it' 5 -v, ; . . ; -., t..i... '-v-.'-.....-.. - ! TMB CAPITAL JOURNAL, &m, , ' ' Thuty. 8ptW H. 1951 fORULI HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES lUtESTATI I REAL ESTATE ..a. .e-at. i... ' , ! "T i - I ' ' ' i r MW r n v w a ,' New 3-Bdrm. Homes $450.00 DOWN GI (5 Down . 25 Years to Pay) ' $900.00 DOWN FHA ' 10 Down - 25 Tears to Pay) ; Full price only $8,750.00 MAT Tin RUSHI ONLY 4 LOTS AVAILABLE J: Laaa I Bardwaod noon . Lou i X 11, I - YOUBMIOWB Steel Kitchen, tit At. Ft. Floor. Bpaca I nek Tnr Owa Colore If TOE Bar. bmb waltlas for veara for a low dowo payment plan, can aaur HlMma iieioa B.IBW, mow, while we have the lota Bad term.. ..Eve. Ph. 3-MS3 , ..In. Ph. Mill : . pn. i mi ravis Bowont ,, L... 1 eto-IM FOR SALE HOUSES FOB SALE or trade. Beautiful raaeh type 1 a warwa noma, acre. Phone i S-T24S. A BEDROOM. I bathe. 3 ftrDlec. dea bl urui, play room. view. Will trade iw rortiaaa Tagtaoaco. eJiO VM DOWN One bedroom bouM on Mr at 3111 Brown Road. I4.T50 lull , prlee. .Very food buy. laqulra 3111 or tin Brows Rd. alii , BY BUILDER ' Two 3-bedroom aemea. Birch kitchens, I 1 iu oressing tables, ooyioo lot. Quel- Ity bttUt, Good joaaa. 1100 UK Jul Court. BILL OA WITH OPTION D-bodroom ijome, years old. Im- , a ton It- throuihoiit. $10,000. BnaU r CJWtk MT1BCBI. ALLEN C. JONES. Reeltof Ml X. HUh Ph. l-SOI. Br, i-uu AvBCJBBAlC t bodroom ' bomo. ApBroxl- BJiLtl 1 aerts, atar aeijool, boa brl . door, 113,100. Trftdt (or 1 badroom heat in Balm. Pbona 3-IOM. a3i BTTBACTIVI 3-bod room dwalltni . Bard-1 i wood Door a. wauto-wall earptUnt In I Uviac room and ball, oil boat. 7t MI319. Maatll Jbrubaad. Baa Mil : Braneh Ava. Call Plooocr Ttmt Co. I I-J ill. a. on. ior dtuili of . aJ3ff VtBT NICE I room aom t, Ptncad yard. outooor nrapiaea. ipriaajmr m. work ftop. J aatra lota, hk blek To bua. 'Boar da pojmtata and monthly. I Prica U K. Mono 4-1 7M. 31f i jpjaa Wowir "ramodtled horn la oallanl ooodJtlon batwatn MeKlnlorf raia khooi ana tno nw . iiiim I nil a, m oarra. si . .ininr mi., I Btw moatm aiicnnn wim BOOK. 0y-1 Utht bament with knottr pin ploy-J room, naw ott (arpaca. ale cornar f joi who iraaa. rn. -e7io or i-un. A BEAUTIPUL HO MB KXIZER i iara oaa rmi.. nic batb rm.( apa-l aioua mini rm- flrepllea, dlnlna rm.. vtrr convanlani kitchen, took, uttlitj) mr- I laraa cloatU 1700 iq. it. 4 1 7Tt, om. dpi. aaraca, wonderful apot. xou anouia roaur ar taut noma. CALL BALPH McQUEIN WITH JOHN J, DAMN. REALTOR 41ft M. HUB FA. , JTva. 2M70 I FOR SALE FARMS A REAL FARM WAtrrEIA firmer ibat tmu ood larm, on a tbat koowi good land. ooa vaiua, and on thai eaa pa? mm. WW cows.. Tnia rial loo-acra farm, locaud at Iba lower and of North jiowfu. wui aa real hard to beat. uiMiat - art all mdn.. aeod (arm meb. 10-In. Irrigating well M atraam. Wt could to Into 4tuil and tak up tfiie whole -a, ao why not ira ua a con and look It rtr your- acir. ftiwr an it a bol ovrr 14 miioa iay; Jut a law minute.. Phono 3-taSO -d Lukmbeal, Realtor H W. HIOH EV1. call J-I7M DKAIt aCMCTtANN 3-MM bill1 FOR SALE ACREAGE I i "Klumpps,, ACREAGES. i ACRE Located north, a very nlc l-bed room home, alt plaettrad, foodaitod uvins room, o in tnr room and kitchen. oniy a raare oia. Lota of ahrubi, flow ra and Jawa. Prlca 16400. Term. 20 ACRES of Will erne t to joll with aom peat. Older troa arm noma in oaod td(v ttlr bara. lota ot fruit trM. Hiin irontaaa. Bua br door, a f miui aorta or aaiem. Price 113,000. "BEAVERDAM" 33 acrea in oil. 10 oenta tt )-. dam and palaoca la Wtilaraatt aofl, a very nice ibedroom homo with niaxiwar rrontaia with bua by door. vucumoar crop bow in btaverdam. Don't paea thli ua at 134.000. Tirm.. These are shown by appoint ment only. L;E. Klumpp, Realtor I0M Portland Bd. Eve. a- 314 Ph. I-7) 60317' ! 1 4 ACBXS 114) ml. Borth, A urn it l lie hl- l-BXDROOU BDBURBAN Now beloa completed la Keltar. Li tni room with lireplace, dlalnt room, lnalda utility. Bui It-in w-MratM forced air furnace, big aaraa with REAL ESTATE act. About 1300 04. ft. 13,aW. Ph. 13803. Owner. a31l war 33, Modern furnlahad honia. mnnA drilled welt Term. Phone Aumarllle az. o. j. Mrrritt. bb3ia CLOSE TO ACADEMY 3-bedroom home, hardwood floors, very modern kltcbea, central oil piped furnace. Attached aa raae. Blacktop atreet. Tbia home la doui jfi om aao ia aood repair. Price 37960. Terma, r wlU trade for flora, in j,aet oaiem. -Call O. V. Hume, Co-op Broker, or fl tan ley Brown, with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS - - i . , Ph. a4ii ilKW f-BBDKOOM houaa, electric rana water heater, rafrlaorator and othai furniture. M-acr aardea with atraw berriea. Near aehoel