Friday. September 11, 1953 Pas II THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Bate. Ongi FOR SAL! HOUSES sSuUiTw Beautiful ranch, tm T ' ZlZi,- kema. la) Hn. Phone ail, FOR SALE LOTS rVvDAOOM. , baton. S ftreplacu, dou- fi sorue. Hr room. lew. will trade fa, Portland raeideaeo. -rToIJtilI WITH OPTION rwdroom home, 1 foam aid. Im maculate ihrowhout. Ill.oo. aeaail ""'uXStT JONBK B..I1- ni iMiuk i-wt. Eve. Mia T AC ANT lots ra oentw or OemmSk. vruas. oood far tourist aourt ar horn.. Uiiw. For wit br mn. Baa Mra. Reread U Bea China, Caean-naiif fORSALE FARMS 7 -ACTIVE S-tdrhOm dwelling. Har3 AT?.T7 ftMtn. Wall-to-well earpetlna la !Z loea w4 tU. OU beat. Lot KSl9. Jlwtlf ihmbtud. Am 3919 La fuck Atc. OmU Pioneer Trust Co. JS51 niiT MCB 9 rom Soma. Penccd yard, outdoor fireplace, prinkliiw iriuo. eVk ebon. 1 loU. blck 0 bum. J!?. M OW. Phone 4-1199. e319 SS' nwMift Modern 3-bedroom homo. , Jm- district. AUOO. .9f A. Capitol. IgJtO'S RHODODENDRON OAUELLXA OARDKN4 fdHpllUl; landSCaiwd, CODCTSte walks shade hoiiM, sprinkler -driveway So? earn, modern cottace with shower both, white enameled ; ' k -uh built-in double cabinet, paved !l. for M.000. Terms on S3, 000. vlrAblt 930 Pr month semi-annually newly seo.ulred vU. to private TbSI Water and Hahte Intact. Shrubs ire "free to bum at tlmo of sale, owner bow working for U. 0. ney. If ,ou have Bu - re)t. I will rot frto to Item On Cadillac work car, furnlturo in house (which Inducts walnut veneer TAoitf dresser, "double bod, hlth tor. new drapes, table u , two Itove. all-steel rubbor-tlred wheel barrow, garden tractor, tools, and title iniurenct. w " ALLXt C. JONES. REALTOR ,ti M. Ulfh J 31 Ivt. 3-8M8 ' Iai7 Firii payment duo Nov. so, COM PORTABLE HOUSE on 1 aoro in tAodshed and xeellent will, Ttrmi. 3180 N. Lancaster. 261S. 1318 5n-BED BOOM HOME located on ahadr 1 ' t W.i4hiirii Willi nrlM atlftA asM or leaa dcn. Phono 4711 Wood- burn. TRKAUTirUL HOME KE3ZER tm bod rnvf., nico bath rm., pa .Lin HTlm rm.. flreplleo, dinlna rm.. verr convenient kitchen, nook, utility fin., larav ioei a iw i yri. old. DbL nrace, wonderful aPOt- Tou thou la reauy see m nomo. CALL RALPH McQUEEN WITH ' JOHN J, DAMN, REALTOR Ait N. Ulrh Ph. 4S482. E?. 39479 aJlT 1-BEDROOM SUBURB AH How belnt completed In Keiaar. L1t Inc room with fireplace, din ins room, in.ue utility. Built-in wardrobe. forced air furnace, big tarace with hawir and toilet, piui overhead itor M. About 1300 aq. ft, 13,fl00. Fx J3IS). Owner. aJll iLO&t, TO ACADEMY 4-bodrootn home, hardwood floor, very modern kitchen. central oil Piped furnace. Attached a- raie. sicckmp aueet iaie noma u bout 1 leara old and In lood repair, price 17B60. Ternu, or will trade for homo in -act Baiem. Call O. V. Hume, Co-op Broker, or Stanley Brown, with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 147 a. Hlf a Bvei. J-B308 Ph. 14131 S-55ei a.18 IT OWNER Older typo -bedroom home. Dinina. livlni room, kitchen (nook). new cawduit furnace, carace. Bua at door, near lehool. Newly decorated. Reduced. M.K. 3-B738. 0218. NEW l-BXDROOM houM, electric ranie, water heater, refrlcerator and otber furniture, tt-aere garden with itraw- berrlM. Near ecbool and bua. Real bar- cata for oulok caie. run ptmo as. boo. 4701 Aria on a flt, off Brown Rd. Middle Orove aection. aaie' 9006 DOWN, Balance $420 at $05 month for euta 1 bedroom houie at 31S1 Brown Rd. Attached aerate, M acre and loU U ahruba. Ph. 3741-36777, aaift- A SEAL FARM wajrrou A IUM UM VtBki food f.r-a. m u,u kaow, im lAid. (ootf Taln ud u. th.l ma w U.0M Aora. TOU lux MA-mt. tin, louu4 at Uu lawu M of Rortb How.u, .in m n.1 hmid u ami. BUldloia w. AU min, ,id ttrm IA-Ia. trruttln. w,U A Utiu Umm. W. mum so fait. dt.U ud tk. . ttali who!, pui, h wh AM I. U A Mil U, iMk Ik . It. Attn .11 u j 14 mllM Ai IUM A ItW BlAUUA rUUU S-MM ia Lukinbcal, Realtor All N. HIOR IVt HIM DTAH SC1UCKUAMN 1-MH bllf REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE "Klumpps,, ACREAGES ACRE Located north, a Tory nice 1-1 room home, ail plaitered, cood-alied living room, dining room and kitchen. Only I yean old. Lota of ahruba, flow- era a bo lawn, race 91400. Tanma. 20 ACRES of Willamette call with iomi ut Older type farm houae In aood repatr. big barn, lota of fruit treea. Highway frontage. Bua. by door. A few miles nortn ox Baiem. Price 911,000. "BEAVERDAM" 91 ,er,i In AIL 1ft Acre, of Iis.vr. dim And b.ttnc. In wiutmctt. mU. A rr nlca 1-bMroom Hon. with nt,nw.r it onus, with bui br door. Cucumbor erop now In bMvtrdim. uoa-i pass tnu as ,l 2t,000. Tsrms. These are shown by appoint . mentonly. