Wednesday, September t, 1933 Officers Named by Rainbows Mia Margaret Hlldreth wai elected on Tuesdsy n i h t as wormy adviser ox Chadwick anembly, Order of Rainbow lor uiris. Tne election of offl- cert wai at the group's first fall meeting in the Masonic temple. Other elected to serve are Miss Eleanor MIeziva, worthy auoclate adviser; M i a a Patty Johnson, charity; Miss Jan GU' lesple, hope; Miss Ada Hart- man, faith. Otner omcerj win be announced later, installs. tlon la set far Tuesday, Sep tember 22. During the business meet ing, report on the service hours given to we Marion county health department and tuberculosis x-ray unit at the fair were given. Four carloads of girls will attend the institution of a new assembly at Mill City on Sun day. The assembly voted a cash gilt to the new group. ML Scott assembly in Port' land is planning a reception on September 23 and ten girls with their advisers are plan ning to attend from here. - It was announced that the , Mothers club will sponsor a benefit luncheon on September 29 at 12:00 o'clock at the Ma sonic temple with Mrs. Carl Qulstad and Mrs.. Virgil Sex ton in charge. Refreshments, were served following the Tuesday meeting by the Mothers club. , . ,i. Couple Feted on 25th Anniversary " Aurora Abner Korsness, U.S. Navy, and his brother, Oliver, and an aunt, Mrs. Edwin Aamodt, arranged a surprise honoring Mr. and Mrs. Soren Korsness on their silver wed ding anniversary at the cou . ple'a farm home north of Au . rora recently, Albln Fredrickson served as master of ceremonies dur - ing the program hour, preced ing the devotional service, led by the Rev. Gordon M. Tryg , stad, pastor of Canby'a Zoar . Lutheran church. Gifts were . presented the honored couple. A three-tiered anniversary cake was cut by Mrs. William 3. Olsen. Miss Lois Anderson : served. Miss Helen Aamodt poured coffee, and Miss Helen Sollie served punch. The guest book was passed by Mrs. George Berg. Guests includ ed Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mag nussen, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson. Mrs. Cora Young, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hultgren, Mrs. Martha Aamodt, Lars Aamodt, Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Gregerson, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Carr, Mr. and Mrs. B. Olson, Mr. and Mrs A. A. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. John Steffenson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bernier, Mr. and Mrs. Lars Steffenson, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Aasland, Mr. and Mrs. Albin Fredrik "son, Mr. and Mil. Cecil From, Rev. and Mrs. Gordon M. Trygstad, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Stegen, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Holden, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Howland, Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson, ' Mr. and Mrs. El mer Boraen. Mrs. Edwin Aamodt. Miss Christina Mag- nussen. Miss Louise Shaw, Miss Lois Robertson and Mrs. Annie Anderson. Wedding Dated , Sllverton Invitations are in the mail for the marriage of Miss Mary Elizabeth MacNeUl in William Vincent Currie on Saturday, September 26, at 10 o'clock in the morning si Paul'a church, Silverton. A breakfast will be served immediately following the cer emony at the homeof the moth er of the bride, Mrs. William MacNeUL ' SILVERTON Labor day week-end house guests at the home of the John Bronsons were from Portland, the A. C. Neals. . Mrs. Bronson and Mrs. Neal were former classmates in the Oberlin College Con servatory of Music, and had not seen each other for more than 10 years. Mr. Neal is retired from the Navy and Mrs. Neal served as a WAVE during World Wsr n. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea, Oregoet 1 5 T J 4 (3 Recently Wed Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Seidler (Mary Lynne Scott), above, were married recently at Bend. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Scott of Bend and Mr. Seidler is the son of Mrs. Lester G. Seidler of Salem. (Giles picture, Redmond.) Couple feted On Anniversary Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wells of Woodburn cel ebrated their silver wedding anniversary Sunday, Septem ber C, by renewing their wed ding vows before many of their friends and relatives at St. Luke's Catholic church at the 10:30 a.m. mass, with the Rev. V. L. Mofienbeler. offi ciating. Attendants were their son, Clifford Wells of Tacoma, Wash., and their daughter, Miss Barbara Wells. Mrs. Wells and Barbara for the mass wore identical satin formats, Mrs. Wells wearing pink with, headband of white rosebuds with silver trim and green orchid corsage, and Barbara wearing a gold formal with headband of yellow dai sies, and red rosebud corsage. Mothers of the couple, Mrs. Ad die Wells of Camas, Wash., and Mrs. H. F. Brittan of Wood burn, were attired In forma Is Vilas Thomnson of OmJi Nebr.; a son-in-law, Stanley Walker of Sioux Falls, and three sons from Colton, S.D., William, Roy and Odin ThomD- son, have all been with their mother. with pink baby gladiolus cor sages. The son, Gene Wells, who is in the navy stationed at Bar bur Point. Hawaii, and who is in the States on a 20-day squadron flight operations out of San Diego, Calif., came in early Sunday morning as a sur prise for the day and their son. Jack, called from Hawaii to congratulate them. Mrs. Maria Donnelly was at the organ for the service and Miss Janice Hanauska was soloist. Following the ceremony the honored couple and relatives were guests of the Knights of Columbus at the parish hall for refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Wells received at an open house from 2 to S p.m. at their home with many relatives and friends attending. The three-tiered wedding cake was cut by Miss Barbara Wells and Miss Bobbie Roth poured. Mrs. Theresa Burnett, a sister of Mrs. Wells, served punch, and Mrs. Max Willyard, anoth er sister, assisted. For the re ception Mrs. Wells wore a gray . and silver afternoon dress. Out of town guests were Mrs. Addle Wells of Camas, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Wells of McMinnvUle; Mrs. El TO i I Silverton Folk Leave for South Silverton Leaving Tues day of this week were Mr. and Mrs. John Service and Mrs". Service's sister, Mrs. Florence Schlaebitz, for their former home In Los Angeles. - Accompanying the group to1 Los Angeles are Miss Patsy Service, a granddaughter, and Mrs. John D. (Donna) Serv ice, a grand-son's wife, who has been visiting her husband at Fort Lewis, Wash. The Services and Mrs. Schlaebitz have lived In Silver- ton for -the past three years. They have been socially ac tive and prominent in church and civic work. Enroute to Los Angeles, Mrs. Schlaebitz plans to join another sister, Mrs. O. L. God' dard, and be with her for some time at her pnoenix nome. The Services and Mrs. Schlaebitz plan to build a busi ness house and a residence on their acreage at Twenty Nine Palms, near Los Angeles. SILVERTON Mrs. John Bronson, who Instructs In piano and voice at her Coo lidge street studio, has accept ed the supervision of directing the First Christian , church chorus choir for the autumn and winter months, beginning active work within a fort night. John Mlddlemlss will continue as organist. SILVERTON Members of the family of Mrs. Sol G. Mel by are visiting here for a time. Mrs. W. F. Whitman, a daugh ter of Mrs. Melby, arrived Sun day from her Mission, Kansas, home, to remain in Silverton for some time. Three Other daughters who have been in Silverton over a period of weeks at different times are Mrs. LaVonne sev erson of Cornelius, Ore.; Mrs. Stanley Walker of Sioux Falls, S.D., here a month; and Miss Mtlford Well of Willamlna Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright of Nampa, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. John Brittan of North- Rich land, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Max Willyard of Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lackner of Bclo. Mr. and Mrs. Wells were married September 5, 1028, at Stapleton, Nebraska, and came to Woodburn in 1941. They have four children, ' Clifford Wells in Tacoma. Barbara Wells at home and Jack and Gene Wells, twins, both in the navy stationed at Barbur Point, Hawaii. They also have three foster children, Mrs. Le ona Lackner and Susan Marie Lackner, both of Scio, and Barbara Roth of Woodburn. . Birthdays Feted Liberty - Birthdava were celebrated on Sunday at the Kaipn Dent home on Boone road, for Alan Williams, Aug ust 29; Mrs. Ralph Dent, Sep tember 1; Iva Williams Sep tember 4; Nancy Williams September 14; and Ronnie Williams September 22. A family dinner honored the birthdays. