, .- -5: nW.lJ-t.f, - -o--.v fknnday, Stcabcr 10, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea, OrtgM Par tl DENNIS the MENACE By Kttch'am AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILXS Dallas Wreck TIME CHANGES METHODS AND MACHINES v njures Three DalUi Mrs. Wilda Day tut fered a painful injury to her tlbow and sever bruiaea to her body when the car in which the wat riding coUided with a truck midway between DaUai and Monmouth Monday. With Mrs. Day were her two . : 3 1 WO CHD XW PV9H AROUND BEFORE YA GOTHE? Per Sato MISCELLANEOUS ANTIQUES Coll4 rMwoo4 oeeailonel chair, c ao rtal lean viU -CMdrft, M; alant front ladle' 4uk, $51, dMp-well aewlng ceataet, $44; Marble topped oral ta ale, $..; Retea and Platform lock r, $40; Reaatlfol pair reproduction lamae and -Jtedej, ISA. MSI Portland Rd. BUT U4S WINUftOB CRRYSLER, new Wree. tooa cona. $ijm. Pbont W4U. gill IMl BE EOTO -door. Radio, heater. suaranwoa paricci. original owntr 71k. AUo, lel PlraoBta Auborbaa Phone 1-1T04. U61 OLDS. $" HOUDAT COUP-Ra dio, neater, nrora.. for aale ot trad. 134 Lancuttr, phone 1-3001 deya, r Ma . sima. rnone mih avtaliiu. qlll ADDING MACHINE, I eolumn electric with attract, $131. Ph. Sain. nlK- CLEARANCE MLX Raw mutv aloetrla cabinet ecwlns machine, floor modeia and demonjtre tora. Mw machine uarantee. 30 off on mvi models, Ringer Sewing Center, 130 K. Commercial. n3l 1M1 PONTIAO TUDOR Sedan. Radio, neater, new paint rn. am. sciiaa. nlll PIANO SALE! USED SPINET PIANOS wuriimr onir itn Baldwin Acro-onle Stvt I1M . WlBtor. period Biodel tlli Mn A ciork Uied 4 WmU . I Trad la I bur tin P.SBU1LT GUARANTEED UPRIGHTS Hfw Entltaa Hit Irmtn lies Lombard. I1M BM.I 115 B. a. Hewtrd tiw N Ludwlf I1U HdrBiadle, ridnlihrd 1U Klndler Collin. For tchool or ttudto Bmnitcn .' 1171 Kinnburr tiM Manual! Wendell IM iMcb, Delivery, Tunlot PREXI TerBl to Suit Tour Need. STONE PIANO CO lit suit at. Stlem Dili' QUALITY HEATING! rw w P.rlm.ter Hoatlnt SyitOB with, worm air unit. Honu ooonomleallr. Buy sow ind mm. ' Montgomery Ward rk. Mm UIH;,, aooo mimiaiEATOE. nt wiovi ko. ttk. Ph. 4-4W .TCDlnl. Mir AH.ni.T(1HN ellsfit Will OCrltlCO Btlcrnl cimlUrr lou ot W ...w wMni.r nrle. II tlS.M. 8ct Mr. VorliMl wits DtntOD Dtnton. Fhon. ua. TOP SOIL Bint Hit ud Ml dirk From nrtrr. Fhoni n- BosnTAl. beb M wm t rv B. tut FumltOT Co. FbOBO HM. i AUTOMOBILES '47 BUICK BUFEB 4-dr. CUUB. BUBT xiru. mn mu iqu work. Hkt ol lir. tilt Hicl.tr Bd, 4 Corner.. Hi '41 FOBD FOBDOB ROAtH. -hot" tor. good tlru, tood body. Mail Mil! BUI 0II. Fnono I-UU Utw 1 o 4117 IN O-TJR. FLTMOUTV ODlr II, mum, 1 ownon mw br.kij. ,aod tlru. Mltn. tood CondlUOB. FTK4 1174. Phon. l-.MI 0117 (USfDCJ!liS fr A FACT Hon oouplu cbooio i uln. rtlUUrod BBCPBACT DUmond Bum thu our otber. Brown'. Jew.l- w . ... jii.mMid Tint I In roonr Mrlr. nd prle.o, Cboo.. i ''1 KirPSAKI wltn conlldiK.. lor ioom n.rtM-t in wrltlns br Oood BouiekMPlnf. Uwitt Brown'. J.w.lr. M . '"' !" T. . ....ill march fcDdlM for on iiiiim -' . Vwiti. f jtffTEB, PIANO, Ilka new. all BeUevuc afur p.m. O. L. B,ow"j) siGrj DESTDUV3 in Mnni rnnmm KKDAN Orro drlra. nolo, hi.Ur, fin. Hit cor.ro . .IUH 41 BIJIC1C BUPBB