Thursday, September IP, 1951 . THB CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salta. Oncost Fw IT HEALTH IMPROVEMENT. WINNm V 7 VI err. ' t jl Jijr-'t J'- Urr" Girl From Rickreall Wins Trip to Chicago Titian haired Mary Jam Wait oi KickrcaU won a trip to cucago in November be cauaa aha waa tha Oregon 4-H Health club member making tha beat achievement in health improvement during tha pact year. Mary Jane, daughter ot Mr. and tin.- H. M. Wait ot Rlck reall, was hosen aa the winner at tha Oregon State Fair Wed nesday afternoon. Her alter nate ia Harold Berger, eon of Mr? and Mri. Henry Berger, Route 4, Hillaboro, who may alio get to make the trip to Chicago. Tha winner of the trip ia IS yean old and haa been a mem ber of the Health club for two yean. She baa been in 4-H club work for five yean, be longing alio to a aewing and cooking club. This year Mary Jane enten Salem high school aa sophomore. Young Berger is a junior in the Hilliboro high school this year and has been in club work for seven years. He has be longed to the health club for five yean. In addition he has been a member of a dairy club and a garden club and for a V ,' 4 A :T t . ML 4 u' - -.1 Jaw.-- -1 -Si 3 'Four H club members who have made the best achieve ment in health improvement during the past year were announced at the State Fair Wednesday. Top are Mary 'Jane Wait, Rickreall, left, who won the .rip to Chicago, and Harold Berger, Hillaboro, right, chosen alternate. To be eligible for the trip the club member must be 14 yean of age by January i, 18SS, Below are the winners of tha 4-H school scholarship for their achievement in health improvement, Linda Delp, Olex, left, and David Carlson, Rickreall, rightt . Cascade High Opens Sept. 21 Cascade Union high school will open the 1953-64 school year September 21 at a.m. AU students are urged to pay fees and check registration September It, 17 and 18. The school will be opn for regis tration all three days and from 7 to 9 p.m. the evenings ef September 18 and 17 for students who are working. On the evening ot Septem ber 18 the Cascade Cougars will oppose Silverton in the Cascade opening football game ef 19S3 at Silverton. . Cascade will have three new members on the faculty for the new school year. They are Miss Monte Middlebusher, graduate of Oregon State col lege, ' who will teach girls Dhvslcal education and one freshman class in English Lvle Kins: who coached all sports at Harrisburg high school last year will be head roach of basketball and will teach social economics and boys physical education; Da vid Evans of Portland will teach Junior and senior Eng lish and one class in journal ism. Those remaining from lest year's faculty are Louis J. Uhrhammer, principal; Milton E. Gralap who will teach sci ence; Roy E. Hough who will teach freshman math, algebra and aeometry; Harold Dutton, teacher of agriculture; Robert Stewart, head of the guidance denartment. football and base ball coach, will teach freshman subjects; John Seim will tesch freshmen and sophomore Eng lish classes and be head of dramatics; Martha Angus will K head of the commercial de partment and will teach typing and ollice pracuce; Riches will be librarian and teach a class in bookkeeping; Lora E. Bates will teach Amer ican history and world history; Eleanor DeCamp will teach home economics and art; Rich ard Bassien will teach driver training and general wood ehop; William Bissell will teach all music classes including band; Gsrth Rouse will handle .11 ,.tr.n sericulture classes; Margaret Riches will be clerk and secretary to the principal, r r Subv will again be ...'a riutndian and Melvin ,ni be his assistant Mrs. Irene Hough will be head w fn the cafeteria and will . be assisted by Mrs. Mary Ben- ..j Mr. Jane Nicholson. I1C I flMJM . The remaining members oi the school board are Louis Sro field. chairman. Delmer Bar ber and Howard Gilbert from ..t year and the mem Aumsville. The new memben replace Fred Comstock who moved to Albany ' and Karl Wipper who moved Into the Turner district from the Clo- verdale district. Harrisburg FFA Winner Harrisburg's FFA chapter took the $100 ifrst prlxe in the Oregon Bankers association sponsored chapter farm shop exhibit at tne state ratr, wea nesday. The prii wat awarded on practical value, -workmanship, finish, originality, aafety, co operation, and proper labeling. Winner of second place and $80 was Amity chapter; Banks won the 80 third prize; fourth and fifth prizes of $50 and $40 went to Hlllsboro and Ger vais, respectively. Silverton, Corvallls, Albany won the 8th, 7th, 8th, and 9th place awards, all $25. A summary of individual first place awards in the farm shoo exhibit follows' Trailers Harry Caleson, Amity; ma chine .trailers, Richard Kiop fenstein, Silverton. Large construction eleva tor, Vern van Domelen, Banks: grain loader. Amity FFA; fertilizer .spreader, Carl Jensen, Harrisburg. Small construction sell- feeder, Carl Jensen, Harris burg; silage cart, Duana Frue denthal, Hillaboro; power hack-saw. Richard Klopien- stcin, Silverton; extension lad der, Francis Stadelman, Hills boro; tool cabinet, Richard Klopfenstein; harrow drawbar, Dale Perren, sanay. The Panama Canal ia some times considered to mark the division between North and South America. Texas Sends Hereford Bulls Thirty-two Hereford -herd bull prospects and 32 select Hereford females from seven western states have been con signed to the Pacific Interna tional aale to be held in Port land October 23. The aale of these top Quality