Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 11, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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    SUver salmon angling makes tht hadlJis thU week,
with excellent reports coming in from the tidewater itretchts
Of COMUl riven. Eaneeiallv is thin in,. f th fitLt. ri.,.
Several folks In recent daya have picked up limit of lilven
te S shsrt hour or to, ccording to the Rivenide Boithouie.
Aa wo find ourselves constantly repealing, the eilver if
wriue feme tun, especially on light tackle. Streamlined,
tough and acrobatic, they can put on a heart-stopping ex
hibition of gymnuUct, particularly when on the end ol a light
pinning line . . . Other ttreama beiidea the Siletx are
' yielding aUveri, and reporta of weather have been good, o
there ia no doubt that many valley salmon-maniacs will be
Burning gas in a westerly direction, but toon. .
Wo note la the papers that the Aateria Salmon Derby
, baa boas conceded, and that the prlsewuiBer haa gone
home loaded down with boodle. We doat begrudge the
V winner the plaaaara of gettiag all that green etnff, bat
wo oam't kelp bat feel thai, rrom the averting standpoint,
- rack oonunereial ventures are blghly detrimental. Wo like
to think of angling as relaxation, net eeaapctlUea. The
Interest should be in the fun of fishing, rather than the
wampum resulting from ahrnnklng year yellow anglers.
Seems that the country la eeatest eonsdeas, and even
' oat of door activity is not immune. As a reaalt of such big
affairs aa the Astoria Derby, many other smaller eontesta
- have developed along the coast. Almost wllhoat exception,
. these are commercial ventures, organised by merchante,
not fishermen. Fishing, without any eontest. Is still big
business in Oregon, providing millions of dollara to mer
chants annaally. We can da without the derbies, and the
average angler will ret give a second thought to their
Trout are still being taken In Central Oregon, though the
weather haa been somewhat chilly. ' Clayton Glbb 01 Holly
wood Drive. Salem, spent last Sunday and Monday at Sheep
Bridge on the neck of water that connects Crsine Praire and
Wickiup. Clayton, his wife Haxlno and their five youngsters,
didn't care much for the cold, and wo don't blama them, as
we've frozen solid at thia same location many times. Spinner
and worms accounted for a lot of small ferook trout, and
one small brown trout found bit way Into the skillet. Big
fish were just not in evidence. According to Clayton, the
algae in the water is not bad, as is sometimes the case, though
usually ft clears rapidly at this time of year. Though most
of the trout fishing is over, w do expect to hear of a few
more big brown trout coming out of Wickiup. Trolling this
ugly bowl of water haa accounted for some wonderful browns
this season.
.xm an .ittxoB a oV ak al oV db ab OnV nV s eV - ' WHs"
Series Continues at
Spokane Field Tonight
pekaae. Wash. TargU
Olovannenl, who we two
and lost five for Spehaaa
during the regular aaai
stopped the Salem Senator
with six bits here last night
as Spokane woa the opening
am en the Western intern
tlenal league championship
series. 4-1.
The two teams continue
their four-out-of-teven-games
playoff tonight with a game at
Spokane. They will also play
Saturday night at Spokane.
The playoffs 'move to
Waters park In Salem Sunday,
with a game at 3:30. A
many more games as sra nee
estanr to complete the four'
out-of-seven series will be
played on succeeding, nights,
beginning at T:J0 monaay.
OCE Line Will Be Built
From Untried Freshmen
Lino coach John Chamber-
ai -m .1 r 1 1 M
lain ox me irrcgon woucse h
Education is Once again con
fronted with building a line out
of untried freshmen. At the
opening practices there waa a
noticeable lack of experienced
personell .at the guard and
tackle positions.
, O.C.E. lost the following four
lettermen guards to the service:
Dick Peterson, John LaFoun
taine, Bob Hart and Glea
Hupmreys. - To add to coach
Chamberlain's woe. the fifth
lettermen guard, Harry Nosack,
has decided to marry and is not
returning to school. Last year's
outstanding freshmen tackle
lettprmpn 1rrv Mphnnv. rm.
cently received his appoint
ment and is now attending An
napolis. This coupled with the
graduation of last lesson's most
valuable football player, Jim
Byal from the other tackle po
sition left quite a vacancy in
the middle of Q.C.E.'s line.
Head coach Bill McArthur
states that the unusually small
IMIT.- -mm
Another Record
For Betting Set
At Fair Races
Another all-time state fair
betting figure was established
at Lone. Oak track yesterdsy
when 385,864 waa pushed
through the ticket windows.
That was a new Thursday
record. The previous Thurs
day state fair mark was $74,'
507. set last aear. .
