Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 10, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    nimday, September 10,
Local Paragraph.
Historical Society The Sep
tember meeting of the Huion
County Historical Society Will
be held Monday night at 8
o'clock at Salem Public li
brary. George G. Strozut, Jr.,
will ihow colored slides othis
torical ipoU in Oregon, made
oy himself. They will include
Aitoria, Oregon City, Seaside
and Tillamook. A builneii
meeting will be held.
Dakota Picnic All former
resident of North Dakota and
South Dakota and their fami
lies art Invited to attend the
annual Dakota picnic to be
held Sunday, September 20,
In the North Bend City Park
at North Bend, Ore. It will
atart at 1 p.m. Those attend
ing are advised to bring pot
luck dishes and utensils. Cof
fee, milk and Ice cream will
be served.
Approval Beld Up Upon
the recommendation of County
county court will hold in sbey
. ance a request for the inclusion
in the county road system of
Hillview drive, recently im
proved. Assistant County En
g 1 n e e r Ted Kuenzl reported
eh.t ruAunl;. i i
-" vusiwiia wive lias Deen i
graded and that placing ofilACC 'OrtO
heavy rock for the base is in '"ww lUI lrvC
Six More Weeks The new
segregation building, to be
used for 95 of the prison's
toughest criminals, will be
completed at the state peniten
tiary in about six weeks, Ward
en Clarence T. Gladden said
Thursday. The work Is being
delayed by difficulty in getting
Building Psrmlta Charles
Dayport, to repair a two-story
apartment building, 1133
Chemeketa, $300. J. W, Val
ech, to repair a 1V4 -story
dwelling, 923 Edina, $125. A.
G. Bates, to add a garage and
private greenhouse, 898 Rose
mont, $163. Elsie Carpenter,
to repair a one-story dwelling,
682 North 15th, $50. Edward
T. Taggart, to erect a one-story
dweUing, 960 Gerleon, $17,
000. Norvel Emmons, to re
roof a one-story dwelling, 1687
North Summer,- $250. A. G.
Lindstnand, to alter a Hi
story dwelling, 1168 North
15th street, $350. J. J. Oeder,
to re-root a one-story dwell
ing, 1170 North 21st, $257. E.
C. Hewitt, to add a carport,
1575 North 18th, $100. E. J.
Lukasunis, to re-roof a one
story dwelling, 2025 North
itmi, iuu. i.ouri aireei .Bar
ber shop, to alter a three-story
office building, 482 ' Court
street, $100. .
Pension Club Meeting Am
erican Pension Club No. 1 will
meet at 2240 Shelton Street
Saturday night for a potluck
dinner at 6:30. Members are
advised to bring table service.
Reds Accuse
(Continued from P&pt 1)
Swedish Maj. Gen Sven
Grafstrom, commission chair
man, said communist Poland's
delegates accused the Ameri
cans of kidnaping Jan Hajdu-
kiewicz, a Polish interpreter
who ducked from his inspec
tion team into American hands
as a plane warmed up to take
him back to Red Korea Wed
nesday. Grafstrom said the Polish
delegate threatened to lodge a
strong protest, probably Sat
urday. Hajdukiewicz told newsmen
at Seoul, he wanted no more of
communism, which he termed
"the subjugation of all life . . .
The other Red denunciations
were broadcast by P e 1 p 1 n g
radio, often a weathervane for
official moves to come.
Pelping said 4,579 Red prl
s o n e r s returned in the ex
change just ended have been
' hospitalized because of "phy
sical and mental torture at the
hands of the Americans.'
Condemning what it termed
"ghastly examples of American
brutality . . . American torture
chamber methods," Pelping
said "a shocking number" of
the 73,799 repatriates were suf
fering from various diseases.
It said others were "gassed,
bayoneted and stoned' during
he exchange.
Thursday, grptember 10
Organized Naval Reserve sur
face division at Naval and Ma
rine Corps reserve training cen
ter Company D. lMnd infantry
regiment, Oregon aNtlonal Ouard.
at 8lem armory
n niinA A A A. AW bat
talion. Oregon National Ouard at
cjuonset nuts on ic
Friday, September 11
E.h Rpnerves at Naval and
Marine Corps Reserve training
MOOH-To Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Hoot,
t0 Wl'.itsir.s Ave., a '"';
HALLPOKD To Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
mr u. ,'... Minna, a bor. Sept. S.
