Pat 8 TOOD ilCTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Orego ThurwUy. September 10, 195S Spaghetti With Meat Sauce Liked , When having friends over for n informal tupper, bring large platter of this gpa fhetti with Heat Sauce. You'll find It's wonderful blend of flavors. Simply serve with a Urge toued garden salad and toasted garlic Trench bread. Spaghetti with Meat Sauce 1 pound ground beef ' 2 tablespoons lard or drip pings 1 clove garlic, chopped 2 cups tomato pulp 1 pimiento, minced 1 No. I can mushrooms, If desired 1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon salt to pound spaghetti Boiling salted water Parmesan Cheese, if de sired Cook ground beef In lard or drippings until crumbly but not hard. Add garlic, to mato pulp, pimiento, mush rooms and seasonings. Cover and simmer 45 minutes. Cook spsghettl in boiling salted water, rinse and drain, place 03 hot platter and pour meat sauce over spaghetti. Sprin kle with grated Parmesan cheese, if desired, 4 to 6 servings. Old Fashioned Soft Molasses Cookies Some kind of ginger cookie' is always liked In the supply for the cookie Jar. . , Old Faahioead Soft Molasses Cookies ... i 1 cup shortening, lto cups unsulphured molasses, to cup sugar, 4 cups sifted all-purpose flour, lto teaspoons sslt, 2 tea spoons soda, 1 teaspoons cinna mon, 1 to- teaspoons ginger, to teaspoon cloves, 1 egg. Melt shortening in saucepan large enough for mixing cook ies. Stir In unsulphured molas ses and sugar; cool. - Sift to gether flour, salt, sods, and spices. Mix in small amount of flour; beat in egg. Add remain. ing flour, b 1 n d 1 a g until smooth. Chill dough about 2 hours. Shape into 1-inch balls. Place on ungreased cookie sheet about 2 inches apsrt. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) 15 minutes. It desired, spread cookies while warm with glaze made with 1 cup sifted confec tioners' sugar and 1 tablespoon wster. Store in tightly covered container. Yield: 5 dozen cook' ies. Csrrot and Baisln galsd For new Interest, add bit of crushed pineapple and may onnaise. If you like your rais ins puffy, let them stand few minutes in hot water. - Walnot Topped Brownies Next time you're making brownies, sprinkle the top with 4 eua finelv ehoorjed walnuts . r - - . . i before baking. Tne crisp roast ed flavor of the walnuts Is es pecially good; quite different than when the wanuts art In the batter. -3 tmmz rXrrXs-nrJ1 ti l t. ling Prepare Week Ahead With Spread Hey, Mom! . Where s my lunchf Shades of September, it's time for school lunches again, and the younger gen eration wants them even big. ger than last year, it seems! Cut down on time spent away from the breakfast table each morning by preparing a week's worth of lunches at one sitting and stowing them in the freezer. And while you are about it, build up your reputa. tion as a lunch box chef with this wonderful Homemade Pi miento Cheese Spread, perfect for freezer sandwiches or for storing in the refrigerator in a Jar. , 1 Cay dots of red pimiento in sharp chaase makes the spread as good to look at as it is good to eat. Bone building protein in cheese and pimiento's ex- tra high quotient of Vitamin C make it a natural for grow ing youngsters. . HOMEMADE PIMIENTO 1 CHEESE X 4-oz. csn or. jar of pi mientos, chopped to lb. sharp cheese, grated 1 teaspoon prepared mustard Sait to taste Mayonnaise or evaporated milk.- Chop pimientos very fine. hlx thoroughly with grated cheese and mayonnaiaa or milk. (Cheese grates best when it's real cold, mixes best if you let it reach room" temperature first.) Add salt, mustard Spread generously on slices of enriched bread; makes enough lor 7 or 8 sandwiches. If you prepare them for the freezer, use margarine or but ter as a spread for the bread, and be sure to seal them tight with freezer tape. Cookies and cupcakes are also excellent freezer fare, and the Junior homemaker of the house will lovt to be assistant when it comes to wrapping them with cellophane and anchoring with freezer tape. For special dec oration let her add.a bright bit of ribbon. - '. f. v - r. t SWl I Milk... V 1 t '.Y ... Breaded Cubed Beef Easy Dish Club day, shopping or when ever you arrive homo late and there's the family dinner to prepare, cubed beef steaks Mix.o.UtSet (AIOUT 13 MINUm and Serve! Bread Pudding, New Disguise No one will know bread pudding in this handsome dis guise, but you will have feel ing of great economy every time you make this light and fluffy good-tasting dessert. Orange segments increase the already high nutritional con tent, adding those all-important Vitamins C and A. Orange Msrlngne Padding a cups milk to cups seedless