Friday, Eeptetabar 11, 1SS Pagt 14 rt I bi ,fi a ntpaai a -..-,. a , inr, LAniAL juibaal, Ultra, ontoi DENNIS tht MENACE 'This earnm e rwrw'Mtf dea. e's Aty nusaw fOR R EN TAP A RTME NTS I BinnoOM unfurl) lintd apartment, ok wattr total, Jnd floor. Oaraia, 1 block from Muaorltt Hospital. Phoa J7M7. Jpai. I-BrDBOOlf furnUh4 ant. UUUtlM to- clodad. JOW -Or tit. JpMI trmviHIICD apartment. Coa to. Avtll nblp 40 myUiini. 44 M, Cottag. ITKrCJEJVISHCO S roomi, olactrla run, rtfrlctrator, automatic lubif. .Adult. Phono 1-7104. plll MTXBAL furtfjibtd apartncDta, goo Mention, xnnutra m. i nmr ruraiwr Pbon s-tin. Ale an, rtKNinnro apaxtmnt. Prtrat Mtn. rnon -7. jwr FOR RENT HOUSES t BOOIf a nnn. .JUor. Wlrad (or raiuo. 7io . ootiaro at. HTknikhed onb-wdeook hoaaa, aloit) la, fit. ru. iou booh. COMMUTERS SPECIAL Would rou Ilka to real a lovtlr coun try toodit? Mndarn 1-brdroom with M terii, iiontMO oo Mill Craak. Llka lWlnn in National Park and only 11 tut milai from Baltm. Pavad Toad, ana mlU from ahopplng district, ehoola, ate. Bcbool but at Mta. Car dan apota. ate. fit. 1 Box 9Q, Turnar. Phont JSOX. Jnlll a-aoott aoma-mw. vatw fu- aUbod, Adultj onlr. P. H. WEIR, REALTOR 1141 a. ComX nana 1-1411 1 lme CLBAM 1-BIDaOOat modcra Pith la t ooo. In Erooka. HI. Phono 41111. ImlH t-BEDaoOM noetrlc ranio, ?ofrliora tor. automotle oil hiat, boaomont. aa roia. oO. Ill a. lltb, aco aaturdors only, Jmlll TO LI ABE 4-bodroom houn. ator arhooli, ltd yaonth. Coll 4-4&M otter :10 p.m. Jmll7 ATTBACTIVB 1 Bodroom duploi iur- alohod. Nowlr doonrotod. xdoal for aourJt. Mat capital, pit. PBaao 1-IIU. Jmll7 i-MEDMOOH anfurakihod aoaaa OB 11th ac inauu-o not ru. imin iMALI, ATTaACTIvacoltaia, 1-hod-rooa, or oil attach od. Phono f-llsl. JmMO 4NB 1-bodroora alBPlax. lnulro IftTo Portland Bd. latin- XntE LIVING In tho country, amall BBfurnUhod homo, north, aultabla lor aouplo. Only I yrarl old. Vary clean. at at 1111 X. Wat. Phono l-Hll Jmllf ONE BEDKOOM boon. With lota of Clo aot apaco. atoro. rafiiiorator, aartce. aoma uiUltlai. Ihnulro llol a. llth Imllf BUSINESS RENTALS BUIINBKB BMLD1VO lth Hvlni auar tora am Korlh CaplVok Pbont l-no Jotl7 EOCHD PLOOB IHoa ar alert ipaca lor wot. Call at ritta hitiii io LOST & FOUND LOMT Blot plutla kar boldac with kT MISCELLANEOUS BrTE-HIVB TWOCKB 0-DRfVa MOVE TOUHAJXP A AVE 10 CAB REKTAla - aTAKKa . VAxa T7CXACO eTTATlOH II COURT eTT. PHONE l-ttlt paoe arTvaitaoa aad u. hepporo 01 AUDI BAlfTI GRAVEL COMPAKY Contract Work Boad cioonna Dtuhtaa Beaer ond BaaorAenl Boulpmenl Reatol Oltchlna ay the Pool Phono Doyt l-lloa tiaa. 1-4411 at I-14U ' aelem, Otooob DENTAL PLAT1 REPAIR t-tfR. BERVICB IN MOST OASBB DR. HARRY BBULER, DINTlflT Adelpb BVdt. Suto Connrrclal Btt SALEM PR 1-1111 LET ttt DO rour tub amoklni and fuh c intilnt. 