Par 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Safe. Oregon g mi nil in J" pSM" ' 'J "JM'i, fS; ',' ' T Mrt.. e- it wjiifiaaiiv Ritee Former Governor and Oswald West are ihown above to a box ol the grand standi at the racei, Wednesday, the couple coming from Portland specially for the day. The 8U race was tor the Oiwald Weft pur, and the former governor and his wife were Introduced from the judges' stand. Many friends came to their box and greeted them to the grand stands. Mr. West showed effects of his recent Illness, but he had the usual twinkle to his eye and his usual quick wit to his conversation. Some Notations . . . By M. L. F. A trek to the State Fair .the Wednesday afternoon, found a goodly number of Salem xouc taklne to events lor -saiem Day." ... On the steps of the adminis tration building to the early afternoon Princess Lnana and Elena, two of the principals to the night revue, were busy making lets from fresh orchids that Just arrived by plane from Hawaii, several of the show cast selling them on the grounds . . . Chatting with them a bit was Helena Bngnes, producer of the show . . . Hel ene is to be hostess at a Ha waiian luau party at the close of the show Saturday evening, invitlna some of the Salem friends who have worked with her during her stay at the Fair, ... The suckling pig for the feast is to be cooked to the Hawaiian setting, to the floral display, starting about noon to order to have the meat tnor oughly done and flavored with all the herb end seasonings that go with it by the time the tupper is to be eaten . . . Among out-cf-townere seen on the grounds Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bailey of Hoseburg, greeting many Salem friends; Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Stewart of Oswego; State Representative and Mrs. Earl Hill of Cushmao; State Representative and Mrs. Robert Stewart of Baker ... Spotted among Salem folk during the afternoon, some at races, then on the rounds: The Rev. and Mrs. George H. Swift; the Carttea 1. MeLeeds: Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Chambers; the Merrill D, Ohltogs; Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Benson; Mrs. William Fiulus; Mr. and Mrs. Breymaa Boise; Mr. and Mrs. John Steelham- mer; ft. and Mrs. Arnold Krneger; Mrs. Robert E. Jo seph; Mrs. L. R. Bnrdette; Judge and Mrs. Joseph B. Fel ton, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Madd and Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Cham bers, all together at the races; Mrs. Leon Ferry; Mrs. Edward Roth: Mrs. Frank Myers and Mrs. Seett Page; Or. and Mrs. Charles D. Wood; former Gov enter and (Mr. Oswald West and their nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Willis West, all of Portland, with Mrs. William H, Lytic; Mrs. Robert Ramsden; Mrs. Claybourne Dyer; Colonel and Mrs. Elmer V. Woo ton; Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Carson; Mrs. Robert White; Mrs. Robert Cannon; Dr. and Mrs. Winfleid Needham; the Robert M. Need' baoaju the JU chard A. Meyers; Mr. WiUUm MeGllearist, Jr.; Mr. and Mr. Erie Laetsen; Mrs. Philip M. Brandt. Jr- re ceiving many compliments on her part in the floral display; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stone and with them, Mrs. Stone's broth er, Thomas Tagmaa of Port land who has been visiting to Eugene and here; the C. Lester Newmans; the M. A. Pekars; Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hog gins; the Robert Brownells; the Elmer Worths; the W. L Need- hams . . . AWM Group Is Entertained Tuesday - First fall meeting for Amer- lean War Mothers wss on Tues dsv at the American Legion club. Mrs. Glenn W. Prather presiding. Reports en the year were riven by Mrs. Ben Randall on hospitalization; Mrs. Effie Mc- Farland on cards and xiowers; Mrs. Martin Viesko, social chairman. Two new members were welcomed. Mrs. Msbel A. Lockwood, national president of the AWM, told of visiting the Idaho state convention at Twin Falls, where she gave the main address; also of plans for the Oregon state conven tion to Albany this week-end and for the national conven tion to be in Springfield, 111., later this month. The local president, Mrs. Prather, and several others from here will be to the dele gation going to Albany, Sep tember 11 and 12 for the state convention. Next Tuesday brings a so cial meeting for the group at the home of Mrs. Ben Randall, 1840 West Nob hill, each at tending to take her own table service for the no-host lunch' Plan Open House Silverton On Sunday af ternoon, September IS, from 3 to S o'clock in the afternoon, and from 7 to 10 in the eve ning, the Rev. and Mrs. Arnold