Jay. - V y; y m- Thursday, SepUnbcr 10, 1953 hit IS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Ore 2 a i ' 5 o i t h ii t) S ft si fi I B c b h b ti .'. v v --' t- - o I d Yv'vv i leastf M-Jmi6im "saaH- "-"iii j .trupiclia, Other Stars Beturn to TJlolalla Team Tl llMllil Mrt rUtia M Ik aeeota et hit eel fMU Mm Im lata are, fee Mi story M w tTwrttt vMM picks, they ere quarterback! Stan Chlldefi and Tim Brown hllt; and halfback John Dit rirk and Leonard yrer. Although there is no re turning fullback the Indian! mwii "aii wft iaa Wl.trwvl K U Ws ieU. J UitontMB. W .f ruuoara 1101 m a .aiuomia letttwwse, viW w(oot lart year. Another Oei V WSUlj0tftr romlnf to Molalla for. tlMetta a Vftte.;tHi year if Jim Hemphill, a r uW nom Maupin. Uoemen - lettermen coming back at Molalla include ends HM.t W4 ' Three in a Row Mrs. Basel Holchkisa Wlfktmaa. (rlrht). areseaU ea ta Maareea (LHUe Mo) Connolly (center) ei 8aa Oieie, Calif, after she hard-blttiar ejaeea el the tennis world swept ta her third straight C.8. championship at Forest Hills, N.T. Manreesi defeated hard-hick Doris Hart (left) of Coral Gable, Fit, for the second year in a row, 1-4 (CF Telephoto) ' New York Scene of Three Top Sports Eycnfs Soon Br 6ATLB TALBOT New York (V-There are a great aiany hotel rooms in this sows, most run into the sheasaads, bat If yea haven't already made a reservation atartiaff .about .twa .weeks from today It would be strong ly advisable to eount an stay tar horn and barn leave. Three of tbe year' biggest aport events are scheduled, to be packed into a little more than a week's time here. First among the three spec tacles in which championships will be involved comes the heavyweight battle between Rocky Marclano - and Roland La Starza at the Polo Grounds cn the night ' of September S4. Tw oday later, Native Dancer, the 3-year-old chnv pioo, will make his run at Tom Tool, the handicap king, in the Sysonby Mile at Bel mont Park. On the following Wednesday the Yankees and the Dodgers tpen their horn eric tussle at Yankee Stadium. - 1 From this : distance it be gins to look a though the odds in favor of Marclano keeping his title will lengthen gradu ally right up to the weigh-in, and that the belter from Brockton might enter the ring a S-to-1 favorite, or even bet ter. Why this is so we do not pretend to know. In our mind, La Starza figure to have a real good chance. But the pro motors hsve had much diffi culty selling the comparison between Roland and another .Sampling of press box opin ion we took the other dsy would Indicate that the older horse, Tom Fool, will com mand heavier backing than Native Dancer in 'their dream race, notwithstanding the lat ter' tremendous two-season record and the fact he will have a pull in the weights. Some who picked the Fool said they would switch their choice if the rac were to be at a mile and a half. They think the Dancer needs a lot of running room.. The Yankees broke every rull of baseball superstition by holding their "victory" eel ebration on the train coming home from the West the other day. The thought of throw ing a whingding before the flag i clinched sends shud ders down many spines, but the Bombers feel they are above such childish fantasies, and maybe they are. Perhaps more significant In any preview of the big play off is the fact that Billy Loes, the youngrrt and most unpre dictable of the Brooklyn pitch ers, turned in a four-hitter against the Phils on Labor day. This was indeed some thing, because Billy bad not gone the route in two months and Manager Charlie Dressen was beginning to wonder if he ever would again. K Billy has eom out of his trance H Is important series news, for there had been a question of which Bum Rookie Hurls m No-Hit-Run Innings in Relief New York J The Dodg ers eaa clinch a tie for their seventh and most easily at tained pennant today and If that doesn't make the Yankees sit np and take notice, wait until they hear about Bob Mil- liken. Q Major Leagues .