Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 10, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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    Thnwday. September JO, 1S53
Event at
Mt. Angel
ML Angel ML Aneel was
host city Tuesday for the first
nu luncheon meetinf of the
. Oregon City Deanery of the
Archdiocesan Council of Cath
olic Women:- Koct clubs were
, the three women's organiza
tion! of St Mary pariah, the
St. Ann's Altar society, Catho
lic Daughters of America, and
women's Catholic order of
Cueit speaker was the Very
stev. r. 4. Bernards, Oregon
City, deanery moderator, who
opened the meeting with pray
er. Rev. Cyril Leoold. OSB.
pastor of St Mary's, welcomed
the deanery to Mt. Angel. His
talk Included history of Mt
Angel Seminary, which was
started 60 years ago,
Mrs. Carl Smith. St. Paul,
president; Mrs. Edward A.
Hammer, Mt. Angel, vice-president;
Mrs. Richard Long, Ore
gon City, secretary, and Mrs.
Joseph Hoffman, Oregon City,
treasurer, presided.
Mrs. Malcolm McLean. Port.
land, cresident of tt An-hHin.
cesan council, announced dates
of the ACCW and deanery
workshops in the various dean
: cries throughout the state, and
invited all women to attend
the Oregon City deanery work
shop, September 30, at Oregon
City, from 10 o'clock a.m. to
8 o'clock p.m. Those -attend.
ing wui lurnun tneir own
noon box lunch.
Mrs. McLean distributed
programs and - also invited
members to attend the seventh
annual Oreffhn tnwnf nf mun.
try church conference at Ore
- gon State college, October 12
to 15. The Rev. Alcuin Hel
bel, OSB, Portland, and the
Mt. Angel, will be speakers at
the October 14 and 15 sessions.
Mrs. Merton Miller, Port
. land, past president of the
council, reported on the Camp
Howard youth camp, which
was opened this summer for
the first time.
' Youth Leadership institutes
will be September 30, October
1 and October 14, beginning at
pjn. at the Knights of Co
Jumbus building, Portland.
I Mrs. Ralph Irwin, Milwau
kee, tiast nrcaldant nf ihm rfan-
ry, announced the annual
archdiocesan council tea and
fashion show in October at
the Women's club, Portland.
Committee chairmen to
serve during the year include:
Mrs. B. P. Stupfel, St. Paul,
organization and development;
Mrs. J. L. Wachter, Mt. Angel,
library and literature; Mrs. J.
D. Donovan, Oregon City, spir
itual development; Mrs. Linus
Fuller, Portland, youth; Mrs.
Alois Keber, Mt. Angel, war
relief service; Mrs. Lawrence
Bunnlng, St. Paul, cooperating
with Catholic charities; Mrs.
Frank Marriman, Milwaukie,
home and school association;
Mrs. L. A. LeDoux, Mt. Angel,
family life and parent educa
tion; Mrs. J. D. White, Salem,
legislation; Mrs. John Thorn,
Oregon City, social action; and
Mrs. Ralph Irwin, Wilwaukie,
director to ACCW.
Mrs. Alois Keber, wsr relief
Service chairman, spoke on
collection and shipments of
clothing to the orphanages in
Europe and Korea.
' During the coming year,
meetings will be regularly on
the second Tuesday of every
month, with the next meeting
Tuesday, November 10, tenta
tively scheduled at Oswego,
with women rf Our Lady of
the Lake parish as hostesses.
A luncheon at 12:30 o'clock
In the dining room of St.
Mary's school, preceded the
business session. Mrs. Paul
Kliffe and Mrs. Roy Palmer,
president and past president of
the Mt. Angel Garden club,
were in charge of the decorat
Presidents of the three par
ish organizations, Mrs. J. J
Penner, Miss Zustelle Bauman
and Mrs. A. A. Ebner were
chairmen of the hostess com
mittee. They were assisted by Mrs,
Frank Aman, Mrs. J. A. Kai
.r Misi Helen Keber. Mrs
Alhrt Diehl. Miss Elizabeth
Keber. Mrs. Cleat Mamie and
Mm. Edward A. Hammer.
During the dinner hour,
Miss Eustelle Baumsn sang,
accompanied at the piano by
Miss Helen Keber.
Present at the meeting wss
lirn delegation from the 20
affiliates of the Oregon City
daanerr. which includes
Clackamas and Marlon coun
ties, the area from the Port
1n4 rlfv limits to and includ
ing south at fsr as Salem and
Marriage Announced
Thnnn Announced here
last week was the wedding of
Miss Lucille Woods and Pvt.