and bua. Baal bar la for ejulck aala. Pull prlc $5.aoo. 471 Arlaona Bt, off Browa Bd. Middle orovc lection. aria1 JfEW 3 -BED ROOM home, food location' $7200 (Immediate Politician 1 Owner aone. Immedlata DoaamulAti Call ua NOW to ae an Immaculate warm-hearted little bona. 1 bedrooma, laraa livini room, eitra heavy oon atruetloa. Located on laraa lot with fruit treaa and aardaa apace. Perfect COLBATH'S FINER BUYS TAKE A PEEK AT TH1A arrATBLr IXBMDAOOM aoui om enmn wt. i Iiuimoi, itll kltctwo. ( tuu., lurmoe.. Ll'lu rm., lulu r, muhol ... rw. with Mrk .hop. Tnt4 kok Jtrt. ONLY 111. MO WITH OOOO TIRIU (IB "TiO" KIOOUIB, tit Th. 4MM. . OPEN YOUR EYES TO TH1B RIAL TALDB IK LATI BUILT IVIBY MICI) l.bodiooa bom with oouti, Mil. fin., oil funou. opoa oUUv.r la Uim Uvln, m.. tflo. Ibv rcc, wm4r(ul kltchoD. mwi A ulllltT. Onl, J bin. Itom U.llo Aim jchool. Bmoll olclurootu, atra.m d. loloiu roo,rtr with out, Jootbrldi, with lllllni, ONLY Ili.MO. TBR11A SEX URB. OOLEBBn, BVB. FB. 7t. . Steep Gable Beauty TH1A IDEAL FAMILY BOUB LO CATED ON CATTIRUN AVE. IB A BURS BIT TOn TUB FAMILY MAN. Homo U oround 1, yn. old. CImb and wall urlu tm, tut placo, dlBlDf rm.. Bdwd. flra.. tlla la and with .anltr. Otana kljh.n, naatar bdrm. u .rr lam. I Mrma, la all plua amall auraarr rm. Attached araaa. Drr baamt. with oil luraoca. ONLY t!3.itt FOR TH1B, or TRADE FUR VERY large 4-bdrm. noma that lew) equity m dowa parmt. oo up to ,17,1)00 la trad,. BEX BEN COL BATH, ivi. ru. itm. . DON'T BE LATE TO IB THIB NEW RAMELINO RANCH BTTLB HOMB la tha North at, Addltloa. Faaturu lor.lp llvlu rm. Ola. rm. comolaalloa. Flra- plaoa, ell plpad furaae,, woadarful kluhaa with jiook. Hdwd. flra.. doubl. taraaa. au. NEW HOUEI SPLENDID NEW ADDITION. "KIO" XIOOINS, Era. Fa. oMti. HEY THERE, MR. TVll the wife about tbla ascallent bedroom home located ea N. lath Bnalewood-Boaedal Addlt. Hdwd. lira., fireplace, beautiful bath with vanity, ertarmmf iitcaea (plenty autit Inat, nook, dlnlaa rm.. baamt. with aawduat furnace. New M roof. Beautiful lawn. (A PRE-WAR HOMB IN TOP SHAPE I. CrTLY 313.BO0, WITH TERMS TO BUTT. BEB MRB. OOUSBBU, XV. PH. 30371. GOOD NEWS DAY. LISTEN TO THW-leaa At rrv tiat i-oorm. noma with larae 37-ft. II ring rm., lira-place, oain, cosy, a 1 ten en, uumy rm. Oarage, fenced lot. naw TOOf. ONLY 17850. TERMA. Juet blkj. from tha Enalewood -h. an llth. Be Bea Co J bath. Bra. Ph. 36033 FARMS & ACREAGES HUNT & FISH GRABENHORST SPECIALS i1?"." DBINBBB OH PACIFIC BWY-Btluato dlaaara zsftttJusr " "" J"-.". B Morwad-a Mr, tu'i .'. tT.rLI Owaar out of Iowa aad a ait, to oall. CALL BOY FTJUIIB BDBSMB. CAFB COD aYrYLB-Tala komo U la a ohaloo lotalloa L?J:.'I tJT." S" '"'! B.rlakl.ram Jr- '"-u-U ooraotlai la U. rtt. apd dla. rm. Two bath LAYMON ' "V T7" thta CALL H. it .luafllSJ. "-""T. "OMB-U,.! tmL 'with flrl., pl.t, laaa wladowa. 41a. rm. with ooraor oablaau. aaWtrma . bath, modal tlachad aaraaa. aorarad polio, roaahouao. I1I.1H. CALL J. B. LAW .w!.? IXO'-r"OOD BOina-Claw te KaiUwood Mhool. 4 kdrma.. tail E'i. V..!.";' """i. ''"'' '. baauuful aatlla, tjiwsl. satiM Airs riiat3r,MM GRABENHORST PROS., REALTORS Ml 1. Ltbartr St. Braolaia A Buadan alO cr FarrU 1-W1I I. M. Low . K. Larmoa Ultl Mil' I FUEL BEAU PH-UU waited. Fraak Toaor. .T.MUS aertaooai or Bono. Fboaa BBAM FlCEiaS waatod for alatooa Faoao J-MM. lira. BuiUbla. aiir SEAN PICKER, aoadad bodlr. E,rr dor ar-iuainf suaaay. Jo aood plaklaf. mllo oaal of Kalaor oa Doarbora Ara. Joaoph A. B.rkor. 411 Claitar Rd. rtio" y BEAN FlCKEBB aorr orop. lata ft. id alaw la. F art la.. Oak C7..t Form, t mllaa Mo. ot Waal BaUm oa Wallaea Bd. alll" FXAB FICBEBB. Baan orop, WM pick lai. Oak Croat Farm, I mllaa No. ol Waal a. Ira oa Wallaoo Bd. (sio HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Ooatlamaa to aoro for ami laraUd maa. alahta. Fboaa I-ooftl all, PEACHES IMPROVED ELBERTAS . . U-Pick - ' At 280 C. Chemawi Rd. Mil Weit of Keizcr School. Manball rarm. ' . Assistant Manager to Irola for maaaaar. Exparlaaco aot aoeaaaarr. With a aotloaal flaoao, Co. Slaalo. oor aoxcuar,. 9 a.m. to I II i a. laqulr, al 1H So. Blah or phoaa 21,11. oallT Fa. l-llll MAN WIYB CAB to dutrlbuta Fullar Bruahaa to auatomara. br oppolntmaat oalr. It, to lis, par w,ak proflu to atari. Fhoao I-U17. a. Ill' REAL ESTATE PLANES ZNBS Oreen er dry OBI of town dellvertea. Bawduat; blawara aad WEST SALEM PCBL OO. 1131 Voce water Ph. 34031 FOR SALE POULTRY AT PISHERM AN'B CAMP, located on Luckiamute River. 