-iU..e . Thursday, 8ptcnbcr 10, 1951 YHB CAPITAL JOURNAL falc, Ortfo Si 51 i t&3 Telf-Views a Radio-Television Bj DAVE BLACKMIB CI4NNU jjewg 0j movement regirdinj Salem television " J station, channel 24, was discovered by TELE l VIEWS Wednesday. Clay Cockran, manager ' ' Jff of the Salem Chamber' of Commerce confirmed .a rumor that Harold Jury, chief engineer for Westways Broadcasting company of which Lawrence A. Harvey is president, will be in Salem next week. Jury called the Chamber to reserve a suite of rooms at Salem hotel for the week of September 7. When warn ed of how difficult this task might be in view of the Ore gon State Fair, Jury moved his venture up a week. Thus be looking to see some action on channel 24 for which everyone has been waiting. emunm. ' Portland's second television station, KOIN-TV 6 is due to go on the air next week with a test pattern unconfirmed rumors reveal Tuesday or Wednesday is the date set for the inaugural appearance of Portland's first VHF station and second television station. , Ilima and Ipulea, the only two members of the 1953 Helene Hughes RevQe which had not appeared on either radio or television made their radio debut on Salem sta tion KSLM at the State Fair Grounds Wednesday after, noon. ' Dave Hoss interviewed the pair of beautiful girls while TELE-VIEWS looked on. The two girls are in the dancing line in the revue which closes Saturday night , We're back in . business this week-end as the nation's top radio and television programs return to their respec tive radio and television air wave following a three month vacation for most of the programs. Among the leading shows to return is the Jack Benny radio show which will open Sunday afternoon on KOIN. Your Show of Shows, television program will return to the NBC television station Saturday night on KPTV. Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca once again receive the top billing on the 90-minut variety showcase. YOOTtS FOR TELEVIEWING THURSDAY The Toymaker, 1:45. The old Germin Toymaker brlngi hli tales of toys to delight the young of heart on this llvt children's how. Northwest News Direst, IAS. Features, Normin Wallace, newscaster with Bill Stout at sports reporter and commen tator. Cross-country news and weather round-up by Wallace, news and news photographs local, and live show. Cisco Kid, f :0. Cisco and Fancbo find that their towns people have turned against them after a census taker, for whom they have vouched, put his information to use in a robbery. ' Banting and Fishing News, :!. Local, live show featuring Rudy Lachenmeier. - The Unexpected, S.M. "Mr. O" stars Ludwig Donsth and features Rsy Montgomery and Lisa Golm. A dignified middle aged gentleman takes a job as a mechanic. Later his landlady discovers a picture of him in uniform Inscribed "His High ness." Theatre, S:St. "First Born" stars Ronald Reagan, Nancy Davis and Paula Corday. Story concerns a married couple who are faced with the problem. of winning the affection of Reagan's son by a previous marriage. The son has vivid memories of his fun-loving mother. Wrestllnr from Hollywood, lt:tt. Danny HcShane vs. Billy