Pact 10 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday. September 10, 1953 . Mt Angel On the occasion of hit birthday anniversary, Edward Schaecher was the guest of honor Thursday ye- nlnf when Mrs. Schaecher en tertained In their home. Those present included Henry Schae cher, Mr. and Mrs. William Schaecher, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Huffstutter, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. LeDoux, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond LeDoux and Sharon, George and Mary Lou of Woodburn, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schaecher, Eddie, Diane and Jeanne Schaecher. Grand opening of the new Bill's Mount Angel . Richfield 1 , ' r- ' on JJvSbable Token like -ft ' ' V t V3 on ever Packa9e ft SAVES PH O' UP TO o on your ner pacKage " C.TX?ift F W"I 111 ef AVIS TfMsTANDBFrOltT,TOOI O" 1 J yjNi$ MUMMY lAJKt, OOIWI OfT CUANII I Y'Htl 4sf-XPm$k I ...when you change to Parade. For A y irfN 151 Jr6 Paradetteotrjauds...awon.' LTallfiS' JLaLr-1 derfully efficient new washday product I V TTJitH?-' y AWJi that worka wonders to your wash water, I 3X!' at AAfto) no matter how hard. I t lfR" - . W I r r Washes WW X Be,M tat- sail mhmIi 1m- brighter, sweeter-amelllng wash than J I U . . . aaastfl VyVTr'' , oW before. Yet Parade cleans with a Wf fcfteser eesessi gentle action. as safe as can be for 1 If in i your Ado things, kind to your hands, " X YVI perfect for dishee. f '' J 'regularly to dishpan and washer. Put R 0 OfYW&LZx arm lam v i i ma m r s ,-'-x v u i-v i i station, operated by William Schaecher, was held Saturday, Sept 8. Balloons for the chil dren, orchids for the women and cigars or key rings for the men were given out during the day. The new station Is a modern structure and adds much to the apnearance of the Mount Angel business district Mt. Angel Jillene Ann. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Butsch Robmette Aman) of Newport, Ore., was baptized Sunday afternoon at St. Mary's catholic church here. Rev. Matthew Butsch, of Pendleton, great uncle of the infant, officiated, and the spon sors were Janice Aman and Richard Ze.. cousins of the in fant. Following the ceremony, a supper was served out-of-doors at the A. J.-Butsch home for the Rev. Butsch, the sponsors Janice Aman and Richard Zeis, and Rev. Cyril Lebold, OSB. Rev. Hildebrand Mel- choir, OSB, Mr. and Mrs. An ton Englehart, great-grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aman, maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Zeis, Diane Zeis, Mrs. Wilbert Aman and children, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butsch, the paternal grandparents. Mrs. John Nag has returned to her home from the Silver- ton hospital, where she was re covering from an automobile accident, when her car skidded off the highway at Bernt's hill, south of town. She is spending nart of the time with her daughter-in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doran in Gervais. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Fleckenstein, born Aug. 24, was baptized in St. Mary's Catholic ehu.;h. and given the name of Beverly Joan. Rev. Cyril Lebold, OSB, officiated. Godparents were Mardel Fleckenstein,' older sister of the baby, and Ernest Gruber of Pierz, Minn., uncle of the infant. Cletus Duerr. a cousin, was proxy for Mr. Gru ber. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shaffer and son Tommy of Duarte, Calif., returned to their home after a visit of several days at the home of Mrs. "Schaffer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brockhaus. They were accom panied home by their other ion, Matt, who had been visit ing his grandparents here and other relatives in Portland for the past six weeks. Miss Rose Brockhaus, sister of Joseph Brockhaus, returned to her home in Humphrey, Neb., after spending seven weeks on the west coast. Mr. and Mrs. Brockhaus en tertained with an outdoor sup per at their home. Guests in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer, I BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half TST Boiling Bee! -gf sn iged (heeie T"d" " Tender Slab Bacon ft1 ' I Ep caponized u 69c KlCniCS CooVed LB.fiLV FRYERS Any size piece if mSF Large $139 Morrell's Pride v Ready to Eat Morrell'l Pride K. I. Kadi I ao. GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BANANAS ELBERTA lARLETT POTATOES PEACHES PEARS u.s.h..i 2n 29c Bushei $1.95 Bu,n.i $1.49 I 10 .,. 29c celery LOCAL TOMATOES APPLES fv u.5c Bu,heI $1.98 ReUipe- .... lb. flU CORN HONEY PEAS COFFEE Cream Style 5-lb. Cottage Brond ft Or NOW $0 y,c P. 89C J. . JOI $2 CO ft?