Part 4 FOOD . SECTION ' THE CAPITAL-JOURNAL, gaJew, Oregon Thursday, September 16, 19 S3 Raving Centers At (he Pool of Mile North of the Bridge fhe Underpass IV. Salem Salem OPEN EVERY DAY 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. PRICES GOOD THURSDAY EVE, FRI., SAT-, SUN. Vanilla Quarts 7 ICE CREAM AS GOOD AS THE REST, BETTER ' THAN THE REST. Sunshine Kriipy Crackers 1 Crisco-Spry-Snowdrifl Shortening Mb. fin 5 Light and D:rk Meat TUNA ft Beautiful TilV. 16 to 18 UJJfcvC lumaiutt 'Meat' Pie. Always Hit: With Family i What if a meat pieT It'i a iatcw with a topping. In this 'cue th topping, a flaky, ten I der biscuit dough, alio Unci the casserole. It you have the little individual casseroles, be sure to use them. The biscuit 1 dough, cut diamond-shaped, : can be placed in the casserole, the stew added, then the long est points of the diamond clev- erly folded over each pie. Beef and Vegetable Pie 1V4 pounds beef for stew . cup flour 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper 3 tablespoons lard or drippings Water to cover ' S medium potatoes, cubed 10 small whole carrots 10 small whole onions 2 cups canned or cooked peas Biscuit Dough Dredge meat with seasoned flour and brown slowly in lard or drippings. Add only enough water to cover. Cover closely and cook slowly for iVt hours. Add vegetables, except peas, and continue cooking until meat if tender and vegetables are done. Four off cooking 11' quid and thicken for gravy, (Allow cup gravy for each serving.) Combine meat, po tatoes, carrots, onions, peas and gravy. Line individual cas seroles with biscuit dough cut in diamond shapes. Fill with i meat and vegetable mixture and fold biscuit dough over top. Bake in a hot oven (423 degrees F.) for 15 to 20 min l uiea or until oiscuiis are browned. 5 to 6 servings. Biscuit Dough 2 cupc sifted enriched flour 1 tablespoon baking powder m teaspoon salt 4 to t tablespoons lard to 14 cup milk Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Cut in lard until mixture has fine even crumb. ' Add enough milk to make a soft dough. Turn onto a lightly-floured surface and knead for- Vt minute. Fat or roll Vt inch thick. Chicken Tamale Loaf Gojad Family Or Company Dish 3 line 13 - Chicken Tamale Looktes for something Imt juue amcreni oy way- of an inexpensive, yet hearty entree that will serve a crowdr Here's your answer in this golden ehese-crusted "Chicken Tamale Loaf." It's a make-ahead type of oven entree that needs no last minute attention. Combine meaty cnunks of stewed chick en with canned tomatoes, corn, ripe olives, seasonings and a com meal and egg batter. Bake it in a moderately alow oven about an hour. A favorite for informal entertaining. CHICKEN TAMALE LOAF 1 (4 to 5-pound) stewing chicken 1 cup chopped onion 1 minced clove garlic Vt cup butter or margarine 1 No. 2V4 can tomatoes 1 No. 303 can whole ker nel corn 1 tt teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon black pepper Dash cayenne pepper ' 1 cup ripe olives 3 eggs 14 cups yellow corn meal. 1 cup milk 1 cup grated American cheese. Cover disjointed chicken with boiling salted water and cook until tender about 3 hours. Remove skin and bones, leav ing chicken in large pieces. Cook onion and garlic in butter 5 minutes. Add tomatoes, corn, alt, pepper, cayenne and 1 cup chicken broth. Simmer 20 to 30 minutes. Cut olives into large pieces. Beat eggs lightly and blend in corn meal and milk. Stu- olives, cicken and corn meal mixture into vege table mixture. Turn into large baking dish. Bake in moderate ly slow oven (325 degrees F.) 1 hour, sprinkling top with cheese after Vt hour of cook ing. Serves 8 to 10. Cornbread Good Fare for Family Meal, Company Too 1 Southern Cora Bread Good with pork chops er ham A Itltunl) makes eight generous servings, which the four of us at dinner slathered with butter and ate Friends