Donald D. Soencer. The cere
mony took place on August 28
at Paso Robles, csiu.
The bride's parents are Mr.
and Mrs. Embree C Woods.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Spen
cer ar parente of the bride
groom. The couple ar recent grad
uates of Lebanon high school.
They will live at San Miguel,
Calif, near Camp Roberts,
where the bridegroom is in
army training.
- . .
-r r at .
.. J- 3 .' t-.V -J- S
Wed at Lebonea -Mr. and Vn Kt. w.k.. in t
Mh I ! '' Wer? m,rrid "cently at Sweet Home.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Ruth Burres of Quartx
vllle and Herman Morgan of Lyons, and the bridegroom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Weber of Pleasant Valley.
(Hub photo, Sweet Home.) ,
Honor Bride-Elect
Gates Miss Eileen Zccles-
ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Eccleston, and , bride
elect of James D. Goetzinger,
of Salem was honored at a
party and miscellaneous show.
er Friday night for which Mrs.
Frank Novak, Mrs. Merle De-
vine, Mrs. Arnold Syverson
and Mrs. Peter Etzel enter
tained In the recreation rooms
of the high school. Among
those honoring Miss Eccleston,
whose marriage will take place
Saturday evening, September
12, were Mesdsmes Floyd Vol
kel, Velma Carey, Harold Wil
son, Don Miley, Henry Zccles-
ton, William Shepherd and
Karen, Clarence Rush, A. Ren-
ner, William Timm, A. T.
Bernhardt, Uraer Stewart and
Patty, Clyde Oliver, Walter
Brlibin, Byron Bates, David
Bernhardt, Tilman Rains, Bur
rel Cole, Charles Tucker, Don
Bates, Joe Novak, Gordon
Ward, Wilmer Crites, Cecil
Haun, Harry Harmon, Lang
Stafford, Don Carey, Mary
Eccleitrom, George Stafford,
Mable Knutson, Glen Henness,
George Child, Sr., Barney Ry
al. Arthur Blackburn and Ida-
belle, George Child Jr., Clare
Henness, Albert Millsap and
Miss Lorena Devine, Wallace
and Janice Novak.
1250 More Box Cars
Ordered by Railroad
Acquisition of an additional
1,250 large 80-foot length box
cars haa been authorized by
Southern Pacific company.
President D. J. Russell of the
railroad announced yesterdsy.
This further enlargement of
the SP's rolling stock will raise
to more than 41,000 the num
ber of freight cars placed in
service by the company, or still
on order, since the end oi
World War H. About 3,500
freight-train cars remain to be
delivered on previous orders.
The 1.290 cars will be con
structed in the compsny's shops
at Sacramento, it waa stated.
where 9,600 freight cars have
been resumed there in 1850.
Since January 1, 1848, ea
nacltv of Southern Pacific s
freiaht csr fleet in service nas
been increased by about 37 per
cent it was pointed out where
as the national average gam
has been about five per cent.
Grand Island The 4-year-
old Pekinese dog belonging to
Mr. snd Mrs. Chsrles Sergesnt
ogf Grand Island that disap
rv.r.rf Frldav has been found.
He wss wesring a harness and
it became caught In the bruin
and held him prisoner over
the week-end.
Dr. Howard
Featured in
News Letter
Dr. Charles A. Howard,
former educator and mora
recently representative of
the Equitable Savings and
Leas association, ts the sub
ject at a feature article at
the recent "Newt Letter" ef
the erganlsatioa.
Dr. Howard it abent te
retire for the second time
within reeent years. After
serving Oregon la the field
f education as a teacher,
administrator, state superin
tendent of publie instruction
and college president, Dr.
Howard waa. a victim of the
atate retirement act about
six years age.
The educator declined to
remain, "retired" and Joined
the Equitable association. In
this capacity his . list of
friends and acquaintances
became greatly enlarged.
This fact is well illastrated
la the "News Letter."
The "News Letter" has
Dr. Howard visiting with
Frank D. Ward, owner of
the Salem Anto Parts com
pany; Dr. Walter E. Sny
der, Salem superintendent of
schools; Dr. George T. Hill,
orthodontist; Manager C. A.
Scaaefer and Bookkeeper F.
D. Kibbee of the Western
Paper Converting company;
T. F. Andresen, superintend
ent d Kenneth Torgeson,
director of sale for Western
Paper; Police Sergeant E. R.