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor low Portland Rd. Eva. J-IMI Ph. J-HU bbllT REAL ESTATE . $7200 (Immediate Posseailon) Owner gone. Immediate poaaeulon. Call us ROW to see an Immaculate warm-hearted little home, 3 bedrooms. large living room, extra heavy con struction. Located on large lot with fruit trees and garden space. Perfect for retired couple or a etarter home for a young family. Only 9 yre. old and in perfect condition. Not a crack in the bouse, sve. can j-ong or 3-90U, PV 4-3306 sAMQSel CLOSE IN ON NORTH ; COTTAGE ST. Otaw imm aa SnkaUaa Asadttien. t MilraaaM IH s lam IrtaH nna and dlAbac iwa, Utahaa. aaaaaaai KZTAA U. OliAaan at WIA Ml tuBAaa. I badTAaan kas la tcai ranta far Of a ba, lm la M a !9A. A KSAL tat kw tar AtTM. CaU tarr TjttumL i SudT CAlAkA FULL PUCK $3300 Taa, M'a a a.oa l-badnoaa kaA M saw. ant tela At llrtu tor ha : suoar. On will tAka tlaoc dan. kalanoa Ilka raaL Call IB. Loirnat And hA. biat akew m ibn wdar. A SLEEPER ' It'. Tans, . da bin a a. i-badrooaa koau raadr lor Ton to Bio. . teto. oil !araaa, draplau. bit flalnr. vlndova, I block U school. Its hard aa kauar At mm, and U vaa't laAt-ao .all BAlvb MAddr bow. SOUTH LIBERTY BEDROOMS 11 11 Mlor faaaa with tlnplaea. It x It dlnln, maa. not la kitahan, 1 kadrMm and bath down. I badrooma up. Tnu lino aldn homo lua lou M Uilnt ten In 11. it'a loeatad on a dAndr AIM !2L.I5yLH!."1T Atk yard. LUtod at llt.(w. Its just tan . COalPurrxXtT dacaiAtad. AOS Tad Morrlaoa ca thla on.. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS ATT Court St. Cta: ana Tmond 11 Ul Tad Homson UM4 Ralph Hand? SUM Phona Mill Mill Loula Lorau UN GRABENHORST SPECIALS v ??UJWITH WCOHa Loralr 1 bdrm, Uv. rm, din. rm, kltchoa, bath and ntUIW m. pluo 1 bdrm.. a. rm, kltchan, dlnatu a bath. i,.'..,I1.,r w,th uu,l' la amanar noma. Attn br appb onlj. CALL 4. B. LAW UANBRHf GARDENS 1 bdrma, run baamt, apaeloua llr. rm. with llr.plaa. Din. rm, tarr eonianient kltchan with brkl. Araa. Ua. bOAn tuul rard. Tar ma. CALL R. x. union SKY KANCH Pntact Place to rstlra or supplement lamilr Ineoma. Lo cated top ol tho hill, south. Beautiful 1-bdrm. homa plua dan, dbla. Plbt, loU of water, fenced, plantr ol room lor a law horaes or cattle, beautiful stable setup, loafing shed, spacious lawnf, lie. patlo. Home iil' and Teller. Owner leering slate. Por lurther detail, CALL ROT S. PZRRIS . . . MEIOHSORaoOD OROCERY A rood location. SlihwAT ' Oroeerlea. meat And two AAA pumps. All neoeasarr eQulpmont. t-rr. leaae CALL tl tLJCTtKM " "PrM" MC' m- 0004 "" CHARU . PERSONALITY . cobfPOBT choice location, 1 bdrmi, reception Sell, Ut. rm. with fireplace a built-in bookcAaa. din. n, ' I.".0,!1"!' "clB. U'u kalh. err Iia utuitr rm. DWe. e.rue. beau tuullr landieaped lot. Auto. Ml forced Air furnace, call J. X. LAW ; i ,,AD,MWT IITLL Exceptional 4-bdrm. home, flneet locAlUt. able.' Plbr, well-to-waU Aerpetlne, He. din. rm, fireplace, lull baimt, auto, oil heal, lorelr rerd with oak trees. Ill.tH. CALL ROY a. PXRRIS GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 111 . Ubert, st. Ph. I-J471 renlnu St SundarA call "or " Perrla J-io j. Ijw .iil h. k. Laymen i-Mel 1980 Palrirounda Road HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT cJ17- HURRICANE HOUSE BuUt to outlast the bestt Hugged block construction with top quality rubberised paint exterior. Oil fired ra diant heat. Aluminum casement Win dows. Tounastown steel kitchens. In side planter box, fine view of Mt Jefferson. Located on quiet neighbor hood street with yard and arden space to pare. 910,900. Eva. call J-rs&e 3-IOU. REAL ESTATE BUY 0749999 gfLsfB MttMtQ 9SIMH9 MUHtUII 9MMMIH IttlMIMI 9999199 III 99999999199999 99899949 99 fC499999 999999 99 999999 m : - - , m LIST PC NEW l-BtDROOM home, rood location Phone 3-lom. Asia- OUT-OF-TOWK OWWEE ANXIODS TO SELL NICE t-BEDROOM HOME - A-l location, handr to St. Vincent', school. A real family home. Lara. B.raee. Haael .treet location. Onlr lt,lM. SUMMERS, REALTOR IT State Ph. day, ere, it OWNER Kin, wood BeUhU home on aood nere. Oood new, oil heat, double plumbing . Thrse bedroome, another un finished. Roomy, pleAsant to lire In. Phone 14181. r - - 1999 PalrgTounda Road HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT allf 3 BEDROOM w..