Tomorrow s Entries
Sum SMS, S
4t Prasanting the finest
program of Thoroughbrtd
and QuwtarttorM racing that
hat ever appeared in Oregon
Aunt mi mm
mi lot res smats
miwnwi tntmmsat
turn out Is a surprise to him
and he hopes that those boys
turning out make tip for the
lack of quantity by being fine
quality. The backtield prospects
are considerably brighter for
the Wolves.
A quartet of ' experienced
first stringers from last year's
season are ready to see action
again this year. Gene Owens of
Sweet Home at quarterback
Charles Pinion rrom Keeasport
at lelt halfback, Bill Arnold of
Hermiston at fullback and Bud
Michaels from Salem at the
right halfback position, this is
the same starting group which
has seen action in several lea
son's campaigns. .
Two alternates with Pinion
and Michaels at the half por
tions will be two other letter-
men. Carrel Davis and Don
Wickstrand. Two fresh back-
field men have shown consider
able promise in the early work
outs and may earn a starting
birth, C, B. Smart, Jr., from
Lockney, Texas, shows good
speed and considerable desire
to earn himself a starting birth
and Was Llghtfoot, a former
Mt. Angel prep star has shown
considerable ability in the early
practices. Several former high
school athletic stars who have
indicated that O.C.E. was the
school of their choice, as yet
hava not put in their appear
ance and are expected to report
to practice in the next day or so,
Lebonon Plays
At- Dallas
Lebanon The Warrior foot
ball season opens Friday night
st Dallas in a game with the
Dragons. Klckoff time is 8 p.m
A starting lineup has not
been named by the local men
tor, who said the first 11 to see
action this tall will be named
before the club goes into the
The Warriors again are a
light club and will likely rely
on speed end deception instead
of power into the line.'. The
team boasts nine lettermen, a
pair of transfers, and a host of
inexperienced but bsrd work
ing prospects.
Lebanon's first home game
will be next Prldsy night
against the Albany Bulldogs.
Play will be under the lights
on Newport field, commencing
at 8 p. m. .
rtnt nu-ciainiw.
mr Ai4f we up (NO), I futloasi.
l r-o'tf Dora. J ohm. hj.
S Mr, ArUMcral, Atklalo. IIS.
S Fpntalla, Yousf , ut.
t-lBfUllkM. SHCMk, 111.
I-Tttmir, ahartaaa, III,
cii-a-dm. wku. in.
T Doetn Cook, Walkar, lis.
a eiaapr aunaara. mm. SIS.
Had Baonpar, Ouneaa, lSt.
jp-hoimbi, niiTtr, in.
it con bin. FulTir. 111.
U-JUBCt, StUUr 111.
eoeoiu! raca ClilmlBt. auraa MSI.
fair aldi aaa up IIOOO), fl furiosi.
1 MUi OiM. Arlirkaro. Id.
3 Lena lllrval. ahanaaa, lis
I rM D Jiapklna, 111.
a na-uiacorarr, waiaar. in.
I aar Olow, Maaa, lit.
I-Hui Traaaarar, ralvar. 111. '
T Sllw Moon, Toono. HI.
s Honor nun. MeOaaaa, lis.
a Bardlna, Hapklnl. 111.
10 Our Otmeu, wukar, 111.
war werat. aimoaia. ill.
is Doaaa'i aiaa, lKOaau, 111.
Third rata Clalmlnf. aural MM. I
mr tliM ana u (11001. I laranaa.
I KDMT joa. rouatd. 111.
S Doubla Count. Hwllai. 111.
S Mattta Cola, Walkar, 111.
a KiKiar Arurkurn. HI.
t Mo Falka, naaoaek. 111.
roriarpaa aaooanan, ill.
i vroiurM, rultar, ill.
Joe Nicholas, whoso 13
victories luring the regular
season set an all-time Salem
Senator record, waa nicked
for the loss last night
Salem errors proved costly
last night. Spokane was trail
ing 31- aa the Indians came
to bat. in the sixth. A walk.
triple and two Salem errors
gave the Indians three runs
in that Inning, and that's the
way the ball game ended
Jm Command started the
storing for the Indiana with
a 375-foot home run In the
fourth tuning.
Salem went ahead 3-1 with
a eouple of unearned runs 'n
the top of tin sixth. Then
came the fatal (for Salem) bot
torn of the sixth.
Spokane Manager Don Oa-
born handed Friday night's
starting assignment to Art
Worth. Dave Dahle or Gene
Roenspie will start en , the
mound for Saiem.
