Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 10, 1953, Page 15, Image 15

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Salem. Oregon,
Coen, Horgreaves Lost
To Bearcat Grid Sauad
. TM Willamette fact ball!
aejuae, already kurdeaed with
a Bomber at faparia Ita raaks,
fot a eeople more jolta Wed
aeeday with aewa that neither
Mickey Ceen, all conference
defensive halfback laat eeaaoa,
nor. Hal Hart-reaves, lint airing
defensive tackle la 'St, will be
available this campsite.
Coen has decided to give up
the gridiron sport in order that
Vikings Open
Football Season
Friday Night
'' The Salem high school Vik
ings open their 1933 football
('ason against Cleveland high
of Portland tomorrow night at
Lincoln field In Portland.
Coach Lee Gustafson will be
able to field an entire lineup
ef lettermen.
' That wculd put Paul Beck
. 'and Phil Burkland at ends; Jim
' Person and Ron Mather at
tackles; - Larry Newsom and
Vern Coates at guard Tom
Pickens or Bob Payne at center;
Herb Triplett at quarterback;
Mike Campbell and Ray Taylor
at halfbacks; and Ken Rawlings
er Terry Salisbury at fullback.
Oregon U Football Fans
Happiest in Five Years
'' Tills la the first la a aeries
Serf articles dealing with the
1J1 prospects ef West Coast
college football teams.
Eugene, Ore. u. Quarter
back George Shaw, one-platoon
football and the third
year ef a rebuilding program
under Coach Len Casanova
had Oregon pigskin followers
more hopeful today than'
they've been since 1948. . ..
Casanova has 14 returning
lettermen, some of .whom al
ready have played both of
fense and defense because of
manpower shortage!. There
are also a dozen promising
. sophomores and a sprinkling
of transfers.
: And there's Shaw.
' The six-foot, one-inch, 178
pound Junior is the key man in
any Oregon hopes for a foot
ball renaissance. He has play
ed both ways for two years and
does everything well. As a
freshman in 19S1 he intercept
ed 18 passes, an NCAA record.
As a sophomore last year, he
completed 22 passes against
California for a PCC mark.
Hard Banner
Shaw, though not a speed de
mon, is a hard, tricky runner.
He's the best receiver on the
team. And he can fit in at half
back." Right behind him at
quarterback is Barney Holland,
a fine field general and a sharp
passer. Oregon has no prob
lems in this position.
' On the other hand, loss of
two guards to the Army has
hurt and the Ducks need pass
receiving ends. But the nu
cleus of a stout line is there
and 10 lettermen are returning
In the backfield.
Two Big Building Jobs
Underway at Oregon State
Corvallis UB Two big
building Jobs were under way
on me uregon letterman Jack Pinion
ramnui today, a new football:. . .
atadinm and a football team
to play in It.
The stadium is scheduled to
be resdy for the homecoming
game againat Washington
State .November 15. When the
football team, will be ready ia
anyone's guess.
As Coach Kip Taylor puts
It: "It will still be tough." .
This season JO lettermen
are gone, among them full
back Sam Baker, the greatest
ground gainer in the school's
history. Of the 18 lettermen
returning, only four are two
Could Be Good
The line looks strong in the
middle and weak elsewhere.
Th backfield appears fair
and could be good.
. Captain Laverne Perguson
ne of the previous two year
lettermen, and BUI Johnson,
whom Taylor thinks will be
one of his best, hold down the
guard slots. At center is Joe
rniwvUrl. a 60-minute man
of the team last season.
At tackle, Taylor is count
ing on two reserves from Isst
yesr. Jim Latter snd Ron
AKhbacher. Wes Ediger is
Thursday, SepUaatttr 10,
he mar concentrate
on baseball. Coach Ted Ofdahl
had planned, to utiliie Mickey
as a running back, as well as
a defensive one, this season.