SEDAN nn.fiow. r.dlo. huur. vhlto Urol. .Dotiu. imi u mirr MPXCIAL SEDAN Waatar. WBlh.rt. eov.ri. fOOd Mndl Son W"! wonri GDrrfnl ft SEDAN Mule air Bettor, custom ndlov'tm- mtcultto ll tmnc BTIPKS SEDAN Radio. h.tlr. .xeeiien, iiini Boknt, oUe.i InMrlor OTFOINT iTOTB. OIOT relrUer.tor ud otaor iup""- ' a,r i a rtruiTiji-roB Uko new. M. BoiedtM dl.trlcl. lourtB boum outk o! Bttu rood. Hon Z Mn Hfl.rBJNrt. tl M. lro. otoa Bwrt. rSEDiiNOBB B.W1M MttMnt. Ill.ll. u. Rrot.1 OMd Stort. 117 Com 1. n ll fJHED DAVENO, More, 111 . HI. Boil Brat. Coml. . Uard nlll1 ' IT IS YOUR MONEY Why Not Save Part of It!! A SAFE BUY WILL 00 JUST THAT! TREMENDOUS SAVINGS 1951 Lincoln. Loaded. Lovely! $2295 1949 Mercury Sdn. R-H, O.D 1145 1949 Stude. Regal Tudor. R-H, O.D.. . 895 1949 Stude. Land Cruiser, 28,000 ml .. 995 1948 Plymouth Clb. Cpe. R-H 745 1949 Ford Tudor. Exceptional ...... 895 1951 Pontiac Chieftain 2-dr. Like new. 1695 1950 Mercury Clb. Cpe. T-tone ..... 1145 1950 Chev. Flectline Sdn. Loaded . . ., 1145 1950 Hudson Comm. Sdn. Clean .... 1395 1941 Chev. Sedan. Cleanest in town . . . 395 1952 Dodge VrTon Pickup. Fluid drive 1295 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM : imaU childre: . who wera pain fully bruised. The driver of the car wat Sgt David Sayet. Both cart were traveling south when the drive.' of the truck. Earl Waltner, Dallas, turned left and the Sayet car crashed into the tide ot the truck. The Sayei car wat dam aged extensively. Mn. Day, her children, and Sgt. Sayet were, returning to San. Francisco after spending several dayt visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Sleighter, parents of Mrs. Day, The Sleighters live on . the Dallas-Falls City road. AU of iba injured are at the horn of Mr. and Mrs. Sleighter, re turning there after the acci dent ' OUR TERMS ARE LIBERAL BANK FINANCE DON'T DRIVE BY - DRIVE IN WARNER MOTOR CO. 34S CENTER ST. PHONE 13011 WHOOPIES .$n$ 41 Bultk Super Sedan .... 41 Chrnler Sedan a viitplc nutter atodaa .... Chevrolet Tudor KO tOO ORT A BETTER tlRXD CAR PROM TOUR BVICK DEALER VfeugrfaberltyUctWCaf frwrtaBuiekDe- OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Thrifty People Shop at the Sign of the OK 1952 CHEVROLET POWER GLIDE ' 4-DR. DB LOX.B SEDAN. RADIO, HEATER. BEAT COVIR8, TURN aiONALB, WrNDSBIXLD WASHER. IMMACULATE IN SIDE tl OUT. WONDERFUL VALUE AT lt 1048 PLYMOUTH 1-DOOR ' HEATER DEFROSTER. CLEAN CAR WITH OCODltUEBER. THIS CAB NEEDS A OOOO HOME! TOORS AS IS FOB ONLY SMI. 1951 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR FLEETUNS DB LUXB. HEATBB. DEFRUSHBB RADIO EXCELLENT TIR 41 CLEAN. OUARANTEED TO rLBAAE OHLT 1H 1950 CADILLAC COUPE If SXRIBI. FULL LINE OF CADILLAO ACCrWRIM I FLP8 REAR SEAT BFEAKEB SEAT COVERS. SOLD NEW BT US. SiE OWNER. lORBARB BEAUTY AND PERFORMANCE TO MATCH XOUB BUDQET1 IMI. , 1948 PONTIAC "8" STATION WAGON RADIO. HEATER. DEFROSTEB. OOOD RUBBER. BELOW WHOLESALE rBlCB AT HH. 194S FORD PICKUP . . t-TON. HEATER. OOOD TTRES. BOUND BODY It BUN UKI A TOP. AS IS FOR lU. We need '40 thru '49 Chevrolet! StK tl FOR THE FINEST BUYS W TOWN. COMPLFIS; STOCK OF FASSENOBR. COMMERCIAL TRUM UNITS THOUOHTFULLY RE CONDITIONED AND FR1CED FOR THE THRIFTY BUYER. PRICES FROlt im - Ours is a guarantee that counts ASK ABOUT OUR BUDOET PLAN Three out of five fatal ac cidents occur at night, al though there u lest traffic at ight. . TRUCKS , HYSTER ONI-TON ' LIFT TRUCK IN EXCELLENT CONDITION NEUHATIO TRES BIRD EQUIPMENT til WALLACE RD. Odlll FINANCIAL STATE FINANCE CO. Are you have famUy school expenses? II to. SEE US TODAY. 