(r Th AiMeltttd FTMl) HSTIONn MAOUI Brooklyn ,i MUvaukot .. St. Looli ... Fhllidalphi , Ntw Tork ... ClnclnnftU ChlCHO FUUsuilh .. OB a mi II .600 13 V, a mi i U .HI 11 II .411 31 .111 .401 .311 IS V4 II WodMUir'i BomIU Brooklyn I. Ctnelnnttl New Tork I, St. Louli 1 PhlUdilphlo 1. MIlwukH Chttuo I. rittaburth 1 AM1K1CAN LKAOTJI " W L Nfw Tork tl II Clewltnd II It Chlruo M It Bolton II M WMhtniton ft M Dttrolt 1 PMJdlotii , 13 BL LouU W M Frt. OB .171 .104 .171 .113 .104 .113 .371 .341 "Ti ll 13 W 40tt 41 WlnMlarfl BonlU . In Tork t, Chlcno 1 cltvilnnd 1, Boston 1 Dttrolt 1-1. PbUodilnlils 1-7 St. Louli 3-1. Wuhinfton I lunt 11 lnnlnn) . - clever boxer named Gene Tsdger Hurler outside Carl Tunnev. and the talk Invarl- Ersklne, Preacher Roe and ahlv aeU around to the cstab-lRuss Meyer might be risked a lished iact that Marclano can atari against the Yank. A chill a man with one wallop 1 Loes at his best eould make a All the rookie, righthander did last night in Cincinnati was to take over for the injured Johnny Podres in the first In ning and pitch 8H no-hit in nings as the atomic Bums scored a 6-0 victory to go 13 Vi games in front of second place Milwaukee. The Brave suffered a 3-0 defeat to the Phillies, reduc- ing Brooklyn's pennant com bination to two games. Thus if the Dodgers win today they are assured of a tie, no matter what Milwaukee does in its remaining games. The Braves are idle today. Mllltken Subs from either fist. great diffrence. fell 9rinie, ttaiatt ijwees. isex iM Mrtatt wound M sa tstMt r4v ta the WiK VaWue V',ly Veaiue. Molal ity evru rsxwel last year tV wtaa, three losses ard eisie; tte. CW Marvin Hiebert has KUl at Ave baekfielders re lviruna la addition to Kru Kenneth Naylor and Duane Vetter; Uckles Jim Alexan der, J. B. Massey and Mark Maber; guards David Defrates snd Norman Kemper; and center Roger Phelps. Other prospects for' the 1SS3 Iindians include ends Jim Reed aud Charles Sarty; tackle Duena Felix; guards Jim Dresszen, Jim Corkcett and Dyarl Barbee; and center Bill Maben. Ralph Capasso is assisting Hiebert In coaching the In dians. Al Grove is the . Mo lalla Junior varsity coach. Yesterday's Stars tar u jukcum ma) Botllnt Al aMB. I ill 31 am m r- I in 4MB Bono run wltn ft man lh u Uw otanui lanlai u ttvo thi cififtna woi&ai a 2- irluauw m n aoiioa jtM aos. ntehlni So Uinikm. Dodrin X.. IlcTtn tM uuutm Jobnny rodrM wltn two nnv two onl la tha rtntt Innlni tnd pltebed hltkia kail Uil ramamdar or tna war aa tlw owuau alankad tha cincinatu Raaa a -a. kowskl, the . first batter he faced in the second inning, then retired 24 men in a row. Milliken, who has been pitching brilliantly of late, now moves into focus as a possible surprise starter in the series. His victory was his eighth against three losses. The Yankees also won S-3 from the White Sox, beating a lefty nemesis, Billy Pierce, as they stayed nine games in front of second place Cleve land. Lefty Whitey Ford hurled his fifth straight vie tnry over Chicago this year, making it 7-0 for his career, as he pitched a five-hitter, Al Rosen hit a two-run homer, his 40th, as Mike Gar cia pitched seven hit ball in Cleveland's 2-1 victory at Bos ton which eliminated the Red Sox from the American league race. Tigers Hitting In other American league games, Detroit defeated the Athletic 8-3 with a 19-hit at tack that included homer by Steve Souchock, John Bucha, and Jim Deslsing, after which Marion Fricano pitched an 8-2 four-hitter to give the A's a split At Washington, Don Larsen pitched the Browns to a five-hit, 3-0 victory, then the Senators won 2-1 in 12 in nings when Mickey Vernon drove in the winning run with a double. The Giants topped the Card inals 8-8 as Hofman drove in four runs with a homer and single and Chicago edged Milliken replaced Podres in the opening inning. There I pittaburKh 8-7 when Ralph Ki- were two out when he took over and he walked Bob Bor- ner hit a three-run homer, his sin, iii. ujs via uici.es . WHERE'S MINE? K. !5siiJi-ia In bear language, that is what the cub on the left could be saying as his six-months-old brother bruin finishes off a soft drink at National airport after their