r- AUTOMQItUt MAJOR MOTORS r V LIBERTY AND CENTER '50' CHEVROLET Convertible . BXCILLDtT CONDmON THU . .. nw '51 OLDS "98" Sedan TOT MOST OtTHTAjlOrao BUY IHTOWH IN A LUXURY "T ,AU "'n" wnn whitVwau 51 OLDS "88" Straight Shift "rrr CA m UJW MlLEAOt ARB MOTPFID wm ' CUSTOM RAp.O, HEATER AND WRITI WAutI AJM- mo powbr and inn wrm oamatimo bconomti '51 BUICK SPECIAL Sedan . ; .$1695 A APOTLKMLT CLEAN ORE-OWNER CAR FINISHED IK OLirTTTNINO BLACK, COIJFUMERTEB IT NEW PREMIUM WRITI WALL TIRES. FULL EQUIPMENT INCLUDES RADIO. EATER AND DYNAFLOW. ONLY 1I.M0 MILES. '49 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan '$895 Dt LUX! RADIO, BEATER AND OTHER ACCttlORIM SX- CITTIONALLY FINE CONDITION. ONI OP TOR TERT 1BET MAJOR MOTORS PHONE 000000000000W 00 00 w AUTOMOBILES WESTERN MOTORS lrsl BROADWAY FHONE Hill SO OLDS 8t 4-DR. DE LUXE Lew mlleate, lulir oejuippod. Wa'va driraa tht wr ever 40M aweo am aao in perfect. $1595 SO PLY. SPL. DLX. CLB, CPE One ner, Radio, alitor, law urea, anarp, anil $1095 '80 CHEV. 2-DR. DE LUXE . STYLELINE Fullr equipped plus Pover-Olide, A opociai at only $1095 '51 NASH STATESMAN 4-DR. CUSTOM Ob owntr, virdrlvi, Jaw Blli uc, niks Into bid. you can i up to M mllti per til. Don n't nu tor oil. Ad xik.vo utontobllo la lao low - prleo TOCKtl t $1395 41 PLYMOUTH CONVERT . IBLE Lot MrtHi eat owntr, orliloal pftlnt, ntw whit tiru, low milt Ma. lmmaeulott luid and out, rodio toa hoattr. $1065 Menr Bthert ale. It manp ptlcu. Wl FINARC AT BANK TERMS AND 1CAKB LBIBAL ALLOWANCE OH TRADES. !' FINANCIAL AUTO LOANS WILLAUBTrB CREDIT CO. in Soma Church rattans B-Fiaatr tk. Mtil Lie. Ra. M-tat Up to $1500 an Mtnature, Furniture. Oar AT PERSONAL It's "fee" preeaPtlP M aaiplored aaea ar wenaa. l-ruit laaa . . . Pheae tint Tan aaleet keit parnent data Betweea paPdap iaaaa. Fhone, writ at aeaae la TODATI . Personal . Finance Co. im a. hioh ar, salevi aiata Ltaenae Roe. a-ul. M-lll Uim aver U0 op te and up t U nonthl ta reper made be Feraenel Flnanea Co. l Marlon Counlr under Ida Induattlal Loan Companlea Ael ol Oreion. ""' Ua. a-iu and M-Jia aod rot R aniMOna OfSURANCB AND LOANS ear Top Tradee" II oa Dally KSLM IIM a. ORHBRAL FINANCE CO. LOANS IM Ba. Caameralal aa. Tat Will S4 TRAILERS EXCELLENT 1-WBKELEB lllllUl. " McLeod Lane, north oft Chemewe Raad. mile weal of Cream EJeetrie traeka. . . HOUSE TRAILERS GOING Bll'NTINO OR fithlnal weetMt ta.fiMt hauaa trailer. mi title, sea at IIH So. llth. ovealnee t,n. etaea )a7iea TRANSPOATION BRSFONSIBI.E DRIVER til help drlee. pulllna a trailer, le Sen Dleaa, Calir All eipentet paid. 4tll "T LEGALS " NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE HEREBY 1 OIVEN that br rdar af the Circuit Court el the S'aie of Orreoa. Couatr of Marlon, In Fro baft, dalr made and entered aa Auauil 17. IM, 1 hate beea appelated aaeeutor af the Batata af Raeel W. wellmaB, De eeaeed. aad Have duir auaimed aa aueh A, i u-.hb hevlna clalma sianul aald aetata are herebr to era vouffiei preaeat them te wi- . "-, tiers al 4ea Norm " ireel, Salem, orat-a, wno; - -' aioaiha after Ihe data af lira publl amen af thia Notice. Deled and firal puollihad: Amuat II. Ilal. CARL U WITI-MAN. ExKutor. ETJOFNE t. LAIRD 111 Pioneer Truel BnildiM. Salem. OreooR. Altaraep lot Biaeuiae. Aas. IL aa, Sepi, ill U ""loans" AUTOMOIILES $995 OUOMOtlT. RADIO, MUTBL viuk ATCWORIM, $1895 $1395 4-4931 wilt DIRECTORY ABPINO MACaWII AU makea iM BuhlcM wit. rented, repaired. Bee. 14 Oawrt. rk Tim We , anrlhlnt la ths lint at build, tnl. Froe ottlmittt. fan - elite BCLLDOIINO "a"- tleariBI. Oeorit Wlrth. 1010 Caadleaood. Fhone III). 1H Bulldooiat. rttde. clearlaa teeth Vlr.il Bulk, 111! FaitlS. phen. - --. am DBEISMARmn AllaraUcaa, kiautlteblnt , i a 1 1 a a I uCkJ,V Mwrad. battanhelN. Mn. n. MATTUIaiS Cipllal Btaaiif. ruonla Fall bai aw aillram Fa. 3-uu a OFFICE FVRN1TDRE M bwpi.iw: Due ehalra, fUn, mini lupplln. ulu. dupllcitori. auppllM. lnk lanpt, tjp. BOOFINQ RooIUa and lldlni kr RPtiU far a runt price. Fhone Smsn, pllT SEPTIC TANKS Himel'i iptlc tanka cleaned, llei 1-7404. 91774. 