THI CAPITAL JOURNAL, ftaJem, Oregosf Wadaewlay, Scpttmbcr t, 1953 14 DEAD IN TENEMENT BLAZE o - a vv l'..-v. . . . to ' . ' ' .,. ..V . . . '. ' V ' 1 1 , .,. - V 1 . V" ; . a I Ifi't-f f l- ... Airf 4rm of water into blazing Chicago tenement building where at least 14 persona died, in cluding fix email children. Firemen said the fire may have been caused by a eigaret. (UP Telephoto) East Salem East Salem Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Johns entertained sev eral guests the past week. In cluding two dinner parties, at their Monroe Ave. home. Guests for a dinner on Tues day night were Mr. and Mrs, A. G. Boardman, Alary Anne, Mark and ' George from San Mateo, Calif; Mr. and Mrs. John French, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Goldade; Mrs. John Goldade Sr., Mrs. Wilfred Wilier, Fred Dorothy and Keith Wilier ;and Lewis Johns from Windsor, Ontario. '' Attending the family gather ing for dinner Saturday eve ning were, Lewis Johns, Mrs. Elizabeth Collins from Hamil ton, Ont; Mrs. Julius Hock hold, from Eugene; Mrs. Arthur Stowell, Miss Hazel Stowell, Loy Cramer, Miss June Sto well, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wil ier and children, and the hosts. Following the dinner all motor ed to Delake to spend the week end at the Stowell cottage, Over night guests on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Secor from Fairfield, Calif. They were married Aug. 29 at Coronado, Calif., and are on the second week of their honey moon after which they are planning to enter San Diego College for their senior year. Mr. Secor is a former saiem man. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Peffer re turned to their Hollywood Dr. home last week from their va cation trips. Several days were first spent in southern Oregon seeing Crater Lake, the Oregon Caves and points of interest on the southern coast. They were accompanied by- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barkus and son, John, of Salem. For a second trip several days were spent at Boise, Idaho, visiting relatives. Graveside Services Held for Small Child Graveside services were held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o clock at Belcrest Memorial Park for Lonnle Harold Walla, 4 'months old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Walls of New port. The child died at a hospital In Corvallis Monday afternoon. He is survived by two bro thers, Ronald and Anthony; his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. w. H. Myers of Junction City and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Walls of Turner. Contract Let For Hew Clinic The Clarmar Company of Salem said today that the Foothills Construction com pany of Lake Grove was low bidder for construction or. a medical clinic building to be erected in the Medical Center off Center street near Salem General Hospital. The bid was $22,828. The building will be of two stories and will be 113x21 feet. It will be unfinished on the in terior and finished later to suit tenants. The building win htvm brick facing and a narkinc area. Partners in the Clarmar Company are Dr. Vera Miller and P. D. Qui sen berry. Tenants in the new build lng will include: Dr. Donald D. Senders, M.D., general practitioner who comes from Los Angeles; JJr. uaie u. Parker, dentist, coming from Iowa City, Iowa; and Dr. R. C. Synowski, dentist . from Tulsa, Okla. Car Shortage Hits Shippers A freight car shortage and glutted warehouses are hamper ing grain and seed crop snip menU in the Willamette valley, George Dewey, executive offi cer of the Oregon Farm Bureau Federation, said today. Dewey said farmers at Sil verton and Prafum were unable to get their grain in warehouses the start of this week and add ed that Buchanan-Cellars ware house at Canby was full and would be unable to accept more deliveries.. Grain storages In Marion county alone need 165 cars the rest of this month to handle shipments to terminal markets and they reported they were In creasing their use of trucks to clear out more warehouse space. The Oregon Public Utilities Commission reported it was canvassing the car supply sit uation at other valley points. Dewey said all the warehouses in trouble are on the southern Pacific line and officials of that road In San Francisco have promised their cooperation. ' THEY ALL WANT TO BE MISS AMERICA MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS P 111 Fifty-two candidates for the coveted title of "Miss America" line up for a panoramic ahot on the boardwalk at Atlantic City, N. J., to mark start of the week-long ' contest. Miss America will be crowned September 12. "Miss America of 1953," Miss Neva Jane Langley, the past year's winner, is In center, front row, wearing a light banner. (( Wirephoto) Supposed Oregon POW Among Those Not Freed (Br Ttw Auoclatae Preu) A dozen or more Oregon f