Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 10, 1953, Page 22, Image 22

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    Pan 21
Thursday, September 10, 1953
x J
Is! U :...' - , - w
Trumans at
Vinson Rites
For the best pen of four lambs at tht fair this year John
. Banick Ic Son of Brooki were awarded the coveted
Golden Bell trophy for Hampshire!. Banick if ihown at
rifht holding tht trophy, his son, Robert, is to hla left.
Hippo Pete's
Girl Friend
Washington (A Close asso
etatM af Harrv . Truman's!
White House days turned out a , i
Thursday to greet the tormerlJUSt TOO fQt
President when he arrived in I
Washington to attend the fu
oeral of Chief Justice Fred H.
Vinson. '
The former President was
accompanied by Mrs. Truman
rn the train trip here from
their home in Independence,
Me. They were greeted at Un
ion Station by their daughter,
Margaret, who came frpm New
Truman looked tanned and
fit but told a reporter: .
"I hated to have to make this
trip. I never was sadder ever
anything in my life,"
Margaret kissed her father
nd mother affectionately, and
walked through the station
anuggling close to him and
grasping him by the arm. .
. Several hundred persons got
a glimpse of the former Presi
. 1 dent as he walked through the
station to a waiting limousine.
25 Girls Cook
Dollar Dinner -
Twenty-five Oregon 4-H
. girls, each county winner, arc
competing in a senior and Jun
ior "dollar dinner" contest in.
the 4-H building at the State
Tmlr this week, each cooking
ana serving dinner for four.
rood cost le being held to as
lose to dollar as possible.
Twelve senior girls of age
1 and over are competing for
tllO college scholarship, and
IS junior girls of under 15 are
competing for a 4-H short
course scholarship. Safeway la
chief sponsor of the contest,
with the Oregon Wool Growers
and the Oregon Turkey Grow
crs as co-sponsors.
The contest idea originated j
with Miss Helen CowgUl of!
the O. S. C. Extension service
rly In the depression with a
view to popularising the eco
nomical preparation of good
meals, four servings for a dol
lar were easy to accomplish
then, virtually Impossible now,
but it is still desirable to make
the dollar go as far as possible.
The girls bring their food to
the kitchens in the 4-H build
ing, prepare and serve the meal
to a group of four. They often
feature foods grown in their
localities, fruits from Jackson
and Hood River counties, sea
foods from the coast, etc.
Miss Pauline Schaplowsky,
, Marion county home demon
stration i agent, la Judging the
ten tar contest, and Miss Msry
Beth Minden of the college
Judging the Junior contest.
Senior contestants and their
counties include: Kenna Lou
Bell, Lincoln; Diane Sause, Til
lamook; Phyllis Tldwell, Wes-
co; Elma Jean MaglU, Coos;
Tommy Remy, a boy. Curry;
Margaret price, Douglas.
Junior contestants, Margaret
Phillips, Polk; Maureen Par
mentor, Yamhill; Marilyn
Monk, Tillamook; Donna In
gram, Clackamas; Margaret
Col well, Klamath; Beatrice
Smith, Gresham, Multnomah.
Names of contestants for the
tart three days were not avail
able this morning.
Girl Freed of
Murder Charge
Littleton, Colo. Doris
Zugg, IS, i free of charges
accusing her of fstslly shoot
ing her soldier boy friend
Merle L. McDonald, 20, of El
Verano, Calif.
A directed verdict of acquit
tal by District Judge Osmer
I. Smith freed the pretty
teenager Wednesday.
McDonald's body was found
May 8 In an unused barn near
Lamar, Colo. Miss Zugg sign
. d a statement that McDonald
waa shot with a .22 caliber
rifle during a playful scuffle
in a Straaburg, Colo., motel.
She said she became fright
ened, wrapped his body in a
blanket and left it la the bam. I
New York W As hippos
go, Pete is a pigmy cf enly
350 pounds.
So, when he appeared lone
ly, Bronx Zoo officials order
ed a small girl hippo to keep
him company and boilt aso
cial pens to hosise the little
conple. i
Pete : was still lonesome
Thursday. His girl friend ar
rived. -Zoo officials took one
look and ordered her away
as too fat for Pete. She
weighed 100 pounds.
Polio Cases Show
Continued Decrease
Washington New esses
of infantile paralysis reported
last week totalled 2,130, the
second straight week in which
the number decreased from the
preceding week. '
It now appears the peak for
IMS waa reached in the week
ended Aug. 22," the 'Public
Health Service aald Thursday
la its weekly summary..
There were 2,238 ease listed
in the week ended Aug. 29 and
2,231 In the week of Aug. 22.