0.i Ulka'a ntU w.k. j - ww v. . v. steeBew. Dreelef eleaai tewire. dralaa. Flume '' L .Ill Sewer! eepue Uaka, draau ateaaHeV Ro-'j-RoeUr sewet anna, tajaaa Mali ARriXINQ REPAIR Lewa mowera, aawa. eta. lit e D Ph. 1-ilil. Frea plakap. o TTFE WRITERS Smith, careaa, Realaitea. Ran), 67 derwood porMblea All aakee aiee niehlaea. RepeUa a reai. Reea, 4M Court. 1-1711 e WINDOW CLEANINO Aerae window Cleaaera. aaSaaHial Bm wailaa. bmuaeleaalaa. Fkaae p-JIJT 141 caan. w LEGALS IN THE CIHCU IT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREOON ROR TKB . COUNTY OF MARION ' BERTHA K. HEWITT Plaintiff. l. OOLCMRIA MINKS DIVBLOFalENT OO., Dtlandanl. Me. 41114. NOTICE OF SHERDPS BALE Br nrtua a! an eiecuuoa, Judimeat. order, decree and arder al aala laaued eut ef the abaee entitled Oeurt la the above eatttlad eauee, ta ate directed and dated Aulual llth IP) 1 apoa a Judament rendered and aatarad la aald Court an the th dap at Julr I HI la leror al Bertha E.I Hewitt plaintiff and aaalnit Columbia Mlnea Derelopment Co. de fendant for the ion af a.llt13 with latereal tharoea at the rate ef 1 per aanura from MaTember 33. 1150. and the further Burn af $lll with latereal et the rate of per annua from the llth dap af Julr. 1111. aad the further aunt of I coita and dliburaenente, and the coat af aad upoa thla write eemmandlnt me to at eke aale ef the followlnt described real prepertr altu ated In Merlon Couatr, Orecoa, to wit: Thoco certain anpatentcd mlnlnf clalma known and daaerlaed ui Blue Jar Clalma Noe. I. I. 3, 4. . a. 1, i. I. 10. tl and 11; Farla: Moralnt- atari Bertha El Ruth Clalau Ne.a. IT. II. 10.. ll. 11 and 11. ail alluatea In Letter Mlalai rutrlct la Tewnehtp I Rente I Rett of Willamette Meridian. now therefore, br virtue ei aaia execution, ludament, order, decree and order of aale and la eompltanea with the cemmandt ef aald writ, 1 will on Mob. dap, the Hat dar at September, nil, at II aeleck A. M., al tne seat aeor ar the Ceuntp Courthouee lold Blah School Rulldlnai, In Salem. Marloa Countr. Oreeoik eell at public auctlaa (aubjeet to redemot:on) to the hlahail bidder for cath la hand, all the ncht, title and In. tercel which the wlthln-namea aoieae ent hed ea November 12, 1IM, the data of the morleete herein forefloted or alncce that data had la aad ta the aeere dearrlbed propertr or ear part thereof to aatltfr aald eiecutlen, ludamaat. ar der and-decree, latereal aoata, aad aa crulnl eatta. DINVTR YOUNO. Sheriff 01 Marloa Countr, Orqen. Dated thla loth dar ef Julr, HIS, Flrtt publication, Aua. II, 1113. Lett publication Sept. 11, 1113. Aua. II, 11. Sept. 4, II NOTICE OP STREET VACATION NOTICE HEREBY IS OfIN Ihet the Commoa Counrll of the Cltr af Salem. Oreoon. oa tho 10th der of Aueutt, 1013, edopted a retolutloa tnltletlni pro ceedloaa to vacate that portion of aa tiler la the Cltr ef Sejem. Marloa Couatr. Orcaon. being the southerlr 41 t3t af thet certeln alley runolna North' orlr and Southerlr threuah Block II, Nnrth Aelam. with eddltlona, to the Cltr ef Salem. Marlon Countr. Oreaon. for the retina that there la BO BBBd OT BB citv ta malnlalB eeld aller for publle uee and the tame aheuld Be need for trhool purpetae bp acneoi umriei nw. atcj end met the esid eauaetl aae flaad the llth dar ef September, till, al the a.ur of A oo o elerk F M. aa lha lima, aad the couaeil ehembere la the cltr hell In Salem. Oreion. ae tha place, for the hearino of tho Bald proeeeataii and ell ebleelloaa and remoattraaaea in the bropoiod teeatlen. Objectloaa-ta tuch vacetloa, if ear there be, thould .a. in wrltlne end filed With the cltr rererdar ef aald oltf P'W Uma af the leerlal. BT ORDER OF THE COMMON COOR. CIL Aububi 10, 1IU. ALFRED MUNDT. Cite Recordar. Aut. II. Sept. 4. . 1A II NOTICE OF aTTREET VACATION NOTICE HEREBY IS OIVER that the Commoa Council of lha Cltr af Salem. Orrten. aa the 10th der af Aututt. 