Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 10, 1953, Page 33, Image 33

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    Thursday, Scpttmbcr 10, 1953
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- Following their arrival at the plush Sands hotel In Lai
Vegas, Nev., Singer Dick Haymea, 38, and actress Rita
Hayworth, 34, announced that they will be married about
Sept 20 in Las Vegas. Haytnes' Nevada divorce will be
final about that time. (U-R Telephoto.)
Gates Mrs. Bertha Shep
herd was brought home from
' the Stayton hospital a week
ago Sunday. Mrs. Shepherd
-. has been in poor health for
; some time but is reported to
be feeling better since her re
' tuns home. Her daughter, Mrs.
v Runner Hamntnn. nf Flnmnm
'; s Staying with her mother un
- til a companion can be secured.
Mrs. Shepherd's son and daugh
; ter-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Shepherd and family of
Tillamook, arrived Saturday
vening to spend the week-end
' with his mother. .
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson
(Birdie Larson), newlyweds
from Klamath. Calif., spent the
Labor Day holidays in Gatrt
at the home of Mrs. Wilson's
grandmother, Mrs. Walter Brii
bln. .-.
Mr. and Mrs. Brisbin, ac
companied by her sister, Mrs.
Oscar Osterhout, left Wednes
day of this week for Spokane,
Wash., where Mrs. Osterhout
will visit at the homes of her
brothers, James and Roy Ar
thurs, while Mr. and Mrs. Bris-
kl- u.ul unntimis ihjii trin
through Canada to Vancouver
and Victoria, B.C., returning to
Gates the last of the month.
A euest for 10 days at the
home of Mayor and Mrs. W. R.
Hutcheson was Mayor Hutch-
eson'i sister, Mrs. Kyle Mer-
oney, from Galveston, Texas.
The Hutchesons left Friday for
Pendleton to attend the region
al Softball tournament. They
planned to stop in Portland and
Salem to attend the state fair
on the return trip.
Overnight guesta Wednes
day at the W. 5. Hudson home
were their son and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Willard Hudson and
two babies, from Salem. Mr.
and Mrs. W. S. Hudson left
Friday for Coeur d'Alene, Ida.
ho. to spend the Labor Day hoi-
idavs at the home of their son'
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
- Mrs. Niel Sargent.
Mrs. Glenn Gordon returned
Monday of last week from San
Francisco, where she and her
liters. Mrs. Louis de Buy, of
Salem, and Mrs. Leonard May
field, of Coos Bay, visited relatives.
Don Miley, superintendent of
the Gates schools, left the last
rt Aueust for Lima, umo,
where he picked up a new bus
for the Gates district, which he
will drive home. Mrs. Miley
and Nadine visited her parents,
Mr. and Mrs! W. A. Bolmeier,
at their home in Salem for a
week. She returned home Fri
day. Mm. Mareie Anderson was
hostess at her home Thursday
afternoon to members of the
Gates Woman's club for the
September social meeting. The
afternoon was spent informally
following the no-host picnic
lunch served on the lawn.
Special guests were Mrs. Ed
v.Hin. and daughter Judy
and Mrs. Willard Hudson, of
til m
Jerrv Larson, who had been
amnlnvaH In Klamath. Calif.
for the summer, has returned
to Gates to complete his senior
year at the local high scnooi.
t, hnvs. Thurlo Cole
win nf Mr. and Mrs. Burrel
.i t vio Fleetwood, son
vr anri Mrs. Floyd Fleet
mill leave Sunday, Sept
13, for Klamath Falls, where
they wiU enroll as students at
... -,,, Tmtituta ot Tech-
rii a graduate 01
4h. r.t. hish school, recently
......,. tmm service in Korea
Fleetwood Is a graduate of the
Hill City high ana was
ed scholarship for hit ath
letic achievements.
at the home of Mrs. Overlock's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund
Davis, for several weeks, re
turned to their home in Seattle
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nelson
from Raymond, Wash., spent
two days last week at the home
of their niece and family, Mr.
and Mrs. L. L. Rynearson. They
were entertained at a dinner
party at the Rynearson home
during their stay. Other guesta
were Mrs. Alva McNamee of
Portland, Harvey Syverson of
Mill City and William DeFoe,
Mrs. Wilmer Crites (Barbara
Haun), of Salem, spent her
holidays at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Harmon, In
Miss Janet Klecker of Stay-
ton, who had visited at the
home of her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Millsap, for 10
days, returned to Stayton Mon
day evening.
Mrs. Don Carey and son
Jon, of Stayton, visited her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wil-
, while Carey was in Pen
dleton with the Mill City soft
ball team. '
Mrs. Lang Stafford was hos-
Lyoni Mr. and Mrs. Lyie
Burmester were Saturday din
ner guesta at the noma of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Beran of Soger Mountain. Oth
er guest were Mrs. Beran'a two
sisters and their husbands from
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Sera
phln Chehak and Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Pamperin.