'General admission tickets
for S a n d a y afternoon's
playoff game at Waters park
are new on sale, at regular
prices, at Howard Wick
land sporting goods store.
Lomclli Leads
Eastern Open
Baltimore !. Ralph Lo-
melll sported a two-stroke
lead In the $15,000 Eastern
Onen today as he' led a field
of 120 golfers into the second
Playing with a bent putter.
Lomelli shot a six under par
4 in yesterday'a opening
round to move into first place.
Trailing him closest at the
end of the first It holes were
Julius Boroi, the National
Open champion of 1052, and
John O'Donnell of. Norfolk,
Vs., each with 68 s. -
Football Scores
(Br Tha AaaaoMlal Praat)
ran (Hat.) Taaaaari 15, fanhanfUa
(Okla.) A AM a.
a Mtltaaa Sattr. Artartara. US.
I Twa Oelara, Haatock, lot.
t-Mtaa Modal, Bopklaa, 1M.
1-HiwlMal. aaarraaa. 111.
PauTth raaa Clalralai, turn MM,
laar olda And up (. I lurlonia.
1 Btamlni flowar, atUU, HI.
aquara Root, MoOahaa. Ill,
l-Baldr Buck, Buaaaa, JH. . . .
4 Boaua Otiaak. Haaklaa. 11a.
I llauia K, ArlarkurD. 11.
S Boa Aaiaw. BaJJard. 1 la
f-Sauair Tau. Walkar. lit
S Top afcovar. rtlaionla. I1A
Makal Atklaiaa. IN.
voia up, rouard, 114.
ruth raaa Clalmlna. htm maa i
nu olda aad up (MM), IM lurlaaia.
1 Hal Bar. Bopklni, m,
t-rrattr Choiea, aharmaa. 111.
I Barolod, atllla, 111.
A MUi Holllttir, Pollard, 111.
I Moaa'a Hal. Jonaf, 111.
I Mud Puddla, MeOahaa, 111.
waiaBao, Artarlurn, 111,
I Happp Lanear. Walkar, HI.
0 TawHP, Bopkua. 1M.
ir-auumi Sua. Atkiaaoa, lis.
ailth taaa ClalmlM. aaaa a
'aar elda aad VP (MM). I larloui.
. ,r., naaaock. 111.
a lAiaamor, anarnap, HI.
I Kama PriDaa, BepklAa. 111.
w HOP 117, A1I1BJOB, HI.
I Nolorh, Walkar, HI.
Bootar Vrlnaa. Arurkvra. IM.
uaraai. simaaia. 111.
i op uora, no.
a Kw Rlaar. McOaliaA, lit,
II Brlaht Claud. Dlaa. lit.
11-ealalli aiapar, falUrd, IM.
aaraatlt taaaclalmlni, pwraa MM
faar aida and ap iipmi, It4 lurlaut.
1-Dlraa Bl.o. Raacoek, IM.
J-O.orta UcUanuj, Alvoala. Hi.
t-iMt rupeh, Pellard. nT
Troplo Sua, Artaraura, lot.
k-Rapro-Bato, Hopklaa, 111,
i . '"aa. ill.
1 Aralol, Coalar, in.
I Tlrnoor lk. Walkar. Ill,
I Ala rellr. Suacap. 1M
ip narmapp V. Pallard, UT.
Jl'0",,' aitaapla, HI.
- MM., MmtDta, 1PI.
. ,T-aPdKap, ppraa IM.
ua " AMit- 1
l-Baautlrut Sua. trial, hi.
I Top Ortp, Artarktirp, 111.
I Paler. Op, Alim.oa, laa.
a-Nollta, Pollard, 111.
Toplaeh. Walkar. Ill,
I Valaallna Jaa, airaopla. Hi.
T Arlata-Taf, Walkar. IM,
I llrar Palah. MrOaham laa '
-Oflall Rad. Pulaar. 111.
Blalk Taaa Clatnlaa, paraa MM
raar (Mi aal ap (MM), I ll BUa.
1 Paaa Court, caplor, Ua,
-Ctlrr.a Kid. Dial, IM,
I Rok Rot. Walkar, 111.
-llo Ptetaaa. Jaaaa, IM.
I THa Wkaal. ainonla, 111,
Easy Credit-Always!
Teas yew choke frera eey ova of ear wMe
seidcBjop) of sonvwawrl eradtt afeai. Meeo
youl awefy fM gie eeay-serPMaw or
feAOdPHerrl daaiarwal M) fb raw svcaaiisa)ll
ood letyeueMiMie U. 3. loyd art ef veer
choke todarf
Hiy As Ym IIsU Hm
Taath raaa Hindtcae. puraa MM. I
Taar alda pad up.Hka OoM Crap, 1 111
1 Vala Harm. Slaa, JM.
a Drr Taar, Hopkioa, Hi.