117 SO. Hllh 81. B ill Phono t-ilil . H-l rial" AfJTO LOANS WTLLAUKTTE CREDIT CO. in soaui churek . PBrkiBB B-FltBtf Fk, t-BUl U. No. M-IM. B-1M tXB UB FOR FARM. CITY OR ACBBAOB LOANS BEST OF TDUn WB BUY ' Bmi MUto Biortswoi 41 oBtraols State Finance Co. 17 Bo. BUtk at. r. 1-411 to Questions Answered About Your Garden By MARK M. TAYLOK Above, In 1920, they "spread the hot stuff" the hard way en Highway 99E. Below, and later they "Uld it alone" evenly and easily more mschines, fewer men, and four timet the progress. (State Highway Commliejloa photot) - . . , . LOANS UP TO $1500 on Bltntturc, Furniture Cr AT PERSONAL U't "TM" prOBtPtlr 1 .omplored nu or wobob. a) 1-rlait lots . . Pboa llrtk 4 You ttltet ft.lt piymint 4iM o Bttwetn ptrdtr lotnt,.' . Phont, writ. Br tomt la TODAYI Personal Finance Co. 101 B. HIOH ST, SALEM , i. ,- , .. mm. a-ita. w-lsl Loan, ovir $100 up to I1M4 And up fro M month, to rap.r nao. pr nmnw rinanc Co. of Marlon Countr und.r th. Induitrlal Loon CompoBlai Act ot Otmod. r cups, miniatures, and even dou-jthem eft and burn before ap- blet at well at jonquils and pa- plying tpray. . per whites. They are tun and I Q. Want a parannlal hsdga very lnexpenalve. Ask your 1 along (enee. What would dealer about them. ' - lyou sugcattT O.T. , ). We read your eo'.umnl AV Hlbtseot Motvhetutoa ta every week and do get lot olleolors ot whits, pink and Ted -InfnrmBtinn from- It and hasl would be lovely and nost HB O. I would like to put In solved lot ot troubles tor ulL-TJJ,J? bulb bed without too much ex-1 but would like to hays tome to-liouthTA friend has described pense. wnaiwouiayourecom-irormauon on vnm zotiowina; lone that she hao In Texas vM mendi B.K. I Could you please tell us wnat u wat successful or you couia A-Datfodlls narcltsut and 1 wrong with our UtUe rose house 1 use tingle rote or any toll tulins are relativelv lnexDen- begonias? The leaves look like I growing perennial. sive II you avoid the newest in-1 ny mtrw, mum w i t. i. nave loveiy geraniurna troducUont. For economy lithe plants die. What can we I now growing outdoors. 1 went to start some new plants treta these for indoor use. How? Mrs. MP. . ; ' A. Take only clean, healthy growth. - Root in moist sand. They root readily at this time ot year and will give you nice pot plants thia winter. - recommend buying seedling do tor It and what causes it? daffodils, the result of breed ing by growers where the new bulbs tall to show sufficient im provement over the parent to be namea ana marxea lnaiviau- ally. ' These will give you lota ot color and cut flowers with the turprise factor of perhapt stung scAMthang a IIIIM un usual. In such a collection you will find deep yellows, light yellows, white trumpets, orange Lift e-in on M-XM . tad ROY srMMrws DIBURANCB AND LOANS H.tr -Top Trtd.i ' 11 W D.11T KSLM lit C GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 111 Bo Comm.relal St. Tat- Mill C.V, A. This appears to be leaf pot, s fungus condition due to too close proximity to other plants (needs tree circulation of air). Control by spraying with light mixture ot Bordeaux, Keep plant! not too moist but never toy. Tne nmgf Travel by contact with otiier plants by too liumlcl a condition It or plekei 8 Ira on Bolivar, Latin Araer- fcan hero, wee bora in Care- lesves are badly Jjiiected pick I eat, in what at now Vaseaueta. TRAILERS EXCELLENT t-WBEELEB HtllH. U7I MOLOOd XOBO, norm OH vnrm.w. Road. 14 Bile wait ot Oretoa Boctrle tr.ck.. nil HOUSE TRAILERS EQUITY IN '4f Model all metal lVi fU houao traiver. avo cnmsninev ao. lew. OOfNO RCffTlNO OR HihlniT 1941 Wrbfoot 13-foot noiiM trailer, ron pltte. ee ai am So. ISth, ovenlntt. Phone J4(Hr. TRANSPORTATION U NORTH COMMERCIAL PHONE 1-111. lll OREGON'S NUMBER DEALER ONE AUTOMOBILES rE COTTON FELT BaUrnt, 1 - i!.' ud iw i c,'. MONTEREY UVINO BOOM and dinette 10 a.m.-4 p.rn, " cnurclnW TV rTiraslNO TABLE. 11-44; lloor . Itmpt, ll.T. Lombert t. Ill So. Comm ANTIQUE walnut p.4. BiBTBio too drtu- -itk urred puttfc Lamotrft. Ill Bin wltn oorred puttt. Lambert' O. Comm. BNBEHOLt' DESB Ltmbort't, Comm. Ill So Bill" SPARK OIL CIBCDLATOt, lololnt Pint pent Botrs mw". like nin WINCHKnTEB -. BOOM PI new. ISO. Ph. 1-1011 erenlnti. MeCUXOt-B CHAIN BAPJS. 404 Bote ..UTW..t S.l tBH- UOM SUP PIT Pk 4-1MI i.mrrrr Con'l tt Center Phone 1-3411 out I $$ FOR $$ You can't Beat Our Cars FOR VALUE! PONTIAC 41 SEDAN. 44 SEDAN. ' SEDAN, tt SEDAN. '47 SEDAN. Hrdia, RH Hrdrt- RAH , Hjdra, IUUI Hrdra., RAtH , RAH .I1M1 ,. ises ,. lltl PPS ,. Ill AUTOMOBILES $AVE $$ RONS BRINOS YOU EXCEPTIONAL AUTOS AT PRICES YOU CAN'T AF FORD TO MISS . . . 51 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN The SAVOY Biodel with better, ov.rdriTt. It't ta tip-top ebape. point tl b $800 DISCOUNT AT tall I BEHPONSIBLE DRIVER to help drive, I pull tn a, trailer, to nan eie, i-aui. All fipene paid 44MI 3n DIRECTORY ADDIKO MACRINE1 All nakea aed taaehlnea aold. rented. IWlrad. Roan. 4U Court PR l-$T71 a Wa do anjthlni la tha Una of build lni. Pre aatlmataa. Phone l-OMo. RUIaLDOEIKO Lottinc. road hnildlna. ctoarlna. Oeorct Wlrth. 1030 Candlewood. Phone 4-J3BJ. oaM teeth, phone om Rulldoalnc, roade. Viral) Uuker, 101$ 1-3144. cleaiirM Palrvlc. PREMIUM BUYS Wanted MISCELLANEOUS. Logs Wanted Tt prtet ob Wdart' ttirMt !5i lout ar inert tMoad trowth llr lott. Pot hIml .lau 1ISH dlTA 41114 4HB- . s SaUb Lumotr Co, UH SAlrm. ntji.: Wtllteo Rd . Khool. Phon. 1U11 lu. Bll I1TBOABD MOTOB w.Btod lor najit B: ot, FhoBO 1-1111 """ " SB BLECTItiO BANOES. W0PdrrB H114 oooope. ..loopeoef.io.".'1 he4lr. 1ml tM 52 OLDS. 98 Hauler Coup, wit rtoio. hrdrtrot'ir. uni wwU., . etr lor YOU. 52 OLDS. 98 4-door Bedtn. Ftdio. hwtor h n.. own.r. Lorelr ui loot it. more to drlre. Come U, It out. '47 NASH 4-do.r s-dtB. Mtnr enlorablj Blln left "e "14 tuck, B low. low prleo CADILLAC 'tl SEDAN lLotdod CHEVROLET II SEDAN RAH '01 CLUB CPE- RH - m SEDAN. RAH FORD 'IT SEDAN, 'tt SEDAN. PAH RAH BEST FOR LESS I lot MP) LODER BROS. AUTOMOBILES 1H7 PYUDEBAKEB Commander oPt luiur. wrerdrir.. tondlUOB. iBtulrt UH Croat PMI CHEV. CuilOBIKB, Mil runer no Ml CENTER ST. nC. I-Ttn Oil!1 otor till' wun.