-i Mnoieted. see thla before you buy. Pull beaement, auto, oil lurnaca, haidwood floors, birch kitchen, Porm Ice counter tope, lame birch mantel fireplace, teceud n Enilewood Are. near looter ochool And one block to ally but. Ill.tOO with A370O down. ABRAMS, B0URLAND & SKINNER . Ill Masonic Bulldlnr leslliute Inaurenc. M"Aae Loan, Oftlu l-nn : Ersa.: 1-o or l-TJM ww ..t . ni hade I bedroom house, en, dlulnc room, fireplace, Awdust fnr,. landscaped lot. Close In near bua and echooL ae. at (40 So. tin dark week deyc. - aJll' Aiir REAL ESTATE COLBATH'S FINER BUYS -TAKE A PEEK Vt OWNEsV-Excellent 3 bedroom, liv ing room, dining room, attached tar ut. 88960. Kelier. Phone 450D7. a3i9 funnooM Enalewood home, dlnins room, fireplace, basement, best. Phone 30649. $13,600 l.bedroom modern home. lath up and down. Larae llvlnt room with Itte plsce. Pull baaement. New rusa drepei. Close to school a .tore,. ' $9,500 J.bedroom modern homa with dir.. rm, fireplace. ba,ement. Near St. Vlncenfa at Hollywood. Thl, U an . excelletft bur. TRADE ' A. mostly In caneberrlM. Some fruit. Oood a-bedroom home. Close in. will consider a three-bedroom In trads. Oood money-meker. THIS IS IT l-bedroom. modern m-story horns. Pull basement, corner lot. Walklnt dls tsnce to city center. One bl. to Miomhin.. pr ced rlaht. A bur! Mltht consider A ealea contract. $15,000 A new uttA-raodern full B"-T reeldence. view lot In west srtem. Double earaaa, lerie lot, hot water heat In each room. Plrepleee. Thll a. a beautiful, new. mooern - Rex Sanford Finance IIT H. Bilk T1- " ...oo, a i-sem aiiT NELSON Washineton School Dist Thla conveniently arranged Utht 3 bdrm. home, 9 years old. Is well In sulated, food plastered lnterlod, lot 93 x 119, living rm. II x 14, bua stop ltt b.ks. Tou ean handle this home on Ol loan, rnee eieww. v-u Wootten. . See This Exceptional Buy 4-bdrivv home, basement, lot 13 160. Modernised older type home. 9 i.... t u-hnni tA blk. to bua. beau tiful rd. view. Pah-mount DUt. Prke 97IM. Call Mrs. wootten. 2 BDRMS. $8950 Would ron like a nearly new houae on A lerre well-ebaded lot near Kelser hni, mmi era 11 x 11. llvlnt rm. 1, x II plua II i U dlnlu rm.. lane roomy kit. Call AL watta, l-nn $10,500 I ROOMS BASEMENT Thla home la only I rre. old. la A-l eond. Hdwd. lira, larae roomy base ment Ideal for ehlldren'e plarroom. Extra lot for ardeutnf, dble. aaraae, tn h,i. MhooL store.. I10.M0. Newly Built - For Family Ar. yOU lOOKHW lor huiiu. . - HI bdrms. Ilnlshed. 1 bdrma. unl. i.aa .fl tt ,n nt floor. O. E. autom, forced air furnace, fenced-in yard. lot TO x 1T0. Priced to aell. lU.WIO. DOWN XL) WIN 10-DNIT APARTMENT rv.n.r'. health lorcea liquidation. Wonderful eatnlna record, nettlni over -aa m, mn. prooarty In aood eond. Excellent terms may be arranged lor qualified burer. Owner will accept home, contracts, or morti area aa down payment, nice i,i,v, Schmidt. NELSON & NELSON SPECIAUZINO REALTORS TOJ N. Hlth St. Ph. Mt SULLIVAN CAPE COD Thla ftp homo has two bdrma. with 3rd bdrm. in the full baMmcnt. Fire place, hdw. floora and dbl. plumbing. Close to Snglewood echooL 913.909. Mr. RICO, ITSS. 1-4849 $1,000 DOWN Threa-vear-old two-bedroom, close to achooL Owner la moving and must cell NOW. Oil heat and a large lot with wonderful sou., eno eur a month.. . . THREE-FOURTHS ACRE Across the aoad from Haael Oreen aohooL Three bdrma. in thla remodeled home. Owner wlU trade equity ruvm CASH for a money-making tavern. 97,900. Ed. Bristol ores. 3-9914. NINE ACRES Property lies between two county roads, south. Ideal for subdivision. Owner will take smaller acreage In trade. $9,900. Call MacParland, eves. 4-3346. $35,000 Eight apartments and three first floor business outlets in concrete bids, located In Bllverton. Call Bob Sulli van for Information on this real in vestment. Evas. 4-9971. 347 N. Hlth Street . Phono 4-933 c319 i EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE BY OWnU, Woet SAleaa trade wanted, en acta m klwar bow mi, limits. DwrAex, All Moctrte, bardWMd floor. Bteslr furnlahed. Also elder true house saftrnlaneel. Pull twleo lll.oot. Bouse to 11,00. la Weat SAlm a. down ew snaat er I3SM down. BaIabc. II year MtrfMl at If etaatred. Call MIM. cblie- WX SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WB K8BD UarrTjeoai Bee. as, Parma. Itnata, Bella see a,, xa rerna, Meaei CeejrtA. wkAt Bak Tell OWNER WANTS SMALLER HOME Whal bar. weal ThU .wner hsj a t-kedrMBi home la Orant achee. Dial. Be. new roof. Oood petal And eleen. He la iy aetiaa suae, rreiera urn and baw bus. DREAMERS HOLIDAY Yen tnu la the wnsunal roe kare keen drMalnj Moul but buan'l aeon. baarenaee, Larely aeiKa. very au- tlreplAM. Oaaaplet. Yeunaetewn kitchen. 3 -cor Alt. Berate. Dolce Ml furnee. Brand new and the lawa at In. PuD price 111,000, Term. Half Acre in Keizer' . Plua Terr modem .potnaaly Mab honre. Oil heat. Ooay Oreplac.. ln miletod. Dtntnr room with trench doors. Pmcrant Oewara. Well-kept Uwn. Pared St. Just 1U new. Pull Brie, only IllAr. Automobile ' Dealers Berra your loVlen ewpeirtunUy. One af the kt three. In mi. m the north- west ael Areas, owner reporto last yra. volume aeu.Tlt. Thl, property U one ol the IlnMt. owner ha. a apecmc reeAoa why he la for ced to MIL Fide-. property and All for 1171. 