Hereforda will be a featured event at this year's P-I to be held October 20 to 24. Traveling the greatest dis tance to this year's P-I aale are seven head of good Here forda from the state of Texas, consigned by W. J. Largent, MerkeL Texas; W. J. Fullwiler. Abilene, Texas; and McBride Bros., Blanket, Tex. From the state ot Utah, three head era consigned to the sale by Peterson Brothen, Ogden. From Nevada, George Schu- man and Sons, owners of Clo ver Valley Ranch at Wells, nave consigned six head. Five head of Hereforda will be in tha sal from California. from the ranches of Sacramen to Hereford Ranch, Sacramen to and Keith Daulton of Ma' dera. Idaho breeden have consign ed two head from Beau Meek. and Ted Reins, both ot Pay- ette. Twenty-one Hereforda will be in the aale from the follow ing Washington ranches: Al darra Farms, Seattle; Jack Benscoter, Pullman; Columbia Hereford Ranch, Hunters; Die Matson, Naches; James C. Hay and Sons, Ellensburg; L. C. Staley, Pullman; A. V. Harrel and Son, Ellensburg; John Clert and Son, Ellensburg; Ed Rea, Rlffe; Gordon McGough, Prescott; and Francis Calla han, Ellensburg. Twenty head of aale cattle are from the following Oregon ranches: Joe Fisher, Warren; Fred Cox and 6on, Grass Val ley; Harry Herbert, Eugene; J. L. Jacobs and Sons, Prine ville; Walter P. Hubbard and Son, Junction City; Sam Holmes, Bend; Double M Ranch, Adams; and Herbert Chandler and Son, Baker. Last year'a top priced aale bull was consigned by Chan dler Ranch and sold for $8100 to Coffer Hereford Ranch, Che- halls. Wash., while the top fe male waa consigned by Double M and sold for $9000 to Lucky Hereford Ranch, Gilroy, Calif. Operating for the tint time as a Register oi.jneru snow the 19S3 P-I la expected to draw many of the top Hereford show cattle from all over the western states. This year's Hereford show will be held on Thursday, October 22. Harry Parker, prominent Hereford breeder from San Luis Obis po, Calif., will Judge the breed ing classes. year a member of the poultry club. ' To be eligible for the trip to Chicago a 4-H dub member must have been 14 years old by tha first ef January. 19S3. The awards arc under tha national health Improvement program sponsored by the Kellogg com pany. Going east with the health winner will be Esther Taskerud, state extension asent for 4-H clubs, and Burton Hut ton, state 4-H club leader and from 13 to IS other 4-H club members representing various types of 4-H club projects. The latter will be selected in Oc tober and the entire group will leave for the east on .Thanks giving day. In addition to tha top win ner and the alternate two other winners were selected. These young persona who were unoa welp of Olex in Gil liam county, and David Carl son ot Rickreall. Linda and David will receive 4-H club summer school acholarsni'ps from the State Farm Insurance company. Linda, who is 13. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welp. It Is her sixth year in 4-H club work. Other clubs to which she has be longed are canning, cooking, homemaking and sewlnc. Lin. da Is a freshman at the Arling ton nign school this year. xne son of Mr. and Mn. R. V. Carlson, Rickreall, David ia in the eighth grade at Rickreall and ia 12 years old. He has been a Health club member for two yean and in club work for five years. The clubs Included bacneior sewing and woodworking. Used in rating the club mem- bers for their health improve ment are health habits, food! habits, participation in other individual health activities, participation in group health activities. Also announced Wednesday afternoon were the 10 ton 4-H health clubs in tha state., with tne selection made after con sidering . the number ot 4-H memben -enrolled in 4-H pro ject or activity, the individual health activities ot club mem bers, the health improvement program ot the club, methods, procedures and techniques used in individual and club health projects or activities, t In this top 10 were four clubs from Polk county. These included the Salt Creek Health club. Salt Creek; Bridgeport Health club, Dallas; the Oak Point 4-H Health Helpers. Oak Point, and the Health Vitamins, Rickreall. Other clubs in the top group were tne Busy Bee Healta club, Lacomb, Linn county; Seth Fun-O-Pep club, Gaston, and Steps to Health club, Hillaboro, both Washington county: Ironside 4-H Health club. Ironside, Malheur county; j Cheerful Health club, Baker, Baker county, and Tooters for Good Health, Portland Beach school, Multnomah county. Q0GDG ZH31 TRIANGLE X-TRA EGG PRODUCER tr'mgt Ycu Grtoftr Egg Production at lower Coif VV THI FRIENDLY IUS LINE Willamette Feed 1 Supply D. A! White Sons . 'red DeVriei & Sons Rt. TO : SNUNA A JACK'S . - MOW! .b Sa.:, A v.; . 't V ; -"i N A.', i I I ( V mm,. DON'T MISS THESE BUYS! FREE AfflEtm AND IHSTAUm in mEm tira ONLY A FEW LEFT! WB3 mmmM I ' ' . , - - , : A A" A'-VAA. AA''-'; A'AAAA - y Tik. !" k.c v ,,w"'7lh " m 'ri'ii1' JinlMiiiiiWfaiMiniYT!SVi'i'''' 1 '$ mm 24 Alos. to Pay WITH THESE EXCLUSIVE M0T0R0U FEATURES: Super Power Chassis Sfand-out Picture Glare-guard Screen Ready for UHF Reception Unbeatable Wide-angle View LI STEN TO . .'. SMILING JACK'S FOOT I ALL FORICASTS ON KOCO IVIRY FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. (STARTING SEPT. II) SEE YOUR FAVORITE FOOTBALL WITH MOTOROLA TV! OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 PHONE 3-9600 SMILING JACK'S CORNER CENTER & CHURCH STS. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ON OUR LOT :A '1 i ,1 ber, are Dixon ion and Jack fP" from