05 acrea of land, 3-bdrm. modern home furnlahed plue e tore with all atock and equipment. furnished cebtru, picnic troundi. Price li only 113,909, . , 40 A. DAIRY FARM A. Ladlao Clover, Bra k Peacuc irui, runder Irrlaatlon, 3-bdrm. mod rn home, barn, lota outbVdia., 17 head aood cowa, I head younger cattle. Tractor and all equipment plua Irrl aatlon i ye tern. 3 mllea EAST. PRICED RIGHT POR THE BAROAIN BUYER. 2 ACRES ON FA VXD ROAD. (Near Sllrartonl. 4-bdrm. homa. baro. laraa walnuta. paar trara. A VERY OOOD BUY FOR ONLY ,4000. TERMS. BIB T. T. ANDERSON FOR, A FARM BVB. FH. 41714 hv Dial 4AAQ A ana In parlact ooadltlon. Not a oratk I X. " ' " J I la tho houaa. Bra. call ,-pK( or J-MU. XmmmmmmmmmmmWmmW I WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WB NEED LISTING".: Homo,. Farma. Aeraacaa, Bualoaaaaa. Tararaa, Motor (.'ouru. what Hava Your OWNER WANTS SMALLER HOME What hava rout Thle owner fcaa abedroom home la Orant School Diet. Haa new roof. Oocd paint and clean He to only asking 14050. Prefer BE and aear oua. DREAMERS HOLIDAY Tea. thle la tb unauual yon hav been dreamlaa about but haven't acta. S bedrooma. Lovely dealaa. Very dif ferent lireplace. Oompiet Taunaatowa kitchen. 3-car ait. aarage. Deico oil furnace. Brand aew and tha lawn la la. Pull price Terma. Half Acre in Keizer' Plua very modern apotiaaaly oleas name, oil neat. Coer llreo ace. 3n. aula tad. Dlnlnc room with franrh doora. Praarant flower. Well-kept lawn. Paved at. Juit Ilka new. Pull price owy i WHITE CORNISH GAME CB1CBS, ac claimed the true frrer of tomorrow, Bow available to commercial frrer arowera. Proceieore par premium prleea for thta broad double-breaated frrer. Quantltlc limited and If unavailable, try the neat beet, our ftrat feneration Arbor Acrea White Rocke. Year-round hatchet every Thunder. Ala, Naw ifampihtre. 1 LEE'S HATCHERY 03 ) Center Street Ph. a-3Ml mi' LOGO IN Q TBL'CKI wanted, Urge type, heavy duty. 4 hour trip. 111.00 per m. Report to Wlllamina Lumber Co., Wil lamina. Oregon. Phone 3303. ga330 EXPEBIENCED GBOCEBT CLEBK 4Hv' lar Center, 33H Portland Road. aa' HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITBEII Woodrofie'o Saa Shoov aaoo roriiaaa m. no pnooo cans. b1 CALLEav-For homa portrait photooraph- ar. win tram, call altar 4 p.m. al 443 8. Cottaaa. ,M11- BOUIEWIVIH tarn ,1, lo ,71 a waak ot homa. Fltajtaat work. No aalllni. Writ, F. O. Boa 44. Ft. Laudardala, Fla. " ,b)l(- bicb icrool a in lo work la homt. Prion. J-1H3 ,U17 WE ARB hatohla, Naw Hampahlro Oold aa Brood aad Arbor Aerao whllo Rock, orarr waak. Spaclal prlew to roar around frr,r vrow,r. Fox', Hatehcrr, 30 Stale St. Fhon, S.4SI,. f PRODUCE DELICIOUS FEARS ,1 buatlal. 1TII N Hlvar Rau. mono i-a,.o, rnu CAB BOF-WoodroIIa'a Saa Shop, 14 roriiano no. no pnono eaiia. WANTED TO RENT a.BXDBOOM unfurnlahad bom batha. Muel be alee. North or Boat. Xicellent refereacoa. Writ, Box ,14. Capital Jouraal. latll' WANTED TO BINT AerooiO Bad -l bdrm. bouao. oloao la. Boa ,444 Arlato SI, Portland. Ji I BEDBOOM uafuralahod houao. Adulu onlr. (40. Fhoao 4-nlo. lallT' GOVERNMENT emploreo wuhaa to laaa. 3 or 3-badroom homo with fireplace. baaement. Optloa to bur. Fhoao 4-1441. lain FAMILY WITH two llrla aaada t bad room houaa Bear aehoel with place keep horeo. Rffarracoc Fa. 4-11,7 1 mornlnaa. lain FOR RENT APARTMENTS i-BEDEOOM apt. unfurnlahad. II, llth St. Store. rlrleerator Bad water furnlahed. Fhoao 3,5,4. JpllC COURT APARTMENT Furnlahed. Clue la oa N. Commercial. I room. laraae. Prion. or I-IC44. Iplll' CLIAN. QUIET 1 room apartment. Rlaht downtowa. Lad? preferred. H, Ferry. jpair WANTED SALESMAN WANTED Man for profitable Rawlelih ouaineM. producta wall known. Real epportuottr. Write Rawlelah'a. Dept. ORI-IU-IK. Oakland. CUT. aalll Phone J.JOIS. all! OUT-OF-TOWN OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL NIC! 1-BEDROOM HOME - A-l Jocatloa, hondr to St. Vincent', achool. A real family homa. Lar,e Parana. Baaal otreat loraUoa. Onlr 11,1,,. SDMMFnS, REALTOR STH State Fh. dar. are. I-M01 ,117' tY OW.NIR Klnawood HellhU homo oa sood acre. Oood new, oil heat, double plumblnc. Three bedrooma, another un flnlabad. Roomr, pleaaanl to Uva In Phone 1-3111. Bill' Y OWNIR-Xieellrnt 1 bedroom, llr la, room, dinlnff room, attached tar aae. U0. Kalaer. Phone 11057. Ul, BY OWNER- OMtr typo 3-bedroom homa. Dlnlaa. lirln, room, Ellchoa (nook), new aawduat furnace, Baraga, Bua at door, near achool. Newly decorated. Reduced. 11.000. J-5731; alll. KbSALI OR TRADE 3 bedroom houaa, deo, dlnlni room, flreplaco, aawduat furnace, larte lendacaood lot. Cloae n near bua aad achool. Be, al 40 So Bummer aooa tni dark weak dayo. Bill $13,600 4-bedroom modern bomr, Bath nd down. Large living room with fire place. Pull baarment. New ruga drapej. Cloae to achool ae tore. $9,500 ) -bed room modern homo with din. rm.. fireplace, baeemrnt. Near vinrenta A Holtrwood. Thta la excellent bur. TRADE . 