Pft 2 THB CAPITAL JOURNAL. SaJeat, Oregoa , f Thursday, September 10, 1953 In The Valley Edited by MIKE FOEBES Sweet Home Donald Donald Douglas Feller, old est nn of Mr. and Mr. Warren Teller, accompanied bit aunt, Mrs. Al Pilot, to Bristol, S. D., where they will vUit relative!. Mra, Barney Feller and her niece, Vicky Scherett. spent Wednesday of lait week with Mri. Bill Thompson of Eagle Creek. Mr. and Mra. Cecil McCarthy had Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mat hoit, Oeanna and Kaye, as din ner guests last Friday. The mouth. Mr. Huffman h a si Sweet Home ElixabethMae- Meyer of Portland presented an accordian concert and sang re ligious selections ia the city park Sunday evening for the enjoyment of visitors In the charge of machine repairs at one of the large sawmills in In dependence. When he was In Donald, he was employed by Lin Cromwell of the Donald Garage. It is reported that Mrs. Ray Maxfield must stay in bed an other month. She is with her daughter near Corvallis. She formerly lived with her mother, Mrs. Froom, in Donald until she was taken ill. - Venus chapter. Order of East ern Star, will have its first faU meeting Fridsy. Sept 18. ! park. Mrs. Sheridan Arnold of San Jose, Calif., was guest of honor at a birthday celebration held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arnold recently. Those attending were Mrs. Dale Davidson and children, Mrs. Willard Moore, Mrs. Aden Arnold and children, Mrs. Al' fred Arnold. Mrs. Willard Arn old. Mrs. Tom Reed and Mrs. Bill Reed and boys. B. Ross snd Mrs. Evans at tended the Turner convention of Churches of Christ over the women are sisiers. - ni m.init for th. sn. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Crom- Pasadena, cam., are vuiung well of "IISJ contention and v".. Daniel, brought the eve- .rald.vs last week. Mr.Crom-! ha. been announced thatf1" """J? well has lived, in Phoenix for 'the Nezarene church will have the past several years because of asthma. Mrs. William. Quigley, who Just recently recovered from a bad till in her home, is now Bill and Nancy Roese'ter ofi"k-end and although Evans Harry Davidson, son of Mr. Mrs. 8. M. Alanen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Gilchrist, Char les Gilchrist and Jack I. oil. Christ, Bobby Keller, Dennis oauwr, uiri utvlM and Marvin vavu. . - m UaDDV Worker. ,1K mi ior an all-day meeting In the park recently and honored vera aaoorenead, Ella Black i-urice wmte. Clara Daueher ty. and Gertrude Sheldon on uwu- oinnaaya anniversaries. noxie Winkler anrf ui. wj were in enarge of the tablea during the meal inose attendine- beside h. uesu oi nonor were Mrs. Stan ley Sheldon and Lnn... Lynn Sheldon, Cheryl Walsh, . ' mm peon, Ueitrude mm in. Anna flankcn.hln f... ne jncuiotnern, Maude Voll- mw, uug narr. Mr. TV. pnir. Mrs. Ethel Wills. Kit vr i.' and Berniece SUfford of Santa Kosa, Calif. Lieut Jean Pipkin of Beale orce xtase, Beale, Calif., was a visitor here this week. one visiien Mill City temporarily resting again, as she bruised one of her toes quite severely, and the doctor has ordered her to stay off her feet Vernle Smith of Donald was a dinner guest in the home of his aunt Mrs. D. E. . Green, Btitteville. Sunday. I The Donald Barber shop, now i Seal Rock. being operated by Jack Powell, a Sunday school rally Sunday, Sept 20, during the Sunday school hour at 9:45 m. Thomas J. Wood of Browns-, trill OmHt vl.ltin hi. i- ter, Mrs. Ida M. Black, eatd " vr0 rf niece, Mrs. Ralph Bair, this , atu., h Bunoay aiier a week. Brother and sister had week.s visit with relatives in not seen each other in 33 years. I" oweel "ome na "oanon Mn Hair. irrnmnin Ml kv mh. Mill City Mra. John Muir. Mill City Women's club presi dent announced this week that the first meeting for the group would be Sept. 19 at the Presbyterian recreation room. Speaker for the evening will be announced later after a final meeting of