raisin 1 cup sugar to teaspoon salt .1 tablespoon grated orange rind 1 teaspoon grated lemon . rind 1 whole egg 2 eggs, separated 2 tablespoon butter or margarine, melted 2 cups (to-tneh) bread cubes, cut from day-old slices Orange segments or wheels Heat milk in lto-qt. sauce pan until bubbles appear around the edge; remove from heat and add raisins. Let stand 10 minutes. Measure out to cup of the sugsr, salt, rinds; best whole egg and yolks slightly. Stir these ingredients into warm milk raisin mixture. Mix in melted butter or margarine. Lastly fold In breed cubes. Pour Into lightly buttered 2 qt. cssserole raisins will be at bottom of saucepan leave some dotting on top, some un der bread cubes). Place cas serole in 8-inch square pan. Surround with hot water. Bake pudding in modera'e oven (350 F.) tor 1 hour. Re move from oven. Spread on Meringue Crown and garnish with orange segments or the wheels. Return to moderate oven (350 F.) for about IB minutes or until meringue is light golden brown. Serve warm; serves 6-8. 'Meringae Crowa Beat the 2 egg whites until foamy, then start adding the remaining cup sugsr slow, ly, beating well after each ad dition. The meringue should be very stiff before spooning it crown fashion around the edge of the baked pudding . . . place small portion in center too. Arrange orange segments or wheels In pattern on top of meringue. come to the rescue. Here's a bit different .tray to prepare them. Breaded Cubed Beef Steaks 1 pound cubed beef steaks to teaspoon salt to teaspoon pepper to cup fine cracker crumbs 1 beaten egg - . 2 tablespoons lard or drip pings Combine salt, pepper and cracker crumbs. Dip cubed steaks In egg and then in crack er mixture. Melt lard or drip pings in frying pan. Brown cubed steaks on both sides, cov er closely, and cook slowly for 30 minutes, or until tender, 4 servings. Glazed Beef Brisket Tasty, Economical A hint is taken from baked ham servings for .this beef brisket dish. After being cooked In water to cover, the brisket is placd in a roasting pen, stuck with whole cloves and covered with a glass paste. After it's been slipped in the oven for about 20 min utes, it comes to the table with a shiny glass.'. Glased Beat Brisket t pounds beef brisket -Lard or drippings, if ' needed 1 cup wster - , 1 cup brown sugsr 1 tablespoon flour I teaspoon dry mustard, to cup vinegar Whole cloves Brown meat slowly in owa fat or small amount of lard or drippings. Pour off drip pings. Add water, cover close ly and cook slowly 3 hours. or until tender. When ten. der, remove from liquid and place on rack in open roast ing pan. Cover with a glaze made by combining brown sugar, flour, mustard and vin egar. Stick with cloves. Place in a slow oven (300 F.) for 30 to 45 minutes or until glaze is set. 6 to 8 servings. Easy Way to Fix Baked Western Cod ; Here is an1 easy but very good way of fixing our plenti ful western cod which Is very moderate in price. We'll bo truthful and say that there la also come very good eastern cod in the fish markets. Mild in flavor, fine grained, cod is not too dry for either baking or broiling. Available both fresh and frozen. Thaw the frozen before fixing. Baked Cod Piquant lto pounds cod fillets to cup melted butter 1 teaspoon onion, grated ' , Juice of 1 lemon Salt and pepper Wipe fillets with damp cloth or paper towel. Cut in serving pieces and arrange in a greased shallow baking dish. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Combine melted butter, lemon juice, grated onion and pour' over fish. Dash of paprika. Bake in moderate oven, 325 degrees, for about 30 minutes. Sprinkle generously with parsley. Serve with lemon. LET VOUg FAMILY IN ON THIS NEW TREAT... rOft RICHER FUVORI CREAMIER TDCTUMI USY DIGESTION! NO LUMPS NO RUIIERY FILM I I n2fej. LOOK y- -rr no V-KSjETi THIS I llAUt I 'I T,l 233 CD I . - . MM)E wTIH KRAFT COTTA02 CSttSSi ' ' Your flfoeer it featuring the makings 4eC2"" " oi-ceurte It blends U lw iKivvia iwi w perfecb sab Maturing i. Foiiow mom perreot ICWs thank for bite) style Canned Tuna and a can of ripe o!m from the "Sunday Sapper Salad" display now featured at your food store. 2!' rrMa m -pormgut a spicy Ung marinating ee sacers as Kraft Trmh Dreaarnf Cst 1 boor, tsairing snnesiiiiMllj. 3lse the one eetteg. eAees. you can be ri will hsrmonise ia dsvor Kwn CoTTsct CHfEsg. For Kraft is made h plants dV.ip.ed espedalW Is setup eaeese, and is mad. from spwislly-iwrchawd milk to prodn. a clesa. W taste that blends vita the aatoral goodnaas of eskar ehoiee salsd ingredienta. A W i,h Krnfi Frmth Iheuin, d to. will .joy a eom.Uk -f harmony of hearty good eating. I EJi (-Hi