Pag 2 FOOB SECTION Dolling Up the Canned Salmon Results in Many DifferentTasty Dishes J ' f M THK CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salm, Or.gon .. r 1 .":- J TAs Casserole Is Family Favorite The family will think highly of this casserole but that is too long for a 3-llne head. Anjrwy, they'll like It beeus It has Glamor Galore for lunch or supper when you serve canned salmon with broccoli and a smooth cheese sauce. CAP Km rutoru) What you can do with a can i Chinook on the Columbia river of salmon is wonderful! No and King in Alaska. It's called need io remind you of its uses Spring salmon in Puget Sound. for lunchbox sandwiches or " wxmre, n s ncn in ou noontime wlads at home. But aDd when removed from the salmon can o epicurean, too. " Kparates Into large flakes. Ever put it in a cream sauce Red or Sockeye Salmon The with mushrooms, green pepper flesh of this salmon is deep red and pimento ana mot it a m in texture, la King style in pastry patties or tart sheiis? do you know (what a super chowder salmon makes when added to potatoes, onions, tomatoes and thin white sauce and seasoned with basil or Worcestershire? Want a de licious and different casserole dish? Then try our recipe for Salmon Parialenne. Be a wise shopper when you choose salmon, and know what . you're buying. Here's a de scription of the five varieties of Pacific salmon used in com mercial canning. Chinook or King Salmon Largest of the salmons, this variety goes by the nam, of ha considerable oil and breaks into small flakes. Medium Red. Coho or Silver Salmon This salmon is red. tut lighter in color than Sock- eye. Because its flakes are larger, it's excellent to use "as is ' from the can. Pink Salmon Half of all the salmon canned is the Pink var iety and it's popular every where. Ranging from light to deep pink in color, it has small flakes. Chum or Keta Salmon Chum is the least expensive of all the canned salmons It's lighter in color and has leu oil than, other varieties. Its tex ture is somewhat course and it hs a large flake. Salmon is packed mainly in the one-pound tall can, the one pound fiat and the half-pound flat (7-ounce weight) can. The one-pound size can con tain two cups and makes four servings; the half-pound can contains on .cup and makes two servings. . Less common is the auarter-DOund flat can, con tainina 8 ounces, drained weight Don't pick out the bones rrom canned salmon! Serve them right with the fish. They're so softened by the canning proc ess that they're entirely edible and contain that valuable nu trient, calcium. Salmon is also valuable in the diet for the phosphorus it offers. In addl tion it's a rich source of vita min D. niacin and riboflavin, and of course it's a protein food. Salmon Parislenno Ingredients: One 10-ounce package frozen broccoli, one 1- pound can salmon, Cheese Sauce. Method: Cook broccoli ac cording to package directions; drain; cut into fork-size pieces; arrange in bottom of 4 indivi dual ramekins (Hi -cup size) Drain salmon, keeping pieces as large as possible; arrange salmon over broccoli. ' Pour Cheese Sauce over salmon: broil with surface of food 3 in ches below he it, until sauce bubbles and browns. Makes 4 servings. Cheese Sane - Ingredients: 4 tablespoons butter or . margarine, 3 tea spoons -grated onion, Yt cup uour, z cups milk. 1 cup grated sharp Cheddar cheese, H to 1 teaspoon salt, several drops Ta basco sauce, i teaspoon Worces-J tershlre sauce. . Method: Melt butter over low heat; add grated onion; cook a minute or two. Blend in flour. Add milk all at once; stir over low heat until thickened. Add cheese; stir until cheese melts. Add salt (amount will depend on saltiness of cheese), Tabasco and Worcestershire. Makes bout 2 cups sauce. everything. If you do think of anytning else, Just add it and the dish will still come out "good." Family CasroI 1 pound ground beef 1 cup sliced onions 1 teaspoon salt V teaspoon pepper ' 3 cups cooked, sliced potatoes .... s . 