frifer. lviMibr 11, If 5 TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL, fclw, Onffoa Pan 11 m a af. I aft bp, ae 44 mock tars File Up??: v weM, . . wron af them scrioaily, ' wast. 44 stock ears piled aa ea the track dorter a ltf-lap raea at Hlbblar, Mlna. Aboat If at the wrecked can are shawa here. (AP Wlrephoto) Dodgers Will Be Hard to Beat, Says Phil Rizzuto Br OSCAR FRALET New York u.(9 Little Phil Rinuto, the sparkplug of the New York Yankee, peered hesitantly Into the futare today and asserted that the Brooklyn Dodfers will be tongher to beat la the 1953 World Series thin they were In last year's full seven-fame battle. "Understand, I'm not claim inf. the pennant yet," tha scoo ter insisted cautiously. "This Is all 'if because I don't want to put the jinx on us." But, "if, the Yankees and Dodger do square off in the World Series, the little short N.E. Oregon Offers Best Spots for Fish Portland (ff) Northeast Ore won offers tha best prospects f.r anglers this weekend, tne State Game Commission said Thursday. . Fishing is only lair in most ether sections, the commission reported. Lakes in the Wallowas have been excellent for both flies and spinners. The Wallowa and Upper Imnaha rivers and Fish Lake, in Baker County, all are yielding good catches. The Co lumbia River below McNary Sam has been good for steel head, but few of these are be ing taken on the north fork 'of the John Day and the lower Grande Ronde rivers. In Northwest Oregon up stream trout angling is poor to fair. Some schools of jack sal mon are working upstream. Al though slow, salmon angling in bays and tidewater is improv ing. Fishing has been fair in Lincoln County. In Southwest Oregon Win chester Bay. Siltcoos. Tahken- itch and Tennile lakes promise fsir to good fishing but the low er Rome River has been slow except in the Agness area. The same is true of upper Umpqua River areas. Trout fishing closed last Monday on the North above Steam boat and the South Umpqua above Jackson Creek. Else where the summer season runs through Oct. 11. Central Oregon offers fair to good angling. North Twin, Big Lava, Blue and Three Creeks lskes and Crane Prairie Reser voir have been best. Wickiup Reservoir. Sparks, Odell, Gold and South Twin lakes have been only fain The Metolius River is improving. SCHAEFER'S RECTAL OINTMENT 75C vm 4WJth Applicator) Why .suffer the discomfort of irritating and itching of piles? Sold Only of SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dill-, 7:1 u. bjb. Sundays. a-ia. 4 P-m 135 N. Commercial we r used such Prcotoloflo.wofwif CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONE stop who already has played in seven of the baseball classics Has nothing but respect for the Dodgers. Tough Batters . "I saw them in four games over the Labor Day week-end, when I was sent home from St Louis because of heat prostra tion," Rizzuto explained, "and that lineup is murder. "They will be tougher than last year, too, because they have more confidence," he add ed. "They have better pitching and they are hitting well, and that batting lineup, phew! Any one of them, all the way down the batting order, can put it out of the park." Strangely enough, the scoo ter is rooting for the Dodgers to walk off with the National