1111, adopted a retolutloa lallletlao proceed, fae. IS "aaaio that parties al Oetaae airaol IR "a Cur al Salem. Mar lea Countr. Oreeoa. from the Seat line af North cottaee Street ta the We.l line 5"R.h W,.. ''''" f"'?! Selem. Marloa Counlr. Or-tu for the .,o.thal taero ' .7, Mrs. Pratt Dies At Age of 82 Mri. Parks C. Prst. II nttiv of Ntw York but ret Men! of Sslem for tl ytars, died Thurtdir t Saltan bos- tcrvlcM will b held fVom Ik Ciouih-Birrtck chips) Ssturdsy at 10:80 a.m., with Rr. Omar Bsrlh a tht mln llr and Interment in City View. Mrs. Pratt was born at H.mtHes. K.Y., March II, 1171. Her Barents wera Us. and Mrs. W. H. Dorwsrd. As a Baptist minister her father held pastorates In the Mid. die West and In California and Oregon. Mrs. Pratt tauaht school In Iowa and later was married to Parka C. Pratt March II. 1ISS. He died in 1141. Mi. and Mrs. Pratt had cone to Minnesota In 1903 and mov ed to Oreion in 1915. In Sa lem she was a charter mem ber of Calvary Baptist chureh and was amou the loyal workers of the church, eipe. dally In the children's depart ment. She tauiht a Sunday school class and was director of the cradle roll a well at serving the church as a dea coness. She Is survived by two deuihters, Mrs. William Wright, librarian at Parrish Junior high school, and Mrs. Clyde Beard of The Dalles; two grandchildren, Mrs. Philip Comfort of Stockton, Calif., and Donald Beate of The Dalles. Dorwsrd C. Pratt, a son, who was a veteran of world war I died in 1925. Pinballs Back In Portland Portland The Citv council, changing course again, decided Thursday to 11 rense plnball machines once more. .. . . , It was a 1-2 decision direct, lng tht city attorney to pre. pare an ordinance licensing the machines. on the winning aide was one councilman who contend ed jplnballa did not constitute gambling, and another who said they wera gambling de vices, all right, but should be allowed as . long as dog and horse racing and church bingo games were countenanced. All three on the winning aid agreed the city was losing about flOO.ooo a year by not licensing plnball machines. The machines have been in op-1 eration, through an appeal to the courts against tne ivdi de cision of the council to outlaw the devices. New Kindergarten To Have Open House The Faye Troth Kindergar ten, a new establishment In Salem, will have open house Wednesday night, Sept. ' 16, starting at t o clock, and it will open for the year's work on September 21. The kindergarten is located at the Troth home, 669 Vista avenue, where, Mrs. Troth said appropriate alterations have been made. The kindergarten is for chil dren 4 and 9 years old and will operate Mondays. Wed nesdays and Fridays from P to 11:30 a.m. the llth dar at September. 1113, at the keur af 1:00 o'clock PM. aa the time, and tha caunctl rhambera ta the cltr hall la Salem. Oregon, aa tha placa. for tho heerlna of Ihe Bald proceedlneB and anr and all ebleetlena aad ronton etrancea to the prepared vacation. Ob ieclloone ta auch vaeatloa. If ear there be, ehould be made la wrttlas and filed with the ritr recorder of aald eltr prior le tha lima of tha hearino. BY ORDF.R OF THE COMMON COUN CIL Auiuet llth, ion. ALFRED MUNDT, Cltr Recorder. Auo. 11. Scat. 4, II. II. II In the circuit Court of the State at Oreoon for the Countr of Merlon. Rev. erlv Jeaka. Plaintiff, va. Mai Jetke, defendent Summona. To Mar Jaike, Oefendent. IN THE NAMB OF TUB STATE OF OREOON: Yeu are herebr reaulred ta aopeor and antwer the comalelnt filed aaalaal ran la the abova entitled ault within Isa dare from tha data of aervlre ef hla Bummeaa upoa rea. If aerved withta thla ceuntri or If acrred within anr ether Countr ef tbla Stata, thea wlthla twantr dava from tha data af the earvlao af thla Bummona upon rou: and If reu felt to ta eaBuer, for weal there, ef. the Plaintiff win prar for a decree; (It Oranttao bar aa oaaoluto dlverce. ill Seek ruttadr af Devid Mlcheal Jetke aad Dlaana Maria Jetke. minor emidron af thla plaintiff and defendant (II And 'far auch ether and further relief ae ta tho Court mar teem jutt aad eeuiiaaio. C. Wn.LlAM BOBSOR Attorner for Plaintiff 110 Oreooa Btdi.. Selem. Orecoa Sept. 4, II. la. II Oct. I NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SAIB ON MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE TAKE NOTICE that aa the llth der af asaiember, nil at tha hear af It M A M. ot the molt aeuthertr eoat door af the Old Hieh achool Butldlnt 'on Merlea betweea Hleh and Church Blreele ha Salem. Merlon Countr. Creton. 