room. sUnlar Prices Flat tt fee Viewers . 3 DIMENSION "CHARGE AT FEATHER RIVER" aba "WHITS GODDESS m HIM ! , UIISH CAItiNi, HISMWAT ff GATES OPEN :il SHOW AT T:ll NOW. THRU SAT! 3 UNIT SHOW (Bttnlsr Prices Plus Ac for l-D Viewers) "BUD ABBOTT LOUCOSTELLO 60 TO MAM" Al Uvyd Brtflie Mvie Windsor la "The Till Texan" and 3rd Dimension Yoa've Hoard About It . . . Now Bee It In "A DAY IN THE , COUNTRY" TONIGHT (Friday) Oar Big All Color '4 meat 4-eete OATE8 OPEN l:U SHOW AT 7:11 . NOW -THRU SATt I Reservations now being taken for the Fashion luncheon Sept. U. 2 TOP COLOR HITS! (First Return Showing , Bewiar Priest!) c::i Mni 91 VBttfUt trsalk9l9w Alto ory Calhoun Corinnt Calrst In "Powder River" I Covenent church. A rut-on. Those present were the guettltion w1 h,,d , ,ht thurch of honor, Nadine Pierce, Bar- ptrlori Quantities GeJ While Supply latrs ED'S aWIABKET FREE DELIVERY On Orders Qvar $4.00 Of EN 7 DAYS A WEEK ... 1 7 A.M. tw 1 A.M. 1110 S. 12th St. Ph. 26401 bara Powers, Charlene and Pamela Reeves, Freddy and Linda Dornbecker and Na dine't two cousins, Lonnle and Dennis Lorlmor. Miss Darlene Jonet left re- mt FOR FINE FOOD fcHT Chinese H md American COME TO Ml PLACB Chinese Tea Garden Right Oewa s'ewa Ill's No. remmtrelal wetweaa state Court St Air Conditioned New Showing Open I AS "THE DESEBT BONO" Tochnloolor Hilary Orayiea Oordoa MaelUo ' Tethnlcolor Co-Mil "THE VANQUISHED Joha Payne Jaa Sterling HOLLYWOOD KIDS MATINS Tomorrow 1:M te 4 .ft p.sa. CARTOONS SERIAL Spools! riatlnae Peetarti "Al'TSy a THE MOUNTTES" Oaae Autry A Ckaapien Aloo Benson's BlrthAay Cake lor Undo Hattl. Sharoa Parker, CharloM Brown, Dutone Dav it. Either Been. Keith Brows. LIIUo Hayot, Barbara BUMolU RaoaoU Elliott. Jtnaiy awrlll. mmitnm mainera, noetrtt Do weaoa, Balrh Rawllno, Caret Johmeti, Mart OrWooiMrM, Chrta rtokom. Roaalo MoX. Sins, toons r Ottoman, Cherlea nou, won. io rortar, Allan Car rier, Jo Ynl. STARTS TODAY! The Beauty and The Outlaw! 5 6 x ? I 'Mi' -vi eMT Mir Him With a P a W 10 4 lit y e-eTECHNICOlOR ANSCO COLOR AMTHONY C'KllRT KiSZHU ALSO That WoMdarftil Star of "Raman Helidey" Audrey Hepburn In "SECRET PEOPLE" and Tonight (Friday) Our All Color Cartoon Carnival 'Junior iensitoro" ton, tor AND tins' 0NLY t)901 ! '.A'-iV'-'srV-V- v.'.jfs:' - v t v - - -.'.1 .x ' C',.ODtSVf ) v ,HyErf -tT,,'a JJ 'v tap vv .rw -y- 176 N. Liberty OTIS PBItAT NIGHT TIL I t V - f r. . . o - ..: .;:ri