the program committee this week. Mrs. Muir has appointed her standing committee as follows: Finance, Mrs. Curtis Cline, Mrs. W. W. Allen and Mrs. Harry Mason; civics, Mrs. Mel bourne Ram bo. who is also ju nior past president: music. Mrs. Donald Sheythe: youth. Mra. Martin Hansen. Mrs. Jeas Lee; legislative, Mrs. Vernon Todd; health, Mrs. Roger Nel son; program, Mrs. John Bald win. Mrs. Curtis Cline. Mrs. Floyd Jones. Miss Beryl Mason left Mon- day for Salem where she will be employed as a typist for the state highway department She will share an apartment with me Misses Wilma Jull and Jack and Joan accompanied ty us suncr, airs, tims JUdd, at tended the Oregon state fair at Salem Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Shel burne, Doris and Dint of Hap py Valley were Sunday dinner guests of ber uncle sad aunt Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Coats. This it the beginning of Doris sen ior year &t Willamette uni. versity, Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kerr of McMinnvllle and tneir daughter-in-law, Mrs. Kerwin Kerr, ana ner two-sons, Kerwin, Jr. ana iorin of Hawaii were Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. ana Mrs. E. M. Costs. Mrs. Henry Kerr Is sister of Mrs. Coats. Major Kerwin Kerr. U. S. Marine corps, will soon fly to San Pedro, Calif., and will be stationed there one year. He has served for a time in the Korean area. Mt Angel With her fik. Cliff Pipkin, on Holi and Mrs. Dale Davidson, broke and Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Pinki..' hi. .rm In fill from a ihvtlanri and Mr. and Mr. ul I ne MlSSCS Wllma Jul nonv and wa. taken to Lebanon ' and family. . I Xr " The girls are all for treatment ; . Ll"t. Pipkin was the school ' ."J1 I?"??- A2c and Mrs. Percy Cook "eaiui nurse for grade school . '7 i. "V''... " wee" OISITlCt MO. S3 Awt u "uivcrion her uncle and daughter, Betty, drove to the coast Fridsy. Among other things they visit ed the York fuchsia gardens at air force nurses com. Phyllis Dick was taken to the "nun community hmii.1 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Kelley of j y the Sweet Home ambulance Medford and Mr. and Mrs. wiiqwing an accident at her Frank Kelley of Lebanon were home Saturday night when she visitors at the Roy Cook home thrust her hand through a plate recently. ,'ass window and required prior to her enlistment in the w, "JT Wom Tcomt- air force m,r.. - . Wolvertons were former pub is open evenings from 8 until for the convenience of those . who cannot come to the shop during the day. Mrs, Clara Webb and dough ters, Pamela and Susie, of Mien igan City, Ind., are house guests in the home of "Grandma Scotty," Mrs. Webb expects to be here until the 24th of Sep tember. Mrs. Myron Anderson is able to be up and about now, after returning from the hospital a short time ago, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Huffman, former residents of Donald, have purchased a home in Mon- WESTERN SINE DANCING Osate to Mi tmk af ft Wiest Wstsrsrs ewri UeM, Sqasrt ttK ksj WsAmirf, Sept f , ut Stt erasy, Stpt ii, : i t IdstbilM SO, Sstwdrrt 74$ 9-12 4-H lld. State Fair TONIGHT! World Bank Retains China Washington UP) The world bank and industrial monetary fund refused Wednesday to ex pel Nationalist China and ad mit Red China in its place. A proposal to bring Com munist China into' the 83-na-tion economic organization was made by Czechoslovakia at the opening session of the eighth annual meeting here of gov ernors of the bank and fund. It lost on a show of hands, India and Yugoslavia voted for the resolution. There were many abstentions. In a message of welcome, president Elsenhower pledged full support for International effort aimed at "the quicken ing of trace," the develoDment of resources and the stabiliza tion of currencies. He called the bank and fund "outstand ing example of achievement. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gillhsm of Spray, Ore., were recent vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Byrne of Foster. Mrs. I. W. Pipkin have left for Portland to visit her moth er, who is in serious condition in a Portland hospital. Recent visitors of Mr. snd Mrs. Curtis Thornton were Mrs. Thomas . E. Miller and Mark Miller of Milwaukie, Eleanore Miller of Portland and Mrs. Douglas Wlndom'and family. , visitors at the city park re sutures to close the wound. Hopewell Hopewell A reception was nem ior nev. and Mr.. Glen Harris at the Hopewell HUB church Friday evening, Sept. 4. A program of group sing ing and duets by Sammy and Clara Kotka, preceded the pre sentation Of a Dicture and e.h gift to the honored guests, by Adelbert Smith, class leader, j Tornadoes helped raise the number of people killed In ac cidents which took five or more lives In the United States dur- ln. th. I mI hl ,a. '1,000. . -... r enmrs Plantation Dinners iV, Ml. S. en 9E CHICKEN - STEAKS ilAM . ETC. COMPLETE DINNER $1.35 and up COUNTER . BOOTHS . DINING ROOMS Ne Parking Problemt Fair Week Hoars: Closed Monday 1 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday, It Noon to p.m. cenuy inciuaea uougias Henne. ' A aurnrii tnn th. John Fruck, Minnie Fruck and evening was -the presentation " an oi x,ugene. of a picture to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Howard CaD- Adelbert . Smith In hAnim t per of McCleary, Wash., were1 their 23th weddine .ni.,.. recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. i ary, with a talk by John Geis J. W. Capper. ler. Refreshments were aerv. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dumont of , ed by Mrs. Art Reed, Mrs. John oau rrancisco visiieo Mr. llshers of the Mill City Enter. prise, now owned and edited by Don Al Moffatt. Mr. Wol verton is employed presently on the Tacoma News Tribune staff. -Pvt Delmar Skillings, Mill City graduate of 1932. is now with the 82nd Airborne divi sion, as a paratrooper, station ed at Fort Bragg, N.C. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Skillings of Rt 1, Lyons. . Mrs. William Tickle and children spent the week at Seaside, Mr Tickle joining inem for tne long holiday week-end. He Is employed by Consolidated Builders on the Detroit dam. Among Mill City youna neo- pie returning to college this fall will be Robert Baltimore, transferring from the Univer sity of Oreffon in He left for Salem Monday to be on hand for early football practice at Wiliamette. The regular meeting of San tiam Rebekah lodge was SeDt. 1 2 at the IOOF hall. Antonia Grand Island Grand Island Compli menting Miss Sharon Finn! cum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Finnicum of Webfoot, bride-elect . of Robert She! burne. son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shelburne of Union vale, Mrs. Dale L. Fowler and Marcena Fowler entertained 12 classmates at the Fowler Grand Island home Friday evening. and I Kotka and m nM oiv. " lne lu,Jjr n"- Antonu Mrs. Newt Thornbrough of Fos- about SO friends who fathered 1 . om?' nobIe. rand- Pre,id ter andi held a picnic party in for the occasion. me cuy pane recently. Rev. and Mrs. C, ' A . recent picnic nartv in- and Mi. rffrl Ansa ciuaea Mr. ana Mri, BENBOWINN On Hlehwtf 101 , . 414 Mil Iron Itlrl Located on the Eel River In the heart of Beautiful Redwood Empire. Swimming . . fishing , . golf . . booting . . riding . . hiking. Cocktail lounge. Bam Dancing Nightly. Delicious food. MOM $100 U rH MY fM TWO. MIViTl UTH M Ul I0OKS. Owned end Operated by George T. Thompson. LeRov Schroeder and Connie, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Flasca and chil dren, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Baker and children. A family picnic which In cluded Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brewer and family, Edward F. Duty and family of Chlloquin, Mr. and Mrs. Reese Curry. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boeckel and Mr. and Mrs, Roy Graybin was neia in uie city park recently. xnr. ana Mrs. uare Mcintyre ana cnuaren were week-end 'visitors at Grants Pass, where uiey visited with former resi dents, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Mcin tyre. Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Arn old and family of San Jose, iaiu., are spending a short va cation visiting relatives in the Sweet Home and Foster areas. The Evangelical United Brethren Builders of Tomorrow club met in the park for a wien er roast recently. Those attending were Jerry Anderson, Jim Miner, Ed Part ridge, Chet Whitney and 23 boys. Cub Scout troop 31 and their families met for a wiener roast in me para. . Those attending were Mrs Bill Reed and Conrad. Vivian Harer, Loren Harer, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Moss and Greg, Mrs. C. P. Carroll and Paul and Wayne Carroll, Mrs. Fred San tesson and Darrel, Mrs. William Kneale and Clifford, Mrs. Roy Armstrong and Glen and David, L. Harris Harris of Portland, parents and sister of Rev. Glen Harris, and his grandmother, Mrs. Jacob Klaan of Watford City, N. D., were Thursday night guests of Rev. and Mrs. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rlchter of Amity were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beaty. Gust Janzen celebrated his birthday Friday evening, Sept. 3, with a family gathering at his home. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. George PolvJ. Jr.. and Mark of McMinnvllle. Mr. and Mrs. George Milne and sons of Gresham, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kotka and family of Wood-' burn, Robert and June Ann. ! Ronald Janzen. of. Sweet Home, grandson of Mr. and I Mrs. Gust Janzen and Mrs: Ed i Nelson, Is visiting Mrs. Nel son for a couple of weeks and ' picking beans. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Legg accompanie d his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Legg of Sioux Falls, S. D., to the beach for several days this wee. un tneir return Thurs- Grand Island A large lath ering of the Penrose family at tended the annual reunion held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Stoutenburg at their Grand Island home. Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Cook of Santa Rosa, Calif., came the farthest to attend and remained for a longer visit. Mrs. Cook is i cousin of Mrs. Stoutenburg. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Stock, hoff of the Wheatland district were Mondsy evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Fow ler and Marcena at their Grand Island home. Mr. and Mrs. Willard I. Wl- veii or aneuon, wain., were Labor Day weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mra. Frank Finnicum, Grand Island, and attended the state fair at Salem Saturday. Mrs. J.- C. Douglas and sev eral members of Bay City were purchasing peaches at the Ra leigh Worthington orchard Tuesday. Mrs. George Sargeant. 91. has made two crochet afghans since she came to reside with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sargeant at their Grand Island home last winter. ed at the meeting. Main busi ness for the evening being the installation of several new of ficers, Wilma Stewart acting as district deputy president, in the absence of Julia Bassett. Installed were: Carmen Barn- hnrrif a.,.l.n.. T" T 1. Dayton and the other for one of her grandsons, Russell Sar geant of Grand Island. She la now working on the third one and has tt half done for her son, Stanley Sargeant, at College Place near Walla WaUa, Wash. bearer. It was voted to buy a new flag for the order, the old one, to be displayed in a specially designed case. George Veteto is the chairman in charge of this committee. Rachel Olmstead and Rutb Hess, degree and drill cap tains, respectively, announced that there would be a short practice