0M. Vh down WlU handle. APARTMENT T amis plus owner's ouarters. lPne location for schools, bus and sure, Rents are very reasonable, e) sate of plumbing. Deloo forced air oil heat. eareaea. Completely farnlaned. In come 9940 per mo. Lot 190 s 130. Pull price only 8 20,00(1. Terms. BEAUTY SHOP. Watt established. WeU Mulpped. Rene only 949 rw aoo. Pull price only 93009. Business Frontage On ME north. This Is a very de sirable property fey moat ear type of Business. Motor court, service nation. super market, or what hava you. 400 ft. with an exit to another weu-trav- eled road, .mil price $13,000. BUSINESS LOT IUSINESS OffORTUNITIES atAJOB OH, COMPANY aerrlce etolloo for leaae, geod loeatloe, coaamerctal SI Buah. Phone 1-Alil. Mill poa SALE ew lA AhOPPlB, INCOME PROfCRTIES 1 Real Nice Duplex with 1 bedroom! la eah aide. Loceted la eouth part of town. I kellero yon would be wroud t. own property like thli A nice borne to sir. la and a aood reoeithly Income. F. H. WEIR, REALTOR pnen. ,-eii efllr FURNITURE FOR SALE TRADER LOOIE OPEM PfUDAY MONDAY BVBrimOB HIT COMPUkTI a BEDROOM houao of fur- nlihlniA Ineludlns 1 rrieiaeire, sn tomatlo washer and dryer. All priced TOAeonable. Phone t-1001. dllr WANTED FURNITURE WANT TO SELL your lumlturel Ph. Ijembert'a, l-7iez. obzit- COUNTRY HOME n... w.ii.-a nd 1 acres In fruit and nuts. Very nice bunsslow-atyle houie with flreplece. I bdrmi, breeklaet nook, full baiement. J chlclten houj., duck pond and stream. Price Ill.WO, "2 HOUSES $4000 Owner llres n 1, rente the other for III mo. Located I In -'" FURNISHED HOUSE $1100 DN. , .M. e tMlrm... nice furnl- ..... 'rrn.r lot with ehade treea And erere. Pries complete "0. RUSINESS LOTS Close In on Delia, Rd. Attractlre Urma 0 responsible Patty. Call Bon w! MUSGRAVE REALTORS .... ... - i.aiAO Eva. 3-9939 1311 ow.i.w - (3( . $500 DOWN : , t BEDROOMS. LAROR LrVTNO anou k KITCHEN WITH EAT1NO SPACE. UTILITY ROOM, ATTACHED OARAOE. LAROE LOT. SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENT. v .... INVESTORS l-BEDROOM BOMB LOCATED IN BUSINESS ZONE. EXCELLENT RENT .T. T.tVTNfl ROOM. LAROE KITCHEN WITH EATTJtO SPACE. BATH AND TNSIDB UTIIJTT ROOM. EXTRA LAROE LOT. POLL PR1CB 7100. SOME TERM. LANDSCAPED LOVELY LAWN AND LANDSCAPINO. PLENTY OP SHADE POR THE OUT haab wrwrPI.irit AND PATIO. LIV- INO ROOM AND DININO ROOM HAVE WALL-TO-WALL CARPET. 1 BEDROOMS. BATH WITH SHOWER. wrrr-HBTV Ifl THE WONDERFUL PAM- tt v portu TVPK PART BASEMENT, LAROE OARAOE. ALL THIS PLUS VENETIAN BUNDS, DRAPES AND DRYER. CLOSE TO SCHOOLS. PULL price anso. TERMS. 3 BEDROOMS rrirrvn niwtf. WITH PIREPLACE, DININO ROOM. KITCHEN, UTILITY ROOM. NICE BEDROOMS! BATHS, ATTACHED OARAOE. FENCED-IN YARD, LOCATED CLOBE TO STATE- HOUSE. PULL PH1CB eevoe- AT THIS STATELY SIX -BEDROOM BOMB ON CENTER ST. 1 bathrooms. lorelr kitchen, burnt, furnace. Lietnx rm.. dinlni Tm, atteched IB- rare with work shop. Penced back yerd. ONLY til. too WITH OOOD TERMS. SEB "TIO" KIOOINa, Ere. ' Ph. weH. OPEN YOUR EYES TO THIS REAL ' VALUE IN LATE BUILT (VERY NICE) l-bedroom home with S baths, hdwd. lira. Ml luraaco, open atblrwar m larra iirm, rm, nia in. rm.. wonderful kitchen, caraae utility. Onlr a hike, from Leallo blah whMl. Bmi!1 nlctureMua stream ad- lolnlns propertr with eute lootbrldae with ralllni. ONLY 111.000. TERMS. SEE MRS. OOLESBEX, BVB. . PK. 11971. . Steep Gable Beauty THIS IDEAL FAMILY BOMB LO CATED ON OATTXKU" SIS. SURE BET POR THE PAAOLY MAN. Home la Mound 10 rre. old. wib im well kept. Lovely urine rm, iix. plaeo, dlnln, rm., hdwd. firs., til. In bath with vanity. Orand kitchen, maeter bdnn. la very larra. S bdrms. In All plua small nursery rm. Attached sarare. Dry burnt, with .11 furnace. ONLY 113,100 POR THIS. T TRADE POR VERY LAROE e-bdrm. home that 10,000 Multy aa down payment. Oo up to 117,000 In trade. 8XB BEN COL BATH, BVB. PH. MMI DON'T BE LATE TO SEE THIS NEW RAMBUNO RANCH STY LB HOME In the North ats Addition. Peeturea lorelr llrlni rm. din. rm. combination. Plr. place, oil piped furnace, wonderlul kitchen with nook. Hdwd. tire., doubla ..rue ALL NEW HOMES IN SPLENDID NEW ADDITION. BEX "KID" BIOOINS, Bee. Ph. AJUt, HEY THERE, MR. Tell the wife About mis excellent 1 bedroom home located on N. llth In Bnilewood-Roaedalo Addlt. Bdwd. firs., tlrepleos. beeutiful bath with ranlty, ehermlnf kitchen (plenty kullt Ini), nook, dinlni rm., burnt, with ...Mtx.t fumta.. NSW DBlUt Af TOOf. Beautiful Uwn. (A PRE-WAR HOME TN TOP SHAPE). ONLT au.mra, WITH TERMS TO SDTT. SEE MRS. OOLESBEE, XVX. PH. 1U7I. GOOD NEWS DAY LISTEN TO THIS Clean At ery neet I-bdrm. home with Urae J7-It. llvlne rm fireplace, bath, coay kitchen. Hiitv rm. oaraee. fenced lot, new roof. ONLY ITISO. TERMS. Just I v,b. ..M. lh. Wn.l.wOOd BCh. On N II thl Be. Ben Coloath, Ere. Ph. JMJI FARMS & ACREAGES HUNT & FISH AT FISHERMAN'S CAMP, located on Lncklamute River. acre, at kind, l-bdrm. modern home furnished plus store witn en aiocs, I furnished cabins, ptcnle erouidi Price Is only 111.000. 