coming to dinner? You would like to loll with the ,.nmranv nnln. H-,nl- L j u Z . . '. up. Need we say we omitted mused by a bowl of potato idt, BLt if . .r hvin cil,P"' more than four, and want to urao a jutcnen partner and round out the menu, add fruit in 20 minutes set vour mnr and cheese, Boiling Onions lb. Flat fO-!b. Mesh Bag 291 First Qualify Bananas lb. 12 CANNING PEACHES Box Apple Box Heaping Fulll THE LOWEST PRICE IN TOWN Freshl OYSTERS 11' 49 Campbell's SOUPS ,0t Vegetable Pepper Pet Oxtail Gr. Pea - Asparogut bream or celery lack lean leans With Bacon lean, Govf.-lnspecled Pork Steak Lean, Boneless Pork Roast ...45 MOn kids ana diiirci f ra Boiling Beef,, W U S. Inspected Bleu Cheese Mix X, Good for Tomatoes , Bleu Cheese Mix for Tomatoes 1 8-ounce) package cream cheese Vt pound (4 ounces) Bleu cheese 2 tablespoons cream 2 tablespoons chopped -. parsley Vt teaspoon grated onion Vt teaspoon Worcestershire sauce - J;;--!.-', Salt to taste V teaspoon pure monoso- dium glutamate Have cream cheese and the Bleu cheese at room tempera ture, blend well with a fork. Gradually beat in cream; add remaining ingredients snd mix well. Use in one of the ways suggested below. Makes about 1 cup cheese mix. Broiled Tomato Sandwich Toast a slice of white bread side, then cover with thin slices of peeled tomato. Spread Bleu Cream Cheese Mix (above) generously over toma to slices. Top with 2 or more half-strips of uncooked bacsm. Broil slowly until bscon is crisp and sandwich is piping hot. Serve at once. Grand for lunch or supper. Epicure's Broiled Tomatoes Cut peeled tomatoes cross wise In halves. Spread cut sides liberally with Bleu Cream Cheese Mix (above) Sprinkle with fine, dry bread crumbs ana paprika. Broil slowly until crumbs are nicelv 1 1 browned and tomatoes are piping hot. A good vegetable to serve with steak . . , ham burger or filet mignon! Also nice with fish. Tomats Sandwich Salad Cut a chilled, peeled toma to crosswise In 3 or 4 slices. Put slices back together again sandwich fashion, with Bleu Cream Cheese Mix (above) as the filling. Place on a let tuce-lined salad plate; top with a mt or mayonnaise and a dust Ing of paprika. A delicious variation on the stuffed-to mato theme. Celery Abundant, Good Cooked Plentiful celery is at its best and here is a recipe about which many a restaurant and several hostesses we know make a justifiable fuss. A sal ad course that is different. Celery Victor 4 hearts of celery (1 lbt.) 1 cup chicken' broth Vt teaspoon monosodium glutamate, optional tt cup French dressing Anchovies Tomato wedges Wash e e'l e r y thoroughly witftout separaUna stalks. Cut lengthwise Into 2 or 3 pieces. Cut off most of leafy tops. Place in pan with tight lid or in pressure cooker with chick en broth and monosodium glutamate. Pan will take 15-20 minutes cooking; pressure cooker will do it in 6 minutes shallow dish; pour French dressing over and marinate for one hour or more as it cools. Turn occasionally. Chill thor oughly. Arrange celery with two strips of anchovies over each heart, with' tomato Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich at 15 pounds pressure. Remove and drain. Place 1 celery in tit until it was in the oven. If menu ready to put in the broil er, the oven, and on op of the range. No reason - why you should do all the work See who's willing. Husband the helpful kind? Beau still new enough to want to make a aood impression? Sister, brother or girl friend one of the guests? Here i how we got a auick dinner for four recently, with one eye on the clock and de licious results. Friend Emmit born in Waynesboro, Georgia was our helper, so naturallv our menu had a Southern tone. Main course was 'HAM. We used two half-inch slices of the boiled meat, weighing alto gether a little over two pounds, and broiled them to a mouth watering turn in our electric