1 then boii ot pubtn aaa i lea bo aba kieheit bidder for eaea all the feroaatat do acrlbcd real propertr. la-wit: Let Tweatf 'HI, Bleet Three ll Blmmermea Memo Treat, Marie a Ceuate. oretoa. Bold tela la held wader aad paraaaat ta aa Baeevtlta leaned tut af the Clr. eult Court af tha atalo' af Oretoa for Merlea Caaatp la wot ooaee therela pendlnt whereia the Fradeatlal Inaur. aaeo Camoaar af Amertea. a camera. Ilea, aa plataUff aad Free rea pj. Burn and Robert L. Buret, Joha W. Black and Fealo Blark ae dofendaala. Reote trp Ft en.eii af and cirrall eeart. DENVER YOUNO. Sheriff BAI Mela If am. Depwlp. Aae. SB, Be pa. I, It, THC CAPITAt JOIKNAL, RaWm. OrtM () -sot W Welcome Son Dwnver n They stood there at the airport, the Presi dent and Mrs. Eisenhower, Just like so many other American parents waiting tha- return of a son from Korea these days. Then they spotted him-ll year-old Ma). John Elsenhower coming down tha ramp from tha plana and their faces light ed up, just as the faces of so many other fathers and mothers do. The major, back from 14 months of active duty in Korea smiled back a bit shyly. In an' other moment ha was kissing his mother soundly and giving her a warm hug. For his proud father, the President, there we a hearty handshake and an exehanga of greetings. Tha major, la unlfcm, was accompanied by hla wife, Bar bara, on the flight from an Francisco Thursday night. She had met him In Tacoma, Wash., last week-end when ha flew In from the Far East . Dam Turbine Contract let Portland UA Allis Chal mera company ef Milwaukee, Wis., is low bidder for ebn structing two 18,100 horse power fish water turbines at The Dalles dam, th Corps of Army Engineers said here to day. The AC offer was for IM6, 475. There wera three other bidders. 'S. W. Oroesbeck ef Eugene was lowest of four bidders for construction of a drainage system, backfilling existing tunnels and removal of tem porary utilities and structures at Lookout Point dam in Lane eounty. His bid was for ft),- 790, nearly 110,000 leu than engineers' estimates. Three Youths Injured In Road Collision Three youths suffered minor Injuries and three cars suffer ed major damage in a collision Wednesday night near St. Paul on the Horseshoe Lske road, stata police reported Thursday. Police said all the Injured were riding in a sedan driven by Pedro A. Huerta, St. Paul, which collided head-on with a car driven by Dale O. Thomp son, Newberg, and then rolled over to eollide with a car driv en by Samuel G. Smith, St. Paul. ' Huerta'i car was demolish ed, police aaid, and the other two ears sulferea extensive damage. Huerta, John M. Lopei, and Daniel Gonrales, St. Paul, ware treated at Willamette hospital in Newberg for inju ries austalned in the accident. All suffered minor cuts and bruises and Gonzales a possi ble fractured Jaw. Two other passenger ,in their car were unhurt. Smith and Thompson were also believed unhurt. Resume Negotiations In Times Strike Seattle ,( A meeting hai been set for Tuasdsy morning for representatives of the Best tie Times and the CIO Ameri can Newspaper Guild to discuss' the wage dispute which closed th Times 86 day go. W. B. Toner of th Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service aald th dat w act after both aide accepted his invitation to resume negotia tions. Feaeaeo. Veen tip Fortload uPtPeaeh and pair prlcoo weat np a tho Formero Boat aide mar ket Fridap aa eem pout tea introoie rev lha netr-end af lha hervoet. Oaa Ural received autlad Weaelsaeo dlltrlet Malta to lha oeaeral trada al HN aa II at lee II pauBdl. That at kaael al MUM tenia. Kallea pruaet wort anted aaaat etetar. tittup 11 la tl lee to sawtl IT'S A HAPPY jv - '-' r . 'J " ..L...t .... --.iti Sliaatll Major John Elsenhower looks overalls airline ticket while hi beaming father. President Elsenhower (left) and his mother (right) look en. The President' son, who ha been In Korea, flaw in to ee hi parents, the first time since January. Mrs. John Elsenhower is standing between her husband and mother-in-law. (AP Wirephoto) i Salem Firms Pay Tops For Winning By CLAUDE Salem concern paid top prices for th grand champion fat lambs, pigs and steara at the 10th annual State Fair Junior exhibitor auction sale held Friday. Marion Hotel bought the grand champion fat lamb for 10 cent per pound and also purchaaed th grand champion fat steer at 41 cents per pound. Valley Packing Company bid in Both tne -H and rrA grand champion fat barrow at 85 cents. The champion fat limb was aa (I pound Southdown fed by Irvln Riddle ef Monmouth. His total sale price was 174.70 Trances Deardorff ef Prairie City received tBI.S4 tor her 51 pound Hereford champion steer. Gerald Slmantel. 