40 A. DAIRY FARM oa A. laadlno Clover, Rye st Peacus ar.ii under Irritation, 3-bdrm. mod ern home. barn, lets furnished aPts. 9U He lit St. cd3lT WANTED FURNITURE NtOOUCE WANT ID SALESMAN CANNiNo paAcmaa at Btw planer Bd. B reedy. ffJ10 PBACHEB Barry ImprMred Blberta aeaehaa ar. saw nadr at the Jeee MAthl. Orchard and Prull atand. atlle. Bonn of aeiera M ,B. Bros Matlalaera for you plek peach. ffllT ABB (OO KBABINO W OB OVERT U your future uneertelnr Local kaalaaea opportunity backed ky aatlonaUp knowa compM. .pen. Car aeceeeary. Will be In your town aooa for per aonal Interview. Writ. Bd Walker, TO Boi Mil. Portland I. ibIIT D-paCK BIAira, U pound. Clear Lake Parma, Bt. a, Boa 114. Phone a-uk. Berth of BslsM. ftuo WANTED POSITIONS UOBt CBAWLEB doalnf. dlrl Ink. nadlni. Phone 1-11M. V-PICS. Improve Bherta Peaehea. busheL Turn wen at Beta follow mvust sets ralle. Alan aa rlcht. Brisk koxee. ffllT BPBAY PAINTING. Alasua. Ph. 1-laOA J-AMI. kZ CocCMBBBa far dllla. buaheL Phon. 4I0M notlau. fUlT. MBW LAWNa-Prepared em Rotery koelna. Daaoa Wolcotl, a-UT. UN PICK YOUR OWN PBACHEB Da. A aoadltlona, wa wfll rum aur aranard ever to the public lor karvML IMPROVED BLBBKTAS Windfall, 11.00 per box Pro-picked 11.00 per box Beavr crop Brlhf your own Boxes or Containers, ' II Muu North en Rlrer Bead. Watch Ber aum FRED VITSKO Oooae Lake Pane Ph. Salea US7I ffllO YITEBAN, ta, marrud. I child. eUK prMluate, , Btontna cumt eaeaa, yeere retail exnerleBoo, deslr. p.. aponslhl, retell ar direct aale. r - llloa. Beferenee. furnlabad. wrtta Box lit, Capital Journal. hi If EXPIBT BOTABY TTLLINO for Uws preparation, ja-in.k rtowara. a-lbvr. kin CARPENTER Repair and remodel cab inet, end iiruu, eramau Job, wel come. Phone 4-tut. hilt" WOULD Uke t Phone I-42U. IMPaOVED XLBEBTAS U-Plck. 1W B. ChemawA Rd, H mllo WMt f KeUwr echool. MarahAll Perm, imo' CABPENTEB (isli repair loha f any kind. Phone rmi. mis Poa SALE OrSTsnjtetn apples. 1-IUi. Phons ffllia PArNTINO Interior, exterior. MeClafa and ooiden. pnona HUl at i-uea. nllT NOTICE housework wanted br hour rn. ae700. Bean pickers urgently needed now. Oood beana. Clarence D. Herr, R. 3, Box 199, Silvertoo. mile eaat and north of Central Howell school. Phone Salem 31307. GJRU U TEARS, wanta ehUd cars eve nings, says pooce i-esit. 3-494 after p.m. ' halt PEACHES Improved Elbertaa Bow ready at Bd Zlallnekl Orchards, 1 mil. east of Totem Pole. Phone 1-1711. lino M1MEOORAPHIXO A t-'Pln,, .UBllty work, reasonable rates. Mrs, Poa. sea - N. Win. Phone 111,1. una. BROCCOLI FOB freeslng, Kentucky Wondero (treeae or can). Cucumbers for plcklln,. Mehama Oardena. ml. E atayton on old hlwar. ffllO CANNING tomatoes, D-plek. 11.00 bushel. Holman's, 11 mllM south af Salem or miles North of Jefferson on -OLD e. ftm BILL OBOWN PEACHEB Improvad El bertaa. J. H. Hale. Mulr. Renin Beater Up Olen Creek Rd. Phone 47P1. ffllO AUCTIONS ALFALFA BAY. Third outline. Clean, no weeds. Prod zurbruef, Jit. a. Box I7in, BUrerton. Ph. I-45M. ttll7 Rlrht la the hul al Balem. That U aa extra choice corner property and aalnlnx in vara, almost ay tne hour. w by 110 ft. auiuble for raoet aay type of bualnau bldr. We know thla won't last. Mo phone Information. pleMO. (Call lor Al laaak, peraoaeUT.) 17 ACRES - With, a modern 3-bedroom that's really good. Chicken house. 3- car carace. Pvd. rd, a A. strawMrriea. Some walnuta and atpples. Hies lawn and rard. PuU price 911,999. $800 DOWN on thla 1 A. tract. Clooe ie Balem. Oood modem amellar houae. ptne vlsw. School bus. Pull arte, amy BTW.. W ACRES Rivar bottom land. Ideal for truck gardening. Mo bldga. Chehells spU. Thla would make aa tdfal duck lake. On tho urway. por Business Opportunities and Homes tail .or: RAT ORDIMXTT (Eve. 1-1919) DAM ISAAK (Eve. 4-3691) ICR, CRAWPORD , EVS. 4-9030) Tot Pams onlr, call for: ICR. LEAVENS (Eve. 3-47-6) It no answer, call 4-3349 P.H.A. MTOS. CONVEMTIOHAL UTOfl 30-TEAH BaLrV'TUHiiX LICENSED ALSO Of WASH, if IDAHO Al Isaak cS; Co.", Kealtor Off. Phones e-srii or s-7sao ? Jtih. 4-1SSI. 4-0030. 3-7079 If no anawer, call 4 3349 cOlT SCOTTY'S AUCTION HOUSE At 4840 Center St., Big Auction SAT. SEPT. 12 -10 a.m. & 7 pm W1ET CANNINO tematcs. Ult af Roberta aohooL Ira aouee. L eu Bieixe. IISBD- FOR SALE LOTS LARGS LOT-IUM or best olfer. On lett aide Albert St. Septle tent . And weter to foundation. For formation. LOTS FOB BALE In South owner. Beeutiful view. lOtrtSM eouth eut corner of Ewald and Hulaey. 