Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 11, 1953, Page 16, Image 16

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    tf XI
m CAPITAL JOURNAL, laltae, Oregr
rridy. Sapttmbtr 11, 1953
-' V,lli.:w,l jpii i
3 Acrobatic Generations
Back of 2 Amin Brothers
Thcrt't three generatioat of
acrobatic training behind the
balancing aet of the Am In
brothers, Mustafa and Abdou,
that on mi at the nifbt revue
at the State Fair.
Theie 4-H Club member from Washington county won
the Grand championship at the Oregon State Fair Thurs
dry for the but herd exhibited by any one club. They are
from left, Jo Even, Janice Inglei, Joan Ireland, Marilyn
Ireland and Jess McNiel, all of Foreit Grove. McNeil if
ahowing a heifer owned by Joe Ever.
Tvo Grand Champions
Dominate Beef Judging
An Angus cow and a Here
ford cow, each grand entropion
of their breed and prominent
in showmanship, contests, do
minated FFA beef judging at
the State Fair yesterday.
Jim Coffield of XsUcada,
owner of the Angus, used her
for the showmanship contest
winning the. grand champion
ship. The Hereford, owned and
shown by Glen Wagner of Me
Minn villa, helped him to win
the reserve : champion show
snonabip award.
Judge Dick Richards com
mented that he noted the Here
ford cow was a bit nervous
during the showmanship con
test Inquiry revealed that she
might ' have - been worrying
about a wee calf the left back
In the stock -barn. Richards
said he thought he should take
this fact Into consideration un
til be was Informed that the
Angus had left two calves be
hind. Junction City chapter was
awarded the new beef herd
plaque donated by the First
National Bank of Portland.
David Warren, Shedd, was
made champion FFA sheep
showman In sheep Judging con
cluded late yesterday. John
Clark of Independence-Mon
mouth chapter was champion
showman of the long wool di
vision. Jack Humphrey ox Car-
vallia had the champion fat
. Jamb or the fourth straight
time in a rather slender show
in of Jet lambs. Don Papke,
Turner, won the aged Romney
wo class; as well as the Rom
ney owe blue ribbon. Howard
pear of Turner showed ' the
first priao Columbia ewe lamb.
Bob Banick, Brooks, took all
fsrst placet with Hampshires.
Along with attendance, egg
production at the fair It bit
odor last year. Poultry de-
Mttsaent statisticians say the
BSO chickens, an undetermined
number of which are roosters.
tn yielding about 16 eggs per
Albany Damage Suit
Sstfasnt Made
Albany All evidence was
In, arguments had been com
pleted and the Jury had retir
ed at the conclusion of the
$22,000 damage ease of Ray
Clyde Nelson vs. William D.
Fartch in circuit court Wed
nesday night.
When court convened
Thursday Judge Fred Mc-
Henry, presiding, dismissed
the case when apprised that a
settlement had been reached.
The trial started Tuesday.
Outside the courtroom it
was reported that a settlement
of $8300, to be paid by the de
fendant to the plaintiff, had
been agreed upon.
The case arose from a col
lision near Sweet Home Jan.
11, 19S2, between cart driven
by the two litigants, as Nelson
was near the entrance of a
driveway. Nelson contended he
had cleared the roadway but
Partch claimed he had not
Seoul (M-President Syng
snan Rhee fired two cabinet
ministers Thursday on charges
of falling to carry out their
day. Output of some ISO hens
In the 4-H division is unknown
since their eggs are picked up
by the youthful owners.
For the third straight year
Bob Barnes of Monroe won the
4-H sheep shearing contest,
but slightly wounded himself
in the process with a mis-
stroke of the shears. However,
both his sheep came through
unscathed and he won going
away with a score of 81 points.
Henry Williams of Klamath
Falls scored 76 points and
second place; third went to
Glen Klock of Multnomah. He
scored 73.5 points.
Leonard McCaleb Judged a
select showing of Angora goats.
Both the buck and doe purple
ribbons went to Cecil Springer
of Harlan. Other first place
winners included Russel Alsip
of Monmouth and Dan Spring
er, Harlan.