Varga. Main event: King Kong Kaihy vs. Sandor Szabo. Nito Owl Theater, .1:0. "Nut Farm" with Wallace Ford and Joan Gale. TOURS FOR TILE-VIEWING FRIDAY ' Matinee Theatre, X. "Shanghai Cobra" with Sidney Toler and Mantan Moreland. . The Toymaker, 3:45. The old German Toymaker brings his tales of toys to delight the young of heart on this live chil dren's show. Northwest News Digest, 5:45. Features Norman Wallace, newscaster, with Bill Stout as sports reporter and commenta tor. Cross-country news and weather round-up by Wallace. Newspaper of the Air, 5:55. Features Bill Clsyton with local news and news photographs locsl snd live. Fights, C. Danny Womber of New York vs. Carmine Fiore avf Brooklyn in a lOround welterweight bout at St. Nicholas arena. - Yea Asked For It, 1:JI. Bela Lugoti makes his tele Vision debut in his new role of the "Master Illusionist." In his vampire bat illusion he turns a beautiful girl into a hideous bat. The Big Story, t. Surrender of a public enemy to news man Walter Winchell. Stars Geo. Petrie ss WincheU and Rus sell Hardy ss J. Edgar Hoover. The Goldbergs, Jake decides he wants to change jobs with his business partner, Mendel. Wrestling, 1. Locsl, live wrestling originating from the Portland Armory. - NitrOwl Theatre, 11:15. "Paradise Isle" with Movita and Warren Hull. .... GRAND CHAMPION SHOWMAN TT sUi . i ' ..' i.ni i-.i;., 'iff,rii;,'i'SiiTlvA.ii Mrr .... Jim Coffield, Estacada, left, showing an Aoerdeen Angus cow, won the FFA grand champion showmanship award at the State Fair Thursday. Reserve grand champion was 'Glen Wagner, right, McMinnville, showing a Hereford cow. MAR K E T QUOTATIONS On Television KPTV (Channel 27) KMlr vratrtM othednled ta edvaeeei Hotereia. Dumsnl, Hotlsus. IU Valley Tere vision (enter UOlriirgrotindsIl n.MU m lit iVfar rr Ikt tUal IHftl la Twa mtor, Tnfaii TccknltiftBsi Ovva Vaitl Ditto liei tDtBTsUT THURSDAY I II .m.-rcu for Tomorre Ml p.D Lovt f Lift ' t it .m-Toymtktr 4 M a.m. Howdy DoedT 4:41 p.nu rlil th Cki : .a. lUiua Rtdtr It p.ai, Newpttr ! Air .BL ClMO K14 m. Hunjlnt and PUhlM I d b.mNcwb Crtva H a.MOronch Marl 'I. it a.H-Druntt t:Hn-TM OnMBBeue It b.bl Pord ThBMr M .av Mtrtta rB, DtUctrrt t.M .mv TPA !:) a.m HoUTWbM Mil tut II M Kit Owl Theittr WIARR RADIO & TELEVISION Soles Service Installation Cfcleaew Oaleaa Cblceae auo spuullu llibt, 4nnd (air, market aboat eteadv. Trick aelee M lb,.: U. S. t waleaa atated: Waeblnr Stealth S laehea and Urttr car 1.47 y: truck lot Mlaa Tflllow OVotoM la ,r al a taehia aS largtr Mulvalcnt S ciri ,M. SttMi him sa )bi.: CaUttraU, Cala rado. Or HOD. Wuhlnttoa SvaaUh 3 lachu and larttr. but 1.W-1.1I, aona lair eondttloa l.w-l.M: Ttuo oioot medium MMveat Mil 1.M.1.U, law i n joma fair cradltloa ttotral to tood aualltr amall -. Tynlto oua Ida. ho. Colorado I taehia and lariar l.Tt 1.1a; a to I lachaa, jaw. a.. . rklMi. Oraln cicaco o--aorBaBa and lard vra rldad a ahow ( atrtattb la aa alhtr ua racaed toarkat an tba board al trada Thuradar. Sararal lard coalracta aiada aaw aaa aooal blaha. Blaiutlca OB aroduclloa al iard and abipmaata frara Ohleaao aup porwd tba uptara. aerbaaaa roaa la Uaa with a