1-vMl CLAAAIFIED ADVFBTHINO Per Word. tlnrae 1 Fm Ward , Per Wert, t Haw ! Per Word, I :;;.. No Befaa le Minimum 10 Werae BEADEBK la Local Newe Colam" Only, V VC.rB . Mlalaaa M Werda. Ta Place Ad la Same Bay Paper, Ffwna t-tiw Befora U ajn. North Church St. - .1. .,nr.i.n. Llrinr room. kiuhen. one bedroom. . Ilreplace. utility room, two bemootne .. Nlcelr arranred with shrubbery and llowera. Prke H100. FARM fLOSE IN Mt. acres. All cultivated. Oood roll, 'A . M.t,. bam. 10 atanchlons. MUk room. Machine ahed. Chicken "ou. MsterlAl lor alio. 10- for lrrteetlon. six-room house, woven .Ire fence and on pavemeni. ABRAMS, B0URLAND & SKINNER ail Muoale Bulldlni ...lbtata Insuranc, Monrueloenj I "office: l-tl LEASON REALTY 1,40 PISHER RD. PHONE lltTl CUT" $300 DOWN l-bedroom homa on half acre. Reeds some finlah work. Also extra Itrae poultry house suitable for thousands of chickens. Balance u no. ONLY $12,700 buve this 10 acre, complete with atock. equipment and 1 housu. Both houses have complete bath. A fair bern and ahlcken house. Also a esbln for Pick ore of a e-acre atrawberry patch. 10 acres of puture with 1 eprlnss. Only IS minute, to down town, will trade for an Inexpenslre home la town. Englewood Special Drive by 1171 Enelewood Ave, then cell us for appointment to are Interior of Ihu lovely l-bedroom home with fireplace. Ill.tOO. Income Property 4 unlta tt 1 kedrooma each, rust . i. .,- twit, on . aerea of lend. Income of 110 per mo. This Is not ell rua down, but a very nice court with plenty of room for expensloa. All lor only RO.oo.. REIMANN ' REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml South Bilk atreet Poena 1-101 Phone evenmie Sunday! 4-ieri. l ine, 4-1JU. -aii. -. outbldsa., 11 , j a a haA vounaer cattle. nA...t .pirt auiDmpnt plus irri gation syet-m. 34 mliei AeT J?0 RIOHT POR THE BAKU i-im 9u, 2 ACRES vu biawt. no ad. (Near Silverton) a wa.. ttrtma hrB la TIB fllDUU, pfar treea. A VERY OOOD BUY POR ONLT S4WW. lrvBK. SEE T. T. AMDERSOM POR A PARI! EVE. PS. 43114 Dial 44494 BOMB SOLD, . BOOMS OP PINE HOUSEHOLD PURNISHINOB TO SELL AT AUCTION SAT. NITB AT BW1 TY'S. TNCLUDINO ... Kenmosa Blec. Banco , r o.n. Blec. a-ft. Relrtieretor ' M Bendlx Autometlo Blec. Waaher l-pc New Chrome Set (yellow) a-pc Maple Din in, set A-pc. Walnut Bedroom Set. ' till Wool Rax Zenith Radio Baby Stroler e) New Hlah Chair Cofle. Tablee eb Lamp Teble, -. ' BB Stmi Tablu New Deveno as srwlna Rocker 1 OB emulator, ' e) Bicycle H-h. Outboard Motor Fruits, Vaietablcs, of all kinds. LIVESTOCK SALE AT P.M. Chickens. Ranblta, Owes..' Babr ..). .iv.v. a aood assortment. Veals, Cowa, or any yon have. Com. brine 'em In iwe et yo th top market, , AUCTIONEERS' Col. Ernest E. Scott Col. Jim R. Vaughn PHONE 4-8433 PICK eprared BarUett pears. II. oo. Phon. 4-M7l. ffllO' IMPROVBD BLBERTA PEACHES Prom on. of Mission Bottome finest orchards. Bxtra full bushels. Oct them now whll, rou have a larce ouenlty to elect from. Also. VKxnar cuaea. eon. ad ar field run. Preah dally. Order, taken for eannlns. bean, ,nd appiee. Batilett pears and blackberrlss. Phil 11 pa Bros. Farm Market, two Portland Road. Salem. Phone l-uia it BARTLETT PEABS, (hill flavor I. R. Clarke, Bt. f. Box em. orchard neienu Road. fflll HELP WANTED HOP PICKERS URGENTLY NEEDED TO SAVE CROP level, hiu Ml reen aalnUnc. h!?A r day. hllTo BOTOTILLTNO Middle Oroya Nuraery, tuo Bllrerton Rd. pnona 4-1132. h LANDSCAPINO, tractor and tiller work. aerrlce center. Phone 4-1,73. . u" WIEMAL'a DAY NURAEBY Licensed end state Uspeeted. Phon. Holt. hill TBKE WOBK Topplnr. trlmmlnc, rw movln,. InsurM, John Payne, phone 1-osu. bin" PAINTING, PAPER henilnr, day er contract. Small Jobs welcome. Phon. 1-71,1. hill MICKENHAIPS DAY NURSERY State licensed and mepectod. Phon. 9-7IM. MI7' BELIABLE BABY UTTER Will ,0 daya or nlshta. pnona 2-83G4. JMf EDUCATION CANDALARIA KINDEGABTEN 000 Ban. Mn Ave. open Sept. 11. 1 morntnx, a ink, 4 and ytara. Realster now. Ph. Mill. hhui ALICE ARNOLD v -'EACHER OF PIANO BEOINNERS ADVANCED 1111 3ND ST, W. SALEM PH. S-44A4 hhll B1QH SCHOOL for dipiomu at home. Wilt. American Bchool, UU B. Inter state. Portland 1. Ore. hhlbi FOR RENT officb irACa Inuuira at US) aV Basb Phone 1-1114, LAROR warehoUM epaaa tor rent ea leaae. cement Doors, bmk kvuVamaL Dowa town. Xmulre B. L. stiff Par. -nllur. Co. Phon. a-ollt. y to loa IMS rranuae mn LEASBr 100 on Bdxewater at, weM Balem. Pltte, ph. XBVT,. FOR RENT ROOMS i i iirrffrrr" FOR SALE LIVESTOCK HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SPECIALS , Silverton, Oref on t acre I room, end both, earue, fruit bouie and chicken Bona, ,esow One acre, all cultivated, dos. in on paved road. I badrooma, llvlnx room, larte kitchen, utuitr and both. Oa rue. Chicken house. Very eood eoll. KM down ilioo Very alee l-room and bath, partly furnlahed, fireplace, wired for rente, Mc. Close In 10000 T room, and bath (I bedroom,), all no floor, cement foundation, fireplace, wired tor ranie, etc. Oood saraee. Pin, location. Reduced to ....flMO Iti ecru, all cultivated, elow In. Oood famlly-slaeS modern home, Oueat houae. Barn, etc Thto la really a line property you would enlor ewnlni. 