4-Her of Washington eounty sold his grand champion Yorkshire fat pig for 8108.I0. Tha FFA champion owned by Robin Mc- Klnley of Woodburn totalled 114.88. Both tops and average prices wera somewhat under the high 'All Us tliddelh Got Sheep' Says 9-Year-Old It's getting so the sheep judgss at the Oregon State fair are urprlsd when sheep award goe to anybody besides a Blddell. The Rlddell family of Inde pendence hi - been winning moat ef tha top honor. Irwin Rlddell started things off by having the grand cham pion 4-H fat lamb. Orders Probe Of Percenters Washington, VP) Atty. Gen. Brownell Friday ordered his aides to dig to the bottom of reports of influence peddling in connection with government contracts in a follow-up to dis closure! this week by a House committee. ' He emphssized that he is particularly Interested in find ing eut if any federal em ploye has "leaked" secret in formation which would give any one business group sn ad vantage over another in ob taining such contrscts. Brownell said the matter is under "full investigation by the FBI and If culprits are dis covered prompt prosecution will follow." He added: "Businessmen are put on notice that it is neither neces sary nor wiia to attempt to buy Influence under the pres ent sdministrstion." His announcement followed publication by the Houie Arm ed Services Subcommittee of testimony in which Wsrren L. Stephemon, prominent Wsh ington, DC, Republican, sd mitted he hsd attempted to obtain a 4 per cent commission from a California firm in ex chanie for obtaining a larger contract for making Navy rocket launchers. Chlceae Qrela Chlraao (Pt ortlna hovered within narrow pi Ice llmlta while a fierce eeueeia' waa put a the oherte la Bep tcmbef lord aa tho beard ef trade Frt der. eptember lard told et leo a hun dred aounde et ane lime, up tho Mot limit permlttea la one eeatloa. At the atart of tredino open tinerett In thu senlrael taioled 111 lote enoot pounda eaea. Tradlao at aepumkor dallrtrltt aaat Baat. II. ie.ni tralaa oar ehevod eeaildtr Okie weekaeee la rafleclM af a emallar thea eapeeled out ta lae Aarlaullure De ne, aarbeaaa aad deferral eeatratla at beet hold eulie tteaar. Wat at eleead too kawef I tta klohor, aept. dltl-lJIVa, ttea IM-ltaa lower, aept. 11.11, ee la Wj.ejo leaer. At el. 11 '.a, no lit ta eeato lower, aept. Ilka rre l la even leaer. aept, lot. oerbooBB I beam lower ta lie hither. Beat. II date, and lard t tenia aa ll 00 a Btaare rauadt kltkar, aept. PniNTN Animals ITIURLOFF prices of past years. In 1147 tha ehamplon lamb sold tor $1.80 per pound, the pig rec ord price was set in 1948 at 80 cents. A steer sold for 64 cents te the Marion Hotel In 1951. . . Average price for the 68 lamb sold waa 11.61 cents per pound, last year tha average waa 31.55. The 67 pigs this year averaged 18.41 cent com pared to 19.88 last year. sixty-seven steers sold with prices for the late, round being between 18 and 18 cents per pound. The 1951 average price for steers waa 87.48. Members of the Oregon Auctioneers Association do nated thalf services In selling and kept bidding moving at a anappy paee, going through the 100 animal list in Just under two hours. Under tWO hour. Beeeee, Cklakeata-lla. 1 dreaead sl Marlon and Polk eounty g tSS'JU. Junior itoekgrewer told 41lit-iiat ketvp bene, n-itei aut-up frr anlm.la Thaw tneliiflarl aatvam !. 