adianca la arada aaaa all prlcaa and aapactatleaa a aevararaaat cro rrport latar la tba dar would lawar aitlmatad produelloa. . Whaat aulfarad rreai aoiw naasiaa araiiura. atlllna aalow tna pratioua claaa moat ol tha dar. Opttrobar cora dlaplarad occaalonal Ilaahti al jtranitb but dalarrao eoniroew mo. Looaa lard aota at aa caaw a paun. up S, aad at a aaw blab tinea Oe lobar "wheat tloaad -! lowar. Saptaat brr IJIV. aora l lowar to 14 hltbar, Srpt, IMS-, aaw t lowar to alabar. a.pi. . rra W-l lowar. Sapt. I.lt . .m. -Ari..iia f aanU lowar to J ni.h.r. aapt. j a-f.ll1. bad lard 1 to raaU a kuadrad aauada ait nor. sapt. IMS. rhiamra Llvaataab rhvm ur-LIra koca took to ow blah prlca irouad Thuradar aa matpta aaala waro fawar than anticipant) b iha trada. Adraneaa at J to M aaau wara ratlatorad la aU dapatlaiaau. PoaTUaira raaatuxis usv aattatfat Taawatiaa awaat la na. audlato cnanaa. Praaurjai auallty. aiaal aaara M al aaa par eaat acldur aa llrand ta Poruano aa-flo Ua-i mat aaa. Itp. la-aac aaoond aualltr. U-Wa. Pall.j rootaa and country pain la. S aaata lata. Bailor wtwlaaaaa .a. bulk aubaa ta wboleaalo, sradaa AA, l acore. aac: A prada. ta acora. aac: BL aa aeA, ai. C. u acora, (at. Abora prlcaa atrlcua aaminal Ckoaao Aelllaa mtmm la Pttrti-na wholaaalara, Oraaoa aUalea. 42Vh-Uc: Oraaoa a lb. loal. Uta-MVac . eta la ffaalaialara Caadlaa ooatalaiiia aa aaaa. aaaoa taeludad l a b. rarllaad A arada laraa, am-otlac: A irada nadluia. alW-Wxc; A arada ataalL llH-uo: b arada laraa, IS-altao. PWIIaaa Oam aanoa Bailor moo ta retaraara- arada AA Print, iiai a aanoak net a trtata, iia: aartoa, TWi a prmu. aaa. aaa ta araa-aaora Candied tab. Portland: Oairaded laraa, aa-aoe daa.; trada AA Una, tat dot.; A laraa, c doe : AA medium, aaa doa.i A arada medium, lie doa-i A trada amaUa aoatl nal, la-lac, kaxe ta aaiaHaro arada AA laraa lac; a larta, 7a-7le: AA paodlura. tic: Dedlun. aoe: A amaiL as.aie. Car. torui t canta oddltlaaaL caaaaa Prlca la ntanara. BaruaaMl. Oratrm alntlaa, ilS,-4le: ft ra. laavaa. Sl-UVMi trlplata, H4a lata thaa ala tloa. Proaiiuaa braada atntlaa Mtbal lb. fa alalia" wheela MHa. PTaeoaaod Aat- arlcan cbacaa. Ilb. laavaa to ratatl. 4a v- ISe lb. raartrp aha Canakaaw-fNa, I awatltr. f.a.a. plaata): Irrara, SH-I lao.. Me: 3-4 Iba, aac; roajtart. 44b Inc.. and avar. awe; aaavy naaa, au valallta. la-lac; lllht hena, all waltbtl, lfi aid rooal ora, ll-llc. Oraaaad Ckleteaa Ra. t draaood to ratallara. mere, brollara. 44-4S reaotora, aU ana.. 44-4aei Ileal haaa. ia-lie; aoavr nana, is-34c; aut-up frp era. aU wla, tl-41e Ib.i wbola drawa ai. He lb. . BabUla Aferata ta arawem Lira wbitea. 4-S lae- aa-ne: e-e lba, II -lie Ib.i aid doee, 14-lJc. few hither, rraah d reeled frtert to retallore. al-adei tut up oi-aae. Cawatrp KUlad Heat Veal Top aualltir, M-Jta lb.1 renin bee-lea, ;a-ale. aaa Laana Haekara, 11-11 lb.; aowa, Ulbt. 3S-S4a. Laaaba Baal, sa-ISa at J raarllaaa. la-aae la Malta Beet, la-lte at.) eaU-atlUlr. 