11700 11 acree. about i acre, .ultlvaUd. t-room and bath and utility, wired lor ranae, ate. Barn end ahop. New (-Inch drilled lrrustlon well, owner claims 0000 lallon per hour. On peved road, tcien In WOO IT acrea, 11 acree tillable. Family orcherd. 0 room, and bath, part bate ' ment. Chicken house. Oarexe. lerxe barn. Terma 11100 do acres. Grade "A dairy. T-room haus.. IrrlBBtlon. Look thU over. IHISO We here one of tho finest term. In th, WlUamstta Valley. 10 ecres of top arade valley soil, nsarly ell cultivated. A really beautiful l-bedroom modern home. Thla le one of the best. Come In and see it. Writ, or call for our picture folder and propertr aele list. . i Belore you buy, rent or Mil, CONTACT TKB HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SILVERTON. OREGON CUT. BEOISTERED AIREDALE QueUty con- eldered. we nave me .neapue p... m town. Bxcellant wetchdoxe, huntere and children's pets. IU M. find at. cell! PABABEETB. choice youn, birds. Varie ty f eolorfc J ibo uvinision. Mill COCKEB PBP8. Phone 1-71M. eclH' WANTED REAL ESTATE aram FACE FEEDEB calvas. aalem Meat Co, llll S. nth. Phona I UM OOOD PICKINO, DRTVB OUT SA-I. v auTCHEN PTlvllAiaa. tM.W LEU-an,VBRTON road one mile I month. Phone mio. Ibrno IX?"? "II.?1' Jfj:'" PUABANT ROOM With hath. " MOM ".TArr.'.ON AT BOAD tn.I oentleman. Ph. 141,1. - Ikllt. mrjATBB dirbctionS. ALSO, PICK-1 blbteptno roama with aoaatni faenittaa. DPS AT EMPLOYMENT OPPIOBI TMfrUarater and artrata emtraaaa. TM) MOKNTNu, ,:ia. mmu i .I. .ii i pj . commercial. sxsir 4ULVERTOK, - ,1M-fJ1,;i CUCUMBER PICKBaa mraeatlr needed at Phuupe groa. r-arra. rn- .w... N1CB UGH housekMPlna raara. Lady. S8S h. cnuran. . ixaao- ATTRAcrrrvE room iom buiidtnea. are n. winter. ley slat, ikai BLACKBBBRI Picmama ej , luaalTtn Tft BEtJT bWTtM. IX aCTW .1 ur-W.wv i .ivi u.n , m . mmt - Bverrraona. Nortn on wb aa vnaawa-i. mKOm0ow vnfurnlahed home. I Silverton Rd.;j aaei i . mt , ' louri ,,.th Uult bo nice. North or But, aornara, lelt em ,enCleave Rdv A mllB.1 cueat retereaeea. Writ, Box lie. Aivin -.,1 Capital Journal. . lalll" . p.m. KITCHEN HELP San Shop, 1401 Port land Bo. olHITCBEN BELP Apply rn person. I. Avierear Beotawrant, 1171 Center at. yotlNQ .usniLs uobn -1 . I .rrdU.r0rmf5' 101, if I BE AN PICK.Mwu.ted. aiwirton Rd. 0117. 1(4 mlJM .1 ,iiMieeea LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKE B BEEF Whit, l,oe Hereford, 34c Loexsr por. wc . -mos. to par. Custom kUllne. Trailer loened free. Balsa Meet Co, llll B. th. Ph I-4MI ijjjrf errre-rrrrr PETS ' ma wtrwKRS. heavy crop, lata Pick Ing. Oak crest mrm, s mnee W..t awmlarm API wVkI.&T) Rd. S310 HELP WANTED MAL KITCHEN1 HELPER Apply J. J. Drlve- w w....nn4a IM. CkllS 13. a)W gmiaawwim- BOYB 1. tts. Clean all winter Job. BAB BowL rcruspoiw. MONTH male Cocker Spaniel. Jteuon able. Ph. 14IM. eell7 BOLLYWOOD AQDABHJM-1P6I McCor, one block out 01 n. capitoi. in pio. north of MadUon. Ph. 1-6H1. will' WANTEDoentleman to .are for aemt- Invalld man, Butnie. s-non. .-vw.. all, BED FACQUEB At Pink apricot can narles. Rt. 1 Box Bt, aalem. 1IMI. CHAMPION BRED BOXER pupplu. ev ery pup poteniiai co.oipiua. "t1 Troplcal Plah. ParekMta, Turtles, sup plies miles from Lancuter on McCleay road. 4-1171. Closed Wednea " j..eeeeee,ev,eien,eeiee FOR SALE POULTRY MAN WITH CAR to distribute Puller Brushu to euatomsrs, or inwuiii., only. 110 to llll wet wub profile to el.rt. Phone 1-1117. 1 WHITE CORNISH OAME CBICBS, ac claimed the irue irror pi mi.v-. now available to commercial fryer xrowera. Processor, pay premium prlcu for thU broad double-breuted frrer. Quantltlu limited end If unavailable, try the next beet, our first eneratlon Arbor Acrea White Rocka. Year-round hatches svery Thursday. Also, New Hempshlru. ',., LEE'S HATCHERY , nil center Street . Ph. '"'JJJ,, WE ABE hetchlna Nsw Hsmpshlre (iold en Broad end Arbor AerM VVBIU Bock, every week, aeeelal prlcu to year .round frrer xrowera. Fox'e Hatchery, las. State at. Phone I-""'e'....e'.eoe' LARGE LOT or small aerearc No bulld insi. Close-in. Phone 1-1410. ealll WANTED -A 1-b.droom home wlth-rn 4 or I blocks of Hollywood, In north aalem. I hava a burer for auch a property. F. H. WEIR, REALTOR 1141 S Com L - Phon. M ealKr WE ABB ta need of good kouiu to e.11. la tt aear Salem. If row wish la Hat your property for aale. Me ORABENHORAT BROS.. REALTORS II. S. Liberty Pk. 1-1411 ce' WANTED REAL ESTATE atOTICEi If, your aropnty is toe ean. rent or uenante. net n ens v - have all kinds ol ealb buyer, arrATB finance co, realtors 111 S Blrh 81 a" Small houae In or near Sa lem In trade for 1 S-beriroom home. Also large demand for suburban property. Reimann Real Estate PHONE 3-8203 , eellT Journal Want Ads Pay PRODUCE DELICIOUS PEABS II bu.hel. 1141 N. Rlrer Road. Phone HIM. Hill PICKUNO CUKES fresh dairy from our farm field run to pound. OrianltnllT rrown potatoee, red or white. PeechH now on merket. Phillip, Bros. Farm Market, IMO Portlend Rd, aalem Phone 14111. ' MOST VARIETY of peechea In uason. Worm Ire. Oravenatelo, IV. mile from brides en Wallace Rd, L. B. Wendt. PETITE PRUNES now ready. 