Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 10, 1953, Page 31, Image 31

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    Thursday, September 10, 19SS
Orange Crackles for Cookie Jar...
""me HI l II i mm KtiirMMMMMiaMaMmn
v.- :" -"T ' v . i. . ; v-.
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r r' 4 'VS .
Economical Chuck
Cuts 4re Good Buys
Cutt from the beef chuck
are good buy in many mar
kets today. Became It contain!
jtut the right proportion ot at
and lcm, beef cbuck to excel
lent for grinding. And for flav
orful individual ground beef
servings, prepare these beef
rings. The meat mixture Is
molded in small Ting molds,
baked, then 'cleverly served
with a filling of mashed po
tatoes. ' r
Ground Beet Sing
'J lli poussds ground beef
teaspoons salt
ivBspuoa pepper
hk teaspoon nutmeg
t cup soft bread crumbs
U cup water
3 tablespoons finely chopped
onion ,
I g
I to 3 cups mashed potatoes
Combine all ingredients ex
cept mashed potatoes. Mix
thoroughly. Pack into S greas
ed individual ring molds. Bake
in a moderate oven (300 deg.
F.) for 2S to SO minutes. Serve
filled with mashed potatoes, t
to t servings.
2 Injured In Car
Crashing IP Train
. Oregon City th A car plow
ed into a Southern Pacific
freight train at a crossing south
of Wilsonviile early Wednas-
day, injuring the two occupants
of the car. , ,
Clinton Fox, 20, Canby, was
j hurt critically. He and the driv
er, Roger A res tad, 21, also of
I Canby, .were taken to a hos
i pital here. . .
The automobile slid under
the last car of the train. Fox
was pinned inside, and it took
an hour and a half to remove
him, , .
Eugene Climber Dies
Of Injuries In Fall
Value fnu)
BIS Hallin, IS, Eugene, died
Jn a Beifd hospital today from
Injuries suffered in a fail down
a Cascade mountain while a
Salem youth remained in seri
ous condition with injuries re
ceived in a similar accident.
Hallin died at T a m after
being unconscious more than
49' hours. He tumbled about
one-quarter of a mite down a
rock strewn, snowfield from
near the top of 8.750-Joot Dia
mond peak Monday.
There's a strong affinity ,
somehow between a child and
the cookie jar. And with school
bells in the offing we don't
need any reminder about the
importance of cookies in the
school lunch box. It's the sur
prise ending that counts so we
turn to a delicious cooky spec
ially planned for children.
There's nothing fragile about it
it keeps well, packs well and
states so good.
Better use unsalted shorten
ing for greasing cookie sheets.
mere is less chance of your
cooKies sucking to the pan. .
Always sift flour once before
measuring. If you substitute
cake flour for all-purpose flour,
aaa z uDiespoons per cup.
Always store flour in a tool,
cry, weu-venuiatea place.
Orange Crackle Cookies
8 tablespoons (Mi lb.) butter
or maragarine, 1 cup sugar. 1
can (6 oz.) fresh-frozen orange
juice, undiluted, 3 cups all-purpose
flour, H teaspoon baking
soda, glaced fruit for garnish,
Place butter or margarine
over low heat until melted.
Cool slightly then blend with
sugar. Add fresh-frozen orange
juice, undiluted and mix well.
Sift flour with baking soda and
add gradually to orange mix
ture. Knead on floured Board
until dough is blended. Roil
out H-inch thick. Cut into
rounds with 2-inch cooky-cut
ter. Place on greased cooky
sheets and garnish with glaced
(optional). Bake in moderate
oven (37S degrees t.t iu-iz
minutes until golden brown.
Place on cooling rack imme
diately. . ' ' .
. Gates Delay in the re
ceipt of a bus means that the
Gates public school will not
open until Sept. 21. The
school was originally slated to
open Sept. 14. The principal
went east to take delivery of
the bus, but he has informed
the directors that he will be
Pork Cuts Used
In Many Ways .
Hungry for pork? Try these
recipes. '
Dixie Fork Chops
The Creole sauce does it. In
hot frying pan, brown 8 loin
or rib chops cut 1-inch thick,
cooking slowly and thoroughly
on both sides. Season with salt
and pepper. Add Creole sauce
made by heating together 2
cups tomato juice, IVi table
spoons Worcestershire sauce, ?
teaspoon salt, 'A teaspoon
pepper, dash tabasco sauce, t
teaspoon lemon juice and V
cup chopped green pepper.
Cover and cook slowly for 1
hour or until very tender.