9-10ffl. m3?0 IUILDING MATERIALS WINDOWS trtMt tvk in Salta. fttain. f Britrlpptd mndowa tapiilT aMtav b.4vd, bp. Lartt modara aahaa nd rrtal plctura windows, M up. ' Pick rour cbiMrt at Carina prlcaa. PlUUrUNQ paw totltta with aat lit Mt M"ill" wath bniitu. templata 17 M Bath tuba with Iittinia MM Colored katn atl Bartatn Doubio laundrr uarA tonpitta , W Btiowtr cablntta, aianpltu 4J M Doubla kitehtn tltikt, laetrla wator bratcra, pipt .....thfap 41 avolid Oraaatbtraj p;pa l-c of fki. atMl aaptla tanka Ill t OTHER BAROA1NS Watal tnraat doota with bdwa.....4l Jlaw 4tt plaatarboard 11.40 4il wattrproof wai.beard In it liar and tittiior plrwood ..chrap Paiu. aarload aupplr M7i Ortrhaad paraia door bdwa DI M Loot insulauoo. 9r bat II Roll blanket Iniulatlon .......kan na V.- -Jap Blrrti" pi t wood c V" "Jap Bircto" ywol lie Mahecanr Plrwood 4in No. I Cdar thlnt.fW ,, .. X. I Ctdar ahlnal H Bo 1 Ctdar abltttlM 4oo l-tab roof i m Van tin Panel doora. btrdaraod doora. All typta )aaa d-wra .......lewtat prtcta Rtw i r door Janba 13 M Paiattd cadar abakaa ..l7l U n print M ctdar ahako Raw aabtalnri aidlnt I M P i it r lor whitw paint tin , Shaka mold int. par fool ...lot Ctdar fane poata ...., Cbtap C. G. LONG & SONS Pa, 4 -loll one aUa K. af roller konrTNO, inmTatio. Venei I a a Bltada. Can wutera Auta aupply Co for free animate. 1-7171. ata By Kttrham ' BUILDING MATERIALS REMODEL NOW I Pree horn plannlnt erYlc. Let b Sire rou a free animate en your borne rcmodelloa or repair. Alee InalAll tlen or rooflof, areetroufba, atdlaa or PUier bultdlM material. Montgomery Ward Fiona l-llll III Ho. Liberty BiailT- Red Cedar Shinries Battt frada. eeul ar awotilB Urn Oar. DcjiTarad pneai: No. 1, IJ; Jj, 9.991 9TM. If DO; , J MJ. COMMON LUMBER Com Pit t malll ftock. Ohlplap, Ii4l TKT MUIXXA, Mom ltm S'llfff NURSERY STOCK FERTILIZER Parnara, rabuild rour land. Mottad nanura. yard Dalrvirad to rour flald. Phont 3-0714. mb311a FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS lisro a plat Alto sosopboiii. IH x. loin at. Pbont 1-4417. nil' QAB aANOI and rafrlitrator, O. I. r Xrlforator( chroma dlnotlo Mt. I ploeo otUoaal. vanity, and drtoMr. . B oprlof aod Innoriprlna 1 nottrru. roll-a-ar bod, Ixll and 9x11 ruu. lovo oral, T.V. ilk MM rortlaad ad. nllT BOX OP mlacrltanoouo lodloa clothlnr. aim 14-11. Phono 1-404I. nll7 raiorDAiat banoi lo-meh. with larro avtn. Low than ptar aM. coll J10S1. Bill LIVINO KOOM auiTa Oood condition. Call IU70. AItu p.m. eau ui. 0117 roa IALE Prult Jan. 410 Do. 10th. BIN YKBY OOOD WoiUnlbouoo Laundromat with pator aavtr. at. l, aoi Ja llonmouth. Ph. dill. nil!1 TWIN SUE BED, opting and miuraai vanity. 