W. Nelson of the pastorate of Immanuel Lutheran church, are inviting all members and friends of the congregation to call to open house at the par sonage home of the Nelsons, to meet Miss Hattie Olson, re cently of Los Angeles. Miss Olson has been assigned the duties of congregational parish worker for Immanuel church. The open house affair is an annual occurrence each autumn for the Immanuel folk. Capital Women Edited by MARIAN 1-0 WRY FIsCHER Miss Rhodes Feted At Lebanon Parties Lebanon For Miss Sharon Rhodes, a number of informal social events have been given preceding her marriage to Donald Anthony on Septenv ber 13 at the Presbyterian church. Most recent hostesses were Mrs. Gordon Bell and Mrs. George Brltton who entertain' ed Wednesday night at the Brltton home. Bidden were close friends of the bride- elect's mother, Mrs. Keith Rhodes. The shower was themed to linen for the new home. Miss Jane Slocum was host ess on the preceding Saturday at the Slocum home at an in formal luncheon for Mits Rhodes and a group of her friends. During late August, Betty Schackmann and Barbara Ma son entertained for the soon-to-be bride at the Mason su burban home with a miscel laneous shower. Lsst of the pre-nuptlal af fairs will be a wedding rehear sal supper Thursdsy evening given for members of the wed ding party by Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Whelan. Marriage Told Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe R. Reeves are announc ing the marriage of their daughter. Miss Vivian Reeves, to Eugene Fowler, Sfc, US Navy, son of Mrs. G. W. HoyL The couple were married September 4, at Stevenson, Wash. Mr. Fowler is with the Submarine Group 4 stationed at Green Cove Springs, Flori da After September 27 the young couple will be at home in St. Augustine, Florida. HOSTS at an informal buf fet supper at their home fol lowing the State Fair races. Wednesday, were Mr. and Mrs. Breyman Boise, the af fair honoring Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Bailey of Roseburg, visitors at the Fair during the , day. VISITORS here over the week-end Included Mr. and Mrs. John Beck of Portland and their - son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. How ard Krog of Bend, being guesta at the home of another son-in-law a-id daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Morse. LEAVING for Oakland, Calif., Friday, will be Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Leasard. Mr. Les sard is a lieutenant to the na val reserve and will be on ac tive duty in the transportation school at the supply center there. They will return to Sa lem October 1. Today's Menu Mrs. Wilson Secretary At Church Mrs. George L. Hill, office secretary for several years at St Pauls Episcopal church, has resigned the full-time office po sition but is to continue on a part-time basis as financial sec retary. Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, Sr., active in various groups to the church, is to take over as sec retary in the office to succeed Mrs. Hill. a Party Today for Spokane Visitor Honoring Mrs. Robert Gebert (Edith Morehouse) of Spokane. lormeny oi oaiem, Mrs. Clay ton Steinke and Mrs. Peter H. Geiser entertained this after noon at an informal coffee at the Steinke home. Mrs. Gebert is a sister of Mrs. Steinke. Guests included a group of old-time school friends and among those from out-of-town invited were Mrs. Charles Kaufman, Forest Grove, anoth er sister of the honoree; Mrs. Richard Peters of Lebanon, Mrs. Joseph M. severs, Jr. of Stay ton, Mrs. Boyd Brown of Wood Chocolate, oatmeal and co conut combine to this recipe to make cookies of distinction. FAMILY DINNERS Fruit Cake Swiss Stesk Buttered Carrots Lettuce Salad with French Dressing Bread and Butter ' Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies Beverage CHOCOLATE OATMEAL COOKIES Ingredients: 1 cup sifted flour, H teaspoon baking sods. teaspoon salt, 1 eup sugar, H eup shortening (soft), 1 egg, 1 teaspoon vanilla, H teaspoon almond extract (If desired), 2 ounces chocolate (melted), 1 cup quick rolled oats (uncook ed), hi cup shredded coconut (cut in short lengths). Method: Sift together flour, baaing soda, salt and sugar into bowl. Add shortening, egg, flavorings and chocolate (cooled to lukewarm). Mix until smooth, about 2 minutes. (Dough will be very stiff.) Add rolled oats and coconut, mixing thoroughly, shape by hand or drop from a teaspoon onto greased baking sheet; flatten with the bottom of a glass covered with wsxed pa per. Bake to a moderate (350 F) oven 12 to IS minutes. It makes Itt dozen cookies. Garden Club at Woodburn Meets Woodburn -The first regular fall meeting