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henrv A. DuPuis and daughter, Margar et, of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams, Ronnie and Marilyn of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Williams, Alan and Nancy of Eugene, and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Menear of Portland. AW visiting the Dents last week were Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Rea of WaUa Walla, Wash., and children; Wilbur, Bonnie Jean and Dennis. Mrs. Rea la the former Helen Dent of Salem. Labor Day guest at the Dents were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Y. Dent, Jr., and daughters, Dar lena and Beverly of Snake Riv er, Wash. While in Salem they took in the State Fair, i SILVERTON Guests at the home of Chief of Police R. R. Main and Mrs. Main, have been a brother of his, and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Ruby Main, from Butte, Mont., and Welser, Idaho, respectively. Mrs. Main plans to spend the winter In Silverton. The tOOth anniversary of St. Bernard de Clairvaux (1993) had special significance In Dijon, Franca where . he was born. tos b Ci::rv3 tosh Ibhrna V.w VnrV Mt.JeWS all over the world observe Rosh Hashana, their new year, start. ing et sundown today Fhav will usher in the 5,714th year of their history with traditional religious services. - . J ' RED OFFICIAL ESC ATM Singapore vn The pro-wa- 4lnnllit f htnM MWSDaDCI Chung Shin Jit Pso published Wednesdav a Hone Konc re port that Lavrenty Beria, So viet Interior minister and head of h AnvUI inl on Ilea. ' escaped nine days after hi was imprisoned. MONTGOMBBXy DRESSES at the 111 N. High St UlETl iuuty corn De AO Trees ef Ferauaents v Machine! - CeU Wave Machine Capitol Shopping Canter HVC GREEN STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES . FREE DELIVERY oumiiNuiSToei 141 Candalarla Blvd. Wtf0 to keep fit! ESrvSttlS ewatyj I, I caccWetu i , ITmnflWnlTtfMISTMl THE MARK OF A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN ...the smooth complexion that can result frbm the protective make-up of PERLE LUSTRE by Alexandra de MarkolT. An ideal lubricating foundation that covers complexions with a Superb, satiny finish. In five fashion shades. S3. J1 UPIUI Dili STORE OS State St. (Corner el liberty) We dire BAH Oreen Stamps 9 Nov thru Sat. JgENNETS, FAIR WEEK SHOE FEATURE! BOY'S PLAIN TOE DRESS OXFORDS s 50 vmvi4 Fine leather dress shoe for young feet. Rubber heels and composi tion rubber soles give cushion comfort, amazing wear. Good year welt plus extra storm welt Keep reel arier. omuiu- uumi i lmeani oeiier 1001 nysicnc auu longer snoe me. men oursunuj, DOWNSTAIRS STORE 160 N. Liberty St. ;'. Salem, Oregon '' Q1L 1 j j 'minium aamunmimmn Vim SSBSi SI sr u mr mm am mm m 9 KEW STOIE FOR FAIR WEEK Daring Fair week-Fenneyl will be open at A.M. for yoor shopping convenience. FOR ACTIVE BOYS! Huskyw Corduroy eight SLACKS t Vf V now only Sites 6-10 I 4 Sixes 12-18 .'. ....4.98 IN PRACTICAL COLORS OP CREAM CORN GREY ' MURINE i-10 S.9S IM6 4.91 Washable, hard-wearing thickset corduroy, always a favorite with the fellows and with mom, be cause they wear so well, wash so easily! Five pockets, reverse pleats, continuous waistband, zipper fly. MAIN FLOOR 1 THRIFT PRICED! WARM COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTS Now.' ir exciting new, wash able plaid prints to satisfy every youthful toste ana whim! Sanforized for lasting fit. Good-looking for school; sturdy and worm tor play, of- forwards! Come in now, for this Penney volue! OTHER YLANNELS 1.98 MAIN FLOOR Sites 2-18 11 OZ.DENIM ZIPPER MODEL WESTERN JEANS 229 sUfl SIZES SIZES 1 16 Cut Western style from heaviest denim and San forized for permanent snug comfort. Smooth-working rust resistant tipper tor trimmer, neater appear ance. Styled with smart good looks for long, useful wear. Four rlvet-relnfori-, ed pockets, durable orange stitching. MAIN FLOOR QUILT-LINED SATIN TWILL SURCOATS Thick quilt lined body for the warmth you'll want this win ter! Water repellent cotton- rayon twill for sturdy all wea ther wear. Warm Dynel col lar. Shirred elostlc sides, front tunnel belt with hook clasp. At Pennes in 6 colors! SIZES 10-16 . . 1 . 8.90 MAIN FLOOR ennn New Colors! CORDUROY Sport Shirts Now, at Penney'i modest price you can buy a variety of these rugged corduroy shirts in new, high shades, deep tones, novelty shades! A fav orite with boys of oil ages and no wonder, they look smart with ony school or out door outfit! MAIN FLOOR 98 Sites Ml S0. 7S4 Amt i KIDDIES FREE