111. Phono 1-1711. but TO IELL at eneo. 14-looi bock bar. prlmo-vora wood, uao i.a. will atu lor aacrlllea by awnor. rhona l-lna. B3171 ANTIQUES aolld raaavood aceaaloaal ahatr, cab ylola lira vltb eaiora. no; olaat front ladlco' duk, IM, diap-wll aaalna cablnat, 140; Ifarbla topped oral ta- kla, I41.M; aauo aa4 plaUorai rock er, 4I: Beautiful pair reproduction Umpa and abadea, 140. 1111 Portland Rd. Bill Piano sale! USED ftFlNET PlAMOB WuTUtiar On It tin Baldwin Aeroaonlo Ba I1U WtBttr, prtod anwdal I7t Storr Clark TJiad Wtaka iTrada lot laUr IITI REBUILT OUARANT1KD VPRIOHTB Mtw Kniiana .in BrtwtUr lltb Lombard himm HM) b. a. Howard tin Ludwia HM Marmondie, reltntahad lilt Kladler At colllao For oahoal or atudlo Blllnatoa 1171 KlnaaOury lilt Uarohall a Wendell Il aoacb. Delivery, Tunlnt PREE1 Terma la ault Tour rfoeda STONE FIANO CO. 11W .Vata Bl. Balm QUALITY HEATING Critta aur Ptrlmtttr Htatlnt STtttm with warm air unit. Htau acmorarcaar Bur now ana a at a. Montgomery Ward Ph. l-llll IH Mo. Llbtrtr Bill1 NUTlf'R OP PIBMC PALS Tht ra will bt told at pubita aurloa for acrrurd ttoraat an4 otntr charatt, 144 ba!ta of hopa dtacrlbtd aj loUowa 1 Bala 1141 Crop LolOMl 1 Ba.o 1447 Crop Lot O 1111 It Rait mi OOP Lot O V44-1 4 Palta 144 Crop Lot O 444 1 Balta 1444 Crop Lot O 1441 13 Balta mo Croo Lot O )M 47 Balta 1464 Crop Lot O 140 $ Balta 144 Crop Lot O Itt 1 Bala mi Crop Lot O 1 14 Bait 14M Crop Lot O HI A 1 Bala l-l Crop Lot O ITt Bala will bo tottd in tha Or ion ID- art rk Pr tit hi warthomt. 14k Cht mtktu, tftaitm. ortana. at 14 M a aWpttmbar IUi, 1441. Tht hopa Via ba intptrttd at tho abova ttddraia prior W tht data ft aalt. Ortion Eltrtno Rallwar Conpanr m. C MtrhtUta, Auditor fitvtnuo Acaounta BtlT FRimOAlBB BAMtit, full Hit, pond condltloB, ciaan. 2174 Adama. nllT1 Orr-OP-TOWM aJltnt will aaarlflat 1 to Btkrrtil ttntttrr leu at 414 tavrh. Rtaular prlct U I'l W Btt Mr Vorhtta with Dtaten Dtolon. Phont IM43. niii TOP SOIL Rlrer alll and fill dirt Prompt de llery. Phono 1-1741 a MX LOCAL CARTAGE permit. Mate ofl.r. Phone 1-7104. Bill MOMTAO WOOD REATIB 1MI Bo. llth. ereninci. Phono 14041. Bill boapital atD for otio or rost. a b Uff furniture ca Phone )-m a- IXtllT" uTBPIA"sidi like ai. Ml Bellerua after I p O. L. Brown. . Bill BOTPOIMT STnva, oibaoB re.rlaeroleir and other lurallura. Itoe Trode. tltol Bill LARf.B nil. rian-LATOR -Ul BO, ft.. Roeedole diilrtct, fourtb bouae loath of Fatal road. Bill t arn rou. BinaratNo, at at. Knee area.' Vied atora. 111 a. Com L alia- F0 SAlf miscilunious DflED .INaER aowlaa HulUu. Boat ItH.' DM4 Btora, lit M. CemL Bill' in bayeno, in. Rou Braa.' Deed awe. iit a. cm. biu- USED COTTON riLT Ulkw, WM. m Brew.' Uaed iwt 111 S. Cai'l otmt't tuiiiii ttm, na; hmt lama), Lambert'e, III Bo. Comm. Bill' AXT1Q1 B welaot bed. marble top dreea or with carted Pull. Laatberfa. Ill a cm. Bill BNKSHOLS DUE-Umbwrt'e. Ill ao. Comm. . OUT IP4BK OIL C1BC0LATOB. leldlas MM pon. board template, ill baatet. 