of the Woodburn Garden club was at the library. Tuesday night, with the new president, Mrs. Charles Conyne, in charge. - Speaker of the evenlna was Grant Mitch of Canby who talked on the care and plant ing oi Bulbs. Mrs. Harold Col gan was program chairman. Re freshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph K. Seely and Mrs. George Sweaney. The next regular meeting will be October 13 when Mrs. Dell Douglas of the' Salem Heights Garden club will be the guest speaker and will talk on geraniums. Mrs. Conyne will have charge of the program and roll call will be highlight of the North Marlon county fair. Hor- ticulture specimens will be ger aniums and a line arrangement using chrysanthemums. The hostess committee will be Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kuns and Mrs. Fred rrentz. CASET OLINGER observed his seventh birthday, Tuesday, a group of friends being invited for a barbecue supper at the home of his "parents, Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. O linger. Later, Dr.'OIinger showed motion pic tures for the youngsters. As sisting Mrs. dinger were her mother, Mrs. Kate Bell, and her daughter, Susan Olinger. Fall Flower Show ' Set at Lebanon Lebanon "Indian Summer is the theme of the fall flower show of the Lebanon Garden club to be Saturday, Sept. 19, the final day of the city's faU opening. The exhibit will be open to the public to the city hall council room, announces Mrs. Earl Liggett, general chair man. Entries will be received from 6:30 to 9:30 p. m. Friday, Working on the schedule and entry committee are Mrs. Phil Lannlng, Mrs. Howard Crockett, Miss Lenore Soule and Miss Helen Clem. Proper ties are in charge of Mrs. . E. Wilson. Lebanon is noted for herb- minded gardeners and the show will include a herb booth under the supervision of Mrs. Peter F. Smith and Mrs. Einar Rasmussen. Placing of the flower dis play will be managed by Mrs. Leonard Vaughn, Mrs. Roy Gundersen and Mrs. Alexan der Peterson. Arrangements have been placed in charge of Mrs. H. H. Gearhart and Mrs. Harry Howe. .,, Emphasis will be placed on xinnlas, Lebanon's official flower. Women responsible for clean up are Mesdames Rich ard Duncan, Grace Geist, Ma bel Downing, Ray Hauxaell, Viola Filler and Mirl Vawter. Mrs. Peter Smith Is chair man for the choice of judges, and Mrs. Lena Dillard has ehsrge of hostesses and classi fication. Lodge Session in Portland, Sept. 13 Neighbors of Woodcraft are preparing for the 16th quad rennial session, to be to Port land, the week of Sept. 13. Grand officers and grand rep resentatives from the nine western states will meet in the auditorium of the Neighbors of Woodcraft building, 1410 S. W. Morrison St Entertainment is being spon sored by the Portland guardi an neighbor. A number of teams will participate to ex hibitions drills, during the week. Going from District 21, Sil ver Bell circle, wll be grand representative R. E. Winch- combe and Mrs. Winchcombe and Adah Peters from Burr Oak circle, Newberg.. Attending from Silver Bell circle the 90th year luncheon will be Mrs. Cora Smith. Mrs, John Ingram, Mrs, David So- colofsky, Mrs. Grace Gordon Mrs. James McNeil, District 21 guardian neighbor, also dis trict 21 driU team. Highlights will be a trip to the new Woodcraft home near Hood River where a picnic will be on the lawn and an inspection of the home conduc ted. Wans Made for Annual Card Party Mt. Angel A meeting of the committee 1 members to charge cf the Catholic Daugh ters of America annual semin ary card party was at the home of Mrs. Francis C. Schmidt, Wednesday evening. Plans were outlined for this annual event, which will be this year on Wednesday eve ning, September 80, beginning at 8 ocldck in the St. Mary's school auditorium. Refresh ments will be served to the dining room, following an eve ning of cards. Bridge, S00, pi nochle and canasta will be played. ! Donations are being soli cited to help toward the re freshment and party expenses, and members wishing to con tribute are asked to contact a committee member. Proceeds will be given to Mount Angel seminary, to as sist in the education of young men studying for the priesthood. Assisting Mrs. Schmidt with the. party arrangements are Mrs. John T. Bauman, co- chairman, and Mrs. Leroy Duda, Mrs. Edward Schiedler, Miss- Helen Keber, Mrs. Paul Wachter, Mrs. A. J. Butsch, Mrs. G. D. Ebner, Mrs. Dean Huffstutter, Mrs. Christine Kronberg, Mrs. Norbert Bochs ler, Mrs. J. J. Penner, Mrs. An thony Terhaar. Mrs. S. C. Schmltt and Mrs. George S. May. r . . . , ' " . -. - vCjn i.V'-"-1 A'V: ;'( v. n irj v, 7 v . - :w L Wed Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Steele, Jr. (Velda