League flag as quickly as pos sible. Make 'Eat Cocky '1 hope they win every game, right up to the end," he grinned. "That probably would put them into the aeries as the favorites and maybe they'd get a little cocky." Little Phil knows how disas trous that can. be., because that's what happened to the 1842 xanaees wnen mey were beaten by the Cardinals. "That s the only answer to us losing that 1942 series," he reflected. "We won the pen nant by a big margin and we simply relaxed. We tnougnt we had the Cards beaten and then boom.' we looked up one day and the series was over and the Cardinals had won It." Easy Going The Yankees today are what you might call a relaxed ball club. There is a lot of light-hearted Joshing in the locker room ana goon naturca ribbing during pre-game prac tice. But once the game starts, the Yanks look like a lot of hungry ball players. "I'm a worrier," Rizzuto explained. "I feel good now and everything is going fine, but I'm the kind who worries because things are going too good. That's the way with this ball club. We won't consider we have this pennant until It's locked up." Fiore Faces Womber Tonight New York Carmine Fiore, best left-hooker In the welterweight division, will try to prove tonight he actually has found new stamina as he faces Danny Womber at St. Nicholas arena. Stamina, or lack of it, seems the big issue In this nationally televised and broadcast 10 rounder between 24-year-old Fiore of Brooklyn and 28-year-old Womber of Chicago. rinr' firwr has been mar- I j 1 ...:... than Vitf rea more vy j the fists of his foes. Too often he ran out of gas after the midway bell. But In his last fight, July 28, he appeared to have found a new fountain of fuel. That July night at Madison Square Garden, Carmine was the underdog at SVi to 1. But he gave highly touted Danny Giovanelli the worst beating of his life, and he finished as strong as a mountain mule. fineifuel... 34862 . 9 Major Leagues 9 uouucan Lstori . t W L Pet OB irw Tort 44 .in cirrriand at 44 aoo 14 Cblcaio 44 J11 1 "'"on II 14 .140 III woihin.ton lo n mh ii Dirolt 4 it ., etk Phll(IH nhl 43 If .Jl, 41 4 SI .141 4IH Thnradara Braotta xbtk i, cnieate A Boston 14. Clavaland 4 Only iuw acbodulod NATIONAL LkAOCI L Pet. OB Brooklyn Mllwaukea .... St. Loul Philadelphia , New York ClndDDaU .... Chlaaao ...... rittaburoh ,., i II 41 .43 41 44 .400 13 71 41 .441 14 43 .441 MVl . 44 14 .444 33 40 H .414 31 , M S3 .404 41 , 44 M .411 Hit Tbaradar'a Baanlto Cincinnati a, Brooklyn S St, Loul! 1, Now Tork Only garaaa achadukd. Williams Slams Two Home Runs As Red Sox Win By CARL LTJNDQUI8T New York U.BLon Bond' reaa saya Boston would have won the pennant with Ted Wil liams around all year but evea without playing a fall term the hero from Korea has ex erted a big luflueaee ea the current race. '' The slender slugger kicked Cleveland's corpse closer to the coffin yesterday when he slammed two mote homers to pace the Red Sox to a 14-4 victory as the Yankeea blank ed Chicago 1-0 and went 10 full games in front. The Yankees now can clinch the flag through any combina tion of seven victories or Cleve land defeats. Muffed, a Game At the same time, Brooklyn missed a chance to clinch at least a pennant tie by blowing an 11-inning 8-5 decision