arrival in Wash ington, D.C. The bears, captured by South Korean soldiers, are gift of Syngman Rhee to President Eisenhower who plans to turn them over to the oo the White House ground not being equipped a a besr sanctuary. The friendly critters prsctically beamed as children petted them at the airport. (AP Wirephoto) LA Hot Rodder Sets Six Marks Wendover, Utah !. Mai Hooper, Lo Angrle hot rod enthusiast, today held six new International Class C speed (cords, after putting hi hand built streamliner through its paces on Bonnevillo Salt Flats - He sped through the speed traps at 236.36 miles per hour for a new record in the one rrlle flying start, topping the previous record by nearly nine anlles per hour. Other record he act are: 338.87 mph for the flying kilometer; 230.30 mph for the five kilometer run; 232.88 mph for tha five mile; KISS mph for the 10 kilometer, and 218.97 mph for tha 10 mile run. Minor League Scores fll Tht Anorlatad friiil tNTkafUTlONAL LtlOI-S Toronta a. Uontraal Buffalo 1-4. Ottawa S-4 Bornajtar a, Brraraia 1 Baltlnara 4. BprlnatlaM I Ml Innlnill AMSMCAN ASSOCIATION Irdlanapom a. Colnmbua 1 Os.y aama acbadulad wtsTHit isAara tlnroln 9. Danvar 1 Colorada Sorlnn S-J, Dal Molni S-II r-j-oio i. cx-ana i aioui cur is, wtihiu I Texas UAure rurom Vort Warth 4. T: S (rart Wartk bada aarlaa. l-l Oklahoma City T, DaDai 1 (Oklahona Clly laada aarlaa, HI I nnNaaa UAntrt n.ATnrrs Ball laka 4. Oad.n I (Salt Laa laadi aarlaa, l-oi Oraat ralli II, BlUInn I (Oraal falll IMda, So smooth it leaves you breathless imirnofif v VODKA Sacred Heart Opens Grid Season at f.lt. Angel Friday Ssered Heart's Cardinals open their 1953 grid cam paign in a night contest op posite the Mt Angel Preps Friday, with kitckoff time set for 8 o'clock at the Mt. Angel field. The Cards have finished up two weeks of extensive drills 38 Bighorns Killed in First Eight' Days Denver () Colorado's 10 day open season on bighorn rams, the first in 68 years, Thursday was in its eighth day with 38 of the sheep reported killed so far. The State Game and Fish Department estimated 80 big horns will be killed by the 169 hunters licensed. Oregon City To Watertown Elks Enroute Oregon City U.R The Ore gon City Elks, Oregon ABC tournament champions, were en route by automobile today for Watertown, S. D., and the western regional ABC tourna ment. The Elks are scheduled to play a first round game Sat urday afternoon. Major League Leaders (Br Tha Aaaoelatad Praia) NATIONAI LKAGUE Balllaa ForlUo. Brooklyn. .144: Schoendlanit, St. Louli, .341; Roblnaon. Brooklyn. .337: Irvln, Naw Tork. J31; ktuallar, Naw Tork, .333. Bona Ballad campanula. Brook lyn, 131; Mathewa, Mllwaukaa. 111! Hod ail, Brooklyn, 119: Snider, Brooklyn, 111; Knnla, rhlladalphla. 101. Ban Rant alathewi. Mllwaukaa, 41; Campanella, Brooklyn, 39; Snldar. Brook lyn and Kluuewiki, Cincinnati. 31; Hod as. Brooklyn and Klner, Cbieaco, 31. ritenina BUM on ll daelalona Bur- datta, Mllwaukaa, 14-4, .171; Braklna, Brooklyn, 1B-I. .ISO: Meyar, Brooklyn, 14-1, .7311 Bpahn, Mllwaukaa. 19-7, .131; Burkont, Mllwaukaa. 11-5. .III. AMERICAN LEAfWE Battiaa Varnon, Waablnfton, .339: Re- an. Clevaland, .331; Mlnoao. Chleate, .319; Goodman, Bolton, .311; Kuann, pa trol t. .309. Bum BattaS In Roien. Clayilan4. 133 Varnon. WaiMnston, 1M; Boona. Datrolt and Barrm. Naw Tork. 100; Roblnaon! rhlladalphla. 14 Hama Rani Roien. Clivallnd, 10: Zcr- nlal. Philadelphia, II; Berra. Maw Tork. 31; Doby, Clayeland. 33: Boona, Dauolt and Roblnion. FhUadelphla, 31. tne MSI Ot Tna ninin. cmcagO I Maw Tork. 14-3. MH rord. New Tork, now has won six in a row for ': R,M,';.,.wJ.or51,;, ... .. T. . . . . Iparneli. Boiton, 1S-S, .104; Trucka, em its longest streak since 1946. 