Serve with fluffy rice. Six
Crusty Baked Salt Fork
Chances are that you've
never heard of this but those
who have, get a hankering for
it. Cut 1 pound alt pork in Vt
inch thick slices. Soak slices
in milk for 15 minutes; drain
and roll in eorameal. Bake on
rack in uncovered pan in 350
degree oven for 20 minutes.
Serve with cream gravy and
fluffy mashed potatoes.
French Cleaning Up
In Red Indochina
Hanoi, Indochina WV
French Union force pressed
forward 'Wednesday "with their
cleanup of Communist-led Vi-
etminh troops on Wen Lang
Island, reporting six enemy
killed and 17 captured In iso
lated clashes.
French fighters and bomb
ers flying 80 sorties attacked
fetminh entrenched and forti
fied villages on the island,
which is 12 miles southwest of
Haipong and 85 miles south
east of Hanoi.
Wheatland Mrs. Joe Betty
of Wheatland with other teach
ers ot the West Salem school
will report for registration of
students Thursday and Friday,
Sept, 17-18. ,
School will start Monday,
Sept. 21. This is Mrs. Beaty's
fifth year in the sixth grade
West Salem school.
Mrs. Edward Rosemsn ot
Dallas wilt be the 1953-54
Bethel Park Richard In
low, Myrtle Creek. Ore., is vis
iting at the home, of hir uncle
and aunt, Rev. and Mrs
George Bacon.
Rev. and Mrs. Clayton Beish,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Humphreys
have moved their tent to Myr
tle Creek, Ore. Rev. Bush will
hold revival meetings there.
Charles Finley has left for
Santa Cruz, to resume his stu
(ties at Glad Tidings Bibie
college. -
Miss Geraldine Finley and
Dan Jensen are local students
who have left for Canyonville,
Ore., to re-enter Canyonville
Bible Academy. , -
Mr. and Mrs. Frank'Themp
son of Seattle, Wash, were re
cent guests in Rev. Robert
Swope's home.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Fite and
daughter, April, 'spent Satur
day at. Crater Lake, Ore. On
the return trip they visited at
Rev. C. Gilman't home in Gold
Hill, Ore.
At South Beach, Ore., the
Fites visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim
McCully and Mr. and . Mrs.
Gene Pitta and family. Miss
Betty Pitts, South Beach, Ore,
returned with the Fitea and
visited a tew days,
Wednesday a group ot
friends and relatives enjoyed
a dinner at Mrs. Nellie Stan
ley's noma in honor oi her
birthday. Mrs. Stanley received
many gifts.
Among those present were
Mrs. Stanley's daughters- Mrs.
Cecil Roe, Cotton, Ore,, Mrs.
Art Warner, Astoria, Ore- Mr.
and Mrs, Herman Hulte, De-
Lake, Ore; her grandson and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Hulse and tans Mike and Don
of DeLake, Ore., great grand'
V If "
.. . H-ffe'
v . . . ' t
, Lana Turner and Lex Barker, is '.est Hollywood Tarean,
are shown during civil marriage ceremony in Turin, Italy,
Lana peevishly had threatened to call off ceremony, which '
couple tried to keep secret, when she found photographers
waiting for her arrival at Turin city hall. She was married
four times previously. Barker ,was formerly married' to
actress Arlene Dah.i. ((JP) Wirephoto via radio from Rome.)
Detroit Navy veteran
Wallace Cobine Is the new
state patrolman and game
warden in the upper North
Santiam region; replacing
James Riggs, who resigned the
Job last month. ' Mr, Cobine
wis a member of the Dallas
city police force for two years
previous to his last assignment
at Cottage Grow. A family
man, he moved to Idanha last j
HellwSg, who was earns- maa
ager at Moagoid, is sow deal
ing in real estate in Portland,
Five-year-old Johnny Zest
erson celebrated his birthday .
last week with, gathering of
his young friends for play and
refreshments at file Idanha
home of bis parents, Mr. asA
Mrs.- George Zckeraon. .
. Cake, ice cream and punch
were served picnic-style to the
iXckerson'a yard to 12 young-
Anesatng ice part?
week, with, hla wife an three i were: Barbara and Jetterr
six year oia mrcmro.
, ..i .a ,t 1 1 . i i i i ,
start Monday, Sept. 14. .This daughter Peggie Roe tsf Col-
will be her third year at the ton, Ore., and Mr,
Wheatland school. . I of the park.
five year old Ronny, and
Kathy, who, is three, .
Michael, who has made a
successful recovery , from, a
brain injury received a year
a so. will begin his schooling
this year at the Dettolt-ldanha
elementary school.
Former Mongold residents
visiting friends in the Detroit
area last wees were Mr, and
Mrs. Pat Crawford, who now
Davis; Butch and Bruce Jobs
Sherry Shepherd; Betty.