7-ae. ' aw oilliir aowa. aa-ato .: aaaaar euliera, lf-lac; ahelai down la tie. rroak Oraaoaa Iteaaa arhaiaaalara aa retatlaraa Ballara aaa twt.: Beef-dlteora. cholea. ata-laa fat. 41. t43.ea: toed. 117 C4-U.ee; eoaaeBereial 37-lt; atllltr, tat-aa; caataiorclal aewe, in-aa; ituitr. tai-aai oajaBtr-aaittrt. lla-33. Beef oata Choice ttaara aiad duar tera. 141-171 rouada, au-ii: full lolaa. trlaimed, 171.71: arlantlaa, 117-jl; lore- auartera, 111)1; ehucka, an-lti Hot, HI-IS. Veal aad Calraa Oood-eholce. all walthta, 110-li: commercial. 131-11, uaaba choiea-prima, air-ao; aooa, 133-37; aprlat laaaba. cholee-prlma. 47.ae. Mattea Good choice. 11-13 lb. 11-44. Perb Gata-tVolaa. do. 1. S-ll lban I4.M-M: ahoBldera. 14 lba., l-lc; apamlba, 3-tl; freah tfarai. 10-14 lba.. MI-44: pork aareaaaea. abolaa, lJa-174 lba all IO-M . a'aaeked Bean Skinned, til-aS lba, fined lard la dinraa. I14-14.H; tlab baa on. PU-73. Porllaad aftieebl aaeaa Oalaae ta lb. aack Calif. Had Oloba, mad., a.7-l.t0: white aloha, M-t H: Waah. reUowa, nod. 1.74-1 40; lane 1J4-1.U. fetaleee Local Trlumpha, lota, I.M. 1.71; Boardmaa kmc wbitea. No, 1A . aat; Ko. 3 44 lb. aack, -te; Oraaoa Ruaaetta No. 1. 1.40-3.74; la lb. aaeaH, aa Ue; local Kuieetr, No. 1A. 3 74-3 31; Calif, lone wbitea. Na. 1A, Sn-t ea: fair. 3 40-3 71 Nana braada to 1 11. waah. Ruaaeta ta.7t-S.Ni Waah. loaa wbitea No. 1 3 M-3 34. Bar o. a Ma a BTrcn alfalfa, da. urerea ear lau f.a.a raruaaa aad Be ar.:, 3I-J0. PVaal Otoaat aaalt, trulaaialta Val- let atedlum tl-Sto lb.: Saatera Oretoa fine aad hall-blood. a-aic. WU!aaactw vajiep leave wool Uc; u-aoalk waal 4e-a0e akalr a re a. ow U-aiaBtb Brew- IB, f.a.a. couatrp ablaplBt polnu Bltee Prodacora parlnt prlca l.a.B. Portland calf aktsa. ll-lla lb., accord tat to condition; treea klpa. IS-llo lb.: trata cow haaea, 4-14e lb. eceordlat to wcltht and aualltti bull hldaa. 4-aa Ib.r tlut bldee. M par aaal below prlcaa for above claaeea. memo Wholetala aetllnt price. He I medium Bareelonae. u.lia lh.: ahau. ad. ll-tit la. walaata wThaleaale aeiilBe hvm nral analltr larta Praoauattea. li-40a lb.1 ehelled. Ilthl amaei aalvea. 74-7Ve Ib.i Uibt btlvaa, 7l-41a at . SALEM MARKETS Caaeplled fraaa reperta af Salaaa awalera aoe wee raiaaace af capital JaBraal roedere. (Bevlaad a. II.. I eraii vaea rrreaai Babbit Pallete II II ita-lb. baa). Il.10-t.04 UM-lb. ban. In Mob lt.04-t.il. - Dalrp Peed 13.41-3 It (It-lb. ban: 3 tl-i it not wt.ii paaturt mix, ti n raaltrp Bartaa trteoa Coiorea (.. Ste: old vooalara. ltot e4araa fowL taa: leehora fowl, 14c; routers, ate Mm Bartaa Prteee Baae AAtte: larea 4 44-44c; asodluat AA. t4ti medium A. c; email. Sac. aTaeaeaala PrloBa bwa whaiaaam mnmtm BBBeraup e-le alabar thaa tha prteee aaavo. Lartt arada A aaaeraua 4 noted al lie; medium, ate. taatienat Burma prteai Prwaluat. to. 11c. No L t7-tte: Mo. P. ate. BalleawWhalaaala arada A hmumI ev.i rveeua, lea. STOCKS rarllaad llveeleek Portland tl Tradlnt la cattle ealvea waa alow while the hot market wae active today. cattle ti market alawl few early aalaa atoady, but blda oa atnutr cowa at-aOt or mere lower; arouad a loeda tood ahorl tad holdover heUora unaold; few around ITa-lOTi lb. aemmerclal traaa tteare II; utility heltere 14-11. W; caBnor-auttar cowa 1-1.40; few utility cowa t-io.to; aoma hltheri few uttuty nulla ll-lt.to. a?alvtl 