at Cincinnati. In the only other major league game, the Card inals edged the Giants, 7-0 with a three-run eighth inning rally in which Enos Slaughter hit a homer and two other tal lies came over on errors as rookie Al Worthington suffer ed his eighth straight loss. Williams boosted his total to 11 homers since returning from the battle front as Bos ton pounded out 17 hits. Wil liams and winning pitcher Mickey McDermott each bat ted in four runs while Tom Umphlett drove in three with four singles. Stengle Frets Ed Lopat gained his ISth vic tory against only three defeats. blankinc Chicago with lust four hits, three of them by Al Carrasquel. Despite the triumph, the sixth in the last seven games for the 'pennant-bound Yank ees, Stengel professed to be worried. "We could get careless and blow it," he said without a sign of tongue in cheek. "Re member what happened to the Giants in 1934 when they blew up in the last week. I know because we beat 'em twice when I was managing the Bos ton Braves. Don't go talkin' about any pennant to me. Come around and see me in the fall when this thing is all settled." The Dodgers now can clinch the flag at Milwaukee tonight by beating ve Braves. fiqhts lost flight (By Tha Aiawlatod Fraaat atlon Tddr (Bad Tool Dall. tM. Rartfard. ontpotatod Oaorta Arauja, 131. Proildanca. a. I.. Navark. N. I. Joa Saratlnl. lim. Raark. mtsalntad BlrdM lolla. lHi. Blriaoath, S. Dalralt Knnr Lana. til. Ilnakatoa, lilrh.. etitpolntad Xddla Crawford, 134V. Akron. O., . Why Suffer Any Longer Whm other, fall. Ma oar Chlaaao romodlaa. Amulns neaaao for SON ronra In Cnlnn Bo matlrr with wbal allmanta ran or nfflutrd. dlaotdara, ctaoaltla. haart. taara. Urof. kldnora, tan, oonaupatloa, lam. df-aotM, rhanmatlam. rail and Ur4daf farar, akin, famalo oomplalntn. CHARLIE CHAN rPTTXlSl BKXB Co. otfuo am o on s Too. and saa. antr tso R. Cimmaiaml - PbMa n am salih oas (1 1 4S i 4,329 Waftb Porllznd Split Par with Pcdrcs Saa Diego, eJA-Haak Aril aamgled la twe raaa la tha llta laaiag last night te give tha Fertlaad Beavara a l-t win la tha aighteap after Saa Diego Fadree west, the opener ef a deaaleheader S-l before 4,111 rci. faaa. Padre starter Lloyd Dickey was relieved In the frame by Al Benton after walking rrankJe Austin and Bob Mar quis. Fletcher Robbe. batting tor Granville Gladstone singled to fill the bases. A.-ft, caning for Don Kollowav. singled In Austin and Marquis. Dickey was nailed for his eighth loss. Royce Lint, who won a 12-lnning game Wed nesday night, relieved Dick Waibel In the ninth and got the win, his 21st. Don Eggert lot his 14th homer for Port land. In. the ODener Cliff Fannin allowed five hits to mark the Padres. Portland got on the acorav board first in the second with a run on Robbe's double and a one-bagger by Arft. But the Padres took the lead with two In the fourth. Tom Alston, Earl Rapp and Dick Faber singled for a run. Walt Poce kay singled to load the bases and Fannin's infield hit scored app. The Padres picked un the winning run in the fifth on a single, a sacrifice, a bunt and a pop fly. Aaron Robinson homered for Four Corners Again Sponsors Buck Derby Four Corners The sixth an nual Buck Derby, sponsored by the Four Corners Rod and Gun club, is getting under way to be ready for