rotisserie. If you haven't yet ac quired one of these wonderful cooking helps, put the ham un der the broiling unit of 'your range. On the ham went a magnifi cent sauce Fmmies inspira tion. She said that before she worked out the recipe, she walked around for davs "last. ing it in my head." Thus are recipes born! We call it HAM-TO-ICE-CREAM SAUCE be cause we've discovered it tastes wonderful on either. ASPARAGUS was our vege table; we used the frozen var iety, but canned would be fine and take even less time to pre part With these we had HALF WAY CORN BREAD a cross Derween spoon bread and res. ular Southern corn bread. It boasts a special step that achieves an unusual custardy layer. The recipe follows try it and see. I clocked the prepar ation of the corn bread and it took about 10 minutes from the time I started to prepare you have a well organized mix ing center, it shouldn't take you any longer. The corn bread wedges or watercress or let tuce. Six servings. Ham-Te-Ice-Cream Sauce Ingredients: One 6-ounce can concentrated frozen grape juice (undiluted), 1 tablespoon grat ed orange rind, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 3 tablespoons cur rants, generous dash of cinna mon and ginger, 1 teaspoon cornstarch, 1 tablespoon finely cut pecans. . - Method: Put grape juice, or ange rind, lemon juice, cur rants, cinnamon. and ginger in 1-quart , saucepan. Mix corn starch with cold water until smooth; i-dd. Cook and stir constantly over low heat until thickened and clear. Add pe cans ana serve not with ham or vanilla ice cream. Makes 1 cup. Note: If sauce is made ahead it may thicken on standing. Re heat over hot water and add pecans just before serving so they'll stay crisp. Halfway Corn Bread Ingredients: 1 Vi tablespoons butter or margarine, Vt cup sifted flour, 1 cups white or yellow cornmeal, 1 teaspoon baking soda, Vt teaspoon salt, 2 eggs, 1 cup buttermilk, 2 cups milk. Method: Melt butter in large iron skillet (about 0 by 2 inches). Sift together flour, cornmeal, baking soda and salt. Beat eggs until foamy; beat in buttermilk and 1 cup of the milk. (Mixture will be very thin.) Turn into prepared skil let, Four remaining cup of milk carefully over top of mix ture; do not stir in. Bake in moderate (390F) oven SO min utes. Bring skillet right to table; cut cornbread into 8 pieces; serve at once with lots of butter or margarine. , Raisin Secret The secret to making choco late-covered raisins is to melt the chocolate very slowly. To 2 cups of raisins, use 8 ounces of semi-sweet chocolate, melted over warm water. Stir the rais ins into, the chocolate, then drop by teaspoonfuls onto wax ed paper. Sunshine Shortcake . . Has Orange Flavor, Canned Peaches in It Give fall and winter menus a taste of summertime with this "Sunshine Shortcake. Tender orange -flavored cake layers are put together with golden slices of canned peaches and whipped cream. Luscious to taste and a beauty to seel Sunshine Shortcake Vt cup shortening Vt cup granulated sugar I eggs 1 teaspoon grated orange rind 1 H cups sifted cake flour 2 teaspoons baking powder teaspoon salt H cup orange juice 1 cup whlpipng cream , 2 cups drained canned peach slices Cream shortening and sugar together thoroughly. Separate eggs and beat . yolks into creamed mixture. Blend in rind. Sift together flour, bak ing powder and salt. Blend into creamed mixture alter nately with orange juice. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Spread in 2 greased 8-inch layer cake pans. Bake in mod erately hot oven (379 degrees F.) 20 minutes. Let stand S minutes. Turn out on wire rack to cool. Put layers to gether with whipped cream and peaches just before serving. Serves 8. Fluffy Eggs ' Something special for break fast or luncheon menus are fluffy scrambled eggs with cubes of avacado folded into the eggs just before they're set Served with crisp bacon and lots of hot coffee: thero'a noth ing more luxurious. OVERRIPE AVOCADO Use that overrlne awwnrin in a salad dressing. - Mix equal parts of mashed avocado and mayonnaise with a hit f hii seed for accent. Try this on shredded cabbage or a mixed green salad. Very good. Pineapple Fluff Cake Tasty; One Just as its name riennt. ., Pineapple Fluff cake is a light snd fluffy delight It's a xittin. dessert for dinner or th. to proudly serve for popular 'dessert" entertaining. Pineapple Fluff Cake 3 cups sifted cake flour - I teaspoons baking powder V teaspoon salt teaspoon soda 1 No. 2 can crushed pine, apple 4 cup lard 2 cups sugar 4 egg yolks 1 teaspoon vanilla Vt cup hot water 4 stiffly beaten egg whites i Line three fi-Inrh rk. .... with waxed powder, salt and soda. Drain crushed pineapple and measure 1 cup juice. Cream lard and IVt cups sugar with 1 egg yolk. Add remain. ing egg yolks and vanilla. Beat well. Add sifted dry ingred ients alternately with cup pineapple juice and Vt cup hot water. Beat eas white . . . - U1J Ll, stiff, but not dry, and add re maining ti cup sugar. Fold egg white mixture into v w.. ter. Pour into cake cam bake in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) for 2.1 to an mi.. utes. 'Drain and uv, 1 .. 4,.; to put in cake batter. Use re maining 1 cup drained crushed pineapple for frosting. Fineapple Fluff Frosting egg wniies V teaspoon salt , ' 1 cup white corn syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup drained crushed pine, apple , Combine egg whites, salt syrup, vanilla, and beat until fluffy spreading consistency.'' Fold in pineapple. Frost three s-incn layers. St Die. a amall tium 1. France, is sometimes called the godmother of America because it was there that the nam "America" was first nronoiMl in 1507. 1 y "See whe y sefled I New wM yei beNeva that leaklnf s the cerreet wumbsr eon mafco m whala of Mfferemel". . . When you're not sure of number, please look H up in the Jrctory...Pacinc Ttkpcone. (1111 Wbt's the real teat in asparagus? MRS! What's the rea( treat in ? The choice Silllii W sssasBSa- selected for WHITE STAR TUNA mfawm exssort fmm fotttrono. keohky bodietl More pfotehwich. erne lot ounce. oa procnrally on 731 boaic food. More economical tool A V Urn Sn mcM VAN CAMS St rOOO COMAN . WC. Mm Om I wl THE WINNERS ere ore the names of the lucky persons winning mer chandise awards at the drawings held Sorurday night, Sept. 5, at the four Salem SAFEWAY Stores SAFEWAY STORE-445 Court Jf. $25.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Anna Hagy , 1590 K utb gt!em $10.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE A. N. Selberg 4921 Woll gtt $5.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Mrs. O. L. Sargent Rfc I, Box Ml, galem SAFEWAY STORE 2120 Fairgrounds Rd. $25.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Glenn O.Lewis 1 Fairgrounds Rd., Salem $10.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Henry O. Raaen 1590 Madison St., Salem $5.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE H. E. Hickman H t7S Norway, Salem SAFEWAY STORE 935 S. Commercial $25.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Mrs. Alice Ryther v 1715 N. 19th St, Salem $10.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE E. C. Wetherby 131 w. Owens, Salem $5.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Mayme Keene 245 E. Wilson, Salem SAFEWAY STORE 1265 Center St. $25.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Bob Sehwarts ' 125 8. 14th St., Salem $10.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE lohn Frlesen 149s CeBtw 8tt tIem $5.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE ' w- Dr' m S. llth St, Salem $40.00 in Groceries Will Again Be Awarded on Saturday, September 12, 19 GET YOUR FREE TICKETS AT ANY SALEM SAFEWAY STORE Anyone 1 ( Tears and Older Is Eligible N