Pas 6 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregev Tharsdar. September 10, 1953 Dainty Party Doughnuts. . . : s ( AC - -..-.A .x : r.. " 1 ' ' ' , . - i( - ' - i : r 'v. - --4 1 .... ' 1 It teems a bit too much to come along now with ideal for coffee parties following Salem's coffee party summer but fall is here practically, and some how these little doughnuts seemed just right to suggest for coffee-and, too, they looked io good. - ; Center your table with pyramid of these tiny golden tea' doughnuts for an attractive and tasty conversation piece. To make the pyramid, frost the doughnut balls and stack them while the Icing is still moist enough to help hold the dough nuts together. You may, if you like, alternate rows of frosted with unfrosted doughnuts to please those who prefer the unfrosted variety. These tempting little tidbits are as easy to make as they are fun to serve. They'll be perfect, tender, and delicious if you follow a tested recipe and fry them In a digestible shortening that blends meat fats and vegetable oils. Use a frying thermometer to keep the melted fat at just the rec ommended temperature for fry ing the doughnuts. Too high a temperature causes the fat to "smoke" and give off fumes, while too low a temperature results in greater fat absorp tion, so it is Important to reg ulate the heat carefully. This After School Snacks . Should Be Nourishing (AF Mm Statural) After-school snacks are Ira portant for growing young sters, nutritionists agree, be cause many 'boys and girls who work and play hard quickly use up the energy mealtime food provides. Snacks count, too, because boys and girls need the warm feeling of having Mother wel come them with a treat, ready to listen to anything they want to tell her about the day's hap penings ' before they're off again lor bef ore-supper out door play. ' A crunchy red apple to b'te Into! A juicy orange! A crisp cookie lull of brown sugar, spice and everything nice! A chunky slice of oatmeal quick bread, studded with dates or figsl Frosty glasses of milk! Snacks like these tasted good when the first little red ichoolhouse was built, and they still do. You'll like the variations suggested with both these reci pes because they give you lee- way to use whatever happens to be in the house, and they also make interesting taste changes. ' Brown Sugar Cookies Ingredients: 2 cups sifted flour, H teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon cin namon, Vt teaspoon allspice, cup shortening, lVi cups firmly packed brown sugar, egg, cup light corn syrup, lVi teaspoons vanilla, Yt cup buttermilk, ltt cups ready-to-eat bran, H cup coarsely chop- ' Bed walnuts. Method: Sift together flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon and allspice. Cream shorten' ing and sugar. Add egg, corn cvruD end vaniua: Beat weu, Stir in sifted dry Ingredients alternately with buttermilk; stir in bran and walnuts. Drop by level tablespoonfuls, a few Inches . apart, onto greased baking sheet. Bake in mod erate (378 F.) oven 12 to 15 minutes. Makes about 8 doz en cookies. Mincemeat Cookies Prepare brown sugar bran cookies, as above, adding cup moist mince meat with bran and walnuts. Candied Fruit Cookies - Prepare brown sugar bran cookies, as above, adding 1 cup mixed candled fruits with bran and walnuts. Oatmeal Quick Bread Ingredients: 2 cups sifted flour, 2Yi teaspoons baking powder, Vi teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon salt, Yi cup sugar, 1 cup quick-cooking rolled oats (uncooked), 1V cups buttermilk, 2 tablespoons butetr or margarine (melted.) Method: Sift toecther flour, baking powder, baking soda salt and sugar. Stir in rolled oats. ' Add buttermilk and melted butter; mix only enough to moisten dry ingre dients well. Bake In greased loaf pan (about 84 by 4H inches) in moderate (350 F.) oven 55 minutes or until cake tester Inserted in center comes out clean. Turn out on rack to cool. Store overnight in tightly covered tin container before slicing about y-lnch thick. Or bake in greased muffin pans until tester in serted in center comes out clean; time will depend on size of muffins. Date Bread or Muffins: Add 1 cup chopped dates with the rolled osts. Fig Bread or Muffins: Add A cup diced figs and H cup coarsely chopped walnuts with rolled oats. Raisin Bresd or Muffins: Add H cup seedless raisins and cup coarsely chopped walnuts with rolled oats. care will result In tender. greaseless, evenly browned lit tle doughnuts that you'll be proud to serve. For added interest and ap peal, flavor some of the dough nuts with spices or honey, and frost with different colored lc lngs. Invite your guests to help themselves from the tea dough nut pyramid and serve either a hot or cold beverage as an ac companiment. TEA DOUGHNUTS ' (Yield: 14 medium or 18 small doughnuts) ... ' 1 pound shortening for fry ing 1 tablespoon melted short ening . . ,, . . 