the hunting sea son on opening day, October I. interested persons will find the rifle range on the Mader farm about seven and one half miles east of Four Corners near Macleay. There will be sight ing In rifle facilities and run ning deer target at the range for practice. The range will be open each Sunday from now until hunting season opens. - Awards will be given for the Isrgest antlers In each of the black tail and mule deer class. A deer rifle will be awarded for each division. A booby prize will be awarded for the small. est antlers. The proceeds from the Buck Derby will be used to establish a permanent rifle range in the Salem area. Judges will be Al Lightner, Sports Editor for the Oregon statesman; Al Gordon, Four Corners business man, and Fred Camp, Stayton business man. Seattle Gets Two Pitchers From Vancouver Seattle UP) The Pacific Coast League Seattle Rainiers Thursday reacquired two pitchers from Vancouver of the Western International Lea gue, purchasing van Fletcher and recalling Pete Hernandez. Fletcher, brother of Guy Fletcher, former Seattle hurl er, won 18 games for the Caps this year and ended the season with a 3.01 earned run aver age. Hernandez also won 16; his ERA wss 3.29. The Rainiers also recalled shortstop Charley Davis from Victoria and sold him outright to Vancouver. Dale Thomason, who pitched for Vancouver this year, was given his uncon ditional release. WSC Takes it Easy Pullman, Wash. (ffVr-Coach Al Kireher gave his Washing ton State Cougars a breather Thursday, scheduling only light contact work after bruis ing scrimmages held esrlier in the week.' WSC meets Southern Cali fornia in the season-opener here Sept. 19 and Kireher ssid he wants the squsd at fllH I u" I strength for the game. PCL Standings OB ollyVM , ..144 .441 4 S Loa AM4I4 (I .4N 114 Portland 44 44 Ban .PraaeiaM as ti San Inm Si W ill 14 .W 144 .44 It Oakland 14 lit .41 14 Baotaaanl TI 143 Alt a nandaya BaaaHn San PranclMo a. Loa Araaraa i Oakland T. Hollyaiood 4 aaaiuo If, Baaramanto 1 Saa Dlan 3-3, Portland 14 Portland's' seventh. final tally In tha Saa Francisco, UB The Seattle Rainiers had aeeeud place elached la tha Pacific Coast League raea today as tha club recaptured some ef that old spark which made it a red-hot pennant contender most ef the season. With Ray Orteif crashing a three run homer and Stv Nagy scattering six hits, the Suds walloped Sacramento 12- l last night and deposited the Senators back in the league basement. Orteig's blast, his 28th of the year, came In the seventh inning while the Rainiers were scoring six runs. San Francisco helped the Suda stake their claim to the runnerup spot by defeating the Los Angeles Angels 5-4. It was the sixth straight victory for Tony Ponce, who got his lumps all season pitching for Ven tura of the Class C California League. '. The winning marker home in the ninth when Reno Cheso hit a roller down the third base line that struck the Dag ana hopped over Murray Franklin's head for a sinel while Bill McCawley streaked in. mere were two out at the time. Oakland defeated Hollywood 7-4 and escaped from a last- place tie with Sacramento. Cowboy Al Gettel rolled to his 24th win of the campaign aunougn ine Twin as cuffed him for three runs In the eighth inning. ,Piper Davis boomed a ' home run in the third with Gettel and Pete Milne on base to spark the Acorn arive. Pint tama t 1 lnalnaa): rorlland ) San Dlan ( BHOA nwna Auitrfljj IBS SPadrotM 4411 UaraU.f S 1 4 SPatranj S 1 S Otetfato.r S a S SAUton.! list KohbaJI SSI SRanp.rl S 1 1 Artt.l SIS SPakar.4 S S S S aooinrn a l pocaay.1 SIS bitrt.l S S Umllhl s Baalnakl.S I S I 1 uathla.0 1ST BU10U.P SSI Pannla.p SIS Total! 