after the next regular meeting of the order. Refreshment committee was Gladys Mason, Minnie Roten and Norma Hcnness. I 'sTonvo'p Unionvale Mr. Harold Chlttlm and Liquor in Prison Involved in Charge A charge of taking whiskey Into the state penitentiary was filed against a former prison guard Tuesday by the Marion County District Attorney's of- Mt. Angel Mr. and Mr. An ton Vols of New Ulm, Minn., were guests at the country home of Mr. Vols' brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Voir, Misa Verna Palmer, who spent the past six weeks at the George Vols home, returned home with them. Miss Palmer ia a niece of the Vols brothers. Miss Teresa Ficker of San Francisco, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Mary Ficker and her sister, Mrs. Fred Prosser of Mt Angel, motored to Harring ton. Wash., to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gooley (Helen Ficker) and also with Jim Prosser, who has been em ployed there for the past month. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kruse and children Karen and Beck- ey, and Miss Judy Ficker, re turned to , their home after spending a vacation at Three Creeks Lake in Central Oregon, on a camping trip. Mrs. ' Willamina Anderson, ; who spent the past two weeks ' at the home of her son and fam-1 ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Anderson, has returned to her home In 1 Missoula, Mont. . Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ham mer had as guests Mr. and Mrs. George Jones of Wilmington, 1 Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Otto of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Alderson and son Jimmy, who have made their home here for the past year, have moved to Salem where they will reside. , Miss Katie Jo Turns, who spent the summer with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ficker, has returned to her home in Spokane, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Helvey and family of The Dalles were guests at the homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Helvey aad Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kimlinger, and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Al Hodapp and son of Chicago, ill., arrived here Sunday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Phil J. May. They also will visit at the Mrs. Kate Kruse and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zollner homes. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Pr anger and family' of South Gate, Calif., and Edward Franger and son of Yakima, Wash., are vis iting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pranger, and with his brother and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Pranger. Linda Benedict will repre sent Yamhill county n senior bread baking contests. She will bake bread and rolls. Top judging team In cloth, lng werei Yvonne Lofton, Ber nice Gubser, and Peggy Hen. drickson. They will judge cot- ton areuei, cotton aprons, tot. ton skirts, cotton pot holders and anklets. Girls exhibiting are: Linda Benedict, cooking 3, canning 3, freezing 3,. Helen Lyman, cooking j, canning 2, freezing 1; Bernlce Gubser, cooking 1. , Porcupines often destroy trees by feeding on the inner ' bark, killing the tree by gir. dllng it. , , Air Conditioned nitouTOtTitin Now ghowlnf Open :4s "THE DESERT SONG" Technicolor Kothryn . Grarna Gordon MacBae Technicolor Co-Hit "THE VANQUISHED" John Payne, Jan terUn Webfoot Webfoot Several mem bers of the Webfoot girls "Merry Mix Up" club who won tops at the Yamhill coun ty junior fair at McMinnvllle recently took exhibits to the State Fair at Salem Friday. Mrs. Russell Lehman of Webfoot Is their leader. - . J mesa 44a t GATES OPEN :U V SHOW AT LIS 5 NOW - THRU SAT! j 9 2 TOP COLOR HITS! I (First Return Showing ... Regular Prices!) aoMsrTghnla)gftsr OY iJAr.IT Alas Rery Calhoun - Corinne CaJvel la "Powder River" iwatinew