Judging for the 1893 State
Fair ended with the 4-H dairy
competition. Eugene Fisher of
Albany showed the champion
Jersey; Frank Maynard of Mc
Mlnnville, champion Guernsey;
Joe Even, Forest Grove, cham
pion Holsteln; Beth Gessiord,
route 1, Box 218, Portland,
champion Ayrshire; Harold
Berger, HUlaboro, champion
Brown Swiss ana ueorge nan
dall, Salem, champion Milking
The calves of th annual
Holsteln Calf Selection Day
had a rather indifferent recep
tion, though they were priced
reasonably, two were left tin
selected. Only one went to a
veteran. Nick Sumlch, Blach-
ly, bought a Grimes brothers
heifer tagged at $273.- two
went to FFA boys. Amity
chapter bought a C.R. Evans
calf at $160; Scio chapter paid
$249 for an A. P. Ireland calf.
4-H buyers were: Larry.
Coate. Harrisburg, $270 to
Benton Farm, Creswell; James
ingles. Forest Gtovo, $20 to
Rudy Lurcher, Tillamook;
Douglat Krueger, Portland,
$229 to John Dllly,- Gary
Krueger, Portland, $200 to
John Dllly: LeRoy Van Donv
leu. Forest Grove, $240 to A.
P. Ireland and Robert Krue
ger, $225 to Van Baver.
One of the largest contests
of the livestock division will be
conducted Saturday when 400
FFA boys will take part in
dairy, beef, swine, sheep and
poultry Judging.-The winning
team of eacb section will go to
the national contests In Kansas
City, Mo., and Waterloo, la.
Oregon Swine Growers held
a meeting yesterday afternoon
and set Feb. 6, 1S94 as the date
of the -annual bred gilt sale
at the State fairgrounds. Their
annual meeting will be No
vember 12 at the Senator ho
tel, Salem.
Lebanon Asks
Harvest Help
Lebanon Another urgent
request for bean pickers in this
section was made Thursday by
officers of the Lebanon state
employment office. They say
300 to 400 more persons are
needed Immediately.
One ' field has completed
picking, but others are reach
ing peak harvest Coupled with
this is the lack of workers.
csused by attendance at state
fair, and the opening of many
rural schools this week.
A need will also exist Mon
day for prune and blackberry
Robbery Suspects
Taken fo Court
Albany Brouaht before
District Judge Wendell Tomp
kins Wednesday to answer to
charges of robbery while arm
ed, Louis StogsdUl of Shedd
was still without services of
counsel to Judge Tompkins
appointed Ray Matt hies to de
fend him.
Mrs. Lottie Stoasdill. his mo.
thcr, charged with being an
accessory to last week's hold
up of a Peoria trocerv store
by her son, was without serv
ices of an attorney. Judge
Tompkins named Robert Me-
Kechnle to defend her.
The court continued the
case for later docketing.
Trade Facts
Are Available
Businessmen in Salem now
have ready access locally to
needed trade promotion inform
ation developed by the U. a
Department of Commerce fol
lowing the signing of a cooper
stive office agreement with the
Salem Industrial Development
Council, E. Burr Miller, chair
man of the public relations
committee, announced today.
By this arrangement the Sa
lem Industrial Development
Council can provide business
men in this trading area with
such Department of Commerce
services as they need and select
from the wide range of census,
country, commodity, and in
dustrial material available from
the Department. They can sc.
cure facts about telling in new
markets, both domestic and for
eign, needed in analyzing ex.
pension plant for an existing
business enterprise and to at
tract new industry to the area.
This extended Commerce serv
ice can play a most Important
part in making effective pro
gress on industrial and com.
munity .development programs
which create new job and pro.
fit opportunities.
Nearest U. S. Department of
Commerce field office Is in
Portland. The Portland Com
merce Office will provide such
assistance as b requested by the
Salem Industrial Development
Council in promptly serving
manufacturers, wholesalers, re
tailers, sendee trades, financial
institutions, and trade publish-
md associations, on such
domestic rand foreign trade
problems at come within the
responsibilities of the Depart
ment of Commerce. .