Red Lodge Man
Still in Lead
Bill . Llnderman of 'Red
Lodge, Mont, beat out Ross
Dollar hide from Lakeview last
nignt in the state fair rodeo
saddle bronc riding contest to
maintain bis lead for the too
au-around cowboy of the year.
Jack Clayton was a close third.
Ellis Lewis, High River, B.
C, took first in the bareback
riding contest with Sonny Tu-
reman of Jonn Day second and
Jack Spurling third.
Spurting did better in the
bull riding contest, however,
taking first,' with Jack Middle
ton, Redding, Calif., and Don
Adama of Templeton, Calif.,
second and third respectively.
Winner of the calf roping
contest was Gordon Davis of
Templeton, Calif., with a time
of 12.9. Dollarhide was second
with 13.3 and Eddy Boyd, Port
land, thrd at 13.9.
Bulldogging champ for the
evening waa Frank Finley,
Nampa, Idaho, in 7.0, with Lex
Connelly of Clovis, Calif., -second
with 7.3. Gordon Davis
was third with a time of 7.6.
There are three rodeo per
formances remaining 'for the
fair season. One each of the
next three nights, ail starting
at 8 p. m.
John Banick s Name
On Gold Sheep Bell
Two new names were in-1 Turner, took both Hampshire
scribed lste yesterdsy afternoon ' championships. Eldon Riddell,
on the Gold Sheep Bell, su-1 Independence, won the Suffolk
preme trophy of the Stste Fsir
sheep show, when John Banick,
Brooks, won it with a flashy,
well-grown pen of four Hampshire!.
ram purple rlDoon, the ewe
championship going to Gath
brothers. Claude Steusloff, Sa
lem, exhibited the grand cham
pion individual fat lamb and
1 t ! grand champion pen of fat
It is the first winning for umDs, both being Southdowna.
cuner .Dame or nampsmrei.
The Bell, which has been In
In FFA sheep Judging New
berg chsptcr won the U. S. Na
tional Bank of Portland Best
Sheep Flock Trophy. Chapters
compete with five sheep owned
by at least three boys.
Three pigs entered the ring
..; for champion 4-H awine sbow-
man. mine, tou pounai par-
row shown oy jerry Harms,
competition since 1941, is the
only contest of the livestock
division in which all breeds
show against each other. Any
breeder may enter four lambs,
of either sex. This year there
were 10 pens entered,
tenting every breed of the show
fnt PntaunlHa
Final sheep Judging results uu" "
Included Lincoln champion ram I 'Lad' Sensation, 224 pound
to Jimmie Riddell, Monmouth; 8'lt exhibited by Richard
champion ewe, Ed Riddell, Harms. Mike should have
Monmouth. Gath brother a,' known better than to pick on a
lady, h won the fight but his
owner lost the championship.
; Richard waa made grand
champion 4-H swine showmsn.
Neutral bystander, Wes Hilden
brand of Betverton with a
Yorkshire pig, was made re
serve champion. The Harms
boys arc cousins, live at Canby
and both pigs were Chester
Gerald Simantel of Cornelius
showed the 4-H grand cham
pion barrow. He was a York
shire weighing 190 pounds at
five and one-half months of age.
Beef cattle Judging was com
pleted yesterday. The Short
horn grand champion bull was
Bell M Locklnvar, grand cham
pion female was Bell M. But
tercup, both bred and exhibited
by J. C. Moran of Vernonia.
The Milking Shorthorn sen
ior and. grand champion bull
was Brooknook Defender,
owned by Brooknook Farms,
McMinnville. They also had the
Junior champion female. F. W.
Guffin & C. R. Leddy of Ore
gon City owned the grand
champion female, Hawthorne
Belle. The Junior champion
female was shown by A. W.
Dyal of Sandy.
Modest prices were the rule
at the Oregon Aberdeen-Angus
Association sale held yesterdsy
afternoon in one of the Judging
: ipl- ,nn fMist, hrnntfht
riiiKi. "- - -
$633, the top bull sold for f 380.
Fifteen cows and neners aver-
d 1325.18 and four bulls av-
I eraged 3367.50.
. Most of the snlmsls went to
buvers In this vicinity. They
included: Mrs. Carlton Mc-
Leod, Brooks; one cow, 3o3;
one cow, 8350; one cow, 8375.
John Finley, Jefferson, bought
the reserve champion bull for
$310. Oscar Loe, Silverton,
three cows, two for 3280 each
and one for 3285. Mrs. A. L.
Girod, Salem, one cow for $420,
one for $535. Vincent Jorgea
ion, Silverton, one cow, $290;
Arnold Scenes, Salem, one cow,
$223, one cow, $150.