14 Portland .. Hlta .... Ban Man Hlta S II 1 Toiala 014 1 11 ...... 14 l a , aoa sit Pitrhar ir il l R n ii an B110II , 14 s t s s rannln T td s S S Wlnnar Pnnnin. lorrr BIllotL : Robba, Roblnaon .Pataraon. Air ton. Rrpa. Barman, mis rortiaM 3. aan TO T. JB Robola . HR Roblnaon. BH Aliton RBI Aril, Pabar. Fannin, kar, Roblnaon. T 1:17. u Carlucol. eomcra ann nenia. Sacond aama: ParUand (41 a h o San Dlara (1) B H O A Anatln.ia 4 1 4 SPadarlf.l I 4 1 RtmaalU-r 4 S Aliton. 1 t Rapp.rf 4 I 1 Pocoky.l I Mnrray.l S tsmlUi.l 1 1 Btimri, S dekay.p 4 d Bantoa.p S 1 , 1 1 t 1 11 1 I Rrlcn.r . 4 l-lfaraa.a S CMdatn.a-r 4 Kollowy.l 4 Ml b-Artt.I Sriart.l Oladd.o 1 1 Baalnakl.I Banford.p WalbeLo Llnt.p a-Robbc,l Ward.p Totola IT T II 14 Total! 41 11 11 11 a41calad or Oladrtona In llth. k amalad lor roilowar in llth. Ran for Raich In 1th. Portland MO 1IM 100 al I Hlta ooo loo i oi 1 Ban Olaio 000 010 001 00 1 Hlt4 Ill 010 011 1111 Pitchrr TP AB R M XR BB SO Banlord Ill 1 I 1 0 0 Walbal plua I II 1 I 1 0 1 Lint Slit I 1 Ward 14 0 1 0 I 1 Dlekar 10W II 1 S I I 1 Rrnton 44 411 I I 1 Wlnnar Lint. Leaar Dlrkrr. R Aua- lln 1, Marqula, Kollowar, Katart. Alston. Rapp, Summar. T Baalnakl. Unt. WP Dtckay. LOB Portland V. Ban Olrao a. IB Pataraon. Aurtln. Summara, Alaton, Rapp, HR Baaart, BR Petaraen 1, Rua aril. RBI Reich, Pedtroir. Kirtrt 1. Porakay. Arft 1. DP Oladstona to Kol lovar to Walbal. T 1:40 O-Bonura, Banu and CarluetL A 4,111. TIM llnaaeorM: Saeramanto 010 000 000 111 ratlla 010 001 01 11 11 0 Kimball. Candlnl 171. ftfhana (II and V. Bmlth: Ran and OrUla. , Loa An, nat 100 00 ooo 4 11 1 Ban Pranclaco 000 400 001 I II 1 Motaan and Padcni rooca and Ticalarn Oakland 001 111 0001 I S Hollrmood O00 100 030-4 1 0 0 Otttrl and Nrai: llalttMraar. McDoa old (l. Hlttlo II) and Malana. Sock' StAiUU sVojBrWi. Davis Scores Decision Over George Araujo Boston S Durable Teddy Davis of Hartford, Conn., snatched the New England lightweight title and a possible crack at the world's crown last night by scoring a unanimous 10-round decision over George Araujo of Providence, R. I. Davis staggered the cham pion all of the last three rounds with hooks to tha head and chin. Surprisingly enough he both out-slugged and out-box ed Araujo, a dancer who was unable to launch any real at tack after the sixth round. In the fourth round Davis sustained a minor cut between his eyebrowsy But a quick patch stopped the blood and be never again allowed the cham pion to land a really solid punch. . .. It was iue fust fight for Araujo since he was knocked out in a world's lightweight title bout with Jimmy Carter in New York June 12. Carter had promised the winner of to night's match a crack at his title here in November. The 28-year-old Davis, who had lost a hair-line decision to Araujo in Cleveland last March, stepped out to chase Araujo and win the first