'I - " animal. They Included seven lambs, 14 pigs and six steer from Marion county; eight lambs and six Steers I from Polk, Exhibitor 'Then his sitter, Billie Jesn, 18, hid th champion South- down ewe. Their father, Eldort Rlddell, had the ehamplon Suffolk ram. James Rlddell, Monmouth, had the champion Lincoln ram. Ed Rlddell, Monmouth, had th ehamplon Lincoln aw, and Jimmie Rlddell of Monmouth had th ehamplon Corrledala ewe. "All U Riddell got Sheep," said David Rlddell, Independ ence, to a spectator in the judging ring. He 1 9 years old and lust getting started out took second prise with his Southdown ewe lamb. Purebred sheep and Rlddell's go together in thla valley. Da vid I grest-grandiather estab lished Oregon's early flocks ot Lincolns and Cotswolds on the farm wet of Monmoulh. Wil liam Riddell, grandfather of David was the pioneer breeder of Romneys in the entire U. S. bringing in his first stock in 1904. Since that time ha has made several importations from New Zealand and sold foundation dock to many sec tions ot this eountry. Eldon. father of the 4-H boys and girls ha continued with Southdown nd Suffolk on his 1,000 sere frm between Independence and Rickreall. Cbleeae Lltetlerb ChicBco lAV-The nreaaure ef 11 per cent mere hate on Frldev'B market than had beea a tee 'ted oaneeied la to It cenie a hundred pounda eut af Thurtdav a In- eraaed prleea. aowo toot too win enw at tha decline. Cottle were eeneraiir atcaar on ine uiuol lleht Frtder aupplr. Sheep were aleedr ta at ceatt hloh'r. Moat butcher aetania noaa tola irom II no ta 031.31. A half load topped at Olb.W. Clearance waa aood an the 1 not hooa on aala which waa tha larteat Frl tr run etnee June po. oond and choice ateera and mlied reerlmaa mada 111 to lit ae while a load ef hlen-rhntee end prime oradee reeebed 131 no. Cowa topped et 111.00. bulle at 114 Ot and choice veelera at 131 00. A fat aatire tprlno lembB topped al III ead III Salable roeelple were timated el loot nee a, Loot eel lie, lot oalvee and Mt their v Perilled Mveelerb Fortlend Aiev-Hot prleea tiaaed alitnt. Ir hither then laat week while entree dropped OB the PorUead lltaoioct mar act. Cattle for week I ottt marktl oloted aenerellr tteadr with late lett week, Calvee for week tat; market cloaed week la 1 at lewer aa veelera and ta lower an ealvee. Hoea for week 1.111: aierket ttrent ta lac hteher. Bheea for week 1.7TT merket eloeed etrene, i t It ktthtr lhaa laat week t rertleed Orora Pertlaad tn-Oaaroo oralat, at klaa ar tlftre. Wheat kid to orrivo norbei. kailt Ma. I bulk, dallvered eaaati Baft White I ll: Befl Whltt eaaludlao Boa I Mi Wkltt Oluk l it Herd Red Wlaleet Odlelrp Ita Bird While Beerlt Ordlaarr IM Frtdar'o eor roeelple: waeot 11; bar top Mi Hear in a era Hi tan ll Mill laaa a. M A k K E T, QUOTATIONS Bataeefafr-nTaavattTa aaaleat ta bm. aaedtaia aamatai From ram aaautp, itaat. mum Jl of aaa per coat addltp de ii'ered ta Fortiane oa-llo la.i tint ouai Itr. oo-otc, oeoand aualltr, 01 -tie. Teller raataa end ee eater petal, a eaala laaa. altar WkalaaaM aaa. baal aaaoa ta aBoleaal trldea AA. M stare, ddet A trada 01 aaera. aaei Bl as im. aaei C. 00 aeara, 00a. Above prlaea olrtttip aamiaal. Obeeea Selllat pevee ta FerUaad I vholeaoloro, Oretoa alnalaa, eltteeil vreeea a ta. taai, ee a-tle. Ren ta Wkeieealere Candled dsso eeaielaino 'a Iota, aaaaa aatluaed t.a.k.1 Fortload A trada larto. lovt-oottai A I arace meamm. ee-.i-oetec! a trodc anoJLI eira-eeree. ai araaa larta, po-oitto. Farllaad atrp Sanea Bailee Fneo to reuaaaat era da AA I print, iitl eaneet. isti A Beta to, ttat eaetan, vaai at praaia, oaa, 00a ta scetaooca Oeaktlod t a k Faruoadi Daeraded laroo. OA-OAa daa.tl trada AA Itraa, Ho doa.i A larto, Mel dea.i AA medium. 10a dea l a trade 1 maatumi oat 4001.1 a sraaa otaau nenu- aai, aa-ao. Btoa ta Betalltiti eatsa A A. Iaeta.1 ka: A lane. 70-llel AA atodluat. lie; I A medium, No; A email, el-tat. Oat - tM.. e ... .-.it 1 1 Cbttet Frlao ta nunara, Partlaat; i-Mrtei trtJStt. iuta"leae tnaa. aa - ttoa. Fratatum afaaao atnnea, aotatl B. fae etaala wheela ctVta. Flaaaaaat Aea- ..u. -k u a-ta. Umm 1. ..tkiL abu.. '.. r ' - reattrp . . plaatolt revere. !- ". l ! lha, llei raaetora, Ivo lbe.. aad avar, uea eiaiie aee nei a nut. a. lae; aeavp aeaa, til wataata, 10-10; i Hoht kaaa. aU aelthu. not alt tenet-1 1 ere, lt-iet. ca tea eat ua. 1 areataa aae lb. Baaooaa Afoenpn at sitwtow Lire ahjue. t-k tha. aa uai t.i ua- M-iaa Ib.t aid doea. la-lle. lew kttDer. rreaa drilled ftroro ta rataUora, tl-toat up 01-oae. C'eaalrp (Bled Meebe reel Tow aualltr, M-llo tb.l reiuk heevlea 10-JOo. Ji.ce Leant bJeektre, SI-IS Jb.: eeva. lllant. ro-eee. Lett Be Bet a, M-ISt lb.1 awtrtladA it-iae jo. , I Melle Beet, M-ISt .l oaU-aUUep, T-le. Beef utllitr aewe. Sl-lie Ik.: eaaaer eultera, It.lOa; ehelb) dewa la lie. Freeh Bteeeta BfeaOa whaleoalera la rekuleeta Halltrt sat wi.r eel ateera. thelce. 