-Ta M.tor rebuilt, tood U; hrdramatM Wrttl. au . a t. n. IIV $$CASH$$ FOR YOUR CAR ALL MAKER AND -TO CHOOSE PROM Western Motors 41 BUICK CPE II no DOE CPE 'II PLYMOUTH PtUA. ......... t PLYMOUTH ' IS FORD CPS. (Ome owner) SAarpI 1 Alwsyt the Best for Lest AT KELLY OWENS CO. '52 CHEVROLET 2-DR. SDN. Thta low-tnll-aie one-owner ear haa heater, ohlttaal) l.rta. A Btee alcaa one. eolni at the low - low of i $1395 ; RON'S 49 OLDS. SEDAN Radio, heater, hrdrtmltlf. fender tkirti. iub vawr. Our trr tpocioi price . , . 9995 WE NEED CLEAN USED CARS SPOT CASH OPEN EVER. TIL I lltl BROADWAY PH. MW elite DRESPMAKINO AlterttloBt, hemitttrhtnl, p u 1 1 o B i, buckle, covered, huttOBholts. Mr. H M. Allender, l-llll. QUI' EECAVATINO 680 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-4113 tin Journal Want Ads Pay tun Otlm Kon, cacavatlni and tridina. Land clearint- Ph. l-loao Iiuulillon weathvrslrtpa, alamlnura arreena. Prea aatlasalea. T. Pullman. Pnone l-af- - o3l' MT7trtre Caplto. Bedding, renovitee Pttll aw aMttraeaea, Ph, i-40e or r ice rt'RRiTURK a atrppust Daak eheira. fUea, fUlna aoppUee, aafea. dtiplicaVrt. euppllea. deiK lam pa, t7p wriur eueoa. itoea, aaa conn. IOOPIno Raoflns and aldlna tr iMila for rliht price. P-iflne S-Mtt. oJtt armc tankh ma bale oe TRADE Eoaltr la lis! Cher, can J-ww. Z IiM BlTirR. Oood condition. M na-1 af. UTt Market wk J-eTia aiw a w ' MOtORCYCLES SCOOTERS MOB RABI-SY 111 tl. new. Bladahirid! ntroa. Below pj.rMt. t-pon. lini mi BARLEY DAnPON tt Oeerhooa. (III. pbobo 1-liet 01 DotrkoTB Are. oallt AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR PMrtNO BADUTOB YBODBLSt VallOT Mow Co. eiperU wlU eorro root prop- lem. And lore row Boner rroo n ,ul ., ocrrlci. Ceaut at Llk- Hamei'l aeptle unti eleiBOd, ItBo oerrlee. Ooartateed work. Phone 1-101. l-4tt. olll "mPj.'i Seotle Seretro. Tonkt al.tpd. Droottr eJetBt oewera, drtlBo. rhono .M MIS' Sewer, oeptle tonka, tfratae cloanod. Ro te-ReoUr Sewer Bomoo Phoa s-ol2t SNARPENINO BEPAIB Lawn aowtrt, oowt ot. llth m D Pn t-otll Free pickup. YYFEP7RIYERS SmKb. CoroBB, Reanttoa. Royal, 0s Sorwood pOTiabloo AU Bake. Bee BooklseB Repolrt A real. Boos. 4M Court 1-4171 WINDOW CLEANTNO Aem. window Cleonert Induetnal floof WaxBt hOBOOClOBBlBS. PBOBO 01111 a KM ftR$OHM - -op m V"Av l6aYllA!icfoi! Efficient, effective ond really economical Want Ads are as "newsy" as the front page and your key to Action and Profit! If you're a buyer ... a seller, or a swapper, you're sure to agree that a little Wtfnt Ad does a whale of a big job in getting results. Say "hello" to good buys . . . services and needs read and use the Want Ads regularly! PHONE 2-2406 for CapitaliJournal i 1 a SB ITT il . i ! i M ftU POR EQtlTT-ni Pord CJ- Phono 14411 Utl troll at trt. 41 urn. R . v v - -p - MaaU)o. v" !::f "-Mr i ot oe ot e- octaiM- . .'. , ,..',,-- - - -1.'-- 1 ' . . .... li. J- .. - - s.- 4''. iV-'-'y.X.T---T ,iaBtaaoBooBii mo -l in inma ' ' "