Hrgreavet passes up the
sport because of the press of
outside work. 1
Ogdahl and Line Mentor
Jerry Frel have been tossing
lunaamentals at the Bearcats
in the first week of drills and
also have been devoting much
time to the job of converting
the candidates into double
duty men in line with the
elimination of the rtvo-plttoon
Dave Anderson, the 200
pound soph forward wall man
from Portland, showed up
Tuesday after spending the
summer working in the woods.
Dave is being counted upon
for a lot of line duty this fall.
Ogdahl announces that the
Bearcats will engage in a full-1
length game scrimmage Satur
day as a climax to the first
week of work.
The Willamette squad now
totals approximately 33 men.
J. O. Woods of Trinidad,
Colo., recently celebrated his
86th birthday by firing an 88
to qualify lor the lath annual
Tri-State Senior Golf tourna
ment End Emory Barnes, Guard
Jack Patera and Tackle Hal
Reeve are expected to be the
top men up front. Barnes,
who has high-Jumped six feet,
eight inches, might be the ans
wer to the pass receiving head
Soa ef Former Coach '
One ef the tackle candidate
is Lon Stiner, Jr., son ef the
one-time Oregon State foot
ball coach.
Sophomore Dick James and
transfer Walt Gaffney are ex
pected to give the lettermen a
run for their money for start
ing left and right halfback
spots. Left half Ted Anderson,
right half Farrell Albright and
fullbacks Cece Hodges and
Dean Van Leuven are due for
heavy service.
Cssanova believes his team
will be stronger "and our op
ponents will know they've been
in a battle."
Oregon, since winning nine
and losing two in
1948 wham
it went to the Cotton Bowl, haa
won only nine while losing 10
in four years,
Eugene, Ore. Coach Len
Casanova closed the gates of the
University of Oregon football
practice field Wednesday and
drilled the team on defense.
Before the secret session,
beckfieldmen practiced punting
and place-kicking. It appeared
that quarterbacks George Shaw
and Barney Holland 'would al
ternate in the kicking assign
ments when the season opens
Sept 19.
the only letterman back at
Backfield Veterans
, .
plosive type runner,
at fail-
. Quarterback Jim Witbrow
la the team's passing threat.
and will share quarterback
duties with Roe Slegrist, a
good defensive man.
A 195-pound fellow named
Jim Rock should put the Bea
ver backfield above all. Rock,
a transfer from the U.S. Naval
Academy, was named the out
standing player In spring
prsctice and' can play either
full er righ half.
The schedule:
Sept. IS UCLA at Lee
Angeles, night -
Sept. 18 California at
Portland. ,
Oct. 8 Waahigatea at
Oct. 18 Stanford at
Oct 17 VSC at Lea Aa
gelea. Oct 84 Idaho at Mos
cow. Oct 11 Mlchlgaa State
at East Lansing.
Nov. 14 Washlagtea
State at Corvallis. .Home
- coming.
Nov. XI Oregon at Ea- i
gene. j
19SS Pace IS
Roundup Gets
Underway Today
Pendleton 1 The annual
Pendleton Round-Up opens
Thursday with more than 120
cowboys entered. .
Shoat Webster of Lenapah,
Okla., will be out to win his
fifth all-round championship,
which would be a record for
the Pendleton, event. Two other
cowboys became four-time win
ners in the 1920s.
OJher top performers entered
include Gene Rambo. Shandon,
Calif.; Casey Tibbs, Ft Pierre,
S. D., and B.' J. Pierce, Clovis,
N. M. The rodeo competition
will continue through Saturday
. The annual Westward Ho
parade is scheduled to wind
through downtown Pendleton i
Friday morning.
.. . t
Nolito Wins Governor's
Handicap at State Fair
Despite the fact that the
aaadicappers had assigned top
weignt to Noiito, race fans
didn't think the gelding had
what it took to win the Gover
nor's handicap at the state fair
Nolito went to the post a 6-1
shot, and paid off f 17.00 to win.