1)411, ' alll prlNCBtaTEB 4.-4B model M, lit. acw, IK. fa. l-Wll tajt. Mil ecthxoca caani una, an Bdaa- volar. Wool eelee I, l,aa fcatnag Bap- ply. Pb. 4-1441 a Wanted MISCELLANEOUS Logs Wanted Top artca at tedaye mortal tar laaa or ok art aaraM arpvife fir tee, far ante, ptoaa laul .are, 4I1M ereev lata. Wan antra Lame. Ca. UM WoUooa R4 . Bale, walla. WANTED or crwwtne Bunder eehooL aaed plaaa or artoa. pweae lull. aolll oitboabd MOTOa wasted .'or ceeh. Ph. 41171. Mill WOODKT WANT! Ptaaea. Pkaaa Mil ao electrio banom. weadrr' Ph. l-llia . AUTOMOIILES SALEM AUTOMOBILE i HOME OF Chrysler - Plymouth Quality Used Cars "52 CHRYSLER CLUB COUPE Wlndior model. Hai radio, heater.' Low mileage. Really nice. Only $2195 '51 DODOS S-DOOR SEDAN Wayarer model. Ireah air heater, cuitom teat covert. Leu than 20,000 mllei. A f mart buy at , Only $1495 j '51 DODGE S-FASS. COCPE Hai radio, heater, cuitom aeat covert, new tiret. Only zz.uuo muet. look-Only $1395 '49 DE SOTO 4-DOOR SEDAN De Luxe model . with Tadio, heater, low mileage, good tiret. Extra clean inside, with original paint. You Save Many Do 1 1 an at $1295 '48 PLYMOUTH l-DR. SEDAN Sp. De Luxe model. Hat ra dio, heaur, orlginlal linlih. Seat coven put on when ear wat new. Our Buy at the Week $645 '41 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR SEDAN Windsor model with radio, heater, automatic drive, or iginal teat covert. You would expect to pay more than $395 t SALEM AUTOMOBILE HOME OF Chrysler -Plymouth Quality Used Cars OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS ajlf AUJOMOIILIS ltivMH. .m'iiuja gsBf. m,m -"-if. AWAD-VCE ..... . g , 's, I VrOl 't &&bk) iQUAM ' across FROMpmcjatMM W YOif5 fmrt Vf '49 Chevrolet HHRY- yOU'LLRuN YOuR EYES READING- ALL 7HOSE USED CAB ADS WHY NOT BUY AT A DEPENDABLE DEALER 1tSE PEST 'SI Plymouth Cambridge 4-door Sedan. Two tone paint $1285 4 Dodge Coronet 4-door Sedan. Heater, de froster, two-tone . .'.11145 '47 Plymouth Club Cpe. Radio, heater, over drive, motor recon ditioned $ 845 '50 Chevrolet Special Fleetline Tudor SPE CIAL $895 ALL OUR USED CARS ARE WELL EQUIPPED W. L ANDERSON, Inc. QUALITY USED CARS This Week-End Specials - 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook Club Coupe. Heater, aeat covert, a one-owner car $1395 1948 Dodge Convertible Coupe. Loaded with ex trat, new top 1947 Chevrolet Fleetline 4-door Sedan. Radio, heater, very low mileage & very clean . . 1930 Plymouth Special De Luxe 4-door Sedan. Thli U a beautyl H'S 1946 DeSoto Cuitom 4-door Sedan. Auto, tram., fluid drive 895 OPEN FRIDAY NITES UNTIL 9 MANY. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM DESOTO - PLYMOUTH 554 N. LIBERTY Ready For School?? HERE YOU ARE!! 1 A good running 5-pass Pontiac 6-cyl Cpe. 2 A good running and clean looking Pontiac 6-cyl. 4-dr. Sdn 145 3 SEE THIS. One of the cleanest 1948 Ford 5-pass. Cpe. Sedans in .town. Only 795 4 A dandy 1948 Chev. De'Luxe 4-dr. Sdn. Only 895 LOTS Or ACCESSORIES, GOOD TIRES ON EACH BONESTEELE'S USED CARS 170 NORTH CHURCH ST. AUTOMOBILES DEWEY'S '52 Ply. Cran. Sdn. It . loaded a 1 owner '51 Ply. Cran. Sdn. Two-tone arer, a daady '51 Naih Rambler oeel 1 tot the werta, plua If) mllei per tauoa of food. '49 Mercury Sedan Twe-toao brooa. area a'dmo. '48 Dodge Club Coupe '41 Chev. Club Coupe BouiB, but Ira OK. '28 Model A Sedan aura ur: THtai only at DEWEY'S MM MARKET PK. 11041 never OLOat Olll' RIAL Bl'T IPM Poallaa I etrremUaer. 4-drlva, Hrdrametle. radio, healer, eua nor. auleaoe U.aM. II. lit. Phrme lien. mi' BaaenPTL franc Orar 1141 Drt, eoarerllbht, Radaa. beater, white aide wolla. Nlea rondmoa. Coa ba financed. Mta. call loan. .in- IM POa tql'tTT 11 Pord 4-dr. Cal low. R.. B, OD, aloaa. Ph. 14 a. bfc UtnaTllle. alll INT ITtTDBBAREa Caramaader coopo. RMIa. aoawr, awerdrlro. EaroDeat aoeaeuuoa. laautra nil Cran at. till IMI PONTIAC TI OOR tvdaa. Radla. neater, aew po at. Pk I7IL Dalioo. all AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILP i- 1 1 " I aav TTU MF-P fflTT. '50 Studebaker Champ ion Two-Door Sedan. Heater $1005 '49 Hudson Super "8" 4-door Sedan. Drive- master transmission $1095 '49 Plymouth 4-door Se dan, early teriet. SPECIAL $ 895 '50 Dodge Coronet 4-dr. Sedan. Cyromatic, heater .$1345 70S 699 PHONE 4-3492 $ 75 PHONE 2-1603 AUTOMOBILES $AVE $$ RONR BRlNOt TOO EXCEPTIONAL AOTO AT PR1CEB TOU CANT AP- pord to uiaa . . . 53 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN The BAVOY model with healer, eterdrtve. lt'l la llp-tep ehope, aomi at a $600 DISCOUNT AT '52 CHEVROLET 2-DR. SDN. Thli low-art ont-owatr tar haa htattr, whittwall llrta. Jt met titan ana, going at tht low low ( $1395 RON'S '49 OLDS. SEDAN Radio, healer. hrdTemtttc. fender akirta. aua near. Our very .portal price ... $995 WE NEED CLEAN USED CARS-SPOT CASH ope IV La. to t lilt BROADWAY PH. I-41M allT POB IAII OB TRADE EBalty la mi coe. call 1-ll.a, alll wanted Boat car for lion coab. 1PM or II model. Phono IM Mt. Ancel. all!' BAROAIB -1PB1 Aaua Plymouth Deluie 4-dvr. Cleaa. Otto .waer. ILloa, Phone 11447. l:r IPOPOEt . .1 . i ivmwABII n ' ciGrj DE57DUV3 41 OLD. U atl) AH ..Ilf Radla. Beater, bih..-. . cotere, 11.111 rallea. 