Thursday, September 10, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregosi Ptfft 9 MILLER DAYS! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11-12 STORE HOURS 9:50 to 5:30 - OPEN FRIDAY TIL 9 P.M. MEN'S 100 WOOL JERSEY KNIT and WOVEN MILLER DAYS SPECIAL PURCHASE OF ''Flamingo'7 By Nasco 5V. Reg. 12.95 SHIRTS $X95 1 jj . N mm at Here's the wool ihirt "BUY" of the fall teuon! Reg. $13.SS 100 pure wool ihlrU in both regular weave and heavy jer sey knitf. Smart new plaida . . . plain navy and "hunting" red colore . . . grey for the man of conservative taite. All lie. Pleaae ahop early for these. Only one hundred in the lot. A special factory pur chase. , - MEN'S NECKTIES . Reg. $1.10, $2.00 ' Now for the annual sale of neckties at big bargain prices! . 89c for a $2.00 tie! Iff time to stock up . . . even for Christ maf presents! Main floor men's department 300 MEN'S PAJAMAS Special Purchase All Sizes! Reg. $5.95 $095 Just received these nationally known men's pajamas In the popular coat style broadcloths in all sues: A. B, C. D, and in all the new patterna and colors. Save almost half on these better quality pajamas. Main floor. MEN'S T-SHIRTS, ATHLETIC ' SHIRTS AND BRIEFS Men's white knitted tee-fhirts with long-wearing nylon neckbands. Athletic shirts and brief shorts all in this sale at this low price! (Not to be confused with cheaper cotton r sleazy quality usually found at this price.) SPECIAL PURCHASE! 1200 Men's New Socks VERY FAMOUS BRAND IRREGULARS OF EXPENSIVE QUALITIES ! LA sim- 3 PAIRS FOR All Sizes Wi to 13 Stock up with vportt and winter socks now thssA nsilf a 4nv rrM drill n1 What a har- vWVlri s",in! You can't afford to go without them at ' ' thl' Pric- Illustrated by Jentsen-MUler photo, f . ' .. ft they show diamond, geometric," stripe, Jac- quard and other patterns you'll like. All sizes from 10 Vi to IS. All the wanted fall shades. Main floor. SPECIAL! BOYS' SCHOOL SOCKS, pr. 25c Reg. 39c pr. Brilliant stripes. Nylon heel and to for long wear. Sizes 7 to 11. Main floor, boys' dept. BOYS' POLO SHIRTS 79c Reg. $1.50 Polo and tee-shirts in plain and stripe patterns. A good item for all-purpose school wear. Main floor. BOYS' ATHLETIC SOCKS Ll 39c Boys' part wool white athletic sock for all outdoor sports. Sizes 10 to 12 (big boys). Main floor. ,0 -sVwW. it HOT DROP FORGED FROM HKW CARBON STtm it FUUY NICKEl F1ATED FOR IONO WEAR ic FRICiaON HAND GROUND tOGES if HAND SCREW SET FOR SMOOTHER CUTTING' 4 "TWO J $ SALEir a Special Purchase TV STOOLS $1 Sensational savings i? to 100 ddOtetltQSt We hovenl seen buys fiV this yeertl Imported, nondcrofted scinof end shears with quolity features that make you proud to own ond use them. A wonderful opportunity to complete your sewing set . . . double your sew fog pleoiur ond efficiency. Com " today while stoeb ore full. 1 4 SesrDig html 1. 1 Surfs Scrasn r f bwtaa Uflsn I. ), lntf oifST Wnsrt L r werowsry nam (est m) . F, 7 liswfultsr Skestl g, y IhfMsfcsM Shears H. fjesssssfi Sfffts . in $vso no roe a 31 L KOW 1.51 11$ 15 SU9tch NOTION DEPT. - MAIN FLOOR Special purchoj of Tele vision stools os illustrated obove or mad of not ural finished redwood. Padded tops covered with novelty Duro-plostic in blue, green, red, tan, etc. On sal in th notion de partment. Main floor. NOTION DEPT. ' " - Ml ee.lMX TOe.eMATCIl (UltOIlA-TONE C0L3I1S . . Cslofcoofdiio)d l odd s oiow yw porty nok OMy drttc totH lMnr. And M t tow pric "Wsv IsstoWtSe And coloni ll wont lor yowioH soifofoI lor ojltt GIFT SHOP MAIN FLOOR MILLER DAYS SPECIAL FOR TWO DAYS ONLY TV. SURPRISE i 1 , Famous Brand Table Model ONLY With Easy Terms ja. m UMr 10. 17-Inch Screen Fully Guaranteed ! Many Popular Brands From Which to Choose NEW! 1954 MODELS 21" SETS WITH PORTLAND AND SALEM CHANNELS $ 214 95 MILLER'S DOWNSTAIRS TELEVISION OPEN EVERY NIGHT TIL EXCEPT SA.. Shop and Save at i1 i I oi .a to t j A. tl-e. TWiytRRl ' . I R 1. I i S smsss hw aia I R WffVT R R (Met. Mh, mM R R .. , , 1 1 I'.' ' R - m- . R '. . . I I : : : B