Nolito was ridden by Damon
(Buster) Pollard, leading rider
to date in the state fair meet
Aiming Circle and Beautiful
Sue, favorites of the betting
mob, finished second and third
Newsbeat, an 11 year-old
gelding, won the ether feature
race -of the day, the Oswald
West Purse.
A total of $91.28 was bet at
the Wednesday races. It waa an
Eggert's Homer in 12th
Gives Portland 2-1 Win
Saa Dlege (UJu Don Eggert
walleped hie Uth homerua ef
the year laat nleht in the 11th
inning to give Portland a t to 1
victory ever the Ban Diego
radrea before 1,88 fCL fans.
Royc Lint picked up his 10th
win, while Willie Luna was
nicked for his 11th loss.
The game waa tied 0-0 at the
end of the ninth.
In the 11th, Portland got a
run when Jim Russell was safe
at first on Catcher Red Mathi'
error and Herm Reich and
Granville Gladstone singled.
Earl Rapp tied the game
again in the bottom of the 11th
with his list homer of the sea
The win put Portland four
games up on the Padres in the
battle for fourth place in the
In a twin bill tonight. Cliff
Fannin (11-12) and Lloyd Dick
ey (7-7) go for the Padres
against Glenn Elliott (11-13)
and Fred Sanford (7-11).
Saa Francisco (U.B The
Lee Angeles Angels drove
another atake Into their
claim for third place today
and Portland was more en
trenched than ever la fourth
pot as the Pscifie Coast
Leagae race drew toward a
Loa Angeles knocked off San
Francisco, 8-3, in an afternoon
game yesterday to throw more
cold water on the fifth place
Seals' drive to land In the show
money before Sept. 14.
Rslnlers Split
In other PCL games Holly
wood clipped Oakland, 1-2, and
fights Last Hight
iT.t the Aeeeclated Preul
Oakland. Calif. Jehnar Oowatfaa,
111, Oakland, utoelnted Rrnrr Derle,
117, Lee Aaiclea, IS.
Tl ler T.n
Orieo I.'l
(Compiled pt V. a. Ceaet and Oeedetle
err.r, Portland, Ore l
Hleh Wateri Low Water
Time Helthl Time With!
11 It a
. II I at am. II
I 41 a. 4 4
1:14 a.m. 4
I II p.m. 4 4
I J1 a m. I I
141 p.m. 41
1 14 a.m. tl
I II p.m. I I
I II a m. 4 ft
1: 44 p.m. 41
4 It a m. 1 1
I It p a. I I
1:31 a.m. 4 4
I II p m. I t
lata, II
5 11 p.m. I 4
I It i m. 4 1
t II p.m.
t It 4 m.
t 14 p m.
t tl p.m.
I II p.m.
I ll a m.
4 14 p m.
I tl a m.
14 44 p m.
1:11 am.
II 41 p m.
I.ll a.m.
II M a m.
11 41 a m.
I ll a.m.
4 II p m.
4 14 a m.
t 44 p m.
141 am.
I 44 p.m.
14:14 a m.
II IH i a.
II at am.
II 44 p m.
II II 4 m.
1144 pm.
11 II P
I n i m. II
1 11 a m. -4.1
I II p m. II
4 41 a m. -41
4 14 l a. 1 1
4 tl a m. 41
4 II p m,
ft It a m. 14
li lt a.m.
11:44 SB.
II II a m.
1 14 a m.
I a ea.
1 II a a.
I 44 pa
I II l a.
14 p.m.
1 II Pm. -41
t 74 a a. I I
1 n a a. 41
Mam. II
111 in. 41'
111 a a. II
14.14 s a. 41
s a -- . A'
Dust Flies for Five Furlongs;
Salem Day at the fair saw Gilbert Slmenis an ea Turn Va
Tops, No. S come ia first; time; I:Z for this five farleuga
race. . .
all-time record for a Wednes-
day at the state fair. The pre'
vious mark was 878,984, re
corded in 1952.