BALKM ' r.ENf.EAL "OnriTAt,
MILLR To Mr. end Mrs. Harold
II: 'ler. Vti WlUlsml Are, a boy. eVrt. 0.
ii-ri-.lTe Mr. end Mrs. Oeone
B.i. hit osk Bt, a "i"L. .
PORDTCE To Mr. and Mrs Twln J
Fo-d'ee. J110 Bron Rd a sin, Sept. t.
..-Mtt Bni.TTll.
TniTrararTe Mf. and Mra.
ifelvla BteUenbeee. ai'l, Sep. S..
Graaa Blaiat Citv fir.
wera called to a vacant lot at
lourtn and Locust street W4
nesday to extinguish a grass
wm Bcuevea started by chil
dren piaying in the area.
entry Attempted Someone
lorcea ine screen off the bath
room window at the James N.
Francis residence, 1230 North
18th street, Wednesday while
the family was at the fair, city
police reported. The unlocked
window wai also opened but it
is believed that entry was not
gained, they said.
' Hubcaps Taken Two hub
caps were taken from his car
while It was parked In the 200
block of South High street
Wednesday evening, Raymond
Terhune, Its West Myers
street, reported to city police.
Vandal Disfigures Bona
The vandal who hacked six
inches off the flowing tall of
a prize Palomina horse was
being sought Thursday by po
lice at the Oregon State Fair.
The horse is owned by Rose
Franke Wilhelm, Salem.
t i . .
Mr. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lanke
are announcing the engagement
of their daughter. Miss Joan
Lanke, to Roland David Rogers,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rogers
of Independence.
Miss Lanke has been attend
ing Willamette university the
past three years, majoring in
art. Mr. Rogers is a junior at
Oregon State college, majoring
in agriculture education.
No date has been set for the
wedding. . t -.
Final Homage
(Continued from Page 1)
As Truman came abreast of
Eisenhower, the President nod
ded. Truman thrust out a hand
and Eisenhower grasped it
It was the first face-to-face
meeting of the two since the
Jan. 2 inauguration and change
of administration.
A bright tun streamed
through stained glass windows
and the notes of a great organ
flooded through the cathedral
as the services began. Overhead
in the unfinished south tran
sept, pigeons flutterd through
the scaffolding. . .,-
The services were brief and
Solemn. They followed the
regular Episcopal ritual from
the Book of Common' Prayer,
except for a special prayer by
Bishop Angus Dunn, who offl
ciated. Under a blanket of red roses
supplied by the Supreme Court,
the mahogany casket was
brought from a downtown fu
neral home to the cathedral.
' There the coverlet of roses
was removed and replaced by
a purple and gold pall. The cof
fin was carried by the acting
pallbearers - eight uniformed.
white gloved Supreme Court
officers to the very center of
the cathedral.
Pravda Calls Legion
'Brazen Burglars'
Moscow, (U.R) Pravda, the
Communist party newspaper,
denounced the American Leg-
on as a "Fascist mob and
"band of brazen burglars" to
day in an editorial on the
Legion's recent convention in
St. Louis.
Speeches made to the dele
gates by Vice President Rich
ard M. Nixon, Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles and
Defense Secretary Charles E
Wilson were criticized.
Pravda said the speeches
and resolutions approved at
the convention were aimed at
"fanning war hysteria in the
j United States. '
American League
Chlcaao 001 000 00 0
Hew York 010 000 O0-1 1 1
bopet and Berra; Coneuegra and Lol-
Cleveland HI UK OOt til
Boston Ill lie W 11 11
Wrnn. Hosk no () Hooper '
Wit lit II) and Hetan. Tipton 111! Mc
lermou, KindT iei ana While.
Hesr the 'Football Profit'
tonight, 9:30 KSLM 1390
KCS. 216
Castle Permanent Wavers,
305 Llvesley Bldg., ph. 3-3083.
Permanents S5 and up. Ruth
Ford, Manager. 216'
Three localities available for
competent Dealer Representa
tives. Plesse contact Watkins
Products Distributor, '1135 So.
Commercial St, 'phone S-5395,
after Monday September 14th.
Store closed this week only for
annual vacation. 217
Lowest price on all locker
and home freezer meats. See
Vista Lockers before you buy.
Phone 25632.
Antiaues. china, glass, brass,
te. Lames specialty. 3655
Portland Rd.