Week-find guests at the horn
of Mr. and Mrs.-Orville Down
ing were their aon-ln-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Brown and little son from Med-
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lyons
and son, Larry, from Clat
skanle were week-end guesta in
Lyons at .the bom of his par
ents, Mr, and tin. fat Lyons,
also bis sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Ransom. .
Mr. and Mrs. George Balsiger
from Underwood, Wash., were
calling on - friends in Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Minlcb
of Portland spent Labor day
with relatives in Lyons. Mrs.
Minlch la a sister of Bert and
Pat Lyons and Mrs. Martha
. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Downing
and daughters, Irene and Mar
lene, from Sutherltn, visited at
the home ot his brother and
family, Mr. and. Mrs. Orvtlle
Downing, cn route home after
attending the State Fair In Sa
Several from the community
are making trips to the huckle
berry patch. They report the
berries not too plentiful this
Ronald Lengacher la recover
ing from duties he received
Sunday evening in a car acci
dent, which happened when his
car struck wet pavement and
went into the ditch. He was
taken to the Santiam Memorial
hospital, but was brought home
Monday afternoon.
Several from Lyon attended
funeral services for Paul Du-
man, held - at our. laay or
Lourdea Catholic church In Jor
dan Monday morning.
Mrs. Alwood Aronson and
sons, Ray ana raul, return ea
borne Sunday morning from a
month's visit with relatives
and friend In Duluth, Minn.
The Lyons Garden club flow
er show will be held Sept It
in the old school house In Ly
ons. '
Sublimity Rev, Joseph
Scherbring baa returned to his
duties at St. Boniface parish
after an extended vacation with
relatives, in his former home
state of Iowa.
His niece. Miss Mary Wolf,
daughter of the Frank Wolfs,
who went east with him, ac
companied him home. .
Donald Lulay left by plane
for Oakland to attend the final
series of the Oakland Oaks. H
will accompany his sister, Mrs.
Leonard Neal and family, who
are moving hom prior to the
opening of school.
Tommy Neilson is convalesc
ing at home after spending
several days in the Santiam
Memorial hospital, where he
was a surgery patient.
Lt. Comdr. Bill Bailey, for
mer Duke University football
player, is head coach of the
Fensacola, Fl., Navy Gos
. Ens. Edwin A. Nixon, Jr.,
of Seattle was reported
among U.S. POW'a returned
in the Utett exchange at
Panmunjom. Nixon, Navy
Jet pilot, was reported killed
last March when his plant
went down over North Ko
rea. His wife gave birth to
a daughter. This picture
in May tl 1952. AP
Jefferson Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin Hutchlngs left Tues
day on week's vacation trip
going ' south to California
through the Redwood highway
and returning horn they will
visit the Oregon Cave and
other places of interest Hutch
ing plans to do some fishing
while on his trip.
Several members o the
spring . graduating class are
college minded. Jimmie Adam
will attend Willamette univer
sity and will take a pre-engin-eering
course planning on an
electrical engineering degree.
John Perry will attend Oregon
State, John Caughall the Uni
versity of Oregon, Lee Camer
on, Jimmie Blackwell, and
Dale Watlenbarger Oregon
College of Education at Mon
mouth; Delorl Meyers,. Cas
cade College in Portland.
Mr, and Mrs. Paul McKee of
Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
McKeo and Dahlens of Bend
spent the weekend In Clover
dale, Teddy McKee doing soma
fishing while there. Teddy Mc
Kee teaches and Is assistant
coach id -the Cloverdale ,sthool
Mrs. W. F- Klampe of Lb
ish Center and Mr. and Mrs.
G. C. Ward of Reedsport were
guests of Miss Anna Klampe
Wednesday afternoon. They
were on their way to Lebanon
to visit Mr. Klampe's brother,
Will Springer, who had 'par-
alatie sir ok.
Mrs. Dorothy Ig!toa and
family have moved from the
Christian church parsonage
Into the house vacated by the
Trans Higglns family. .
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomp
son of Salem were Jetfenoa
viiliert Moadtf.
Jefferson high school will
have three new teachers. Miss
Janice Williams, graduated
from Oregon Stat college last
spring and will teach home
economics. Mrs. Irene Johnson,
who has taught at Enid, Okla.,
la the physical education teach
er for girls. Ted Johnson, a
graduate of Willamette univer
sity will coach basketball and
teach social science. Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Nymen, who taught
at Wheeler the past year will
teach the eighth and fifth
grade respectively. Mr. Ny
men will coach the grade
school basketball and football
High school teachers return
ing to Jefferson are Rvmond
Howie, Harold Wynd, Miss Jo
sephine Getchell, Clayton
Wills, rank GatcheU, Eric
Fltzsunons, and Mis Nora Lee
Grade school teacher re
turning are Mrs. Delia Dent
more, Mr. Margaret Kelly,
Mr, Evelyn Zemlicka, Mrs.