1741 N. Riv er Rd. Ph. 1-1100. - "I" niihii. Hale, and Eloertu. The n.n... Tree ripened. Italian prunee. Purltaa Older Works. Tl Edieweter Prank Toner, Kelur. Phonfl till' BEAN PICKEBB needed badly. Everr dar mcludlnx Bunner. jo xoon t. mile out of Kelxer on Dearborn Ave. Jouph A. Herber. 4W Claxter Rd. rtll BEAN PICKERS w.. -Mn. l.t. field close In, Park- Inr. Oak creel Perm, -1 mllw Mo. of West Salem on Welleco Rd. all,' NEWLY DECORATED, nicely furnished. l-bedroom apartment, airia preferred. 4W N. Winter St. Jpl -ROOM unfurnlahed modern, else, ranxc refrlaerator, water, heat fur. nlshed. 110. Reel Apartment not mad, aver houeo. 2150 South Commercial, alter 4 p.m. Phon. 41411. , iplll BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED OU-bed room duplex. Larxe, enedy iol cios, to busy Rent III. llll Edeewater, Phone l-llov, erenlni, 1-SII. fpllie S-ROOM FUBNISHED court apartment. reuonable. ion Madiaon, .47,4, jpiar Assistant Manaerer to train lor manaser. Rxperlenco aot necessarr. With a national finance Co. Slnele, car neceuerr. a.m. to 1:10 p.m. Inquire al in So. Huh or phone aieia! ' NICELY FURNISHED apartment with renra end rerrlaarator. rnriie pain. Waahln, lacUltlaa. 141 fncludlna utll. Itlaa, clou to capltol buUdlua. 4-1411. s JpllH EXPERIENCED, 8TEADT, wool preMer. Olre rererencu ano mxpmmaKw. Box 11,. Capital Journal. rallO" LOGOINO TRUCKS wanted, larse trpe, hearr duty, a nour inp. Report to Wlllamlna Lumber Co, Wll- lamlna, Oreron. Phone llll. relto EXPERIENCED GROCERY CLERK Sev ln. center. 1110 Portlend Road, ea HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITBEA Woodroffa'e Ban rtnop. 1400 Portland no. no eb" CALLER Por home portrelt phototraph- er. will trein. vmu - 411 8. Cottue. abTll WANTED Reliable baby altter, pert or full time. Phone 1-0401. eblll' Hlf H SCHOOL ,trl ta work la home. Phone 3-isbs. CAR HOP Woodrotle'e San Shop, Portland ria. no paon. 1100 eh' WANTED SALESMAN t BEDROOM unfurnished house, onlir. 940- 'Phone 4-9310. Adulis Ja311 00KBNMKNT empkrree wishes to lease) 3 or S-bedroom houie with fireplace, basement. Option to bux Phone 4-9041. jaaao- FOR RENT APARTMENTS COURT APARTMENT Plirnlahod. Close la on . CommerclaL s rooms ano: carace. Phone 3-3949 or 3-9944. Jp313- CLEAN, FUENIHRKD apartment. Range, refrlcerator, uunurr. uunues paio. 927.90. Ph. t-9094. 1391 Maiel Are. JP319- TRRKE PltRNMHED l-bedroom apart menu. Private aaioa, reirtceTevora. Also furalalied aleepina room. Is Shop ping Center. . tn t. iph . ROOM furnished and unfornisheS apartment. 9 ans fu. ra. swa NICELT PVRNI9RED apartments: bassador Apu. o ho. oummw, Am- ROOM VPMTA1R9 apartment, well fur nUhed, 90. Laundry facilities. 3194 Maple Ave. Phone 37111. call moraines. jf i it s' BEDROOM unfurnlehe4 apartment, Adults, Me peis. Dear snosvina vovrr. Phona S.AS7I. lp3JO t AND 3 EOO SI IV Adults. 199 MO. Church. Phone 43491. Jp319 GARDEN COURT. 3 rooms unfitnlshed with bath, reinseraior, ranee, auw mails waaher. Oround floor. Ml So. Uth. Phone jpaiy NKKLT FURNISHED 3 Tooms, near Leslie school, waaninf sacuiuea. s-mui. EMI-BA8E1CENT, partly furnished. Re- frlterator and ranse. mn. rURNIAUED 3 -room apartment for 3 adults. No pets, mono s-csis. jpaag- SALESMAN WOULD YOU LIKE A JOB MAKINO lit, TO MM PER WEIK7 IT I CAN TALK TO YOU FOR II MINUTEB I'LL TILL TOO IP MY COMPANY CAN SPEND THE MONEY TO TRAIN YOU, FURNISH YOU WITH THE BALES AIDS AND APPOINTM E NTS TO MAKE THIS KIND OP MONEY. SEE MR. McAULAY, BtTTWlTN 1PM AND I P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY. Ill HOOD, ROOM 101. alll' BEDROOM apt, unfurnished. 14th St. Stove, reiriserator BJ furnished. Phone lirifll. 111 N. d water Iplll I t-BEDROOM unfurnlahed apt. stove. refrlBerator end water furnished. In cults nil So. llth St. rpl SLARGE, CLEAN Tooma. nrlvat, bath. Ml So. 11. Ph. 17171. ypllo LOVELY, CLOSE IN, first floor apart. ment, lots of steam heat and but wster. See al III Oak street. Iplll LARGE I BOOM furnished apt. All elee- trlcJW Oak St. iPllI I RboMfiirnllhrd apt. Electrla ranee, arlrata bath. TH N. Liberty. S-K47. 1P11S JOE PALOOKA By Ham Fisher WANT TO BUT mal! uraaxe Beer s,M Caa ear 10 down. balanM Monthly al l. Writ, Box 111, Mat aaaraeL Cbb- eelll