Mondlager; Frsnk Glodt,
owner of the Cupboard Cafe,
and lone Hanson and Harold
F. Fhilllpe of the aeere
itary of state's office.
Dr. Howard now proposes
to g into "semi-retirement",
the "News Letter"
A camel can give as much
as two gallons of milk a dsy.
To Wreckers
Detroit Final dismantling
of the engineer's town of Mon
gold, two mile west of the
town of Detroit process,
as high bidding firms conduct
salvage operations. Amos Ger
ig of Lebanon submitted the
winning bid on the two remain
ing buildings, and the Sum
merlin Construction company
of Silverton waa high bidder
on electrical equipment
The last residents have
moved from the buildings,
leaving the way dear for ter
minal activities. They are; Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Beck, who
will reside in Oswego; Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Holmes, who purchas
ed property at Gates; Alvin
ChUders, who moved to Mil!
City; the Theodore Browns,
now living at Gates; and Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Shuford and
daughter Billle, who will make
their horn between Gates and
Mill City.
More Winners
In 4-H Classes
Four-H club members from
throughout the state added!
new names to the honor lists at I
the Oregon State Fair Wednu-I
day as final contests were held
in many divisions. I
Marv Meier Hillihnrn mn '
a S100 toiler rhnUrahl'n mr,A
the grand championship in the
senior canning contest.
Among the blue ribbon win
ners waa Frances Hushmn Al.
bany. Delores Meyers, Jeffer
son, won a red ribbon.
Other winners were:
Bachelor Sewlne nii-h.rl
Hawkins, Molalla.
Kerr Canning Contest Mary
Klock. Troutdale. flnt in fruit
class and Katherlne Wlrostek,
Portland, veeetahla nrniln.
Judy Gates, HUlsboro, first tor
meat ana roily MacPberson,
Shedd. 1 i r a t for intntnrr
Cake Baking Carolyn Elck
worth, Coos Bay, first; Linda
Mallory, Eagla Point second.
Pag 11
(ORSOONI hu ton, br tUt pt tha
Clreilt Court ef tba SUt f Ortfcn
Of tb CsUtc at FLOYD N. Alt NOT. 4-
etftsad. Anr ptrMns htTint claims
iMiait Mid attata ra raaaeitad to wa
aaat thaw, wttk prepar vauchtra. la tha
Trait DfsMTtmtnt, Firrt National Bank
far Harion County, appointed tncutar
ef Fori and 'Ortiont, Saltm. Ortion,
within Hi nanthi from tha data af this
at tea.
Dattd thlf 10th tUr of Aotuit, 1SJ.
LAND. (ORKOONi, Biacoter af tha ft,
tat nf Floyd N. A root, drwM.
11 Plantar Trait Building, Balaa,
Orautm, Aitarntra far Biteulor.
Aug. M, 31, ept. 3, l, n
Z hart IUS mr nasi saeeat In tha
OlreoU Court at tha IttU at Orataa
for Iba Caualr at Sfulrn ao4 aaM caurt
haa aaaalatad t:l 1.11, at MandaT.
aaptambar St, 1111, aaa tha eowliaaai at
Mia coort. aa tba Una and alaea far
htarlna tharaaf. AQ pnaoma ara haratar
raqulrad ta thaa and Uwra ahaw caaaa.
It any thara ba. hr aaia Itaal aeeeuot
hasld aat ka svprarad and aaM aiuta
Albart Ualford. bacatar at
Kitata at aamual Haraart Eaardnaaa,
S. O. Stadtar, 3t
aaltm, Orataa. ',
Atterafr tar liaeator. x
Aw. n, aapt. J. M. IT. 14. IMS
NOTica or sBrairr-a sau
Ik th CTRotrrr court or thsi
oouirrr or luaioit
nc taurrr
NO. 311(7
THS STATS Or ORSOOlf. rtprtiaatad
and aeuac ar ua ouuenn or
vrrsRAKa ArrAuta,
' Flalaurt,
charlss a. rows tad Jorca e.