130; mtrket very alow, moat of aupply without blda; few aood vealar aoarly atoady at la. but liberal aupply ranaa eaivee avauaeie. Hoao lao; merket active, etroati cholee ipe-aee ra. autcnara aa.ee to anooiir Jli few ohelce lta lb. S7.3I; erolce 340 lb. st.at; choice Jee-aoe ib. aowa tiao-34. hoop 100, holdover lot; eupplr moetly era; plraolleally aa early aalaa; under- Waatlaahouao Air Broke tone atroaa tohlther aa wood to prune alauihter aprlat lambo; ether claaaee In Barrow detnaad: few erolce-prlme Bearbr aprlat Umbo Wedneeday 17-11 Id (By The Aeeaalalee PraaaJ Admlra1 Carporauea .. ..i...... Allied Chemical , AUla Chatmara . Amarlcaa Alrllaea Amoricaa Powei A Lltb ......... Amerteaa Tel. I'd Amerlcaa Tobacco .... ABaeonda Copper Atccleor Railroad Bethlehem at-l Boauti Alrplalsa Ca. .. Bert Waraer .. Burrewa Addlnt Machlai Callfora Packini Canadian Paelllc Caterpillar Trector v...- Celenaaa Corporatloa .. Chryrler Corporatloa ,. Clllea aarvtco Coaaolldated Sojeon Couaolldeled Vultee Crown Zellerbach Curtlaa Wrlahl Doualaa Aircraft , Du root e Nemaurt Kaatmaat Kodak. BraereoB Radio Oeaeral BlKtrla General Pooda GeBOrel alotora Oaama Pac. nywood Ooodyear Tiro Homaatakt Ulnlhl Co , iBtornatloaal Harvaator , lBtarnational Paper Johna iHBVlUe Kalaer Aluminum . Kennecott copper , Llbby McNeil Lockheed Aircraft , Loowea Incorporated ,. Lou Bell ntoettomeiy ward Naab Kalvlaator New York Central Northera Pacllla , Partite American Pub . Paetfta Oaa a Electrla . Paelllc Tel. At Tel...... Packard Hour Car .... Peaney. J. C. Pennerlvaala R. ti. .... Penal Cela Ca. PhUoa Radla Radla Corporatloa ..... Ravonler lnaora IFIayonter Incarp. Pld. Republla Stool Rornolde Hetalt Safeway Storca. lae. ... Seotl paper Co. .... Seere Roebuck Co. .. Aoe OCT Vacuum OH .... Aoethern PacUle ataadard Oil Calif Atandard Oil N J Studebaker Corp. ...... Sunahlne MIbIbb awift da Co Traneamertea Corp .. Twentieth Century Pos Unloa, Oil Company , , . anion Pactlle United Alrlinaa ....... United Atrcreft .' United corporrtloa ... United attatoe Plywood , Unltoa Btelea Ataei Waraer Plcturea waatora Union Tel. I Woetlaebouee ftlectrlo I Wool worth . 4 ,.,...41 !.... 41 .... tat, ""r93Va .... 14 .... ais .... 44 .... 4714 .... 31)1 .... 17 .... llWt .... aiH .... aat, .... 44 .... 33H .... 44 '4 .... 14H .... II .... 41 .... StH .... iv, .... I4t .... ti .... 43t .... "I .... 13 .... 4t .... at .... n .... 44 .... IS .... 34 .... UVe tela .... "4 .... 113 .... t .... 33 .... 11 .... 14 .... 44 .... It .... S4 .... tt .... 1 11 ....1114 . 11 ,. 13Mj .. IB ,. 13 .. 31 .. 31 .. 44 .. 41 .. 44Mi .. SIVh .. 41 .. dA .. 11 .. 11 ... 40 , It ...34 ... 1 ... 11 ... 31 . 11 ... 11 ...lam . at . 34 . 