Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 10, 1953, Page 23, Image 23

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rVblithee' Ttierscjey loch Week '
UiHd by Maris Lowry Fischer
Salem, Ore., Thursday, September 10, 1953
Fall Produce Keeps Homemakers Busy Canning and Preserving
G SLpitalAjJomimal
Perhaps you've already done
your summer's preserving of
the perfect full flavor of west
tern grown, sun-ripened fresh
ly harvested fruit. If so, con
gratulations! If not better do
it quickly for autumn will be
here before you know it. In
either event you'll find sever
al irresistible recipes in today's
Again we remind you (we
do this every week) to talk
your plans over with your
fruit and vegetable man for
special quality and price ad
vantages. For Family, For Gifts
Any day now, we'll be read
ing "umpty shopping days un
til Christmas," so do your
labeling job well so that you
can share some of your home
made good things with mem
bers of the family and with
friends during the holiday sea
son. Label Advise
Writing labels indicating
name of product together with
date BEFORE putting them on
1ari and glasses. If possible
use India or other waterproof
Ink for glassed products, the
soecial pencil for frozen foods.
Handy neat labels come in flat
little boxes but It is more
Many Items
Women with beef-and-pota
to eating husbands and grow
ing sons continue to have
cause for rejoicing because
beef and potatoes are excep
tionally plentiful, lower in
price than in recent years and
many a man and growing boy
can happily make a meal of
meat, potatoes and good gravy.
Of course good nutrition indi
cates that you also feed him
some good green and gold veg
etables, frequent salads and
fresh fruit. These present no
problems since markets are
filled to overflowing with ses
sonal good things from nearby
fields and orchards.
Canning and Freesing
Although a goodly portion
of your home canning and
freezing has been done, there
still remains a wealth of good
flavor to be. preserved in
peaches, pears and prunes.
You may even still find a few
apricots and If you're going
to do Gravenstein or other
green apples, you'd best be
about It for their season Is
Other Fruits, Melons
Fine peaches, pears, plums
for eating out-nf-hand and for
dessert making, along with ap
ficient and economical to use
rolls of gummed labels in any
favored color, tearing them
off one at a time as needed,
keeping them fresh and clean
down to the last label on the
roll.- Later you can decorate
with sunburst, star and other
fancy seal, designs for giving
acording to the season, or rea-1
Freestone Peaches
These are the favorites for
h6me canning, freezing, pre
serving as well for enjoying
fresh. Best thing to remember
is that peach must look good
to be good. Size and color are
extremely important in making
your choice. Slightest indica
tion of over-ripeness means
that they must be handled
carefully and quickly; no
waiting until tomorrow. If
scales aren't handy, figure on
about 4 medium-sized peaches
to the bound. A bushel basket
yields 18 to 24 quarts of can
ned peaches; 36 to 48 pints of
Bartlett Pears
The perfect canning fruit,
pears are increasingly pro
cessed by freezing also. They
retain their shape well, have
attractive color and refreshing
full flavor. Figure on 2 to 24
pounds of fresh pears to the
Plentiful, Priced Lower
ples, bananas, oranges,- mel
ons. Cantaloupe and water
melons are of exceptional
quality and flavor and the
fancy melons such as Cran
shaws and locally grown spe
cialties are of the stuff dreams
are made of.
Vegetable Abundance
Plenty of fine dry onions to
go with plentiful potatoes in
everything from potato soup,
chowder, casseroles, to "frys"!
beyond numbering. Enjoy
corn while yo'i may. . Cauli
flower, celery, lettuce, cab
bage, beans, cucumbers, egg
plant, peppers, spinach, Dan
ish squash, bunched vegetables
and locally grown tomatoes
vie for menu attention. To
matoes, hot and cold, might
well be a dally menu item.
Fish and Shellfish
Plenty of menu variety here.
Western and eastern filleted
cods that are ideal for both
baking and broiling. Other
fillets available include rock
fish, halibut, haddock, ocean
perch, petrale sole and Dover
sole. For steak and baking,
there are northern halibut
Chinook salmon, sablefish, ling
cod. Shpllfish offering In
clude cooked lobster, -Pacific
shrimp, eastern and western
': "J
quart. A bushel basket yields
20-25 quarts.. .