Businessmen in the Salem
trading area are invited to use
these commerce facts in mak
ing their business decisions.
Miller said. This arrangement
should provide an improved
basis for business-government
cooperation, he added.
The Amin family is a family
of acrobats, the father, four oth
er brothers of the two playing
here and six sisters are all acro
bats. .
Mustafa, the older of the two
brothers, started the act that
he does at the State Fair with
his father, Amin Akef, an acro
bat and a trainer of acrobats.
Then, however, he was "the
man in the air."
The brothers started work.
log together 15 years ago. Mus
tafa took the place that his fa
ther had had in the act and Ab
dou began doing the work in
the air. The Amins started
their training at seven years of
Acrobatic acts of the Amin's
family, go even further back
than the father of the two per
forming here. Their grandfa
ther also was an acrobat Mus
tafa and Abdou, however, are
the only ones not still in Egypt.
Prior to coming to the United
States the Amins were in Italy,
Spain and Paris and in the
Orient They came to the Riv
iera club in New York a year
ago. Just before they came to
the State Fair they were play
ir.g at the Sahara hotel in Las
Vegas, Nev. They have been
Bids Received for
The Dalles Turbines
Portland V-A low bid of
$626,475 was submitted Thurs
day for two turbines at The
Dalles Dam on the Columbia
River. The bid was by the Al-
lit Chalmers Manufacturing
Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
S. W. Grosebeck, Eugene, at
$18,700, was low of four bid
ders for construction, of a drain
age system and backfilling of
tunnels at Lookout Point Dam.
Albany Albert White hat
started suit in circuit court
here asking an order com
pelling the state industrial ac
cident commission to re-open
hit claim for partial disability
resulting from an injury sus
tained while employed as a
checker setter Feb, 7, 1852.
White claims his shoulder was
broken by a falling log or limb
and he still lacks full use of
his arm. He it seeking a ruling
giving him a disability rating
equal to 85 per cent of the
lost of- the use of an arm.
Abdou (left) and Mustafa (right) Amin, brothers doing
a balancing at the Oregon State Fair Revue, come from a
family of acrobats in Egypt with the six boys and tlx girls
of the family and the father all tcrobate.
394 North Church
Phone 3-9600
icr predates.
reuex rrem
wlthoat dram.
ointments or oilier
brum eemnleta
Fseriasis. A tatted heme
treatment is now avallahla.
Without obligation write for
free lnfonnntlan la H. a.
Craig, 429 MaeArthar
niTd Oakland f , California.
To register now for prune canning. Thirty
day season to start about Sept. 14.
there twice and will be return
ing there before long. . -
Television audiences ' have
also teen the -Amins, in fact
they are at the State Fair be
cause Helene Hughes saw them
on the Ed Sullivan show on
which they appeared three
times. The two also were on
the Abbott and Costello show.
If Mustafa has hit wty there
will be another generation of
aero Data in his family for he has
plans for making an acrobat of
his small son, who with Mus
tafa's wife is here in Salem with
him. The littlest Amin was born
in New York.
' m MS mtj. sett?
Winter's Coming . . Better
1540 Fairgrounds Rd.
Phono 44263
I ixaaoaof-
n V-
M. 4-U2J
If I .
I Mjjjk
Buy Direct From the Manufacturer at Cash
and Carry Wholesale Prices
Special Prices to Builders
Willamette Builders
Supply Co.
Extends a hearty "Thank You" to toch ond everyone
of the patrons who dined with us during our Grand
Opening, and hope for your oorly return.
An equally sincere 'Thank You" to tha various
lndi p-ii
firms, who so graciously sent f ys I
W.mmm ' , hwaa17r.
Effective Sept. 11-12-1 3 Friday, Saturday, Sunday
4-oi. CANS
Tomato Soup wi 2 23'
Shoulder Roast Tender Steaks
For Pol 3E' EE)
(Mil lb. 25J Sirloin lb.
Each Melon only
2120 F.irareurW. RJ. 24S Court Sr. . 93S S. Commercial
1265 Center St.
AirmrWIle, Ore.
Fhone 304