Tomorrow's Entries
Pint nee Quarter hersss. puree 4404.
U fttu 114 TnroA.
1 Dfl Mar. PoUartl. 1.
9 MM Holldar, SItnonte, 111.
I To Jen. Stills, 111.
4 Sank Roll. Heaeock, III. .
I Stormr Van. Woodi. IH.
a Duitr Powell. Hopkins, Its.
T Litti Jim, iter. m.
5 htrttn star. Walkar. 111.
BbMt Wlnarna, HermMSas, 111.
Second Taco clatralnt, auraa tiot.
rear oMa and us 1IM, furlaaaa.
1 Banda. Slaa, lit.
S Apple Turnover, Pollard, lit.
S llah'a Dauenter, Haaeeck. lit.
4 War aeerat, atmonu, lit.
Domonica, pulvar, lit. '
Harrlellen. Arterbum. lit.
t Tapawar, Walker, lit.
I Akr Bor. L. D. Jonea, lit.
a Pollr Dora, Hi.
1 Teheoelr. Atktnaon. lit.
II Re-DUoererr. Walker, lit.
PCL Standings
' ' W It Pet.
'Kellrwood Jot .to
emtio at re .i!
Loa Anielea tl A M lltt
Portland ne aa .kit IB
aan Prenelac It It .MS If
San Diem fl 80 .400 liyt
Oakland tl lei .tit II
Sacramento tl HI .tit JJ
Wedneeder'e Reanlta
Loa Aneelea 4, Ban Pranclaea S
. Baeramento 1-4. Beattlo 1-1
Portland 3, aan Dleae 1 (IS InalBia)
Hoilrwood 1, Oakland S
Sacramento and Seattle split a
doubleheader. The Sacs took
the opener, 5-3, while Seattle
won the finale, 9-0.
The Angela tagged three Seal
hurlera for 14 hita aa Joe Hat
ten posted his 17th win. An
incipient Seal rally waa killed
off in the ninth inning when
Bll McCawley forgot to touch
second while advancing on a
aingle by Lou Stringer. The
boner also nullified a run.
Rookie Six Bitter
A pinch double by Frank
Kelleher and a one bagger by
Tom Saffell brought home two
runs in the ninth inning to five
Hollywood its close decision
over Oakland. Dick Smith, a
rqpkie from Phoenix, scattered
six hits to get the victory. The
Ions dropped the Osks bsck into
a tie with Sacramento for laat
Sacramento beat Seattle In
the opener on the atrength of
Joe Brovia's two run homer in
the first inning. The Solons
never were headed after that,
but Bill Evana muzzled the vis
itors with a four hitter in the
ierond game and a five run
blast in the fourth by Seattle
gave the Ralniers more than
enough runs to earn a split.
rertland (11
a a o 14ft
P.1IIMU.1 ft 1 I
Robbe.l 4 14
Rekh.r 111
Mareula.r III
Oladitn.a 4 14
KMla-er.l 111!
Keerrtl 4 11
Saa Viet II)
I Pedron.l 4 4
4 Peleran.a I
IAliton.1 I
IKepp.r ..ft
I Paber.e I
1 Pocekr.l I
IrtailCh.l I
IMernu 4
I Luna.p S
5 a-Sumrj I
1 1 .
4 II
1 I
4 S
1 1
I 4
4 a
i .emkl.l I I 1
Ci:ed(l.4 I 1 4
i Llni p 4 4 1
to. ii
tl II tl ia Totals II t M It
a-airmarers arounded out far Luna la
41 . Portland
II Htte
t Ban Dieeo ...
4.1 ; Pitcher
St 'Lint
4 4 ILuna
5 l ' Winner Liet.
... pop so ape en s
... 101 144 Ml 41411
.... 114 411 441 414 t
ir ab a a an as ao
it i 1 1 1 1 t
11 tt t it 1 1 4
Loser lupo. a Rue.