34 A. meetly In canebrrrlM. Some fruit. Oood 3-bedroom home. Clone la. Will roniitder a three-bedroom la trade. Oood money-maker, THIS IS IT . 1 -bedroom, modern l-otar home. Pull baaement, Corner lot, Walklna ejie tanre to city center. One blk. to Or h not . Double plumblna. Priced Tiaht. A bur. Might eonalde; a a alee ooo tract, $15,000 A r-.w vltra-modern full flra-room rvu!,nce. Vl.w lot In We.l Balem. Double aarair. Ian, lot. hot water In .ach room. Thl, la a beautiful, saw, modern homo. Rex Sanford Finance 117 N. Hllh Tel. 4-4414 Er,. I-3M1 4-IM4 sill FOR SALE LOTS lAir.i lot-ium or but offer. On left aide Albm At. S.P1C tank, and water to foundation. For information. !. IBoi 717, Sal.m. aa31 Lfrra POR ,Airi in south Vlllata by eonrr. B.aullful mow. lWalll ao'ith t oorntr of Iwald and Hulaar, ,410,. aalll Yacast lot, la enter of Oceanlake, Oriaon. Oood for toorlat court or noma, f-onno. For aale by owntr. Boo Mra. Rriroad at Rn C.blru. Ocean latr. aallT- 1410 Falrtrounda Road XOU.YWOOD DISTRICT LOOK AT THIS! ftnt, before you buy: A large 1-BK 1 home, larva L.R.. d r., lovely kit. ! flnlahrd In natqral wood. hdwd. fin. extra larae air. Lot looxino. Owner will take late modal car on dowa payment Price lio.tlOO, , WILL TRADE . for laraa home. Thle home Viae 1 bdrm., L.R., dinette, kit. and bath. Hwd. flra., fireplace. Oar. attached. Lot 10x133, fin lawn and ahruba. 2-B.R. HOUSE - $3750 LB. comb, kit. ft dinette, utility, ' Baraga, larg lot, excellent atoll, la city. Ed Byrkt & Co. 1410 Broadway 1 Phone S3101 Eve. K7II or 10310 c31f STOP!! nl aall for aa appointment to look at thle cheerful a-hedroom home with fireplace, lnalda utility and forced air oil heat. Qood lot. Oarage. Pull price lll.aoc. GOOD INVESTMENT . Pino a-bodroom borne for owner, phut 4 eeparat rental unit that aow are brtnckig la I1B7.&0 a month. Garair. l acra of aood aoit. Prult, nut and vaature. All for iif.Too. RAMSEY, REALTOR 304 North Commercial Offlea 4-0311 Eve. Al Bender 3-7040 Eve. Jim Ramaey 4-16PP c3H HURRICANE HOUSE Buill to outlaat tha beatt Hugged block ent.-utloa with top auality rubberlatrd paint exterior. Oil fired ra diant heat. Aluminum casement wla dowa, Tounaatown ateel kjtchena, ln alda plaater box. floa view of Mt, Jefferado. Located oa ejulet neighbor hood atreet with yard and garden apace to epar. $10.aOO. Eve. tall J-HJO or a-IK.3. kt 4-3309 BwewMM6 mm KM Fllraroundl Boad BOLLYWOOD DISTRICT $500 DOWN a-bedroom horn laalde city Ilmlta. Dining room, alao breakfaat nook. AH newly redecorated. Larg aarage and workihop. Large lot. A good buy for only aoTto. Balance Ilk rent. LET'S TRADE . If your home la too amall for your : family why not gwap it for thli new 3-bedroom home. Beautiful hardwood i floor throughout. Unique fireplace la ! large living room. Beautiful kitchen ! deaiined to accommodate your grow- i Inf family. Ove relied utility room.1 Larg corner lot on paved at, la raatrlcted dlatrlct. . KEIZER SPECIAL 4-bed room bora, delagoed and built by owner for hie home. Now he haa to leave town and will take 1 10.500 for thta extra well built home. Large liv ing room With fireplace. Large dining room. Larae kitchen ind nook. Double aarage oa large lot and cloie to achool, bua Una and grocery atare. ' REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 South Hith Street Phone 3-0303 Phone evening! ea Sunday: 4-1071. .J-lftl, 4-13M, 4-Mlt. 3-3)64 ! ANXEDREAL ESTATE NOTICE: It rour property ia tot oalo, rem or .xehante. ual It with oa w. hava all klnda ot eaab burere STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 113 S Rlah St a Small house in or near Sa lem In trade for a 3-bedroom home. Also large demand lor suburban property. Reimann Real Estate PHONE 3-0203 oallT Automobile Dealers Hera'e your lolden opportunity. One or toe Die three. In one of tha aorth- waat beat area,. Owner renorta laat rra. volume ,443,741. Toil property 1, one ox in, llnest. owner haa a apeclflc reaaoa why he la forced to oall. Eldf ., property and all fo 1174.000. Va dowa ui annate. APARTMENT T unit Biue owner'a ouarterk. tPne location ror echoou. bua and atora. Rente era very reasonable. 4 acta of piumDint. 