. Fresh killed young turkeys
to bake or fry. 39e pound. Or
wlii's Market. 397S Silverton
Rd. Phone. 4-8742.
i '
. -. n
. '.'"
mmmmmmmmit..rt.jnm I liraa. ens 1 1 Ml I ill I
Davenport Bursa A fire
in the davenport at the Doris
Willis residence, 2307 Fair
ground: road, Wednesday night
was extinguished by city fire
men. The fire is believed to
have started when the daven
port was left too close to a
wall heater. No damage other
than to the davenport was re
To Pa'nt Crosswalks The
county paint crew will paint
crosswalks across Chemawa
road at Delight street for the
benefit of pupils attending the
new. Keizer grade school.
Circuit Court
- State ve. Marvia Lehnheer: Order
tranaferrinc him to Oregon State Hos
pital for 19 dan gbgorvatloB mad by
Ardys Cleone Xlrlta vg. Lawrence
Thomas Blrltc: Order requiring defend
ant to pay an additional alio Br war
of property settlement. Decree of di
vorce to plaintiff giving custody of
three minor children to her and Sag
monthly support for each.
Jeaa I. Carrot- vs. Armond I. Car-
row: Decree of divorce to plaintiff.
Plaintiff awarded custody 'of minor
child, ITS monthly support, personal
and real property. Defendant awarded
automobile, i
Vtretnla Hansen vs. Stederlek B. Han
sen: Decree of divorce to plaintiff
awarding her custody of minor child,
S70 monthly support and tit monthly
for period to one year additional up
port. Real property awarded plaintiff
and defendant required to par balance
due on noto and mortaaie.
Harriet Sforley vs. Irene Httcaen
Order of default entered afaloat de
fendant. Mew York Life Inc. Co. VJ. Sylvester
H. and Lorona L. Harder aad Donald
p. and M. Betty wetter-, complaint
aoeklnc order appointing receiver for
certain mortiaied property and that
defendants to barred from claiming an
Interest la the property.
Mew Tork Ufa Inc. Co. vs. Artie I
Baker: Complaint seeking an order de
termining that the aum at as u
owing plaintiff and mat mortgage
real property be foreclosed.
arl David Viele ea administrator wf
the estate of Dona Mabrr viele: Order
denying olalntllf'a motion to strike
defendant's answer.
atatg eg rrl Oregon atete Dental
Assn., Dr. W. H. Burrell. Dr. M. Monte
Keltmea, Dr. A. T. Oberg and Dr.
wim, nnilerion Individually and
members of the advisory council of state
board of higher odueatlon, vs. Edgar W.
Smith, H. B. Kletnsoris, O. F. Chambers,
L. 0 rinseth, willlem Wateh, Henry T.
Cebell, A. B. orant, cnerri w. Mac
Neushton and Herman OllveT aa Ore-
attta Board of Higher Bducatlon
Declaratory decree that the defendante
bo required to adhere to and following
requlrementa of cnapter in lawe oi
less in iter administration of the dental
school of the university oi urenon.
Cdlth B Nichols vs. Buell H. NlehoU:
Order holding defendant to oa in no.
Roberta Ann Johnson vg. Woodrow
K. Johnson: Order requiring piaintm
to pay defendant 1110 monthly for sup
port or three miner emigres.
Arthur W. Brown vs. Charlotte Brown:
Decree of divorce to plaintiff. Jurladle-
tion of minor court to to aeiernuaoo.
Tnta. nine vs. J. Wavna Bloc: Order
requiring defendant to pay eertaln bills
during litigation.
Probate Court
Ceemo J. Borphy eetate: order con
nrmatlon of sale of real property.
Jake Bler estate: Order authorising
administrator to accept 14700 in full
payment of unpaid balanco oa contract
for lalo of real property.
addle yenning estate: Order admit
ting will to probate and appointing Vio
let r. Stafford administratrix.
Cnerlea Kraua estate; Order waiting
appointment of appraisers.
Louts Kaiser estate: Order aonflrtt
lng eale of real pronertr-
Rose Prantl estate: Order waiving In
ventory and appreleement.
District Court
Orln r. Series, bringing an aleohftlle
l . n.a.n. . t . Penitenti
ary, continued to September SI at de- 1 j
tcndenl reoueat.
Dale Zltck. Turner, burglar? sot in a
dwelling, waived preliminary ner.rlng,
bound over to tho grand iurr, field la
lieu of tttoo bail.