. ll assert,
Rapp. f AwHIp, Bmith,
I LOP Portland I. Sen Diet e 14. IB
atirtedetone. rollowar. Hit Rapp. Bkeert.
S I IBM Lune, poceker, l.lnt RBU-Olad-4
4 atone. Rapp. Eeeert, T S:ll- D ae.ita.
ll.'Catlucc! and Banters. A l-aes.
Plrst seme:
Recrement W4 Bel 4-4 t 4
route 441 an s 1 1 1
plerettl, bbo (t) and Ritchie Wtd
er and Oriels.
Second same:
Reeremento 44 M4 444-4 4 4
I Seattle 444 111 91'.
-4 II
I II pa. II: Oeblee. Johneak ill and
I It a m. II 'Smith ill! trana and Christie.
4 tl p a. -tt .
I tie a. ItlOakUnd il Sua 401-1
S 1 ... 404 444 411-1 11
: Atktna sad Meal; Bmltn and Breran
lie Snielu Bll 404 441 4 II I
Ban rrentfe t4 l4 4-l II
PMten. U'Ltrh 'I
smi. Sradlord Hi
nd Peden: Bin.
Muntrlst ll) snd
J: -.
I Fearth event ea the
'radar' ear d ' for
Third rm OalBtaf. auraa MM. !
raar kla aa4 a IHMI, S turlusa.
I Wartf HUL Ifeaiham. lit.
Proklr, Pulrar, 114.
S Montr Run, Arttrkura, U.
lur nDr. HtrnandM. 117. '
ft Nlcht Train. Pollard. 111.
RiMdr a.. Walkar, IK. ' -
1 Lin-Jar-BUa. aumnla. 111.
a Annnr Chick. Jenaa. 11T.
-CM-A-Dca. Wooda, tit.
Id Ntlttd am. atnaala, It.
11 Rad Scamptr, Duncan, 1N.
Pearth Xac Clalmtu. nraa IMd. I
rear aide ut wwi, l tarlaue.
I OlarUled. laeaalua. lu.
S Bans'a AuMroncu, elll.
Tarda Rlek. Bapklna, lit.
a eee unaak. walker, ill,
ft Docterker, Veaeock, 111,
a Makel o, AUuuea. lea.
t Pilot Mlu. Dlaa. lit.
a Blue Beeaner, Pnler, 11a.
Oeu Huakoldt, Bar. 11. '
h-ii roiEe, rurrer, ill.
It Tap akewtr. aiaaeala, 114. .
Pltth ' TAeo Olalinlna. Mraa Siaa.
rear olda and r (taw), Uj larloua.
1 Julla'a Pua. Atklaaan, lit.
a-Maa Pun. Pollard, 114,
a Btoeoier, oiaa, 117.
4 Olr Dale, fiuncea. "lis.
a llom'a Hlia, Bopklu, lit.
a mora Appiea, Hernandaa, lit. ,
t Mlkelana, Arterkura, 114.
S Jlmcav, BtlUa, 111.
I thnoker Bek. Beaeaek. 111.
It Top Odid. Walker, lit.
' 11 Eia Oamkla. BernaMaa. lit. .
Bocae cnecK, napkine, lit.
Slith ran Clalalae. aural 44M,
rear 4Mb d up (H4. SM HolanB.
1 nuuin, AtkfcarsB, IN. .
S White atop. Poller. 111.
S Tavoer, Walker. 114.
t Sonora Put. Dlaa. 111. ,
ft Lome Marvel Bernuadea, 111 '
Ahuffle'e ariee. Dor, 114.
t Mntllne. AfleonliaB, ilk. .:''.
4 Darleo. L. D. Jonea. 114L'
4AUaa If oil later. IceOakaav IIS. ..
t4 Blue Plevor. Dlaa. 111.
it ariophar, rar. ill.
ia Lour ptuaaa, pnuavd. lit. e.
Seventh race .ALwa.
pan aeoa. I
rear aide, 4 xuTlenaa.