- A U cant 3.45 Bradshows 34 Cane XeJT AH Papular Br.ndi Orange Juice SUGAR Tomato Soup MARGARINE o 4Q- 10 .b, 99c c. 10c 2.b.45c Mm cant "Tirw Spreckeli Campbell's Sweet Sixteen K.C. " 46-oz. !r' BROADWAY MARKET rPArifFP HSc A$TrR Broadway and Markcl SI. V-KMl.rVCrO BREAD Stare Hour, I e.m. till S p.m. Every Day Jt Every Doy at 4 p.m. ' No Limitt Buy All You Want Lb. A bOC ' Except Tuet. I Set. Prices Good Fri., Sot., Sun., Mon. Matt and Tommy of Duarte, Calif., Miss Rose Brockhaus. Humphrey, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson and Doug las and Nancy Ann of Fort' land. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ober sinner had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nigro of Spo kane, Wash., and their son, Ar- mand Nigro, S. J., who recently returned from a two-years stay at Holy Cross Mission at Holy Cross, Alaska. The Nigros showed colored slides of the activities at the Holy Cross Mission in which pictures of LeRoy Obersinner, S.J., who is stationed at the mission, were seen. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shirey of Eugene and her' son, Joe Shirey, S. J., of Spokane. Wash., were additional guests of the Obersinners on Friday. Mayor Jacob Berchtold has asked the citizens of Mt. Angel to assist in the "Aid to Korea Week" campaign, which is be ing observed throughout Ore gon Sept. 7 to 13, by giving personal donations to offer im mediate relief to pillions of displaced, sick and wounded Koreans. The mayor has made ar rangements with the Rev. Cy rJ Lebold, O.S.B., pastor of St Mary's parish, so that all do nations for this cause may be left at or sent to the Parish House. Mt Angel Garden club will meet at the country home of Mrs. Marcus Wampach on Wednesday, Sept 9, at 8 P m. Hostesses for the meeting are Mrs. John Drescher and Mrs. Wampach. Pedee Yugoslavia Studies Red Peace'Overture Belgrade, Yugoslavia VP Yugoslavia studied a new peace overture today from the Soviet bloc with which she broke in 1948. Bulgaria asked permission to send an ambas sador to Belgrade for the first Pedee Theron Folston and sons. Jim and Tom. of Los An geles,' Calif., returned home the first of the week after vis iting at the home of his mother, Mr. and Mrs.. J. Smith. v Mr. and Mrs. Al Zebeck of Cottage Grove spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Lena Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pan- kratz and Gary, of Portland; Mr. and Mra. Wayne Blanken baker, Greg, Pamela and Stan ley, of Monmouth, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spinney, Kirk and Bobbie, of Canyonville, were week-end guests at the O. N. Burbank home a t Cherry Grove. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burbank, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Dyer, Scot- time since 1950. Russia in June offered to exchange ambassadors again with Yugoslavia, quickly fol lowed by Hungary. President Tito agreed to both requests. wedding of Louise Matter and Marion Putnam, at the First Methodist church in Salem, Sunday afternoon. Mn Dirk' Van Den Bosch was hostess to a coffee party Wednesdsy aiiernoon ai ner home. Those enjoying the sf (.vnnAn were Mrs Luvenia Simpson, Mrs. Thera Womer, Mrs. Gus John, Mrs. Troy Tur ner, Mrs. Howard Peny, Mrs. Rettie Kerber, Mrs. Jessie n.imn Mn. E- A. Fagg. Mrs. Frank Shey the, Mrs. C. L. Bur bank and the hostess, Mrs. Van Den Bosch. Miss Dorotny nirchell served cake, coffe and ice cream to the group. Mr mnA VfrS. GUS BUTbSnk spent the week-end at Yachats. guests of her suier, mr. ana Mrs. William Chestnut Mrs. F. C. Kerber and daugh ter Susan, and her brother, Thernn Polston. and sons of Los Angeies. spent several days the past week at Lakeside as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Gaye. s. De',ar,fflen, E B N E R S WESSON OIL FISHER'S BISidT MIX PEACHES BROOMS CORNED BEEF HASH PINEAPPLE JUICE Del Monte Yellow (ling VA Size Silver Queen Hand-Picked Corn Brooms ass Swill's Premium No. 303 Size Quart . Pkg. 39 3 cans 83 $5109 . each u 2r5Sr 46 oz. Mti& ir Saa page 9 for 10c OT I J MORNING 1 1C- MILK, tall cant for A3b Aunt JffMfMA . PAItCAKI MIX uw coupon m peutoge ol ' QUAKR OATS Regular Q Large QQ Package 1 7C Package e?7C Nallcy's Tang Pint. 29c Quam 49c Tmmmm Surf-Mist White Meat M cant ftft i una solid Pack, ' h fot yc 8-Cup Muffin Tin S,?'.. 39c Cream of Tomato Soup Jf 35c Krispy Crackers tffZ .... ... .. ..25c Mixed Pickling SpiceSLSjQc mBlltltlU J New Low Pork Prices Center Cut PORK CHOPS A 69c YANKEE SPARE RIBS Lb. 59c LOIN PORK ROAST 65c PORK SHOULDER ROAST .ti. 45c NO WAIEI 0 (ESUl ef PURE GROUND BEEF 39 V0UK6 mm BIRDS. ABOUT ill. AVEMK WEIGHT ffft FRYER TURKEYS 49) 1 r T : 7 VI PEN JEL For Jamt and Jellies Package 10c COMFORT TISSUE rolls for . . . :......35c Calo Dog Cr Cat Food No. 1 tall 2 for 25c 4V'' Mill n JUMBO GREEN AVACADOS .Each SEEDLESS Peak of tht Season GRAPES 2 lbs. LOCAL IMPROVED ELBERTA PEACHES Bushel 299 CRISCO 3-lb. can 89' Save 25c? See page 1 For Special Coupon Offer Ml" AAEAT BAKERY . VEGETABLES . inrpcl MVBlaW? .J- v- - n rr. s . -