Bobby stnweit. Turner, aurglsrr not
la a dwallifis. waived preliminary hear
ing, bound erer to the grand iurr, beld
In Ilea of 12500 ball.
Sale Zltek. Turner, borslsrr not In
a dwelling, waived preliminery hearing,
bound over to grand jury, beld la lieu
of 11000 ball.
woMiv Atilwsll. Turner, btmlerr wot
IB a dwelling, waived preliminary Bear
ing, bound over to grand jury, held
la lieu at I10M ball.
Municipal Court
Wllliasg sari jirasmer. wacoma jaracn.
driving wnlle laloileated. pleaded
guilty, aeld in lieu of and fine.
Clifford Dunn, Vista motel, driving
wat latoakated. pleaded guilty held
la Ilea of I3M tine.
Marriage Licenses
Rodney clelr Bright. II. Printing
salesmen, 1040 Vlrslnla St . and Doro
thy Jsan Klinefelter, it. at soma, eel
north College BL. Salem.
Melvtn Srlea Melton, II. clerk. Bt. 1.
Silverton. and Ahlrley Ana Oreenfleld.
is. typist, lid Central St., atlvertoa.
Beyaiend David Whelaa. M, beak
teller. Salt Jeldea, and loot Mildred
uaae, la, glort-sUaographor. at. .
Junes T. frlte, 11. laborer, Walla
Walla, and Shirley Oreea, So. aarslng,
14TS Berts Commercial, Salem.
rant C. Smith. U. fsrwter. Taklma.
and Opal M Suits. 4S. housewife. SOtl
Jwaraer, Sales.
Supreme court to control lower courts: Chief Justice
Earl C. LatouTCtte ihown administering rtath of office to
Jonel C. Hill, administrative assistant to the chief justice.
Under a law passed by the 1953 legislature, the chief Jus
tice is given authority to limit the time a matter before a
circuit court may be held under advisement and further
powers that is expected to eliminate congestion in many
of the lower courts of the state.
Most Awards
(Continued from Page 1
Friday ' morning at - 10
o'clock will find the 4-H club
and Future Farmer fat stock
auction getting underway near
the livestock barns.
Style Revue Coming
Four-H club members will
have over 175 animals up for
sale, which will include 67
steers, only five of which will
be told lower than choice
grade, 53 fat lambs and 88
hogs. - ; .'
Future Farmers will nut 40
animals in the ring. . There
will be IS sheep and 25 hogs.
Another major 4-H club
event is also scheduled tor
Friday. This is the annual
style revue, .which like the
rest of the fair will have the
Hawaiian theme.
The revue starts at 4 p.m.
and approximately 133 girls
will be participating. Shown
during the revue will be cot
ton dresses, play clothes, best
dresses, formals, wool dresses,
wool tuits and wool coats.
Commentator for the ahow
will be Mrs. Bea Humphreys
4-H. club agent for ' Marion
Better Than Last Year
Wednesday, which was Salem
Day and Governor's Day, was
the second day this year that
the attendance figures at the
fair bad topped those of last
year. The other was the open
ina day.
Wednesday's paid attendance
was 17,402, compared to 17,037
a year ago.
The pari-mutuel take at the
races continued to be above last
year, with Wednesday the third
largest day this year, the take
being $91,738. A year ago it
was $78,984. Top day this year
was Monday when it was S168,
336 and the second was Satur
day, I107.711.
Attendance figures at the
special events at the fair Wed
nesday were, revue, 3,421;
races, 2,335; and rodeo, 2,094.
For the same day last year the
attendance was, revue, 3,701;
races, 2,511; and rodeo, 2,401. i
Close Comes Saturday i
Saturday which is the final
day of the 88th annual State
Fair, will be the traditional!
children's day. For the occas- i
ion most rides will be reduced ,
to 9 cents until 4 p. m. for chil-!
dren 12 and under. There will
be a few exceptions, these be
ing the Round-up, roller coast- i
er and the pony rides.
Both Future Farmers andi
4-H club members will bring;
their week-long activities to ai
close that day. Future Farmers
will have their livestock and
dairy judging contest in the
morning and their poultry
judging and announcement of
results of judging contests In
the afternoon.
On the Saturday achedule for
4-H clubbers are the wool sew
ing contest, demonstration con
test of champions, dollar din
ner contests and the livestock
awards program.