1 Countrr Jane. MeOahaa. 141
1 LrkaiUar. Pollard. 111.
I Wackr De, L. D. Jonas, 111.
4 atr cornet. Hernandea. 111.
t Bouah Dude. Dar. 111. .
4 Bitter Xnd, Artrrbnm. 144. '
t Prince Alar, Dlaa, 111.
B jearaoau, Blmonia. ill.
4 coma oa Bar, Heraaadee. 111.
BlahtK race-Clalntns. nraa 4404.
rear aide and up 11404) S prlonaa.
rtank, Dlaa, 114.
S Colt Tower, Ihrraia. 111.
I HI Btr, Arterbum. 111.
4 Ola. Walker, 111.
b Turn Op Taps, aimoale. 111. , .
4 Donna's Man. Moaatian. 111.
t Ricochet, Atklnaos, 111.
4-enadr Job, Pollard,, 111.
Ninth raea Claim Int. auraa 4404,
rear eMa and trp (pM4) 1 114 mile.
1 XnlsM'a la-uale, aimonn. lit.
ft ftrtli Beau. Duneaa. 104.
I Banla Tomea. Harnandea. 111. '
4 Icarua. atecanan. 111.
a Who Cat, Atkinaon, III.
4 atalkr. Pollard, lit.
t Batln Ace. fount, lit.
4 .Lad O Bra. Walker, lit.
4 I Wonder, Alknaoa, 114.
Tenth r4ca Clahntns,
purse 1444.
114 mile.
peer eMa and up, (Itoai
1 euaar Joe. Dial. lis.
1 Point Pa. Pollard, ill.
4 Vain Slower, Blmonia. 111.
4-Blddr'4 olrL Hopklne, 111.
ft Bhlnala Lad. Heeeoek, 111.
4 ptar'a Laat. Arterkura. 114.
t Blaklrou'a Bun, Atktnaea, 114.
warra PTrmon. narnandBB. lie.
4 Drr Tsar, Pollard, 111.
14 Black Creaeent, Hernandaa, HI,
11 Prettr Choke, Heaeeek. III.
15 Dalraa ea. Palter, 114.
aura race for Batardar, Bert. It
Puraa 1404. S rear etds and ap. I tear
elds US-1N. Clelalns. puraa ItM-I'M,
IH furnnu.
Conditions for elshth race saturdar
Purse 4404, elalatna. I rear olds snd
up. Three rear aula 114 la,.; alder, 114
lha.l non-wlaeri or three races llnea
Dec. II allawed I na.i two races, t Ike.:
a race el nee June II, 4 lbs. Claim; price
IM4 If entered tor 1144 allowed S Iks.
Ons mils and 4 slkteeath.
Yesterday's Results
Pint Roes, ft Pnrlonss: 1 OkrMfled
lalcoehenl., 4.14. lis. 1 AlOner
Doll IPulrsr), 111.44. 414. 4 Jit amoks
iwalkarl, 1171. Tiai: 1:41. eulnlela.
41 44.
Berime Bere. I Purlpnsit l-Tswaer
mopklnel. Mil, IM, IN. i Julle'4
Pun lAtklnsonl, 11144, 144. a Pssa D
iwalken, M rs. Tims: 1 ll-l. QiUalels
Third Itacs. ft ' Purlonts: 1 Prtnca
Call (Tminei, 11140, 11.44, 144 I Sla
klrou'B turn (AUlnanal, 111 44. s
Dorter Conk I Welter 1, 4444. Tims:
1:41-41. Oolnllla, 171.44.
Pourth Race, I PurlonsJT 1 Turn Ds
Tops laimeuli), 414, 4 04, 1 14. Bleeps
Manner IPulver), pb.pi. saa. a Honor
Run ikfcOehan), 4171. Tims: 141-11.
Qulnlela, tit le
PlIUi Race. Ooetrner! Xaadlesp, sue.
mile and ena-ilsteenth: 1 Roltts (Pol.