of Kelso, Wain., were Labor Day weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Nevll of Unionvale. They all attended wcc. wu weir return Aliuri-j , day. they visited Mr. and Mrs. &,Il!,J M ?f'e Su.d.,y- R. E. Smith and family in Cor- OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 Pock these in uour trunk forl BACK I O SCHOOL 1 X TTvnwcnruL WHITE BUCKS Seatfr ' Reg. 7JL $7.95 L-i? SIZES Vh to 10 - AAA to C ALSO WHITl LEATHER SADDLES AND TAN AND CREAM SADDLES For Your Convenienct Order by Mail Today! SALEM'S FIRST AND ONLY CUT-RATE SHOE STORE LHIE SDfJdDE IBM. NEXT TO MIDGET MARKET 137 STATI ST. The women are sisters of Mrs. Nevll. Mr. and Mrs. Chlttlm T. r.i,.rn.i t v..i. u normeny owned me urana Rev! and Mrs! iL vallls. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Glen Harris assisted in the Hopewell store during their absence. Rev. and Mrs. Glen Harris Mrs. Sandy Anderson and son, Fred Anderson, of Toledo were Labor Day weekend guests of friends here. Mrs. Orlck Busick under and Mrs, Mrs. Ids' flee Orien F. Sayles, 82. Route 4, Box 354, was arrested by state police Tuesday on a district court warrant . specifically charging "bringing an alcoholic beverage into the penitentiary." He appeared before District Court Judge Val D. Slorier j Tuesday afternoon and the raoMi a-saer SOc Till 5:0 Donald O'Connor "FRANCIS COVERS THE BIG TOWN a-1 Don Taylor, "GIRUOf PLEASURE BUND" Color by Technicolor attended the wedding of hit w,t m nniin Tn... sister, Mia Ellen Harris, to ; displacement of a vertebrae at Bruce Cornely of Portland, at Portland Sanitarium. Her the Elberta EUB church Portland Tuesday evening in WOODBURN VISITOR , Woodburn Tom Gooding, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gooding of Wilder, Idaho, has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Glatt and helping in the hop harvest. He Is enrolled at Willamette uni versity as a junior and a mem ber of Sigma Chi fraternity, majoring in law. Gooding at tended University of Idaho at Moscow for two years. friends have planned a birth day card and handkerchief shower for her birthday Sept. 11. Her address is the SDA Sanitarium. E. 60th and Bel mont, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee and case was continued to Thurs day for arraignment. Prison officials discovered the incident and later discharge ed Sayles, District Attorney Kenneth Brown said. Brown said that Sayles is accused of taking a bottle of whiskey into the penitentiary on September S and furnishing at least part of it to an inmate. eworts s-soe Regular Prices . Plus 16o for Viewers 3 DIMENSION "CHARGE AT FEATHER RIVER" alio-. "WHITE GODDESS" UIIIH MIBINI. MtSHWAY tt GATES OPEN 6:45 SHOW AT 1-.IS - NOW. THRU SAT! 3 UNIT SHOW (Rerular Prices Plus Se for 1-D Viewers) "BUD ABBOTT & L0UC05TELL0 GO TO MARS" ' Alao Lloyd Bridges Marir Windsor la "The Tall Texan" and 3rd Dimension You're Heard About It . . . Now Sro It In "I 'A DAY IN THE COUNTRY" About 38.000 killed in motor people were vehicle acci four children of Days Creek denti ,n th Unlted sttle ' were Labor Day weekend guests of her mother, Mrs. ' Martin Braat. There were 86 members and friends who attended Union vale EUB Sunday school Sept. 6. and more attended the church services at 11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Arl Launer. r China Citif y OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK DAILY 4:30 P.M. TO 2 A.M. SAT. 4:30 P.M. TO 3 A.M. SUN. 2 P.M. TO 11 P.M. Speclaliilaa In Chinese ant) American Fee Orders te Ge... Phone 2-2 11 7 LARGE PARKING AREA 3SSS S. COMMERCIAL JL Hundred of interesting and educational exhibits reus; VlcDEN . llTrRSE k r Wit v.L'Wi two: 'OTUC-2S 8 DAYS Now mod Sat. LAST DAT "(AND WAGON" J AND astofeoio" STARTS TOMORROW! THE BEAUTY AND THE OUTLAW! mull ANTHONY MIINN KURT KS2mt ALSO THAT WONDERFUL STAR OP "ROMAN HOLIDAY" AUDREY HEPIURN in SECRET PEOPLE' m.ii