13 , 44 , 14 , 41 , 43 Mid Willamette Obituaries Juliui Wright Dallas Ju!its Cubic Wright, 71, TU Church St., died Fri day arternoon following a heart attack in a bean field at Inde pendence. Mr. Wright was born in IBM in Obion Co., Tennes see. He waa married to Nora Viola Turner near Linde, Wash. In 1805 and had lived hare 17 years. Ha was s member of the First Christian Church of Dal las. Survivors are the widow and two daughters, Mrs. Viola Ar enas, Dallas; Mrs. Gladys Mid. daugh, Springfield; four sons, Virgil el. Wright, Ketcbicsn; Guilbert K. Wright, Lebanon; snd Carl M. Wright, SaUas; 17 grandchildren and six step grandchildren. One eliter. Mrs. Lucile Metcalf, Arcada. Call! Private services were held Sunday at Mt Crest Abbey Mausoleum and Crematorium, That Rev. OrviUe Mick efficiaU ed. Entombment waa st Mt Crest Abbey. Uller A. Hodiey Dayton Funeral services were held Wednesday. Septem ber , from the Dayton Pioneer church for Uller A. Hadley, 68. late of Daytoo, who died Sat urday in Salem. Interment fol lowed at the Dayton I.O.O.F. cemetery. He had been in fail ing health for nine years- He was born in 1886 in King' man County, Ind., the son . of Martha and Charles Hadley. He moved to Dayton when nine years old and had lived there ever since. In IBM he married Constance Frances at Dayton. I Survivors include bis widow, Constance, Dayton; fiva sons, llaiiaa anal KleeMWlH HanfAPerL Cal., William, Tulane. CaL, Russell, Spokane, and Cbarlea, Salinas, Cal.; three daughters, Mrs. Ruth Martin, Astoria; Mrs. Lois Deis, Portland; and Mrs. Martha Cooper, Sutherlin; two brothers, . Douglas, Portland, and Ralph McMinnville; and 12 grandchildren, ' Louis J. Merrick Aurora Friends have' learn ed of the death of Louis J. Mer rick on Sept. S, late of 1647 N. E. list, Portland, husband of Ester, father of Robert L, Cor- vsllls, Oregon, Dorothy Gus tation, Spokane, Mary Gates, Genevieve Bolden, Joan Mer rick, all of Portland; brother of Arthur Merrick, Portland, and 10 grandchildren. Funeral ser vices were Wednesday, Sept. . st St Mary Magdalena church, N. E. 3rd and Slski you. Commitment Mt Calvary cemetery, Portland. Hcjttie S. Todd Lebanon Services for Mrs. Hattle Siefert Todd, 60, were held Wednesday afternoon at the Huston chape L. Mrs. Todd died Saturday at Sacred Heart hospital, Eugene. She was born July 26, 1883 at Kings Valley. She Is survived by her wid ower, John C. Todd, Lebanon; daughter, Evelyn. Darling, Eu gene; sister, airs. Lynn Lightle. Seattle two brothers, Ed Seif ert, Lebanon, snd William Siefert, Riverside, Calif. MONTJMXNT BlaaUTZB Vlemns, Aiastria (rf A kob ument elected ta pee-Tito pttr tiaans who fought snlntrt the Nasis In the last war was blown up early Thursday la tows near tba Austro-Yngo Slav border. Folic) said they suspected extreme right-wing Austrian Mtionalists. The Panama Canal Is awtTie- ' times ccduldered to tnark thai division betwvjsea North and South America, DEATHS eel heapltoi aapt. a. Uaa. Lata l al 1444 Nehraaka Bi. Ball til as parent, air. aad Mre. Bkrward lamlmli Ireadwaroala, Mr. Beta afra. Orelataaer, LaadaarTUle. parent, am. Maria Oraveelde tanlcaa Prtday, awe. 11. a 14 to a. Bk, al Iha Jaaaai Lap itttlifp. aader the dlreaueat at Ska Vtratl T. CMaa Ca. ...... , Lreia L Sfaat " '' Lpdia L. Hat. at the riellBtn, eat Retelltfe Dr- Aapt. MX AWnlied by S alelerr, Mra. Aaa Abbey, afarrae. OaMf, alra. W. P Ourry. Clertataa. WaalL. aart. Pre Snlaay, Priaevulo, Ore.; bulbil, a O. Hunt, aaloaa. teaeaaoameal ai eomoos will be aaada latar by the T. Ooldoa Ca. Why Suffer Any Longer Whew other, tall, aaa