0100 forced air oil heat. garaceg. completely furnlahed. In coma 1340 per mo. Lot ISO z 130. Pull price oniy 130.000. Terma. BEAUTY SHOP Well established. Well eouioned. Rent only 4 per mo. Pull prlc only 0-ODO. Business Frontage On fOB north. Thla 1 a very de sirable property for moet any type of ousinea. Motor court, service atatlon. auper market, or what hav you. 400 it. w'.th an exit to another well -traveled Toad. Pull price 110,000. BUSINESS LOT Blaht la tha Bute of Balem. Thla la an extra cooic corner property a no vaiaisar in vaiue aimoas oy the hour. 00 by 130 ft. Suitable for most any type 1 Bueinea dmi, we know thla won't last. No phone Information, pleas. (Call for Al laaak, personally.) 17 ACRES With a modern 3-bedroom bonne that'a really good. Chicken houae. 3 ar tarage. Pvd. rd. ft A. etrawbcrrle. Some walauta and apples. Nice lawn and yard. Pull prica all. 150. $800 DOWN ' on this 10 A. tract. Close to Balem. Oood modern smaller house. Fine Tlew. School bua. Pull price only 7100. 5V2 ACRES Rlrer bottom land. Ideal for truck ardenlnr. No bldai. Chehalta aotl. Thla would mak. an Meal duck lake. On th, flyway. For Bualneaa Opportunltiaa and Bomaa Ball tor: RAY ORIMMITT (Ir. 1-147,1 DAN ISAAK live. 4-34331 MR. CRAWFORD (Ire. 4-10101 . For Farma only, oall for: MR. LEAVIN4) live. I-I13II If no aniw.r, call 4-11(1 F.H.A. MTOS. A CONVENTIONAL MTQB. 10-YEAR MATURITY LICENSED ALSO IN WASH. 4b IDAHO Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Off. Phonee 4-3311 or 3-1130 Bra.: 1-4731, 4-1531, 4-4030. 3-7174 ynq '.twer, call l-l cll7. wXntedfur F1CKUNO CVKES fraih dally from our farm field rua 0. pound, oraanleauy Browa potateoa, red or white. Foaebea now oa market: Phillip. Broa. Farm Market, ISM Portland ltd., Salem. Phone lull. if CANNING TOMATOES. U-pick. ,1.00 buahel. Holman'a oa old BI Hlfhway to Jafferaoo. Fhono Jefferwn Kl or 457. - ffll. SALESMAN WOULO TOU TIKE A JOB UAKINO 01M TO 3300 PER WEEXf IP I CAN TALK TO YOU POR IS MINUTES I LL TELL TOU IP MY COMPANY CAN APEND THE MONEY TO TRAIN YOU. PVRNISH YOU WITH THE SALES AIDS AND APPOINTMENTS TO MAKE THIS KIND OP MONEY. SEE MR. McAULAY, ' BETWEEN 1 P.M. AND 3 P M. MONDAY THRU PRIDAT. 516 HOOD, ROOM 305. g31 MOST VABIETJT of peaches la worm iree uravenairia. ivn mile from bridge oa Wallace Rd. L. E, Weodt. grower. ffSii PETITE PRUNES ndw ready. 37U N. Riv er Rd. Ph. 3-3500. ffllO CANNING PEACHES 3955 Plsher Rd. ar aov ready. 173 20 PEACHES, Hale and Elbertaa. Tha Dalles. Tree ripened. Italian prunes. Purltaa Cider Works. 701 Edge water St. If J IT PEACHES Barly Improved Elberta peaches are now ready at th Jee Mathla Orchard and Prult Stand. 0 miles north of Salem on 9E. Bring aontatqers for you pick peachex. ff317 U-PICK BEANS, 3c pound. Clear Lake Perms, Rt. 3. Box 374. Phone 4-1316. North of Keizer. ff330- U-riCK Improved Elberta Peaches, 3 buahel. Turn west at Kelier school, follow paving one mile, alia oa right. Bring boxes. 11317 CUCUMBERS for dllle, 2 buahel. Phone 43000 evenings. ff317 PICK YOUR OWN PEACHES Due to conditions, we will turn our orchard over to the public for harvest. IMPROVED ELBERTAS Windfalls 11.00 per box Pro-picked 13,00 par box Heavy Crop Brlna your owa 1 Boxes or Coatalnera. , . 13 Miles North on Rlrer Road. Watch for Sign. PR ED VIESKO Qooae Lake Perm Ph. Balem 43573 ff320' ARE TOU HEARING 5 OB OVERT Is . your ruiura aneertainr Local business opportunity backed br nationally xnowa company open, car Decenary. Will be la your town aooa for ver- sonal Interview. Writ Zd Walker, PO Box Ml 5. Portland 0. r317 WANTED POSITIONS LIGHT CRAWLER doalna, dirt Int. tradlnt. Phono 1-333;. lerel-hl)3- EXPERIENCED DIESEL drlrer wlahea ateady employment. Fhono 1-1305 after 6:00 p. m. M114- ATTRACTIVI LADY, II. with dauihtert, and 12, neoda permanent Job and home, carina for apt. houae or In motherltaa home. Oo anywhere. Write Boa 315, Capital Journal. h316 SPRAY FAINTINO, Ralph Ataman, Fh. 4-JOOD J-BKl. hllS FBOrESSlONAL upholaterlnB. done In my home. Reaaonable. Pickup and de Urery, Phono 3-4300. h314a BAULINO LUMBER, produce, hay, loia. Oeorn Wlrlh. Fhono 4-1313 arenlnia. h 11, NEW LAWNS Prepared and aeeded. Rotary hoetni. Duane Woleott, 1-1137. hill CHILD CARI In my .home. Board and room. Dar or num. Reaaonable. Phone 1-3713. h71l NICELY FCBNISHID with ranae and refrlaerator. Private path. Waahlna facUlllee. ,41 Ineludin, utll Itlea. Clou to capital buUdlnu. 4-3401. iplll CLEAN, FURNISHED apartment. Ranae, refrlteraler, laundry. Utllltlea paid. ,17.50. Fh. 1-4011. 1311 Baaal Are. Iplll' ATTRACTIVE furnlahed Pullman apart ment. All electric. Private onlrance. 1-4111, 534 Judaon. Jplll' THREE FURNISHED 1-bodroom apart manta. Frlval. batha. refrlseratora. Alao furnlahed alaeplai room. Ia Shop- pin. Canter. 141 N. llth St. Jpll7 ONE BEDROOM unfurnlahad apt. stove, refrlaerator and water turaiahod. autre 1444 S. 13th St. Jplll - ROOM furnlahed and aafurnUliod apartment, lit and ,45. Fh. ,4504. Jplll' NICELY FURNISHED apartmantai baaaador Apt,. ISO Mo. Summir. S-BIDROOM APARTMENT, (round, now. Private bath, oaraaa. 