Italian Prunes
Best Quality Is both plump
and firm with long oval shape.
Flesh is yellow-green covered
with a deep purple skin. Fig
ure 1 Mi to 2 pounds to the
quart; 24 pounds for. 12-14
Canning the "3 P's"
When canning any of
these fruits choose only those
which are fully matured, firm,
juicy and just right for eating.
Use a 40 percent syrup made
by heating 1 part sugar and
ltt parts waer. To prepare
peaches, peel, remove stones,
halves or slice. To prepare
Bartlett pears, peel, halve and
core. If a large quantity is
being done, keep peeled pear
halves in salted water until
ready for canning.
Italian prunes should be
washed, halved and pits re
moved. If they are canned
pricked several times to pre
vent splitting during process
ing. Pack jars with prepared
fruit and cover with hot syrup.
Fill jars to within H inch of
the top. Remove air bubbles
and seal according to manufac
turer's (of jars and lids) In
structions. Process in boiling
scallops, fresh western oysters
and abalone. Panready fish
include Eureka rex sole, Co-
lumbla River smilt, Idaho M""5' tney are cooked; to scram
brook trout, and eastern whit- bled eggs and omelets after the
'n4' I
Other good buys: turkeys,
peanuts, peanut butter, table I too, as an addition to your fav
fats and oils, honey. lorite stuffing for deviled eggs.
water bath for 20 minutes,
counting time, when water re
turns to a full rolling boil. Re
move jars from canner and
cool, well separated and away
from drafts.
Freezing the "3 P's"
Freezing of fruit is trem
endously popular in our part
of the country where we truly
capture the full fresh flavor
of tree-ripened fruit. The same
40 percent syrup used in can
ning is also used in freezing.'
In freezing, however, add Vt
teaspoon ascorbic acid for each
cup of cold syrup. For com
mercially prepared antioxi
dant, follow manufacturer's
Freestone, peaches are peel
ed, then sliced or halved Into
packing container.
Bartlett pears must be peel
ed, sliced or halved and then
heated for 2 minutes in a boil
ing syrup, chilled and packed
into jars.
Italian prunes are simply
washed, halved, pitted and
packed into container.
Fill jars or other containers
with cold 40 percent syrup to
within V in.-h of top. Re
move air bubbles and Insert
crumpled freezer paper on top
of fruit. Seal, label and freeze
Tabasco Tips
Eggs take on new zest if a
few drops of tabasco are added,
either to boiled or poached eggs
eggs have been beaten and be-
fore they are cooked. Good,
A haarty, dtlidovt frtot,
pocked with th good
ness of swtit com ol tHa
pak of flavor-perfection.
Just add milk ond
butler, heat ond serve.
Try it Takyl
Spiced Plum
Nowadayt we kwn nirklino
recirjes and methnri. imnu.
find results quite comparable'
With those rememtv-rari kv it..
oldsters. One of the handiest
aids to easier and tastier pick
ling is the seasoning mixture
nuuwn as mixea lckling
Spice. This is a blend of 10
to 18 different whole
Including o e d d r n.n...
ginger, cloves, bay leaves!
cinnamon, rert iwniu ...
irtm biiu nu
meric In proportions balanced
lor uieai spicy flavor.
Speed Plum Conserve
a pounds ripe plums
H cup water .
7H cups sugar
1 lemon juice and grated
2 tablespoons Mixed Pick
ling Spice
cup walnut meats
H cup seedless raisins
Vi bottle fruit pectin
Pit 3 pounds of rioe nlnm.
but do not nppl rhnn
coarse pieces. Add "water and
boil 3 minute Arirf in..
fruit Juices, rinds, mixed pic
kling spice (tied in small
bag), nutmeats and raisins. ,
pring io noil and simmer
r-rr fOR YOURSHfV- .