800 Convicts
(Continued from Pact 1)
Warden John Cranor re
turned Thursday morning, cut
ting short a vacation fishing
trip. He said approximately 700
prisoners in tour cell blocks
were locked In their cells "and
will atay there." The prisoners
received breakfast in their
cells instead of the mess halls.
Prisoner Strangle! Belt
As they moved through the
cell blocks in a clean-up pro
gram, officers discovered one
inmate had strangled himself
in his cell but the warden did
not link his death with the tire
nrl vint . x ....
He said the man. Elmer War-4
ren Kerr, 30, wai despondent I
KjMvaiiaast 4 Via Db-a1a UmA I
as iara da am vVVSwu kg) eUOBVaV I
turned down his petition for
Kerr apparently tied a shirt
around his neck and to the bed
and leaned against the noose
until he strangled, said Cranor.
Ha was serving time lor grand
larceny from Skagit County.
The disturbance at the eve
ning meal began about two
hours after the unexplained
fire whipped through the pris
on's metals plant. More than
a million license plates destined
for Washington State automo
bile use in 1954 were destroyed.
- Ohio Soicety Picnie The
Ohio Society will hold its an
nual picnie at Laurelhurst
Park in Portland Sunday, Sept
20, starting at 2 p.m. All form
er residents of the Buckeye
State are invited. They are ad
vised to bring food baskets,
but coffee will be served.
Tea Garden
tllfht Down Town
l2tt No. CamraerelaJ
Mtween tata Conrt St,
Exlusive at
Cww Court ind liberty
' detailing
on wonderfully washable
Celanese acetate
TIm slsyiirl ilr at m inter,
... our beauty of i blouM
with hind figotlad ind bind
embroidered collar ind ctnttr
- i
Circuit Court
(Continued from Pue 1)
HilL the new administrative
assistant, will visit aU circuit
courts in the state and under
powers granted by the law ex
amine dockets of the courts and
ascertain the length of time
eases have been under advise
ment. The circuit court Judges and
clerks are required to make re
ports to the chief Justice and
moreover, the law makes it the
duty of aU circuit Judges and
clerks to obey all orders issued
by the chief justice.
At a meeting of the Oregon
Bar association which spon
sored the court reform law in
the legislature, circuit judges
l " 'I l: ': -t- 7K l
people are laiKing n y;
j) For Fall-. . , Hf
You'll talk too, when you y I
14 see our Fall Collection of
famous Lilli Ami Suits and Coats A I
i ... the most stunning ever !
ff - - 'N, J
iu i Li
li-' YkS' - -,y .4
frj . Tha most xcltlnfl thing
I jF "V I J f to your foil wardrob It a
I f I LILLI ANN suit from
I 1 L,LLI ANN tokM ,h mosf Iuxuriou,
I' I imported fabrics ond fashions them to suit
U ( . - I tne most Porticular tast. Exquisite hand
i I tailoring plus a flare for ust the right design
; 1 f I go hand In hand to make up these
" I II outstonding suits. This fall's collection ot
j I f SALLY'S Is truly the most stunning ever.
i- 1 I ; Sizes 10 to 20.
j 0 I We( OOtL
' li"'Il"l " I 1 " IBB tBI I I. Ill wSswawssBBBWawWaar
JIV,si.... e.i .,., em. iiisssaiemiiielssMlimiiMaiiaiireissiairf sitiftilifcll.iifsiiswi halwlagay
attending will be Introduced to
Hilt by tne chief Justice.' At
this meeting, September 17, La-
tourette will outline details of
the pew program,
Tha new law strengthens au
thority of th chief justice) to
assign . Judges' to outside dis
tricts where work of the court
is heavy. .
Under this Uw, Chief Justice
Latourette feels certain that
congestion in many of tho cir
cuit courts can be greatly re
lieved to the benefit of both tha
oar and the litigants.
Hill graduated from tha St
Paul college of law and was
admitted to the bar in Minnesota-in
1951. He came to Oregon
the next year and was admit
ted to the bar here in an attor
neys' examination the same
year. '
Pigt I
Immediately after bo trad,
uated. Hill was on tha editorial
staff of tho Wast Punishing
company, St Paul, publishers
of law books. He Is married and
has thraa children, and rest da
i Salem, .' a
Square Dcnsa
-!2 AM. ;;4-H ILCX
4 ADM. 74a j '