100 -IM ltd 41. atr.aet aood. ill. oo-lt.oo: eommarBlal 111-11; atllitr, lll-IO; aommarclal aowe, lil-iai atuitr, Ill-Ill eennar-cuttara, all. II. Baei eale-acholeo atttrt hind ouar tore. OH-I'i rouado. Ito-Mi full lolaa, trimmed, 111-11: Irlanolee, Ill-Ill fore- euarttra, ill-Ill ohueka, in aa; ilea, tte.tl Veal aad Calvee Oeod-cholee, all walohta, lll-ll; eommerelal, iie-ae. Umhe - Choiee-prlme, lll-4ti aeed. ttt.tTi inrlne Itnte eheleo-arlmo. 41.10. MollaaOead ehouo, lt-11 lb, M-ta. Ferb Cate Lolaa, Ita. 1, tia ioa tAto-tli ahouldars. II lka., Il-llei aererlae. tl-tlt freth hatna. 11-14 lbe.. lll-ll; park aarcaaaaa, eholoe, llt-111 lka., I1I.II-4I. . Smoked Berne aklaaed. III el lka., fined lard la drama, 114-11 li alao too- on, Mi ll. Fetllend MlaeeBaaeeat Oaleaa It lb, aaek calif. Re oioae, mod.. I Tt-ltei while oleee, I m i te; waah. reijova, mte. t.ii-t ee. taeer I.M-I.4I. Feutooe Loeol Trlumpax luta, l.ea- I 111 Beaedmaa lent whttee. No. IA 1 11 I II: No. I 10 lb. lira. 00 ttei Oretoa RiiaaallB Na. I, 1 oo-i.tb; 10 la. meaa, ee- tie; local Rutiala, Re. 1A, 1 ia-1 ill calif, lont whltte, No. 1A, lel-1 01: fair, 1 00-1. II. Name aranoe la a.ia. true Rutieia il.1l-l.Ni Waa. leal whltao Ra. 1 I 00-1.10. He-.rj. a Na. I areea alfalfa, da HverM car loll f a a. reruart tad ae- atlla, ll-io. Wat I u late aoata wiiiametia eel lop medium II -tie lb. I St. tern Oreooa fiae aad aalt-bload. H-Ola; Wlllamtilt Taller lamb waai. till ii-maata em tat Mohelrdt-oio lb. aa ll-meatk sm th. t e a. eeualrr thlpplai pelete ieerrodueera perino price i.a.a. Ferllead aalf atuaa, ll-lla lb. oeeerd- tnt ta condition; oreen blpa, 11-lle Ib.t crcen cow hldca, 0-iOo lb, aeeordlae la BBlabt ant tutlllrt lull hldea, o-ta Ib.i Hue hides, at par Itnl ttltv tfltoa for obevo olauee. Fllberle Wholeiblo oalilat prtoo, Ra I medium Barooleaao, ll-ltt III than- L 40-110 It. Walaoie Whaloaalo eetnat sruea ntal tualltp llrtt FraatuatUa. Il-I0e ia.t ahallaa. Ilaht amber halvoa. Tt-Tta H i Utki htlvet, fl-lla m. SALEM MARKETS lor tho oatdeaee af Cepltel Jearaol readera. (Bevleed dellr.l Betall reed Frleooi , Bebbll FilUlt 11.11 Itt-I. tail, llll-t.00 iioo-lb. ban. See Mask ll ta t ll. Balrr Feed II 411 tl Ill-Ik. been lll-IM iim wi.ii paaluro mla, 01 M lit at. I. Fealtrr Barlat Prleee Colore irfera. He; aid rooatert, lie; colored fow lie; leohora foal, llei realtor, loo. BOBBl Barlat Frlaaa laat AAIM: lareo A. te.oic, medium AA. 4le; medium A, 44 IK-, tmall, It. lie Wheleeaie Frlaae att wheiatoia srloaa teaerallr lio hlokoi lhaa tha artaeo aba Lone trade A sonoroUr auatad at 71c: medium, 00c. Balterleo Burtat prlcti Pra relate, TO lie He I. 01-OHi Ra. 1, IBe. Batter Who etelo trad A aarahaaaah 1U tb.l retail, Ita. Chteeaa Oateat Chlcera ajia-dluppllaa atodoroto. aond la, market dulL Track aalee Ot lbe.: V. ft. 1 nBleaa Bitted; Cellfornlt Bpaalah I Inchea aad laraee, car I M: Yalle Olabea U. a. t 11 per cent I laehee ar laroao, Mhthltth cor 1 Ot and I care .M. aircet eelea It lka.: Idtha, Oreion. Wothinatnn. California and Colorodo Beenlih I Inehee and lereer l.ot.l.llt Telle Olobo midlum M.aer.t 1 001.lt. mattlv 100-1 10; wh'te Olnhee I Inchea and lereer euo I In I Inch IndBha and Caiorado moatlr 17V foe tachat aad laiaat 1 aa. PU If STOCKS Bf Tha Aeeoetatod Fraaal ,t Cerperaacai so Iked Chemical aae. ante mataeora tie, Aaaerleaa Airllaeo II Amwtrea rower uaa American Tat. Tat. rtMJ American TeUweea 11 AaeeatfBds Capper 1001 AMbbjaa Rellrand I" BrthleBem a leal Beeiaar Airpuiaa Ca. ..- M Bert Warner - SS Burrowe Addlat Meenlae 14 CelUeraia Faettas a Ceaadtaa Faelfla Caterpillar Traetar .... JfJ Celeaeoa Cwrparatlea .. jy Chrreler Corpora Item ,. - Clttea Service ' Coaealldated eweta ... I Caneolldated Tultaa " Orowa Xellerkaak . Curtlee Wrtahl t Dauotaa Alrerert ....,.' - Da Faal ae Nemeara ' a Eeetmea Kodak Emeraea Radla ll Oeaeral Bretrls Oeaeral Foodo , w4 Oeaeral Matera - Oeettta Fae. plrweed ,. Itt Oeedrear Ttre - 00 Reeaeetaka Miaow Ca. .