1 can whole kernel corn (3 cups) ' , ' 1 can tomato soup ' cup milk Brown meat In a little W zai; pusn to one side and light' ly brown onions. Add salt and pepper. In a greased 3-quart casserole, arrange layers of meat and onions, potatoes and corn, i-our over all tomato soup diluted with milk; lift up iMyvn to uiorougniy moisten me ingredients. Bake in a mod crate oven, 375 degrees for 20 minutes. Six servings. Barbecued Cubed Beef Steak Idea Here's a new taste thrill in an old standby. Cubed beef steaks, or as you may call them "minute" steak because of their quick preparation time. are cooked with a restful bar becue sauce for a wlnnina combination. Barbecued Cubed Beef Steak 4 cubed beef steak ' Vi cup flour Salt . Pepper 3 tablespoons lard or drip ping ... 1 medium onion, chopped 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 tablespoon brown sugar 2 tablespoons lemon juice Vi cup catchup 2 tablespoons Worcester shire sauce cup water Vi teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper Dredge the steaks with flour. Season. Brown the steaks on both sides in lard or drippings. Add chopped onion and brown lightly. Mix remaining ingredi ents and pour over steaks. Cover and cook slowly until meat is tender, about 33 min utes. 4 servings.. 77Z lot iwo reasons fcr always V"3 a, if , i ft. I CaWE":. . ' ii imOM W mote - u removes "' Thursday, Sptenbr 10, 19g Cucumbers in Casserole Good The big difference betwMn th epicurean and the ordinan ainer u mat in lonner regard a basic food as only the start ing point for a whole varietv of dishes. A good example is the cucumber. You expect to find cucum ber in salads or sauteed. But there are recipes for serving them in soups, sour cream, in sandwich spreads or In a de lightfully different 1 casserole. You should try this one soon: CUCUMBER CASSEROLE Bake at 373 deg. for about 33 minutes. Make 8 serylnii. 3 medium -size cucumbers V4 small green pepper, fine ly area H cup finely diced celery ' 1 medium-six onion, chopped 1 cup (about Vk pound) . grated process American chees 5 saltlnes, crumbled 3 tableip. melted butter or margkrlne 3 eggs, slightly beaten . 1H cup milk ft teasp. salt Dash of pepper 1. Lightly butter 1M -quart baking dish. I .2. Par cucumbers; quarter lengthwise; scoop out feed; dice cucumber fine. 3. Cook cucumber and green pepper in 1 inch boiling salted water in medium-size saucepan ID minutes, or Just until tender; drain well; re- return to saucepan. 4. Stir In remaining ingredl ents; pour into prepared bak ing dish. ' 8. Bak in moderate oven (373 deg.) about 35 minutes. or until set In center. If desired. garnish with green pepper rings; serve at once. Lean, Economy Beef Used in Many Ways Lean, economy beef Is from cattle which has come directly to market from the grassy plain and mountain of th west and ha had no "corn finishing." Because it usually cost ess to produce, it can be ibid at lower prices than relatively higher grade, corn- fed beef. There are many cuts of lean beef at economy price on th market today to brighten your menu in a money saving way. In addition to round steak, there are chuck pot roasts, flank steaks, short ribs, bris ket and stew meat. Lean beef make excellent hamburgers, also delicious pot roasts, Swiss steaks and stews. Usually cuts of lean beef need slightly longer cooking time than beer, which contains a higher proportion of fat. . Lean beef is every bit as nu tritious as the fancier, higher- grade beef. I Macaroni Casserole Hearty Main Dish A bubbling, piping hot nut caroni casserole is a welcome addition to any dinner table. Luncheon-meat strips mak this Chevron Macaroni Casser ole substantial enough to sat isfy the most robust appetites, These days macaroni casser oles are no longer Friday fare or an easy out when time -and budget are limited. Served with imagination and flair, baked macaroni dishes take on party manners and will please your entire lamily. . . Chevron Macaroni Casserole Make(s 4-6 servings) 1 tablespoon salt . 3 quart boiling water 8 ounce elbow macaroni (3 cups) 1 10 Vi -ounce can condensed cresm of mushroom soup 1 cup milk 1 cup grated processed ched ' dar cheese (about V4 lb.) 