Leave It to Crlsco to bring you a wonder
ful new idea! Here it is the Criaco Friendly
Coupon Club, an offer that rewards you -two
ways: 1) You save money on Criaco,
and 2) You treat three of your friends or
neighbors to money-saving Crisco Coupons!
Yes, pure, all-vegetable Crisco, America's
favorite shortening, wants you and your
friends to discover why more women cook
with Crisco than with any other brand of
So hurry! Join the Crisco Friendly Cou
pon Club. It's so easy all you do is fill in
the Valuable Certificate at your right and
mail it, together with a 3-lb. Crisco label,
to the address shown. Do it today ... for
your sake, for your friends' sakel
avseo oim
D V r 'a V
Apple-Corn Muffins
Quite a thine, this: eaiv tn
prepare ana gives muffins a
ungy, Iresn green apple, flav
or the whole family will enjoy.
To one package corn muffin
mix. add 1 cud chonnaH
Gravenstein apples. Add liquid
and stir just enough to dampen
dry ingredients. Batter will be
lumpy. Spoon into muffin tins
and bake in moderate oven, 23
to 30 minutes.
Breakfast Puffs
Little suffar and wniom htwnk.
fast puffs will brine vour fam
ily to the table in a hurry.
Combine Vt cud raistna with 9
cups biscuit mix. Add cup
milk and 2 tablesDoona melted
shortening. Drop dough by ta
blespoons into a mixture of 3
tablespoons brown sugar and
Vi teasDOon . cinnamon Put
sugar side up on greased bak
ing sneei ana oaxe m hot oven
15 minutes.
for S minutes.' stlrrinr ran.
stantly. Remove from, heat
and add fruit rwrtin Alinw
to cool slightly, stirring and
skimming alternately until
most of the scum has been re
moved. Ladle Into sterilized
jelly glasses. Seal at once.
Makes 8 pints.-
you ughter cams..
Rice and Swiss Steak Combined
Succulent itfik ! in.....
uou, ou, h is even better
when it Is cooked along with
white rice, hmim h. i-
absorbs the precious juices
ana iiavors which might other
wise escape.
Here is a main dish to please
even the most finicky eater
nu maae mm mighty glad he
came to th tnhiA .n
thl sumptuous rice and steak
aisn aisappeared but fast
swus aieaK with nice
2 tablespoons fat
1 pounds round beef
1 medium onion, sliced
2 tablespoons flour
1 8-ounce can tnmatn
iVi cups water
1 4 teaspoons salt 1 '
vi teaspoon pepper
2 teaspoons Worcestershire
sauce ' ,
In all
WISPK1DE it a natural Cheddar cheese
not a processed or cheese food -Distributed
Exclusively by
201 S. E. Oak, Portland 14, VE 2188
MAIL TOs CRISCO, Box 111, Cincinnati 1, Ohio
I on enclosing a 3-lb. Crisco lobsl. Neat mail Crisco Coupons
to addreun bslow. (Coupons good on purchase of 3-lb. Crisco.)
Off r IMftA Om Ms M kimtoM, eMmie mutt fce sWwese,
(You get e 251 Critte Coupon)
(Each friend gets a 10f) Crisco Coupon
with your some Imprinted at the sender)
(1) mwi NAML.
. Aoomi
OHar to4 Mly h CwHIkmIoI
cup chopped green pep pec
i cup uncooxea rice
Method: Melt the fat In
large skillet. Pound the flour
Into both sides of the meat.
Brown the meat on both rides)
in the fat Lay the onion slice
over the meat Add the to
mato sauce, water, salt, pep
ped and Worcestershire sauce.
Cover and cook over low beat
1 hour. Uncover and add the
green pepper. Pour the un
cooked lice over the meat an
around the sides of the meat.
apoon some of the gravy over
the rice. CoVer and eook over
low heat for 43 minutes or
until rice is tender. Add
water if necessary to keep the
meat from atlrkln sn
with additional tomato sauce
a aesired. -. -. - i
This recloe makes It urv. :
IngJ. - , . ,
your favorite Flavors
At Your Faacl ShM
-BBS-- -
U.t.acMhf Alwte) m4 Hml