11 BUI CP? aWPER aCDArt tllli Droanow. rodlo, beater, hlte tralia, flaa aara. 41 BDICT. aUPER CONVERT I ! Mev top, arhltewella, radio, beat ar. ileo. wtodowa, food. ALSO OTHER PREMIUM QUALITY LATE MODELS AND THESE CHEAPIRB "41 Datoto aedaa ll '41 Olda. aodanet 1M '4t Buick aupor aedaa in VfcuabttlwUMdear OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY OREGON'S NUMBER ONE DEALER Com! at Ctnttr Phono t-Mll LOWEST PRICE & PAYMENT '52 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN A much kourht after all-puTpo$a nuto mobilo in llka naw condition, with radio andl htattr. A atar naw ur at aa attractfvt prlco. $595 Dn. $58.48 Mo. '50 OLDS. "98" HOLIDAY COUPE to thla hard to find btauty. It has radio, htattr. bydramatlc, whlta waU tiraa, ate. It hai a black top and light irttn body. An lmmaculata car in or llinal eoodttloa, ' f565 Dn. $61 Mo. '49 OLDS. "88" Ortilaal naroea color, pramtum whlta wall tirta. radio .htattr, feydramattc. Ono owntr. 42,400 actual nllta. Will unconditionally fuaranttt thla ear. $395 Dn. $57 Mo. - '50 DE SOTO . CLUB COUPE ' Original black (lotah. Thla la tht flout ear you will find at aueh a low PTlet. Coma In and gtt thla to day. It to outstanding. Radio and htattr. $395 Dn. $49 Mo. '41 CHEVROLET ' 2-DR. SEDAN A really clean, ortalnal car. Full price $395 '41 CHRYSLER Thli ear la aa clean ea any late model car and la In orlilnal condition. Full price $395 '41 FORD CONVERTIBLE A flood lop and eicellont body with bow paint. Full price $295 '47 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE Thla cor U In comparabla condition to moat '41 mod, ear. It haa a ntw whlta ton, original black flnuh, ptw whlta wall tlr and la ratnpltttly oauippttf and baa any H.400 actual cartful mile. $285 Dn. $33 Mo. MAJOR MOTORS 18TH & STATE PHONE 2-0513 OUT- I YOUR M BEST T BETS I '50 Ford Clun Coup . . ,$ BPS Radio cV heater '49 Packard 4-door .... 895 Radio & heater. Very clean. '49 Pontiac 2-door Radio It heater, Hyd. '48 Ford 4-door Radio and heater 895 895 TRADES TERMS ARROW USED CARS tn a. bio ar. ra. 4-1 in 4!7 ail 01.01. aa" rouday coite Ra dio, beater, hrdra.. fat aalo ar trade. 114 a Leneaitor. phoae 1 tool doya. at la M. Elma. Phono l-nat c.oBlnaa. allf 'II PORD PORDOB RDAjH. "hoi " bm ter. lood tlree, cond body. Mult aalll Beat affer. Phaaa I-IIU aftir am. tilt 1,, aedaa .lib tadla and heater. one-owner oar 'n w ta-tone flnuo, m aaueoo. $995 UW down let M monthly '41 Ford FREE! '41. Ford WITH THE PURCHASE Or EITHER STUDEBAKER BELOW '48 STARLIGHT Thla popular Champloi. la eaulpped with RAH, sew tea Itslab, aeat corora, aad Tory aleaa. $895 UM dOWB 044 04 monthly 4 GOOD WORK CARS CAPPS Tftl UNION BT. HEAVE HO! OUT THEY GO! LOAD YOURSELF INTO A BETTER USED 1951 FORD DE LUXE SEDAN. H., H., A BUY!. .$1248 1952 FORD 101 H.P. VALVE-IN-HEAD "8". . 1495 1950 FORD CUSTOM SDN. A STEAL! 9J 1950 FORD CUSTOM SDN. R FULL PRICE 1950 FORD ECONOMY . A BUY! 1950 PACKARD CLB. CPE. R., H., A DANDY!. 