Isrd), tt7.te, I M. 4 SB. 1 Almlns Circle
isimonlal. II H. 144. S Beautiful Bus
(Dleii, 4IM. Time: 1:41-14. Oulalela,
111 44.
Slith Race, 4Uj Porleoei- 1 Bella Acs
rTouasl. Ill M, 4 44. las S-Cwuntrr
Olnk (UrOshapl, It II, IM. aHalteee
Beitr lArterhorai, IK Time: 1 11-14
txriniele, titaa.
Berenth Race. I4 Pwrlawse: 1 Bhadr
.'04 IPollardl, 111 71, 4.70. I N. S-Bls
Oamhls iHernandesl. 41 IB, I N. a Two
Cole. 1 (Hescork), tel. Time: 1:11.41.
Qulnle:. Ilt.1l.
Plsbth Raee. oeweld West Puree, peie.
mile eno pnelileenth: 1 Mewekeat
IHeraandesi. II 44 1.14, I BS. S--Re
Ror IWalker). 44 M, IM. I Jar Olen
dele (ArUrfcara,, 111 M. Time: 1:44-11.
Qulnlela, 1)1. K,
Mlnth Race, ft Pur:A4: I Utile Oam
ble IWalker), Ire as, IM. 4.11. SOer
Cnelsn Uoneel, II M. I.'l. I -Ole (DI4S)
II 44 Time: 1:11. Oulnlela, m il.
Tenth Race. 1 snlle and a furloni: I
Aola (almonlai. tl to, I M, I II. 1
IRerta Tomae IHernandesl, It 44. la
I War Hrmph iHeerocki. MM. Time:
1 1 M l. 4 ttrack record!, dtalaleia, M M.
. -
1 '!
Florists Face
Canadians in
Girls' Tourney 't
Portland 0J.B Portland's Erv
Lind Floriste and Crowhurst
Motors of Vancouver, B. C.
meet in a crucial elimination
game tonight at the halfway
point in the National Softball
Congress women's tournament.
In the only other scheduled
game tonight the Seattle Air
Flytes and La Mesa Slick
Chicks of San Diego clash- in
the second contest of their win
ner's bracket best of three
games. A Seattle victory will
end the series, but a San Diego
win will necessitate a third
game to follow immediately.
Only five days remain In the
world tourney which started
laat Saturday.
The Salt Lake City Sham-
rocka squeezed paat the Crow
hurst firla in one of three
games played laat night by a
1-2 margin ia two extra in.
nlnga, thus winning a beat of
three game series in the .win
fnera" bracket
' In another extra-inning af
fair, Seattle Alr-Flytea edged
San Diego, 2-1, with one run
in the 12th frame, ' ' '
Defending champion Arizona
Quecna defeated Weat, Aula,
Wis., 1-2, in a regulation seven
innings to eliminate the loser
from the tourney, . :
Araii jo Faces
Dari Tonight
! Boston ejJB Dancing George
Araujo reluctantly puta hia
Ion the line against rough Ted-
dy (Redtop) Davis tonight
with the promise that the win
ner will get a worlds title mat
ch in November with Jimmy
Carter. .
The 22-year-old Providence
R. I., regional champion rated
a 7-8 favorite to hold hia crown
at Boston Garden in the 10
round bout.
Just like "new" in power
us I
performance! Many new parts,
other parts completely rebuilt.
Engines far most mokes and
medeli ef cart at similar savings?