154, Broadway. Fhoao 1-5017. Jplll t-BOOM UPSTAIRS apartmeat. wall fur ntanad, 430. Laundry faellltlu. 1144 aaacie Ave. Phono 17117, aau mornlnaa. Jpll,1 .BEDROOM unfurnlahad apartment, Aouiu. NO peta. ffear ahoppln, enur. pnono 1-1571. Jp330' FURNISHED 1-room apartment for adulta. No pata. Phone S-II7I. JpllO' LARflE, CLEAN rooma, prlvata bath 3 80. 11. Ph. 17574. Jp330- LARUE 1-ROOM lumUhed Utllltlea. Phone 17311. apartment. Jplll' LOVELY, CLOSE IV, ftrat floor apart ment, iota 01 ateam heal and hot water. are at J3B oak atreet. Jpisr LARGE 1 BOOM furnlahed apt. All alec trie. 055 oak St. JP317' ROOM furnlahed apt. Eleetrlo range, private bath. 704 N. Liberty, 1-M41. JP130 BEDROOM unfurnlahad apartment. hoi water neat, ind floor, Oaraao. block from Memorial Hoepltal. Phone anajj Jp31?' iTT WANT TO BUT amall acreage aear Balem. Oaa pay 10 down, balance monthly at 1. Writ Boa 317, Cap ital Journal. c3H LARUE LOT or amall acreaaaTNo bullU inas. Cloae-In. Phone 21430 calli WE ARE la need ot rood ho uim to sell, la or near Salem If you wish te list your propertr for sal, see ORARrNHORAT BROS . REALTORS n 8 Libert v Ph t-3471 ce EXCHANGEREAL ESTATE BY OWNEK, West ftlemttd wVnted. H acre ea hiway aear city itmita. Duplex, all electric, hardwood floors, alcely furnlahed. Alio older typo house ti.r. furnished. Pull price 111,000. Home Wt 13,000 In WeM Salem as dowa par rnent or 07&00 down. Balaae 11 ytr contract at 4 U desired. Call 3f.7as. cbjie- l.lJl.!?.il!Ta IMPBOVRD ELBERTAS U-Pick. 3.0 B. cnemawa Rd., 4 mile west el Kelter school. Marshall Perm. ff330 NOTICE Bean picker urrrntlr aeeded now. Oooti beans. Clarence D. Herr. Rt. a, Box IBS, SUverton. mile east and north of Central Howell achool. Phone Salem 31307. - ff217a BOTOTILUNO lvKddit Orov Nuraarr. 4920 Sllvertoa Rd. Phone 4-4633. h PEACHES Improved Btbertas now ready at Bd Elellnakl Orchards, 1 mil eait of Totem Pole. Phone 3-6717. ff33Q BROCCOLI FOR fteeilng, Kentucky Wonders ffrcete or can). Cucumbers for pickling. Mehama Gardens, ml. E S Carton on old hlwar. ff330 ALFALFA HAT. Third cutting. Clean, no weeds. Fred ZUrbrugg. Rt, I. Box 173B, BliveTtoa. Pn, 3-4555. ff317 C-FICK aprared Bartlett pears, ii.oo. Phone 4-3571. f(230" SWEET CANNING tomatoes. Left f Robert, achool, Srd houae. L. H. Zielke. f!330 TOMATOES 75o buahel and up. OOS W. Chemawa Rd. 1'4 mile straight west of Kelser acJjool. prank Staurdaon. Hill FORjALELIVESTOCK WHITE FACE FEEDER calvea. Salem Meal CO- 1331 B. 30th. Phone 3-WS, TOUNO GENTLE aaddte horaea and kid ponies, Tra4e for anr kind of heraas at ao pound or milk cow. Ph. 30201. 3370 SUverton Rd. -J IV LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKE B BEEF Whit fact -lereford. Sic Locker pork 4ft, Nothing down, 0 t mo, to pay tTuatom killing Trauar loaned free. Baleaa Ueat Co.. 1331 S 3th Ph t-at. tK NIC! KITTENS t Court. Fh, 4-1417. glv away. 174 ec31 IMPROVED ElaEERTA PEACHES Prom one of Mission Bottoina finest orchard!. Extra full buahela. Oct them aow while rou have a large; ouanltr to select from. Also, pickling cuke, sort ed or field run.-' Preah daiir. Ordera taken for canning beans and applea. Bartlett pears and blackberrlet. Phiu lipa Broa. Farm Market, S&90 Portland oa, Mif m. pnone 3-4S13. ff B A RTLETT-F E ARCfiavor t . w Clarke, Rt a. Box 030. Orchard Helghta CARPENTER Repair and remodel cab in e is ano garages, small Jobs com. Phoaa 4-4310. half WOULD like to bid oa rour painting, Phone 3-4348. h325 FAINTING Interior, exterior. McClaln mow uoiaca. raon 3-1323 or 1-3500. ha !? HOUSEWORK waatad by hour or day. rn. a ipp. h217' GIRL, 1 YEARS, wants child care eve ning. Dara phone 1-4810. a-4804 after h.3171 MiMEooBAPHiNO trplng. aualltr work, reasonable rates, Mrs. Poe. 015 -jitjin. rnone 343. h234" LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller work Service Center. Phone 4-3573. h WIEMAL'S DAY NURttERY Licensed mwa a.aLg inspected. POon 3-t0i6. ' haai1 TREE WORK Topping, trlmmlnc. moving, insured. John Payne, phone ." h32S PAINTING, PAPER hanging, dar contract. Small Jobs welcome. Phone - h241 MICK EN HAM'S DAY NURSERY state licensed and Inepected. Phone '". h337 RELIABLE BABY SITTER Will to daya or niinu, rnone g-iise4, h210' ' rfriffrfri-rmi-ijj EDUCATION HELP WANTED HOP PICKERS URGENTLY NEEDED TO SAVE CROP OOOD PICBINO. DRIVI OCT SA- LI4B-4.ILVIRTON ROAD ONI MILE ar.tuwu VENTRAL HOWBLL SCHOOL. TURNINO RIOHT . AT ORAVIL ROAD, SION AT ROAD IN DICATES DIRECTIONS. AISO, PICK. UPR AT EMPLOYMENT OFICE M OR NINO, ,11. FRED STADEU. aiLVIRTON, 1-4714 OR 1-4711. Cll7 I Il l) AIIVrRTlSINO Far ff.rd, , timee Ut M Herd , 4. fx R.rd, I Umea 10. w.r, a..otb OOr le t.fan4a-.MInlmam 1, Worda IIAncaa, , Ntv, calnma Oalr. P.r Ward .... I, Minimum 14 Worde, Ts Place Arl in Ramp Darw Psprr, Phone t-ztOt Bfforp It) s.Dl COUNTRY HOME Out Walloo, Bd.