J la Osaka, Walkar, Ha. , K,
4 Apia Blaipaia. IP)'
a I WaoAar, Atklaapr. 114,
S-AClppAar. OluMAa. 10?.
T Hal Vaa. Juw, 111.
a Pa tar CotaaL KaaeMk. IM.
S aula Toatu, BAarrau. IM.
Yesterday's Results
Plrat Rata. Tarda: 1-Klm xckali
lainoa). H.M. IM. 1 .l Diamond
Plaah (aimaalai, 11.10. IM. I Wlnnar'a
Lad (Wood) 11.70. Tlmt: ll.t aacoada.
Qulnlala, ll.M.
Baaond Raaa. Plra rurlonii: 1 urxa-
daar IMaOkhaa). HIM, 111, IN. I
Mtaa Omaaa (Artarkura), M M, I
Orutu (Dlai). M M. TUaa: 1.01 11.
Qulatala, MI.M.
Tnlrd Raaa, pit purwnla: l Rad
aeampar (Atklaaoai, MI.M, 11 M, IM.
S Boaar Run Art t r burn I, 111 M. la.
3 Mac', Traaaurar iPulTar), I.M. Tina:
M. Qutatala. Ill' 30.
Pourth Raaa, Plra rurlanaa; 1 Arl-
aona ctilak (Olaal, M il, 1 11, IM. 1
Tap Blwwar tairnoau),, a
Colt Tovar (Mcoanaa), Tlraa
liHll. oulnnia.
Ptfth Raaa, Plra Purlonia. Oratan
auta pair ruturur: i waa cnack ipoi
lard). U.M. 3 aa. in, a Clulatla L.
(AUIaaaa). 14.10. IM. S Oraaon rial
tTanna). M M. DuiaMla. M.ia.
nip rtaca. aM, mirionai: i napro-
kata (Bopklna). 114.10, I.M, IM. 1
Raanla K twalkarl, M.M. a.TOi
Tropta aua (Artarkurnl, aj.M. Tlrna,
i:ni.i. tauintaia, in.u.
BaTanth Raca, m Purlortu: 1 Araplt-
riar (Haaeoak). in 00. li.u. i.m.
Mink (Artarkural, 111 10. in. I Tut
Boot (snarmaa), M. Tlaia, lill ll. Qui,
alala. MI.M.
aiiklk Raaa. 0V Purlonia: I Mra.
Bulllran IPulTar). Ill U. 110, I 10.
Oap Rom! (MeOataan), I4J0, I.M.
Oolditaao IStpiaaMl, SIM. Tlraa.
1 MlA Oulalala. 041.11. i
malk Raca, 11 10 pillai 1 akr-a-Mana
(Artarkare), Hit. 1.10. IN I.
Draieaat (Walkar), Mil, 4 10. 1 Mla
phar (Dan, MM. Tina, 1 l 11. Qul
nlala. IIIM.
Taotk Raaa, 1111 MUai l-Vaa TJ
iSUllil. I1I.M. 1.10. 1 10. 1 Jullao B.
(Alklnioni. ll.M. I II. I Waaatck Chut
(Dar), 111 Tlraa, 1 M 1 I. OulalalA
Ml 14.
Viks Open
Football Season
1 2
Salem High Tangles With
Cleveland at Portland
re, 1
Eye Check for Rocky
Dr. Vincent Nardlello, New
York State Athletic Commis
sion physician, checks tyt of Rocky Marclano, world's .
heavyweight champion, at letter's training camp at Gros
aiager, N.Y. Rocky will defend his tiUe against Roland
LaStarsa Sept. 24 in Polo Grounds in New York. (AP
Tha fnal Salem bigh school
football season in history opens
tonight at Lincoln field to Pert
land, when the Salem Vlklnga
take oa tha Cleveland Indiana
Zaharias Plans
To Become Hill
Billy Singer
Los Angeles U.BIx-wres-
tler George Zsharise said to'
day his famous wife, Babe
Dldrikson Zaharias, wss going
to launch a new career as a
hillbilly singer. .
Zrfharias, here on persons!
business, ssid the Babe wui
soon go from their Tampa,
Fla., home to Nashville, Tenn.
today to make a series of hill
billy records.