- e laleraetleeial Rarveatar ..f-.v. l International Paeer tl Jehna Maavllle - Kilter Aluminum Xenaeeott Or peer II Libbr McNtn , 0 Loekheed Alreratl tt Loowea laeerpeeated ... II ti Loat BeU , It Moattamerr Wort) ...i Mt Naek Kelriaatar , i I1 Rt York Centre! pt Northern Faelfla U Faelfla American Flak IVt ' Faaltla Oaa At Rleatrkt Ill Faelfla Tel. at Ttl. Ill Packard Malar Car 4S Fanner, 4. C. 00 Fonnarlvaela . R. ., lift Fcnal Cola Ca, -- ll Fhlloa Radla IS Radla Corperatlea tltt Rarwalar Xeeerp. nyT Raraaler Taoaca, rid. 114 Repaalia ateal .'.Ji Raraoldo Metsla 4414' RleMleld Oil 01 aefewor onarea, Bee. 1014 Stall Fever oa. 11 Seara, Raebaek ok Ca. .., NU ' ana .... aeutaom Faaltla sr1 Standard OU Colli, I ataadar OS , J. SS i atadeoakat Carp. S4 uneruao aaniiae .::::::::::::::::::S ta Car. Jsatarp Baa 14 ewtrt jb ca. Traaaomorua TweatletR Ceatarv uaiaa oil caaaaaap ;:::::::::::'sik vaieat raeum ... vaiteei airiiaoa t.... Dallas Alreratl , 01 United Corparattaa , , t tjaiiod atotao Flrwoaei ., 1314 vaiteei BHataa ateea .... SS Warner rietatts tl PletBTOt ...eti.t... ....... is ; Bator .M. apaA eat Xtr tavaaa ,...ni iaaaa Blattna .......... ,7 4 Ut .....a... r wmeerei water 1 awi. . weetradaaat weatlaahei waatvostk ei a Rev Yark tea A tkwd kmaa 1 wave kit tha ttaak auakat kaed ej-u-av """ pear. aaa aoan it earn ta a new aea fee Oka 1 J,, ffjS aTmaawaaeaT l?, JTZ XLHtiLF li - i iitaaawa ttuere iaa . .ne Tt".'.- !L . ,.IL.ZM wtaaltpa I aieaellBOaa ft rear lainoaia. I waturna aapaaaas raat aa aaa ataakaa Idtaaaad. Buelaaea amamtled Be. em aa. lumauA t aea arje alaarea. v-t ,aai-.,.a 1 . . . 1 : : murmii? .. paaras 1"" Mid-VillamtUt Obituaries I ail Androt Hookom ' Woodburn Andre Hooka em, 68, late resident et Mil wauklw, died Thursday, Sep tember 10, at the Wood bum out jViiralnat home. X w bora in lews ) AuArust If, 1T0. He eini te Orefea 10 rear ago from the .Mate of Wash ington. i ' . Hookom . 1 survived oy a son, Walter, ef Wilbur, Wash.; ' two daughter, Mabel JVUUsn- ' der, Independence, and Irm ' Bsllew Orsgon City; ststar, Anna Xastburn, crsm,snla, Calif.; three brother Ja the east; four grandchlldrea, and seven great grandchlldrea. VVoltir Harrington ' Lebanon Service for Wat- -ler Calvin Harrington, SI-year-old Lacomb resident who died in th Lebanon lonmu nlty hospital' Wednesday night, will be halt. Saturday at 2 p.m. . from the Huston .. chapel. Mr, Harrington was born in Iowa, November 19, 166lt moving to Oregon 11 year ltr. On daughter survive, Mr. Opal Parker ef Lacomb, and two brother. Harvey pr ringlon ot Salem, and Ed of Willamlna. DEATHS i. o. teeepk Vea Wrekla Dr. o. joeepa Via Wtaklo. al a Vocal a. -ii. I a-n. i . r ... ...La. a. at leaa Spruce aSl.. aalam. Burvlved kp wife, tOrt. Oererude Vea Wiakle, aelaml doaohtara. Mrr. Lria aauier. woadburn. Mra. Henrr flharlock, Fortland: aon, Richard F. Van winBie. ABUorio; oitiar. mib. catenae Foltereaa, Forlleadt S oroadchildrea. Sir. Una will be held It tho Vlroll T Oaldea Chopel Mandap. Bept. It. at 1 m. Dr. Brooke ateera afflelatlao. la. tormoat at Cltr vie Ctmeitrr. Udla L. Reel Lrdla 1- Mual. ll tht ratldeaia. aao Rairhlfe Dr.. Aept. It. Burvlved be I eieiere, Mro. Ana Abhap, Mtrrno. Ctllf.. Mra. w r currv. Clarutta. Weah . Mra.. Flor Rulaep. Frlaevllle, Oro.i krather, E. O. Hunt. Balam. Bervlret will te helS la the Vlroll T. Oaldea Chapel MetXar. Sept. 14, al I p. at. Mra. tllliaa M. Pre I Mrs. Liliiaa M. Frail, lota raoidoftt K 1311 Elm At. at a local hotpital, Bept. 10. Survived are douahter. ktra. Wtllm Wrliht, Balam, Mra. Mildred M. Beard, ' Tho Deiloei orondealldrevi, Mr. Mar lira Comfort, Btocktoa, Calif., and Doaakt Reerd. Tho Da 1 1 is. Bervleea ha tha CleueB.Serrleh Chopel. Baturdap, aept. ib. ea te aa a. a, w:ta tna rtev. Omar Berth offielatlao. ia.rrmeal la Clip Vie eemotorr. tit. Lam, NO. OJhaa aJ9 PK. CHAN LAN CHINESE NATUROPATHS CpsUlra, 141 Nartb Utawty otfiat aaa aatardap anrr M a m. ta 1 at, Ik f ta Cencaltatlo. oiowu wreeeara tae ana teaaa an free af eharte Practiced otnre nil writa tw attraetlre itri No , tatlee I , 1