Thursday, September 10, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SaJen. OrefM food tzcnoiiTtz I 7 tfHD POWDERED e MOWN MS. Hp. . ; . ; ; '3-5' HUNTS FRUIT COCKTAIL Cerfo Pectin For Perfect Joint & Jellies 8-oz. O Bottle I Kerr or Boll ...-:. .V- JL. .. -i'. I No. 2Vi Fruit Jars-Mason Pints flfV Quarts $409 Doz. Vt) Doz. I I 1 PIGGY BANK Punch Beverage Base Brings ifriwborry fries ImmUi v 12-oz. Ofn Bottle Mokes 6 Fints Delicious Punch reeBBBaeEBBaeaeBBVIIHHHMaa r.jn 'f 1 I I BANGO POP CORN White or Yellow Mb. Cello 35 i Baker's Shredded Fresh Cocoanut 4 6z. 4 jTt 8-oz. Pkg. I J Pkg. LJ I Sunny Jim Peanut Butter Tops in Quality 11-oz. (Fh Mug i33J Big 3-lb. 12-ox. TTO Cookie Jar .. 7 I I Sunny Jim Tuna and Egg Noodles Big 17-oz. E Jars $fl00 Jar . . . 9 for a Here's Economy in Food Delicious, too! ANOTHER GIGANTIC - KEF SALE In Our Economy Meal Section YOUNG STEER BEEF T-Bone Sirloin Round and Swiss CLOVERBLOOB CbMii 1 iww if : . - GROUND BEEF FrcUl... .... . 2 lbI.49c CM e!TrV. i ::::--v- .-'X, Vss, s Ail $9' ; 67c BLUE torn MARGARINE ID' with Coupon from Pfe 1 Food Section SCHOOL SUPPLIES Buy Your School Supplies Here . : i Big Stock: vv Pusi V Dcols reS 4 I'M '-'-. eon 3 tens 25e) ' Kimnor 100 - HORSE MEAT fall cans BEGMORE 63c CeaeM hMm it CMvwMm Cimm ft ilry otiirtatit Hormel Skinless FRANKS 45' . FRESH KllTfD PAN-READY (COLORED) CHICKEN FRYERS Den end Cat Feed $1129 $1139 $1159 u u u EACH SLICED Minced Ham I. 4' U. .S. GOOD ft CHOICE , STEER BEEF Prime Rib Roast it. 9' U..S. GOOD CHOICE STEER BEEF Round & Swiss Steak ib. 69' . U. S. Good t Choice . STEER BEEF Boneless Top Round Steak ,D 79' i Portland Punch BEVERAGE BASE Dellrhtful Berry Flavor 12-oi. jar 45c Big 24-oi. Jar 85c Rath's Dried Beef . 2'i-oz. glass 29' s Delicious end Economical Creamed en Toast Libby's Tomato Juice . large' can 23' Big 46-oz. Con All-Pure Milk . . . . '2325' Finest Canned Milk Case SS.98 1 CROWN MILLS KITCHEN QUEEN FAMILY FLOUR 10-lb.bog 85C 25-lb. boof 1 89 DENNISON CHILI CON CARNE WITH BEANS A Tasty Meol in a Minute Tin wii- ti, CM 15ft Tall .29' I BORDEN'S HOT CHOCOLATE 8- 0Z. can 23!t 39 I tew L Till l5'i i. tin 37c C3U ujimmm 23c tall cans local No. 1 Improved Elbirli PEACHES . Bushel $2W TOKAY GRAPES imtOTSuwim ORANGES low. mm awn t S1VEET CORN 59 2H-ML U$ : , SfRY Shortcnino 'it. 05e mm mwura WASHINd SOAP FOWDER Lgo. pkg. 23c 45c HI local If. I. No. I Potatoes 10 lbs. REG. SIZE 3 23c Surf Soap Powder A Detergent Giant pkg. 61c Free 43c Tuba Fepsodent . Chlorophyll Tooth Pasta Sviftning Shortening 3-lb. can 7' Special 9c Saving Reg. 85c Valua Rath Spiced Qennison's FANCY TOMATO l CATSUP 14c Luncheon Meat Reg. 12-ot. Cons Highest Salted Peanuts I can Reg. 12-ot. Cons Highest Quality Planters -oz. can Free Valuable Nut Chopper With Each 1 Cans Flanter's 39' 2S' Peanut Oil (Fint Reynolds Aluminum Foil . Quart bottle (Fint Bottle 39c) 25-ft. OfD. Roll These Specials Also Available at Erickson's Mkt.r Woodburn, Oregon Zee Brand SANDWICH BAGS LUNCHEON BAGS GARBAGE BAGS 3Pk8,25c jjin fi rp p?siTYIq buu U lb LAJiMJ g. Eee! Cll ruuu run Foil 25-ft. Roll Aluminum Foil 2E' Nestles Morsels CLOROX BLEACH -Gal. QGi Jug Ckvd) mm LfolesaewaHrf mm. Hfy 'Ifiio Bruce PUer ClBiitr Chocolate Tidbits 8-oz. W n Wnu M tlsi 2825 South Commercial 3820 East Slate Street 3080 Portland Road ft wi IMml 1