two rounds. Then Araujo captured the next two. The fifth was even, the sixth went to the champion as he be gan to land to head with both hands. Seven . was slow and even. Then came the eighth in wjjich Davis staggered the 21-year-old Araujo in a neutral corner. As the bell sounded, Araujo slipped and went down for the only time either fighter left his feet Centering the ninth, Davis outboxed the champion, then outslugged him. He continued' these mixed tactics through the 10th. Weighing 130 pounds, Davis gave away five and a half pounds to the 135-pound cham pion, Major League Lead ers (Br Tha Aaaoclatad Praaal -AMIRICAJf UAOUR Bnltlat varnoa. WaahlanMa, dll: tu rn, ctaralaad. .mi Hlnaa. Chlaara. .lilt Ooodaaaa, Boatoa. Jtli Stna, Oa- nroia. jn. Bona BattaS In Kaaan. claraland. ill; Varnon, Waablnnton. 104: Boom, Datrott, and Barra, Raw Tork. loot aobtnaoa. Fhtladalnhla. 04. Haaaa Bona Room, cwvavaad, 401 zar- nlaL Phlladalnfeln. Ml Barm. Mr Tork. n; Deny, Clavalano, 111 Boona, satroit. and RobUMom, Phlladalpnla. 11, Pttanlao LopoA. Maw Tarkt 14-J. .Ml Pord. Raw Tork. 11-4. .Til: Raw hi. Raw Tork, 11-1, .too: raraiD. aoataa, 14-a. .104; Truer a, cnionno, 10-0, .van. HATIOMAI. UAOTJB Battban rnrllln. Brooklyn. MA; BthoandMnat, St. Loula, nod HsaUar, Naw Tork, .130: Irrln, Maw Tork. .Ill; Moblnaon. Brooklyn. .334. anna Bataad m Canananalla, Brook. Ira. 1301 MnthaWA nfjlwankaa. 110; BTod naa. Brooklyn. 114: Soldar. Brooklyn. 111! Ann la, rnilntfajphja, ion. mm Afathowa. Unwankoa. Oil Campanula. Brooklyn. SO; Snrdar. Biook. Ira, and Klnaaowakl, Cincinnati, Mi Bod- naa. BTOokjrn. nnn aunar. vnionao. ri. - mtahlnk Boraatto, rauvauraa, 14-4, Till Rraklno, Brooklyn, ll-a, .1401 Mayor, Brooklyn, 14-1. .131: Bpahn. Ifllwaukao. I-T. .711: Burkont. Mllwankaa, 11-1. .404. TIDE TABLE Tldn far Tart. Or.laa Saptamarr. 1U (CoainltrS vr O. S. CoaaO and OAoaMlo nrror, rartinn vrr.. Blah Watrra Low Watrro Tina Balrhl Tlma HiUbt 1 47 a m. 1.1 1:11 4.M. 1.1 141 p.m. 1:11 a.m. 1:11 P.m. I II p.m. 1:11 a.m. 0 11 p.m. 0:41 am. 10.04 p.m. 0:11 a.m 11:01 pm. 1 41 a.m. 1.1 1:11 a.m. I ll p.m. 4:14 a. 1 17 0:10 n.m. 4:11 p.m. 1:00 a.m. ii p.m. 11 oo a m orj 11:01 a.m. i i 1:11 a.m. 0.4 11:11 P.m. 1.1 1:11 a.m. 0 1 1:44 p.m. 1.1 1:11 a.m. -0.1 1:11 p.m. 1.1 I S A.m. 41 4:11 p.m. 1.1 4:41 a m. -0.1 1:19 a.m. 1:11 p.m. 0:10 n.m. 1 40 p.m. 1:43 a.m. 1:00 P.m. 10:10 a.m. 10:01 p.m. 11:04 a.m. 11:40 p m. 11:11 n.m. 14 OS I I 01 p.m. 14 14 o.m. 0 4 1140 p.m. 1:11 p.m. II 0 07 a.m. 01 0:41 P.m. -01 0:40 I B, 01 1:11 p.m. -01 11 U p m. 11:41 a.m. 1111 pm. 1:11 a.m. 1 II p.m. I:l n.m. 1 44 p.m. I ll a.m. 144 p.m. 4:47 a.m. 1:44 p.m. 0:01 n.m. 4:41 p.m. T il n.m. I ll p.m. ' 7:11 a.m. i.a 1 11 p.m. -0 4 01 a.m. 1.1 0:11 p.m. -0.1 1:11 ta. 1.1 10:11 P.m. -0.1 :4i a m. i i 11:11 p.m. -0.1 14:41 a.m. 1.1 11:11 a m. 41 11:00 p.m. I I SPORT SHIRTS SHITOa'S MEN'S WUI Ctpltol Shopping Center I fViapSfr8C,SoU,U.S.A., Trojans Drill On Defense Against WSC Los Angeles () Southern California's Trojans went through defensive drills against Washington State Col lege plays Thursday In prepa ration for the 1053 Pacific Coast Conference season open er at Pullman, Wash., Sept 19. Coach Jess Hill seemed highly pleased with the run back performances of his lead ing