am. ilies, faced with tragic disap pointment at end of the ex change of Korean War prison ers, have their hopes pinned now on U. N. protests that some prisoners were held back by the Communists. There is available no accur ate list of missing Oregon men whose families have had some reason to hope they were pris oners. The list prepared by the adjutant general's office had only a handful of names. Some whose names were not listed there or In any previous news story, were among the 31 Ore- The laws of El Salvador re quire every man to vote. ORIENTAL RUGS JUST ARRIVED CHOICE SELECTION OF FINE PERSIAN RUGS In all aises and patterns. Make your selection Now will hold for later delivery if desired. Specialising In Cleaning and Repairing Oriental Rags. OPEN EVENINGS DURING FAIR WEEK JOHN KORCNIAN, Importer Phone 21944 1057 So. Commercial Wednesday, September t TCBtb lieia aruuery oatiauon, at TJSAR armory. Thmday, September U urganiaea jum neaero ur fflri division at Naral and Ma rine Corps reserve training cen ter. Cettamnv D. 163nd lnfantnr regiment, Oregon aNtlonal Guard, at Salem armory. Battery o, raaa aaaiw dsi talton, Oregon National Guard at quonset huts on Lee atreet. Friday, SepUsaber 11 Stabs Beaerves at Naval and Marine Corps IMeerve training center. At Dental School Brooks Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston. Texas Pvt. Harold L. Massey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Maaty, 6016 Ridge unve, uejem, Oregon now a student in the dental assistants course at the Medical field service school here. Maaser took his basic training at the Medical Replace ment tramlne center at Camn inam, v. a., va. KelsiaOra Long Dies, Services Held Today ! Kelsia Ora (Shorty) Long, 34, passed away at the family residence, 809 South Fourth street Sunday afternoon after a short Illness. He was born October 28, 1898, at Blue Mound, Kansas, moving from there to Inde pendence, Ore., in 1941 and has owned and operated a sec ond hand store for over five years. He is survived by his wife, Bessie Long of Independence, a stepson, Wayne Waddle of Portland, and a stepdaughter, Mrs. Dorothy Tiro of Portland; two brothers, E. D. Long of Buena Vista and Dr. C. E. Long of Independence; two sisters, Mrs. Gladys Weatherbie o Blue Mound, Kansas, and Mrs. Lorena Davis of Bonson, Kan sas, and a granddaughter, Doris Jean Gaines of Independence. Funeral services were held from the Smith Mortuary Chapel, Independence, Wed nesday at 2 p.m. Interment will follow In Hal Top Cemetery, Independence. Rev. Paul E. Boomer of the First Baptist Church will officiate. gonians freed la the month- long "Operation Big Switch" completed Saturday night But from one source and an other, some perhaps no more than the faint hopes of families, an unofficial list was complied by the Associated Press before the prisoner exchange began. A dozen names on that list were not mentioned as released. There are six other Oregon men listed by the Communists as having died while prisoners. And there are two others also reported dead, one by a return ing POW and one by the Red Cross. Among the dozen thought prioners and still missing, the evidence that they actually were captured was, In .most cases, not positive.' But their relatives hoped and believed they were. But when the prisoner ex change was completed, these men with their next of kin also listed, had not been named: 1st Lt. Rayman G. Heiple, Molalla; Rayman G. Heiple, MolaUa. Ens. Randolph T. Scoggan, Dayton; Leslie W. Scoggan, Rt. 1. Dayton. Cpl. Louis D. Fox, Jr., Dal las; Sgt. Wilfred E. Woods, Le banon. Gertrude Morden Dies at Home Here Mrs. Gertrude Morden, 84, 1180 Doris road, died at her home Monday morning. She had lived in Salem three years. Mrs. Morden was born Aug ust 17. 1869. at Dunkirk, N. Y. Later she moved to East Lan sing, Mich., and In 1990 moved to Salem. Surviving her is a Laughter, Mrs. Gertrude Morden Young ren of Salem. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel. Highway Work Delays Listed The Oregon Highway Com million listed Tuesday the fol lowing construction delays on state highways: Carv.llli-Newport Oonctructlon Kawnort-Tolssda MCtlon. Doulbl diltr. South etottavni Contraction en Nobl Cloiuh-PMtr Mctlrm. minor dtiir- Columbia Kivtr construction naw tn to Tbt OaUM but no dly; cod- tractor work las a Arlintton-HfPpntr Junction MCtlon. DOMlblo minor dtl-r. PacUl construction for 3ft alias jouth f Toncalia, no delay Pacific Wait Construction but bo da lay on Tliard-TualaUln Rlrtr aactlon. Coast C onj t met ion S mllai north of OaroUnar, pouibla deity: iradinr lor 3 mllta aouth of Wlncbettar Bay, minor delay; cotutroctlon Lakeisda Junction to Hauter, poaslble minor delay; eon' traction for i mllei on Port Orford- Odd Beach jectlon, poealbla minor de lay. Willamette Ctfmtructton f mllea watt of OeJcridse. minor delay and rouan toad: are. die on Deiter-Lowell aactlon. pouibla delay and abort sections of rough road. Territorial Oonetroctlon on Benton Coonty UneChaiblre aaeUon, pouibla delay. DON'T Throw Tour Watch Away We Fix Them When Others Can't THE JEWEL BOX MS SUte St. Top Hands at Rodeo Listed As the Oregon State Fair Rodeo conducted by the Chrls talnsen brothers hits the half way mark the top participants in the various classes were: Saddle bronc riding, George Menkemier, Red Lodge, Mont; Sonny Tureman, John Day. Bull riding, Jack Mid dleton. Redding, Calif.; Dave Mason, Las Gatos. Calf rop ing. Lex Connelly, 13.0, Clo vis, Calif.; Eddie Boyd, 13.7, Portland. Bulldogging, Keith Adams, 6.2, Monmouth; Sher man Sullins, 6.S, San Diego, Calif. In second go-round action Jim Madland, Portland, leads in the bareback riding and Sonny Tureman Is ahead in saddle bronc riding. Bill Llnderman from Red Lodge, Mont., leads in third go-round competition in the bareback riding. There are 14 past and pres ent world champions in the rodeo this year, at the Fair Grounds. The participants will compete again tonight at 8. Delegates Elected by Employes Chapter Marlon Chapter No. 18, Oregon SUte Employes asso ciation, Tuesday night elected delegates to the general coun cil meeting to be held at As toria November 12, 13 and 14 and Installed officers. George Naderman, Ed Lind burg and Isabel Xenagy were named delegates to the eoun- Everybody Likes lo Walk on Easy Street It has been estimated by the u. s. FuDlic rieaitn service that approximately 90 of all people in this country are af flicted with some form of foot trouble. The care of your feet is essential to your nealtn ana comfort. For all foot disorders consult a foot specialist. THE CHIROPODIST ell meeting. Alternates select ed were Leola Hurt. Zo-Kruo ger and William Leary. Virgil O Neill instauea Isa bel Kenagy as president and Desco Brunt as vice-president. They succeed themselves. New . officers installed were Nadlne Olson, secretary, and Char--a Kerper, treasurer. .The next meeting of. the, chapter will be held the first week in November. PopeAppealsto Youth of World Vatican City ( Pope Pius XII urged Catholic youth throughout the world Wednes day to fight for Christ and the church in a "world that Is so inhuman because lt is so anti Christian." The Pope spoke to diocesan assistants of Youths of Catholia Action in Italy. But his words. given In a special audience were meant for "all Catholic forces" . and especially for youth. . The pontiff warned youth against the dangers of the mod ern worm, wnien, ne saia, "deafens youths with its clam or and tires 'hem with its con stant restlesuiess. m. I qpr mm i mi FOR DAMAGED HAIR by ov nonmil permaaents er falhu to Mutrallie-reepoMls Meitl, to this lv if think ywirnahknormJ. J amazing new TnataMBL WNVTrnnir H-)TZm fcwZ. Also ptmtfs richer shades fa hair lor- ZTtjELS fcft-atrikwtUerimnunmta. iTL Toor hair shows new brauty and man- .... I ebctty .tor yoor ry rt trt-nt-cr GUARANTEE If ttViHed mtik minis bmk. - nutri-Tonie Hair Treatment, moil carlo t I waiwivasi Ti.m asaias aaa aoca IJUTItl-TOtllC MJ&ment WITH CHCHBTWOl, ..IX HEART Of IANOUN See Our Display, Second Floor Ag. Bldg.... at the State Fair ' I I ' ('"' tlQMS r!' 1 '5' I b'; T mm TOOAH FINEST FREEZER BUY w.. fcwiit jm to cocrptW ftib Zavo wiih tttj oibtT . frMSaTf nd 009 for ycuwwtmf wby yov ttttwtf loaW buy Bww-wiih Sub-Zen. Cocnpm fM-Vet for foaturs coenpew cooveiiMoet) . oonpara quality cotnpOT vKooony tVKl ytwTI tbooM today's flnSart frMMr bay 8b-Sr. S3a) tb Mff 8vlvZo l a foot specialist. 11 fl a Kl fcvWSX I I kAr D- JUUIIIUI TTUIll nuj w j i BjBjjjBjjjjBjBjajajjBjjBjasjBjajBaajBjav i'ijjp Y&daai Gra&lW : yf fci lighter laktng! J Ift lifted tuptrfint through tilhl That pn-fluff Kitcbea yCjZifl Craft Flour . . . makes it blend more aaaily and thor- ' jfa&r I f& ia oughly with other ingredients. Everything you bake - P mJX delightfully lighter, tender, even-textured. Kitchen VjSr VC lTh L. Craft works wonders with ey recipe. Ifs guarantfd. I pr y - j (iet lutcnen mart noor. xoa u eat oener as a sara fuua j 8Rd Cookie-Cab Rich, right end reHaWe Cnam 1 m. , ar wkb 1 krewa Mew. tiabtly packtd. Taoteoshly an k I mm MM K lata nmMri V x 11' an. tUaa la a awdanta ena (860 F.) far 30 nioataa. MeuwhB mix' thoraasUy t saine aaea, I wa. veaSJe I km toew. ticbUT ncW. Combiaa I Sne. mmm ee9l PlaaYi BevV eeAlviej pejarejejet vax aejltt wvarejeJetael a9aaa)fj0 and I wp ipiiS mi uli add ta act miatwa. Camrally apnad rar abora layar. Raton to aea and bake 35 arimtaa Immt. Cool aliahtlr. Tnra apaida oowm. Cool, flftad top with ahoaoUta idnf. IwtIbs'I' ada all anal With white iakif, tnwa aa the "atata" aad laa tha da with atriBaa that an Hahtly aaad with a toothpKk Skat baa baaa aUppad mm mi Mor. Cm Sat i a ahae I- n I mm AtSAFBVAT STORE CWVrCt STansjert MC S6S N. Commercial Mien J-4UJ