-i acre. In frull and auto. Vary nlca bunaalow-olrlo houaa with fireplace. I bdrm... breakla.l "2,,rHbUSES-4000 . O-r-- J. m - tn. ..he, FURNISHED HOUSE $1100 UN. a.l Nil rtht.' adrma,, aleo furol-,ui'-c!?nVT lot with .M '"busTness lots YraoSGBAVEHEALTOM HIlBdHwator-J ilw SUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE T lease, furnished apt. Ia ahopplat center. 345 N. 13th St. cdJi7 FURNITURE FOR SALE MAJOR OIL COMFANT eervlc elation (or leaie, good location. Commercial 41 Bush. Phone t-16. cd33l- COMPLBTBSBEDROOM haute of 'fur all hi ng. Inrludlnt 151 Prlgtdalre, an torn a tic w other aad drver. All priced reaatnable. Phone 300 , d3lt WANTED FURNITURE WANT TO SILL your Lambort'a, 1-7MI. furBituroT Ph dallt' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 BEUIBTRBRD AIRED ALES Quality coa- aiarrM. w, here the cheepoat peta In tows. Etc.ll.nt watcrMtoea, huntera aaa ooiiaroat peta. IAI N. Und St. Hilt' PARAKEETS, cholre youn, blrda. Varied ty at colora. UN Llvlnvatoa. 1-1441. OtlH' COCkEB PUPS. Fhono I-1151. rdlV 4 MONTR male Cocker SpaolcL Rreion- able. Ph. 11144. ecllf' HOLLYWOOD Atll'ARICM-lM, MeOby. one blorb van al N. Capitol. 1 j blorU north of Maduoa. Fh. 1-41,7. oc333' RED FACnria AT pink anrlrol aaa- aeriaa. Rt. t Boa 19V Salem. 11434. , ec317" BITCHEN HELP saa Shop, 1104 Fort land Rd. , KITCHEN Hti.p Applr In peraon. Speedway Healeurent, 1174 Canter St. CANDAI.ARIA KINDEGARTEN 440 Han- ..n are. upen sept. ,1, 3 mornlnaa a week. 4 and I yeara. Realater now. Ph. 34843. hrli. HIGH SCROOIJ for diploma, al home. Writ. Amrrlran School, 4043 N. Inler Portland 3. Ore. hh2S4 FOR RENT urnia SPACE Incurra at 104 S Phoat 1-41 n Hlrh I' LARGE warrhouaa apace for rent or leaae Cement floor, crick bulMln, Down Iowa Inquire R L Still Pur allure Co Phon, 3-1115 J' FOR 300 leet frontier Weel Salem troJ LEASE 1,0 oa Edatwater St. Pitta oh 31403 FOR RENT ROOMS T. V., KirCBiIN irrivliuiBm. am m month. Phone 37620. Jk220 PLEARAlfT BOOM With bath, close uemiemaa. Ph. 34731. Jk3ll NICE LIGHT housekeeping room. Ladr. 155 N. Church. k230 ATTRACTIVE bitlldlrtfa. SI1 ROOM cloi N. winter. to state k334- WANTEDTORENT BEDBOOM furnished apt. Utilities ln eluded. 20B0 Myrtle. Jp221 BASBMENT APARTMENT Plrcplace. ctose in. itnutman. Ph. 34791. Jp31l FURNINHED apartment. Cloa in. Avail. aoi to evemfiinr. 444 N. Cottaie. .. JP' ITVFURNISHED a rooms, electrie range, refrigerator, automatlo washer. Adulta. Phone 3-7105. Jp313' S-BOOM FURNISHED u pit air a apt. tTico s monin. tio s. 12 th St. . JP215 eavHAL furnished apartmenta. aood .acaiioo. inquire ra L Stiff tfMrnlture Phone 3-1105. jp DOWNTOWN. NICE furnished apartment wun Doo. rrivate path. Also smell fur nished duplex. Child perm Usable. 75 Marlon after 13. 1 Jpaio CLEAN, FURNISHED apartment, private sun, rnene 4-5B7I. Ia2l FOR RENT HOUSES Wired for Jm320 S ROOM A garage. Rear. range. 730 N. Pottage St, I BEDROOM houae located eouthweat. Available Sept. 10. Rooms ar alse- aoie. Auiomitio oil heat. Adults only. S60. Fh. 31tJ67. JmSlO1 FURNISHED Clot la, $48. ONE-BE DROOM houie, Fh. 24045 about Boon. JmSlt' COMMUTERS SPECIAL, Would you like to rent a lovelv oun try home? ktoderB 3-bedroom with 06 acres, frontage on M11 creek. Like living la a National Park and only 11 last muel irom Salem. Paved road, one mile from shopping district, schools, etc. Ach 00 bus at gate. Oar- den apote. etc, Rt. a, Box SO, Turner. Phone 350X. . Jm315 8-BF.DROOM Electric range, refrigera tor, automatic otl heat, basement, aa rage. 580. 537 a. 121b, See, Saturdays onlr. , jm317 to 4-bedroom houae. near schools, 580 month. Call 44560 after 0 30 p.m. Jm317 1-BEDROOM unfurnished home oa 13tfa At. inquire 1368 Fir. Jm317 SMALL, ATTRACTIVE cottage, 1-bed room, gar as e attached, phon l-f-m. Jm320 ONE 3 -bedroom duplex. Portland Rd. Inquire 3510 Jm217 CLEAN t-BBDROOM unfurnished houae. win tire a yeara lease. 