Fancheon Lappen, Mrs. Han
nah Wright, Mrs. Beatrice
O'Berg, Mrs. Ida Becker, Ford
Forester, Ray Hutchinson and
Joseph Rowe, principal.
Smith field
Kmithfleld The frank Wall
family and Mis Joyo Idlger
were among those neighbor!
who attended the ta fair
on Labor Day.
Bertran Coop, who had been
employed by an implement
company at Rickreall this sum
mer, 1 now at hom while
preparing for another term at
Corvallis in 'college..
Mrs. David Reimer 1 (till
on the sick list
John P. Neufeldt and Jacob
H. Rempel of Dallas got soma
Bartlett pears from the Sol Ed
iger iarm on Monday.
Sol N. Ediger 1 combining
for John Klassen near Dalla.
these day.
The dairy barn at the BUI
Reimer place is near lag com
pletion. Mr. and Mr. Peter Reimer
have again become grandpar
ents when Mr, and Mrs. Lyle
Flaming (Mariann Reimer)
had their second son on Friday,
Sept 4. Mrs. Flaming, is stay
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Reimer
for awhile with Douglas and
hi new brother, Dwlght Gene.
Ira (Babe) Kanferd wa the
only apprentice Jockey to win
the Kentucky Derby.. He rode
Bold Venture to victory in the .
1S3S classic.
- Bill Tea, Georgia Tech half-,
back, set two new school rec
nrd during the 1033 season
when be carried the ball ISt
tunes and gained 798 yards.
tess at her home Monday even
ing at a birthday dinner in
compliment to Mr. Stafford's
four listers, whose birthday
dates fall within a few days of
each other. The honored guests
were Mrs. George Thomas, Mrs.
Bessie Bassett, Mrs. Ruth Vin
ing and Mrs. Alice Thicker, all
oi Miu city.
Recent house guesta at the
Lang Stafford home were G. O.
Turney of Santa Monica, Cal.;
Mrs. Stafford' brother, Tant
Myers, from Sacramento, Cel.;
Mrs. Arlene Dlggeller and
three daughter, from Seattle,
Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Buchard, ot Goshen, Ore. Miss
Zita Prichard of Mill City was
a guest for a day. -
Among those attending the
state fair Saturday were Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Henness, Mr,
and Mrs. Burrel Cole, and Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Rush.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levon
and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Johnson spent Monday in Sa
lem taking In the state fair.
Voull say goodbye to leftover gray tattering fabric
when you change to White Magie. Vou ee, White Magic i
the soap with a "built in" water softener. White Magic need
nn medal water softener In loft or moderately hard water. In
extremely hard water use only enough water softener (any
J . ... ... i jj tin.'.. 11.. 1u
brand) to make the water icei son. ma v
than usual) and wash.
SEE HOW MUCH YOU SAVI. You ave on water oftener.
ute less soap, fabric last longer ana wmw iweaic
evera! cent lest than other foap. far le than detergent.
VJhito -.logic
Aye! My, dollar goos a
lono vay vjhon I buy
my meat here!
NInwnrfnve vtrvnne i trvina to Vielo east) tht- strain on the eld budalt. WH, tok a tip from me. . . You can
nffnrri rn fat meat 3 TIMES A DAY when vou shoo ot RANDALL'S . . . For a lona time now RANDALL'S has
been supplying Salem with Quality Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef. You housewives know how nice It ts to havt plenty
M ' i kiL.. i -L . n A WirMI I 'C J ... L..u TCDDV D AkinAI I rnn enva
nr nnnfl nunr in rnct ueen rreeze or iockct. vvnv nor moo or iM'ikM.u J unu see nun i bnni nnmfn v,
u.'ii ..... i.:.JI.. kMui u:li nine nil rnfi flniikla.urnnneirl fnr vour locker or
' i-- v '. r ... . km flief
freaTep - frff Remember .vou eon buv as mucn mear at vou wanr one nair. auarrer or wnoit jvji
LOOK AT THESE PRICES ... . : - - : ?k
Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fail to take advantage
of these prices. Convenient credit may be arranged. Nothing down - a full year to pay.
Half or Whole Front Quarter Hind Quarter
COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE . . . . . . . . .
Fresh Ground Beef
i ....
Fresh Ground Round
Lean Short Ribs . . u. IT
Lean Beef Cubes . u. 4'
Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford
Baby Beef
Arm Curt Had Cut Rump
Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford
Beef STEM Lb.
T-lon Rip Steeki
Fresh Beef
Mr. and Mrs. James Over-
lock and two children, of Se
.Hie. who have been guests