Mrs. Zaharias, the nation's
outstanding woman athlete,
has clowned in private for
years, singing and playing the
Pace 10 Salem, Oregon, Friday, September 11, 19S3
Fagan Denies He Plans to
Halt Operation of Seals
San . Francisco (ff) Owner
Paul I. Fagan Friday denied a
published report that ho had
ordered the San Francisco
Seals baseball club to halt op
erations Sunday when he Pa
cific Coast League season
'It is absolutely not true,"
he tqld the Associated Press
in a telephone conversation
from his home in Hawaii.
The San Francisco Chron
icle, in a copyrighted story,
said Fagan had ordered Seals
Gen. Mgr. Damon Miller to
Inform all employes that the
Seals would not operate after
the end of the PCL season
Fagan, a longtime advocate
of major league ball for the
Pacific Coast League, said his
future plans would depend on
"What the people back there
(other PCL owners) say.
'You hear all sorts ot re
ports," Fagan aaid, "Aren't
you getting them, too?"
Asked about reports that he
attempted to sell four San
Francisco plsyers to the Chi
cago White Sox Fagan said:
"Yes, I told Miller to go
ahead and try to sell some
plsyers. In that way we might
cut down on some of our ex
penses." Chronicle baseball WriteT
Bob Stevens, in the copyright
story, said he "learned from
a Honolulu source that Fagan
would abandon baseball."
If Fagan does quit it might
mean no baseball in San Fran
cisco for the first time in SO
years and even the end of the
Pacific Coast League. The
Seals' boss has been one of
the strongest advocates for
major league ball in the PCL.
As evidence of Fagan'a in
tent, the Chronicle said the
Seals offered to sell Pitchers
Tony Ponce, John McCall and
Bill Boemler and Catcher
Ninl Tomay to the Chicago
White Sox "in a package
Fagan has opposed selling
PCL players to the majors to
strengthen the coast circuit in
its major league bid.
Should Fagan quit, the 22,-
000 seat Seals Stadium, which
he owns, might be converted
for industrial purposes, a
move he had threatened to
make previously. That would
leave San Francisco without a
suitable ball park.
If Fagan does not declare
himself "in" 30 days before
start of the 19S4 aeason next
April ne win automatic uy
forfeit his PCL franchise.
The league would then take
over ownership, operate the
FOR ...
1101 So. Commercial
Diks h the punk of Ike Wagei
WhHlsrt sisrj pigM. Jousts feat.
ing Sitwdif.
admluloa SOs), Jstwdari 74e).
9-12 4-H Bldg.
tote Fair
So imooth
1a lakaaearaW APtrAfl
SI) praof MaSr Pan 1 00 aralA """I
aar. tmn Smimaf rp. aac. HarplarA, Caan,
4 GDEAL!3 Jjf0$
The Whirling Double-Eagle
Will Travel During Fairl
Tea, win a set at fear Goodyear Doable Carle
White Sldewall Nylon tlraa. Oo to oar booth on
messanlne of Agricultural Building. J ait take a
gueaa. Who knows . . . yea might win.
Court il (.pilot . Marion it liberty
(enteral Com'!. (enfer at Liberty
Florists Still
In Running for
World Title
Portland JB Erv Lind's
Florists of Portland were still
in the running for the women's
"world" Softball title today fol
lowing a 6-4 win last night
over Crowhurst Mutual of Van
couver, B. C.
In the other game, Seattle
Air Flytea edged the Slick
Chicks of San Diego, 8-2.
Others in the title rsce are
the Arizona Queens, the Salt
Lake City Shamrocks and San
Diego. Portland meets tna Ari
zona team and Salt Lake laces
Seattle tonight
club itself or find a purchaser.
Fagan in the past two years
has offered to sell the Sesls
but got no takers when he re
fused to include Seals Stadium
in the deal.
at I o'clock. Lincoln field Is lo
cated in the vicinity of Multno
mah stadium.
This will be the final season
in SKS football history, be
csuse next year Salem high
school will be split into two
schools North Salem and
South Salem,
Coach Lee Gustafson will
field a Salem team including 18
lettermen tonight. The Vikings
msy develop into one of tha
best teams turned out at Salea
high school in many .years. . . -
Cleveland, on the other hand,
ia expected to come up with
one of the leading teams in tha
Portland Interscholsstic league.
So tonight's tilt could prove
quite interesting.
Herb Triplett, veteran Vik.
ing signal-calier, will quarter
back the Salem squad in the
game tonight Triplett is ex
pected to do a lot of passing.
Elsewhere in the Salem back,
field, it'll be Mike Campbell
and Bay Taylor at halfbacks
and either Ken Rawlings r
Terry Salisbury at fullback. All
are lettermen.
In fact, the entire Salem
startin glineup with the excep
tion of tackle Bob Goddal let
tered on last season's Salem,
high football team.
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