. . a
Guaranteed, Rebuilt
Plymouth Engine '42-'43
21.00 down, 14.00 month
Seers Easy Payment Plan
tTiyaarii Ul'
' ' ' ' ' '-
Spokane Favdrcd to I cp
Salem in Pennant Playoff
Seekaae, Wash. The taleaa
Senators and Saekaae Indiana
tealgat open a fsttr-otit-af-
sevea aeries te decide the
Western Iatarnatleaal leagaa
Gen salves Thinks
H Ccn Win 'en
All frcm Now On
Oakland, Calif. 01JI) Jha
ay Gonsaivea, the aamber aae
contender for the world light
weight throne, aaid today he
aever expects to lose another
fight '
After his unanimous dee!
ston over tough Henry Davit
here last night a battle that
he called "easy," Gonsaivea
aaid he now wants a crack at
Jimmy Cdrter'a lightweight
crown. .-.,!
Settling Dowa
"I know what I'm fighting
for now," said Johnny,- who
used to toy with the bright
lights."! got married six months
ago and now I ve quit carous
ing.. I'm home early every
night and keep in shape.1 ,
Gonsalves, who will be 23
next Sunday, credited his sup
erb condition for his effortless
victory over Davit, who al
ready had beaten him twice. -
Promoter Jimmy Murray, ill
home and watching the fight
TV, aaid he would offer
Carter $35,000 to defend his
title against. the hometown boy
here. .
Davla blamed hia own strate
gy for loss of the battle.
I chased him all ever the
ring and that' a how X lost the
other niht to him," aaia oavia.
1 badn t planned to chase htm
so much, but the crowd kind
of lot 'en mr for tome appar
ent low blowi -and I started
moving in.", . . t
There wam't a knockdown
in the fight Although pavla
did nearly all of the leading,
luat about all of the solid pun
ches were toaaed by we ugni
hitting Gonealvee, who atinga
but carriea nothing in the way
of b knockout Tranche
A disappointing nouae
only 2,808 paid admissions paid
88794 to wlttreaa the pout.
Whitman Team
tokens Workout
' Walla Walla. Wash !,
Coach Joe Beidiar pushed his
" ..'J. J!HnI'i"J'
through heavy workouts today
as they prepared for their first
game September 36 here
against Central Washington
college. I
Beldler was greeted by nine
lettermen in the first group to
turn out, but expected at least
two more to arrive later this
week, plus about four others.
Rebuilt Engines
Ford V-8-Mercury
and Down, 15.00 Month
on Sears Easy Payment
(t'aual earrjtaf charfe)
Guaranteed, Rebuilt
Che. Engines '42-'49 1
17.50 down, 12.00 month
Sear lory Payment Plan
JSO N. Capitol
' ' i.-.- r
Spokane) Is favored to top
the playoffs en the strength
of winning the second ball
title. Salem, first half cham
pions, have bea la a slump
for several weeks, and It ia
doubtful If the Senators .will
be able to pull eut of it over
night Salem finished In sixth
place In second half standings.
Playoff fames will be play
ed at Ferris field in Spokane)
on Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday nights. The best-of-seveat
aeries moves to Waters park la
Salem for a 2:30 fame Sunday
If further game are neces
sary, they will be played at
7:30 on aa many succeeding
nights as are needed for one
team to win four games. The
night games next week win alt '
be at Waters park, beginning
Monday. .
Joe Nicholas, who won 21
fames for Salem during the
regular season, will probably
be manager Hugh Luby's pitch
lnf choice against Spokane to
night Jack Spring is the likely
choice for Spokane. , -,,
Salem Senator officials have
announced there will be no ad
vance ticket sales for playoff
fames in Salem. Tickets for the
championship games will ba
handled exactly aa for any '
regular aeaaon fame.'
There will be no reserved
seats except the box seats, and
regular-season prices will pre
vail. '
aVK'O .
Yta You Cm
Buy ths Fir.ssf
You Could
Wish For!
Sport Coats
All new . . . this season'
latest attlei. Lame aelee
tioa. All slsea tor retra
I lara, aborts, lonrs, attrota.
Open Friday Night
fill 9 O'Clock
Upstairs Clothes Shop
42 State St
Above Morris Optical Ce.
Leek tor the Flaahinr,
"Save ll" 8irn Above
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aas-Tesmta- s-M -aal -1 f M -sL.-t M A