Kathy, and Mike Wenket San
dra, Linda, Herb? and Teresa,
Tompkins; -and Johnnys
brother. Charlaa. Adults area.
ent were Mrs. c D. Davit,
Mrs, Herb Wacke, Hrs. Ways
Tompkins and Mrs, Sckenozu
Mr. and Mrs. XSna Hygaard
the Idanha district, after few
years residence a Lyons. Mr.
Fred Biek ! reside at The Dalles, and Mr.lNygaard is engaged is logging
Send Mrs. R. Hellwig. Mr. 'on Cedar Creek.
PHONE 3-5563
If yon bay Beet by the side to SAVE MONET yon will
be interested in the following information. These figures
are based an 100 lbs. of carcass meat of a good grade.
Here is wbat yon get Steaks 38 lbs., Roasts 23 lhs.
Stews, Shanks, Rib and Waste make up the balance et
41 lbs.
IF, yon bay Beef by the quarter, do yon often get
"stuck" with a tough one? Is your money refunded? Do
you actually save? " . ....
We at Hoffman Meats. Inc.. in order to be of better
service to the Freezer and Locker Owners of Salem and
Snrronnding Communities have introduced a new meth
od ot selling Freeser Meats in smaller quantities at
t uvinn. nnder ur Trade Mark "FAK-ETT.
Here are two of our most populsr "Pak-Ett."
15 lbs. Pot Roost
20 lbs. Asst. Steoks
7 lbs. Ground Round
Retail 49c lb. . .$ 7.35
Retail 78c lb. ...15.60
Retail 69c lb. . 4.83
42 lbs. for $23.10
YOU SAVE $4.68
12 lbs. Lean Short Rib
12 Ibt. Lean Grnd. Beef
1 5 lb. Asst. Steaks
20 lbs. Roosts
Averaea Retail Price
Short Ribs 29e $ 3.48
Grnd. Beef, 35c 4.20
Steaks, 78c 11.70
Roasts 49c 9.80
59 lbs. for $25.37
. U..t mmm Intn h " ' tS CirflUllT SC
lected for tenderness, well trimmed, welshed, double
wrapped flat, quick-froien and placed in a large Plio
film bag for added protection. Roasts are approx. I lbs.
Steaks are individually papered. Ground Beef 8ho
Ribs do not exceed 1 lbs per l- lthS
.m rnA Tim anvthini- extra and "Pak-Ett t are weignea
when yon bay them!
W Specioliit In Foods for Your
Meats, Poultry, Pish, Pmits and Vaqetablet
Wo Toko tetter Cera ef Yo" Mot
New ot Hoffman' Wo Offer You Gonuino Steer loaf
Only Prices That tveryone tan Arrora
Guaranteed Tender and Suro to Please!
The Finest Cuts of
Beef Roasts
The lost in
Swiss Steaks
Swift'i U.S. Inspected
Steaks .
Roasts ib.
Chops ib.
Swift U.S. Inspected
Shldr. Roast
Leg of Lamb
Breast of Lamb ib.
mm soierl'
fitmt'm's DfectimlhQtihg Women Agfe&l
fat ieed vaksav"
wr fdvm lam
and BeSuieoPteS
UYO0.I YoaUiWset fcas Bowitsll
Htor superiority ft mat Ery
BctottS pound has tht nio ttttctl.
suray-mat (! And Btos Bowit
MaisariM makes other foodt tana
tarn btsad, hot toUs, wpttbteit
laiftnuut Kus BoHHrr eoouifrt
bcih Vitamia A nd Viumits D wftica
is net tniesfBsoUoUwt brands tm
firim. Whco 70a sn Bl n Bosnit
to yoor family, jott fcao llat so
other rpread for bread is richer is
year-round Vitamins A and Dl
KOMOMtt Btut Bovntt Maf(trin oils Int thaa ef as mocfc as
tha Biah-prkwi spread for bread: So use thecoupoaiotry Btus Boot
and saw money, too. Bu; Biui Bown ass r tin of "all J Save,
autrtuoa. economyl
For Stowing
Cascade U.S. Inspected Tenderitod
ss - .xa .Wa
This coupon good
at any store for
Blue Bonnet Margarine
, mm MIM 4 mc saroMet Mwa ec ear rmru m eira nunn. iuw
I'awlMattw solium tread. The easterner mat per enr sate taa. Off tone k BA ealr.
V4 warn tsMd, tnklMU er aps4e astrieM IX?1SII !N S CAT.
S7AMBA.IB HANDS 4COOtATI, t Matttta Amsss, Pasw Tent .
mr aaat
SALMON , 49c
i w
or Whole Ib.
nrMti Head Off
Prepsred For