1 egg " ? ' v:-.' , cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla IM cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons double acting baking powder teaspoon salt Vt cup sugar s Heat 1 pound shortening, slowly, In small deep kettle to 350 deg. (Cube of bread browns in 80 seconds.) Beat egg. Add milk and vanilla. Beat together. Add sifted dry ingredients. Mix to blend thoroughly. Do not beat. Stir in 1 tablespoon cooled melted shortening. Dip teaspoon Into hot shortening, then dip up a spoonful of bat. ter. Quickly immerse spoon into hot shortening and drop off the batter. Turn doughnut balls when they come to the surface. Fry for 3 to 5 min utes, or until delicately brown. Do not crowd the kettle. Drain well over kettle, then place on absorbent paper. Variations for Doughnuts 1. Pecan Doughnuts: Add cup finely chopped pecans. . Orange Doughnuts: Add grated rind of 1 orange. 3. Spice Doughnuts: Add teaspoon cinnamon and Yi tea spoon nutmeg. . . 4. Honey Doughnuts: Use Vi cup honey in place of Yi cup sugar. Reduce milk from Yt cup to Y cup. Herbs for. Meat Experiment with various seasonings on some of your fav orite meat dishes. Add dill to a lamb or ham dish, curry pow der to lamb, horseradish to beet. Start with a hint of sea sonlng, then add to suit fam ily s taste. 5 L . .. I I I I iiursmquAUTY ifat'A odf. cm sium imitatiomVK II looJ5 iTilwf j I umiP00- IOV7 IN PRICt Variation co oatmeal quick break food toe necks. ....... ,-... ..i,w, V. Chinese One-Meal Dish Good Really tops! Those who eat this rice and beef dish will praise you again and again. You'll see because every food and seasoning in this main dish seems to be there for the pur pose of adding that much more super flavor. Perhaps it Is the bit of soy sauce which adds just the right touch. But whatever it Is, keep a box of inexpensive rice on the shelf, add the other ingred ients you don't happen to have on hand to your market order, and get set to make an impres sion on all those lucky eaters of this simply super Rice and Beef Main Dish. Chinese One-Dish Meal Ingredients: 1 pound beef (or veal! cut In cubes, about Vi inch 2 cups onion, chopped - 1 cup celery, chopped 2 tablespoons butter or margarine Yt cup uncooked rice 1 cup chicken consomme or use 1 chicken bouillon cube dissolved in 1 cup of water 1 can (1 Yi cups) condensed cream of mushroom soup Yt cup soy sauce lYi cup green peas (may be uncooked ) 1 teaspoon salt Yt teaspoon pepper 1 cup water Method: Cook the meat, onions and celery in the fat until the meat is browned. Add the uncooked rice, chicken soup, mushroom soup, soy sauce, green peas, salt, pepper, and water. Bring Frkasseeing Easy Way for Chicken Fricasseeing is a very good way to fix plentiful frying else chickens. Mrs. warren aays that this Is Governor Warren's favorite chicken recipe. We readily understand why he likes it and think that the man In your life will also enjoy it Fricasseeing Chicken 2 3-lb. fryerav ltt teaspoons salt V teaspoon pepper 1 cup each, onion, carrot, - celery 2 tablespoons minced parsley , 1 bay leaf 4 tablespoons chicken fat or butter 4 tablespoons flour Juice of Yi lemon 1 can mushrooms Disjoint and cut chickens in to pieces for serving. Add salt, pepper, boiling water and cook slowly for one hour. Add veg etables and bay leaf and con tinue cooking 43 minutes. Re move chicken. Strain broth. Skim off any surplus fat.. To make gravy, blend fat with flour. Slowly add 3 cups luke warm chicken broth. Cook un til smooth, stirring constantly Simmer 9 minutes. Add lemon juice, mushrooms and parsleyr Season to taste with salt and pepper. Replace chicken In the gravy and heat to simmer. Six generous or 8 average servings. ' to a boil. ' Cover. Turn the heat as low as possible and leave over this low heat for 45 minutes or until the rice is ten der and the meat is done. Stir occasionally. -This recipe makes 8 servings. BICYCLES Ors Given Away Af Each Salem ISA Store .. Register Your Name Today at Your Favoriate IGA5tore .. No Obligation . : . Nothing to Buy With 3 IGA Product Labels Admission to Mickey Mouse Shows at Grand Theatre Begin Saving Labels from IGA Products How . . . FREE SHOWS on the Following Dates... September 19 and 26... October 3 and 10 mm Buy Your IGA. Products at Ihese IGA Stores H3 1 Emery's IGA Your Friendly IGA Store, West Salem, Wallace Road at 7 th. .- . . Vista Market Your, Friendly IGA Store at 3045 S. Commercial. . Stale St. Market Grcutts Market Not a powder! Not a grind! But millions of tiny "FLAVOR BUDS" of real coff ee . . . ready to burst instantly into that famous MAXWELL HOUSE FLAVOR! mm UWestf fte (vet m epskk be tastes te drffcewrtl Swept into top plfce eJmort overnight! Already America'! largest-eelling in tent coffee! Hm essmrh. n tm I rrreft cctfee is erliislj Uwml foe yam in the femooj Maxwell House kitchens. At the exact moment of per fection the water is removed leaving the millione of t miracle avor Buds"l mi ran r.eiM m mmt m i.ji font add hot water : :: and (be banting "Flavor Bods" flood your cup with coffee as delicious as the best you've eve brewed. YooU never go back to old ways! 5rmi inrr wtrnsry, tnnmihipwuseiis aim jm miim op to TSi, compered to three poands of ground coffee, See how Flavor Buds "com to Bfe" your cup! t rv IfCTof B "Ftaro Bb- .bo, ho as. wyajffrmitlhryu from old t3rl.powdn1andsriDda.SMnS at In eoflVo Ira is locM as I00pro coflFeJhe only imtum coflW with tW GOOD-TO-TII-LAST-DROP flavor! atw,nrnrBa6Vbont- '',' V-,JX nlMrinf flood ef dolieioM J?-- J,,. J Mnl Hoon OsTCr. 7V. it f Vi' 1 I Wj ssnviKt m jr ' 1 '' : . - ' I 7