amp rtjtatee rataaeaea. Aauataa owooaaa tat aat peare ba Chiaa. aa matter wrtb arkat aUmeala pea are afnteled. dlaoadaia, atanttlav heart, raaea. brver. kleVaraw, rheaaaaluna. eta i CHARLII CHAN CPTTXIIS trXBB Co. Offloa Bear a ta S Tea, aad Bet. eatr 444 a Caeeeeereeel ti tat I III It at tavaa. tit. . ' Q S.P. spends 3.8 million anothor for morG !: tWaVal drf FaVDS IsaBObS ftl It. Nixon Greets !ke . At National Airport Washington () President Eisenhower, interrupting his Colorado vacation to attend the funeral of Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson, srrived in Washington early today. ' Vice-President Nixon greet ed him as he stepped from the presidential plane Colum bine st Washington National airport The president called cheerily: 'Hi, there, Dick. Whst are you doing here" Sleek Market New Verb (AV-afotart and Ttllrnwda were under eoma aelllot prresure Tnura day Ib a falling atock market. The decline tolowlaa Iwe deva af Tela. tlva atcadlneaa wtat le arouad t point! at the eateide IB a law areaa. Ol.nerwiec the chaatea either wey were emeu. Volume expended on the decline and oame to are animated 404 000 aharet for the entire day. tThat compare a aaa.bM aharea traded Wedneeday I the four-yeer low al I4t.aet aharea traded, eat Tuaadar. ktda Porllaad Oreaa . PertloBd (P-Coarat aralae, ar effara. Wheat kid ta arrive market, baale Ko. 1 bulk, delivered coaal: soft White, 3.3S; Soft White oBcludlaa Rea S.; White Club 331. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary l.tt; II per eant a.at; 11 per eon! aat; 11 per cent 1.11. , Hard White Beam Ordinary i.311 11 per teat 3.31; 11 per eeat 3.11; II par cent 3.31. . Thuradaye eer receipt: Wheal . 11; barley t; Hear 1: eera 4: mill feed I FREE HAIRCUTS AT FAIR TV Open frees t ajn. te I b.ib. Ph. I-1S11 Cml galea's First TrVrvlilan Blare panAt t IB on-Whit'a Ceetlatl 11.4 twav-ais Prwa Il ia Am Welcome Travelers II to abw-ob rouv Aeeowat II II p av-O" Oeaertl Aaaemblp II '41 p.aaLadlaa Choice I'M p.aav-Ooubla or Netklad) I 3a p.av atrl'a II Rich S at p m-fdatlnea Theater S-lt p deach for Tomorrow s'sa p.av Love of Life t 41 p.m-Toymakar 4 ta p.av Terry aad Plratea 4 31 B.ak-ets Oua Playbeaaa ire, Melnarta Reel 1:31 p.mPrectle Tot t 41 p.at-Nawt caravta 1 eo p mOcat Aatrey I It p.mTou AUtd Par it S at p.m Doorwty tt Dealer S SI p.moldbertl a ta p av-Chtaea of Llftuma a at p.m. Bob Ooaaldlne U a Teat Poaat Theater il ea pmPortleaa vryeaUtM II M pMA-rml- al Clip I i T'- i a.. 1 A f v 1 V .(E.TP '4- -v -"'- -'Z?-, aj, - J aBaaamaaal Cattle Teased all the war from U cent hither te aa much lower while aheap ware needy to II to miner. Moat butcher writot note aota rrom lls.ol to tn.at with top coint to 131 at for around three loeda. Boat aenoraUr ware worth 111.11 to Ili.H. afoal ateera end yearunaa ra enotee to prime Deab told from lit to 111 to. oeod te low prime helfera made 111 at ta tlt.at. eae prima load tolat te 131.41. Cewt topped et 111 14. bulla al 11441, aad choice vealare el tlLII. Oood te prime aprtae lamba made 111 te 111 44 while twee eosllaued to tell al II ao end below. Salable rervlpu wert lallmated et I. ant