515 Lrnn Ave. Phone 30022. Jm31S LIKE LIVING In the country. Small unfurnished horn. North. Suitable for coupi. oniy 1 years old. VtTr clean Be at 1807 N. Water. Phone 3-5624. Jm31l' ONE RFDROOM houae. With lots of elo- ar. apace, etove, rerriteratar, garate Soma utilities. Inquire 1805 N. isth. Jm31 furalsbed. Call J-0714 after 5 M p m. j jasio OR S-REDROON home la ftalem HelahU - Liberty district. Reliable. permanent, cnristiea family, Ph Je316 BT BUSINESS RENTALS LOST FOUND Ilost Blue plaatio Bar Belder with key. Phon 4-04. k310 MISCELLANEOUS BIE-HIVE TRUCES D-DRIYB MOYB TODRSBLF SAVB It CAB RENTALS . STAKES - TANS TEXACO STATION ,1, OODRT ST. PHONS 1-14,1 FAOB STEVENSOR BBd AL MET FORD SAND m OBAVCL COM Contract work Boad Clearlas DIUBtBS sawer aad Baaemeal Baulpmeat Rental Dllewni by tha Foot Fiona Daya 3-4401 vaa. 1-4411 ar 4-7411 Salem. Orosoa DENTAL FLATS REPAIR l-rm. SERVICE IN MOST OASBB DR. BARRY SDSLER. DENTIST Adolpb Bldk.. Stat a, Commerelal Bta. 6ARBM . FB l-llll SV LIT US DO your flaa amoklns and flah cannlna. J-7004. mS3B- BUILDING MATERIALS Red Cedar Shingles Beat trade, coast mt mountalw tlaa. ber. Delivered prices: No. L SO.aS: 3s, 15.00; Srs, 84.00; 4s. $3.50. COMMON LUMBER . Complete mil) atcH, Shlalap, Si 4a and wider, del., $25 per SB a up. TBD MULLER, phon Baleaa a-tia evenings. ni' ) FOR SALE LUMBER & MATERIALS FROM CALIFORNIA PACK ING CORP. AT 1JTH It TRADE STS. . BUYER TEARS DOWN BUILDING AND RE MOVES ALL MATER IALS CONTACT ROBERT W. FENIX, FINAN CIAL VICE PRESIDENT, WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY PHONE 3-9261 all, ROOFING, INSULATION. Vasal I a a Blind,, call Waatara Anta Supply Co. for free eatlmate. S-717T. ma WINDOWS . Largest atock la Balem. New waatlw rstrlpped windows, completely asseaa- bled, $14.30 up. Large modera aashaa and oryatal Picture window, aa an. Pick your choice at bartala prlee. PLUMBING New toilet with seat ..SIS.SS ao"alS" wash baslas. complete .. 17.5 Bath tuba with fitting ao ao Colored' bath aeta Bargain Doubio laurvdrr trara. aom Plate 30.7t nowir caomeis, complete 4J.0t Zoubia kitchen slake, olactrlo water beaters. dIm ahat.. 4" aolld Orangebert Pip .....SSa 00 lai. steel septic tanks $67.10 OTHER BARGAINS Metal taraaa doora with hdwa.....$4S Hew 4x0 plasterboard $1.40 4x8 waterproof wal.soard $1.75 Interior and exterior pirweod ..chaa Nail, carload supply 10.75 overhead aaraaa door hdwe lire Loos insulation, per bat 81. Ot Roll blanket Insulation , .bargain u" "jap Birch" plrwsod " -Jap Birch- plrwood si. 4 Mahogaay plywood .....43a No. 1 Cedar shingles ,00.38 No, a Cedar shlneleg o.OO 3 Cedar ablarlea a.oa a-tab roofing Baroala Panel doors, hardwood doors, all types ciass doora lowest prleea New fir door Jamba aa aa Painted cedar ahake $10 75 Un pa in ted cedar shake ISO New aabextoa siding t 50 Exterior white paint 5315 Shake molding, per foot ......... ia Cedar fence posts , Cheap c. g. Long & sons Ph. 4 -5 051 Oaa mile N. of reiser NURSERY STOCK FERTILIZER Parmer, rebuild your land. Ratted manure. $3.50 yard Delivered to your nem. rnone a-0774. rnhMl FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS COMPLITI AMATIUB RADIO atatloa w .race ror phototraphla eoulpment. call l-noj ,r aei at ,14 N. -""" nm OR 4 ROOM Nor.. .11 ...i... healer. Excellent condition. With bar. rela and copper lublna. I-7HI. nil," " '. r,-AT Alto Saxophone, in iT .wm o.. rnona a-,,v7, B317 OAS RANGE and rerrt.Tato.' n"v ... enrom, oinrti, arl, 1 placa aectlonal, vanity, and dream. Boa aprlne and Innaraprlni maltreu, roll-a-way bed. ,B1, and an, ..... l. aeal, T.V. act. so Portland Rd. nllfe O'.tnUcellaneoUB ladlaa clothln,. cnon. 1-4444. n317 FRIGIDAIRI RANGE - l,.meh, with tar4 AWan T-... Ik.. . I" iioM " MIT .jrr'PT-co't'o.: - ... . p.m. eau lea. wn CARID FOB Kroahler davenport and .hair. III. ph. 14731. niT,. USED SINGE.Itrl, COmblBatlOB Irrt- . e0Bll,l and auaranteecl. Center no ' .' ln center, 114 N. Commercial. nil,. FOB SALI-Frull J.r.. 44, Bfc Mth. BUM " Lor!. ,!?" ,"" "' Btachlna: nii .V. ""-ina condition. Only ,1, 40. s niar Bewln, Center. 114 BUSINESS BUILDING with lirta, ouar tars an North CapltoL Fhon. joht'i ' once, it-loot back bar. 0?U?.D.,",S."1I ' ' for .VcVmca"-.?': . w'n . ' "' van a, niti Market. Jo .. rasa. a-in. CBAMPION BHD BOXEB Pupplea. ev. err pup potential ehamploa. uoore Topical nin. ParakMta, Turtle,, aup Pllra. I mile, from Lancaater aa MrCleiy road. 4-1771. Cloaad Wvdnva da ec4' to Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 RITCREN RKI.F Apply la peraoa. " Speedway Realaureat, 1171 Center St. BY LOCAL Bl . .-oroom nomo. rnone 1-3,43. Jesia i ir-i Diinnvi ' . . BY Ham Fisher tVHAT .TM'thfWRErlCi, VtM...OHVt WTH V HA HA, w'6LL ITf. f f - hands txff this eeaPES, rr iznfss ) my skit wju'Ik? ) I YZlZfK vitirdav T va croon . HO-EV TO TH' COLUMNS-) TTV 6000 AT tWT CHANOC ZJ? WASfS 1J I LY-rT NTlON J M0w''lLL WHY CTHeV PRINT HANCHNO CUT STUTE TH' BJ6CK Y i-T ' I BOOO AMIN..HA HA, B ATH" auav" . . ...' -