148 1950 WILLYS STA. WGN. R4tH, O.D MO UANT 1IORB UAFXa AND MODEL. TO CHOOBB POU MAKE YOUR OWN DEAL THE BOSS MIGHT TAKE IT! ALL OUR CARS ARE GUARANTEED MO. . t000 miles n: WRITINO Valley Motor A-l Used Car Mart PHONE 33147 CENTER AT HIGH AUTOMOBILES "Great. Buys" CHEVR0LETS from IMI to 111 ALL BODY STYLES COLOR.. POWER-OUDE LP YOU CHOOSE. RECONDITIONED GUARANTEED PRICED TO SUIT TOU STATION WAGONS 1141 PONTIAC UM PONTIAC. I-PASSENOER HYDRAMATIC CADILLACS 11 "II" SEDAN 10 "II" COUPE 41 "41" BEDAN 41 II" COUPE Other model, make, to ehooaa from. 8 EE 118 POR THE BEST TRANSPOR TATION DEAL IN TOWN. OPEN EV BNIN08 POB YOUR CONVENIENCE. WE NEED '40 THRU '49 , AUTOMOBILES A Guarantee THAT COUNTS ASK ABOUT OUR) SUDOR PLAN mm 835 NORTH COMMERCIAL PHONE S-3173 nr im DK aOTO Coot. Radio, beater, uaraateed aerlecl. Orlalnal owner. 1771. Alae, 1IU Plymauta auburbaa Phono 1-7714. .. IM 4-DB. PLYMOlTEt-OBly 11 0O0 muee, 1 awner, new brekoa, tood tiraa, heater, .ood coadltloa. Prloo liri Phono l-lect. tln $ $ CASH $ $ FOR YOUR CAR ALL MAKER AND MODItat TO CHOORS FROM Western Motors lltl Broadway Pkoae 1-4411 lati rRrtt. ciitomutd. Mil riohor at. motor. alll AUT0MOIIUS '51 FORD A ileanUst black 4-dr, acta, ao. aoataatod with white waU tiraa. Beoaomy plua la pawn wttb tnlc .... aarlBi e-erllnder. $1095 UM 4awa aaaatblp '49 2-DR. SEDAN ThU dark blua Champion la itt aft with naw full cap whlta wall tiraa and U aconomlcallp pourj at $995 . UM don I4I.M monthly LEFT - MAKE AN OFFER PHONI 1-4141 CAR H., W.S. TIRES. 45 "8" SDN. O.D. WHAT v 1048 SALEM WllTO AUTOMOBILES $ $ FOR $ $ You Can't Beat Our Cars FOR VALUE! PONTIAC It REDAN, a. SEDAN. '41 BEDAN. '41 SEDAN. 41 SEDAN. Hydra., Ran ...,,.ii Hrdre, BAH IMI Hydra, Raft ..... nil Hydra., Rag pot RAH 711 CADILLAC '41 SEDAN (Loaded CHEVROLET 'II BEDAN. RAMI '4 CLUB CPE. RH 'pi BEDAN. Rata .mi ..llt .. im .. m FORD '41 BEDAN. II SEDAN. RAH aaa I Ml ,. 4PI BEST FOR LESS '41 BUICK CPE II DODOE CPI 'II PLYMOUTH SEDAN , '41 PLYMOUTH ..l ) .. in nt 'II PORD CPE. (One awner) feharpt IM Alwayt the Beit for Lett AT KELLY OWENS CO. 880 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-4113 alll MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS IM. BABLET 111 Like Bow, wiadahleld. eitraa. Below market, t-eaei. aalll IPM BABLET 14 Bwddr, sola aa.ta. I. tree. Only 4.M7 mllea. 1111. 1011 N. 17th at. .alll IMI BARLIY DAVtDION 14 RBCa4, Ilia Phone 1-llM. 144 Dearborn Are. aalll AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BAVINO BADIATOB TBOUBLEf Telrty Meter Ca. aiaarta will eelre yawp pre, kma aad aara raa money. Preo eetl matea. apoedy Hrrloa. Cel. tar si Lib erty. ... oooewow.o.....pp.p..p.... FINANCIAL STATE FINANCE CO. Are you have family school expenaei? If ao. ata ca today. in ... Niah at, i S ill Pkoai l-tlll y.jn tilt