beta. 1.444 cattle, pat cal rea and 1,404 thorp. Pertlead Seetatde Market Portland alio Tha flrat volume ehla mtat of DlUard saalaloupea were dueled by Pacifie Prult end Produre Co. et tt M.t for otaadard rratea of lit, 37a end lie todar; prrajoeeri reeelvtd I3.TI-I lor preferred eabbaae; moat fleta of Taklma and mld-Columbta dlatrlct U matoeat broulht 114-1.44 al whole. ele boaeee; flrat ahlpment Veklma valley coBxeeeVtype treeae billed et mi eeall fay five peaad aaaketa. I These haircuts are free, sure enough, if you are a sheep. Photo shows three youths competing for the 4-H sheep shearing championship st the Oregon State Fsir Thursday. From left they sre Glen Warner, Monroe. 1952 champion; Henry Williams, Klamath Falls; snd Glen Klock, Sandy. Barnes retained his championship. Williams snd Klock finished second and third respectively. ANNOUNCING Boars: Ml; 1-8 Evenings by AppolatmeBt DR. JOHN C. TARR CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN . ' Phone 1-Ii2 Mil Fslrgreands Rd., Salem, Oregon In the BollywoatJ District (F oLo (CENTRALIZED TRAFFIC CONTROL) to enlarge Oregon's rail freight capacity IxpsMditw of $3,103,000 to complete tbe instaRation of C.TC. ; (Cawtralized IVafBc Control) over tbe baaM sectioo of Scathrn Pscific lines in Oregon, between Klamath Falls and Eugene, Onhjoo, ltaa juet been sutivofwccl snd work will start shortly. e . . The effect will be to greatly increase the capacity of the Kne, tpeeding the movement of Oregon product, particularly lumber, out of Oregon tvU alto the hauling of empty can into Oregon, C. T.Cisa facility whereby signals and veritcbee cot trotting tmn ofasr ation are operated by dispatchers by remote control, ami ncrtvaaea the caapevctty of single fine track by tetoajt 78 pet cent. ' InstoHtrHeM of C T. C. operation between Klamath Falls and Oeecent Lake, 99 miles, was started late last year and will be com pleted in November at a cost of $2,461,000. The work just authorised covers the installation over the next 95 miles from Crescent Laka to Xrugem, coijcentration point for lismbec arhiprnente from western Oregori. The) aHitirn InstallcrHofl, therefore, from Klamath FaUs to Eugene, -194 miles, involves a total expenditure of $6,264,000 . . . another in veatinent in the tremendous total made since the end of World War II to make our good railroad a better one. It represents our continuing purpose to provide Oregon and tbe other states) we serve with the lfoeet freight and passenger service in America. H Menu prtlnnt to point out that this C.T.C. iiwtallation and other improvements to increase the capacity of our railroad or make it more efficient benefits directly or indirectly all the area we serve, whether located adjacent to the facilities involved or not. - CompUtlsxt of thai C. Te C. installation into Eugene will give) Southern Pacific C.T.C. operation all the way through the mountain territory between Redding, California, and Eugene with the excep tion of a short, leas busy section between Black Butte and Klamath Falls. uuiess ITIIIl IFXttHv WmEM SovraaWN Pacotc Cohtaxt, D. I. Hiram i fVeeadVni ! i i tt i r if SbieWl.i. a, bid