Hampton) were married Sunday. The bride is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hampton of Salem and Mr. Steele is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Steele of Wood burn. (McEwan studio picture) CD A Meeting . Woodburn The first fall meeting of Court Victory No. 731, Catholic Daughters of America, will be Monday, Sep tember 14, at St. Luke's hall at 8 p.m. Speaker for the evening will be Mrs. L. A. LaDoux of Mt. Angel, state grand regent. Mrs. A. G. Cowan, the new grand regent, will preside and Mrs. Max Warring will head the hostess committee. Wefcer-Morgan Wedding Sept. 5 Sweet Home Miss Peggy 3. Morgan, daughter of Mrs. Ruth Bums of Quartzvllle, and Herman Morgan of Lyons, was married Saturday to Steve Weber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Weber of Pleasant Val ley. The double ring ceremony was performed in the Church ot Christ with Ross B. Evans, minister, officiating. Mrs. Leonard, aunt of the bridegroom, furnished the wedding music. The bride, given to marriage by her father, was attired in a floor length dress ot lace and nylon net and her fingertip length veil was held to place by a tiara of net and lace nich ing. The wedding bouquet was ot white chrysanthemums and pink rosebuds. Maid of honor was Miss Joyce Kroenlein who wore a gown of yellow net and carried a heart-shaped fan of rosebuds. Robert Brendle was best man. Billie Morgan and Leland We ber were the ushers. The church was decorated with baskets of orchid and white gladioluses. After the ceremony the re ception was in the church par lors where the three-tiered wedding cake was cut and served by Mrs. Bob Smith, aunt of the bridegroom, and Miss Phyllis Evans served punch. Mrs. Leonard Gainer presided at the gift table and Mrs. Allan Henderson was to charge of the guest book. After a short honeymoon trip the couple will be at home in Foster. . Set Church Event . Silverton The autumn "open house" observance for members and friends of the Trinity Lutheran congregation with the Rev. and Mrs. Joseph A. Luthro as hosts, is being announced for Sunday after noon and evening, September 27, at the parsonage home of the Luthros. Complimented guests will be the pastor's sister, Miss Ber- nice Luthro, and Elton Thayer, who are to be married in Fair banks, Alaska, at the Lutheran church on Sunday, September 20, and will make Silverton one of the places visited on their wedding trip after com ing to Portland by plane. OES Event - Woodburn The first fall meeting ot Evergreen chapter, No, 41, Order of the Eastern Star, will be Monday night, September 14, at the Masonic temple. On the refreshments committee for the evening will be Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fikan, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Murphy and Mrs. Mabel Harper. Amaranth -Entertained The fourth birthday of Cherry court. Order of the Amaranth, was celebrated Wednesday at the social meet ing of the group at the Ma sonic temple. Final plans for the rummage sale set for September 23 and 26 were announced. Mrs. Russell Bright and Mrs. Charles McCabe are the chair men. Grand officers 'honored were Ray Johnson, grand rep resentative from Minnesota and Mr. R. Lee Wood, grand assistant lecturer, Hanna Rosa court, and a honorary member of Cherry Court Guests at the meeting in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tol. lenaar, Camellia court, Mc Minnville; Mr. and Mrs. Flynn Faught, Hanna Rosa court Serving refreshments were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shafer, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wil son, Mrs. Helen Brown and Mrs. Dennis Tolle. Membership and Guest Event of Club Silverton , Membership and guest night was featured at the first meeting of the au tumn Tuesday for the Business and Professional W o m e n ' club. The retiring president. Miss Marguerite Hallock, assisted by Mrs. Victor Sather and Mrs. Keith Heinz, arranged the pro gram of group singing and tha showing of pictures of tha South American places of in terest by Miss Hannah Olson on the past two-month tour of the Latin-American cities and countries. For instruction as to the "As pects of the B&PW club" on a local, state and national level, Mrs. Bennett G. Leach, presi dent, briefed the facts to a talk especially for tha benefit of the prospective members present The Tuesday, October 6 meeting, will be under direc tion of Mrs. Charles Mason. XI LAMBDA chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met for the first event of the fall Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Tom - Deal. Miss Martha Lierly is the