tailbacks, Aramis Dandoy and Jim Decker. Jim Sears and Al Carmichael netted 327 yards for SC In these positions last year, but observers aay Dandoy and Docker should match tha record of the two aces who have since gradu ated. Kicking punts for the tall- backs was Dea Koch, of Shel- ton, Wash., who had been out two - days with an ' Injured knee. Huskies Scrimmage Seattle im Coach Johnny Cherberg ran the Washington Huskies through a slambang scrimmage session Thursday and scheduled more of the same for Friday and Saturday. The only way to really learn football is to play it" Cherberg told his charges. "No body aver got much satisfac tion running against the wind." He said stadium gates will be barred for Saturday's prac tice session. Beavers Stress Pass Corvallls, Ore. OR A les Injury kept Jim Luster away from the Oregon State College football practice field Thurs day but Coach Kip Taylor said ha expects his 220-pound tackle to be back next week. Passing was a feature of two Thursday drills.' - '. Minor League Scores fy T4 inrlaud Fill : ' WSSTBBH DTTIUUTM3MA1, ISAOTja Buna a (Bnoaana unsi haai--'-l iteift,i- nrTXm.T4TorIAl. IcaeTJB Maatranl S. -rwrawu I Ottawa 0, But 110 S Batllraaro 4, BailnaftaMl Only 1 AJnBjnCAB) AaaOOXATlOB TWato 1, Chnrloatna 1 . Banna City 14-0. lllnnannoUl S-t ' Xndtnnanotla 4, Columbua 1 LouUrlllo 10-1. Bt Paul 4-4 WSSTBBM" 1XAOVB Tjonvar 1. Lincoln 1 "Colorado Bprtnoo D44 Motnaj 4-ft Oniabn 0, rMonio 1 Wichita - Sioux City e THAI LSAQd Oklahoma Cits 1. DaUna S (Oklahoma City landa baat-of-T playoff, i-t) Tnlaa 4, rut Wort (aarlao laid. t-U HOafBBB LSAGUS alt Lnko City 4, CWdaa 1 (Ball wlna koat-or-J njnyorr. S-Ol orwaa nJla 11. ulllnan s for rat wtar aorloa. Ml FUEL OfL CEOORGE CADWELL SERVICE STATION 251k m4 iUk Si. fkm 2-7431 To Permit Service Depf. Alterations ' and Repairs r OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT Will I Closes! All Day Sat., Sapt. 12 : LODER BROS. 45 CENTER ST. Mansfields ty tiu makwt BOSTON! AXS A MantfiaM arlglnal that caughr en from Hit vary first showing. Hart's a hardy MonsfiaM raftasl far kng wtar ni tndurinf comfort. , Optn Friday 'til f p.m. Ducks Drill on Pes ' . Eugene, Ore. CV-Coach Lea Casanova drilled the Oregoa Ducks on paxes Thursday, thea barred the gates for, the second straight day for sec ret session stressinf defense. Oregon opens its season against Nebraska Sept 10. James cox Brady, whose Artismo won the closing day Sapling Stakes, led money winners during tha Monmouth Park racing season with 184.- 925. ... . - , Yesterday's Stcrs (Br Tha anaaaallad Praia) Pilaklaa Bddla Lana.1. Mr Tai kaaa. won feu llth cuna, nia fourth atralaht orar CMcaco and ku ttunt aku out, l-a. BolUni Tad Winiajaa, Boatoa So4 Boa. hit kta loth and llth homa nan In ca rat am tar front aha Uarraaa or an Bod Soi awamand Oanlaad. 14-4. THE Steam Iron WILL BE ' ' ESPECIALLY ' FEATURED During the 1 All Day Sunbeam Housewares ' ' Demonstration ' T0M0W0W 1 j. ft f Sat. .1.3 12ili wrjBMwraMyBf awBaai srBaMSAakliaAaa sabBasI aVnfc nwoah, You'll ti Vlfetew Lair rub f v Phaaet-JIM - JJi N. COMMERCIAL To Place Classified Ads ... Phone 2-2406 White Buck $11.95 Blue Buck $12.95 K7ae1 .BBBBnnrnnwrrM J " ' 44 Start Nasi to Fay Lass Dr rMnmrararnmiMrMmmmnmnnmn i ; i ! i