Feature of Friday State Fair
livestock activity will be the
annual Junior exhibitor fat
-..nlinn wtiHuled for 10
a. m. 4-H members will sell 87
steers, 53 fat Iambs ana ss lai
-1.. Animal! from FFA bovs
are expected to bring the total
sale number to around 200.
Th hlink of vour eves takes
from 110 to Vf of a second.
To register now for prune canning. Thirty
day season to start about Sept. 14.
count hv. Arrow
j ........ tiH
w do sue a weMterM fob of BMcKwwimg
tQpnarmcmt, you ookk1 be wMtettt feWnl
T brood kyh shift torture hSc new gray and
colored pond strip sheme teen est IN bow
bscowee ' rectootod in she spcoaCy
hoooooized tie, shorts and honcftercWf.
Casss in, gat yocrs fcoaa w todqy.
afc hrtMt Airww coAor crtytosl
AT WOODRY'S Todav! Fridav! Saturday!
S II Aft Aft MS SAID-. ''YE S ! ' '
Enabling WOODRY'S to Bring to Home-Owners of This Area the
Simmons HIDE-A-BED Values!
Modern apartment site Hide-A-Beds, apholstered In
aew, smart decorator fabrics. Tapestry, mohair friese,
and nylons in an array of colors. Each cne has a fa
moss Deep-sleep Simmons innersprrag matbrss ...
Save $30 to $50. Fay as little as
Lawson style Hide-A-Bed! A big selection to choose
from. Apartment size or full else. Chock full of Sim
mons exclusive comfort style features. Upholstered
in rugged frleses, stylish tapestries or modern tweeds.
Fay as little as
New! Versatile! T-Cushion Hide-A-Bed. This sleek
lined beauty is years ahead in atyle . . . This same
model has sold nationally for much more! Choose
from husky mohair frleses and nylon! Fay as little as
Usually $16.95
u u
Hare you sove a big
$5.45 an this rug
ged all steel bed!
Twin ar full sise.
ecuriful chestnut
brown finish.
Usually $59.50. Look at the price! Full or twin tiia
innersprina mattress and heavy coil springs. Every
bit af Simmons usual ejualiry.
1 '
Simmons All Steel Bunk Bed
Sturdy doubla deck bunk bads. Complete with steel
springt and innerspring mattresses. Take them
apart for twin bads. A real value dem- $XAOO
onsrration. Sava $20.95. Usually $89.95 O
u u
II i
Hollywood Adjustable
Bed Frames
Usually $10.95. Look' at this law price
now! All steel frame en easy rolling
casters. Will adjust to twin er full sixe.
The most amaslng dual purpose piece ever
conceived. Beautifully atyled lounge chair
miraculously converts to a wonderful six
foot long bed In a moment Ideal for dens,
living rooms or dormitories.
Now! Famous Simmons Highland Plaid Sleep Set . . ;
Sale Price ... First Time Ever in Salem!
Both for
Full Simmons quality. Full Simmons guarantee. Here's
the famoua Simmons "Know Bow" built right into this 220
etl mattress that's made Simmons the largest, most pre
ferred bedding company In the world. It's upholstered In
beautiful Scotch plaid, appropriate for the dollars you'll
save . . . Bellows-like ventilators air your mattress, keep It
constantly fresh . . . Lifetime cord bandies make turning
easy. Simmons crush-proof border. Yes, features by the
dosens. Tea get every one In spite of this special low price.
Matching Box Springs . . . same price.
Save $20 Plus!
Regularly $59.50 Ea.
Simmons Roll-Away Bed
Look at the quality! All steel frame and springs
with an innerspring fold-up mattress. Perfect for
extra guests, apartment, hotels, motels, or sum
mer homes. Folds compactly. Stores In the
!jstIf v" ;-'r.
Usually $37.95
26 Site
Twin beds in the space of W
or su it singly. This versatile
combination is Ideal in pairs
for a corner in a small room.
An extra bedroom in 10 see.
onds with plenty af sleeping
accomodations for four.
When ju ran buy genuine steel constructed Sim.
mens Lounges at this price you've had a dream
came true! Covered In good-looking geometries,
plaids, er textured tweeds. Simmons Loanges
snap open at a touch to make a wonderful, alum
berful fall-site bed.
Innerspring Mattress - Matching Box Springs
Plus Set of 6 Hollywood Box Spring Legs '
Regularly $109.95
Save $30.00
1 10 ceil innerspring mattress fer extra service and
comfort. Covered in handsome, long-wearing tick.
Ing. Twin sixe. Box spring to metch!
. Plus . . . Set of e
Hollywood lex Spring Legs
r W -ft', vJ ; . . V . '