new president. The cultural program for the year was outlined, the theme being "The Home We Make." Social activities also were dis cussed. The group voted to as sist Eta chapter in organizing a chapter at Silverton. At the conclusion of the business ses sion, refreshments were serv ed, Mrs. Don Parker to charge. VISITORS have Included Mr. and Mrs. Frank. F. Bell and daughter, Frances Kay, of Seattle, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Prather on Brown Island road, also guesta at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Bell on Laurel avenue. Frank Bell is a son of Mrs. Prather. GUESTS of Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Davty over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chafey and sons, Ricky and Duane of McCall, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cald well of Molalla. The visitors took in the State Fair while here. A SON, Kevin Kay. was born Monday, September 7, at Salem I Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kemp (Wilma Crews). ! The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Kemp of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Crews ot Dixon, Mo. I.JOiPM" aCDIDIM snn cmtDMjL ilMRtCJfSfc IsotHf-rt-ChiU; nVOOTEftj DONT Throw Tour Watch Away We Fix Them When Others Can't THE JEWEL BOX 441 IUI4 St. Shower for Couple Smlthfield Miss Gloria Hopkins and her fiance, Ernest Ediger, were surprised by shower given for them by his sunt, Mrs. Alfred Quiring, at tne Evangelical Mennonlte Brethren church in Dallas last week. The couple will be mar ried Sunday, September 13, at 3:30 p.m. The evening was spent with special entertainment, Miss Shirley Quiring and Joyce Edi ger to charge. After the cou ple opened their gifts refresh ments were served by the host ess. Among those attending were the bride's family, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hopkins and daugh ter, Judy, of Macleay; Mr. and Mrs. Sol N. Ediger and daugh ter, Joyce, the Misses Tina Himra, Pauline Rempel, La- rene Kroeker, Amanda Frlesen, Beverly Kliever, Betty Schulix, Luella Warkentln, Naomi Kli ever, Verne Classen, Wslter Warkentln, lam Wall, Ralph Quiring, Mrs. Ed Friesen and Brenda, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wiens and children, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Friesen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Quiring, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Friesen, Mrs. Dick Goertzen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ediger, the Rev, and Mrs. Arno Wiebe, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Warkentln, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wall, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ediger, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kroeker, J. P. Neufeldt, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Janz, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wall, and Mr. and Mrs. Quiring, the hosts. FALSE TEETH That Loosen Head Net Embarrass Mm vnmt f rtiw tettk ht.t nr. nrae ri -abarrMuaaal ta:r !! nM4. Uln robbltd t JM Mm rant tun. n art Uto ta fnr 1 am kwminf W m. Jan rartaki mm iimrn, uw tit. Iln (aaatui sour, on mi uin. RM fl tMtk mm ftrmU, t? ImI mon MmlorUbM. Don tour. CTiMti "aian aof' (aatora analhi. Oat ruitmi a in snis Mora. tsar A Jrtbute to . . . jrarmerl From tha toil comet tha sustenance cf tha world. From tha hard-working mon who till the toil comet the fruits of Nature in boun tiful orray. God lovet tha Farmer, someone hat taid, because ha It In tuch closa com munion with tha good aorth.' Ha plowt It. He planrt it. Ha worries over it. And lo, then hit smiling fields ore lush and abundant with tassels, tomatoes and all tha rhingt wa eat. Fat cowt and porkers give us milk and meat. And Mrt. Former hat chickens and turkey for the market. Without the Farmer there would be no life or living. Let's salute hit sun-up to tunset existence . . . ond be grote ful for hit bounty! CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 State St. Corner of Liberty WE GIVE O&C GREEN STAMPS We Salute Our Town! "Hi! Ho! Come to the Fair" AND SEE SOME OF HOLLYWOOD'S LATEST DANCE CREATIONS Performed by CAROLE LONG, GENE GEBAUER and many other outstanding students f the 4 PAUL ARMSTRONG SCHOOLS OF DANCING i Entertaining at the Free Way Show Two Performances Daily Classes ,o r e now forming for Ballet, Toe, Character, Ac robatic, Top and Ballroom dancing. FREE enrollment with the greatest fall offer ever made. PAUL ARMSTRONG DANCING STUDIOS SALEM MeMrN.VVlLLE LEBANON ALBANT MOLLALA AND ECGENE Come In or telephone tlSiS Sslem office morning. 155 So. Liberty