HOWS, atuaaad and wua,
TSr tlrtna ef aa tzecatloa. udmDt
ardtr, dacraa and ardcr of aala Isauad
aut at tha abava aaUUad Court hi tha
abara aaUUad cauaa. to faa dlraelcd.
and datad tha lath dar at Aorait, Ml,
upon a Jodtmtat raadarad aad oatarad
la aald Court aa tha Ith dar af Aai
uit, .Ml. la tarar af THS aTATI or
Orta oe. rapraicatad and aetlai br tha
plalatltt. aad walatt charlbs R.
hows a4 jotcb c Hows, hiuband
and vlfa, dttaadaata, aad apea thla writ,
aoramaadlai ma to naka aala at lha fol
levlnt daacrlbtd raal propartr attuatad
la atarioa countr, atata at Or at cm:
Lot I. Black 1, Ofla'a Addltloa ta
Woodbura, Marloa Countr. Ortt on
(Sfa Volama 3. pasa 4, Tawa Plat
Rcearda for aald Couatr aad atata).
ALSO: Baftaalaa on tba Hartharlr Una
of Lot 4. la aald Block, at a point
that U Houth Saat SO laat from
tha moat Northerly corntr or aald
Lot a; Ihaaea South II II' Wot par
allal with tha Waitarlr Una of aald
lot, HI link, ar lata J feat to tha
moat aoutharlr Una thereof: thence
aouth 1 But aloat tha aoutharlr
line af aald lot. II feet, ta tha moit
autbarlr corner thereof; thence
North II II' lait alone tha Euterrl
Una af eald lot, 101 IJ feet to tha noil
Baeurlr corner thereof: thenca North
dl Weet alont tha Nartherlr line of
aald dot, la feet ta tha place at bottn
alne. NOW. THT SPORE, br Mrtua of aald
lazecutlea, Jodlaient order, decree and
erder far aala. and la compliance wltb
tha demaade af aald writ. I arm en Prl-
der. lha nth dar or September, ins.
al II oa o'a ack A M- at tha North front
door of tha Cauntr Caurt Houee at
Marloa Saraat. Salem, Marloa Caualr,
CTree on. aeu al publie auctloa. aualact
ta rademptlaa. to tha bleheet bidder for
caab. all of tha riant, una and laureat
vhlch tbe wlthla named defendenta, and
each af tbem, had la and ta tba abere
dracrlaed real propertr.
sated m.a tn der ar Autiut, itu.
Mierlft ot Merlon Couatr. Orre on
Br A. 1. Malitrom. Deoutr.
Data at tint publication: Auiuri SI,
1PU. ,
Data af lait publication: aept. IT. III. 1
Aut. Ji. arp. , , 11, ipm I
we Sara beea appointed eo-admlaU-tratrliee
af tha eetate af
Mailer, dmaied. br tha Clrtall coart
of lha State ot Oreioa for Marloa Couo
tr and hare aualafled. All paraoae harlot
claim aralnet aald aetata aarabr ara
reaulred ta preient eame ta aa at 401
Pioneer Trait Bulldlas. Salem. Orataa.
wlthla en montha af the Sat at Orel
publication of thlt ejetlce.
Dated aad flrat pubUahed Aanit M,
co-Adaua. aleraiald.
I. O. Stadtar, Jr.
... for Ce-Adata.
Aut. Sept. J. II. It.
1715 So. Commercial
Ph. 4-4111
5 90
Spanking whit saddles at
Penney's! In buck leather,
tfiey hove long-wearing red
molded rubber sole, art tops
for bock-to-school. 4-9.. AA
let w. ubmtt nr.. mtKM, oaitoow II "
rot fair wiejc I
I i i I k 1
...,"... s la,,a .w
- - a . , .. . .
1 ... . .. , i ,,; B'.mn t-i . - i .
1 - i .
"" i 'hp
Penney's new school
for Cottons teaches
the grown-up look!
Size SX... 2.98
Penney's nas everything; fashion conscious miss will
, look tor In her back to school druses a wide selection,
plenty ot variety, rondertul color that wain and
wash, plus all tha latest news! New fabrics combined
In new ways! New and more grown-up styling! Little .
details such as plastic belts, fringe trims that add
new look to the whole selection.
a. .. denim la charcoal, sites S-CX ,
b . . . wovea stripe broadcloth la red, sites 1-lt. .
. . . embossed (weed fa efjarceal, bum f-14.
-y- becoso noom
LORETTE By Millikin
Just think whot you sav on clean
ing bills! Plus that, Penney's pric
Is exceptionally low . . . And those
sharp pleats snop right back after
Laundering! Pick from plaids,
checks, tweeds.
I I I Girls' Sim
Girls' Washable Sanforlan
Now your sweaters will stay In
shop washing offer washing,
thanks to Sanforlan! Fin gauge
knit In a mi-box style In a
wide and wonderful rang of col
ors. Sires 7-14.
. . 4.98