'co. 19-1, .113 and willnow start to taper off prior to' the KX. Angel contest. Sacred Be trt will probab ly, start a baekfield consist ing of Vince Matt at quarter back, Clyde Fladwood, a converted tackle at halfback lot, with either Don Endres or Don Lucero at the other halfback post. Endres might possibly see little action as a hip injury has kept him sidelined for a week. -: Clell Swing round out the' baekfield at fullback. - Coach Leo GrosJacques will go along with letter win ners Jim Borsverry at center and Jim Moriarity at an end. The remainder of the forward wall is pretty much undecid ed, with sophomores and Jun iors due to see plenty of action. The Cardinals will field a fast baekfield and a light forward wall this year. Weight may be a handicap to the Cards' grid fortunes dur ing this season. In contrast to the Sacred Heart team,, Mt. Angel is expected to send a big, vet eran llnenn with many re turning lettermen from last year's Willamette Valley league champions onto the field In an effort to avenge a defeat handed them by Sacred Heart two years ago on the Mt. Angel field. The Detroit Lions topped the National Football League in rushing defense during the 19S2 season. The Lions allowed only 1145 yards rushing in 12 games. That s an average of only S9.4 yards per game. h w : It ' - i? r J '., , ,jf!m0.&- ,olrfaaa1 3L Tennis King and Beauty Queen Tony Trabert of Clncinaatl receives two awards after winning the TJ. S. Amateur Ten nis singles championship at Forest Hills, N.JT. HI fiancee, Shauna Wood ef Salt Lake City rewards him with a kiss while he holds the champion's trophy. Mis Wood was Miss Utah in this year's Miss Universe contest. (UP Telephoto) PCC, Big Ten Renew Rose Bowl Contract San Francisco WP) A three year renewal of the Rose Bowl agreement between the Big Ten and Pacific Coast Conference was signed Wednesday. ' The pact provides for games at Pasadena, Calif., on New Year's Day in 1955, 1958 and 1957. The present contract ex pires Jan. 1. No team may play two years in a row. Portland State Team Loaded With Backs - Portland (U B Football prac tice gets into full swing at Portland State college today with the squad loaded with baekfield men while a dearth of linemen was evident. Thirty two candidates, in cluding five lettermen, greeted Coach Joe Holland at the first meeting yesterday. Holland in dicated he probably would have to convert a number of the tackles and guards. Sport Shorts ; Of the 15 minor league teams operated in 1952 by the St. Louis Cardinals, 13 fin ished in the first division. Ernest Woods of Kings Val ley has been combining for P. M. Ritner. - Seventeen player named Walsh have played in the ma jor leagues. I WITH FARMERS INSURANCE Auto-Truck-Fire George OSKO INSURANCE AGENCY 1465 N. Capitol St. Phone 3-5661 Between Hood and Shipping St, on Hiway Going North ' Bill Outdatos Messy Oils! New Vitalis Grooming ; VITALIS Agent is Greaseless ; sft. ......,.T ICccp Your Hair Noat All Day This Hoiv GREASELESS Way! No animal; mineral or vegetable oil in new Vi talis 1 Prevents dry nets, keeps your hair neat with V-7, new peaseless grooming dis covery. Never a gummy film, or "oil-slick" look. Try new ViulUt New, finer UITAUS Hair Tonic with V-7 Marl tHitoi-Uytrt Open Friday Night 'lit 9 O'clock Hurry! Hurry! to 387 STATE STREET Creditors Demand Cash! no SUPERFINE QUALITY SUITS, SPORT (OATS, SLACKS SUIT PANTS STRAWS PANAMAS AND FUR FELT HATS Prices ' Regardless of LOSS N01HIN0 RESERVED EHTIRE STOCK TO 60 ATVa fo y2 FI? OUR ORIGINAL REGULAR LOW PRICES """A ONCI IN A LIFITIMf OPPORTUNITY TO STOCK UP ON TOP CUAUTY CLOTHES AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE COST. NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS: MONROE, RALEIGH, PACESETTER, B0BCRAFT fA.SaHi0N PARK "Y O0M0NTE OF HOLLYWOOD, ROYAL PARK AND MANY OTHER MANUFACTURERS OF BETTER MADE MEN'S FINEST QUAL ITY IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC 100 WOOL FABRICS. ALL NEW THIS i!A?2NJS..STYLIS- HUGE SELECTION OF PATTERNS, COLORS AND W,Y!5JM S,ZES T0 "T ALL REGULAR, SHORT, LONG AND STOUT. SUITABLE FOR YEAR AROUND WEAR.. All Sole Final . No Exchanges No Ref una1 . Alterations at Cost . No Layaway OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9 O'CLOCK JJ. CLOTHES SHOP Salem' Quality Clothiers for Men and Youna Men ' 4 T. AJ a. I L - . . a. . .a am .. trr ttcit ot kiDcny jr. mt tut But Stop STATE II STREET