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce ' Freshly ground pepper 1 12-oz. can luncheon meat, cut in K-lnch (trip . Add 1 tablespoon salt to ran. idly boiling water. Gradually add macaroni so that water continues to boll. Cook uncov- Try Mixed Pickles for Taste Appeal Since ws've some pickling spice at hand for other good things, let's make this quickly made, wonderfully good com bination of plentiful garden vegetables Into a pickle relish that will tickle palates, espec ially when served with roasts U any kino. , , Mixed Garden Fickle 3 5-6 inch cucumbers 3 medium green peper ered, stirring occasionally, tin- ui tenaer. Drain in colander. In a saucepan, combine soup. milk, cheese. Worcestershire sauce and pepper; place over low heat and cook, stirring oc casionally, until cheese is malt ed. Add cooked macaroni and luncheon meat, reserving 6 strips meat for garnish. Turn into a greased lU-auart cas- serol and place meat (trips on top of casserole to form chev ron. Place under broiler bout 3 lnche from heat for 10 - minute, or until lishtlv browned and sauce is bubbly. 9 1 eup cauliflower flower ettes pound fresh green' beans 8 small white onions 2 cups salt 1 quart cider vinegar 2 tablespoon mixed pick ling spice Score cucumber rind with a fork, but do not peel. Cut into :hui wm ano then Into -lnch chunks. Seed and cut peppers into 4-inch pieeei. Cut cauliflower into inch pieces. Cut beans into inch lengths. Peel onion. Combine ' all vegetables and salt Let stand 24 hours. Drain. ' icnr maa mixed nick, ling spice. Add veietabl.. .... simmer until just tend. .h...7 15 minutes. Pack in sterilized Jar. Seal. Make 4 pints. W, remind you that you now bur mixed pickling spice packaiM with 10 to 16 beautUun. blended spices. - Stretch Sauce YoTTaTTtrechTrrt!! ' of ground beef needed f favorite spaghetti sauce, tarn, ale casserole or other dishes by addHi h. of ripe olives. With their rS flavor and texture vai.'n ml m.. . " "w Wl WILL HAVE FRESH COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON FOR CANNING or FREEZING SATURDAY MORNING, SEPT. 12 SALMON ,t. 69' 49' FRESH SILVER SIDE SALMON Sliced Lb. FRESH FILLET OF RED SNAPPER Lb 39' SALMON ,,,,'39 FRE8H OCEAN CAUGHT SALMON Mf Fresh Sliced HALIBUT earn ib........... 59c Fresh ROCK COD Sliced, lb 45C Fresh Fillet of S0LI CO lb 59c Whole Fish.. Lb 0 : . w ii Fresh Crab Meal Razor Claim Fresh Dressed FITT'S 33'' " 1 FISH & POULTRY Phone 3-4424 Fre Delivery 216 North Commercial St. rtic1e.ooomOQ Yttll bm-f to b uorot-clm mi: And ClOROX U a handy household disinfectant I .rtf ttnMNBKieei ' h reuKrw cltaning of botfaoom end Utchn, Cloroi net wily r. mint and dtodorim II dWncn...onj,iiw rypa of nonoiienouKlMnlxHuniuBV "ddkylwndnidielpublls -i dpartinii. m loUt dinwtom tar iht mony nt ! Clore....Ainrtcrtnmrll, Kohtn... Clone llta. "" wir mrc Vhori'.' It's tClOROX-cleon , . . it's SAFER for-family h 'JSmJ Bartlett PEARS For Canning Bu,h.i $2.00 Gravenstein $ m f Apples BusKel ZedU These are extra nice for ap plesauce canning. Hale & Elberta PEACHES loskets 45c Jumbo Al Avocodo JL3 C Vegetables Stacks of Fresh, Crisp Vege tables, mostly locally grown! Green Broccoli White Cauliflower Head Lettuce - Romalna Parsley Celery Celery Hearts - Radishes Gr. Onions - Carrtoa Beet Turnips Egg Plant Zneclnl Fresh Corn Green Cabbage Spinach Bine Lake and Oregon Giant Bean Green Peppers For stuffing; lib.., Local Grown Tomatoes; 3 As. ... .25c .19c Fresh Ranch EGGS 82c 72c 48c Clin' Large Grod AA . .r. Medium Grod Doten Small Grod A Doien Good Grocery Buys BLUk bOHNEI MAKAIML- ,7C r ft u is r aSK B 1 Food 8ecUon CARAVAN COFFEE ,b j5C Whol Roaster Ground) JUMBO OLIVES Pint, . 2,or 45c BEST FOOD MAYONNAISE PlnU39c 1 69c TREE TEA 49c MANDARIN ORANGES . 2 33c COLUMBIA DILLS J!. ZZ 39c riirrrT miif. r'u,or osner) WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE MM. 2 lor 65c DERBY CHIU CON CARNE 29c jniri j vciilcv nan l0. 7ir SWIFT'S CORNED BEEF HASH 16 o, 32c FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR ..J J rncnnwrr riumiip m.i?J' '" 3rCKKI i rAniARC riUUK a n. Sit LS0G FOOD 3,.,,. 27c noaun uil Qnirt .... 69c SNOWDRIFT Y-'jo-VANO LIQUID STARCH BcS. PEAS WHITE VINEGAR J 69 SHILUNG'S PICKUNG SPICES 10 HERSHEYBARS t4, 95c 6 r 25c HORMEL'S OUARTER HAMS $2 69 EL5IN0RE TUNA i '2 KOOL-AID An9T" 2?S w for rfV All FUvern Model Food Marled Veal Sweet Breads ib. 89' SWIFT'S U. S. GOYT INSPECTED VEAL Veal Chops Leg o' Veal Roast Sirloin Veal Steak 69 EXTRA LEAN GROUND BEEF ,39' CASCADE TENDERIZED or Whole HAMS FREE PARKING ' TBI BEaZ ' OF THE STORE "J. f -..V 's t f t ft